Prrrn, 45 (1991) 49-59 R 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers A DONIS 0304395991001032

49 B.V. 0304-3959/91/$03.50

PAIN 01768

Basic Section Review A rticle Deep brain stimulation: Gary

H. Duncan

a review of basic research and clinical studies a,‘, M. Catherine


a,b and




u Cenire de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques and h Far&P de Mt!decine Deniaire, Universitk de Montr&al, Montreal, Quebec (Canada) (Accepted

5 October


Deep brain stimulation for pain control in humans was first used almost 30 years ago and has Summary continued to receive considerable attention. Despite the large number of clinical reports describing pain relief, numerous studies have indicated that the results of these procedures vary considerably. In addition, many neurosurgeons find the procedures unpredictable, and considerable disagreement still exists regarding important issues related to the technique itself. This review gives an historical overview of the relevant basic and clinical literature and provides a critical examination of the clinical efficacy, choice of stimulation sites, parameters of stimulation, and effects on experimental pain. Finally, we give suggestions for future research that could more definitively determine the usefulness of deep brain stimulation for pain control. Key words: Deep brain




Introduction The use of ‘deep brain stimulation’ for pain control began almost 30 years ago, when Mazars first implanted electrodes in the somatosensory thalamus of patients suffering from deafferentation pain [76,77]. The use of more medial sites was later prompted by Reynolds who [92] published the first evidence that electrical stimulation of the grey matter surrounding the sylvian aqueduct (PAG) could produce sufficient analgesia to permit abdominal surgery in rats. Today deep brain stimulation is an accepted clinical technique for the relief of chronic intractable pain resulting from a variety of pathological conditions. Despite the large number of clinical studies describing pain relief by deep brain stimulation, several recent reviews of the clinical literature suggest that the results of these procedures vary considerably among different studies [42], that many neurosurgeons find the procedure unpredictable [Sl], that no major progress has been made recently to im-

-Correspondence to: Gary H. Duncan, D.D.S., Ph.D., Dtpartement de Stomatologie, Facultk de Mtdecine Dentaire, UniversitC de Montrkal, C.P. 6128, Succ. A, Montreal, Que. H3C 357, Canada.

prove its efficacy and reliability [81], and that considerable disagreement still exists regarding important issues related to the technique itself [51]. The present paper reviews both the basic and clinical literature relevant to these issues in the hope that a more critical evaluation of previous efforts can lead toward a unified approach in answering a number of major questions: (1) Is the rationale for deep brain stimulation based on known physiological mechanisms? (2) What is the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation in reducing clinical pain? (3) Is the effectiveness of certain deep brain stimulation sites specific to certain pain syndromes? (4) Are some parameters of stimulation more effective than others? (5) Does deep brain stimulation diminish the perception of experimental noxious stimuli?

Rationale and historical background The most commonly used deep brain stimulation sites in humans for the treatment of intractable pain are located: (1) in somatosensory areas of the ventrobasal thalamus which include ventroposterior lateral (VPL)

and ventroposterior medial (VPM) nuclei [46]: (2) in caudal medial thalamic areas around the third ventricle. including the periventricular grey matter (PVG) and adjacent nuclei, centralis medialis (CM) and parafascicularis (Pf): and (3) near the junction of the third ventricle and the syivian aqueduct (rostrai ventral PAG/caudai ventral PVG).

The original rationale for the clinical use of medial mesen-/diencephaiic stimulation arose from experimental findings in rats indicating that electrical stimulation of the PAG produced profound analgesia {74.75,92,93]. Although the most consistent early results in animal studies had been produced by PAG stimulation, initial trials in humans at this site frequently resulted in unpleasant side effects, including feelings of impending doom [9SJ. On the other hand, stimulation of the posterior thalamic PVG appeared to be clinicaily effective in reducing intractable pain without producing such side effects ]52,95,96]. Results of animal studies have also confirmed the analgesic effects of PVG stimulation [59,74,86,93]. More recently, the CM and Pf nuclei in medial thaiamus 1461, adjacent to the PVG, have been implicated in pain modulation in humans [8,9,91,96,108], monkeys [36.85.86,100] and rats [3]. Sakata et al. [99] showed that Pf stimulation in rats excites PAG neurons. thus suggesting the possibility of common analgesic mechanisms activated by stimulation of these different sites. The exact nature of these analgesic mechanisms remains controversial. Most animal studies have indicated that PAG stimulation-produced analgesia is at least partially mediated by opioid mechanisms. Injection of opioids into the PAG produces behavioral analgesia similar to that of electrical stimulation f67,117]. Likewise, morphine microinjected into the PVG and along the ventromediai borders of CM and Pf results in a dose-dependent analgesia that is completely reversed by nnioxone [86]. Naloxone has also been shown to reduce the behavioral analgesia produced by stimuiatioI1 of PAG in rats [5]. Finally, the effects of both opiate and stimulation-produced analgesia associated with the PAG are blocked by lesions of the descending pathways of the dorsoiateral spinal cord [14,84]. By contrast. aithough Carstens et al. [23] showed that PVG stimulation inhibited dorsal horn heat-evoked responses, this inhibition was not reversed by naloxone. For a review of descending analgesic pathways. see recent discussions of endogenous pain control systems [ 15,32,89]. in man, Adams [l] and Hosobuchi et al. [52] showed that naioxone reverses PAG/PVG stimulation-produced analgesia, and Akil et ai. 161 and Hosobuchi et al. [54] reported increases in ventricular ’ beta-endorphinlike’ activity after PVG stimulation. Nevertheless. two subsequent reports showed that these increased beta-en-

