NEWS & VIEWS public concern.1 Which­ever study approach is taken next, it must be credible, not only to the scientific community but also to the general public.


Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA (K.M.). Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1819 W. Polk Street, MC 640, Chicago, IL 60616, USA (A.B.S.). Correspondence to: K.M. [email protected]

Gianfranco Parati and Alberto Zanchetti

Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge J. Loukissas of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD, USA, who provided valuable insights during the writing of this article. Competing interests A.B.S. has served as an advisor and expert witness for a law firm dealing with radiation releases from the Hanford Nuclear Facility. K.M. declares no competing interests. 1.

National Research Council. Analysis of cancer risks in populations near nuclear facilities: phase 1 (The National Academies Press, 2012). 2. Bollaerts, K. et al. Thyroid cancer incidence in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium, 2000–2008. Thyroid 10.1089/thy.2013.0227. 3. Bouville, A., Linet, M. S., Hatch, M., Mabuchi, K. & Simon, S. L. Guidelines for exposure assessment in health risk studies following a nuclear reactor accident. Environ. Health Perspect. 122, 1–5 (2014). 4. Vandecasteele, C. M., Sonck, M. & Degueldre, D. Rejet accidentel d’iode‑131 par l’IRE sur le site de Fleurus: retour d’expérience de l’autorité de sûreté belge [French]. Radioprotection 46, 159–173 (2011). 5. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation. Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. UNSCEAR 2000: Report to the general assembly with scientific annexes, Volume I [online], unscear/en/publications/2000_1.html (2013). 6. Ron, E. et al. Thyroid cancer after exposure to external radiation: a pooled analysis of seven studies. Radiat. Res. 141, 259–277 (1995). 7. Shakhatarin, V. V. et al. Iodine deficiency, radiation dose, and the risk of thyroid cancer among children and adolescents in the Bryansk region of Russia following the Chernobyl power station accident. Int. J. Epidemiol. 32, 584–591 (2003). 8. Davis, S. et al. Risk of thyroid cancer in the Bryask Oblast of the Russian Federation after the Chernobyl power plant station accident. Radiat. Res. 162, 241–248 (2004). 9. Davies, L. & Welch, H. G. Increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States, 1973–2002. JAMA 295, 2164–2167 (2006). 10. Nose, T. & Oiwa, Y. Thyroid cancer cases increase among young people in Fukushima. The Asahi Shimbun [online], http:// fukushima/AJ201402080047 (2014).

Measuring interarm blood pressure differences in diabetes Interarm differences in systolic blood pressure are associated with a significant risk of morbidity and mortality. A new study reports that these differences are frequently observed in patients with diabetes mellitus and recommends routine measurement of interarm blood pressure differences to improve diagnostic and prognostic stratification of these patients. Parati, G. & Zanchetti, A. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 10, 387–388 (2014); published online 3 June 2014; doi:10.1038/nrendo.2014.80

Patients with diabetes mellitus and ele­ vated blood pressure have a higher risk of cardio­vascular disease than normotensive or hypertensive individuals without dia­ betes mellitus.1 The inaccurate assessment of blood pressure in primary care settings is a contributing factor in the increased cardiovascular risk observed in patients with diabetes mellitus. This increased risk is due not only to the intrinsic limitations of primary care blood pressure measure­ ments (such as, the inaccuracy of readings obtained under constraints of time, poten­ tial white coat effects, investigator bias and digit preference, and the inability of limited blood pressure measure­ments to faithfully reflect normal daily blood pressure), 2 but also to the frequent failure of practicing physicians to follow the guideline recom­ mendations for measuring blood pressure. One such recommendation consists of mea­ suring blood pressure in both arms at the first visit to detect possible interarm differ­ ences, and using the arm with the highest blood pressure value as the reference for making decisions about treatment.3 This recommendation is supported by the asso­ ciation between interarm differences in systolic blood pressure (≥10 mmHg) and vas­cular damage, cerebrovascular dis­ease and increased risk of cardiovascular-related and all-cause mortality.4 However, although ~77% of primary care physicians are aware of guideline recommendations for mea­ suring blood pressure in both arms, only a minority of them (~30%) follow this advice, and even fewer (~13%) routinely implement this recommendation, even when receiving a financial incentive.5 These observations indicate that the main barrier to the effec­ tive implementation of interarm blood pres­ sure measurements in clinical practice is physicians’ inertia. A call for action against this inertia comes from the results of a new


study by Clark and colleagues,6 which high­ lights the prognostic relevance of interarm systolic blood pressure differences during the initial evaluation of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. At recruitment, two pairs of blood pres­ sure measurements were performed in both arms by simultaneous activation of two automated sphygmomanometers and then repeated after swapping the cuffs. In a cross-sectional analysis performed in 727 patients with type 1 and type 2 dia­b etes mellitus and 285 individuals without dia­ betes mellitus, interarm systolic blood pres­ sure differences ≥10 mmHg were associated with an increased risk of peripheral arterial disease (OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.2–9.3) and dif­ ferences ≥15 mmHg were associated with an increased risk of diabetic retino­pathy (OR 5.7, 95% CI 1.5–21.6) and chronic kidney disease (OR 7.0, 95% CI 1.7–29.8).6 These associations remained significant even after adjusting for age, sex, waist/ hip ratio, smoking status and systolic blood pressure. Over a median follow-up of 52 months, the risk of cardiovascularrelated mortality was markedly increased in patients with dia­betes mellitus who had systolic interarm blood pressure differences ≥10 mmHg (HR 3.5, 95% CI 1.0–13.0) and ≥15 mmHg (HR 9.0, 95% CI 2.0–41.0).6 Remarkably, when sensitivity and speci­ ficity analyses were performed, interarm blood pressure differences determined from single pairs of sequentially performed blood pressure measurements were shown to correctly identify interarm systolic blood pressure differences ≥10 mmHg. This find­ ing highlights the value of a single pair of sequential blood pressure measurements that are easy to implement in clinical prac­ tice. This is of relevance if we consider that failure to identify interarm differences in blood pressure can lead to underestimating VOLUME 10  |  JULY 2014  |  387

