Does relative value unitYbased compensation shortchange the acute care surgeon? Diane A. Schwartz, MD, Xuan Hui, MD, ScM, Catherine G. Velopulos, MD, Eric B. Schneider, PhD, Shalini Selvarajah, MD, MPH, Donald Lucas, MD, Elliott R. Haut, MD, Nathaniel McQuay, MD, Timothy M. Pawlik, MD, MPH, David T. Efron, MD, and Adil H. Haider, MD, Baltimore, Maryland

BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that relative value units (RVUs) do not appropriately reflect cognitive effort or time spent in patient care, but RVU continues to be used as a standardized system to track productivity. It is unknown how well RVU reflects the effort of acute care surgeons. Our objective was to determine if RVUs adequately reflect increased surgeon effort required to treat emergent versus elective patients receiving similar procedures. METHODS: A retrospective analysis using The American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program 2011 data set was conducted. The control group consisted of patients undergoing elective colectomy, hernia repair, or biliary procedures as identified by Current Procedural Terminology. Comparison was made to emergent cases after being stratified to laparoscopic or open technique. Generalized linear models and logistic regression were used to assess specific outcomes, controlling for demographics and comorbidities of interest. The RVUs, operative time, and length of stay (LOS) were primary variables, with major/minor complications, mortality, and readmissions being evaluated as the relevant outcomes. RESULTS: A total of 442,149 patients in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program underwent one of the operative procedures of interest; 27,636 biliary (91% laparoscopic; 8.5% open), 28,722 colorectal (40.3% laparoscopic, 59.7% open), and 31,090 hernia (26.6% laparoscopic, 73.4% open) operations. Emergent procedures were found to have average RVU values that were identical to their elective case counterparts. Complication rates were higher and LOS were increased in emergent cases. Odds ratios for complications and readmissions in emergent cases were twice those of elective procedures. Mortality was skewed toward emergent cases. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that the emergent operative management for various procedures is similarly valued despite increased LOS, more complications, higher mortality risk, and subsequently increased physician attention. Our findings suggest that the RVU system for acute care surgeons may need to be reevaluated to better capture the additional work involved in emergent patient care. (J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014;76: 84Y94. Copyright * 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) KEY WORDS: Relative value unit (RVU); acute care surgery; medical billing; critical care surgery; emergency general surgery.


cute care surgeons, many of whom cover trauma, critical care, and emergency general surgery, have found themselves involved in a unique specialty that has taken over the burden of emergent operative management in hospitals across the country. Preoperative and postoperative counseling and decision making, the technical portion of these emergent operations, and any necessary intensive care required are provided by the acute care surgery (ACS) team. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and its affiliates recognized more than 4 million emergent surgical admissions across the United States in 2009, with numbers that are expected to grow.1 Submitted: August 30, 2013, Revised: October 11, 2013, Accepted: October 11, 2013. From the Center for Surgical Trials and Outcomes Research, Department of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland. This study was presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, September 18Y21, 2013, in San Francisco, California. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are provided in the HTML text of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jtrauma.com). Address for reprints: Diane A. Schwartz, MD, 4940 Eastern Ave Ste A558 Baltimore, MD 21224; email: [email protected]. DOI: 10.1097/TA.0b013e3182ab1ae3


Emergencies occur without regard for time and require an on-call team to manage them at all hours.2 The emergent diagnoses may not be straightforward owing to confounding of comorbidities that cannot be optimized before operation. Consequently, complications occur more frequently than in patients who undergo elective surgery.3,4 Emergent operations carry higher risk, are known to be associated with greater mortality, and have increased lengths of stay (LOS) on average when compared with similar planned, elective operations.5Y8 As ACS services develop and hospitals trend toward incentivized compensation plans, it is becoming apparent that there is a difference in the work required to facilitate emergent cases.9 All surgical cases are coded into the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), which are then assigned relative value units (RVUs) for reimbursement value. Establishment of an ACS team maintains profitability for surgical specialty groups, trauma and emergency general surgeons, with RVUs being the standardized comparative value to benchmark surgeon productivity.10,11 RVUs are assigned to CPT codes and are calculated to account for physician work, expenses, and malpractice costs. The number of RVUs generated is based on Medicare definitions to reflect standard resources allocated for typical operations in each category. Operative cases are J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

(70.56)* (14.33) (15.10) (3.20)*

* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

*p G 0.001. **p G 0.01. †p G 0.05. Demographic data for patients undergoing elective and emergent, laparoscopic and open biliary, colorectal, and hernia cases as found in the NSQIP dataset from 2011.


