0013-7227/90/1275-2430$02.00/0 Endocrinology Copyright © 1990 by The Endocrine Society

Vol. 127, No. 5 Printed in U.S.A.

Developmental Changes in Steroidogenesis by Equine Preovulatory Follicles: Effects of Equine LH, FSH, and CG* J. SIROIS, T. L. KIMMICH, AND J. E. FORTUNE Section of Physiology in the Division of Biological Sciences and Department of Physiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

ABSTRACT. Ovulation in mares is preceded by a long and variable estrous period. The differentiation of equine preovulatory follicles with respect to steroidogenic capacity and responsiveness to equine gonadotropins was studied by culturing pieces of follicle wall (FW = theca + attached granulosa cells) from preovulatory follicles isolated during late diestrus (day 14 of cycle, n = 5 mares), early estrus (lst-2nd day of estrus, n = 6) or late estrus (4th or 5th day of estrus, n = 6). FW was cultured with or without equine LH, FSH, LH+FSH, or CG (10 or 100 ng/ml) and medium was collected and replaced at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of culture. Follicular fluid from presumptive ovulatory follicles and medium from FW cultures were assayed for progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol-17/3. The cumulative secretion of all three steroids after 72 h of culture was significantly lower in FW isolated during late diestrus (P < 0.05) as compared with early or late estrus. Maximal progesterone secretion was observed with FW from late estrus whereas maximal androstenedione and estradiol secretion in vitro occurred with FW from early estrus. In contrast to results obtained in vitro, concentrations of progesterone in follicular fluid were not different among stages of follicular development, and concentrations of androstenedione and estradiol in follicular fluid were

maximal in late estrous follicles. Equine gonadotropins had their greatest stimulatory effect on steroidogenesis with FW obtained during late diestrus. As compared with controls, the addition of LH, FSH, or LH+FSH (100 ng/ml) increased progesterone secretion by FW from late diestrus (48x, 64x, and 58X, respectively, P < 0.01), early estrus (24x, 32x, and 36x, P < 0.01) and late estrus (9X, 9x, and 9x, P < 0.01). Equine LH and FSH also increased androstenedione secretion by follicles obtained during diestrus and estrus. In contrast, estradiol secretion showed a more rapid loss in responsiveness to gonadotropin stimulation, with both LH and FSH stimulating estradiol secretion by FW from late diestrous follicles (P < 0.01), but neither stimulating FW from early or late estrous follicles. Overall, eCG was a less potent stimulator of steroidogenesis in vitro than LH and FSH. In conclusion, this study indicates that, in the mare, concentrations of steroids in follicular fluid do not precisely reflect changes in steroidogenic capabilities of presumptive ovulatory follicles during their final stages of development, and that the developmental transition from late diestrus to late estrus is characterized by a marked decrease in follicular responsiveness to gonadotropins. {Endocrinology 127: 2423-2430,1990)


HE ESTROUS cycle of mares is, in several respects, unique as compared with cycles of other large animal species. The follicular phase is characterized by a long period of estrus (4-6 days) and the diameter reached by the developing ovulatory follicle (40-45 mm) is considerably larger than in other species (1-3). Ovulation in the mare is limited only to a specific region of the ovary, the ovulation fossa, and is not triggered by a typical LH surge (4). In contrast to other mammalian species, LH concentrations increase progressively during estrus and peak on average 1 day after ovulation (4-6). The devel-

Received June 6, 1990. Address all correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. J. E. Fortune, 823 Veterinary Research Tower, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. * This study was presented at the 23rd annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (Knoxville, TN, 1990). This study was supported by a grant from the Harry M. Zweig Memorial Fund for Equine Research and by a fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada (J. Sirois).

