muscle [1]. Though very little is known about the biochemical mechanisms that enable these enzymes to leak across the cell membrane, it has been suggested that a change in permeability of muscle cell in above conditions may allow passage of these molecules. The present studies were therefore undertaken to determine whether or not experimentally induced changes in the muscle cell by disuse and hormone treatment would alter the enzyme efflux. For this purpose, the changes in serum CPK activity were studied in pigeons in the course of breastmuscle atrophy caused by disuse. Atrophic changes in the breast muscle were produced by applying a plaster cast to the wings [2]. Both normal pigeons and pigeons with plaster cast were used in these studies. CPK activity was determined by the method of Kuby et al. [3]. 900




Fig. 1 a -d. Rat B cells exposed first to rabbit anti-rat-brain synaptic membrane antibody and then to fluorescein-conjugated sheep antirabbit IgG. (a and c) U.V. light; (b and d) same cells in ordinary light. All three cells show capping in the area of eccentric nucleus of the nucleus, whereas the membrane portion corresponding to the Golgi apparatus remained unstained. These results suggest that cap formation may depend on the position of the nucleus in B cells, and that some. of surface receptors demonstrated by an anti-rat-brain serum do not aggregate on the secreting or Golgi pole of the B cell. Another interesting finding is that rat-Ig-secreting cells, such as plasma cells, possess surface antigenic markers which are present in synaptic membranes of the rat brain. The common antigenic determinants in rat-brain organelles and rat T lymphocytes are described elsewhere [5]. This work was supported by grants from the Republic Research Fund of Serbia, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Received March 14, 1975 1. Unanue, E.R., Perkins, W.D., Karnovsky, M.J.: J. Exp. Med. 136, 885 (1972) 2. Raft, M.C., de Petris, S. : Fed. Proc. 32, 48 (1973) 3. de Petris, S., Raft, M.C. : Europ. J. Immunol. 4, 130 (1974) 4. Greaves, M.F., Owen, J.J.T., Raft, M.C. : T and B Lymphocytes, p. 48. New York: Elsevier 1974 5. Jankovi6, B.D., et al., in: Proc. Symp. on the Thymus, Tokai Univ., Tokyo 1975 (in press) 6. Lapetina, E.G., Soto, E.F., De Robertis, E. : Biochim. Biophys. Acta 135, 33 (1967) 7. Hudson, L., Roitt, I.M.: Europ. J. Immunol. 3, 63 (1973)

Effect of Cortisol on Serum Creatine Phosphokinase Activity in Disuse Atrophy S.B. Ahmad and P.N. Raina Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College, Srinagar, Kashmir, India A number of enzymes in serum including creatine phosphokinase (CPK; A T P : creatine phosphotransferase, E.C. become elevated in diseases involving skeletal and cardiac Naturwissenschaften 62 (1975)

9 by Springer-Verlag 1975

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Fig. l. Influence of the plaster cast and cortisol treatment on the activity (mg inorganic P formed/h/100 ml serum) of serum CPK. (A) Birds were sacrificed at time periods ranging from 0 to 144h following application of the plaster cast. (B) All birds wore a plaster cast for 48 h. Cortisol was administered at 0, 12, 24, and 36 h after the plaster cast was applied; the birds were sacrificed 12 h after the last injection. Control birds received saline alone at the above time intervals. The mean value for 4 - 9 birds in each group is given. The vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean It is evident from the data presented in Fig. 1 A that there was a progressive increase in the level of CPK in serum within 12 h of the application of plaster cast. The enzyme activity was significantly increased at 24 h and showed a marked rise at 48 h. It is interesting to note that at 48 h the enzyme displayed a serum activity some 15 times the upper limit of the normal range. The abnormal rise observed in CPK activity may be due to some changes in the muscle cell membrane caused by disuse. Since some of the corticosteroids have been shown to stabilize the membranes [4], birds were treated with cortisol (50 mg/kg, i.p.) following the application of plaster cast. It is noteworthy (Fig. 1 B) that there was a considerable decrease in the level of serum CPK in hormone-treated birds (p < 0.005). The exact mechanism by which cortisol exerts this effect is unclear. It is, however, conceivable that corticosteroids may lead to the stabilization of muscle membrane, thereby decreasing the efflux of enzymes into the blood. One of the authors (P.N.R.) wishes to thank the Indian Council of Medical Research for supporting this work with a financial grant. The authors' thanks are also due to the Principal for his interest and encouragement. Received March 7, 1975 353

