Haemostasis 1991;21:111-116

© 1991 S. Karger AG, Basel 0301-0147/91/0212-0111S2.75/0

Degradation of Human Factor X by Human Polymorphonuclear Leucocyte Cathepsin G and Elastase1 P. T. Turkington Kuwait University, Health Sciences Centre, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Sulaibikhat, Kuwait

Key Words. Calcium • Cathepsin G • Factor X • Pancreatopeptidase • Proteinase inhibitor

Introduction Human polymorphonuclear leucocytes are known to contain large amounts of ca­ thepsin G (EC and elastase (EC in their azurophilic granules [1]. Although both proteinases have been shown to destroy the coagulant activity of several 1 Supported by grants MDH188 and MFH001, Kuwait University.

blood clotting factors in vitro [2, 3], the pro­ teolytic action of cathepsin G on some clot­ ting factors is different from that of elastase. Cathepsin G produces distinct fragments by attacking different cleavage sites and is par­ tially inhibited by calcium ions [4], Although plasma has naturally occurring inhibitors to protect the body from the action of elastase and cathepsin G in vitro [5], it has been reported that coagulant destruction can oc­ cur even in the presence of excess inhibitor

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Abstract. Cathepsin G and elastase from human polymorphonuclear leucocytes were used in vitro to digest human factor X. Clotting assays showed that both proteinases affected a rapid loss in the coagulant activity of factor X. Calcium ions almost totally protected the coagulant activity of factor X against the action of cathepsin G but not elastase. Polyacryl­ amide gel electrophoresis (in nonreducing conditions and in the presence of SDS) indicated that the proteolytic action of cathepsin G led to the removal of a peptide of low molecular mass (pX) with the consequent formation of a single stable high molecular mass product (PX). SDS electrophoresis (under reducing conditions and in the presence of SDS) indicated that a pX was derived from the light chain of factor X. The proteolytic action of elastase led to the formation of numerous degradation products. Analysis of the products generated by the action of cathepsin G indicated that cathepsin G cleaved position Phe40:Trp41 in the light chain of factor X. In the presence of citrated plasma, cathepsin G but not elastase, was responsible for a loss in coagulant activity.

potential in vitro [6]. These in vitro observa­ tions do not agree with clinical reports which show that an increased release of elastase is not always associated with clotting factor changes [7]. In this report we examine the effect of human cathepsin G and elastase on factor X, a simpler structural model, and describe the effect of calcium ions and human citrated plasma on this proteolysis. Materials and Methods Cathepsin G and elastase were prepared from hu­ man peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leucocytes as previously described [8]. The specific activity of elastase against Boc-Ala-ONp was 136 nkat/mg and the specific activity of cathepsin G against Boc-TyrONp was 410 nkat/mg [9, 10]. Human factor X was prepared as previously described and had a specific coagulant activity of 108 units/mg [11, 12]. The mo­ lecular mass (Mr) estimation [13] of 29 kD for elas­ tase [8], 24 kD for cathepsin G [14] and 58 kD for factor X [11] were in agreement with published re­ sults. The concentration of elastase di-proteinase in­ hibitor complex (E-di-PI) was estimated as previously described [ 15]. The biological activities of antithrom­ bin III and di-antiplasmin were estimated using kits supplied by Kabi Diagnostics (UK). The activation of factor X and PX by Russell’s viper venom was mea­ sured against the substrate H-D-Ile-Glu-Gly-Arg pnitroanilide (S2222). The hydrolysis of the substrate (200 mmol/1 final concentration) was performed at 25 °C in 150 mmol/1 Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, containing 1 mol/1 NaCl and 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin. The hydrolysis was measured at 405 nm. A standard line relating the rate of hydrolysis of S2222 against the concentration of factor X or PX showed that the amidolytic activity of factor X and PX were indistin­ guishable. The ester activity of each proteinase was measured against the substrates Boc-Tyr-ONp and Boc-Ala-ONp, respectively, in the presence and ab­ sence of calcium ions. Calcium at a concentration of up to 40 mmol/1 had no inhibitory or potentiating effect on the ester activity. Blood (9 ml) was collected from healthy donors (n = 30) into plastic tubes con­ taining 0.15 M trisodium citrate (1 ml). Each sample


