Vet. Pathol. / 5: 753-762 (1978)

Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Liver Cell Ultrastructure in Sheep I. M . R EID. I. A. DONALDSO N and R. J. HEITZMAN

Agr icultural Researc h Council. Institute for Research on An imal Diseases. Compton. Newb ury . Berks hire . Eng land

Abstract. C astrated mal e shee p wer e sham impl a nted or impl a nted wit h estra dio l. tre n bolon e ace ta te or tre n bo lo ne ace ta te in combina tion with estrad iol. and sla ugh tere d afte r 56 days. Ultras truc tura l and mo rphome tric exam inatio n of the live rs of ste ro id-trea ted sheep showed a n in crease in the vo lume dens ity of the ce ll occupied by rough endoplasmic ret icu lum and micro bod ies. In four of the eight sheep treated wit h trenbolone acetate. e ithe r a lone or in com bina tion wit h estrad io l. enl arged mitoc hondria wit h cry stalli ne inclusions were seen . The increase in hepatic rough endoplasmic reticul um may be o f benefit to the shee p whereas the m itoch o nd ria l cha nges afte r anabolic ste roid use indicate a ce llular lesion of unkno wn significance for hea lth .

T renbolone ace ta te is a pot ent , synthetic anabolic steroid. In severa l co untries it is ad ministered as a subc uta neo us imp lant alone or in combination with estra dio l- 17,B and is cla ime d to grea tly increase the grow th rates of rum inant far m an ima ls [9, 10]. T he mode of action of anabolic steroids in promoting growth is not fully understood, but increased nitrogen retention is implicated and the liver almo st certai nly has a central role in the regulation of nitrogen retention [10]. T he possible hazard to the human po pulat ion of eati ng meat contai ning steroid residu es has received conside ra ble attention . T he potential hazard of impl anted anabo lic ste roids to the rec ipient far m a nima l has received less attention, despite the demon str at ed relati onsh ip between exoge no us steroid hormones (such as in ora l contracepti ves) and liver d isease in ma n [1-4] . Mate ria ls and Methods Sixteen castrated ma le sheep we re ra ndom ly assigned to four gr o ups and wit hi n each group assigned to one of four treatments. T hese treatments were I) contro l (sham implanted): 2) impl ant a tio n with 20 mi lligrams of 17{J-estrad iol: 3) implant at ion with 140 mi lligrams of tren bol on e acetate: and 4) impla ntati o n with a combi ned implant of 140 m illigra ms tren bo lo ne acetate an d 20 mi lligrams 17p-estrad iol. T he sheep were either Dorset Horn x Finn or Dorset Horn x Co b b Hyb rid a nd had a n average age of 7.25 mon ths (range 6 to 10 months) a t the sta rt of the ex pe rime nt. T hey were hou sed ind oor s in pen s 1.7x 1.9 mete rs a nd wer e fed dail y 0.4 kilograms of 22% crude prot ein concentrat e and 0.66 kilog ra m o f cho pped ha y. T he sheep were sla ug hte red 56 days a fter implantation . T hy m us. pituita ry. thyro id . hea rt a nd liver we re 753

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Table I. Body weight and organ weight of control, estradiol (OE2 ) , trenbolone acetate (T BA) and TBA+O E2 implanted sheep Slaughter weight, kg Liver, g Heart Thyroid Pituitary Thymus 1 2





39.6 417.6 149.3 2.26 0.53 40.7

38.5 462.8 151.3 2.96 0.59 36.0

41.3 461.6 162.6 3.44 0.39 10.4 2

43.4 574.32 170.1 2.01 0.48 8.72

2.18 24.73 13.22 0.807 0.146 13 .1 8

Standard error of difference between means. Treatment mean significantly different from control ( P < 0.00I).

