Data Mining in Bone Marrow Transplant Records to Identify Patients With High Odds of Survival Babak Taati, Jasper Snoek, Dionne Aleman, and Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh

Abstract—Patients undergoing a bone marrow stem cell transplant (BMT) face various risk factors. Analyzing data from past transplants could enhance the understanding of the factors influencing success. Records up to 120 measurements per transplant procedure from 1751 patients undergoing BMT were collected (Shariati Hospital). Collaborative filtering techniques allowed the processing of highly sparse records with 22.3% missing values. Ten-fold cross-validation was used to evaluate the performance of various classification algorithms trained on predicting the survival status. Modest accuracy levels were obtained in predicting the survival status (AUC = 0.69). More importantly, however, operations that had the highest chances of success were shown to be identifiable with high accuracy, e.g., 92% or 97% when identifying 74 or 31 recipients, respectively. Identifying the patients with the highest chances of survival has direct application in the prioritization of resources and in donor matching. For patients where high-confidence prediction is not achieved, assigning a probability to their survival odds has potential applications in probabilistic decision support systems and in combination with other sources of information. Index Terms—Bone marrow transplant, collaborative filtering, data mining, donor matching, health records, matrix factorization, principal component analysis, recommender systems, survival.

I. INTRODUCTION A. Bone Marrow Transplant ONE marrow stem cell transplant (BMT) is a procedure that is common in the treatment of certain types of cancer, e.g., leukemia and lymphoma, and other diseases such as thalassemia. The procedure replaces the destroyed or damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells. BMT is not always a successful treatment and involves risk factors and complications such as infection, relapse of the disease, or graft-versus-host disease, each of which could cause death.


Manuscript received September 5, 2012; revised January 21, 2013, May 14, 2013, and June 13, 2013; accepted July 17, 2013. Date of publication July 24, 2013; date of current version December 31, 2013. B. Taati is with the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network, Toronto, ON M5G 2A2, Canada, and also with the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). J. Snoek is with the Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab and the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). D. Aleman is with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). A. Ghavamzadeh is with the Hematology–Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation Research Center (HORSCT), Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran, and also with the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JBHI.2013.2274733

B. Motivation Globally, over 50 000 first hematopoietic stem cell transplants are performed each year [1]. Analyzing data from the past transplants and their outcomes could shed light on some of the underlying causes of success versus failure. At the same time, machine-learning techniques have matured to the point that they can reliably operate on challenging datasets that might have previously been considered too complex to analyze. These include data mining in very sparse or in extremely large-scale datasets. Such analysis can reveal a useful statistical structure with potential implications in evidence-based prioritization of resources and in informing the best practice guidelines.

C. Dataset Records from 1750 transplants performed in the largest BMT centre in the world (Shariati Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences) have been collected for analysis. The data was collected over the course of 19 years and contains over 120 pre and postmeasurements per patient. There are a total of 90 pretransplant attributes, 33 posttransplant attributes, as well as the survival status of each patient. The ethics review board approval for the study was obtained via Shariati Hospital (Tehran, Iran). The records include 1010 male and 740 female patients of ages ranging from 2 to 68 years old at the time of the transplant. The underlying diseases leading to the transplant include thalassemia and various forms of leukemia, categorized into five classes of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), plasma cell leukemia (PCL), or others. The pretransplant attributes consist of categorical variables, ordinal variables, and calendar dates. The named categorical variables are derived from records and measurements and include the patient’s gender and blood type. The ordinal values include, for example, the level of various antigens, such as the Human Leukocyte Antigens, in the patient, the donor, and the patient’s parents. The date of birth and that of the diagnosis and the transplant are also included. To prepare the data for analysis, a few basic preprocessing steps were performed. The numerical attributes were each normalized to lie within the [0,1] range. This was to prevent the attributes with large absolute values to dominate the analysis. For supervised learning, when the data is divided into separate training and test portions, the same normalization scales from the training set were applied to the attributes in the test set. The date attributes were first converted to reflect the age of the patient (e.g., “date of transplant” to “age at transplant”)

