Do patients with chronic kidney disease get optimal cardiovascular risk reduction? Mark K. Elliott, Jennifer A. McCaughan, and Damian G. Fogarty

Purpose of review Cardiovascular events are the major cause of death in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Individuals with CKD have a substantially greater risk of cardiovascular disease compared with the general population but have largely been excluded from clinical trials. This review highlights the complex pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, discusses the evidence for cardiovascular risk reduction and assesses the achievement of cardiovascular treatment targets in CKD. Recent findings There is evidence to support both blood pressure and cholesterol reduction in the CKD population. The risk of bleeding with antiplatelet drugs is high in CKD and these should be used with caution. Although there has been recent interest in targeting nonclassical cardiovascular risk factors in CKD, few trials have demonstrated any significant reduction in cardiovascular risk. Smoking cessation remains important but is poorly studied in CKD with many dialysis patients still smoking. Summary The pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in CKD differs subtly from that of non-CKD patients. As renal function declines, the role and impact of treating classical risk factors may change and diminish. However, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and smoking cessation management should be optimized and may require multiple agents and approaches, particularly as CKD advances. Treatment of hypertension would appear to be one management area in which performance is less than ideal. Future work should focus on new management strategies and drug combinations that tackle the classical risk factors as well as better designed longitudinal and randomized control trials of nonclassical risk factors. Patients with CKD should be included in all cardiovascular intervention studies, given their poor outcomes without interventions. Keywords cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, nonclassical cardiovascular risk factors, risk reduction

INTRODUCTION Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the chronic kidney disease (CKD) population. Prospective cohort studies have demonstrated a strong association between impaired kidney function, increased risk of cardiovascular events and mortality, with cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in CKD patients [1,2]. The magnitude of this effect is now often deemed similar to that associated with a diagnosis of diabetes, though importantly there is a progressive increase in risk with reducing level of kidney function such that amongst dialysis patients the risk of cardiovascular mortality is at least ten-fold that of the general population [3].

PATHOGENESIS OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE Many studies have attempted to elucidate the pathophysiology of the increased cardiovascular risk observed in the CKD population (Table 1). Several classical cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension and diabetes, are implicated in the cause or Regional Nephrology and Transplantation Unit, Belfast City Hospital, Lisburn Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Correspondence to Damian G. Fogarty, MD, FRCP, Regional Nephrology and Transplantation Unit, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast, BT9 7AB, Northern Ireland, UK. Tel: +44 28 9504 8506; e-mail: [email protected] Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2014, 23:267–274 DOI:10.1097/01.mnh.0000444913.78536.b1

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Epidemiology and prevention

KEY POINTS  The pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in CKD is more complex than in those without CKD, and may involve both classical and nonclassical risk factors.  There is good evidence for optimal blood pressure and lipid lowering therapy in CKD, although the benefit of statins is attenuated in advanced CKD.  Achievement of blood pressure targets decreases with increasing CKD stage, despite high rates of medication use.  Aspirin is associated with high bleeding rates in patients with CKD and its use should be reserved for those at highest risk.  Few trials targeting the nonclassical risk factors have demonstrated a significant reduction in cardiovascular events or mortality.

progression of the primary renal disease, whereas others are consequences of CKD and therefore are overrepresented in this population. Cross-sectional analyses of key study groups, including the Framingham offspring, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease study populations, have demonstrated that the prevalence of hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes is significantly greater in participants with CKD [4–6]. The burden of classical risk factors contributes to, but may not fully account for, the greater cardiovascular risk in CKD. Reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and increased albuminuria are both independently associated with cardiovascular disease. Two recent meta-analyses have demonstrated that the risk of cardiovascular mortality increases linearly with decreasing eGFR after adjustment for classical cardiovascular risk factors [7,8]. After similar adjustments, albuminuria also correlates with increasing risk of cardiovascular

Table 1. Role of classical and nonclassical risk factors in CKD-related cardiovascular disease Classical risk factors (established)

Nonclassical risk factors (putative)




Chronic inflammation


Oxidative stress



Obesity and inactivity

Mineral bone disease

CKD, chronic kidney disease.