opment and application of real-time B-mode ultrasonography has greatly contributed to the understanding of ovarian follicular development during the equine estrous cycle (7-10). The use of ultrasonography to follow the patterns of growth and regression of individual follicles > 15 mm has shown that follicular development occurs in waves, with the most frequent pattern being one wave per cycle (10). The average interval of time from follicular recruitment to ovulation is 14-15 days (10, 11). In contrast to other farm animal species, horses have been relatively resistant to attempts to efficiently manipulate their reproductive cycles, including synchronization of estrus/ovulation and induction of superovulation (1,12-17). Repeated efforts to improve the management of equine reproduction have emphasized the limited, and rather controversial, nature of our understanding of the hormonal and cellular dynamics associated with the development of the ovulatory follicle in mares. For example, the relative roles of theca interna and granulosa cells




in the production of estradiol-17jS are still unclear (1826). An important limitation to some earlier studies is that they were performed on materials collected from animals of unknown reproductive history (ovaries collected at slaughterhouse). More recently, Fay and Douglas (27) showed that by day 14 of cycle (day 0 = day of ovulation) the presumptive ovulatory follicle has already been selected, as judged by increases in the number of LH receptors in the granulosa cell layer and in estradiol concentrations in follicular fluid. However, the effects of equine pituitary gonadotropins on follicular steroidogenesis in vitro have not been characterized. Also, the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), formerly called PMSG, on follicular steroidogenesis in mares have yet to be documented. This latter gonadotropin, detectable in the circulation between days 40 and 120 of pregnancy, is thought to play a role in the production of accessory corpora lutea by inducing ovulation and/or luteinization of recruited follicles (28, 29). Therefore, the first objective of the present study was to characterize in vitro the steroidogenic capabilities of presumptive ovulatory follicles at three stages of their development, including late diestrus, and early and late estrus. The second objective was to test the effects of equine LH, FSH, and CG on follicular steroidogenesis, and to determine if responsiveness to these gonadotropins changes as the ovulatory follicle matures toward ovulation.

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by Vaughan (30). On one occasion (early estrous follicle), the presumptive ovulatory follicle ruptured during the procedure whereas in 16 of 17 mares intact follicles were collected. Once recovered, the ovary was immediately immersed in ice-cold Eagle's Modified Essential Medium (MEM, Gibco, Grand Island, NY) supplemented with penicillin (50 U/ml)—streptomycin (50 fig/m\, Gibco), L-glutamine (2.0 mM, Gibco) and nonessential amino acids (0.1 mM, Gibco). Dissection of the preouulatory follicle The presumptive preovulatory follicle was carefully dissected from the surrounding ovarian tissue with a scalpel. Then the follicular fluid was aspirated and stored at -20 C until assayed for progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol-17/3. The follicle was cut in half, and both halves were transferred into a new Petri dish containing fresh medium. The theca interna of the selected follicle was characterized by a high degree of vascularization, as described previously for equine presumptive ovulatory follicles (27). In addition to its typical pattern of active follicular development before the surgery and its morphological appearance in vitro, elevated concentrations of estradiol- 17/8 in the follicular fluid were also used in retrospect to confirm that the selected follicle was healthy (27). Only one half of the follicle was used in the present study. Under a dissecting microscope, the theca externa and other surrounding tissues were dissected away from the theca interna using fine forceps. The theca interna and attached granulosa cells were subsequently referred to as a follicle wall (FW) preparation. The FW was cut into small pieces of equal size using iridectomy scissors.

Materials and Methods Animals and reproductive management

Incubation conditions and gonadotropin treatments

Seventeen standard bred mares, 2-10 years old and weighing approximately 375-450 kg, were used. They were kept outdoors and fed daily with hay and concentrates. Mares were teased with a vigorous pony stallion for detection of estrus. Ultrasound examinations of ovarian structures were made daily from day 8 of the cycle (day 0 = day of ovulation) using real-time Bmode ultrasonography, and the patterns of growth and regression of all follicles > 15 mm were determined as previously described (10).

Pieces of FW were incubated in multiwell plastic culture dishes (3 pieces/well; 24 wells per dish, Costar, Cambridge, MA) in 500-^1 defined media with or without gonadotropins. The amount of tissue present in each well represented l/64th (1.56%) of the whole follicle. The culture medium consisted of modified MEM (as described above) supplemented with cortisol (40 ng/ml; Sigma, St. Louis, MO), insulin (1 Mg/ml; Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN), and transferrin (5 Mg/ml; Collaborative Research Inc., Waltham, MA). Equine gonadotropins were generously supplied by Dr. Harold Papkoff and included highly purified (> 99% pure) eLH (E98A, E263B; 31) and eCG (PM230GB; 32). The equine FSH preparation (E276B) used in this study contained 5-7% LH (Papkoff H, personal communication). Gonadotropin treatments included: 1) control (no hormone added), 2) LH (10 and 100 ng/ml), 3) FSH (10 and 100 ng/ml), 4) LH + FSH (100 ng/ml), and 5) CG (10 and 100 ng/ml). The gonadotropin concentrations used in culture were selected to mimic physiological conditions. Each treatment was applied in duplicate and the cultures were incubated at 37 C in a humidified incubator gassed with 95% air and 5% CO2. Media were collected and replaced at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of culture and frozen at —20 C until assayed for steroid content.