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and were then treated similar to other numerical values. The nominal attributes were represented as binary vectors, or “onehot-codings”, where each binary variable indicates which categorical value applies. Applying these preprocessing steps to the pretransplant attributes resulted in a total of 192 numerical or binary values, or features, per patient. The processing of a dataset collected from real hospital records involves some practical difficulties. The primary challenge is that the data is not complete. The average number of features known for each of the 1750 patients is 42.8, while the average number of patients for which a particular feature is available is 390.3. In total, there are a 74,938 (or 22.3%) missing values among the 1750 × 192 = 336,000 elements of the patient-feature matrix. The posttransplant attributes contain an even larger portion of missing values and some of the attributes are only available for a handful of patients. There are also occasional discrepancies as the dataset is generated by gathering and merging multiple sources of information that are subject to data entry errors. In two cases, for instance, the date of diagnosis is noted as prior to the date of birth. In such cases where the discrepancy is apparent, the preprocessing step discards both conflicting sources of information and treats their respective values as missing information. It is also reasonable to assume that numerical values such as test results indicating the level of various antigens carry the typical measurement noise on top of possible record keeping errors. Any algorithms applied to this dataset, therefore, must be robust to a large degree of missing information and noisy and erroneous values. In spite of these challenges, an encouraging fact is that any successful analytical techniques identified will be transferable to the processing of similar data in other hospital and health records beyond the BMT procedures. D. Contributions The analysis presented here applies state-of-the-art machinelearning techniques to tackle typical challenges that arise in the processing of real-life hospital records, including handling of the sparse and incomplete data, potential errors, or contradictory information in the records, etc. Specifically, the technical contributions of this study include the application of collaborative filtering (CF) techniques to the processing of incomplete and occasionally unreliable BMT records and the application of a Bayesian parameter selection algorithm to ease the burden of manual adjustments. The CF methods employed here [2]–[5] are well established algorithms. The novelty herein lies in their application to BMT records, which can also be transferred to the processing of other hospital records. Parameter tuning via Bayesian optimization is a novel development in the field of machine learning, the details of which are elaborated in [6]. The contribution here lies again within the application of the technique to health informatics. The clinical contributions of this study, beyond the collection of the data, are the experimental analysis of the predictability of posttransplant patient survival based on the pretransplant attributes. Preliminary results from this work have been previously presented in an abstract form [7], [8].

E. Related Work There has been very little published in the medical literature exploring the use of data mining methods in the BMT donor selection, and all of it has focused on the prediction of graftversus-host disease (GvHD). GvHD, which occurs when the donor cells reject the recipient, is a painful and frequently fatal disease that is a common outcome of an unsuccessful BMT. GvHD comes in two forms: acute GvHD (aGvHD), which has grades I, II, III, and IV, and chronic GvHD (cGvHD). In one study [9], linear discriminant analysis was used to identify “stronger alloresponders”, that is, donors who are more likely to elicit GvHD. The study aimed to predict any GvHD in the patient posttransplant, and was able to identify stronger alloresponders with up to 80% accuracy comparing 17 genes and four gene pairs. The same topic of identifying donors whose cell transplantation could result in GvHD was also investigated in [10] using logistic regression to associate haplotype mismatches with grades III–IV aGvHD. The authors examined three traits from the recipients and five traits from the donors, and found that the haplotype mismatches statistically corresponded to increased risk of severe aGvHD. This research topic seeks to build upon the initial successes of [9] by decreasing the human involvement required and by examining more data mining methods. One drawback of the approach presented in [9] is that gene profile expressions are currently not approved for use in treating patients. Even if gene expression profiling becomes a permissible clinical tool, processing gene profiles requires extensive manual analysis and potential costs, which could be prohibitive to clinical applications. This research, therefore, seeks to classify the success of potential patient–donor BMT pairings using readily-available patient and donor data such as age, HLA levels, cytomegalovirus exposure, etc. A far larger number of pretransplant features than either previous study are also used here. F. Organization The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The methodology and the algorithms employed in the analysis are described in Section II. Experimental results are presented in Section III and include numerical results and discussion points on matrix completion (Section III-A), setting of model parameters (Section III-B), and the prediction of survival states (Section III-C). The concluding remarks and future work appear in Section IV. II. METHODS A. Objectives The availability of the obtained dataset encourages various research projects aimed both at targeted data mining and at exploratory analysis in search of useful patterns. Current and future efforts include exploring the effectiveness of various supervised and unsupervised machine-learning techniques and feature selection mechanisms in the processing of the dataset. The study and results presented here are focused specifically at answering a crucial research question, specifically: Is it possible to