death. These relationships are maintained in patients without hypertension and diabetes [9,10]. Excess cardiovascular risk is observed early in the course of CKD, for example in the setting of microalbuminuria and before GFR declines, and this is the evidence that shared risk factors at this stage are most likely the dominant contributing factors rather than those risks associated with more advanced renal disease. In addition to atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis and vascular calcification play important roles in the development of cardiovascular disease in advanced kidney disease [11 ]. Furthermore, the types of cardiovascular death differ, with an important proportion of cardiovascular deaths in dialysis patients attributable to arrhythmias and not to discrete atherosclerotic cardiovascular events [12]. Several additional ‘nonclassical’ risk factors have been implicated in the development of cardiovascular disease in the CKD population such as hyperhomocysteinaemia [13], chronic inflammation [14], oxidative stress [15], anaemia [16] and CKD mineral bone disease [17]. Iatrogenic factors may also play a role in cardiovascular risk. In a recent cohort study, monthly stroke rates were found to peak during the 30 days after starting haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis [18 ]. This suggests that the process of initiating dialysis [with anticoagulation and rapid changes in blood pressure (BP) and fluid shifts] may be worth exploring as relevant to strokes. The role of these nonclassical risk factors remains poorly defined and potentially overstated as unmeasured classical risk factor exposure may not be adequately captured in the current study designs. &


WHAT IS OPTIMAL RISK REDUCTION IN THE NONCHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE POPULATION? Risk factor modification and antiplatelet therapies are the mainstay of cardiovascular risk reduction in the non-CKD population [19–22]. The goal of primary prevention is to attenuate the development of atherosclerosis in ‘at-risk’ individuals, whereas secondary prevention aims to limit further events in those with established cardiovascular disease. The major modifiable risk factors are smoking, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes. In a large multinational study, 75% of the acute myocardial infarction (MI) risk was attributable to these four factors [23]. The addition of lifestyle factors such as obesity, diet and physical inactivity increased this proportion to over 90% of attributable risk in the first MI. A similar risk profile has been identified for ischaemic stroke [24]. Volume 23  Number 3  May 2014

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Inadequate cardiovascular risk reduction in CKD Elliott et al.

There is a rich evidence base for cardiovascular risk reduction. Observational trials have demonstrated a reduction in mortality and re-infarction in patients who stop smoking after MI [25]. Reductions in BP [26] and serum cholesterol [27] have been shown to significantly attenuate mortality and vascular events in proportion to the risk factor reduction. This is irrespective of the pretreatment levels or the presence of preexisting cardiovascular disease. Whereas intensive glucose-lowering therapy in type I diabetic patients has been shown to reduce cardiovascular mortality in a primary prevention randomized control trial (RCT) [28], studies in type 2 diabetic patients have produced conflicting results. There is evidence that intensive glucose lowering in this population (to HbA1c 6.5%) reduces the risk of nonfatal MI but has no effect on mortality and is associated with an increased risk of hypoglycaemia [29]. Tight glycaemic control may actually increase mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes [30]. The established role of antiplatelet therapy is in secondary prevention in the general population. Aspirin is the most widely studied antiplatelet agent and reduces the risk of mortality, MI and ischaemic stroke in patients with known cardiovascular disease but does not confer a survival benefit in those without established cardiovascular morbidity [31]. Betablockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are central to secondary risk reduction after MI. ACE inhibitors reduce the rate of re-infarction or death after MI, but have minimal effect on the risk of stroke [32]. The evidence for beta-blockers is based on the studies that precede current reperfusion strategies. A recent observational study suggested that beta blockade does not significantly reduce the rate of cardiovascular events in patients with or without coronary artery disease in the modern era [33]. Primary and secondary prevention strategies have made a significant contribution to the decreasing incidence of cardiovascular disease over the recent decades [34]. This large U.S. study explores the 50% decrease in deaths from coronary disease between 1980 and 2000, and finds that it is evenly attributable to both reductions in major risk factors and the impact of evidence-based medical therapies. Despite this strong evidence and clear clinical guidelines, risk factor modification in some populations remains inadequate with scope for improvement [35].

