Effect of Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Ethanol on Rat Central Nervous System Gangliosides and Glycosidases V.V.T.S. Prasad 1 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, M.S. University o1 Baroda, Baroda, 390 002, India

We investigated the effect of maternal alcohol consumption on cell number, gangliosides and ganglioside catabolizing enzymes in the central nervous system (CNS) of the offspring. Virgin female rats of the Charles Foster strain were given 15% (v/v) ethanol in drinking water one m o n t h prior to conception and during gestation and lactation. At 21 days postnatal age, the offspring were sacririced and the brains were separated into cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem to investigate possible regional variations. Compared to controls, wet weight of cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem, and of spinal cord was decreased in the pups exposed to alcohol. DNA and protein contents were also found to be lowered in all the CNS regions of the pups exposed to alcohol. Conversely, maternal alcohol consumption w a s found to increase the concentration and the content of total ganglioside N-acetylneuraminic (NANA) in CNS of the pups. In addition, alcohol treatment w a s found to induce alterations in the proportions of individual ganglioside fractions. Interestingly, these alterations are somewhat different than those observed in the neonatal brain and spinal cord of the pups subjected to prenatal alcohol exposure. The alterations in the proportions of ganglioside fractions were shown to be region~peciric. Maternal alcohol consumption resulted in decreased activities of sialidase, /~galactosidase, f~ glucosidase and/3-hexosuminidase. The results suggest that the alcohol-associated increases in ganglioside concentration may be at least partly due to the decreased activities of ganglioside catabolizing enzymes. Lipids 27, 344-348 (1992}.

Neural membranes (5), particularly those of brain, also are rich in gangliosides (6) which play an important role in a wide variety of cellular events, ranging from cell differentiation (7) to neuronal transmission 18). Despite their suggested importance, information on the effects of alcohol on CNS gangliosides is scanty and is mostly restricted to adult rats. There are no studies on the effects of preand postnatal alcohol exposure on the enzymes involved in the catabolism of gangliosides. We have reported the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol on rat brain gangliosides at birtl~ However, growth spurt in rat brain development (9) and the rapid phase of accumulation of gangliosides (10) occur during the postnatal period. As the brain is a heterogeneous organ, the present study was designed to follow the effects of preand postnatal exposure to alcohol on the cell number and protein content, and on gangliosides and their catabolizing enzymes in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord of pups at weaning. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Experimental design and animals. Virgin female rats of the Charles Foster strain weighing 180-200 g were divided into two groups. A control group (CT) was given a 20% casein diet and drinking water ad libitum, and a second group of rats (AL) was given 20% casein diet and 15% alcohol (ethanol} in drinking water ad libitum. The rats were fed a semi-synthetic diet containing 20% sucrose, 20% casein, 7% ground nut oil (peanut oil}, 0.3% DLmethionine, 0.2% choline bitartrate, 48% sago, 3.5% mineral mixture, and vitamin mixture (11). Both groups Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is detrimental to of rats were maintained on the respective regimen for four the fetus, and the nervous system has been shown to be weeks prior to breeding and during gestation and lactaaffected most (1). Clusters of abnormalities observed in tion. After birth, pups were culled randomly and nursed children exposed to alcohol in utero are described as fetal in litters of eight. Pups were sacrificed by decapitation, alcohol syndrome (FAS). The complete spectrum of abnor- at 21 days postnatal age, after the body weights had been malities of FAS includes pre- and postnatal growth retar- recorded. Intact whole brains and spinal cords were dation, microcephaly, facial dysmorphology and central quickly dissected and the weights were recorded. Whole nervous system (CNS) dysfunction (2,3}. To study the brains were separated into cerebrum, cerebellum and brain effects of alcohol on rat brain development, it is neces- stem on ice-cold glass plates. Tissue samples for DNA, sary to expose the offspring to alcohol during both pre- protein and enzyme assays were processed immediately; and postnatal periods, as rats, unlike humans, are born the samples for ganglioside analysis were stored until use relatively immature with respect to their brain develop- in a chloroform/methanol (1:1, v/v) mixture at -20~ ment (4). Estimation of maternal plasma alcohol levels. Tail blood The plasma membrane appears to be the primary target samples from the mothers were collected in the morning of the effects of alcohol; hence much research in this area after birth. Alcohol was assayed using alcohol dehydrogehas been focused on lipids, which are major constituents nase (12}. Blood ethanol concentration was found to be of neural membranes. However, most studies have been 87.3 __ 10 mg/dL (mean +_ SD). confined to cholesterol and phospholipids, which are imEstimation of D N A and protein. DNA was extracted portant for maintaining membrane integrity and fluidity. by the method of Schneider (13) and was estimated according to the method of Burton (14}. Protein was 1Current address: CINN ResearchLaboratory, Columbus Hospital, estimated by the method of Lowry et al. (15} using bovine serum albumin as standard. 2520 N. Lake View Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614. Analysis of gangliosides. Total gangliosides were isoAbbreviations: AL, pups exposed to alcohol; BS, brainstem; C, cerebrum; CB, cerebellum;CNS, central nervous system; CT, con- lated and purified by the method of Seyfried et al. (16}, trol pups; FAS, fetal alcoholsyndrome;NANA, N-acetylneuraminic and ganglioside N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) was acid; SC, spinal cord. assayed by the method of Warren (17) as modified by LIPIDS, Vol. 27, no. 5 (1992)