640 130 137 29 16,859 (76.93) 1,995 (9.10) 3,060 (13.97) 62 (0.28) 128 (77.11)** 13 (7.83) 25 (15.06) 6 (3.61)* (81.56) (8.40) (10.03) (0.17) 6,609 681 813 14 (74.51)* (9.78) (15.71) (15.95)* 3,069 403 647 657 (77.29) (10.11) (12.60) (2.75) 10,072 1,318 1,641 358 (74.87)* (8.29) (16.84) (6.28)* 298 33 67 25 9,036 (80.87) 854 (7.64) 1,284 (11.49) 106 (0.95) (66.75)** (10.45) (22.81) (6.41)* 281 44 96 27 (71.90) (13.29) (14.80) (1.41) 1,771 (66.93)* 246 (9.30) 629 (23.77) 11 (0.42) 16,742 (73.89) 2,124 (9.37) 3,792 (16.73) 59 (0.26)

1,374 254 283 27

57.60 (15.78) 6,205 (28.32)

Elective Emergent

53.68 (17.24) 88 (53.01)* 54.25 (14.90) 1,856 (22.91)

Elective Emergent

64.47 (15.71)* 2,242 (54.43)** 62.08 (15.54) 6,730 (51.65)

Elective (%) Emergent

61.66 (17.30) 224 (56.28) 60.27 (15.24) 5,836 (52.23)

Elective Emergent

61.03 (17.69) 178 (42.28)**


Elective Emergent Elective

The database was examined for demographic characteristics such as age, sex, and race; comorbid conditions; operative characteristics; and 30-day postoperative complications; and mortality. Table 1 shows basic demographic information and mortality. CPT codes for biliary, colectomy, and hernia cases were chosen because they were previously defined by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and its affiliates as ACS operations and they represent cases that are known to present in both an emergent and an elective fashion.1,12 Figure 1 displays the surgical procedures stratified into study groups (emergent vs. elective for laparoscopic and open techniques.) Codes were chosen for both laparoscopic and open procedures in all three case categories. They were then stratified into emergent or elective based on how they were entered


Data Collection and Variables Examined


Adult patients older than 18 years undergoing elective or emergent colectomy, hernia repair, or biliary procedures were identified using CPT codes listed in Supplemental Digital Content 1 (http://links.lww.com/TA/A338).

TABLE 1. Basic Demographic Data for Cases of Interest

Inclusion Criteria

60.76 (16.01) 959 (50.18)



This study was a retrospective analysis of patients included in the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) 2011 data set. The NSQIP was used because it represents an annual report of riskadjusted surgical outcomes where data are collected prospectively and followed up for 30 postoperative days using patient records and telephone interviews. It additionally contains information on CPT, identifies cases as emergent, and relays riskadjusted data on complications, readmissions, and mortality. The markers that are followed up in NSQIP are indirect indicators of surgeon effort; time and attention per patient is assumed for patients requiring increased LOS, having more complications, taking more physician attention for decision making, and needing continuous long-term care and follow-up.

48.58 (18.34) 1,744 (65.91)*


Data Source

49.07 (17.16) 16,390 (72.34)

Hernia Laparoscopic


Age, mean (SD) Sex, female, n (%) Race, n (5) White Black Others Death, n (%)


assigned RVU weights based on CPT coding without the ability to designate emergent from elective; complex operations are readily distinguished from more straightforward, elective procedures neither within CPT nor consequently within RVU unless a modifier is added to adjust for unusual operative services. Resultantly, RVUs may not give accurate indication to the amount of work performed in ACS per patient inside or outside the operative theater. There may be a need to adjust the RVU system for the intricacies of ACS and emergent operations, but the appropriateness of the RVU to reflect surgeon effort in the ACS field has not yet been fully evaluated. We hypothesized that we would find no difference in RVUs for emergent or elective cases. It was our objective to determine if RVUs reflect increased surgeon effort required to treat emergent patients when compared with elective patients receiving similar procedures.

62.90 (18.09)* 358 (39.47)*

Schwartz et al.


J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

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Figure 1. Inclusions from 2011 NSQIP.

into the NSQIP database. In Table 2, frequencies of each CPT were calculated. Within NSQIP, emergent cases were agreed upon by both the attending surgeon and the anesthesiologist. If there was disagreement within the documentation, then NSQIP reviewers used operative notes and additional charted documentation for best judgment in qualifying cases as emergent. In addition, cases defined as emergent were expected to have operative management within 12 hours of either admission or disease onset based on the criteria outlined within the NSQIP data set. Independent variables of interest included work RVU, length of total hospital stay (LOS), and total operation time (OR time). RVUs for emergent and elective cases, stratified by laparoscopic or open technique, were shown in Table 3. Table 4 indicates the primary variables of interest including LOS and OR time.

