
ISSN: 0014-0139 (Print) 1366-5847 (Online) Journal homepage:

Effect of Ambient Temperatures Between 21°C and 35°C on the Responses to Progressive Submaximal Exercise in Partially Acclimated Man G. J. MILLER & H. de V. MARTIN To cite this article: G. J. MILLER & H. de V. MARTIN (1975) Effect of Ambient Temperatures Between 21°C and 35°C on the Responses to Progressive Submaximal Exercise in Partially Acclimated Man, Ergonomics, 18:5, 539-546, DOI: 10.1080/00140137508931489 To link to this article:

Published online: 25 Apr 2007.

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Date: 06 November 2015, At: 14:51

Effect of Ambient Temperatures Between 21°C and 35°C on the Responses to Progressive Submaximal Exercise in Partially Acclimated Man

Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 14:51 06 November 2015

.\lurlicnl ltcsunrcli Council P n e u ~ n o c o ~ ~ i oUnit, s i s Llanloan prmlinc froqucncy (f,; 45) a n d v c n t i l n t i ~ u (\'I.: ~ 4.5) at s t a n d a r d osygun ~ l p t n k uof 45 ~nnmolmill-' a n d ticlal v o l u ~ n ca t 30 1. min-' voutilntion (\'t 30) fcm thrao ~ r ~ l ) j c cnccur,linp ts t o test dny a n d clilnatc:

f,: 45 ir


\'t 30

Cli~nntoI* Ihy I Ihy II !11 90 23.7 25.4 1.44 1.47 Sce T a l k 3.

Clirnatc 3* Day S D a y 12 102 101 24.9 26.6 1.39 1.46

1"pre 2 presents tlw cardiac frequency a t thc two lcvcls of oxygen consumption :~ccordit~yto laboratory dry-bulb temperature. Many points rcl~cscntrnorc tll;rn one set of data bcca,use of considerable overlap. Each s o l ~ m ~result te has been cxpresscd as the logarithm of its ratio to the subject's ;rvcrngc cardiac frequcncp a t the stme oxygen consumption in climate I ('Ihble 3). Wlwn the data arc nnalysed in t h ~ sform by linear regression the ~vgrcssion coefficient is an csprcssion of the pcrcentnge increase in cardiac frcqilcncy for each degree rise in air t e ~ n l ~ e r a t t above ~ r c 2I0C The data for c:rrdiac fi~cqucncy;at both lcvels of standard oxygen upti~kehave bcen presented together 1)ccnmc air teml)craturc Imd tlw snmc proportional effect on both. 'I'he average increase WLS 1.4% with each degree rise ;m dry-bulb temperature (ritnyc 1.0% to 1.7%).

Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 14:51 06 November 2015

.4ttzbient l'empernture n?zd Exercise Besponses








I.'igrrre 2. ltolntiunship bct\rcon (Ivy-bulb tompcrnlure (t)and cardiac frcqucncy (f,.) at stanrlnrd usygen consumption of 45 nuno1 min-' ( 0 )and ti? mmul min-I (m). The notation on tho ordinata nnis indicntcs that ench sepnrnte rusult has been esprossed as tho natural logarithln uf its vrrtio to tho subject's nvarago rcsult nt tho same oxygen consumpti~niwhen the dry.bulb ternporattuo wns 21°C. The relationship is, y =0.014x-0.3, S.D. 0.05; r+ 0.86; p

Effect of ambient temperatures between 21 degrees C and 35 degrees C on the responses to progressive submaximal exercise in partially acclimated man.

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