EFFECT OF ETHANOL ON CNS GANGLIOSIDES Skoza and Mohos (18). The details of these m e t h o d s are described elsewhere (19). The ganglioside nomenclature used is t h a t of Svennerholm (20). For the separation of individual gangliosides (GQ1, GDlb, GDla, GTlb and GM), 20 • 20-cm glass plates coated with silica gel G were developed by one ascending run with chloroform/methanol/water containing 0.02% CaC12 • 2H20 (58:38:9, v/v/v). Ganglioside bands marked after exposure to iodine vapors were scraped from the plates and N A N A in the individual ganglioside fractions was e s t i m a t e d as described earlier. Since the concentration of monosialogangliosides such as GM2 and GM 3 was extremely low, the bands corresponding to all monosialogangliosides were pooled and the fraction was designated GM. The b a n d s were confirmed as gangliosides by using resorcinol-HC1 reagent on a duplicate set, and the identity of individual ganglioside b a n d s was confirmed by simultaneously running a commercially obtained reference bovine brain ganglioside mixture (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) (19). E n z y m e assays. A 10% (w/v) h o m o g e n a t e for enzyme assays was prepared by homogenizing the tissue with icecold, glass-distilled water for three minutes at 2000-3000 r p m using a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer while cooling with ice Activities of ~-D-galactosidase (EC and 13-D-glucosidase (EC were assayed according to the m e t h o d of G a t t and R a p p o r t (21). Total ~-D-hexosaminidase (EC activity was assayed according to the m e t h o d of Frohwein and G a t t (22}. Units for the abovementioned enzymes are defined as nmol of p-nitrophenol liberated per minute under the assay conditions used. Sialidase (EC activity, using endogenous s u b s t r a t e alone, was assayed according to the m e t h o d of Irwin et al. (23). The enzyme unit for sialidase is defined

as nmol of N A N A liberated per minute under assay conditions. Statistical comparison between group means was b y S t u d e n t ' s t-test (24}. Differences between values were considered significant for p < 0.01. RESULTS

In preliminary studies we found t h a t providing a 15% (v/v) alcohol solution as the sole water source had no effect on the total calorie or water intake of rats (data not shown). However, higher concentrations of alcohol did cause a significant decrease in food and water intake. The d a t a obtained for tissue weights, and D N A and protein levels in the CNS regions of 21-day-old pups exposed to alcohol in utero and during lactation are presented in Table 1. Preand p o s t n a t a l exposure of rat pups to alcohol caused significant deficits in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord weights as compared to controls. The tissue weight loss was more severe in brain s t e m followed b y cerebellum and cerebrum, in t h a t order. The deficits in tissue weights were 11, 15, 29 and 16% in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord, respectively. D N A content (mg D N A / t o t a l tissue) showed a significant decrease in all CNS tissues of the pups exposed to alcohol when compared to the control pups. D N A content in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord of the alcoholic pups was 84, 88, 83 and 66% of control values, respectively. These deficits in D N A contents were reflected in the reduced cell number. The reductions in cell numbers of pups exposed to alcohol were 16, 12, 17 and 34% of controls in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord, respectively. Similarly, protein content (mg/total tissue) showed a significant decrease in all CNS regions.

