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This article can be cited before page numbers have been issued, to do this please use: X. Tian, L. Liu, Y. Du, J. Gu, J. Xu and B. I. Yakobson, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4CP04579C.

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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

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Published on 26 November 2014. Downloaded by Northeastern University on 26/11/2014 14:35:50.

Effects of 3d transition-metal doping on electronic and magnetic properties of MoS2 nanoribbons Xiaoqing Tian,a Lin Liu,a Yu Du,*a Juan Gu,a Jian-bin Xu,c and Boris I. Yakobson*b Received (in XXX, XXX) Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX, Accepted Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX

5 DOI: 10.1039/b000000x

The electronic and magnetic properties of MoS2 nanoribbons doped with 3d transitional metals (TMs) were investigated using firstprinciples calculations. Clean armchair MoS2 nanoribbons (AMoS2NRs) are nonmagnetic semiconductors whereas clean zigzag MoS2 nanoribbons (ZMoS2NRs) are metallic magnets. The 3d TM impurities tend to substitute the outermost cations of AMoS2NRs and ZMoS2NRs, which are in agreement with the experimental results reported. The magnetization of the 3d-TM-impurity-doped AMoS2NRs

10 and ZMoS2NRs is configuration

dependent. The band gap and carrier concentration of AMoS2NRs can be tuned by 3d-TM doping.

Fedoped AMoS2NRs exhibit ferromagnetic characteristics and the Curie temperature (TC) can be tuned using different impurity concentrations. Co-doped ZMoS2NRs are strongly ferromagnetic with a TC above room temperature.

and magnetic properties of 3d TMs (including Mn, Fe, and Co)-

15 Introduction

doped MoS2 nanoribbons with armchair- and zigzag-shaped

The MoS2 monolayer is composed of three covalently bonded


hexagonal atomic layers (S–Mo–S). Weak van der Waals interactions exist between adjacent MoS2 monolayers. One important advantage of MoS2 is that the electronic and optical

20 properties can be tuned by varying the number of layers. The bulk MoS2 crystal is an indirect gap semiconductor with a band gap of 1.29 eV, whereas the MoS2 monolayer layer is a direct gap semiconductor with a band gap of 1.90 eV.



MoS2 has been synthesized in recent experiments.


40 Computational methods Theoretical calculations were performed with the Quantum Espresso



correlation functional.

employing 16



The on-site Coulomb interaction

GGA+U for 3d TMs is used.

45 Coulomb



The U and J are the on-site

repulsion and exchange interaction parameters,


respectively. Typical values of U and J are 4.0 and 1.0 eV,

and nanoribbons of MoS2 share the honeycomb

respectively, for both Mn and Fe;18,19 for Co, U and J are 3.3 and

structure and are expected to display interesting electronic and

1.0 eV. 40 Ry is used as the plane-wave basis set cutoff. The


structural models of MoS2 nanoribbons are constructed by cutting

Defects and strain are expected to modify the electronic

50 a single-layered MoS2 with the desired edges and widths. The 1-

properties and magnetic of MoS2 monolayer and nanoribbons.


D periodic boundary condition was applied along the growth

30 MoS2 nanostructures are doped with 3d TMs such as Fe, Co, and

direction of the nanoribbons to simulate infinitely long

Ni to increase its catalytic activities in hydrodesulfurization

nanoribbon systems; the length scales for the MoS2 nanoribbons

processes in the oil industry.11,12 The magnetic and electronic

are defined in Ref. 5. Specifically, the width of AMoS2NRs is

25 nanotubes

magnetic properties arising from quantum confinement effects.

properties of MoS2 nanoribbons could be tuned by 3d TMs doping. Either 3d TM substrates or 3d TM nanoclusters could

35 alter

55 defined

by the number of dimmer columns whereas for

ZMoS2NRs it is defined by the number of Mo columns. A 1.6-

the electronic structures of MoS2 monolayer.13,14 We used

nm-thick vacuum layer was used to eliminate longitudinal

state-of-the-art first-principles technique to study the electronic

interactions between the super cells. For the 14-AMoS2NR, the

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DOI: 10.1039/C4CP04579C

around 3.5 nm (width)×2.2 nm, which is large enough to avoid lateral image interactions. For 10-ZMoS2NR, the super cell contains in total 120 atoms, and its in-plane size is around 4.0 nm

5 (width)×0.7 nm, which is also large enough to avoid lateral image Published on 26 November 2014. Downloaded by Northeastern University on 26/11/2014 14:35:50.

interactions. A sampling of 12 uniformly distributed k-points along the 1-D Brillouin zone is employed for the MoS2 nanoribbons for both the zigzag and armchair shaped edges.

Results and discussion


The structures of relaxed 14-AMoS2NRs (Fig. 1(a)) give a width of around 2.1 nm. After structural optimization, the width of 14-AMoS2NR is increased by around 1.5 percent. There is obvious structural reconstruction to mitigate the truncation of chemical bonds at the edges. The S–Mo bonds in MoS2 are

15 composed of partial covalent and ionic bonds similar to the bonds of ZnO. The oxidation state of the edgiest Mo is +1.63, which is 0.1 smaller than that of the interior Mo using the Bader analysis method.20

The edgiest Mo atom is moved by 0.3 Å inwards

relative to the edgiest S atom. The bond length of S–Mo bond is

20 about 0.1 Å smaller than that of the interior bond. The calculated spin-polarized density of states (SPDOS) of 14-AMoS2NR (Fig.

Fig. 1 (a) Top view of relaxed 14-AMoS2NR and seven substitutional sites. (b) SPDOS of relaxed 14-AMoS2NRs. (c) Formation energy of the 3d TM-doped 14-AMoS2NRs for the seven configurations. (d) Configuration-dependent

45 magnetic

moment (M) of the 3d TM impurities in 14-AMoS2NRs. 14-

AMoS2NRs are extended periodically along the y direction. Mo atoms are blue, S atoms are orange, and Fe atoms are red. For S and Mo, the SPDOS presented here is the averaged value of each atomic species (total SPDOS of S or Mo atoms divided by the number of atoms). This notion is used throughout

50 the paper.

1(b)). The 14-AMoS2NR is a nonmagnetic semiconductor with band gaps of 0.56 eV and this is in good agreement with Ref. 5.

For 3d TM-doped 14-AMoS2NR, configuration 1 has the lowest

The band gap value is determined by the difference in the on-site

formation energy (Fig. 1(c)), and hence is the most favored.

25 energies

of two edges, and intra- and inter-edge hopping

parameters of the tight-binding


Because clean 14-

Configuration 4 has the highest formation energy, so is the least

55 favored.

The 3d TM impurities tend to replace the outermost

AMoS2NR is a nonmagnetic semiconductor, 3d TMs (Mn, Fe,

cations. The order of the formation energies is Hf (Mn )< Hf (Fe)

Co) are used as dopants to achieve magnetic properties. Seven

Effects of 3d transition-metal doping on electronic and magnetic properties of MoS₂ nanoribbons.

The electronic and magnetic properties of MoS2 nanoribbons doped with 3d transitional metals (TMs) were investigated using first-principles calculatio...
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