
Endocrinology Copyright 0 1992 by The Endocrine

Vol. 130, No. 5 Printed in U.S.A.


Dissociation of Pulsatile Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropin Secretion in Fetal Late Gestation* EDE AND






Sheep during D. VELDHUIS,

Division of Perinatal Biology, Departments of Physiology, Pediatrics, and Gynecology and Obstetrics, Loma Linda University, School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California 92350; and Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine (J.D. V.), University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908


In the fetal sheep, plasma cortisol concentrations gradually increase in the last weeks of gestation and abruptly rise during the final 48-72 h preceding birth. To determine if these changes in mean circulating cortisol concentrations result from increased pulsatile secretion and are driven by changes in ACTH pulses, blood samples from five chronically catheterized fetuses were collected every 5 min for 2 h at 133 days gestation and every 4 days thereafter until delivery at 146 + 2 days. Volume was replaced after each blood sample and erythrocytes were returned every 20 min. Plasma cortisol and ACTH secretion were pulsatile in fetuses at all ages. Cortisol pulse frequency increased significantly with gestation from a mean of 2.2 pulses/2 h at 133 days to 4.8 pulses/2 h at 146 days. The interpulse interval (mean + SE) decreased between 133 and 146 days from 54 + 11 min to 23 + 3 min, respectively. Cortisol pulse amplitude increased significantly from 10 + 2 rig/ml at


N THE fetal sheep, cortisol in circulation gradually increases over the last third of gestation to abruptly rise during the 72 h preceding birth (1, 2). This surge in fetal cortisol precedes the endocrine cascade which initiates parturition (3, 4). In parallel with changes in cortisol in circulation, fetal plasma ACTH also increases, but less dramatically (5-8). These findings are based on daily and/or less frequent blood sampling protocols. To define the temporal relationship between the secretion of the trophic hormone ACTH and the response of its target organ, the adrenal cortex, more frequent assessment of concentrations in circulation is required. PulsaReceived September 23, 1991. Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Steven M. Yellon, Ph.D., Division of Perinatal Biology, Loma Linda University, School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California 92350. * This work was supported by grants from the US Public Health Service (HD-03817 to L. D. L.) and the Center for Nursing Research (NRSA-06042 to E. M. A.), and the Pediatrics Department Research Fund, Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Preliminary work was presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Study of Reproduction, July 17-21, 1990, Knoxville, Tennessee (No. 413).

133 days to 44 + 13 rig/ml at 146 days. In contrast to cortisol, ACTH pulse frequency (3 + 0.6 pulses/2 h) and amplitude (21 + 3 pg/ml) were similar at 133 days and 146 days. The coincidence of cortisol and ACTH pulses did not change between 133 and 146 days. Furthermore, the number of coincident pulses failed to exceed random associations (hypergeometric probability analysis) and could have occurred by chance alone (P values ranged from 0.11-0.63). A point by point comparison of cortisol and ACTH concentrations in fetal circulation indicate that only 36% of the variance in cortisol concentrations could be explained by variance in ACTH (cross-correlation analysis). These data suggest that fetal cortisol and ACTH secretion are pulsatile and that, as gestation advances, increases in constitutive cortisol pulse amplitude and frequency may not be predominantly driven by pulsatile changes in ACTH in the ovine fetal circulation near term. (Endocrinology 130: 2571-2578, 1992)

tile ACTH release occurs in adults of various species, including rats (9), dogs (lo), and sheep (ll-13), as well as from human fetal pituitaries in vitro (14). In the fetal sheep, evidence suggests that concentrations of cortisol and ACTH in the circulation vary within short time intervals (15-17). The goal of the present study was to determine whether plasma cortisol and ACTH secretion is pulsatile in fetal sheep. Since increased adrenal responsiveness to exogenous ACTH stimulation occurs in fetal sheep during late gestation (18, 19) and tissue responsiveness to a trophic hormone can be controlled by patterns of pulsatile secretion (20), we also tested whether increasing fetal cortisol during late gestation was temporally associated with enhanced pulsatile ACTH secretion.


and Methods


Studieswere performed in five time-dated pregnant singleton ewesof mixed Western breed (Nebeker Farms, Santa Monica, 2571

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CA). Ewes experienced 10 h of light each day (lights on 0700 h, PST) in a room with constant humidity and temperature. A dim red light ( 0.05, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). In summary, less than one third of the variance in cortisol concentrations were correlated to changes in ACTH concentrations, a relationship that is reminiscent of the one third of ACTH pulses that were coincident with peak pulses of cortisol in fetal circulation (Fig. 3), and which was not statistically distinguishable from random occurrence. Discussion

The results provide the first in uiuo evidence that endogenous basal secretion of cortisol and ACTH in fetal sheep is pulsatile during the last 2-3 weeks of gestation. The data indicate that the rise in mean plasma cortisol concentration in the fetus with gestation can be attributed to an increase in both frequency and amplitude of cortisol pulses in circulation, assuming no change in hormone half-life. The results also suggest that this rise in fetal cortisol is not entirely driven by fetal ACTH. Although ACTH secretion is also pulsatile in the ovine fetus, there was little evidence for a change in either pulse frequency or amplitude near term. These data, in TABLE