predict the survival of each patient based on their preoperative measurements? The ability to predict the most important outcome of the surgical procedure, i.e., the survival status, has the highest significance. It will not only help with gaining an understanding of the underlying causes and factors influencing success, but also has consequences in donor matching and in prioritizing the recipients when donors and other resources are scarce. Even if it is concluded that an outright prediction method with high confidence is not achievable given the available data, a predictive method that assigns a quantitative confidence level, e.g., in the form of a probability value, to the survival chance for various potential recipients can inform probabilistic decision support systems (DCSs). The approach used in trying to answer the research question has been to apply supervised machine-learning techniques to train a binary classifier to predict the survival status based on the pretransplant attributes. The level of accuracy obtained in this prediction provides a quantitative answer to the research question. B. Handling of Missing Information The literature on data mining and the handling of missing data is vast (e.g., [11]–[14]). The methodology employed here relies on matrix completion strategies. The patients and their features can be represented in the form of a p × f matrix (M ), where p = 1750 and f = 192 are the number of patients and features, respectively. A simplistic approach in dealing with the missing elements within this matrix is to ignore all the patients for which there are any missing features. The collected dataset, however, would not contain any remaining patients after this elimination. In other words, all p rows in the M matrix contained at least one missing feature value. The minimum number of missing features was in fact 21. A similar approach is to select a subset of features which contain no missing values among all the patients (i.e., the complete columns of M ), or, more generally, to select the largest subsets of the features and the patients for which complete data are available. In the dataset at hand, the subset which resulted in the least amount of discarded elements was in fact equivalent to keeping all the patients as well as 68 of the features which had valid values for those patients. This amounted to retaining 1750 × 68 = 119 000 data points, equivalent to ∼ 45.6% of all the data, i.e., p × f − no. of missing elements = 1750 × 192–74 938. In other words, this strategy results in discarding more than half of the available data. This approach not only discards large portions of available data, but it also restricts the applicability of any analytics to only future cases with complete data. An alternative approach is to attempt to infer the missing data conditioned on the available observations. Under the assumption that the intrinsic dimensionality of the data is lower than the number of features and that the set of features is not independent, this should be possible. A popular strategy for inferring features from incomplete observations is through CF [15]. CF approaches are often used in online recommendation systems which infer (i.e., filter) the


potential interest of a user for a movie or a music piece based on their previous selections and that of many other users (i.e., via collaboration) [16]. A common technique in CF is to assume that each observation arises from the linear combination of a small number of latent factors. The observation matrix, with missing elements, can thus be factorized as the product of two lower rank matrices. Formally, if M is an p × f matrix with some missing valˆ = ues, the goal is to generate a factorized version as M ≈ M T P F , by finding the p × d matrix P and the f × d matrix F such that some error metric is minimized, and when the dimensionality of the latent space (i.e., d) is small (d  m and d  f ). A simple metric, and one that is prone to being most affected by outliers, is the sum (or mean) of squared errors between the known (i.e., not missing) elements in M and their ˆ ij )2 = (Mij − ˆ , i.e., e = (Mij − M corresponding values in M d 2 k =1 Pik Fj k ) , for all i = 1 : p, j = 1 : f, Mij = NA, where NA indicates the missing elements. More advanced methods employ a variety of techniques to improve the robustness of the decomposition, for instance with respect to outliers, noise, the amount of missing data, etc. These techniques include employing other distance metrics (e.g., the 1 norm instead of the Euclidean distance) to reduce the sensitivity of the method to outliers or regularization (e.g., by augmenting the error measure with the magnitude of the P and F matrices) to avoid overfitting, etc. [16]. Three matrix factorization methods were used in this study. These are probabilistic principal component analysis with missing values (PPCA-MV) [3], [4], probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF) [17], and robust PCA with 1 norm minimization [5]. A brief overview of these methods is provided for reference. 1) Probabilistic Matrix Factorization: PMF [2] assumes that each entry Mij in the observed matrix is the product of two feature vectors corrupted with additive isotropic Gaussian noise with variance σ 2 . Assuming the observed entries are conditionally independent given the latent features, the following probabilistic formulation is obtained: p(M |P, F, σ 2 ) =

