I.P. Kompiang and W.R. Gibson

Schwandt, P., P. Weiswei/er, R. Lamerz: Darstellung eines lithe lipid mobilizing peptide B from pig pituitaries by poly tisch wirksamen Polypeptids (Peptid A) aus Hypoacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Acta endocr. (Kbh.), Supp!. physen vom Schwein. Z.ges.exp.Med. ISS: 195-203 173: 107 (1973) ( 1971) Schleyer. M.. K.H. Voigt, E.F. Pfeiffer: Studies on the pituitary "Fettstoffwechselhormon ". VI. Preparation of two Weber, K.. M. Osborn: The reliability 01' molecular weight determinations by dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel highly purified lipolytic active peptides from hog pituitary glands. Horm.Metab.Res. 8: 175-181 (1976) electrophoresis. J .Bio!.Chem. 244: 4406-4412 (1969) Schwandt, p,: Die Lipotropine (Review). Klin.Wschr. 52: Wells, J.R.E.: Tryptophan resolution with the Technicon 153-165 (1974) AutoAnalyzer. Analyt.Biochcm. 19: 448-453 (]967) Requests for reprints should be addressed to: Dr. M. Schleyer, Universität Ulm, Parkstraße 11, D-79 Ulm/Do. (Germany)

Horm. Metab. Res. 8 (1976) 340-345

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart

Effect of Hypophysectomy and Insulin on Lipogenesis in Cockerels I.P. Kompiang and W.R. Gibson Depart ment of Physlology, Monash U nlverslty, C layton, V IC!Ona, Australia

genesis directly or indirectly. In laboratory mammals hepatic Iipogenesis is stimulated by insulin (Fain, Scow, Urgoiti and Chernick 1965) and this action may be antagonized by growth hormone (GH) (Brady, Lukens alld Gurin 1951, Fain and Scow Insulin (5 U/kg) injected intravenously, simultaneously with 1964). In birds it has been shown that lipogenesis glucose- 14 C tracer, increased the amount of 14C found in of incubated hepatocytes is stimulated by addition liver lipids at 30 min after the injection. Similarly, insulin of insulin to the medium (Capuzzi, Rothman and injected 5 min be fore killing, increased the incorporation of glucose- 14 C and acetate- 14 C by liver slices during a 30 min in- Margolis 1971, Goodridge 1973). In addition to its cubation. Hypophysectomy increased lipo:;enesis within 24 antagonism of insulin action, GH may have a direct hours. The effect of insulin was most pronounced in hypophys- inhibitory action on hepatic lipogenesis in mammals ectomized cockerels. The activity of the lipogenic enzyme, ace(Brady, Lukells and Gurin 1951). The pituitary gland tyl CoA carboxylase was similarly affected. mayaiso modulate lipogenesis indirectIy through the A homogenate of chicken pituitaries added to the medium target glands of its trophic hormones. This paper dereduced lipid synthesis from glucose- 14 C by liver slices, This scribes aseries of experiments designed to show dieffect was larger in liver slices in which lipogenesis had been stimulated by insulin, rect actions of pituitary materials as weil as the action of insulin on lipogenesis by livers of intact and The increased rate 01' hepatic lipoger.esis in hypophysectomized cockerels may be caused partly by increased hepatic hypophysectomized chickens. The activity of the Iisensitivity to the lipogenic action of insulin or by the repogenic enzyme, acetyl CoA carboxylase also was inmova! of a direct inhibition by pituitary hormones. vestigated . Hypophysectomy increascs hepatic lipogcnesis in cockerels. In an attempt to find the possible hormonal mechanism for this we have examined the effects of hypophysectomy, insulin and pituitary homogenates on hepatic lipogenesis.


Effect of hypophysectomy and insulin on lipogenesis in cockerels.

340 I.P. Kompiang and W.R. Gibson Schwandt, P., P. Weiswei/er, R. Lamerz: Darstellung eines lithe lipid mobilizing peptide B from pig pituitaries by...
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