Ovariectomies Mares were ovariectomized during three stages of the estrous cycle, i.e. either during late diestrus (day 14 of cycle, n = 5 mares), early estrus (1st or 2nd day of estrus, n = 6), or late estrus (4th or 5th day of estrus, n = 6). Identification of the ovary bearing the presumptive ovulatory follicle was based on the pattern of follicular development characterized by ultrasonography prior to the surgery (10). Neurolepanalgesia was induced during the surgery with a combination of xylazine (Rompun, Haver, Bayvet Division, TX; 0.66 mg/kg iv) and morphine (Morphine Sulfate Injection, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN; 0.66 mg/kg iv). Ovariectomies were performed via colpotomy using a chain ecraseur and a technique described





Nonextracted aliquots of culture media were assayed for progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol-17jS using assays previously described (33). The progesterone antiserum used cross-reacts 13.6% with 5/?-dihydroprogesterone, < 6% with other progestins tested, and < 0.01% with the androgens and estrogens tested. The sensitivity of the assay is 12.5 pg per assay tube. The androstenedione antibody used was provided by D. T. Amstrong and cross-reacts < 1% with all steroids tested except for testosterone (2%) and 5a-androstane 3, 17dione (5%). The sensitivity of the assay is 12.5 pg per assay tube. The estradiol-17/3 antiserum used was provided by G. D. Niswender and cross-reacts 2.6% with estrone, 5.2% with estriol, and < 7% with other steroids tested (34). The sensitivity of the assay is 5 pg per assay tube. Intra-assay coefficients of variation for progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol were 6.0%, 4.3%, and 8.8%, respectively, and interassay coefficients of variation were, in the same order, 14.9%, 13.0%, and 12.5%. Aliquots of follicular fluid samples were extracted twice with 2-ml diethyl ether and then assayed for steroid content as described above. Recovery rates for progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol were 83%, 97%, and 89%, respectively.







FIG. 1. Concentrations of steroids (ng/ml, mean ± SEM) in follicular fluid from follicles isolated on day 14 of cycle (D14, late diestrus, n = 5 follicles), on the 1st or 2nd day of estrus (El-2, early estrus, n = 5 follicles), or on the 4th or 5th day of estrus (E4-5, late estrus, n = 6 follicles).

matured from late diestrus to early or late estrus (1681 ± 190, 2451 ± 280, and 3064 ±176 ng/ml, respectively, P < 0.05). Effect of stage of cycle on basal steroid secretion in vitro

Statistical analyses Steroid accumulation in the culture medium was first calculated per well, and then expressed per follicle. For each interval of culture (0-3, 3-6, 6-12, 12-24, 24-48, 48-72 h), data were expressed as rate of steroid accumulation (/^g/follicle/h) and were analyzed using a three-way, mixed-model analysis of variance (ANOVA) with experiment, time of culture, and treatment as factors. Two-way ANOVAs (stage of cycle and time of culture) were used to test the effect of stage of follicular development (i.e late diestrus, early and late estrus) on basal rate of steroid accumulation in vitro. For each stage of follicular development, two-way ANOVAs (experiment and treatment) were also performed to test the effect of gonadotropins on cumulative steroid secretion over 72 h of culture. One-way ANOVAs were used to test the effect of stage of cycle on steroid concentrations in follicular fluid. When ANOVAs indicated significant differences, Duncan's multiple range tests were used to compare individual means. When heterogeneity of variance was observed, data were transformed to logarithms before analysis.

