Synthetic materials fo r surgical implant demces have evolved from the early metallic systems to a variety of material combinations and composites. Current biomaterial and biomechanical proper­ ties provide relatively optimal stable bone and soft tissue interfaces and simplified restorative treat­ ments. Further improvements in existing systems require a continuation of the multidisciplinary approach to laboratory, experimental animal, and human clinical research.

Dental implant biomaterials Jack E. Lem ons, PhD

aturally o c c u rrin g m in erals a n d m e ta ls su c h as g e m s to n e s a n d gold w ere first used fo r surgical im p la n t a n d to o th r o o t r e p la c e m e n t devices.1 Relative purity and strength con­ sid e ra tio n s eventually caused these sub­ stances to be rep la ce d by alloys o f iron, cobalt, o r tita n iu m .2 In 1937, polym eric b io m a te ria ls w ere in itia te d w ith p o ly ­ m eth y lm ethacrylate (acrylic resin ), with m ost high m olecular w eight biopolym ers in tro d u c ed since 1950.s T he bioceram ics based on metallic oxides were introduced in the 1960s, and the carbon-based dental biom aterials were provided in the 1970s.4 D u rin g th e 1960s, th e r e la tio n s h i p between the inertness o f surgical im plants a n d th e associated tissue resp o n se s was em phasized.2 H igh purity, fired ceram ics an d carbons were investigated to provide chem ical and biochem ical environm ental stabilities. In th e 1970s, surgical m eth o d ­ ologies th a t p ro d u ce d m inim al m echani­ cal, chemical, and therm al traum a to the tissue w ere in troduced to the dental pro­ fession. T he relative interactions between th e available b io m a te ria ls an d carefully p re p a re d tissue sites su b seq u en tly w ere elu cid ated.5-6 C oncepts for tissue integra­ tion followed, an d m u ltice n te r investiga­ tio n s show ed th a t stag ed tre a tm e n ts to


716 ■ JADA, Vol. 121, December 1990

p ro v id e p e rio d s fo r p r o te c te d h e a lin g co u ld be directly c o rre la te d w ith tissue interface conditions.7 In the 1980s, new an d m odified biom a­ terials were in tro d u ced an d were specifi­ cally designed, constituted, and fabricated for anticipated tissue interface responses,5 resulting in m echanically and chem ically anisotropic biomaterials. Force transfer is intended to be within the norm al limits of the tissues, an d b iom aterial surfaces are provided to bond chemically along the tis­ sue c o n ta c t zo n es.8 E x p erie n ce suggests further im provem ents in both biom aterial an d b io m e c h a n ic a l p r o p e r tie s will e n ­ hance clinical longevities a n d an ex p an ­ sion to broader patient populations in the 1990s.

Standards and classifications Standards and recom m ended practices are available for m ost dental an d m edical bio­ m a te ria ls. T h e A m e ric a n D e n ta l A sso­ ciation originally in itiated sta n d ard s for dental materials with am algam alloy.9 T he A m e ric a n S o cie ty f o r T e s tin g a n d M aterials (ASTM) co m m ittee F-4 in tro ­ duced surgical im plant standards an d rec­ o m m e n d ed p ractices.10 T h e in fo rm atio n c o n ta in e d w ith in th e su rg ic a l im p la n t m aterial standards norm ally includes the chem ical analysis, m echanical properties, and surface finish.1» Com pliance of m anu­ facturers has partly provided a controlled an d re lia b le so u rce o f b io m a te ria ls fo r im p la n t devices. In a d d itio n , new sub-

Table 1 ■ Summary of synthetic biomaterials for dental implants. Metals an d alloys

Ceram ics an d carbon


Ti an d Ti-Ai-V Co-Cr-Mo Fe-Cr-Ni

a i 2o , C a,„(P 0 4) 6 (O H )2 HA Ca3( P 0 4)j TCP C and C-Si


T itanium (Ti), alu m in u m (Al), vanadium (V), cobalt (Co), ch ro m iu m (C r), m olybdenum (M o), iro n (Fe), nickel (Ni), a lu m in u m o x id e (A120 3), h y d ro x y la p a tite (H A ), tric alc iu m p h o s p h a te (T C P), c a rb o n (C ), silico n (S i), polym ethyl­ m ethacrylate (PMMA), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyethylene (PE), polysulfone (PSF).