TABLE 1 Effect of Alcohol on D N A and Protein Levels in the Central Nervous S y s t e m a




CT (n=6) AL (n=6)


CT (n=6)

AL (n=6)


CT (n=6)

AL (n=6) SC

CT (n=6) AL

Tissue weight (g)

DNA mg/g tissue mg/tissue

Protein mg/g tissue rag/tissue

Cell number (in millions)

1.098 +0.006 0.980 b __.0.002

1.85 +0.007 1.730 --+0.02

2.03 +0.02 1.70b ___0.02

123 +__0.33 121 -+0.35

135 +0.99 118b -+0.42

327 +4.0 274b -+3.2

0.186 -+0.002 0.159 b -+0.001

9.2 -+0.04 9.50 b -+0.06

1.7 -+0.016 1.50b -+0.014

104 +_.0.4 101 +0.22

19.3 -+0.19 16.2b -+0.05

244 -+2.4 227 b -+3.0

0.153 +_0.012 0.108 b -+0.002

2.14 -+0.043 2.47 b -+0.037

0.326 -+0.005 0.270 b -+0.005

104 -+1.0 100 -+0.07

15.8 -+0.12 11.0 b -+0.17

52.6 -+0.84 43.5 b -+0.8

0.182 -+0.03 0.153 b 9+0.001

2.52 +0.04 1.98b -+0.02

0.458 -+0.008 0.304 b -+0.003

100 -+0.67 101 +0.4

18.3 +0.23 15.4b -+0.1

73.9 -+1.31 49.0 b -+0.5

aCT, control pups born of mothers fed a 20% casein diet. AL, alcoholic pups born of mothers fed 15% alcohol; C, cerebrum; CB, cerebellum; BS, brainstem; SC, spinal cord; n, number of observations; values are mean ___SE. bValues significantly different from the CT group if value of p < 0.01. LIPIDS, Vol. 27, no. 5 (1992)


V.V.T.S. PRASAD TABLE 2 Effect of Alcohol on C N S Gangliosides at

Total gangliosides ~g ~g NANA/g tissue NANA/tissue




CT (n--8) AL (n=6)

706 +_4.6 954 b +17


CT (n----8) AL (n----8)

398 _6.5 587 b +-14



791 +_11.8 924 b +_14

Ganglioside species (% of total ganglioside NANA) GQ1 GTlb GDlb GDla GM 9.9 +_0.4 4.1 b -----0.5

21.1 14.1 43.8 11.1 ---0.32 +-0.37 +-0.49 +_0.49 29.4 b 14.4 38.2 b 14.0b +--0.3 +--0.56 +_0.19 +_0.30

71.1 +_1.5 93.8b ___1.5

6.7 +_0.5 8.9b +_0.3

44.3 +_0.2 36.0 b +_0.2

AL (n----6)

395 +_13 635 b +_25

59.6 +_2 70.9 b +-3

3.3 +-0.3 7.4b +-0.5

34.7 22.1 22 17.8 +-0.3 +-0.7 +_1 +_0.7 42.3 b 21.4 20.1 8.8 b +_0.67 +_0.26 ___0.41 +-0.4

CT (n----8) AL (n=8)

291 +-4 371b +_11

56 +_1 57.5 +_1.2

18.6 +_0.2 15.0b +_0.4

31.6 +_0.8 29.6 +_0.4




10.3 +_0.3 13.8b +_0.3

13.3 +_0.6 17.5b +_0.4

26.5 -----0.39 24.6 +_0.37

22 +_0.4 27.6 b +_0.6

12.5 +-0.38 16.5b +_0.3

14.6 +_0.5 10.0b +_0.3

aCT, control pups born of mothers fed a 20% casein diet; AL, alcoholic pups born of mothers fed 15% alcohol; C, cerebrum; CB, cerebellum; BS, brain stem; SC, spinal cord; n, number of observations; values are mean _ SE. bValues significantly different from the CT group if value of p < 0.01.

