{lo}, which suggests a mechanism for accelerated loss

DNA Cvtosine Methylaiion in Brain of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Netanel G. Schwob, MD,” Josephine Nalbantoglu, PhD,t Kenneth E. M. Hastings, PhD,” Tom Mikkelsen, MD,” and Neil R. Cashman, MD” We developed a novel quantitative assay to test the hypothesis that defects in DNA cytosine methylation might be responsible for the brain chromatin abnormalities and transcriptional alterations observed in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We found no significant difference in percent methylation of CCGG sites from brain DNA of 44 patients with AD compared with 20 normal subjects. These results, however, would not exclude genomic redistribution of methylcytosine in AD, or disturbed methylation of a limited population of critical brain-specific genes. Schwob NG, Nalbantoglu J, Hastings KEM, Mikkelsen T, Cashman NR. DNA cytosine methyladon in brain of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Ann Neurol 1990;28:91-94

Approximately 5% of DNA cytosine residues are methylated in the vertebrate genome, usually in the sequence CpG [l, 21. Much investigation suggests that cytosine methylation participates in the regulation of gene expression. Hypomethylated “CpG islands” are associated with the 5’ regions of many mammalian genes {3]. Tissue-specific genes and their control sequences are often highly methylated in organs in which they are not expressed, such as the erythrocyte globin genes in brain {47. In cell transfection experiments and transgenic animals, transgene expression can be modified by methylation of the exogenous sequence IS, 61. In view of the importance of DNA methylation in gene expression, it is of interest that the percentage of methylated cytosines in the genome appears to diminish with aging [7, 87, particularly in brain [9].Maintenance of methylcytosine during DNA excision repair is more efficient in proliferating than in quiescent cells

From the ‘Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, and the ?University of Quebec, Poinre-Claire, Quebec, Canada. Received Aug 25, 1989, and in revised form Jan 4,1990. Accepted for publication Jan 15, 1990. Address correspondence to Dr Cashman, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal Neurological Insticute, 3801 University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B4, Canada.

of methylcytosine in end-mitotic neurons. In contradistinction to the general trend of dernethylation, DNA repetitive sequences in rat brain undergo increased methylation with aging Ill}. Considering that some repetitive sequence families in rats (BC-1) and primates (BC-200) may be involved in the regulation of brain-specific genes [12, 131, increased methylation of these putative brain-specific gene regulatory elements could have global effects on brain-specific transcription. We hypothesized that gradual alteration in DNA methylation underlies the molecular and cellular derangements of the late-onset neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Prominent alterations in DNA methylation could contribute to the “inactive” chromatin structure 114- 161 and profound global disruption in gene expression C17, IS] observed in brains of patients with AD. We developed a novel assay to measure CCGG methylation in bulk DNA, based on the quantitation of end-labeled DNA fragments generated by the endonuclease isoschizomer pair Msp I and Hpa 11. We believe that our assay has simplified and improved quantitation of isoschizomer endonuclease digestions, in comparison with conventional gel analysis of generated fragments. We found no apparent difference in CCGG methylation between brains of patients with AD and brains of control subjects, but we observed a readily detectable difference between human brain DNA and hypomethylated lambda phage DNA. This study, previously partially presented in abstract form {l9], is to our knowledge the first investigation of DNA methylation in postmortem human brain.

Methods DNA was extracted from 44 brains of patients with AD and 20 control frozen brain slices provided by Drs R. Quirion and Y. Robitaille at the Montreal Douglas Hospital Brain Bank. Fifteen (34%) of 44 patients with AD were male, and 6 (30%) of 20 control subjects were male. The mean age of patients with AD and control subjects was 76.5 years and 59.8 years, respectively. Control brains were from patients dying of nondementing medical illnesses with no neuropathological features of AD. We have incomplete records for the delay between death and autopsy, but the delay between autopsy and DNA extraction was not significantly different in brains from patients with AD and control brains (23.4 + 5.35 months in control subjects and 33.4 + 5.55 months in brains from patients with AD [T = 1.27, NS]). Frontal cortex (approximately 2 gm) dissected from underlying white matter was homogenized in 0.15 M sodium chloride and 0.1 M ethylenediamine tetraacetate, pH 8.0. After addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate to 2% and sodium perchlorate to 1 M, brain DNA was extracted from homogenates with phenol according to the method of Maniatis and colleagues [20]. Lambda phage used as hypomethylated control DNA was purchased from Pharmacia (Dorval, Quebec).

