Differentiation (1992) 51 :9-20 Ontogeny, Neoplasia and Differentiation Therapy

0 Springer-Verlag 1992

Distribution pattern of connexin 43, a gap junctional protein, during the differentiation of mouse heart myocytes Catherine Fromaget, Abdelhakim El Aoumari, and Daniel Gros Laboratoire de Biologie de la Differenciation Cellulaire, UA CNRS 179, Facult6 des Sciences de Luminy, Universite d’Aix-Marseille 2, F-13288 Marseille-Ctdex, France Accepted in revised form April 29, 1992

Abstract. In the cardiac muscle, the electrical coupling of myocytes by means of gap (or communicating) junctions, allows the action potentials to be propagated. Connexin 43 (CX 43) is the major constitutive protein of the gap junctions in the mammalian myocardium. In this organ, the abundance of CX 43 and of its messenger, as well as the spatial expression of this protein, are developmentally regulated. These findings are complemented by the results presented in this article, which deals with the distribution of CX 43 in the ventricular myocytes of mouse heart during differentiation, between the 11 days post coitum embryo stage and adulthood. By immunoelectron microscopy experiments on ultrathin sections of cardiac ventricular tissue of oneweek-old mouse, we have provided confirmation that the anti-CX 43 antibodies used here specifically recognized the gap junctions. Double labeling immunofluorescence experiments have been undertaken to localize, within the same cells, either CX 43 and desmin, or CX 43 and Con A or WGA receptor sites. From the earliest stage investigated (1 1 days post coituni) onwards, expression of CX 43 is always associated with desmin-positive cells, that is, with the myocytes. Up to birth, there is in the ventricular wall a gradient of expression of CX 43 which is superimposable on a gradient of expression of desmin. Immunoreactivity to anti-CX 43 and anti-desmin antibodies is high in the sub-endocardial trabeculae and low (or even undetectable for CX 43, in the early stages) in the sub-epicardial cell layers. In the embryonic stages, the expression sites of CX 43 are visible in the form of small dots, whose abundance increases as development proceeds. During these stages, the immunoreactive sites are distributed in a relatively homogeneous pattern throughout the membrane of the myocytes. One week after birth, the CX 43 expression is restricted to the two ends of the myocytes (where the intercalated discs develop), and the adjacent lateral regions. This polarization of CX 43 is more pronounced at the two and three weeks post natal stages Correspondence to: D. Gros

and in the fully differentiated ventricular myocytes (adult stage) CX 43 is only present in the intercalated discs.

Introduction The gap junctions are structures composed of two closely apposed membranes containing tightly packed cell-tocell channels, called junctional channels, which are responsible for intercellular metabolic cooperation and electrical coupling [ l , 421. Important biological functions are attributed to these junctional channels, including the regulation of embryonic development [25] and cell growth [48], the homeostasis of tissular compartments (see for example [50]) and the synchronisation of myocardial cell beating [61]. The junctional channels are composed of transmembrane proteins which belong to the connexin family [6, 721. In mammals, ten members of this family have been cloned and sequenced. These are: connexin 46 (CX 46) [59]; connexin 45 (CX 45) [32]; connexin 43 (CX 43; Mr 43-47,000) [4, 5, 17, 401; connexin 40 (CX 40) [26]; connexin 37 (CX 37) [72]; connexin 33 (CX 33) [26]; connexin 32 (CX 32; Mr 27-28,000 [36, 581; connexin 31.1 (CX 31.1) [26]; connexin 31 (CX 31) [29] and connexin 26 (CX26; Mr 21-22,000) [76]. Homologs of some of these connexins have been cloned and sequenced from chicken [3, 511 and Xenopus [21] sources. Transcripts of CX 46, CX 43, CX 40 and CX 37 genes have been detected in rat and mouse heart (5, 26, 59, 731 but the abundance of CX 46, CX 40 and CX 37 gene transcripts, in this organ, is low compared to that of CX 43 gene transcript [26, 59, 731. So far, only the expression of the CX 43 protein has been demonstrated in rat and mouse heart. Although this junctional protein has been identified in a variety of other tissues [7, 13, 151 it is in heart that its expression is best documented.