Administration of alcohol to r a t s during gestation and lactation caused an increase in total ganglioside N A N A concentration (~g NANA/g tissue) in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord of the pups when compared to controls (Table 2). The increase in total ganglioside concentration was 35, 47, 61 and 27%, respectively, in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord, compared to control values. Despite reduced tissue weights, the content of total ganglioside N A N A (~g N A N A / t o t a l tissue) was significantly higher in cerebrum, cerebellum and brain s t e m of alcoholic p u p s when c o m p a r e d to controls. Alcohol was also found to induce alterations in the pro, portions of individual ganglioside fractions, and the changes were found to be region-specific In general, alcohol-induced alterations in the proportions of GQ1, GTlb and GD1, were more pronounced. In cerebrum, the proportions of GTlb and G M showed an increase, GQ1 and GD~, showed a decrease, and GD~b was unaffected by exposure of p u p s to alcohol. On the other hand, in cerebellum, alcohol increased the proportions of GQ~, GD~b and G M and decreased the proportion of GTlb without affecting the proportions of GDla. However, in brain s t e m the proportions of GQ 1 and GT~b showed a significant increase and G M showed a decrease in pups exposed to alcohol. The proportions of GDla and GDlb, which were unaltered in brain stem, showed an increase in the spinal cord of the alcoholic pups. However, the proportions of GQz and G M showed a decrease in spinal cord due to alcohol. Sialidase, f~glucosidase, /~galactosidase" p H 3.1 and ~-hexosaminidase activities decreased in cerebrum, LIPIDS, Vol. 27, no. 5 (1992)

cerebellum" brain s t e m and spinal cord of the pups due to m a t e r n a l alcohol c o n s u m p t i o n (Table 3). A similar decrease was observed in the/3-galactosidase" p H 4.5 activity in cerebrum, cerebellum and brain s t e m following exposure to alcohol. However, alcohol was found to increase/3-galactosidase" p H 4.5 activity in the spinal cord of alcoholic p u p s as compared to control pups. Sialidase" f~hexosaminidase" ~glucosidase'/~galactosidase" p H 3.1 and /~-galactosidase" p H 4.5 activities, in cerebrum of alcohol exposed pups were only 65, 70, 69, 91, and 89% of control values. The corresponding values in cerebellum, brain s t e m and spinal cord were 78, 85, 75, 84 and 94%; 66, 61, 75, 78 and 77%; and 70, 88, 82, 93 and 77%, respectively. DISCUSSION In the present s t u d y r a t p u p s were exposed to alcohol b y feeding mothers with 15% alcohol one m o n t h before gestation, and during gestation and lactation. Alcohol consumed by the m o t h e r during gestation reaches the fetus as there is no placental barrier to alcohol {25); after birth, p u p s were exposed to alcohol through the m o t h e r ' s milk (26). Alcohol-associated deficits in D N A content observed in the present s t u d y correlate well with the reported decrease in the incorporation of labeled thymidine into fetal tissues (27) and with impaired cellular multiplication observed in vitro due to alcohol (28). Alcohol also was found to decrease the levels of zinc and folate (29,30), which are required for D N A synthesis. Taken together the studies suggest t h a t alcohol-associated cell loss m a y be due to


EFFECT OF ETHANOL ON CNS GANGLIOSIDES TABLE 3 Effect of Alcohol on Rat CNS Ganglioside Catabolizing Enzymes at Weaning a

~-D-Galactosidase c Tissue


Activity at pH 3.1


CT (n=10) AL (n=10)

222 +0.9 202 b +3.0

128 +0.5 114b __.1.5

210 +_4.5 145 b __.4.5

2930 +_32 2053 b +64


CT (n=10) A1 (n=10)

422 • 356 b +_6.5

219 __-1.7 206 b +-4.0

137 • 92 b +2.5

2897 +-39 2460 b +46

CT (n=10) AL (n--10)

388 +-5.7 301 b +_3.7

225 • 173b •

171 +_3.1 128b +_1.8

2695 • 1652 b +_43

5.9 b ___0.11

CT (n=10) UN (n--10)

330 +7.3 306 b •

155 +_2.9 168b +-2.0

184 +3.2 150b +_1.4

1985 +-39 1742 b +43

8.1 +-0.76 5.7 b +0.36



Activity at pH 4.5



Sialidase c 13.1 +0.41 8.5 b • 7.9 • 6.2 • 8.9 •

aCT, control pups born of mothers fed a 20% casein diet; AL, alcoholic pups born of mothers fed 15% alcohol; C, cerebrum; CB, cerebellum; BS, brain stem; SC, spinal cord; n, number of observations; values are mean +- SE. bValues significantly different from the CT group if value of p < 0.01. CEnzyme units/g tissue.