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NEWS & VIEWS the risk of hypertension and to subsequent undertreatment of patients.7 A strength of the present study 6 is the inclu­s ion of a large sample of patients with diabetes mellitus, and the adher­ence to a care­ful protocol for identifying inter­ arm blood pressure differences. Despite its gen­e ral interest, however, the study has several limitations. Firstly, although inter­arm blood pressure differences above pre­defined thres­holds were compared in patients with dia­betes mellitus and control indi­viduals without diabetes mellitus, the asso­ciation between interarm blood pres­ sure differ­e nces and vascular morbidity was only assessed in patients with diabetes mellitus. Indeed, as no data on the cardio­ vascular history of patients were available for individuals without diabetes melli­tus, the effect of interarm blood pressure differ­ ences in patients with and without diabetes mellitus on risk of cardiovascular disease could not be compara­t ively determined. As a consequence, whether inter­arm blood pressure differences are also a significant marker and predictor of cardiovascular disease in patients without diabetes mel­ litus could not be investigated. Secondly, the presence of vascular disease at baseline was identified on the basis of self-reported events obtained from patients’ medical history, which represents a possible source of bias. Thirdly, the study did not include quantification of markers of microvascular or macrovascular organ damage, such as microalbuminuria, indices of cardiac func­ tion and structure, and arterial stiffness; nor did it assess their association with inter­arm blood pressure differences. Data on carotid– femoral pulse wave velocity, an increase of which is regarded as a marker of vascular

organ damage, might have been of particu­ lar use. Fourthly, although in the present study no overall difference in the preva­lence of hyper­tension was observed between par­ ti­cipants with or with­out interarm blood pres­s ure differences above predefined thres­holds, it would have never­the­less been impor­tant to correlate the degree of inter­ arm blood pressure difference with mean blood pressure values. Fifthly, this prospec­ tive study included only mortality data, even though the number of deaths occur­ ring during the follow-up period was small (cardiovascular mortality 2.3%; all-cause mortality 8.0%). Finally, the authors do not comment on their findings that both the cross-sectional association with cardio­ vascular damage and the prognostic value of interarm blood pressure differences with regard to mortality were only found for sys­ tolic blood pressure but, unexpectedly, not for diastolic blood pressure. In spite of the suggested prognostic impli­c ations of interarm blood pressure differences (Box 1), the pathophysiologi­cal mechanisms underlying these differences in patients with and without diabetes melli­tus are not well understood. Increased blood pressure variability might be a contribut­ing factor in the misdiagnosis of hyper­tension when interarm blood pressure differ­ences are computed from sequential blood pres­ sure measurements, 8 as compared with simultaneous measurements. However, the persistence of significant (although less pro­ nounced than in sequential blood pres­sure measurements) interarm blood pres­sure differences when simultaneously mea­suring blood pressure in both arms indicates that short-term variability in blood pressure can­not entirely account for interarm blood

pressure differences. Although the uneven occur­r ence of atherosclerotic stenotic lesions remains a plausible explanation of inter­arm blood pressure differences, addi­ tional mechanisms might also contribute, such as the uneven distribution of arterial tree stiffness and different wave reflec­ tions along the brachial arteries on the two sides. The different mechanisms of inter­ arm blood pressure differences should be explored in future studies. Department of Cardiovascular, Neural and Metabolic Sciences, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, and Department of Health Sciences, University of Milan–Bicocca, Piazzale Brescia 20, Milan 20149, Italy (G.P.). Scientific Direction, Istituto Auxologico Italiano and Centro Interuniversitario di Fisiologia Clinica e Ipertensione, University of Milan, Via F. Sforza 35, 20122 Milan, Italy (A.Z.). Correspondence to: G.P. [email protected] Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the contributions made by Dr J. E. Ochoa and Dr P. Salvi in the preparation of this article. Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. 1.




Box 1 | Assessing interam blood pressure differences Why assess? ■■ To avoid underestimating actual blood pressure and misdiagnosing hypertension, in particular, in patients with diabetes mellitus, which can occur in the presence of interarm blood pressure differences if blood pressure readings are taken from only one arm ■■ To improve management of hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus and other patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease, thereby reducing the cardiovascular risk associated with elevated blood pressure through accurate titration of drugs ■■ To improve prognostic stratification of patients with hypertension on the basis of the predictive value of interarm blood pressure differences



How to assess ■■ By measuring blood pressure in both arms during the first visit and then focusing on the arm with the highest blood pressure value when deciding how best to treat patients


Methods for a reliable assessment ■■ Simultaneous blood pressure assessment from both arms is the gold standard for assessing interarm blood pressure differences ■■ A sequential pair of blood pressure measurements might be a simple and practical approach to more easily, yet reliably, quantify interarm blood pressure differences


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