WHAT IS OPTIMAL RISK REDUCTION IN THE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE POPULATION? The evidence for cardiovascular risk reduction in CKD has largely been extrapolated from trials in

the general population, despite the frequent exclusion of patients with renal impairment [36,37]. The relative lack of RCTs using CKD cohorts has led to a reliance on observational data and subgroup analysis of cardiovascular trials which report participant renal function. The evidence for targeting the classical cardiovascular risk factors in the CKD population is summarized in Table 2. The benefit of antihypertensive therapy in reducing cardiovascular mortality is well established in CKD stages 1–4. A recent meta-analysis reported a reduction in major cardiovascular events by one-sixth per 5 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP), although the vast majority of CKD participants had CKD stage 3 with eGFR 30–60 ml/ min/1.73 m2 [38 ]. The cardiovascular benefit of BP reduction in dialysis is less well established, with an apparent disparity between data from observational and randomized control trials. Observational trials have suggested a U-shaped relationship between BP and mortality in dialysis patients, with a poorer outcome associated with low or normal BPs [45]. However, meta-analyses of RCTs have demonstrated that lowering BP significantly reduces major cardiovascular events in the dialysis population, with the greatest benefit seen in patients who were hypertensive [39,40]. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) have classically been used as first-line agents for the treatment of hypertension in CKD because of the additional benefit of renoprotection and reduction in proteinuria. Whereas the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs over other antihypertensive agents has been shown to reduce cardiovascular events in CKD patients with proteinuria [46], a reduction in neither mortality nor cardiovascular events has been demonstrated in nonproteinuric CKD patients or those on dialysis [38 ,47–49]. Surprisingly, intensive blockade of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system with dual therapy or direct renin antagonists has been associated with poorer cardiovascular outcomes [50,51]. Higher rates of hyperkalaemia, hypotension and deterioration in renal function were observed in patients treated with the direct renin antagonist, which may explain the poorer cardiovascular outcome in this group [51]. Despite the evidence for the beneficial effects of BP reduction in CKD, population surveys have demonstrated suboptimal BP control. In a UK primary care survey of patients with CKD stage 3, 58.1% met national targets for BP control and only 35.9% met the stricter KDOQI target of BP less than 130/80 mmHg [52 ]. Suboptimal control was more common in those with the highest cardiovascular risk. BP control also tends to worsen with increasing

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Epidemiology and prevention Table 2. Evidence for targeting classical cardiovascular risk factors in CKD Author (year) Ninomiya (2013) [38 ] &&

Heerspink (2009) [39] Agarwal (2009) [40]







Relative risk of cardiovascular events (95% confidence interval)

CKD stage 3a

0.86 (0.78–0.95)


0.86 (0.73–1.02)


0.71 (0.55–0.92)




0.59 (0.38–0.91)

Upadhyay (2012) [41]


Statin  ezetimibe


0.77 (0.71–0.83)

5D (HD)

0.96 (0.80–1.15)

Palmer (2012) [42]




0.76 (0.73–0.80)


0.95 (0.87–1.03)

Hou (2013) [43 ]




0.69 (0.63–0.77)


0.78 (0.63–0.96)


0.82 (0.60–1.11)


Palmer (2013) [44 ]





0.93 (0.86–1.00)


0.84 (0.7–0.99)a 0.82 (0.47–1.42)a


Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials addressing classical cardiovascular risk factors in the CKD population. ACEi, angiotensin converting enzyme Inhibitor; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CKD, chronic kidney disease; 5ND, nondialysis patients with CKD-5; 5D, patients on dialysis. Data obtained from articles as referenced. a Relative risk of coronary events only.

stage of CKD. In the UK National Diabetes Audit, the proportion of diabetic patients achieving a target SBP of less than 140 mmHg fell with increasing CKD stage and was still lower in patients with albuminuria [53 ]. This finding has been replicated in U.S. studies [54 ,55 ]. The vast majority of individuals with advanced CKD are prescribed antihypertensive therapy; in one study 97.5% of patients with CKD stages 3–5 were receiving BP-lowering drugs, but only 44% had adequate BP control [55 ]. Although this may partially be explained by the inadequate use of combination therapy and, in particular, diuretics, it suggests that the response to antihypertensive treatment may be attenuated by worsening renal function. Several population studies have demonstrated that the rate of resistant hypertension (defined as failure to reach BP target despite the use of three or more agents) is highest in the CKD population and correlates with worsening eGFR and albuminuria [56 ,57 ,58,59 ]. Moreover, resistant hypertension has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events [60 ]. Previous meta-analyses have shown that the lowest risk for kidney disease progression (and we assume cardiovascular events) was demonstrated for current SBP that ranged from 110 to 129 mmHg, with higher levels of SBP associated with a steep increase in the relative risk of renal events. In view of the fact that even in the trials of antihypertensive treatments for CKD patients the mean BPs usually just achieved an SBP of less than 130, this demonstrates how difficult it is to treat hypertension &