f p     N (Mij |Pi FjT , σ 2 ) i=1 i=1

where N (x|μ, σ ) indicates the Gaussian distribution with mean μ and variance σ 2 . It is further assumed that the latent vectors are also normally distributed with zero mean and variances of σP2 and σF2 , respectively. The latent vectors representing each of the patients and the features are learned by maximizing the likelihood of the observed entries under the previous formulation. Then unobserved entries are inferred as the mean of the distribution which is simply the product of the corresponding latent vectors. 2) Probabilistic PCA With Missing Values: PPCA-MV [3] is a formulation of principal components analysis that defines a proper density model over the data. Similar to PMF, it is assumed that the data are the result of a noisy linear projection from a lower dimensional latent space. Placing zero-mean Gaussian priors over the latent factors P and F and an isotropic zeromean Gaussian distribution over the observations M leads to a 2



generative model over the observations where the factors span the first principal components of the data. This formulation leads to a principled methodology for inferring missing data and generating new observations [3], [4]. 3) Robust PCA With 1 Norm Minimization: This robust PCA (RPCA) technique [5] applies compressed sensing [18] principles to matrix factorization and employs fast convex optimization algorithms [19] for efficient computation. The factorization decomposes a given matrix M into a sum of a low-rank matrix L and a sparse (i.e., mostly zeros) matrix S. Since solving for L and S in M = L + S is highly underconstrained, two conditions on the rank of L and the sparsity of S form the constraints under which the problem could be formulated. Specifically, the rank of L as well as the number of nonzero elements in S should be minimized. It has been shown that under a wide range of conditions [20], the following equality constraint results in the exact recovery of L: minS,L L∗ + λS 1 such that L + S = M. Here, L∗ is the nuclear norm  of L (as a proxy for its rank) and S 1 is the 1 norm of S, i.e., i,j Sij , as a proxy for the number of nonzero entries. The algorithm is not overly sensitive to the choice of parameter λ which is typically set empirically by the trial and error. In the case of the BMT data, if RPCA succeeds, the lowrank component (L) of the decomposition should fully recover a completed version of M and the sparse component (S) would represent the missing and erroneous values. C. Supervised Learning Once CF is applied to the incomplete matrix of features, its outcome, along with the survival states of each patient, provides a set of observations and labels per patient. (The survival status is known for all patients without any missing values.) These values were then used to train (and validate) a binary classifier to predict the survival status of each patient. If PMF or PPMA-MV is used, there is no need to fully reˆ ) because P , i.e., the latent construct the matrix of features (M space representation of the patients, encapsulates all the available information for each patient and provides d observations per patient. In the case of RPCA, the low-rank matrix L can also be expressed as L = P F T without a loss. The outcome of the procedure is coded as a binary value, s, indicating survival with 1 and death with 0. The goal of the binary classifier is to predict s, given the vector of d observations per patient. To this end, various supervised learning algorithms were tried and evaluated via ten-fold cross-validation. These included a logistic regression linear classifier (LR), random forests (RF) [21], and supper vector machine (SVM) classifiers with linear, polynomial, and radial basis function (RBF) kernels [22]. Rather than separating binary classification from matrix factorization, it is also possible to embed the survival states as an additional column in the matrix of observations and allow for the factorization algorithm to fill in the simulated gaps. This method, however, would enforce a linear relationship between the matrix of observations and the survival states as the factor-