Table 2

■ Classification of biomaterials using elastic moduli (lowest to highest magnitudes).

B iom aterial Polymers PE, PTFE PTFE, PMMA, PSF Ceram ics C aP 04 C arbons C a n d C-Si M etals an d alloys Ti an d Ti-Al-V Fe-Cr-Ni Co-Cr-Mo Ceram ics a i 2o


M odulus o f elasticity ratio (b io m ate ria l/b o n e ) *

Electrical o r th erm al co n d u cto r

0.01 -0.5x


Cream-white to am ber

0.5 - 5.0x


W hite




5 .0 - 5.7x 8.0x ll.O x



20. Ox



C olor

Table 3 ■ Classification of biomaterials using mechanical tensile strengths (lowest to highest magnitudes).

Polymers Ceram ics C aP 04 Carbons C a n d C-Si Ceram ics a i 2o 3 Metals a n d alloys

cobalt-based alloy (Co-Cr-Mo). C urrently, some are being m ade from cast titanium . A n u m b e r o f the im p lan t designs now in co rp o rate coatings o f calcium phosphate ceram ics, carb o n s, o r polym ers th a t are p la c e d o n th e s u r fa c e s o f th e tis s u e im p la n t a re a s .14 T h ese co m b in atio n s o r com posites are in ten d ed to optim ize both b io m a te ria l a n d b io m e ch a n ic al in te ra c ­ tions with the tissues. Classification by properties

* The modulus of elasticity of compact bone was taken to be 3 x 106 psi for these ratios.



Tensile strength ratio (b io m ate ria l/b o n e )*

Ductility (% elongadon) ra d o (b io m ate ria l/b o n e ) f

0.1 -0.5x

1 - 300x

0.1 - 2.0x


1.0 - 5.0x


2.0 - 5.0x 1.5 - 7.0x

0 8 - 30x

* The tensile strength of compact bone was taken as 2 x 104 psi for these ratios. f The tensile elongation to fracture for compact bone was taken as 1% for these ratios.

stances can b e evaluated using sta n d ard ­ ized b io m a te ria ls as a c o n tro l. D e m o n ­ s tr a tio n s o f “e s s e n tia lly s im ila r ” o r “relativ ely im p ro v e d ” b io m a te ria l is an i m p o r ta n t c o n s id e r a tio n r e la te d to a rapidly evolving discipline as im plant den­ tistry.11 Biomaterials are classified according to th eir m aterial properties, interactions with tissues, o r prim ary area o f surgical applica­ tion, for exam ple, the dental, orthopedic, o r cardiovascular fields.5 In categories, the biom aterials are listed as metals and alloys, ceramics an d carbons, polymers, an d com ­ binations an d com posites o f these m aterial types.10 T h e biom aterials with resistance to ch em ical o r b io lo g ica l d e g ra d a tio n are called in e rt o r passive, w hile th o se th a t interact slightly are surface active o r bioac­ tive.5 Biomaterials in ten d ed to be dissolved o r to b e a b s o r b e d in vivo a r e c a lle d biodegradable o r resorbable. Various bio­ m aterials can be reclassified into different c a te g o rie s, d e p e n d in g o n th e im p la n t application o r th e basic m aterial p ro p e r­ ties.

Implant designs

V arious synthetic substances co n stitu ted a n d fa b ric a te d fo r d e n ta l im p la n ts are sum m arized in Table 1. Biom aterials are categorized by basic m aterial type with the m o s t c o m m o n ly u s e d b io m a te r ia ls included.12 T hese biom aterials are used in a wide variety o f d en tal im p lan t designs. T h e d e sig n s in c lu d e th o se p la c e d in to b o n e (e n d o s s e o u s ), ro o t fo rm s, b lad es ( p la t e s ) , tr a n s o s te a ls , s ta p le s , ra m u s frames, and endodontic stabilizers.13 These have been fabricated from m ost of the bio­ m aterials listed in Table 1, although spe­ cific lim ita tio n s exist. For ex am p le, the ra m u s fra m e tra n s o s s e o u s , a n d sta b le designs are m ade from metallic biom ateri­ als (Ti, Ti-6A1-4V, Co-Cr-Mo, or Fe-Cr-Ni), while the endo d o n tic stabilizers are mostly m anufactured from titanium (Ti) and alu­ m inum oxide ceram ic (A120 3). T he other m ajo r im p la n t design categ o ry in clu d es th e devices placed o n to b o n e u n d e r the periosteum (the subperiosteals). Most subperiosteals have been fabricated from cast