CX 43 is a major component of gap junctions isolated from cardiac muscle [ 131. More specifically, its association with myocyte gap junctions has been demonstrated by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy imniunogold labeling by Beyer et al. [7], Yancey et al. [75], El Aoumari et al. [15, 161 and Laird and Revel [38]. In adult rat heart, Micevych and Abelson [49] have shown that antisense CX 43 riboprobe hybridized with myocytes. No hybridization signal with this probe was ever observed to be associated with cardiac fibroblasts. These results are in agreement with those of Rook et al. [60, 621 who demonstrated that cardiac fibroblast junctional channels have different electrophysiological and immunological properties from those of myocyte junctional channels that contain CX 43. CX 43 expressed in myocytes has multiple phosphorylation sites and its half-like in cultured neonatal rat myocytes was established to be 1-2 h [39, 411. In these same cells, Rook et al. [61] have shown that a rapid initial formation of gap junctions occurs during the 2-20 min which preceed the synchronization of contractions, probably by assembly of functional channels from precursors already present in the plasma membrane. During rat and mouse heart organogenesis, the expression of CX 43 is regulated [18, 191. The abundance of both mRNA and protein increases from the early developmental stages to the first week after birth, then decreases until the adult stage. A regulation phenomenon similar to that described above has also been shown for CX 45 mRNA during chicken heart development [3]. mRNA for CX 45 is detected in chicken heart as early as the sixth day of embryonic life; its abundance falls to about 10% at the sixteenth day, then stays low throughout adulthood. During the same period of organogenesis, the abundance of mRNAs for CX 43 and CX 42 remains relatively stable and variations are little more than twofold. As well as the expression level, the distribution of CX 43 in the different cardiac tissues is regulated during mammal heart organogenesis. Using an immunohistochemical technique, Van Kempen et al. [70] have shown that CX 43 is first detected, at the thirteenth day of gestation, in the free anterior and lateral walls of the atria and in the ventricular trabeculae of the rat heart. As development proceeds, CX 43 is progressively expressed in all the other regions of neonatal heart but one: the His bundle and the apical part of the bundle branches. The same distribution pattern of CX 43, which persists in adult rat heart, was also found in mouse and human heart [55, 701. At cell level, the organization of the gap junctions in the intercalated discs of adult myocytes, their formation and ultrastructural modifications during heart organogenesis have been extensively investigated by electron microscopy [23, 30,45, 57, 661. This technique however only allows the sampling of small portions of the plasma membrane and cannot provide a comprehensive overview of the distribution of gap junctions over the cell surface. The characterization of anti-CX 43 antibodies and their use on sections, by immunofluorescence, means that the problem of limited sampling can now be avoided, and consequently it is possible to carry

out, for example, a detailed analysis of connections between the differentiated myocytes [43] or of the distribution of the entire population of gap junctions within the intercalated discs [22]. We have recently characterized several site-directed antipeptide antibodies to rat CX 43 and shown that they cross-react with CX 43 from various mammalian species [13, 15, 161. In this paper we have used the antipeptide antibodies directed to residues 314-322 of CX 43 to analyse the distribution of gap junctions during the differentiation of mouse heart ventricular myocytes. On the basis of previous studies [33, 37. 56, 641 we have used desmin as a differentiation marker for identifying the myocytes, especially at the early stages of organogenesis of the myocardium.

Methods Biologicul muterid. Swiss mice were mated overnight and the fertilized females were selected the next morning on the basis of the presence of a vaginal plug [63]. The development stages investigated were the following: 11, 14 and 16 days post coitum (dpc), newborn (i.e. 20 days post coitum), 1, 2 and 3 weeks post partum (wpp) and the adult stage (2-month-old mice).