ization methods used here provide a linear subspace projection. Separating the two phases allows for the application of statistically robust classification algorithms (e.g., RF or a regularized classifier such as a linear SVM) or those capable of generating more complex separation boundaries, via nonlinear modeling (e.g., RBF or polynomial SVM). D. Bayesian Optimization Bayesian optimization [23] is a methodology for finding the extremum of noisy black-box functions. Given some small number of observed inputs and corresponding outputs of a function of interest, Bayesian optimization iteratively suggests the next input to explore such that the optimum of the function is reached in as few function evaluations as possible. Provided that the function of interest is continuous and follows some loose assumptions on smoothness, Bayesian optimization has been shown to converge to the optimum efficiently [24]. Recently, Bayesian optimization has been shown to be effective for optimizing the hyperparameters of machine-learning algorithms [6], [25]. In this study, the Gaussian process expected improvement formulation of [6] is used. E. Parameter Tuning The Bayesian optimization technique reviewed in Section II-D was applied to find the optimal parameter setting in a two-dimensional space. The two parameters included the dimensionality of the latent space (d) and a parameter that sets a limit on the sparsity of features (m). In PMF and PPCA-MV, the most important parameter to be tuned is the dimensionality of the latent space, d, as it directly affects the quality of the factorization and also determines the length of the feature vector for the subsequent supervised learning phase. The parameter m sets a threshold on the sparsity of each feature in matrix M . The distribution of missing values across the feature matrix is not uniform. Consequently, the value of some features is known for most or all patients, while other features have known values only for a handful of patients. For instance, there are 68 features, i.e., 68 columns in M , which are complete, whereas there are also 20 features with known values for fewer than 40 patients, including one patient with only two known values. It is reasonable to assume that in some situations, extremely sparse features might not only not add additional helpful information, but could also negatively affect the matrix completion process, e.g., by exceeding the sparsity limits under which the algorithms operate properly. The parameter m was therefore considered to discard features for which the number of unknown values was too  large; i.e., each column j of the features matrix for which ( pi=1 Mij == N A) > m is removed from the matrix. PPCA-MV was used during the parameter tuning phase. Each of the three factorization algorithms has a series of parameters that could potentially be tuned for optimal performance. In this aspect, PPCA-MV holds an advantage over the other two factorization algorithms as it only has a single threshold parameter to set, whereas PMF and RPCA have four and three adjustable parameters, respectively. The PPCA-MV threshold value sets the


stoppage criteria as a minimum relative improvement in its objective function at each iteration for the processing to continue. The only tradeoff in reducing this threshold value is added computational time. Consequently, this value did not require tuning and was empirically set to a very low value (1 × 10−4 ). Since the run time of the algorithm is fast, this only had a small effect on overall processing times. With the given threshold value, PPCA-MV factorization typically converged within approximately 200 iterations in less than 2 s. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Matrix Completion Among the three CF methods described in Section II-B, PPCA-MV and PMF provided matrix factorizations that resulted in better overall prediction accuracies of the survival status than RPCA. The visual inspection of matrix completion results revealed that in the L + S (low rank + sparse) decomposition of the M matrix delivered by RPCA, the low-rank matrix L incorporated the distribution of the missing data rather than representing the information from the available data points. A likely explanation for this phenomenon is that the patterns and the amount of missing values in matrix M exceeded the robustness limits of the algorithm with respect to sparsity [20], but this requires further analysis. PPCA-MV and PMF provided similar results in terms of the overall prediction accuracy of the survival status, but PPCA-MV was chosen as the preferred method for two reasons. First, with the available MATLAB implementations, the running time of PPCA-MV was considerably faster than that of PMF (≈ 2 s versus ≈ 81 s, when applied to the full size 1750 × 192 matrix of M and with 100 PMF iterations, a minimum number of iterations after which the reconstruction RMS error plateaued). ˆ generated Second, the RMS error of the reconstructed matrix M via PPCA-MV was virtually zero (1 × 10−15 ), whereas that of the PMF reconstruction had a numerical value of ≈ 60 across the 260 206 valid data points. For brevity, only PPCA-MV results are reported throughout the remainder of this paper. To further evaluate the matrix completion process via PPCA-MV, a random subsample of the known elements from the M matrix were held out one at a time and their estimated values were compared against the true values. The sampling rate was set to 5%, resulting in over 13 200 held out values. The mean estimation error was 2.4 × 10−4 , indicating a zeromean, i.e., unbiased estimate. A one-sample t-test also failed to reject the zero-mean hypothesis at the 0.05 and 0.10 significance levels. At 0.19, the root-mean-square prediction error was also found to be low. It is worth noting that the majority (166) of the 192 features hold binary values due to the fact that many of them are generated from the dissection of categorical values into binary features. None of the matrix factorization algorithms employed here exploits this knowledge about the feature set. Consequently, ˆ via these methods include nuthe reconstructed matrices M merical values, occasionally even outside the [0, 1] range, as estimated for the unknown binary elements in M . Such out-ofrange estimates were treated as valid elements in the current