in these patients. This suggests that the current approach to using antihypertensive agents is not sufficient to achieve optimal BP control in patients with CKD and, given its prominent role in cardiovascular risk reduction, this represents an area of unmet need. Statins reduce cardiovascular mortality in CKD stages 1–4 [41,42,43 ,61]; however, the benefit appears to lessen with increasing CKD stage and their role in end stage renal disease seems diminished compared with earlier stages (see Fig. 1). Two older RCTs in the dialysis population demonstrated no cardiovascular benefit for statins on survival [62,63]; however, the more recent heart and renal protection (SHARP) study showed a 17% reduction in major atherosclerotic events with simvastatin and ezetimibe in patients with advanced CKD, including those on dialysis [64]. However, metaanalyses that present these conflicting results highlight the heterogeneity in these studies [41,42,43 ]. As a consequence of the increasing risk of cardiovascular disease in the latter stages of CKD, although the relative risk reduction for cardiovascular events conferred by lipid-lowering therapy falls as CKD progresses, the absolute risk reduction is comparable between the CKD stages [43 ]. The numbers needed to treat with statin therapy to prevent one cardiovascular event in CKD stage 5 is 46, compared to 36 and 24 for CKD stage 4 and CKD stages 2–3, respectively [43 ]. The U.S. surveys have reported a similar or greater rate of statin use and achievement of &&




Volume 23  Number 3  May 2014

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Inadequate cardiovascular risk reduction in CKD Elliott et al.

Relative risk 1.2 (95% confidence 1 interval) 0.8




0 2–3


5 (non-dialysis)


CKD stage

FIGURE 1. The benefit of statins attenuates with increasing CKD stage. Relative risk (RR) of major cardiovascular events in treatment group (statin therapy) versus placebo stratified by CKD stage. These data (RR  95% CI) were plotted on a graph. CI, confidence interval; CKD, chronic kidney disease. Data from Hou et al. [43 ]. &&

cholesterol targets in the CKD population compared to the non-CKD population [54 ,55 ]. While further work is required in different populations, the evidence suggests that optimum cholesterol control can be achieved through the use of statins, although the associated reduction in mortality is attenuated in advanced CKD, perhaps reflecting either different mechanisms or different effectiveness of this treatment. Further work is needed. The use of antiplatelets in CKD is complicated by the complex platelet dysfunction that occurs in uraemia. A recent study in patients after percutaneous coronary stent insertion demonstrated increased baseline platelet activation and an attenuated response to dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with CKD [65 ]. In a large meta-analysis, antiplatelet use in CKD has been shown to reduce the risk of MI, but not mortality or ischaemic stroke, and was associated with a significant increase in minor and major bleeding events [44 ]. The authors concluded that the risks of antiplatelet therapy are likely to outweigh the benefits in patients with early CKD or those without established cardiovascular disease, thus reserving their use for secondary prevention. This mirrors the practice in the general population and is supported by the observational data suggesting an association between clopidogrel use and a reduction in death, MI or stroke in CKD patients after acute coronary syndrome with no increase in bleeding [66 ]. The evidence for other secondary prevention strategies in CKD is limited and is complicated by the fact that patients with severe renal impairment are less likely to receive definitive treatments such as &&







percutaneous stenting [67 ,68 ]. The precise reasons for this are elusive, but one factor may be the concerns amongst physicians that the vascular radiological contrast load may precipitate an acute decline in renal function and even dependence on dialysis. This risk is prominent in the guidelines but may be overstated somewhat as recent work in patients needing intravenous contrast for computed tomography scanning shows that the acute kidney injury (AKI) risk is often related to the degree of illness in the patient under investigation [69 ]. Beta-blockers reduce mortality in patients with CKD and heart failure [70], and observational data has demonstrated an association between the use of ACE inhibitors, ARBs, beta-blockers and aspirin, and reduced short-term and long-term cardiovascular events in CKD patients following MI [71]. Current guidelines support the use of aspirin, ACE inhibitors, statins and beta-blockers for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in CKD patients, regardless of the stage. A systematic review of the literature has reported the underuse of these secondary prevention medications in CKD patients after MI, although there had been an improvement over recent years [72]. Indeed, a more recent observational study of post-percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients in the UK showed that patients with CKD were equally likely to receive statins and beta-blockers, though the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs was lower in this group [73 ]. It should be noted that patients who are selected to undergo PCI are likely to have less severe kidney disease. Other observational studies demonstrate that treatment rates with secondary prevention