Immunofluorescence. Whole embryos (for the 11 and 14 dpc stages) or ventricles (for the others stages) were embedded in Tissue-Tek OCT compound (Miles, Elkhart, Ind., USA) and frozen by immersion in liquid nitrogen or in precooled isopentane (-20" C). Cryostat sections of 3-4 pm were mounted on gelatinized slides. The slides were stored at -20" C until use. Double labeling irnmunofluorescence experiments for the detection of both CX 43 and desmin were carried out as follows. Tissue sections were incubated for 30 min with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 1YObovine serum albumin (BSA). After overnight incubation at 4" C with a 3 pg/ml solution of affinity-purified rabbit antibodies to residues 314322 of rat CX 43 in PBS-BSA [15], the slides were washed with PBS and incubated for one hour at 37" C with a 1 :5 dilution in PBS-BSA of anti-desmin mouse monoclonal (clone DE-U-10, characterized by Debus et al. [I I] and commercialized by Sigma-Chimie SA, La Verpilliere, France). The slides were then washed and incubated for one hour at room temperature with PBS-BSA containing both tetraethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate (TR1TC)-conjugated sheep anti-rabbit IgGs diluted to 1 : 500 (Immunotech, Marseilles, France) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (F1TC)-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgCs diluted to 1 :2000 (Biosys SA, Compiegne, France). The slides were washed and mounted with Citifluor (Citifluor, London, UK). Double labeling inimunofluorescence experiments for the immunodetection of CX 43 and the labeling of cell surfaces with lectins (concanavalin A, ConA, or wheat germ agglutinin, WGA) [24] were carried out as follows. After overnight incubation at 4" C with the anti-CX 43 antibodies as described above, the sections were washed with PBS and incubated for one hour at room temperature with a 1 : 500 dilution in PBS-BSA of TRITC-conjugated sheep anti-rabbit IgGs. The slides were washed with PBS and incubated for 30 min at room temperature with either FITCconjugated ConA or WGA (Sigma Chimie SA, La Verpilliere, France) diluted at 100 pg/ml or 250 pg/ml in PBS, respectively. Slides were washed and mounted as described above. Control experiments were carried out using the secondary antibodies only or by replacing the anti-CX 43 primary antibodies with a preimmune serum affinity-purified fraction (see [ I 3 and 151 for the preparation of the preirnmune sera fractions). The sections were examined with a Zeiss 111 light microscope equipped for epifluorescence with appropriate filters to distinguish FITC

11 emission from TRITC emission. Tri-X Pan ASA 400 film was used for the photographs. Immunogold labeling. Tissue and sections were prepared as described by Berryman and Rodewald [2]. Small samples of ventricular tissue from one week-old newborn mouse were fixed for one hour at room temperature in a periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde solution [46]. The samples were washed overnight at 4" C in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 0.5 m M calcium chloride, then for one hour at 4" C in 0.1 M phosphate buffer containing 50 mM ammonium chloride and 0.5 m M calcium chloride. To remove phosphate ions, the samples were rinsed with cold 0.1 M maleate buffer at pH 5.5 (4 times 15 rnin). They were then postfixed for 2 h at 4" C with 2% uranyl acetate in maleate buffer (pH 5.5). After rinsing with several changes of cold maleate buffer the samples were dehydrated for 45 rnin at 4" C in 50% acetone followed by sequential 45 min incubations at -20" C in 70% and 90% acetone. Embedding in LR Gold resin was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions (London Resin Company, Hants, UK). Ultrathin sections, mounted in 400-mesh gold grids, were treated for 5 rnin with TRIS-buffered saline (TBS): 5 0 mM TRIS, 150 m M sodium chloride, pH 7.4. Sections were then saturated for 10min with 0.5% ovalbumin (grade 111, Sigma Chimie SA, La Verpillikre, France) in TBS, then incubated for 3-4 h with rabbit antipeptide antibodies to residues 314322 of rat CX 43 (151 diluted (10 pg/ml) in TBS containing 0.1% BSA. Grids were washed by immersion for 3 rnin in TBS-BSA then by transfer through five successive drops of TBS-BSA (3 min per drop). Incubation with goat-antirabbit antibodies coupled to 10 nm gold particles (Janssen Pharmaceutical, Beerse, Belgium) diluted in TBS was carried out for 1 h. Grids were transferred through five drops of TBS (3 rnin per drop) and then rinsed with double-distilled water. Antibody complexes were stabilized with 2% aqueous glutaraldehyde for 5 min. After rinsing with water, sections were fixed for 15 min with aqueous osmium tetroxide and counterstained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Sections were examined with a Hitachi H 600 electron microscope. Control experiments were carried out using the secondary gold-labeled antibodies only or by replacing the primary antibodies with a preimmune serum affinity-purified fraction (see the previous paragraph). Freezezfracturing. Ventricles were dissected from hearts of oneweek-old mice. Small samples were fixed for 30 min at 4" C in a 5% glutaraldehyde solution in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) then immersed for 20 min sequentially in 10, 20 and 30% glycerol. The samples were mounted on gold discs and frozen in Freon 22 cooled with liquid nitrogen. Freeze-fracturing at - 100" C and platinum carbon shadowing were carried out using a Bakers freezeetch apparatus. Cleaned replicas were examined with a Hitachi H 600 electron microscope. Density of inzrnunoreactive sites to unti-CX 43 antibodies. The density of immunoreactive sites to anti-CX 43 was determined for the following development stages: 11, 14, 16 days post coitum and newborn. The number of sites was counted on immunofluorescent photographs ( x 800) representative of CX 43 positive ventricular regions. The surface areas taken into consideration for counting the sites ranged from 123 x lo3 pm2 (1 1 days post coitum) to 228 x lo3 Fm2 (newborn). The variance analysis of the results was carried out using the programme ANOVA.