dorphin levels may have been due to cross-reactivity 04 the immunoassay to metrizamide, injected as a v,entr’icn lar contrast medium. rather than to endorphins released by the PVG stimulatit~n [27,3i]. Further. Young and his associates [I 18,119] found that PVG and PAG .stimuiatinn does not show cross-tolerance with opioids. nor is it reversed by naioxone admit~istrati~~n. It may bc that the inconsistencies in the human studies are related III differences in electrode placement; Cannon et al. 121 j showed in rats that analgesia induced by ventral. but not dorsal. PAG xtimuiation ix opioid mediated. Thus. one might expect in humans that tjnlv some PA< i electrode placements would he reversed hv nalox~~~.

The pain suppressing effects of stimulating more lateral (somatosensory) ventrobasal areas of the thalamus were reported clinically before animal studies wcw performed [53,76.79]. Mazars indicated that his implantation of VPL stimulating electrodes (as early as 1961) in patients suffering from deafferentation pain was based on the theory that pain is caused by lack of proprioceptive stimuli reaching the thaiamus. Thus. stimulation of the primary somatosensory pathway at this thalamic site was intended to relieve pain in these patients by compensating for the lack of normal sensory input f76.775. During the 1970s. the rationale for stimulating the somatosensory thalamus was probably based on the clinical experiences with dorsal column stimulation. which in turn. had been prompted by the Gate Control Theory ]80] of large fiber inhibition of small fiber pain pathways. Acute physiological studies in anesthetized preparations have shown that stimulation of the somatosensory thalamus does inhibit the activity of both spinothalamic nociceptive neurons in monkey [34,35] and thalamic parafascicuiar nociceptive neurons in rat 1161. It has also been demonstrated in cats and monkeys that VPL stimulation excites neurons in the raphe magnus [ I1 1,114]. a brain-stem nucleus associated with drscending pain inhibitory pathways (151. In addition. Aiko et aI. have demonstrated that sensory thalamic stimulation in rats alters cerebral glucose utilization in the substantia nigra 131. a finding consistent with evidence that the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system exerts a potential influence on pain inhibition [11,68,111]. Thus. although VPL stimulation has been reported to have tzo effect on beta-endorphin levels in humans [60], the animal data involving stimulation of somatosensory thaiamus suggest the possibility of descending pain inhibit~~ry pathways activated by VPL stimuiation, which are nonopioid in nature. This suggestion is supported bv WIdence that administratio1~ of nlon~)~~rnine precursors prevents the development of tolerance to VPL, stimulation in humans [ill]; however. this uncontrolled studv lacks sufficient data to draw substantive conclusions.


An interesting paradox exists in the literature concerning stimulation of the somatosensory thalamus. Although several studies in anesthetized animals have reported data suggesting neurophysiological substrates for the analgesia produced by stimulation of VPL/VPM. as indicated above [16,34,35,111,114], there are to date, no behavioral data in awake animals to confirm the clinical analgesia described in humans. In contrast to the positive results observed in behavioral studies of medial thalamic or PAG stimulation [3-5,10,36,59, 74,75,85,86,93,100], studies involving stimulation of VPL and VPM (in both rat and monkey) have shown no behavioral evidence indicative of stimulation-produced analgesia [3,74,100]. This lack of behavioral results for ventrobasal stimulation may be related to the use of tests (tail flick and pinch [3], tail flick and electric shock/jump [74], tail shock [loo]) that are not sufficiently sensitive to reveal subtle analgesic effects or changes in sensory discriminative aspects of nociceptron. In addition, since somatosensory thalamic stimulation in humans has been generally reported to be more effective for the relief of neurogenic pain, antinociceptive tests like tail flick may be considered inappropriate models for evaluating such analgesia. In summary, the theoretical rationale for using deep brain stimulation in humans is still not clearly delineated. A number of behavioral studies in animals support the clinical findings of analgesia produced by stimulation of medial areas, but not by stimulation of VPL/VPM. On the other hand, neurophysiological studies in animals have shown some evidence for activation of pain-inhibiting pathways by stimulation of VPL/VPM. In neither area does there appear to be a clear dependence on endogenous opioid pathways for the analgesia.