Results Effect of stage of cycle on steroid concentrations in follicular fluid

Progesterone concentrations in follicular fluid were low at all three stages of follicular development and did not significantly differ among follicles isolated during late diestrus, early estrus, or late estrus (Fig. 1). Similarly, no significant differences were observed in follicular fluid androstenedione concentrations among stages of the cycle, although levels tended to increase with follicular development (Fig. 1). In contrast, estradiol-17,8 concentrations in follicular fluid increased as follicles

In general, the capacity of FW preparations to secrete progesterone in the absence of gonadotropins increased with follicular differentiation (Fig. 2, upper panel). After the first 3 h of culture, FW from late estrous follicles secreted more progesterone in vitro as compared to FW obtained during late diestrus (P < 0.05). After 12 h of culture, FW from late estrus secreted more progesterone

than FW from both earlier stages of follicular development (Fig. 2, upper panel, P < 0.01). However, a significant difference in progesterone secretion between FW isolated during early estrus vs. late diestrus was observed only after the first 24 h of culture (P < 0.05). Cumulative secretion in vitro of androstenedione and estradiol-17/3 followed similar patterns (Fig. 2, middle and lower panels). Accumulation of both steroids was the lowest with FW isolated during late diestrus; but, in contrast to progesterone secretion in vitro, maximal androstenedione and estradiol secretion occurred with early, and not late, estrous follicles. FW from early and late estrous follicles secreted more androstenedione than FW from late diestrus after the first 6 h (P < 0.05) and 24 h (P < 0.01) of culture, respectively. However, differences in androstenedione secretion between FW from early vs. late estrous follicles were not significant. In contrast, estradiol secretion by FW from early estrus was greater than by FW from late estrus during the first 12 h of culture (P < 0.05). Also, estradiol secretion by FW from early and late estrous follicles was significantly increased as compared to FW obtained during late diestrus during most peroids of culture (P < 0.05).


2426 30-

t > E4-5




Endo • 1990 Vol 127 «No 5

Late Diestrus





0.6 12-

LI 00








• El-2 i D14 72

0.0 1.2





6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72

Early Estrus

E1-2 0.9-I E4-5


'o V f



0.3 0.0







Late Estrus

6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72 F100 L1OO





Hours of Culture FIG. 2. Effect of stage of cycle on cumulative secretion of progesterone, androstenedione and estradiol-17/3 (/ug/follicle, mean ± SEM) by follicle wall over 72 h of culture. Presumptive ovulatory follicles were isolated on day 14 of cycle (D14, late diestrus, n = 5 follicles), on the 1st or 2nd day of estrus (El-2, early estrus, n = 6 follicles), and on the 4th or 5th day of estrus (E4-5, late estrus, n = 6 follicles). SEM is not shown when smaller than symbol.

Effect of stage of cycle on responsiveness to gonadotropins in vitro Significant increases in steroid accumulation in culture were observed when gonadotropins were used at a concentration of 100 ng/ml (Figs. 3-5), but 10 ng/ml was rarely effective (data not shown). Overall, the stimulation obtained with a combination of LH and FSH (LH+FSH, 100 ng/ml) was not significantly different from that observed when LH or FSH was used alone (data not shown), and equine CG was less potent than eLH and eFSH in stimulating steroidogenesis in vitro (Figs. 3-5). The greatest stimulation of steroid secretion by gonadotropins over control cultures was observed when FW from the earliest stage of follicular development were used (late diestrous (day 14) follicles, Figs. 3-5, upper panels). At that stage of follicular development (day 14 of cycle), all three equine gonadotropins significantly



6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72

Hours of Culture FIG. 3. Rate of progesterone accumulation (^g/follicle/h, mean ± SEM) during six intervals of culture (0-3, 3-6, 6-12,12-24, 24-48, and 48-72 h) of follicle wall preparations. Presumptive ovulatory follicles were isolated during late diestrus (day 14 of cycle, n = 5 follicles, upper panel), early estrus (1st or 2nd day of estrus, n = 6 follicles, middle panel), and late estrus (4th or 5th day of estrus, n = 6 follicles, lower panel). Follicle wall preparations were incubated in medium alone (control, C), or in medium supplemented with 100 ng/ml of equine FSH (F100), LH (L100), or CG (CG100). SEM is not shown when smaller than symbol.

stimulated progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol secretion over 72 h of culture. The maximal stimulation of progesterone secretion in vitro was obtained with eFSH, whereas androstenedione and estradiol accumulation were maximally stimulated by eLH. Equine CG consistently had the weakest stimulatory effect on steroid secretion by late diestrous follicles. The developmental transition from late diestrus to early estrus was characterized by marked decreases in responsiveness of FW to all three gonadotropins (Figs. 3-5, middle panels). Progesterone secretion was the least affected because eLH, eFSH, and eCG maintained a stimulatory effect on its secretion over 72 h of culture. Interestingly, during the transition from late diestrus to early estrus, LH became as potent as FSH in stimulating progesterone secretion in vitro (Fig. 3, comparison be-