Copyright 0 1790 by the American Neurological Association 91


1 lor 100


90 80 (3

Msp I

0 70Y




Hpa II


5' -NC 3' -NGGC Klenow Fragment Polymerase


Pig 1. CCGG methylation assay. Brain D N A is digested by Msp I (recognizingall CCGG) or Hpa I I (cleaving only CCGG nnmethylated at the internal C). Endonwlease-generated fragments are overhang-labeled with phosphorus 32 (32P) deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate (dCTP) and Klenow fragment D N A polymerase, precipitated by tricbloroacetic acid with excess salmon spem DNA, and deposited on filter discs by a cell harvester; incorporated 32P is quantitated by Cerenkov radiation in water.


::f 10

+ dCTP*

5'-NCC* 3 -NGGC





92 Annals of Neurology Vol 28 No 1 July 1990




130 120

110 100



O 80 F X





50 40




Quadruplicate aliquots of 0.5 pg DNA in 50 pl were digested in round-bottom 96-well microtiter plates (Gibco, Burlington, Ontario) with 2 U of either Hpa I1 (which cleaves only CCGG sequences containing nonmethylated internal cytosines) or Msp I (which cleaves CCGG regardless of whether the internal cytosine is methylated) in buffers recommended by the supplier (Pharmacia). For each patient or control, quadruplicates were also prepared without endonucleases to determine the extent of fragmentation of D N A samples. Digests were incubated overnight at 37C, and the fragments generated were quantitated through an end-filling reaction with 2 U Klenow fragment DNA polymerase (Pharmacia) and phosphorus 32-labeled deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate (dCTPj (ICN Radiochemicals, Montreal, Quebec) diluted to a specific activity of 300 Cdmmol Thus, the radiolabel incorporated in the by unlabeled dC". DNA samples was proportional to the number of restriction sites recognized by the two enzymes (Fig 1). Labeled DNA was trichloroacetic acid-precipitated with 5 pg of salmon sperm DNA, collected, and washed on filter mats (Skatron, Sterling, VA) with an MIT cell harvester (Cambridge, MA), and filter discs were placed in water-filled vials for quantitation of Cerenkov radiation in a scintillation counter. The percentage of methylated internal cytosines in the











Units of enzyme Fig 2. Control brain DNA, restriction enzyme titration: quadruplicate samples (0.5 & digested with Hpa 11 or Msp I and radiolabeled with phosphorus 32 deoxycytidine S'-tPiphosphate, as detailed in Figure 1. Similar digestion Kinetics were observed in brain D N A from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Enzymesfor quantitative comparison of brain D N A from patients with A D and control brain DNA were usedat 2 Ulwell (4UltL&/,within the saturation plateau of each enzyme. restriction site CCGG was calculated by the following forI and CPMH,, 11 refer to the mean mula, where CPMM,~ counts per minute of Klenow end-filled quadruplicates of the two restriction enzymes:

Some labeling of DNA was observed without prior endonuclease digestion (Fig 2j, probably due to Klenow exonuclease-polymerase activity upon D N A fragments gener-

ated by extraction procedures. Restriction enzymes were used at saturating conditions as determined by establishing dose-response curves for each (see Fig 2), and for the Klenow fragment (not shown).

Results To establish the reproducibility and sensitivity of our assay, 10 of our 20 normal brain slices were extracted and assayed in two separate experiments; the mean percent CCGG methylation obtained in the two experiments was 55.7% and 49.0%, respectively. In contrast, phage D N A (assayed with brain D N A as a hypomethylated control) was ?.3% CCGG methylated (mean of two experiments). All quadruplicates varied by 15% or less. The mean CCGG methylation of brain D N A in all control subjects was 52.9 t 1.79% SEM, similar to values obtained in previous studies of human cultured fibroblasts [21). The mean percent CCGG methylation of brain D N A from patients with A D (54.1 & 2.26%) did not significantly differ from that of normal controls (Fig 3). We found no correlation between either sex or age and percent CCGG methylation in either group of brain DNAs, or when all subjects were pooled (not shown). Our sample, however, included only patients aged from 45 to 92 years; a larger sample, including young subjects, may be necessary to detect age-related alteration of D N A methylation. Unexpectedly, with our initial sample (12 AD and 11 controls), we found that D N A from brains of patients with A D prior to enzyme digestion was more fragmented than identically prepared control DNA, as assessed by Klenow exonuclease-polymerase labeling prior to endonuclease digestion ( p < 0.05, unpaired t test E2 I)). Subsequent experiments with the larger sample now reported revealed a similar trend that did not achieve statistical signhcance ( p < 0.2).