1. Range

and median


(r) values














0.28 0.17

142 146

-0.08-0.76 -0.16-0.23

a P < 0.05 indicates

a nonrandom

0.27 0.012


Range 0.27-0.80" 0.15-0.73" 0.09-0.78" 0.01-0.21


and ACTH



0.44 0.21 0.48 0.20



in fetal sheep

lag (min) +10





conjunction with the finding that a majority of cortisol pulses near delivery are not associated with pulsatile ACTH secretion, suggest that ACTH may not be the principal trophic drive of constitutive pulsatile cortisol secretion in the fetal sheep during the days preceding parturition. An alternative to this interpretation is that a pulse of ACTH provokes a volley of pulses or sustained release of cortisol. Cortisol secretion is enhanced in sheep during the weeks preceding delivery as the fetal adrenal matures (6). In previous studies of fetal sheep older than 135 days gestation, increases in ACTH concentration of 80-100 pg/ml elevated plasma cortisol levels for less than 15 min while ACTH concentrations of more than 500 pg/ml stimulated high cortisol levels for 30 min (17, 28). In the present study of fetuses at 146 days, mean ACTH concentrations and nadir were 60 f 12 and 53 + 6 pg/ml, respectively. Further, on only one occasion during a pulse study did maximal ACTH levels exceed 81 pg/ml. Thus, it seems unlikely in the present study of constitutive secretion that peak episodes in ACTH secretion could account for a pulse volley or sustained release of cortisol. It should be recognized that data derived from blood samples collected at an interval of 5 min over 2 h has the inherent potential to underestimate high frequencylow amplitude pulsatile hormone secretion. We estimate that up to 4 cortisol pulses/2 h and 8 ACTH pulses/2 h could be clearly resolved (maximum amplitude of 15 ng/ ml and 5 pg/ml, respectively) without an upward drift in mean nadir concentration. These estimates are empirically based on the half-life of the respective hormones (29, 30) and the absence of change in nadir hormone levels during the 2-h pulse study. In the present study, cortisol pulse amplitudes were rarely lower than those stated above. In addition, a rise in mean cortisol nadir concentration with gestation was associated with increased cortisol pulse frequency and amplitude. By contrast, the ACTH nadir concentration failed to change with gestational age, and throughout the study, pulse frequency was well below the estimated 8 pulses per 2 h, the upper limit of detection. In addition, ACTH pulse amplitude was comparable to that reported by Engler et al. (12) in adult sheep using a 2-min sampling interval.

Time Gestation (days)





0.01-0.84 0.04-0.70

0.34 0.29

0.25-0.70" 0.08-0.43"

0.54 0.25

0.31-0.75" 0.15-0.35"

0.59 0.36

0.39-0.68" 0.05-0.40

0.49 0.25

and ACTH



Median 0.25

0.37-0.70" 0.05-0.62 0.12-0.53"

0.21 0.34 0.08


by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov

test (25).

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Moreover, even with a 2-min sampling interval, pulse amplitude may be underestimated. Thus, there is little evidence to suggest that a high frequency-low amplitude pattern of ACTH secretion remained undetected or is biologically relevant for regulating cortisol pulses in the ovine fetus (30a). The potential for fetal stress was another concern in this study. The intensive blood withdrawal protocols required to demonstrate spontaneous variations in constitutive ACTH and cortisol in circulation could be confounded by stress-related secretion. A decrease in total circulating blood volume greater than 7% has been reported to initiate hypothalamic release of arginine vasopressin which, in turn, stimulates release of ACTH and cortisol (31, 32). In the present study, we withdrew less than 3% of circulating volume in total. Moreover, blood volume was immediately replaced and erythrocytes returned every 20 min, in effect virtually no loss in total circulating blood volume. The conclusion that the 5-min blood withdrawal protocol did not stress the fetus or stimulate ACTH release is further supported by the lack of correlation between pulsatile hormone secretion and either the sampling frequency or erythrocyte replacement. In addition, the amplitude of ACTH and cortisol pulses and means of each 2-h pulse study at all gestational ages in the present project were within limits of previous reports (6-8, 15), and typically well below those observed in fetal sheep with mild hypovolemia (31, 32) or after receiving exogenous AVP (15, 33). Finally, arterial blood gases remained stable and within normal range during each pulse study. The crucial question remains what drives the gestational rise in fetal cortisol secretion. There is little to suggest that fetal ACTH is the principal modulator of constitutive cortisol secretion in the present study, because one third or fewer of cortisol pulses were coincident with ACTH pulses during late gestation and a maximum of 36% of the variance in cortisol concentration could be explained by ACTH levels (square of the median r value in Table 1). By contrast, in adult sheep, at least 70% of the recognized cortisol pulses were associated with pulses of ACTH in circulation (12). Others have proposed that the ovine fetal adrenal becomes more sensitive to ACTH as term approaches (6, 34-36). By definition, if adrenal sensitivity to ACTH increased with gestation, an ACTH pulse of similar amplitude and frequency at 133 and 145 days should induce increased cortisol secretion at 146 days. In the present study, amplitude of cortisol pulses increased at 146 days compared with 133 days. Further, coincidence of conjoint ACTH and cortisol pulses were increased while the number of isolated ACTH pulses (those not associated with cortisol pulses) decreased at 146 days compared with 133 days. Thus, the data cannot exclude the possibility that adrenal sensitivity to ACTH