Results The stages of development examined in this work (1 1, 14 and 14 days post coitum, newborn, 1, 2 and 3 weeks post partum and the adult stage) are the same as those which were studied previously to estimate the abundance of CX 43 and its mRNA during heart ontogenesis [19].

Fig. 1. Ventricular myocardium of one-week-old newborn mouse. Freeze-cleave replicas reveal in this tissue numerous gap junctions (urrows in a) scattered across the fracture faces. On ultrathin sections incubated with anti-conrexin CX 43 antibodies and gold labeled secondary antibodies (as described in Methods) the gap junctions, identified by their narrow extracellular space, are clearly visible festooned with colloidal gold particles (b and c). The nonjunctional membranes (indicated by urrowheud.7 in c) are free of labeling. No labeling was seen in the control experiment sections (see Methods). Cyt, cytoplasm; my, myofilaments; P, P facture face. Burs, 0.5 pm

The specificity of antipeptide antibodies used in this study was previously demonstrated and will be recalled later, in the Discussion. However, to confirm that in the biological material investigated these antibodies recognize specifically the CX 43-containing gap junctions, immunoelectron microscopy was performed on ultrathin sections of ventricle of one-week-old mouse. At this stage of development, immunoreactivity to anti-CX 43 antibodies is relatively abundant i n the ventricular myocardium (see Fig. 6) and freeze-cleave replicas of the tissue reveal numerous gap junctions of various sizes scattered across the fracture faces (Fig. la ). The results of immunocytochemistry experiments, illustrated in Fig. 1 b and Ic, show gold particles associated with gap junc-


Fig. 2. Cross-sections in the ventricle of 11 days post coitum mouse embryo myocardium. Double immunofluorescence experiments. a and b show a crosssection observed on the fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) channel for desmin detection (a) and on the tetra methyl rhodamine (TRITC) channel for CX 43 detection (b). c and d show another cross-section observed, at higher magnification, on the FITC channel (desmin detection, c) and on the TRITC channel (CX 43 detection. d). e is a phase contrast photograph of the section shown in c and d. Note, in a and c, the desniin expression gradient, on which the CX 43 expression gradient is superimposed (b and d). The striations characteristic of differentiated myofibrils are visible in the cells of the trabeculae (c). CX 43 is not detected in the cells that are desmin-negative (arrows in c, d and e). Tra, sub-endocardial trabeculae; Sep, subepicardial layers; Vc, ventricular cavity. Bars, 50 pm in a and b; 25 pm in c, d and e