T he various biom aterials can also be classi­ fied an d com pared using th e basic physi­ cal, m echanical, chem ical, an d biological p ro p ertie s o f th e synthetic substances.510 To provide this type o f classification within categories, th e biom aterials are from the lowest to h ig h est m ag n itu d es o f specific p ro p erties. For exam ple, com parisons of m aterial elastic m oduli or tensile strengths w ould result in d ifferen t rankings. These properties are used for m aking differential d ec isio n s, o r fo r e x p la n a tio n s o f tissue responses. These relative classifications by p roperties are provided in tabular form in Tables 2, 3, and 4. T h e elastic m oduli, strengths, an d duc­ tilities are used as m aterial p roperty con­ siderations for the design, fabrication, and p r o s th o d o n tic r e s to r a tio n o f im p la n t d evices.15 M oduli are d irectly associated with m icroscopic elastic strains along tis­ sue interfaces. T he m acroscopic stress and strain relationships are influenced m ost by the design’s size an d shape. Designs m ust co rp o rate configurations th at are specific n o t o nly to th e b io m a te ria l b u t also to an ato m ical, surgical, tech n ical, an d oral considerations. Relative cost, sterilization and resterilization, and availability o f com ­ p le m e n ta r y su rg ic a l in s tr u m e n ts a n d restorative intraoral m aterials are also fac­ tors.

Table 4 ■ Classification of biomateri­ als using chemical inertness (lowest to highest magnitudes). B iom aterial

Relative ranking*

Ceram ics TCP HA Polymers M etals and alloys Ceram ics a n d carbons A12O s, C, C-Si

Biodegradable Bioactive PMMA to PTFE Fe to Ti alloys In e rt

* T h ese relative rankings are d e p e n d e n t o n the specific b io m a te r ia l p r o d u c t a n d th e c lin ic a l a p p lic a tio n . F o r exam ple, PMMA is p rese n ted as th e b o n e c e m e n t p ro d u c t u sed in o rth o p e d ic su rg ery a n d th e biochem ical inertness o f PTFE exceeds som e o f the m etallic m aterials.

JADA, Vol. 121, December 1990 ■ 717



S tre n g th s are m a x im iz e d to p ro v id e resistance to cyclic-induced (fatigue) frac­ tures; and higher ductilities are critical to the b en ding o f abutm ents for parallelism o r to provide the best fit for an available anatom ical site. Metals are strong and duc­ tile, a n d th e ceram ic s a n d c a rb o n s are n o n d u c tile (b rittle ). T h e in e rt ceram ics an d metals have high elastic m oduli, and the polymers have high ductilities but low elastic m oduli. In g en eral, th e variety of p ro p e rtie s d ic ta te s th e a p p lic a tio n , fo r ex a m p le , p o ly m e rs fo r so ft tissues a n d metals o r ceramics for hard tissues. C lassification by chem ical in e rtn ess is com plicated because the relative listings

faces. Elem ents and electrochem ical fields are known to directly influence tissue reac­ tio n pathw ay s.14 T h u s, b io c o m p atib ility profiles provide o p p o rtu n itie s to investi­ gate and com pare the phenom enological d a ta g e n e ra te d from lab o rato ry , la b o ra­ tory animal, an d h um an clinical investiga­ tions. Surface and bulk properties

Device retrieval analyses

S y n th etic c o m p o u n d s su c h as m e tallic o x id e s , c a lc iu m p h o s p h a te c e ra m ic s, glasses, an d glass ceram ics have d em o n ­ stra te d d ire c t b o n d in g to b o n e .414 T his b o n d in g , w h ich h a s te n s ile a n d sh e a r

Implant restorative treatments in dentistry provide a signifi­ cant opportunity to better understand the roles of biomaterial and biomechanical properties and their relationship to biocompatibility criteria for all types of surgical implants.