removed and weighed. Liver was fixed and processed for histological, electron microscopic and stereological examination by methods described [24, 25]. Results Liver weight a t sla ughte r was sign ifica ntly increased by 38% (P < 0.00 I) in shee p treated with trenbolon e acetate and estradiol together; th ymus weight was reduced significa ntly (P < 0.00 I) in sheep treated with trenbolo ne acetate alone or in combination with estradi ol (table I). Histology Examinatio n of paraffin sect ions of liver stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE) a nd periodic acid -Schiff (PAS), and frozen sections stai ned with oil red 0 showed a norma l histological a ppea ra nce in all groups and no difference between contro l and treated sheep. Qualitative ultrastructure The ultrastructure of co ntro l sheep liver was in accord with previou s descriptions of cow [22] a nd sheep liver [23]. T he cyt oplasm contained large a mo unts of glycoge n arranged in rosettes a nd associated with areas of smoo th endoplasmic reticulum (fig . I). Parallel arrays of rough endopl asmic reticulum were freq uen tly seen surr ound ing or co ursing between mitochondria. The mitochondria ha d a fairly reg ular shape, being either oval or elongated with a length to d iameter ratio rarely greater than 5: I. The Golgi a ppa ratus a nd Iysosomes wer e mo st ofte n seen clo se to the bile canalicu li. In the sheep tre ated with trenbolone aceta te, either alone or in com bination with estradiol, changes in the hepatic mit och ondria of va rying severity wer e noted. In all four sheep treated with trenbolone aceta te alone a nd in three of the four shee p treated with the combined implant, enl ar ged mit ochondria were seen in ma ny of th e liver cells. In add ition, in two of the four sheep treated with trenbolone acetate and in two of the four sheep treated with the combined implan t large pleom orphi c mitoc hondria with crys talline incl usions were seen. T he size a nd shape of affected mitochondria were extremely va ria ble, some being enlarged with a roug hly spherical

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Anabo lic Steroids and Hepatic Ultrastructure


Fig. I: Part of hepatocyte of con trol sheep showing mitochondria (M) , roug h endo plasm ic reticulu m (RER) and smoo th endoplasmic reticulum (S ER) . Bar = 1.0/lm. Fig. 2: Part of hepatocyte of sheep trea ted with trenbolone acetate and estradiol. Elongated biza rre mitocho ndria with crystalline incl usions. Bar = 1.0 iut» .

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Reid . Dona ldson a nd He itzm a n

Fig. 3: Pa rt of hep atocyte of shee p trea ted with tren bolon e acetate. Enlarge d mitochondrion (M) with crysta lline inclu sions. Bar = 1.0 urn. Fig.4: Par t of hepat ocyt e of shee p treated with trenbolone ace tate . Enla rged mitocho nd ria. some with crys talline incl usio ns. Bar = 1.0 Il m .

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Ana bo lic Ste roid s and Hep a tic Ultras truct ur e

Table II. Liver cell volume and volume den sity of fat droplets in liver of contro l and steroid treated sheep

Liver cell volu me, urn" Nu clear volume, l Volume den sity of fat dr oplets, flm :lj 100flm3 cell


297 0.57

4159 251 1.07

4828 308 1.27

5149 258 0.53

475.2 39.4 0.540

Estrad iol. Trenbolone aceta te. :1 Standard error of di fference between mean s. I


shape (fig . 3,4), while o thers were elongated (fig . 2, 5) or bizarre in sha pe (fig . 6). In so me cases, the mitochondria l elongation was severe (fig. 5) with length to diameter ratios of 50: I a nd m itochondrial lengths of 18 micromete rs. Many of the m itochondria had fewer cri stae and numerous crysta lline inclu sion s (fig . 2-7). The inclusions con sisted of a regular, linear array of parallel stra nds with a centre-to-centre spa cing of around 100x 10- 7 mm (fig. 7). In th e e longated mit och ondria th e inclusions were parall el to th e lo ng axis of the mit och ond rion (fig. 2, 5) with peri odi c interruption s along th e length of th e crysta lline inclu sion mat er ial. In th e enla rged, sphe rica l mit och ondria, the inclus ions were see n d istributed in the matri x in a n a ppa re ntly random manner (fig . 3, 4). The per centage of cells affected by pleomorphic m itoch ond ria with crysta lline inclusion s va ried con siderably fro m block to block a nd sheep to she ep. In the most seve rely affected sheep, 20% of the liver ce lls exa mined contained mit och ondria with inclu sion s wh ereas in th e least seve re ly a ffected sheep about 5% of th e cells examined co nta ine d mit och ondria with inclusions. Mitochondri al inclusion s or pleomo rphic mit och ond ria were not see n in th e liver of control o r estradi ol-treat ed shee p. Steroid-related cha nges in o ther liver cell o rga nelles or in bile can ali culi were no t evide nt by inspect ion a ltho ug h spe cific cha nges in microbod ies a nd roug h endo plasm ic reti culum were reveal ed by stereolog ical method s as described in the foll owi ng sec tio n. Quantitative ultrastructure Live r cell vo lume, nuclear vo lume a nd volum e den sity of hepati c fat droplets, determ ined by point-counting toluidin e-blue stai ne d, I-m icr om eter sections of arald ire-embedded liver, wer e all un a ffect ed by steroid tr ea tment (table II). Implantation with all three ste ro id prep a rations, ho wever, resulted in a sta tistica lly significa nt 60% increase in hepati c ro ug h endo plas mic reti cu lum w hethe r ex pressed as vo lu me den sit y ([Lm 'f 100 um' cyto plas m) o r su rface den sit y ([Lm 2 f [Lm:1 cyto plas m) (table III ). In th e trenbolon e ace ta te gro up and in the es tradio l gro up, th ere was a sign ifica nt increase in th e volume den sit y of cyto plas m occ upied by microbodies (table III) . T he number and mean vo lume o f microbodi es a nd o f lysosom es, ca lcula ted by the for m ula o f Weibe l and Go mez [32] and a sha pe coe fficient of 1.45 (ta ble IV) were not significa ntly affec ted by ste ro id treatment. T he significa nt increase in vo lu me