Clinical efficacy Regardless of whether or not the basic neurophysiological mechanisms underlying deep brain stimulation are clearly understood, questions regarding the clinical efficacy of this surgical procedure should be a primary concern to health professionals. There is now an abundance of published reports on thalamic stimulation (see Table I), and most of these reports indicate that deep brain stimulation can be a valuable tool for relieving chronic pain that is intractable to other available techniques. Before the availability of electrical stimulation for pain control, ablative surgery was the most common alternative when pharmacological treatments proved to be ineffective or inappropriate. Deep brain stimulation now provides a less invasive treatment that appears to have good clinical results in many cases. Nevertheless, the majority of the clinical reports are case histories rather than well controlled studies. The pain measures

described usually involve imprecise questions about pain relief that do not allow a rigorous statistical evaluation (see Table I). The patient studies are rarely conducted in a double-blind fashion, in which the experimenter and patient are unaware of the parameters and location of stimulation, and data from placebo-controlled experiments are seldom included (see Table I). The potential for at least a short-term placebo response is substantial, considering the elaborate nature of the surgical procedure, the mysterious electronic technology involved and the close interpersonal relationship that develops between the pain patient and the attending clinician. The 42 clinical studies of thalamic stimulation listed in Table I are representative of the majority of reports appearing in respected journals over the last two decades. Of these only two studies include sham stimulation as a control [52,96], and none provide a statistical analysis of the clinical pain changes. One additional report [116], which appeared only in abstract form, found that patients’ pain ratings following stimulation of the VPM were not statistically different from that of sham stimulation. Thus, in spite of the large number of published reports ranging from 14% [24] to 100% [8] success, the absence of well controlled studies and statistically significant results prohibits an objective appraisal of the clinical efficacy of deep brain stimulation.

Choice of stimulation


Assuming that thalamic stimulation is clinically effective, another unresolved issue involves the appropriate choice of stimulation sites. Hosobuchi and others have championed the idea that somatogenic pain, caused by tissue-damaging stimulation of peripheral nerves or surrounding structures, is responsive to PVG/PAG stimulation, while neurogenic pain, arising from deafferentation or central nervous system destruction, is more likely to respond to stimulation of the somatosensory thalamus [48,66,78,121]. Numerous clinical observations indeed support this relationship [17,47,49,53,66,82,88,95,103,112,119-1211. However, there are a number of reports of the converse relationship - somatogenic pain responsive to stimulation of VPL/VPM [77,109-1111 and neurogenic pain responsive to PVG stimulation [1,8,9,26,91,96,101] (see Table I). As emphasized above, the vast majority of these, whether supporting one view or the other, is simply the presentation of cases attesting to the efficacy of stimulating a particular thalamic site. Thus, although the specificity of PVG/PAG and somatosensory thalamic sites for somatogenic and neurogenic pain syndromes, respectively, is suggested by most of the clinical reports, the relative usefulness of the different stimulation sites








N = neurogenic; S = somatogenic; IC = int. capsule; * = insufficient data; EP = evoked potential. Authors


Adams [I] Adams et al. [Z]

1 21 I1 19

.Akil et al. [6]


Andy 181 Andy [9] Boivie and Meyerson [17] Cosyn and Gybels [24] Gybels et al. [41] Gybels [44] Dieckmann and Witzmann [26] Gybels et al. [43]

4 5 5 7

26 20 19 3

Hoaobuchi Hosobuchi

[47] [48]

Hosobuchi et al. [53] Hosobuchi and Wemmer 1551 Hoaobuchi et al. 1521



40 11 5 6 6




et al. [58]


44 13 48 12


and Akil

s N

2x 5 5 8



0 = negative



verbal report 3 categories

S.Th. = somatosen.



Stat test no 170



+ r



report report report questionnaire

verbal report



I -t




no no no no heat paun ischemia electric no



clec. diff. threshold no no

no no

N *

verbal report 0- 10 scale

no no


0- 10 scale. analgesic use. life style analgesic use. verbal report verbal report








V4S. McGill



stimulation use and verbal report


t t t

verbal report


t 0

N. S N. S S



no no pinprick, Hardy-WolfGoodell dolor no





verbal verbal verbal VAS. VAS






0 +




N. S * N. S S

verbal report






_ _




+ +

VAS. self-adm questionnaire O-10 scale








* v,erbal report verbal report self report, rating scale

no no no




+ +

no pinprick pinprick pinprick radiant heat &hernia exacerbation of clinic pain

= not applicable:



analgesic use verbal report




N N. S



[961 Richardson




Ray and Burton [91] Richardson [94] Richardson and Akil





Plotkin [gg]

PVC S.Th. S.Th. CM-Pf S.Th. PAG + S.Th. S.Th. PVC

N N N. S *


Mazara et al. [78]

et al. [R2]



35 57





Levy et al. [66]

Mazars [77]




lvlazars et al. [76]




+ = positive




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We would like to thank Dr. James Lund for his critical comments on this manuscript. This research was supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada. Mr. Marchand was supported by the QuCbec ‘Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l’aide B la recherche.’

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Deep brain stimulation: a review of basic research and clinical studies.

Deep brain stimulation for pain control in humans was first used almost 30 years ago and has continued to receive considerable attention. Despite the ...
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