was centrifuged at 2,500# for 10 min at room temper­ ature and the plasma pooled. The plasma was stored in plastic containers at -20 °C and used within 1 week. Degradation o f Factor X Factor X (2.3 mg) was incubated with elastase (2.4 pg) or cathepsin G (2.4 pg) and made up to a total volume of 4 ml in 50 mmol/1 Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, con­ taining 500 mmol/1 NaCl. Serial volumes were with­ drawn at intervals and assayed for changes in coagu­ lant activity [16] and Mr [13]. The changes in clotting activity brought about by the proteases were ex­ pressed as a percentage of a control solution that lacked the proteinase. Factor X was preincubated with calcium ions at final concentrations of 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mmol/1 for 5 min prior to the addition of cathepsin G or elastase. Serial volumes were with­ drawn at intervals and assayed for changes in clotting activity and Mr. The results shown here are the aver­ age of nine experiments at an enzymexlotting factor molar ratio of 1:500. Separation and Characterization o f the Degradation Products When preparing the degradation products gener­ ated by the action of cathepsin G on factor X, the amount of factor X was increased to a concentration of 20 mg/4 ml. After incubation, cathepsin G was inactivated by the addition of phenyl-methyl-sulphonyl-fluoride (PMSF) at a final concentration of 50 pmol/1. The high molecular mass product (PX) was separated from the low molecular mass degradation product (pX) by an established procedure [17]. N-terminal amino acids on factor X and PX were identi­ fied as their dansylated derivatives obtained from acid hydrolysates of dansylated proteins on thinlayer chromatography [18-20]. The COOH-terminal amino acids of the pX fragment were determined using agarose carboxypeptidase A and B [17]. Effect o f Cathepsin G and Elastase on the Coagulant Activity o f Plasma Fresh plasma (1 ml) was incubated with cathepsin G or elastase (50 pi) at 37 °C to give final concentra­ tions in the range 0.1-20.0 pmol/1 (3-600 mg/1) of plasma. At serial intervals, samples were withdrawn and assayed for factor X, VIII, VII and II coagulant activity, antithrombin III activity, cti-antiplasmin ac­ tivity and E-oti-PI concentration.

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Degradation of Factor X


Results Cathepsin G and elastase rapidly de­ stroyed the coagulant activity of human fac­ tor X (fig. 1). When the degradation of factor X by elastase was followed on polyacryl­ amide electrophoresis (in the presence of SDS and under nonreducing conditions) nu­ merous degradation products were observed (fig. 2a). In contrast to the action of elastase, the degradation of factor X by cathepsin G produced a single major product (PX) with an Mr of approximately 52 kD (fig. 2b). While calcium failed to protect the coagulant activity of factor X from the action of elas­ tase, it almost totally protected the coagulant activity of factor X from the action of ca­ thepsin G (fig. 1). This was confirmed by the presence of a clotting factor that was resis­ tant to the action of cathepsin G (fig. 2c). Polyacrylamide electrophoresis (in the pres­ ence of SDS and under reducing conditions) indicated that the pX was derived from the light chain of factor X (fig. 3). While hydrolysis of dansylated factor X by HC1 revealed alanine and serine as the N-terminal amino acids, hydrolysis of the PX product revealed serine only. Hydrolysis

of PX by p-toluene sulphonic acid revealed tryptophan and indicated that the action of cathepsin G had exposed tryptophan as a new N-terminal amino acid. Treating the pX product with agarose carboxypeptidase A led to the release of Phe, Glu and Asn in in­ creasing concentrations and in this order. These results indicated that cathepsin G had cleaved the light chain at position Phe40:Trp41 (fig. 4). The slope relating the hydrolysis of increasing concentrations PX and increasing concentrations of factor X was indistinguishable. Elastase at concentra­ tions up to 15 pmol/1 plasma (450 mg/1) pro­ duced no change in the clotting activity of factor X in the presence of citrated plasma. In contrast, the addition of cathepsin G at a concentration of 0.1 pmol/1 plasma (3 mg/1) resulted in a rapid decrease in the coagulant activity of factor X (fig. 5). The addition of elastase was accompanied by dose-depen­ dent rise in the concentration of E-a,-PI while the antithrombin III level and ot2-antiplasmin level did not change throughout the incubation period. At an elastase concentra­ tion of 20 pmol/1 plasma (600 mg/1) a 10% decrease in the clotting activity of factor VIII was observed.