Outcome Parameters Outcomes that were examined include readmissions, mortality, and 30-day complications. Any complication was distinguished as ‘‘yes’’ if it occurred within 30 days of admission. Complications were defined as deep incisional surgcal site infection (SSI), wound disruption, unplanned intubation, pulmonary embolism, dialysis, cerebral vascular accident/stroke, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction (MI), bleeding transfusion, sepsis, 86

septic shock, and return to OR. Additional complications were superficial SSI, pneumonia, progressive renal insufficiency, and deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Each complication was analyzed separately in Table 5 as odds ratios when compared with elective case controls.

Statistical Analysis For continuous demographic data, comparisons were made using the Welch test, a type of t test that allows comparison between two groups with heterogeneity of variance. Univariate comparisons were performed of primary outcome measures in patients with and without preoperative comorbidities using the Pearson W2 test. To determine predictors of postoperative outcomes in these patients, a backward stepwise model was constructed with postoperative mortality as the dependent variable and all of the previously mentioned preoperative comorbidities and postoperative complications as independent variables. Generalized linear models were used to assess outcomes, controlling for 14 preoperative risk factors that included demographics and comorbidities (age, sex, race, body mass index, report of smoking within 1 year of admission, diabetes mellitus controlled with oral agents or insulin, history of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, history of MI 6 months before surgery, hypertension requiring medication, acute renal failure, CVA/stroke with neurologic deficit, * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Schwartz et al.

TABLE 2. Frequencies of CPT Codes Used Frequency of Emergent Laparoscopic Biliary CPT 47562 47563 47564 Total

Frequency of Elective Laparoscopic Biliary








1,959 659 28 2,646

74.04 24.91 1.06 100.00

74.04 98.94 100.00

47562 47563 47564 Total

16,945 5,571 142 22,658

74.79 24.59 0.63 100.00

74.79 99.37 100.00

Frequency of Emergent Open Biliary CPT 47600 47605 47610 47612 47620 Total

Frequency of Elective Open Biliary








340 61 16 3 1 421

80.76 14.49 3.80 0.71 0.24 100.00

80.76 95.25 99.05 99.76 100.00

47600 47605 47610 47612 47620 Total

1,376 359 124 33 19 1,911

72.00 18.79 6.49 1.73 0.99 100.00

72.00 90.79 97.28 99.01 100.00

Frequency of Emergent Laparoscopic Colorectal CPT

Frequency of Elective Laparoscopic Colorectal








44204 44205 44206 44207 44210 44208 44211 44213

214 65 64 26 18 5 4 2

53.77 16.33 16.08 6.53 4.52 1.26 1.01 0.50

53.77 70.10 86.18 92.71 97.24 98.49 99.50 100.00

44204 44207 44205 44210 44211 44208 44206 44213

5,399 2,471 2,116 449 280 236 177 46

48.32 22.11 18.94 4.02 2.51 2.11 1.58 0.41

48.32 70.43 89.37 93.39 95.89 98.00 99.59 100.00







Frequency of Emergent Open Colorectal CPT

Frequency of Elective Open Colorectal








44143 44140 44160 44144 44141 44145 44146 44155 45111 44157 44158 45110 44147 44156 45112 45113 45119 45114 45116 45123

1,251 1,112 731 381 372 106 77 40 15 9 6 5 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

30.37 27.00 17.75 9.25 9.03 2.57 1.87 0.97 0.36 0.22 0.15 0.12 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02

30.37 57.37 75.12 84.37 93.40 95.97 97.84 98.81 99.17 99.39 99.54 99.66 99.73 99.78 99.83 99.88 99.93 99.95 99.98 100.00



4,295 2,112 2,081 910 784 470 446 332 270 239 203 192 190 187 113 85 67 30 10 9 6 13,031

32.96 16.21 15.97 6.98 6.02 3.61 3.42 2.55 2.07 1.83 1.56 1.47 1.46 1.44 0.87 0.65 0.51 0.23 0.08 0.07 0.05 100.00

32.96 49.17 65.14 72.12 78.14 81.74 85.17 87.71 89.79 91.62 93.18 94.65 96.11 97.54 98.41 99.06 99.58 99.81 99.88 99.95 100.00


44140 44145 44160 44143 45110 44141 44146 44144 44155 45111 45119 45113 44158 45112 45123 44147 44157 45114 45116 45121 44156 Total

(Continued on next page)

* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Schwartz et al.