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Anabolic Steroids and Hepatic Ultrastructure


Table III. Volume den sity of cell organelle s and surface density of rough endoplasmic

reticu lum in liver of control and treated sheep

Mitochondria Microbodies Lysosomes Lipid droplets Golgi Smooth end oplasmic reticulum Rough endo plasmic reticulum

17.78 lAS 0.73

0.26 0.30 8.97 5.06

Volume dens ity fLm:1j 100fLm:1cytop lasm 18047 17.17 17.59 2.65[' 2.14 2.334 1.02 1.1 7 l.l 0 0.55 0.62 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35 9.16 7.88 9.14 8.87['

8. 15"

8.9 1"

1.256 0.389 0.234 00462 0.112 1.700 0.921

Sur face density fLm1 jfLm :1 cytopla sm Ro ugh endoplasmic reticulum






Estradi ol. Trenbolone acetate . 3 Stand ard error of difference between mean s. 4 Significantl y different from control P < 0.05. 5 Significantl y different from control P < 0.01. 6 Significantl y different from control P < 0.00 I. I


density of microbodies in the estradiol a nd in the trenbol one ac etate-trea ted grou ps is thus the product of non-significant in cr ea ses in both th e number a nd mean vo lumes of m icrobodies (table IV ). N o ne o f th e other ce ll o rg a ne lles sho wed any effect o f treatment. In view of th e m itoch ondrial enlargement seen in th e livers of sheep treated with trenbol one ac eta te, it wo u ld be o f interest to d et ermine th e number of mitochondria per unit vo lu m e of liv er cell and the ave rage m itoch ondrial vo lu me . This ca n be ac hie ved by a number of methods [17]; how e ver, a ll m eth ods m ake ce rta in assumptions a bo u t mitochondrial sha pe and size di stribution . It is cle ar that, in our case, such assumptions are not va lid becau se mitoch ondrial sha pe was a lte red by trenbolon e acetate treatment. The surface-to-vo lume ra tio o f mitochondria can be d eterm in ed , however, be cau se it is independent o f an y sha pe factors [15]. F ro m ta ble IV it can be see n that su rface/volu me ratio of h epatic mit och ondria was sign ifica ntly (P < 0.05 ) reduced in the tw o gr oups treat ed with tr enbol on e aceta te co m pa red wit h that in th e co n tro l g ro u p.

Fig. 5: Part of hepat ocyte of sheep treated with trenb olone acetate. Elongated mitochondria with blocks of crystalline material alon g long axis interrupted by gaps (a rrows). Bar = 0.8 fL m . Fig. 6: Part of hepat ocyte of sheep treated with trenbolone aceta te a nd estradiol. Bizarre shaped mitochond ria with inclusions. Bar = 1.0 iu v: Fig. 7: Mitochondri a from liver of sheep treated with trenbol one acetate. Periodicity of crysta lline material is IOOx 10- 7 mm. Bar = 004 iut» .

