European Jmtrnal of Phanmwoh*g; - Moire dar Pt arm woh~v Sccmm. 227 (P~'42)427- 43t '~ ltlq2 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All righls resetwcd ~q22 -Itlta/92/$05.t1~


[!J P M O L 9{1378

Effects of endothelins on the human megakars, oblastic cell line MEG-01 Sylvie D i o c h o t % D a n i e l V i t t e t ", M a r i e - N o i i l l e M a t h i e u ", J e a n - M a r i e L a u n a y h a n d C h m d e C h e v i H a r d " "

INSliRM U. 300. I:acultd tie Piutrma~t~'. ,Montpellwr. I"rame. a n d ¢' FP.A ~. laude Berm*rd '%~'¢#rt~chttm: de,, (

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th'~pila! 5t~iltl l.oI~t~. Part~. I:rftll~"

Received 15 April Iqq2. revised MS received 2S ]ul~ 1902.accepted tS Augus~ I~C/2

Some cffec:.s of cndoflmlin-I (ET-I) were sludicd on the megaka~'ohiaslic celt line MEG4H. ET-] induced an cte;atkm of the i~:;,accllular !evels of Ca-" ~![Ca-" ~],) as measured ~ith lhe fluorcscem ind;ca~or indo-1. ~hich consists uf an. initial mmsiem increase and an ensuing sustained plaleau. The plateau phase was abolished b~ rcm~3~alof cx'r ,cclhflar ('a: ". In a~ddititm. ET-I induced a rapid (within 5 s) increase in the accumulation of inosilol !.4.5-trispho~0;;alc (h~s~,t.4.'~:' 0 ,rod more dctaycd increases in Ins{I.3.4)P 3 and Ins(I.3,4,5)P a, but did not modify cAMP levels. ET-1 i~o. 1.4/: NazlIPO~. 8; MgCt:, 0,5: Ca('l ,, 0.q: glucose. 5.55. It was adjusted at pit = 7.4. 2.2. Celt cultun" MEG-01 cells wcrc from Dr. 14. Saito, University of Nagoya. Japan. MEG-Ill suspension cultnres were rontinety pax~aged 3 limes weekly in RPM! I¢,.RI mediun~ supplemented with 2 mM glutl, m m c and 10G ( v / x ) heat-inactivcd l~.lal calf serum under a humidified atmosphere containing 5 r ; C O . at 370( ". 2.3. Meaxttrtvmvtl of [('a-'"


Cells were Imlvcsted 2-3 days after seediug, c.~ntrifugcd (18fl × g, 5 mint and washed lwiee ~illl ['BS. The washed cells "~e;c resuspended to ill" ccll,/nfl. incubated 2{) rain at 37°C lit tile dark with 5 p.M i Mo-I AM. Loading was termina~.ed by dilution with cold PBS followed by ccnlrifugation. The cell pellet ~ a s resuspcnded ill PBS and aliquots (1t.8-0.8 × 1(1" ce[[s'l werc transferred to a 1 ml quartz cuvcttc equipped for temperature conrail and magnetic stirring. Fluorescence signals (|:) obtained by agents were monitored with excitation and emission wavelengths of 332 aqd 411{t nm. respectively, using a Ktmtron SFM 25 spccImfluorimeter. The cells were subsequently lysed by adding 5() ;.:.M digit.omn m obtain the si,znat of the Ca 2" _~aturatcd dye (F~,.,,). k~,,,,, for the Ca-" "-trce form of tile dye ~ a s recorded by adding 10 mM E ( H A . p | l 8.2. The concentration of intraceiiular ionized calcm,n [('at e. ], was ca!cub|ted to (hynkicwiez el al. (19,R5). using the equation: [ C a : ' ], = K,dF--I:~,,,jF',,,,,- F). with K,~ = 25(! nM All agcnls x~crc added to the quarlz cuvettc in a volume .'ff !tl p t. 2.4. Mcasun'mcn[ it] ip,l~itol IrA- ~im t tetr,.gk&phoslgmh" MKG4)t ceils (8 × I0 ~ ce~ls/mlI were incubated t\w 24 h in culture medium containing ill , u C i / m l myo-12311]it:ositol. After washing v, ilh PBS, ce!!s (6 × ll~' celts pet" t u b O were equilibrated fiar 15 rain aa 37°(" and further incubated f~r various limes at 37':(" ~ithout