TABLE 2. (Continued) Frequency of Emergent Laparoscopic Hernia CPT 49653 49652 49650 49651 Total

Frequency 85 46 26 9 166

Frequency of Elective Laparoscopic Hernia







51.20 27.71 15.66 5.42 100.00

51.20 78.92 94.58 100.00

49650 49652 49653 49651 Total

4,296 2,217 1,001 589 8,103

53.02 27.36 12.35 7.27 100.00

53.02 80.38 92.73 100.00







36.27 18.52 14.22 11.03 7.83 5.95 1.76 1.43 1.32 1.10 0.44 0.11 100.00

36.27 54.80 69.02 80.04 87.87 93.83 95.59 97.02 98.35 99.45 99.89 100.00

49505 49560 49565 49520 49507 49525 49550 49568 49521 49553 49557 49555 Total

10,602 6,369 1,877 1,090 984 249 232 175 160 139 21 16 21,914

48.38 29.06 8.57 4.97 4.49 1.14 1.06 0.80 0.73 0.63 0.10 0.07 100.00

48.38 77.44 86.01 90.98 95.47 96.61 97.67 98.47 99.20 99.83 99.93 100.00

Frequency of Emergent Open Hernia CPT 49507 49560 49553 49505 49521 49565 49520 49568 49557 49550 49525 49555 Total

Frequency 329 168 129 100 71 54 16 13 12 10 4 1 907

Frequency of Elective Open Hernia

Cum. column indicates the continuous, cumulative percentages as related to the whole set.

disseminated cancer, steroid use for chronic condition, and systemic sepsis). Analyses were then stratified by open versus laparoscopic interventions to compare outcomes for patients undergoing emergent versus elective operations. Statistical analyses were performed using Stata/MP statistical software version 12 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). Statistical significance was set at p G 0.05.

RESULTS Of the 442,149 patients in NSQIP for the year 2011, there were 27,636 biliary, 28,722 colorectal, and 31,090 hernia procedures by CPT code. Figure 1 shows how the cases were distributed. Table 1 shows basic demographic data. SupplementalDigitalContent1(http://links.lww.com/TA/A338) and Table 2 show CPT codes used and frequencies when examined by case type. The RVUs for groupings of emergent and elective cases in all three categories, stratified by laparoscopic

or open, were not significantly different from each other as shown in Table 3. As seen in Tables 4 and 5, when emergent and elective cases were compared within the same case category type, the average LOS and the complication rates for the emergent procedures were universally longer and higher. Odds of mortality, SSI, pneumonia, unplanned reintubations, need for dialysis with new onset renal failure, need for transfusion postoperatively, DVTs, septic shock, and return to OR were all significantly higher in emergent cases when compared with elective ones. This was despite emergent and elective case types generating nearly identical RVUs. The operative times were, in several cases, considerably shorter in emergent procedures. Mortality in emergent cases was higher indicating a more complex patient population. Mortality odds demonstrated higher likelihood of death in the emergent case types, although significantly skewed results were seen in the laparoscopic emergent hernia category owing to low sample size. Higher complications and increased LOS in the emergent sector translated into more

TABLE 3. RVU Values for Each Case Type and the Difference of the Means Average RVU biliary RVU colorectal RVU hernia







Difference Mean



Difference Mean

17.54 26.01 9.73

17.45 25.7 10.29

j0.09 j0.31 0.56

11.86 27.51 9.5

11.87 27.01 11.43

0.01 0.5 1.93*

* Represents the only statistically significant difference in RVU due to small sample size for laparoscopic hernia cases


* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Schwartz et al.

TABLE 4. The LOS and OR Time Data for Each Case Type

Biliary LOS, d OR time, min Colorectal LOS, d OR time, min Hernia LOS, d OR time, min







Difference Mean



7.36 131.4

8.61 123.95

1.25 j7.45

1.64 66.36

3.12 74.76

1.48 8.4

10.07 184.27

13.33 138.8

3.26 j45.47

6.16 172.31

8.52 141.95

2.36 j30.36

1.34 76.53

4.5 80.73

3.16 4.2

0.58 71.31

2.21 80.08

2.63 8.77

surgeon attention and more dedicated time for this population during the hospitalization.