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1992 No 5

increases with fetal maturation. However, the number of cortisol pulses not associated with ACTH secretion dramatically increased and the distribution of cortisol pulses was more random relative to an ACTH pulse at lag times of +5 min, +lO min (table l), and +15 min (data not shown) near term. Collectively, the data raise the possibility that a trophic factor other than immunoreactive ACTH may drive the marked rise in circulating fetal cortisol at the end of gestation. Removal of an inhibitor of fetal adrenal steroidogenesis may also account for the gestational rise in fetal cortisol. High molecular weight forms of ACTH (37) are reported to decrease in circulation as the ovine fetus nears term (38). In vitro, such isoforms of ACTH have been suggested to antagonize bioactive ACTH but only at a concentration of 1 rig/ml (39). Moreover, fetal hypophysectomy results in basal and ACTH-stimulated plasma concentrations of cortisol that are remarkably similar to those in the intact fetuses (40). Thus, sustained concentrations of cortisol in fetal circulation following removal of all forms of fetal pituitary ACTH does not support a role for high molecular weight isoforms of ACTH in the regulation of cortisol in the ovine fetus at the end of gestation. Factors other than ACTH may account for the most common pattern of constitutive cortisol secretion, i.e. isolated cortisol pulses without coincident ACTH pulses. Prostaglandin Ez (PGEJ stimulates fetal cortisol secretion at a time when the fetal adrenal gland is relatively unresponsive to exogenous ACTH (41), presumably by a direct action on the adrenal (42). Mean plasma concentrations of PGE2 in the fetus and ewe increase as term approaches (43, 44). Indeed, the increase in fetal plasma PGE, concentration may actually precede the prepartum rise in fetal plasma ACTH and cortisol (44). Thus, cortisol pulses could be driven by PGE, or some other placental factor. Neural innervation of the adrenal may also contribute to the regulation of plasma cortisol, since evidence suggests that the splanchnic nerves may modulate cortisol secretion. The adrenal cortex receives an adrenergicafferent projection from the dorsal root ganglia (45, 46). Electrical stimulation of the splanchnic nerves enhances ACTH-induced cortisol secretion in hypophysectomized lambs and calves (47) and dog (48), possibly by increasing 17-hydroxylase activity. An increase in splanchnic nerve activity may explain the observation that adrenal 17hydroxylase activity increases in the fetal sheep after 140 days (48a). Moreover, bilateral transection of the splanchnic nerves before 135 days gestation decreases the rise in plasma cortisol induced by ACTH compared with controls (49). Thus, the splanchnic nerve could contribute to the mechanism that augments cortisol secretion in the ovine fetus near term.

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In the sheep fetus, the role of fetal ACTH in initiating the cortisol surge at parturition may only be permissive, and marked increases in plasma ACTH near term may not be obligatory for the onset of labor. ACTH is required to activate adrenal growth before 116 days of gestation (48a, 51). However, after 116 days gestation, pituitary stalk sectioning of fetal sheep results in spontaneous delivery at or before term (51). Presumably, these stalksectioned fetuses secrete sufficient ACTH to enable fetal adrenal growth since their adrenal glands were enlarged. This is consistent with the findings of Engler et al. (52) where plasma ACTH concentrations increased after hypothalamic disconnection of adult sheep. In addition, fetal ACTH has other functions including the mediation of stress-induced responses such as hemorrhage (52) and acute hypoxemia (54). In summary, the present study demonstrates that in fetal sheep constitutive cortisol and ACTH secretion is pulsatile. Increases in frequency and amplitude of cortisol pulses near delivery appear to underlie the gestational rise in mean plasma concentrations. In contrast, neither the frequency nor amplitude of pulsatile ACTH secretion change near term. Furthermore, a majority of the variance in cortisol concentrations was not explained by immunoreactive ACTH, nor were a majority of cortisol pulses near term coincident with ACTH pulses. Hence, the present results suggest that another factor acting in concert with ACTH may regulate the marked rise in constitutive cortisol secretion which appears to be an integral component of the endocrine mechanism that initiates parturition in the ovine fetus. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Ms. Lela C. Spears for skillful technical assistance and Mrs. Sheila Whitson for typing the manuscript. We thank Dr. John R. G. Challis for cortisol antisera and appreciate the thoughtful discussions with Drs. Paul M. Plotsky and Dennis Engler. Finally, we thank Dr. Grenith Zimmermann for statistical consultation and Dr. Fred J. Karsch for review of the manuscript.

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Dissociation of pulsatile cortisol and adrenocorticotropin secretion in fetal sheep during late gestation.

In the fetal sheep, plasma cortisol concentrations gradually increase in the last weeks of gestation and abruptly rise during the final 48-72 h preced...
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