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Epidemiology and prevention

medications remains significantly lower in patients with CKD compared with those with normal function, and rates are lowest for patients with CKD stages 4–5 [67 ,68 ]. Given that traditional risk factors do not fully account for the increased risk of cardiovascular mortality in CKD, there has been interest in addressing the nonclassical risk factors to improve the prognosis in patients with renal impairment (summarized in Table 3). Plasma homocysteine levels can be lowered using folate or other B vitamins. Whereas one meta-analysis found that folate treatment in patients with advanced kidney disease significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular events [74], subsequent meta-analyses have not supported this finding and no RCT has demonstrated a beneficial effect for homocysteine-lowering agents [75,76]. However, RCTs using folate or B vitamins are weakened by the fact that the control group are commonly exposed to the treatment agent in food fortification or nutritional supplements. Several strategies have been employed in an attempt to attenuate the cardiovascular risk associated with CKD mineral-bone disease. Cinacalcet is a calcimimetic used to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism. A large observational trial reported a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality in haemodialysis patients taking cinacalcet, and there is evidence that the drug attenuates the progression of vascular calcification [78,79]. However, cinacalcet was not found to reduce the risk of death or cardiovascular events in a multicentre RCT of haemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism [80]. Moreover, a large meta-analysis demonstrated no reduction in cardiovascular or all-cause mortality with cinacalcet in patients with CKD and indeed substantial side effects, with nausea and hypocalcaemia [77 ]. Recent trials of phosphate binders &&



such as sevelamer have reported some promising results. Sevelamer has been associated with relative stabilization of coronary artery calcification in dialysis patients [81], and has been shown in small RCTs to reduce mortality in both predialysis and dialysis populations [82,83 ]. The mechanism of this beneficial effect is not clear, given that sevelamer treatment was also associated with lower plasma-Creactive protein (CRP), an improved lipid profile and a reduced rate of dialysis inception. Further, largescale RCTs are required to assess the benefit of phosphate binders in minimizing cardiovascular risk in CKD. &&

CONCLUSION The pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in CKD is complex, involving both classical and nonclassical risk factors. From the evidence available, it is clear that BP and cholesterol-lowering strategies significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in CKD; however, the benefit is attenuated in advanced CKD. BP control is suboptimal in many stages of CKD, despite high treatment rates, suggesting the need for a different approach and potentially further basic research on the underlying pathogenesis of hypertension with a view to different therapeutic targets. Similarly, the diminished benefit of statins on cardiovascular outcomes in dialysis reflects how a differing disease process may require specific treatments. The use of aspirin in CKD is complicated by uraemia-associated platelet dysfunction and an increased risk of bleeding. Aspirin should, therefore, be reserved for patients with the greatest cardiovascular risk. Trials focussing on the nonclassical risk factors for cardiovascular disease in CKD have largely been disappointing to date.

Table 3. Evidence for targeting nonclassical risk factors in CKD n

Author (year)


CKD stage

Relative risk of cardiovascular events (95% confidence interval)

Qin (2011) [74]


Folic acid


0.85 (0.76–0.96)

Jardine (2012) [75]


Folic acid


1.01 (0.83–1.23)

Pan (2012) [76]


Homocysteine-lowering therapy



Palmer (2013) [77 ] &&


0.91 (0.71–1.05)


0.91 (0.74–1.12)


0.94 (0.74–1.10)


0.29 (0.06–1.48)a,b


0.97 (0.89–1.05)b

Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials addressing nonclassical cardiovascular risk factors in the CKD population. 5ND, nondialysis patients with CKD-5; 5D, patients on dialysis; CKD, chronic kidney disease. Data obtained from articles as referenced. a Imprecise effects on cardiovascular mortality in low-quality evidence for small numbers of patients with CKD stages 3–5. b Relative risk of cardiovascular mortality.


Volume 23  Number 3  May 2014

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Inadequate cardiovascular risk reduction in CKD Elliott et al.

Acknowledgements No funding was received for this work from any commercial organization or from the National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. J.A.M. is in receipt of a Kidney Research UK Fellowship. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest.

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Volume 23  Number 3  May 2014

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Do patients with chronic kidney disease get optimal cardiovascular risk reduction?

Cardiovascular events are the major cause of death in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Individuals with CKD have a substantially greater risk of cardiova...
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