tions, identified by their narrow extracellular space, whereas non-junctional membranes are free of labeling (arrowheads in Fig. lc). No labeling was seen in the control experiment sections treated as described in Methods (not shown). At 11 days post coitum (dpc), a gradient of expression of desmin is clearly visible in ventricle cross-sections (Fig. 2a). The most intense immunoreactivity to antidesmin antibodies is observed in the sub-endocardial trabeculae; it is much weaker in the sub-epicardial cell layers. The striations characteristic of differentiated myofibrils are seen only in the trabeculae (Fig. 2c). Not all the cells (sub-endocardial or sub-epicardial), however, express desmin (compare Figs. 2c and 2e). A gradient of expression of CX 43 is superimposed on the

desmin gradient (compare Figs. 2 a and 2 b ; 2c and 2d): immunoreactivity to anti-CX 43 antibodies is associated with the sub-endocardial trabeculae; it is not detected in the sub-epicardial layers. CX 43 was never observed to be associated with desmin-negative cells (compare Figs. 2c, 2d and 2e). The gradients of expression of desmin and CX 43 persist until birth, at which stage they disappear (compare Figs. 4 a and 4b, for the 16 dpc stage, with Figs. 5 a and 5b, for the newborn stage). Up to this stage, the desmin-negative cells are present in the ventricle wall (Figs. 4c and 4d for the 16 dpc stage) but their occurrence decreases a lot between 11 dpc and the newborn stage. At the early stages of development and at the newborn stage, the distribution of CX 43 is relatively homo-


Fig. 3. Longitudinal sections in the ventricle sub-endocardial layers of 14 days postcoitum mouse embryo myocardium. Double immunofluorescence experiments. a and b show a section observed on the FITC channel for desmin detection (a) and on the TRITC channel for CX 43 detection (b). c and d show another section observed, at higher magnification, on the TRITC channel (CX 43 detection, c) and on the FITC channel (detection of WGA receptor sites, d). The abundance of the striations, in a, due to the immunoreactivity of the Z lines, is evidence of myocyte differentiation. Note, in b, the relatively homogeneous distribution of CX 43 in the sub-endocardial layers. Arrowheads, in c and d, show that the anti-CX 43 antibody reactive sites are localized at the periphery of the cells. Note that CX 43 is not detected around all the cells (arrou~sin c and d). Burs, 50 pm in a and b; 25 pm in c and d

geneous in the sub-endocardial trabeculae (11, 14 and 16 dpc stages) and in the ventricle wall (newborn) (Figs. 3a and 3 b; 4a and 4b; 5a and 5 b). The immunoreactive sites to anti-CX 43 antibodies are always associated with desmin-positive cells (Figs. 4c, 4d and 4e; 5a and 5b); their abundance increases as development proceeds (compare Figs. 2 b, 3 b, 4 b and 5 b) (Table 1). Comparison of observations on the TRITC channel (anti-CX 43 antibody) and on the FITC channel (Con A and WGA) of the Same specimen, shows that the anti-^^ 43 antibody labeling coincides with that of the WGA or Con A receptor sites which mark the outer boundaries

Table 1. Stages

Density (sites/1000 pm2 & SD)

Days post coitum Days post coitunl D~~~post coitum Newborn

20+0.9 13.5k2.5 14.1 i 0 . 3 5 25.4 - 1.9


Density of connexin (cX)43 immunoreactive sites. The variance analysis shows that the differences of density between the stages are significant except between stages 14 and 16 days post coitum SD, standard deviation


Fig. 4. Cross-section in the ventricle of 16 days post coitum mouse embryo myocardium. Double immunofluorescence experiment. a and b show a cross-section observed on the FITC channel for desmin detection (a) and on the TRITC channel for CX 43 detection (b). c (phase contrast), d (desmin detection) and e (CX 43 detection) correspond to an enlarged part of the section shown in a and b. Note, in a and b, the expression gradients of desmin and CX 43, respectively. A r r o w in c, d and e indicate groups of desmin-negative cells that do not express CX 43. Tru. sub-endocardial trabeculae; Sep, external subepicardial layers; Vc, ventricular cavity. Bars, 50 pm in a and b ; 25 bm in c, d and e