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7 60

Reid. Do na ldson a nd Hei tzman

Table IV. Number and mean volume of microbodies and Iysosomes and surface:volume ratio in liver of control and treated sheep Number per 100 fl m" of cytoplasm Microbodies Lysosomes

2.08 2.26

3,44 2.62

3.89 2.24

3.83 2.97

0.924 0.574

0.747 0.382

0.2013 0.0752

Mean volume /lm:l Microbody Lysosome

0.682 0.322

0.620 0,462

0.765 0,457

Surface/Volume ratio flm 2 / urn" Mitochondria






Estradiol. Trenbolone acetate. :1 Standard error of difference between means. 4 Significantly different from control P < 0.05. 1


Discussion Two significant cha nges occu rre d in hep a tocyte ultrastructu re afte r im plantatio n of sheep with the a na bo lic steroid, tren bolon e acetate. One, the inc rease in a mo unt of rough endoplasmic ret icu lum, is potentially of be nefit to the an imal: whereas the other, the occurrence of enlarged, pleomorphic mitochondria with cry sta lline incl usions , is potentially ha rm fu l to the animal. A major func tio n of th e liver is the partition of amino acids between utiliza tion for pro te in synt hesis and deam ination to yield substrates for energy production. In th e latter case , the amino group is incorporated into urea by liver enzymes. R ecent studies have shown that tre nbolone acetate reduced the urea en try ra te in cattle and shee p [6]. T his may resul t in relat ively more amino acids available for protein synthesis. Since a mino acid su pp ly is an im po rta nt regu la to r of protein syn thes is in liver [27], the increase in ro ugh endoplasmic retic ulum is consiste nt with increased hep ati c protein syn thes is after enha nced availa bi lity of a m ino aci ds . T he increased vo lume de nsity of micro bodies in liver of steroid treated shee p is of some in ter est. A variety of d rugs cau ses a n increase in hep ati c microbodies [29] including a number of hypolip ide mic age nts [13, 18]. It has been sugge sted th at the hyp olipidemi a is caused by an increased fatty acid ox ida tio n in hep a tic mic robod ies [13]. A number of ana boli c steroids are effective in lowering blood lipids in man [7] a nd we have so me pre limi nary ev idence that plasma cholesterol is lower ed in stee rs treated with tren bo lone acetate . There may be a rela tio nship between increased microbodies and hypo lipidemia in animals trea ted wit h anabolic steroids . C rysta lline inclusions in hepatic mitochondria have been described in a wide var iety of di sea ses of man [5, 8, 14,20,26,28] as well as in apparently no rmal livers o f man [33]. Giant mitochondria with crystalline inclusions a lso ha ve been described in the liver of healthy women on oral contrace ptives [12, 16, 19, 21], in patients given 17-alk ylated a nabolic steroids [ I I] and in ra ts treated with pregnenolone [30]. T he

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A na bo lic Stero ids a nd Hepa tic U ltra stru ct ure

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sig n ific a nce o f these c rys ta ll in e mitochondrial inclusi ons is co n t rove rs ia l; it is unclear w he the r th e in clusi ons indicate li ver injury o r are m ere exagge ra tio ns o f phy si ol o gical variation [5, 11 , 31]. T he occ u rre n ce , h o w e ve r, of mi toc ho n dr ia l in cl us io ns in the li ve r of wome n treated wit h co n trace p tive steroids a nd no w of shee p trea ted w it h anabo lic ste ro id s, a nd th e rela tio ns h ip between these ste ro id s a n d li ver tum ou rs [1-4] suggests tha t li ver d a m a g e s ho u ld be considered a po ten tia l h a zard o f a na bolic stero id imp la n ta tio n in fa r m a ni ma ls . F urt h er st udies are req uired to assess the seriousness of t he p ot ential h a zard .

Acknowledgements We th ank Me ssrs . R. A. C o llins a nd R. D. Harrison for techn ica l assis tance .

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Req ue st reprint s from Dr. 1. M . Reid , De part men t of C ellula r Pa th o logy, In stitute for Resear ch on Anima l Diseases, Co m pto n, N ewbu ry, Berk shire , R G 16 ONN , (U .K.).

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Effects of anabolic steroids on liver cell ultrastructure in sheep.

Vet. Pathol. / 5: 753-762 (1978) Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Liver Cell Ultrastructure in Sheep I. M . R EID. I. A. DONALDSO N and R. J. HEITZMAN...
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