Late Diestrus

Late Diestrus





s: 0.4

0.4 0.0


LI 00


.2? o



6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72



Early Estrus



6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72

Early Estrus c .2 1.2

1.2 F100 LI 00





o a:


0.0 0-3


6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72



Late Estrus

.1 CG1O0 - L100








12-24 24-48 48-72

1.6 Late Estrus

a> •*->

a or










6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72 Hours of Culture FIG. 4. Rate of androstenedione accumulation (/ig/follicle/h, mean ± SEM) during six intervals of culture (0-3, 3-6, 6-12, 12-24, 24-48, and 48-72 h) of follicle wall preparations. Presumptive ovulatory follicles were isolated during late diestrus (day 14 of cycle, n = 5 follicles, upper panel), early estrus (1st or 2nd day of estrus, n = 6 follicles, middle panel), and late estrus (4th or 5th day of estrus, n = 6 follicles, lower panel). Follicle wall preparations were incubated in medium alone (control, C), or in medium supplemented with 100 ng/ml of equine FSH (F100), LH (L100), or CG (CG100). SEM is not shown when smaller than symbol.

tween upper and middle panels). Equine LH and FSH, but not CG, had a stimulatory effect (P < 0.01) on androstenedione secretion by FW from early estrous follicles. Estradiol-170 secretion appeared to be the most affected by this developmental transition inasmuch as its cumulative secretion over 72 h of culture could no longer be stimulated by LH and FSH. However, eCG had a stimulatory effect on cumulative estradiol secretion by FW from early estrous follicle (P < 0.05). The subsequent transition from early estrus to late estrus was characterized by a further decrease in responsiveness to gonadotropins (Figs. 3-5, lower panels). As compared with follicles obtained during early estrus, the decreased stimulatory effect of all gonadotropins on progesterone secretion by late estrous follicles was accompanied by a significant increase in basal progesterone

I CG100


L100 F100 C

0.0 0-3


6-12 12-24 24-48 48-72 Hours of Culture

FIG. 5. Rate of estradiol accumulation (jig/follicle/h, mean ± SEM) during six intervals of culture (0-3, 3-6, 6-12, 12-24, 24-48, and 48-72 h) of follicle wall preparations. Presumptive ovulatory follicles were isolated during late diestrus (day 14 of cycle, n = 5 follicles, upper panel), early estrus (1st or 2nd day of estrus, n = 6 follicles, middle panel), and late estrus (4th or 5th day of estrus, n = 6 follicles, lower panel). Follicle wall preparations were incubated in medium alone (control, C), or in medium supplemented with 100 ng/ml of equine FSH (F100), LH (L100) or CG (CG100). SEM is not shown when smaller than symbol.

secretion (P < 0.01, Fig. 3, lower panel). In contrast, androstenedione and estradiol secretion by late estrous follicles could no longer be stimulated by any gonadotropin in vitro (Figs. 4 and 5, lower panels). Table 1 summarizes the effects of all three gonadotropins on cumulative progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol-17/3 secretion over 72 h of culture by follicles obtained during the three stages of follicular development, and their changes in responsiveness to gonadotropins during the transition from late diestrus to late estrus.

Discussion To our knowledge this study describes for the first time the developmental changes in basal steroidogenic capacities in vitro of equine preovulatory follicles, and



TABLE 1. Effects of equine LH, FSH, and CG on cumulative secretion of progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol-17/3 by follicle wall preparations from preovulatory follicles isolated during late diestrus, and early and late estrus. Time of isolation of presumptive ()vulatory follicles" Progesterone* LH (100 ng/ml) FSH (100 ng/ml) LH + FSH (100 ng/ml) CG (100 ng/ml) A ndrostenedioneb LH (100 ng/ml) FSH (100 ng/ml) LH + FSH (100 ng/ml) CG (100 ng/ml)