Fig. 1. ROC curves in predicting the survival states with three classification algorithms.

experiments. Explicit modeling of the binary features into a CF scheme remains the topic of the future research. B. Parameter Settings The optimization algorithm was set to run over 300 iterations to search for the best pair of integer values within the ranges of d ∈ [2, 35] and m ∈ [1, 1750]. At each iteration, following PPCA-MV matrix factorization, an RF classifier with 11 random subtrees was then used to train a binary classifier based on a portion of the rows in the P matrix and tested on the remainder. Through a ten-fold cross-validation procedure, a prediction was obtained for the survival status of each patient and the optimization process aimed at improving the quality of the classification by adjusting the d and m values. Experiments were performed with the classification accuracy (a), the F1 score, or the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) as possible choices for the objective function. Maximizing each of these values resulted in similar overall classification results. For brevity, only the results from maximizing the F1 score are reported here. The overall process took about 20 h to run (on an i7-960 processor) and converged on the values of d = 21 and m = 1556. The selected value of m resulted in discarding the 22 most sparse features and keeping the remaining 170 features. C. Estimating the Survival Status The RF, LR, and SVM binary classifiers produced similar results in terms of prediction accuracy and other metrics. Fig. 1(a) illustrates the ROC curves obtained via each classifier, as well as the curve for a random guess for each state, plotted in a dotted green line. The AUC values, when ten-fold cross-validation was used to obtain a prediction for each patient, were in the 0.63–0.65 range for the three classifiers. The RF classifier was used with 55 random subtrees and the parameters of the RBF-SVM classifier (γ and the slack variable) were set empirically. As GvHD is one of the major factors that the transplant patients seek to avoid, a similar analysis was performed to estimated GvHD-free survival based on the pretransplant features. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the resulting ROC curves. The AUC values for this prediction were slightly higher and were in the 0.68–0.69 range. The collected dataset is stored as sorted by the date of transplant. The order of patients was shuffled at random prior to the ten-fold cross-validation phase so that the evaluation process