DISCUSSION This analysis of more than 90,000 patients demonstrates that, for three common surgical conditions, the RVU system does not distinguish the extra work required for emergent patient care. In most cases, emergency and elective operations were rewarded the same amount of RVUs, although emergent cases were found to be associated with increased LOS, more complications, and higher readmission and mortality rates. The RVU does not reliably reflect complexity or care required for emergent operations but continues to be used by administration and payer entities to evaluate and compare surgeon

Difference Mean

productivity. A potential solution is to create a modifier for emergent operations, which demand more surgeon attention, time, and ultimately, effort. Schneider et al.13 have previously shown that emergent colectomies have increased LOS, higher mortality, and more complications, but they did not examine the RVU valuation compared with the elective population RVUs. Our study emphasizes that complexities of the emergent patient population extrapolate to surgeon attention and time taken from other duties that could generate additional RVUs. We are the first to show that despite worse outcomes for ACS emergencies, there has been no change in compensation standards or recognition for the work being done. RVUs are defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as a standardized measurement for productivity of multiple entities, including the individual and the institution;

TABLE 5. Emergent Odds Ratios Compared With Elective Case Controls in Each Category for Complications, Mortality, and Readmission Biliary

Superficial SSI Deep incisional SSI Organ SSI Wound disrupt Pneumonia Unplanned intubation Pulmonary embolism Renal insufficiency Dialysis Urinary tract infection CVA/shock Cardiac arrest MI Bleeding transfusion DVT Sepsis Septic shock Return to OR Mortality Readmission









0.69 1.17 1.16 0.53 1.92 2.32 1.70 1.27 2.25 1.28 0.44 0.58 1.29 1.90 2.74 1.67 2.32 1.34 1.16 1.00

0.61 1.15 1.01 0.66 2.45 1.65 1.31 0.99 2.40 1.11 17.73 5.93 4.17 1.54 2.07 0.81 2.21 1.25 3.93 0.92

1.50 1.36 1.13 1.47 2.93 2.81 1.98 0.51 3.61 1.18 2.08 1.61 0.88 1.65 1.95 1.04 2.86 1.34 3.26 1.20

0.83 0.93 1.41 1.31 1.87 2.12 0.92 1.32 2.85 0.86 1.23 3.19 1.85 1.52 1.35 0.92 3.12 1.60 4.41 0.86

2.86 3.25 7.10 5.91 6.71 7.74

1.54 1.31 1.71 1.91 3.36 1.86 2.00 2.45 3.08 2.51 1.03 2.44 2.68 1.70 1.53 2.62 1.78

2.17 0.72 11.51 10.69 3.91 2.85 5.78 14.68 2.26 19.94 1.23

3.48 0.96

Statistically significant results are in bold.

* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Schwartz et al.

they reflect the preoperative evaluation, the operation itself, and the global coverage period, even when used by entities other than Medicare.14 RVU is now inappropriately extrapolated for this purpose by third-party payers, insurance companies, and government programs but is not a complete translation of productivity in surgical fields where time is spent in additional endeavors outside the operative theater. For example, the acute care surgeon is responsible for complex counseling, end-of-life care, intensive care unit coverage, consult responsibility, and trauma among other aspects of care. These endeavors generate fewer RVUs than operative cases do, thereby putting ACS at a disadvantage when RVU generation is compared across surgical fields. Arguments against RVUs for productivity measurement come from academic physicians and surgeons, whose time is spent in the education of trainees, research pursuits, or innovation, none of which can be captured or acknowledged in a system that only recognizes RVU-defined productivity.15,16 This RVU dichotomy simply does not reflect ACS work. Medicare enforces a global period, which means that once decision for surgery has been made, the operative diagnosis cannot be double billed. Any additional credit for work done on postoperative patients comes in the form of E/M coding or with modification of the operative CPT. E/M coding must be supported with extensive documentation and is still subject to denial in postoperative patients; modifiers are attached to CPT codes to identify unusual circumstances pertaining to operative cases and are not used for postoperative complexities. For an elective general surgeon, a global period seems reasonable since the care can be standardized among patients. It is harder to standardize emergent care because the preoperative and postoperative variables are often unpredictable and complicated.17 In our study, we found complications occurred more frequently in the emergent population. The significance of these findings is that within the global period, diagnoses related to operative intervention, whether as contributors or consequences, can only be billed once unless specifically modified and supported with documentation. In caring for the emergent population, surgeon time is directed toward these complexities and subsequently away from new patients where additional RVUs could be generated. While it has been shown that RVU generation is higher for surgeons who spend time providing critical care than for those who do not, this was only found to be true in groups where the remaining members are clinically productive and billing diagnoses are vast beyond the operative diagnosis where critical care billing or E/M can be applied.18 This model implies that there should be pooling of the group’s RVUs to increase overall reflection of productivity, but this model takes away each individual’s contribution and makes the individual dependent on group effort. We found little RVU distinction in comparing emergent laparoscopic with elective laparoscopic cases for biliary, hernia, and colectomy procedures, but there were significantly less RVUs generated for biliary laparoscopic than for open biliary cases. This is a stark contrast to what has been noted in other surgical specialties. For example, plastic surgeons have noted that increasing complexity and therefore increased RVUs corresponded to higher complication rates for patients.19 In vascular surgery longer open procedures are reimbursed by fewer RVUs than shorter 90