of the cells (Figs. 3c and 3d). In contrast to the results obtained on cultured myocytes [62], no intracellular labeling was observed either at the embryo stages or later, during the post natal stages. After birth, the diameter and length of the cells increase [27, 281. The differentiation of the myocytes is marked by the appearance of intercalated discs which are detectable owing to their strong inimunoreactivity to anti-desmin antibodies (Figs. 6c and 7a). At the oneweek post natal stage, the immunoreactivity of CX 43

is much more intense than during the preceding stages (compare Fig. 6 a with Figs. 4e and 3c). The labeling still appears, however, in the form of small dots distributed in a relatively homogeneous fashion between the myocytes (Figs. 6 a and 6b). Strong labeling, in the form of short lines, is visible at the level of the few differentiated intercalated discs (Figs. 6 a and 6b). The progressive polarization which characterizes the distribution of CX 43 after the one-week post partum (1 wpp) stage, is illustrated in the set of Figs. 6d (2 wpp),


Fig. 5. Cross-section in the ventricle wall of newborn (20 days post coitum) mouse embryo myocardium. Double immunofluorescence experiment. a and b show a cross-section observed on the FITC channel for desmin detection (a) and on the TRITC channel for CX 43 detection (b). Note the absence of expression gradients of desmin and CX 43 (compare with the Figs. 4a and 4b). Vc, ventricular cavity. Burs, 50 bm

7b and 7c (3 wpp) and 8 (adult stage). At the 2 and 3 wpp stages, CX 43 is detected in all the intercalated discs (which are now differentiated at the two ends of all the myocytes), but also, quite frequently, in the lateral plasma membrane (Figs. 7c and 7d). At the adult stage, when the myocytes are fully differentiated, the localisation of CX 43 is exclusively limited to the intercalated discs (Fig. 8). No fluorescent labeling was observed, at any of the developmental stages, in the sections of control experiments (not shown).

Discussion The antibodies used in this study are directed against the peptide SAEQNRMGQ [15]. This sequence is conserved in its entirety in the CX 43 of rat [5], mouse [4, 541, chicken [51], Xenopus [21] and in human [17]. These antibodies are specific for CX 43. Proof of this specificity has been provided previously by immunoblotting experiments and immunogold labeling by electron microscopy [ 15, 201. These immunogold labeling experiments were carried out in vitro, on isolated rat heart gap junctions [15], and in situ, on sections of adult rat myocardium [ 151 and cultured mouse astrocytes [20]. These same antibodies were also used to immunopurify CX 43 from rat brain [14]. We have also shown by immunoblotting that these antibodies recognize only CX 43 in total extracts prepared from myocardium of mouse embryos and newborns as well as adult mouse [19]. The results of immunoelectron microscopy experiments carried out on ultrathin sections of ventricle of one-weekold newborn mouse (Fig. 1) confirm the specificity of these antibodies which are therefore quite suitable for analyzing by immunofluorescence the distribution of CX

43 and gap junctions during the differentiation of mouse ventricle myocytes. This investigation has raised four main points, which are discussed in the following paragraphs: 1) CX 43 is always associated with desmin-positive cells, that is, with differentiating or differentiated myocytes. However, in the early stages of cardiac ontogenesis, CX 43 is undetectable in cells which express desmin only weakly. We have detected CX43 in the sub-endocardial trabeculae from the 11 days post coitum stage onwards. Schaart et al. [64] have shown that in early postimplantation mouse embryos, desmin is first detected at 8.25 days in the ectoderm. Later, at 8.5 days post coitum, desmin is found exclusively in the heart rudiment. It is at this stage, in mouse, that the first beats occur [63, 681. The first striations of desmin, which are indicative of the appearance of the Z lines of myofibrils, are visible in the myocardium from 9.5 days post coitum [9]. Taking desmin as an early marker of differentiation, we have been able to demonstrate that large mesenchymous cells, which do not express CX 43, persist at least until birth in the ventricle wall. Therefore, the junctional channels, made of CX 43, would appear to exclusively link up the myocytes (desmin-positive cells), which are the only ventricular cells that contract in response to the passage of action potentials. 2) At the embryonic stages, there is a gradient of CX 43 expression in the ventricle wall which is superimposable on a less distinct gradient of desmin expression. The intensity of the immunoreactivity to the anti-CX 43 antibody is at its highest in the sub-endocardial trabeculae, and is at a minimum (or even undetectable, in the early stages) in the sub-epicardial cell layers. This CX 43 spatial distribution pattern has also been seen in the ventricular tissue of rat embryo myocardium [70].