Discussion We describe a simple quantitative assay for determining percent methylation of internal cytosines CCGG sites in genomic DNA, and report that brain D N A from patients with A D and control brain D N A have similar mean values of percent CCGG methylation. Degenerating neurons, the cells most likely to reflect the molecular derangements of AD, probably contributed little to the bulk-extracted D N A from brain slices from patients with AD. Nonetheless, an overall reduction in messenger R N A (-A) levels {l?}and in brain-specific mRNAs El81, as well as chromatin abnormalities [14, 151, have been detected in similarly bulk-extracted R N A and D N A samples from AD brain. Thus, although we cannot conclude that degenerating neurons in A D have normal levels of CCGG methylation, we can conclude that global RNA and D N A defects observed in A D are not associated


9c 80

c 70

0 .+






8 0

40 30 20 10




x = 52.92

AD x = 54.1 2


Fig 3. Percent CCGG methylation of brain D N A from patients with Alzheimer’s disease and control brain D N A , using the formula for methyiation shown i n the text. Dashed lines denote the mean and two standard deviations ofpercent CCGG metbylation ofthe 20 control brain samples.

with significant overall changes in CCGG methylation. Additionally, if the extent of D N A methylation can be regarded as an index of senescence [7-91, our results suggest that brains from patients with A D is not significantly more senescent than aged-matched controls. Our assay detects total CCGG methylation. Although only about 6% of methylated cytosines occur in this sequence, 21% of CCGG sites occur in CpGrich regions 5’ to many vertebrate genes E22). Thus, our assay may be sensitive to methylation status of CpG islands (constituting approximately 1% of total genomic D N A [3)), which contain some upstream elements critical in gene regulation. Our assay, however, would have limited sensitivity to defects in D N A methylation at certain restricted sites such as the BC200 repeat sequence, or specific genes critical in AD. In addition, loss of methylation in single-copy genes occurring in parallel with increased methylation of repeat sequences, as probably occurs in rats 1111, would not be detected by o m assay. Further investigation is

Brief Communication: Schwob et al: DNA Methylation in Alzheimer’s Disease 93

warranted to determine the extent and role of DNA methylation in neurodegenerative disease. This work was supported by a Chercher Boursier grant from Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec (NRC). We are grateful to Drs R. Quirion and Y . Robitaille for providing the brain samples used in these studies, to S. Boulet for technical assistance, to L. Cetola and R. Cashman for preparing the manuscript, and to Dr J. Antel for helpful comments.

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Tissue Distribution and Transmission of Mitochondrial DNA Deletions in Mitochondrial Myopathies M. Zeviani, MD,* C. Gellera, BSc,” M. Pannacci, BSc,* G. Uziel, MD,” A. Prelle, MD,? S. Servidei, MD,$ and S. DiDonato, MD*

By using a combination of Southern blot hybridization analysis, polymerase-chain reaction amplification, and direct nucleotide sequencing, we studied deletions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in several nonfamilial patients with progressive external ophthalmoplegia and Kearns-Sayre syndrome, and in some of their direct relatives. Results suggest that the heteroplasmic mtDNA populations are already present at a very early stage of development, and that there is no direct transmission of mtDNA heteroplasmy by maternal inheritance. Zeviani M, Gellera C, Pannacci M, Uziel G, Prelle A, Servidei S, DiDonato S. Tissue distribution and transmission of mitochondrial DNA deletions in mitochondrial myopathies. Ann Neurol 1990;28:94-97

Heteroplasmy of the human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) [l] due to deletions 12-41 or insertions I51 accounts for clinical entities as different as KearnsSayre syndrome (KSS) 12, 31, progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO) 141, and Pearson’s syndrome


From the “Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Istituto Nazionale Neurologico “Car10 Besta,” Milan, the ‘rlstituto di Clinica Neurologica, Centro “Dino Ferrari,” UniversitP Statale, Milan, and the SClinica Neurologica, Universiti Cattolica, Rome, Italy. Received Oct 31, 1989, and in revised form Dec 27. Accepted for publication Jan 16, 1990. Address correspondence to Dr DiDonato, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Istituto Nazionale Neurologico “C. Besta,” via Celoria 11, 20133, Milan, Italy.

94 Copyright 0 1990 by the American Neurological Association

DNA cytosine methylation in brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

We developed a novel quantitative assay to test the hypothesis that defects in DNA cytosine methylation might be responsible for the brain chromatin a...
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