endovascular cases, without consideration of the complexity of open technique.20 In a generation where only the most difficult aortas are operated on in an open, often staged fashion, this discrepancy suggests that RVU may inappropriately value other subspecialists. Moreover, endovascular approaches are subject to fewer wound complications in the immediate postoperative period than are open procedures of the same type. Vascular surgeons have noted that the RVU system may not define their true work load either, specifically in terms of efficiency, obligations to academia, or patient satisfaction measures and that potentially the RVU should not be a sole indicator of surgeon productivity.21 We also demonstrated an increased odds ratio of reoperation in our emergent sector in every emergent case category. The planned and unexpected reoperation rates in ACS and trauma are higher and abdomens are left purposefully open more often than seen in elective cases.22,23 While RVUs can be calculated for each portion of the case, there is additional effort and time associated with repeated trips to the OR, often for low RVU level washouts or delayed closures. When compared with an elective general surgery practice, it seems that the acute care surgeons may be getting shortchangedVtheir operations occur at unscheduled times, have consequently more frequent complications, and require more overall surgeon effort. Our data specifically demonstrate that emergent cases have higher odds of complication and mortality with increased LOS, but the credit, as measured by RVU, per case is identical to nonemergent cases of the same type. Plus, the patients’ preoperative comorbidities cannot be optimized before emergent operations.24 When cases are scheduled electively, there is time for complete workup, imaging ad lib, full laboratory data, and discussion with the patient and family regarding each intricacy of the case. Patients with comorbidities may even be managed nonoperatively when operative management is otherwise elective, but the acute care surgeon does not have the luxury of patient selection, time to plan, or complete workup in many cases.25 The governing agency, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, of approximately 30 appointed members, revises the RVU pay scale no less than every 5 years.26 Multiple physician groups have requested modifications to reflect a cognitive portion and other important clinical endeavors that are not notable in RVU, suggesting a potential modifier or even an overall critique of RVU as a fair and reasonable reflection of daily work.27Y29 The RVU system’s main weakness is that procedures and services are bundled, which creates overestimation and underestimation of work.30 We believe that there is potentially a justification for reconsideration of the RVU system or for the addition of a modifier that reflects this more complex population. As hospitals focus on cost analysis and on pay-forperformance plans, it seems reasonable that specialty services be appropriately recognized for the effort and time spent. Without appropriate recognition or incentive for the additional work involved in ACS, it is possible that in time, the field will lose recruitment power. General surgeons are in shortage, previously attributed to hours, call obligation, and workload without adequate compensation.31Y35 As acute care services have emerged, there have been many studies looking at the feasibility of established teams, particularly trauma, to handle * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Schwartz et al.

the obligations of an ACS team.36Y38 When we examine the shortchanging of the RVU system in defining our true productivity and time spent, the ACS field is not competitive on paper when compared with specialties that are appropriately recognized for their work, and we are at risk of losing surgeons to other fields.39 Limitations to this study include that the elective procedures heavily outweighed the emergent procedures in every category evaluated, which is expected, but comparisons of average RVU values were better represented by the elective case categories. Physician services not related to the primary operative diagnosis may be billed separately but were not considered in this analysis. Additional E/M billing was also not considered. This analysis sought to evaluate the RVU value in the context of elective versus emergent operative procedures only. Acute care surgeon work is evaluated based on a standardized coding system although there is an unfavorable difference in complication rate and LOS for emergent procedures. The increased physician attention required for dealing with complications and the complexities of emergency care, not to mention the unpredictable nature of ACS, deserve consideration of a modifier in the coding system that might better capture the additional work involved in caring for this population.

AUTHORSHIP D.A.S. and A.H.H. performed the literature search. D.A.S., A.H.H., E.B.S., X.H., C.G.V., and D.L. provided the study design. E.B.S., X.H., and C.G.V. performed the data collection. A.H.H., E.B.S., and X.H. performed the data analysis. D.A.S., A.H.H., E.B.S., X.H., C.G.V., and S.S. performed the data interpretation. D.A.S., A.H.H., and X.H. wrote the manuscript. D.A.S., A.H.H., X.H., E.R.H., D.T.E., and S.S. provided critical revision.

DISCLOSURE This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health/NIGMS K23GM093112-01 and American College of Surgeons C. James Carrico Fellowship for the study of trauma and critical care.