Fig. 6. Longitudinal sections in the ventricle wall of one-week (1 wpp, a and b) and two-weekold (2 wpp, c and d) mouse myocardium. Double immunofluorescence experiments. a and b show a section, in the ventricle wall of a one-week-old mouse, observed on the TRITC channel for CX 43 detection (a) and on the FITC channel for Con A receptor sites detection (b). At the one week post natal stage (a and b) CX 43 labeling still appears mainly punctate, as for the earlier stages, and the immunoreactive sites are distributed in a relatively homogeneous fashion between the myocytes. This distribution pattern is visible in the cells indicated by asterisks in a and b. CX 43 immunoreactivity accumulates, however, at the level of the few rare intercalated discs that are differentiated at this stage (arrou~s in a and b). c and d show a section in the ventricular wall of a two-week-old mouse, observed on the FITC channel for desmin detection (c) and on the TRITC channel for CX 43 detection (d). At the two-weeks post natal stage (c and d), the intercalated discs are differentiated at both ends of a11 the myocytes (arrowheads in c) and CX 43 is localized both in the discs (arrowheads in d) and in the lateral membranes. Burs, 25 pm in a and b; SO pm in c and d

From a physiological point of view, this distribution pattern implies a slowing down (or even arrest) of conduction from the sub-endocardial trabeculae towards the sub-epicardial layers. There is however no experimental data to confirm this hypothesis. 3) Up to the one-week post partuni stage, the CX 43 expression sites appear as small dots, each probably corresponding to a gap junction. In later stages, the accumulation of junctions in the intercalated discs makes it difficult to distinguish the immunoreactive sites individually. Comparison of observations (Table 1) made at different embryonic development stages (11, 14, 16 days post coitum and newborn) shows that the abundance (or density) of the immunoreactive sites, and

therefore of the gap junctions, increases as development proceeds. These results are consistent with those obtained previously either by morphometric analysis of the gap junctions by electron microscopy, or by semi-quantitative estimation of CX 43 [19,23, 671. The physiological implications of this have been discussed elsewhere by Fromaget et al. [19]. 4) The differentiation of the myocytes, which is essentially the differentiation of the inyofibrils and the intercalated discs, is accompanied by the progressive cellular polarization of CX 43 expression. In the early stages of myocardium ontogenesis, CX 43 is distributed in a relatively homogeneous pattern in the myocyte membrane. During differentiation, the myocytes lengthen,


Fig. 7. Longitudinal sections in the ventricle wall of three-weekold mouse myocardium. Double immunofluorescence experiments. a and b show a section observed on the FITC channel (detection of desmin, a) and on the TRITC channel (detection of CX 43, b). c and d show another section observed on the TRITC channel (detection of CX 43, c) and on the FITC channel (detection of Con A receptor sites, d). The polarization of CX 43 that started during the preceding stage (two weeks post partum) is now more pronounced. CX 43 is localized in all the intercalated discs (arrowheads in a and b), but in certain myocytes, CX 43 is still present in the lateral membranes. Asterisks in c and d indicate a myocyte in which CX 43 is localized both in the intercalated discs and in the lateral plasma membrane (arrowheads). Stars in c and d indicate a myocyte in which localisation of CX 43 is restricted to the intercalated discs alone. Ears, 50 pm

and concomitantly, CX 43 expression is progressively restricted to the opposite ends of the cells and in the adjacent lateral regions. At the end of differentiation, CX 43 only persists in the intercalated discs. This highly polarized CX 43 distribution pattern is characteristic of adult ventricular myocytes. In contrast, the occurrence of CX 43 is frequent in the lateral membranes of the atrial myocytes [22]. Observations dealing with polarization demonstrate clearly the dynamics of the distribution of CX 43, and of the gap junctions of which it is the constituent, during myocytes differentiation. Studies carried out previously by electron microscopy, either on ultrathin sections [28], or by freeze-fracture [23, 671, failed to bring this phe-