1. Sibley, J.A., Lehninger, A.L.: J. Biol. Chem. 177, 859 (i949); Colombo, J.P., Richterich, R., Rossi, E.: Klin. Wschr. 40, 37 (1962); Ebashi, S, etal.: J. Biochem. Tokyo 46, 103 (1959); Pennington, R.J. : Biochemical Aspects of Neurological Disorders, p. 28. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. 1965; Dreyfus, J.C., Shapira, G., Demos, J.: Rev Franc. Etud. Clin. Biol. 5, 384 (1960); Forester, G. yon, Escher, E.: Helv. Med. Acta 28, 513 (1961); Hess, J.W., etal.: Ann. Int. Med. 61, 1015 (1964); Okinaka, S., et al. : Arch. Neurol. (Chic.) 4, 520 (1961) 2. George, J.C., Vallyathan, N.V. : Am. J. Physiol. 202, 268 (1962) 3. Kuby, S.A., Noda, L., Lardy, H.A.: J. Biol. Chem. 209, 191 (1954) 4. Weissman, G., Thomas, L. : Rec. Progr. Horm. Res. 20, 215 (1964)

Effect of Carbamylation on Human Blood Group M, Precursor and A B Specificities G.F. Springer, H.J. Yang and P.R. Desai

ficant effects on the circular dichroic spectra of these substances and none on the sedimentation coefficients studied [4]. We investigated the effect of carbamylation of these blood group antigens on their inhibitory activity towards the corresponding anti-reagents and employed the following agglutinins: 8 human, 4 animal anti-M; 4 human, 3 animal and 1 plant anti-N; 3 human, 1 animal and 1 plant anti-T; 11 human anti-A, 1 plant anti-A; 10 human anti-B and 1 plant anti-B [4]. Depending on the antiserum as well as plant agglutinin used, carbamylation increased, did not change or decreased reactivity of all blood group specificities tested. Results were the same for a given antiserum or lectin whether the antigens were extensively or less extensively carbamylated [4]. Any effect due to substitution of free e-amino groups by carbamyl groups in the blood group substances is therefore of secondary nature and not involved With the primary specificity of the immunodominant blood group specific structures. Carbamylation usually increased Vicia activity which was destroyed by IO4 as well as fl-D-galactosidase [5]. Supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants AI 05681

Department of Immunochemistry Research, Evanston Hospital and Microbiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201

and CA 14183.

Selective carbamylation of e-amino groups of lysine [1, 2] of human blood group MM glycoprotein, its precursor antigens and the blood group A B glycoproteins from ovarian cysts and meconium gave products with 4 1 - 9 1 % e-amino group substitution as determined with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid [3]. Extensive carbamylation had reproducible but insigni-

1. Stark, G.: Methods Enzymol. 11,590 (1967) 2. Nakagawa, Y., Capetillo, S., Jirgensons, B. : J. Biol. Chem. 247, 5703 (1972) 3. Habeeb, A.F.S.A. : Anal. Biochem. 14, 328 (1966) 4. Springer, G.F., etal.: (submitted) 5. Springer, G.F., Tegtmeyer, H., Huprikar, S.V. : Vox Sang. 22, 325 (1972)