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DISCUSSION Dr. R. Lawrence Reed (Indianapolis, Indiana): The authors have undertaken a retrospective analysis of 442,149 patients from the ACS NSQIP 2011 dataset. Those patients underwent one of three types of operations: colectomy, hernia repair, or biliary procedures, as identified by CPT codes. They compared various outcomes between those patients operated on electively versus those whose operations were performed as an emergent procedure. They found that the RVU valuation of these operative procedures were identical, regardless of whether they were performed electively or emergently, despite higher complication rates and longer lengths of stay for the patients who were operated on emergently. This, of course, would be expected if one expected the CPT codes for the operation to distinguish between elective and emergent cases. The authors conclude that operations performed emergently are under-valued with respect to the RVUs assigned to them and they recommend that a new modifier be developed to ramp up the payments for emergent procedures. I have no dispute with the authors’ findings. I have a major problem with their ill-advised solution. While it seems reasonable to lobby for a new modifier indicating the emergency nature of a procedure, I suspect that it will be difficult to establish. 92

More important, even if such a modifier is established, it will more than likely shortchange physician payments. We already have, for example, the 22 Modifier, a perfect example. This modifier identifies procedures that the surgeon believes were unusually difficult to perform or were associated with an increased risk, severe respiratory distress, extended services, greater than 600cc of blood loss, unusual findings, prolonged operation, obesity, or unusual contamination control. While this seems like a good deal wherein you will get more pay for performing a more difficult case, its use requires that the operative report describe in specific detail the entities justifying the 22 Modifier and the operative report has to be included with the claim. That requirement means that the claims are kicked out of the automated payment process and are sent to medical review, which delays payments for months. The documentation must indicate that the work and efforts should have been increased by 30% to 50% over a similar but routine procedure yet increased Medicare payments resulting from Modifier 22 use are rarely over 20%. The overall experience with the 22 Modifier should likely serve as an expectation of what would result from efforts to establish an emergency modifier. Some have proposed a whole different set of CPT codes for emergency operations, all appropriately valued for the extra effort and challenges imposed in the emergency setting. Such an attempt would also result in adequate financial recovery. Medicare has a funny way of bundling payments for services such that the whole is substantially less than the sum of its parts, as we have previously reported. Whenever I have analyzed the process, my invariable experience has been that bundling of physician services by Medicare consistently devalues physician payments. One problem with the authors’ analysis is that they did not report on any of the additional E&M or procedural work provided in the care of these emergency cases. There are reasons these patients have longer lengths of stay and higher complication rates, and practically all of those conditions can be identified by ICD-9 CM codes that are distinct from the primary operative diagnosis. For example, the patient who is septic from the strangulated hernia will not leave the same-day surgery suite as his elective hernia repair counterpart, but it has nothing to do with the hernia repair; it has everything to do with the underlying septic condition. Medicare’s Claims Processing Manual itemizes several exceptions to the global surgical package, including, ‘‘treatment for the underlying condition or an added course of treatment which is not normally part of normal recovery from surgery.’’ Thus, the daily visits or the critical care service and procedures to manage sepsis should be billed and will be paid in addition to the payment for the hernia repair. Many physicians, especially surgeons, fail to understand the limited scope of the global surgical package, believing that it covers all peri-operative services and procedures for the zero-, 10- or 90-day global period. This misconception leaves a great deal of money on the table and threatens physician practices with financial hardships. Surgeons must identify and bill for all care they are providing patients, using modifiers where * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