nomenon to light. With the techniques used, it was possible to demonstrate the increase in the average size of the gap junctions during myocardium development, but they were not particularly well suited to investigation of their distribution patterns. Gap junctions can only form between two cells in areas where the extracellular space is sufficiently narrow to allow recognition of the connexins in the adjacent membranes. A priori, these areas can only correspond to or be close to cell-cell contacts that mediate the appropriate molecules, that is to say, cell-adhesion molecules (CAM). Several authors [31, 44, 47, 521 have shown that the transfection of communication-deficient cell lines with cDNAs encoding for Ca' +-dependent CAMS,


the intercalated discs [65]. These adhesion molecules might well play a similar role in the formation of gap junctions to that of the N- and E-cadherins. In the myocytes, the fasciae adherens and the desmosomes, adhesive junctions where the N-cadherin and the desmogleins respectively are expressed, are the anchorage sites of two elements of the cytoskeleton: actin (for the fasciae adherens) and desmin (for the desmosomes). It would thus appear that the formation of the cytoskeleton probably determines, through the intermediary of the Ca' +-dependent CAMs, the cell distribution of the gap junctions. The occurrence in the ventricle wall of the embryonic myocardium of a CX 43 expression gradient, superimposed on the desmin expression gradient, would seem to suggest a close interaction between the cytoskeleton and the communicating junctions. N-CAM is a Ca++-independentcell adhesion molecule. Its expression might modulate, as Ca' +-dependent CAMs do, the cellular interactions during heart organogenesis [74]. It has been shown that, in vitro, chronic treatment of chick neurectoderm with antibody Fab fragments against N-CAM interferes with the development of junctional communication [34], which suggests that N-CAM mediated adhesion may promote the formation of cell-to-cell channels. However, the reverse experiment to confirm the involvement of N-CAM expression in inducing junctional communication, has yet to be performed.

Fig. 8. Longitudinal section in the ventricle wall of adult mouse myocardium incubated with anti-CX 43 antibodies and TRITClabeled secondary antibodies. Localisation of CX 43 is restricted to the intercalated discs alone (compare with the Figs. 6a, 6d and 7c). Bur, 50 pm

Acknowledgements. We wish to thank M. Berthoumieux and J.P. Chauvin for their expert technical assistance as well as Dr J.P. Durbec (Centre d'Ockanologie, Luminy) for his help with the statistical analyses. This study was supported by INSERM (grant 88.50.09), the Fondation pour la Recherche Mtdicale and EEC (grant SC1-CT91-0644).

References such as chick L-CAM (corresponding to murine E-cadherin or uvomorulin), mouse N-cadherin (corresponding to chick A-CAM) or mouse E-cadherin, induced the formation of gap junctions (visible by electron microscopy or by immunofluorescence) and re-established junctional communication. In one case, at least (S 180 mouse sarcoma cells), transfection caused an alteration in the shape of cells [47]. In others words, the expression of C a + + dependent CAMs would appear to be a prerequisite for the assembly of connexin molecules [52] and the establishment of functional gap junctions. In this context, it should be pointed out that N-cadherin (or A-CAM) is expressed from the onset of cardiogenesis by the presumptive myocardial cells [12], and it is predominantly associated with the cell surfaces involved in cell-cell contact. The expression of this cadherin in the cardiac muscle is permanent [69] and in the differentiated myocytes it is exclusively localized in the fasciae adherens, which, like the gap junctions, are situated within the intercalated discs [71]. The desmogleins, which are the transmembrane constituents of the desmosomes, are members of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules [lo, 35, 531. In the differentiated myocytes, the desmogleins (and the desmosomes) are localized, like the N-cadherin, in

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Distribution pattern of connexin 43, a gap junctional protein, during the differentiation of mouse heart myocytes.

In the cardiac muscle, the electrical coupling of myocytes by means of gap (or communicating) junctions, allows the action potentials to be propagated...
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