impairment in D N A synthesis. Postnatal alcohol exposure has been shown to induce neuronal cell loss in hippocampus and cerebellum (31) and to delay the m a t u r a t i o n of oligodendrocytes {32}. Deficits observed in CNS cell numbers of the alcoholic pups are in line with a 29% cell loss in the cerebellum reported b y Burns e t aL {33) following the administration of alcohol (4 g/Kg body weight} between 6-16 days postnatal. In the present study, the cell loss was found to be 16, 12, 17 and 34% in cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord, respectively, when compared to the controls. Alcohol also was found to decrease the protein content. This loss in protein content could be a t t r i b u t e d to alcohol related i m p a i r m e n t in the u p t a k e of amino acids across the placenta (34,35) and in protein synthesis {36). I n contrast, the concentration of total ganglioside N A N A (~g NANA/g tissue} and content (~g N A N A / t o t a l tissue} was higher in all brain regions following exposure to alcohol. This increase in ganglioside concentration is in agreement with the reported increase in adult mouse {37) and r a t (38) brain ganglioside concentration following chronic alcohol administration. In this context it m a y also be relevant to note t h a t chronic alcohol t r e a t m e n t increases the intracellular fluid volume {39,40) and t h a t maternal alcohol consumption increases water and sodium content in the fetus {41) and increases brain cell size of the offspring (33}. A l t h o u g h alcohol tends to fluidize biological membranes, chronic exposure to alcohol increases order in membranes by increasing the concentration of cholesterol {42}. I t is believed t h a t the increase in cholesterol content,

following chronic exposure to alcohol, is to confer rigidity to the m e m b r a n e s to counteract the fluidizing effects of alcohol. An increase in gangliosides has been shown to reduce the integrity of lipid bflayers (43) and to increase the sensitivity of liposomes to alcohol {44}. Alcohol also was found to increase the content of u n s a t u r a t e d f a t t y acids of phospholipids in the s y n a p t o s o m a l fraction {45}. Such an increase in the unsaturated f a t t y acids would also increase m e m b r a n e fluidity. I t is of interest to note t h a t the alcohol induced alterations in the proportions of individual gangliosides t h a t were observed in the present s t u d y are somewhat different t h a n the alterations observed in the neonatal pups subjected to alcohol exposure in utero {19}. In addition, the changes in the ganglioside proportions are region-specific For e x a m p l e trisialoganglioside GTlb showed an increase in cerebrum and brain s t e m and a decrease in cerebellum following exposure to alcohol. On the other hand, disial~ ganglioside GDla showed a decrease in cerebrum and an increase in spinal cord due to alcohol Polysialoganglioside GQ1 showed a decrease in cerebrum and spinal cord and an increase in cerebellum and brain s t e m of pups exposed to alcohol. Monosialogangliosides {GM) showed an increase in cerebrum and a decrease in the myelin rich regions, such as brain stem and spinal cord, due to alcohol This decrease in monosialoganglioside (GM) is consistent with the reported decrease in monosialoganglioside GM~ in myelin of 24-day-old rat pups born of mothers fed 6.6% {v/v) ethanol diet prior to breeding and during gestation (46). In addition, p o s t n a t a l alcohol exposure was found to delay the acquisition of myelin b y rat optic nerve {47}. LIPIDS, Vol. 27, no. 5 (1992)


V.V.T.S. PRASAD I n conclusion, i t w o u l d a p p e a r t h a t t h e c h a n g e s in gang l i o s i d e s o b s e r v e d c a n h a v e p r o f o u n d i m p l i c a t i o n s in v a r i o u s s u r f a c e e v e n t s , s u c h a s cell d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n , cellt o ~ e l l interaction, a n d s y n a p t o g e n e s i s , a s g a n g l i o s i d e s are l o c a t e d on t h e o u t e r l a y e r of t h e p l a s m a m e m b r a n e w i t h their negatively charged polysaccharide chains protruding towards the extracellular space

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the University Grants Commission's (New Delhi, India) special assistance program to the Department of Biochemistr~ M.S~ University, Baroda, India. The author is thankful to Prof. K. K. Rao for his suggestions and to Mr. Ravindran Pillal for his help in preparing the manuscript.

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Effect of prenatal and postnatal exposure to ethanol on rat central nervous system gangliosides and glycosidases.

We investigated the effect of maternal alcohol consumption on cell number, gangliosides and ganglioside catabolizing enzymes in the central nervous sy...
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