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Fig. 1. Effect of cathepsin G and elastase on the coagulant activity of human factor X. • = Cathepsin G on factor X; ▼= cathepsin G on factor X + 2.5 mmol/1 cal­ cium; ■ = elastase on factor X; ▲= elastase on factor X + 2.5 mmol/1 calcium.





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Fig. 2. Effect of cathepsin G and elastase on factor X when followed on SDS electrophoresis (nonreduc­ ing conditions): (a) elastase on factor X; (b) cathepsin G on factor X; (c) cathepsin G on factor X + 2.5 mmol/l calcium. Fig. 3. Effect of cathepsin G on factor X when fol­ lowed on SDS electrophoresis in reducing conditions. H = Heavy chain of factor X; L = light chain of factor X; pX' = the portion of the light chain that remained after cleavage by cathepsin G.

Discussion Although cathepsin G and elastase were both capable of the rapid destruction of the coagulant activity of factor X, their mecha­ nisms were different. The action of elastase was responsible for a generalized cleavage of the molecule. This was in contrast to the pro­

teolytic action of cathepsin G which inacti­ vated factor X by the singular removal of the gla domain present in the light chain by cleaving position Phe40:Trp41 (fig. 4). The gla-containing domain which is necessary for coagulant activity is not required for amide or ester activity [22], Although calcium ions almost totally protected factor X from ca-

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Fig. 4. Diagram illustrating the structure of human factor X [21] and where it is cleaved by cathepsin G. Y = y-Carboxyglutamic acid res­ idue region.

Degradation of Factor X

thepsin G it did not protect the zymogen from the action of elastase. It is highly likely that the binding of calcium ions to the ycarboxyglutamic acid region of factor X in­ duced conformational changes that rendered the zymogen almost totally resistant to the action of cathepsin G [23]. The failure of cal­ cium to inhibit the action of elastase sug­ gested that the y-carboxyglutamic acids were destroyed at an early stage of the proteolysis which was in keeping with the electropho­ retic profile (fig. 2a). Whereas a small amount of cathepsin G induced a rapid destruction of several blood clotting factors, it took 200 times as much elastase to reduce the clotting activity of fac­ tor VIII by 10% (fig. 5). Although other workers have reported that low concentra­ tions of elastase (10 mg/1 plasma) induced coagulation changes, even in the presence of excess inhibitor potential [6], in clinical situ­ ations high concentrations of elastase can occur with corresponding changes in clotting factors [5], The failure of elastase, even at

high concentrations, to induce coagulation changes suggested that plasma inhibitors were capable of a rapid and irreversible inac­ tivation of elastase without a concomitant loss in clotting activity. This observation may help to explain the lack of correlation between coagulation changes and the in­ creased elastase levels that are observed in septicaemia and sepsis. The data presented here showed that ca­ thepsin G and elastase were capable of the rapid destruction of factor X although by different methods. Whereas calcium almost totally protected factor X from the action of cathepsin G, it did not protect the zymogen from elastase. It appears that plasma inhibi­ tors are capable of the rapid inactivation of elastase without concomitant loss in coagu­ lant activity.

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Fig. 5. Changes in clotting activity that occur in factor II (•), VII (▲), IX (■) and X (▼) following the addition of cathepsin G (0.1 nmol or 3 pg) per milli­ litre of plasma.




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Received: December 22, 1990 Accepted by K. Lechner: January 29, 1991 P.T. Turkington, PhD University of Malta Pharmacy Department Msida (Malta)

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Degradation of human factor X by human polymorphonuclear leucocyte cathepsin G and elastase.

Cathepsin G and elastase from human polymorphonuclear leucocytes were used in vitro to digest human factor X. Clotting assays showed that both protein...
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