appropriate to indicate the exclusion of such care from the global payment. I have two questions for the authors. You state in the manuscript that ‘‘RVU is not originally meant to represent physician effort but is now inappropriately extrapolated for this purpose by third-party payors, insurance companies and government programs.’’ I recently re-reviewed Dr. Hsaio’s original papers describing the RVRVS, and it appears that most of the focus of the scales development was related to physician effort. What is the basis for your statement? You also state in the manuscript that, ‘‘critical care surgeons who operate cannot bill E&M (evaluation or management) already included in the operative diagnosis.’’ There is another common misconception that the global package for surgery includes critical care services. Again, the Medicare Claims Processing Manual refutes that. Does your statement imply that surgeons cannot bill for critical care on the operative patient? And if so, how is critical care bundled into the payment for hernia repair? I applaud the authors for bringing the focus to this issue and I congratulate them on an excellent manuscript and presentation. I thank the Association for the privilege of discussing this timely paper. Dr. David A. Spain (Stanford, California): Do we know that trauma surgeons, general surgeons, get paid at the same rate for the work that they do? One way we got around this at our place is I negotiated that we use the MGMA database. I argued that what trauma surgeons do is what I do: general surgery, critical care and emergency surgery and we should get paid the trauma rate for all we do. So at our place we get paid 20% to 25% higher work RVU rate for general surgery operations. Dr. Samir Fakhry (Charleston, South Carolina): I just wanted to commend you on taking on this difficult task because, as you heard from Dr. Reed, there are a lot of issues. I do want to ask you one question and make one comment if I may. My comment is that our last attempt to carve out a particular RVU for trauma care, didn’t get past even our own professional groups, our own surgeons. The reason for that seems to be that there is a limited amount of money available to be divided amongst all the specialties and creating new RVUs is going to meet with resistance because we will be taking from somebody. So I don’t know if you’ve looked into that. My question, though, has to do with whether you have access to any information on how much people are being paid? Perhaps not with CMS but with the private payors most of what we get paid is based on negotiated contracts and rates and may not directly reflect the RVU problem you are talking about. I think Dr. Spain mentioned something related to that as well. So there is a difference between submitting charges with a certain RVU attached to them and what you get paid. And at the end of the day what you get paid probably matters at least as much as the RVUs themselves. Dr. Ajai Malhotra (Richmond, Virginia): I enjoyed your presentation. Now there is an assumption here that the care provided was optimal. Can I not argue that the care provided was suboptimal and that resulted in the increased complications?

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I’m not saying that happened, but I think it’s important to address that issue that the increased rate of complication reflects an increased complexity of the patient and not suboptimal care. Dr. Randall Friese (Tucson, Arizona): I also agree that this is a very timely paper and I want to congratulate you on your efforts. I also agree with Larry when he talks about our getting compensation for ENM evaluations. Our emergency medicine colleagues, I believe, bill at a higher level because of their environment. And the majority of my patients, and especially the preoperative patients I see, are evaluated in the emergency room. So I think we should be able to extend this increase in revenue to the ENM evaluation as well. Dr. Diane A. Schwartz (Baltimore, Maryland): Thank you, Dr. Reed, for taking the time to review our manuscript and all others for your questions. There is a flaw in the third-party payor interpretation of RVU in the context of the work that we do. They use it to benchmark and compare surgeon productivity without understanding that the ACS operative business is generated by emergencies that present unexpectedly, and that RVU as a single metric isn’t optimal to reflect the work or time spent in other aspects of patient care such as end-of-life, family and patient counseling, optimization of medical problems, resuscitations, decisions to operate or decisions on unexpected findings in the operating room. While these endeavors are billable and can be assigned RVU, consider that time spent at patient bedside generates considerably less RVU value than operative time. So our RVU productivity shouldn’t be used as a sole comparison to those surgeons who spend more clinical time operating. To answer the question about critical care, critical care billing is its own entity. But it may have to have a modifier if it is being billed on the same day that surgical management took place. Some payors require that. Patients who are admitted from the emergency room directly to the ICU only get critical care hours billed. They cannot be directly billed for their emergency room care without a modifier that identifies it as a significant separately identifiable service. Critical care billing time may occur outside of the ICU setting or as non-continuous time on the same day. The operative modifiers are great but they have to be applied during the procedure itself. For example modifier 22 separate, unusual procedure, cannot be applied later if there are unusual circumstances after the fact. Modifiers have to be placed on the operative report and heavily supported with documented information. So where does that leave us if the complexities occur outside of the OR? Your comments regarding E/M codes, well, there are limitations to E/M codes, also. And you touched on that, that they require extensive documentation to justify them so that we can be credited appropriately. They must be unrelated to the ICD 9 code that supported the operative decision. For example if someone has a hernia repair, then wound care cannot be billed separately during the global period, but therapy for a wart on the toe could be separately billed.

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg Volume 76, Number 1

Schwartz et al.

I don’t know how trauma surgeons or general surgeons are being paid in any other institution so I cannot speak about that. The CMS does take recommendations both through the RUC, which is their advisory committee, and from the public. But they accept comments that come with data, and so far the data for modification of RVU system regarding this question of acute care surgery has been sparse. Furthermore we may have a better argument to not use RVU as the sole measure


of productivity to justify reimbursement or salary compensation for the acute care surgeon. And the emergent cases, just to touch on that, the emergent cases were defined at a specific variable within the NSQIP database, but there was no information gathered on care decision. Care plans therefore cannot be evaluated. Thank you very much to everyone for their questions and interest in this project.

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Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Does relative value unit-based compensation shortchange the acute care surgeon?

Studies have demonstrated that relative value units (RVUs) do not appropriately reflect cognitive effort or time spent in patient care, but RVU contin...
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