change d e p e n d in g on in te rfa ce bonding c o n d itio n (b o n e o r fib ro u s tissu e), th e specific tim e o f ev alu atio n , o r th e local en v iro n m ental co n d itio n s (fluid, soft tis­ sue, o r b o n e ). C o n d itio n s o f in terfacial m o tio n (slip) o r local in fectio n (altered pH ) would change the category. Generally, th e high ceram ics an d carb o n s are m ost inert, the metals are interm ediate, and the polym ers a re m o st subject to interfacial w ear o r the leach in g o f low er m olecular w eight o r plasticizer constituents.2-5 These various properties have been cor­ re la te d w ith b o th b io m a te ria l- an d b io ­ m ech an ical-based co m p atib ility criteria. E la s tic m o d u li s im ila r to th e tis su e replaced, high strength and ductility, and chem ical inertn ess have b ee n co rrelated with biocom patibility profiles. T h ere are ex cep tio n s to th e se g en eralizatio n s, b u t these criteria have been broadly applied to m aterial and design selections for im plant devices. Tissue interfaces Biocom patibility profiles have been con­ sidered in term s o f the elem ents and the forces transferred across biomaterial-to-tissu e i n t e r f a c e s . 13-15 T h e p h y sic a l a n d m echanical properties o f biom aterials are directly c o m p a re d w ith biophysical and biom echanical requirem ents fo r function. S eparately, th e c h e m ic al a n d electrical p r o p e r tie s a re c o m p a r e d w ith th e b i­ chemical interaction along the tissue inter­ 718 ■ JADA, Vol. 121, D ecember 1990

cial relationships w ithout im posed force or m o tio n . T h e sta g in g o f tre a tm e n ts an d protected healing provide an optim al situ­ ation for b o n e an d soft tissue bonding to synthetic biom aterial surfaces. In contrast, if a stable soft tissue (p seu d o lig am e n t) were m ost functional over the long-term , early m echanical loading (one-stage) treat­ m ent is probably indicated.

strength m agnitudes w ithin th e range o f chem ical bo n d in g , su p p o rts an interface c o n d itio n th a t co u ld strongly in flu e n ce fu n ctio n al fo rce tran sfe r co n d itio n s.16 If these b io m a te ria l su rfaces are c o n tam i­ n a t e d w ith d ilu te im p u r itie s , th e n b io d ég rad atio n p ro d u cts could adversely influ en ce th e local tissue responses an d in terfacial b o n d in g . Also, w hen th e sub­ strate biodegrades, th e reaction products could result in adverse tissue responses.17 Design and force transfer

E n h a n c e m e n t o f b io m a te ria l-to -tis s u e interfaces, through com puter-based finite elem ent m odeling an d analysis, and com­ p u te r-a s s is te d d e s ig n (FEM , FEA, a n d CAD) should provide significant improve­ m en ts.18 However, basic selection criteria can be applied to any new design concept. Force transfer along interfaces loaded in m echanical shear strain could be signifi­ cantly influenced by biomaterial-to-tissue bonding. The p roduction o f localized n o n ­ slip o r b o n d e d in terfaces th a t w ould be s ta b le in vivo c o u ld r e s u lt in a lte r e d im plant design concepts. This type of sta­ ble bonding may be possible with biom ate­ rials that are currently within clinical trials. T he tissue interface provides a healing stage u n d e r p ro te c te d (iso lated ) co n d i­ tio n s .7 T h e p r o c e d u re o f n o t ap p ly in g fu n ctio n al lo ad in g fo r e x ten d e d periods after surgical p lacem en t affords tim e for establishing biom aterial-to-tissue in te rfa­