Received June 19, 1975

Buchbesprechungen The Genetic Structure of Populations. By A. Jacquard (Biomathematics, Vol. 5). Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1974. 569 pp., 92 figs., DM 96,-- ; $ 3 7 . - . Dies ist ein sehr ntitzliches Buch: Nach einem kurzen Kapitei fiber Grundlagen der Genetik werden die Konzepte der Wahrscheinliehkeit und der genetischen Struktur erkl/irt. Dann folgt die Populationsgenetik. Zun/ichst wird als ,,Referenz-Modell" die Populationsstruktur in Abwesenheit yon Evolutionsfaktoren abgehandelt. Dann werden Ursachen ffir genetische Ver/inderungen eingeffihrt. Das Kapitel fiber Selektion ist besonders geglfickt; die Grundbegriffe werden sauber erkl~irt; neben den ,,klassischen" Modellen finden sich auch variable Selektionsrate, frequenzabh/ingige Selektion etc. Im Mutationskapitel wird neben dem Zusammenwirken von Mutation und Selektion das Schicksal neutraler sowie schwach positiver und schwach negativer Mutationen abgehandelt. Das Kapitel fiber das Zusammenwirken yon Evolutionsfaktoren hat einen Schwerpunkt bei der Computer-Simulation mit Monte-CarloMethoden. Jedoch wird anch die Hypothese yon Kimura fiber die Bedeutung der Fixierung neutraler Mutationen durch ,,genetic drift" kritisch diskutiert. Die Kapitel tiber ,,genetic distances" sind reichlich ausf0ahrlich im Vergleieh zu dem geringen Erklgrungsw6rt dieses Konzeptes. Die Darstellung ist mathematisch exakt, doch auch ffir den Nichtmathematiker meist leicht verstfindlich. Verglichen mit dem bekannten Standardtext von Li ist der Jacquard weniger elemental aber in vielen Aspekten moderner und vielseitiger. Die Beispiele aus der Humangenetik sind vielfach Standard-Textbuchmaterial 354

und oft nicht nach dem letzten Stand. Das tut jedoch der Nfitzlichkeit dieses Buches, das ausgezeichnet fibersetzt wurde, keinen Abbruch. F. Vogel (Heidelberg)

Ecological Fantasies. Death from Falling Watermelons. By A. Adler. New York: Green Eagle Press 1973. 350 pp., $9.95. Bficher wie dieses sind ein notwendiges Gegengewicht gegen fantastische Behauptungen und kfihne Hypothesen von Umweltfanatikern. Nicht die halben Wahrheiten jener, die aus der Umweltpsychose Nutzen ziehen, findet man hier, sondern das Pro und Contra. Hier wird die volle Story geboten, und es wird deutlich gesagt: Dem ,,Silent Spring" folgt i m m e r noch ein lebendiger Sommer, und damit m6glichst viele Menschen gesund daran teilhaben dfirfen, bedarf es z.B. des DDT. Wir werden auch nicht an Sauerstoffmangel sterben, das organische Leben wird nicht unter einer Olschicht ersticken, die Detergentien (ihre Phosphate) k6nnen verufinftig gehandhabt werden, die Insektizide bringen die Vogelwelt nicht urn. Ortlich kann es Mil3stfinde geben, zweifellos, aber die Gaben, die wir Forschung und Technik verdanken, deshalb generell zu verteufeln, wer hat daran eigentlich Interesse? Dieses Buch mfil3ten manche Environmentalisten einmal bed~chtig lesen. F. Boschke (Heidelberg)

Astronomy: Fundamentals and Frontiers. By R. Jastrow and M.H. Thompson. New York-London: Wiley 1974. 518 pp., s 6.60. Naturwissenschaften 62 (1975)

9 by Springer-Verlag 1975

Effect of cortisol on serum creatine phosphokinase activity in disuse atrophy.

muscle [1]. Though very little is known about the biochemical mechanisms that enable these enzymes to leak across the cell membrane, it has been sugge...
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