Day 14

Estrus 1-2

48.4 Xc 64.1 Xc 58.4 xc 8.9 x c

24.0 Xc 31.9 x c 36.0 x c 8.3 xc

37.6 Xc 24.3 x c 36.3 Xc 5.9 x c

3.8 Xc 4.0 x c 2.9 Xd 2.3 x

1.4 X 2.1 x 1.9 X 1.5 x

1.3 X 1.2 X 1.2 X

1.2 1.1 1.0 1.3

Estrus 4-5 8.7 9.3 8.7 3.5

xc xc xc xc


LH (100 ng/ml) FSH (100 ng/ml) LH + FSH (100 ng/ml) CG (100 ng/ml)

11.5 8.1 6.9 6.0

xc xc xc xc

1.7 xc

X X x x


Follicle wall preparations were obtained from follicles isolated on day 14 of cycle (late diestrus, n = 5 follicles), on the 1st or 2nd day of estrus (Estrus 1-2, early estrus, n = 6 follicles) or on the 4th or 5th day of estrus (Estrus 4-5, late estrus, n = 6 follicles). 6 For each steroid, gonadotropin treatment, and stage of cycle, data are presented as ratios of the total steroid secretion over 72 h of culture in cultures supplemented with gonadotropins vs. respective control cultures (i.e. as fold increase (x) over control cultures). c Indicates a significant increase over control cultures (P < 0.01). d Indicates a significant increase over control cultures (P < 0.05).

changes in their responsiveness to equine gonadotropins as they mature toward ovulation. The concentrations of progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol observed in follicular fluid are comparable to those previously reported for presumptive ovulatory follicles (27, 35-37). However, results from our experiments in vitro indicate that steroid levels in follicular fluid in mares may not accurately reflect the steroidogenic capabilities of developing ovulatory follicles. For example, although no differences were observed in follicular fluid progesterone levels between preovulatory follicles isolated during late diestrus vs. late estrus (Fig. 1), as also reported by Fay and Douglas (27), progesterone accumulation over 72 h of culture clearly showed that late estrous follicles have an increased ability to produce progesterone in vitro (Fig. 2). This finding is likely explained by the exposure of follicles isolated during the later stage to elevated LH levels in vivo (4-6). Androstenedione and estradiol concentrations in follicular fluid gradually increased with stage of follicular development to reach maximal levels in late estrous follicles. In contrast, secretion of both steroids in vitro indicated that follicles with the greatest capacities to produce estradiol and androstenedione were those collected on the 1st or 2nd day of estrus (Fig. 2).

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Therefore, it can be hypothesized that the high levels of androstenedione and estradiol in follicular fluid observed in late estrous follicles may result from the accumulation of both steroids in the fluid during follicular development. A similar and progressive accumulation of androgens and estrogens in follicular fluid has been previously associated with the final maturation of preovulatory follicles during normal estrous cycles (27) and in hCGtreated mares (37). This is in contrast to observations on several other species including rats, humans, cattle, and sheep in which follicular fluid concentrations of androgens and/or estrogens have been shown to decrease (38-43), and progesterone to increase (39-42), as the ovulatory follicle approaches the time of ovulation, and most notably following the LH surge. Overall, all three equine gonadotropins had a stimulatory effect on follicular steroidogenesis in vitro during at least one stage of follicular development. Equine FSH (100 ng/ml) was the most potent stimulator of progesterone secretion by FW from late diestrous follicles, whereas LH (100 ng/ml) became as potent as FSH with preparations obtained from early estrous follicles (Fig. 3). This transition from late diestrus to early estrus has been associated in the mare with a tendency for an increase (27), and in other species with a significant increase (44, 45) in the number of LH receptors on granulosa cells. Because granulosa cells are thought to be the primary site of progesterone production in mare preovulatory follicles (24), an increase in LH receptors would likely be responsible for the enhanced responsiveness to LH of FW from early estrous follicles. The stimulation of FW androstenedione secretion by eFSH was unexpected because androgens are thought to derive from the theca interna, and thecal cells have LH, but not FSH, receptors (27). This stimulation of androgen secretion could have resulted from a 5-7% contamination of the eFSH preparation by eLH (i.e. 5-7 ng/ml of LH in culture medium containing 100 ng/ml of FSH; Papkoff H, personal communication). However, cultures treated with 10 ng/ml of eLH showed no increase in androstenedione secretion, as mentioned above. Alternatively, the stimulatory effect of FSH on progestin secretion by granulosa cells could have played a role by providing progestin precursors for thecal androgen synthesis, an interaction previously shown in bovine preovulatory follicles (46). Future studies on the effects of equine gonadotropins on separated cell types should clarify this point. Equine chorionic gonadotropin has been used in several species as a potent stimulator of ovarian follicular development, with the notable exception of the mare in which it has only very little, if any, stimulatory effect (2, 13, 14). Stewart and Allen (28) provided an explanation for this phenomenon when they showed that eCG does not appear to bind to the equine FSH receptor, and binds