was not influenced by age (of the patient or the donor). The same approach was also taken during the parameter optimization phase. The BMT recovery process might be influenced by age, and the shuffling procedure ensured that, at each fold, both the training and the test data contained a random selection of patients and donors at various age groups. Incidentally, however, the correlation coefficients between various age-related attributes (“age at diagnosis”, age at transplant”, and “donor’s age”) and the binary survival states (and also the GvHD-free survival states) were in fact very low, in the 0.05–0.08 range. Not surprisingly, therefore, at AUC = 0.53 (using either LR, SVM, or RF), a prediction algorithm trained solely on these three age-related features performed only slightly better than a random guess. By observing the ROC curves in Fig. 1 and comparing the AUC values with that of a random guess (0.5), it is apparent that the classification process, using either classifier, benefits from considering the pretransplant attributes when estimating the survival states. The results, however, also indicate that the process is not perfect and the estimated states could not be 100% relied upon. Modest prediction accuracies might at first appear inapplicable to the prioritization of resources. A closer look however reveals their potential application, in combination with the other sources of information, to inform probabilistic DCS. RF, LR, and several other binary classification algorithms not only assign a prediction to each test case, but also provide a confidence level (c, 0 ≤ c ≤ 1) for each estimate. A subsequent DCS capable of decision making under uncertainty could process these estimates and their confidence levels, along with other considerations provided by the expert clinician staff, and provide optimal decisions as to the prioritization of surgical procedures and the allocation of other resources to save the highest number of lives possible. In LR, the distance of each test case from the separation boundary in the feature space determines c, e.g., via a logistic function. In RF, the percentage of random subtrees voting for a decision is interpreted as c. For each test case, the closer the final tally of random subtrees is to a unanimous vote, the higher the confidence of the estimated survival state would be. A threshold on c highlights a subset of patients for whom confident prediction is available. The most consequential outcome of this analysis is in the identification of patients who have the highest chance of survival, based on their pretransplant attributes and those of a prospective donor. Table I presents the number of patients for which a high-

confidence prediction is available at various threshold levels on c based on RF classification. The table also presents the obtained accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score values in each scenario. It is clear that higher thresholds lead to more accurate results, but for a lower number of patients. The RF classifier displayed a significant advantage over the other two classification algorithms used in the experiments in this aspect. It is interesting to note that nearly all high-confident filters (except when threshold value ct = 70%) retrieved only patients who survived the procedure (Recall = 100%); that is, the confidence filtering process identified the patients who had the highest chance of survival given their preoperative profile and that of their donor. This is exactly the desired input for a DCS aimed at the prioritization of resources and the matching of donors with patients. The obtained results, not only inform donor matching and the prioritization of resources in the short term, but also encourage further research in collecting and analyzing the further records and trying to identify the underlying causes and determining factors affecting the success of a transplant. IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Records and measurements from the past BMT procedures were analyzed to investigate the possibility of predicting the survival status of each patient based on their preoperative information and test results. Experimental results showed modest accuracies in predicting the survival states, but confirmed the feasibility of identifying the individuals with very high chances of survival with high accuracy, with significant implications for donor matching and the prioritization of resources. Future work includes the explicit modeling of the binary properties of dissected features into matrix factorization, incorporating a generative model on the distribution of missing values into the prediction process, and also the collection of further records (more patients and more attributes) to enrich the dataset for further analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank MITACS ( and the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. REFERENCES [1] A. Gratwohl, H. Baldomero, M. Aljurf, M. C. Pasquini, L. F. Bouzas, A. Yoshimi, J. Szer, J. Lipton, A. Schwendener, M. Gratwohl, K. Frauendorfer, D. Niederwieser, M. Horowitz, and Y. Kodera, “Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A global perspective,” J. Amer. Med. Assoc., vol. 303, no. 16, pp. 1617–1624, 2010. [2] R. Salakhutdinov and A. Mnih, “Probabilistic matrix factorization,” in Proc. Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst., 2007, pp. 1–8. [3] S. Roweis, “EM algorithms for PCA and SPCA,” in Proc. Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst., 1996. [4] J. Verbeek. Notes on probabilistic PCA with missing values. (2009). [Online]. Available:∼verbeek/code/ppca_mv.tgz [5] S. Becker, E. J. Candes, and M. Grant, “Templates for convex cone problems with applications to sparse signal recovery,” Math. Program. Comput., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 165–218, 2011. [6] J. Snoek, H. Larochelle, and R. P. Adams, “Practical Bayesian optimization of machine learning algorithms,” in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2012. [7] B. Taati, J. Snoek, D. Aleman, A. Mihailidis, and A. Ghavamzadeh, “Machine learning techniques for data mining in bone marrow transplant records,” in Proc. Annu. Conf. Can. Oper. Res. Soc., 2012, p. 50.


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Data mining in bone marrow transplant records to identify patients with high odds of survival.

Patients undergoing a bone marrow stem cell transplant (BMT) face various risk factors. Analyzing data from past transplants could enhance the underst...
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