Analyses of devices eventually retrieved for p sy ch o lo g ical, p ro s th e tic , o r tra u m a tic conditions provided clinical histories from which com parisons o f biomaterial-to-tissue interfaces an d the actual devices could be m ade.13-19 T itanium oxide (Tix Oy) surfaces f o r o n e -sta g e e n d o s s e o u s b la d e s have d e m o n s tra te d fib ro u s tissue in te rfa ce s. T his sam e su rface o x id e fo r ro o t form s and blades, restored after two-stage or pro­ tected healing restorative treatm ents, have d em o n strate d ad jac en t b o n e (osteointeg ra tio n ). T h e c h ro m iu m oxide surfaces (cobalt- o r iron-based alloys) for one-stage subperiosteals, blades, an d ram us fram es have shown fibrous tissue interfacial con­ ditions. In contrast, th e calcium phosphate and alum inum oxide ceram ic surfaces of ro o t form s an d the coated subperiosteals and blades have shown direct bone inter­ faces fo r two-stage o r p ro te c te d h ealing restorative treatm ents. C o m p a riso n s o f sim ila r d e sig n s a n d m aterials with an d w ith o u t surface coat­ ings may c o n trib u te significant in fo rm a­ tio n from fu tu re retrie v al analyses. For ex am p le, m any o f th e available designs with metallic oxide surfaces are now being coated with calcium p hosphate ceramics. T he constancy o f design and variability of surface chem istry could provide answers to questions ab o u t interfacial bo n d in g to bone, electrical conductivity, elasticity, and elem ental com positions. Summary Im plant restorative treatm ents in dentistry provide a significant opportunity to b etter u n d e rsta n d th e ro les o f biom aterial an d biom echanical p ro p ertie s an d th eir rela­ tionship to biocom patibility criteria for all types o f surgical im plants. Various biom a­ terials and designs are being used for long­ te rm tr e a t m e n t m o d a litie s . E x istin g science an d technology support the need f o r m e c h a n ic a lly a n d c h e m ic a lly a n iso tro p ic su b stan ce s to re p la c e fu n c ­ tional, lo ad -b earin g tissues an d afford a m ost prom ising fu tu re for dental im plant r e s e a r c h a n d d e v e lo p m e n t. M u ltid is-


ciplinary analyses should provide the basis for quantitative classifications of interfacial phenom ena, and, thereby, the directly associated clinical longevities. ---------------------- J!* O A ----------------------Dr. Lemons is professor and chairman, department o f b iom ateria ls, U niversity o f A labam a S c h o o l o f Dentistry, Birmingham 35294. 1. Lemons JE. General characteristics and classifica­ tions o f im plant materials. In: Lin O , Chao E, eds. P erspective on biom aterials. A m sterdam: Elsevier; 1986:1-15. 2. W illiam s DF, R o a f R. Im p la n ts in surgery. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1973. 3. Craig RG. Restorative dental materials. St. Louis: Mosby; 1985. 4. H ench LL, Ethridge EC. Biomaterials, an interfa­ cial approach. N e w a r k : Academic; 1982.

5. von Recum A. Handbook o f biomaterials evalua­ tion. New York: MacMillan; 1986. 6. Smith DC, Williams DF. Biocompatibility o f den­ tal materials 4. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1982. 7. B ra n em a rk PI. O s se o in te g r a te d im p la n ts. Chicago: Quintessence; 1989. 8. Rizzo A, ed. Proceedings, consensus development c o n fe r e n c e o n d e n ta l im p la n ts. J D e n t E duc 1988;52:678. 9. P h illip s RW. S c ie n c e o f d e n ta l m a ter ia ls. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1973. 10. Am Soc for Testing and Materials. Volume 13.01. In: Medical Devices. Philadelphia: ASTM Press; 1989. 11. L em ons JE, ed. Quantitative characterization and perform ance o f porous implants for hard tissue application, STP 953. Philadelphia: ASTM Press; 1987. 12. Lem ons JE, NatiellaJR . Biomaterials, biocom ­ patibility and peri-im plant considerations. Guernsey L H , e d . In: D e n ta l C lin ic s N o r th A m e r ica . Philadelphia: Saunders; 1986:1, 3-23. 13. Lemons JE. Dental implant retrieval analyses. J Dent Educ 1988;52:748-57.


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88. 16. Cook SD, KayJF, Thomas KA, Jarco M. Interface mechanics and histology o f titanium and hydroxylapatite coated titanium for dental implant applications. IntJ Oral Maxillofac Implants 1987;2:15-22. 17. L ucas LC, B e a r d e n LF, L em o n s JE. Ultrastructural exam inations o f in vitro and in vivo cells exposed to solutions o f 316L stainless steel. In: Fraker A, Griffin C, eds. ASTM STP 859. Philadelphia: ASTM Press; 1985:208-21. 18. Bidez MW, Stephens BJ, Lemons JE. An investi­ gation into the effect o f blade dental implant length o f interfacial tissue stress profiles. Stiker RL, Simon BR, eds. Computational m ethods in bioengineering. Am Soc Mech Engr 1988:235-45. 19. Lem ons JE. Surface evaluations o f materials. J Oral Implantol 1986;3:396-406.

JADA,VoL 121, December 1990 ■ 719

Dental implant biomaterials.

Synthetic materials for surgical implant devices have evolved from the early metallic systems to a variety of material combinations and composites. Cu...
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