to equine LH receptors with about one tenth the affinity with which it binds to the LH receptors of rats, pigs, and cows. Results obtained in the present study are consistent with these previous observations. Overall, eCG was the weakest stimulator of follicular steroidogenesis in vitro, as compared with LH and FSH. Amino acid sequence analyses have recently revealed that the equine CG-/3 subunit is 100% identical to equine LH-/3 subunit (47, 48). This identity in the primary amino acid sequence of both hormones contrasts with the major differences that we and others (49) have observed in their respective effects in vitro. Interestingly, in a receptor binding study, Stewart and Allen (29) have shown that eCG had only 2.7% the affinity of eLH for equine follicular tissue. Known differences between eCG and eLH in their carbohydrate content (45 vs. 24%, respectively; 50, 51) could be responsible for differences in biological activities between the two glycoproteins. Changes in responsiveness of FW to equine gonadotropins were observed at two levels. First, a "vertical effect" was noted, within the first two stages of follicular development, along the steroidogenic pathway, consisting of decreasing stimulatory effects of gonadotropins on progesterone, androstenedione, and estradiol secretion (Table 1). However, this reduced effectiveness may be attributed in part to differences in respective basal steroid secretion, because an inverse increasing relationship was observed in basal steroid accumulation in vitro from progesterone to estradiol with late diestrous and early . estrous follicles. Second, a "horizontal effect" was noted for each steroid along stages of follicular development, with gonadotropins becoming decreasingly stimulatory as follicles were isolated from late diestrus to late estrus (Table 1). These results, along with the reported tendency for a decrease in LH receptors in presumptive ovulatory follicles isolated during late estrus (27), further support the concept of down-regulation, which likely results in the mare from the prolonged exposure of late estrous follicles to elevated levels of LH in vivo. When taken together, the marked increase in basal progesterone secretion and the decrease in basal androstenedione and estradiol secretion by FW isolated from late vs. early estrous follicles clearly suggest that follicular luteinization has been initiated on the 4th or 5th day of estrus (i.e. before the time when LH reaches maximal levels). These developmental changes in steroid synthesis are qualitatively similar to those induced by the LH surge in rats, humans, cattle, and sheep (38-43). Richards et al. (52, 53) showed that, in the rat preovulatory follicle, these changes can be explained by the effects of high levels of gonadotropins/cAMP in selectively turning on or off the expression of specific genes involved in rate limiting steps of ovarian follicular steroidogenesis. However, the mare differs from other species, in that lutein-


ization and ovulation are not triggered by a typical LH surge, but rather by a progressive increase in LH levels during estrus (4-6). In summary, although concentrations of steroids in follicular fluid are good indicators of follicular health (27), this study shows that in the mare they do not mirror changes in steroidogenic capabilities of presumptive ovulatory follicles during their final stages of development. Overall, equine LH and FSH are more potent stimulators of follicular steroidogenesis than eCG, and the developmental transition from late diestrus to late estrus is characterized by a marked decrease in follicular responsiveness to gonadotropins. Considering the unique aspects of the mare's reproductive cycle, including a long follicular phase, the relative ease with which the presumptive ovulatory follicle can be identified up to 6-7 days before ovulation, and the large size of the follicle, this study suggests that the mare can offer unique advantages for studying the regulation of ovarian follicular steroidogenesis.

Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. B. A. Ball for his assistance with the in vivo aspect of this study, Dr. Harold Papkoff for providing purified equine gonadotropins, and Drs. D. T. Armstrong and G. D. Niswender for androstenedione and estradiol-17/3 antisera, respectively.

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Developmental changes in steroidogenesis by equine preovulatory follicles: effects of equine LH, FSH, and CG.

Ovulation in mares is preceded by a long and variable estrous period. The differentiation of equine preovulatory follicles with respect to steroidogen...
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