(control) or with Ill0 nM ET-I. The reaction was stopped by addition of perchloric acid (SG v / v final concenlration) and the samples were centrifuged. T h e s u p e m a t a n t s were neutralized by 3 M KOII-150 m M HFPES. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was carried out ,..'-n an ankm-,rxchangc column (Partisil SAX-II)). lno,dtol phosphates were separated using a muhilinear gradient from water to 3 M ammoniunl formate (adjusted It) ptI 3.7 with i-lsPO~). After injection of the sample. ,he co~ .;m was washed Ibr 5 nun (flow late 1.2 , d / , ~ , m ) ~ith water. The grzMicnt of a m m o n i n m fl)rma,.c used w-;:,: 0-0.6 M tot 8 rain: then 0.6 M for 3 rain: 0.6-1 M for 7 min: 1 M over 5 min: 1-2 M fi~r 7 rain; 2 M fi~r 5 rain: finally 2 - 3 M for 7 rain and 3 M for 3 min. Eluales werc collected ever3, 0.5 min and a.~sayed for radioactivity content. Ins( 1,3.4)P~. Ins( 1.4,5)P3 and Ins( 1,3.4.5)P~ were cluted from the c o h m m between 27.5-29JI. 29.5-31.1). and 39.5-41.5 min. respectively. Tritiated derivatives were uscd as standards for the calihralion of the gradient. 2.5. ('yclic A M P assay hltr:|ce]luJar c A M P accumnlatknl was 0,~ernlined hi intact cells by measuring [~H]cAMP Uion after prclabcling the endogenous ATP poe.,!'-. ~4::~G-()l cells (approximately 5 × I( c e l l s / m . ) were labeled by incu-bafion in the culture medium with I /.tCi/ml of [2.8;H]adenine fl~r 4 h at 37°C in lhc cell incubator. Unincorporated adenine ~ a s removed by centrifugalion ( I 8 0 x g . 5 mini. The loaded cells were then washed twice with PBS and rcsuspended te 2 x lip c d i s / m l in the incuhation med.' i fresh PBS containing 1 m M isobutyl-methylxanthine (IBMX). an inhibitor of c A M P - d e p e n d e n t pnosphodicstcrases). Cells (48,0 /.tit wcrc distributed in lest tubes and prcincubated for I0 rain at 370( ` bcflwc tile addition of agonist 120/.tit. Incnhations were performed for I(! miu at 37°C and terminated by adding 500 /.t[ Ill(?,; ice-cold trichloroacetlc acid t l t A~. After lhI.Ht~Ugii III;,~iiig. ""'t,L~ suspensions ~ e r e kept in an ice bath for lit min l~rior to ccnlrifugation at 4500 × g for 5 rain all 4%'. [ ~H]cAMP was isolated from other labeled substances using tile sequential chro*:latography method of Sa!onion e| ill. t,g'74). Briefly. the s u p e r n a t a n t was app!icd to catkin-exchange columns (Dowcx 50 WX8. 20()-4(Ri mesh. H fi~rm) and the ~H-lahelcd precursor nucleot]de~ ~ c r c ctuted with distilled water. After further elutMn of the Dowex eohnlln col:tents into neutral alumina columns. [~HlcAMP was etuted from alumina with 0.1 M im,idazolc at pH 7.4. Recovcpy evalualed with labeled cAMP was better than 5(Fi and there was no detectable contamination by labeled ATP. Radioactivity present in l=,ofll ahmiina eluatcs and ~H-labeled precursor fractions was determined by liquid scinliltalion counting. "i he fin:d results arc expressed as the

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Fig. i. El'feels o f c n d o t h c l i n - ! l E T - I : l!t;t h M ) oil [ ( ' a : " j, ill indo-1l o a d e d M E G - I l l cells. A: E x l m c e l l t i l a r [('a 2 " ] = 03J a i M ; B: [ E G T A ] = 3 raM; (': c r o s s - d e s e n s i t i z a t i o n bclv, e e n F.T-I (101) n M l a n d sarafi~loxin ilb ( I n I i n M ) a n d hick o f dcscn~,itization bctv,.ccn ET-I arul l h m r i l b i n (5 U / r o l E l : 1-t ~as added ai ilic tiinc i n d i c a l c d b)' arrows, sarafoloxin h b IS} and IhlFoml~in ( T ) w c r c a d d e d at the |llllUS i n t l i c a l c d by alrm~hcads.

fraction o f 3H incorporated into the cells that was then coL,ecrtcd to [3H]cAMP.

3. Results In the presence of (t.9 mM CaCI, in the medium. 100 nM ET-I induced an immediate transient increase of [Ca :+ ]i- the duration of which was about 30 s. This peak was followed by a sustained [Ca2-]i increa.-,c lasting at ie:~,st 5 min. When the measurement was carried out aficr prior 2 rain treatment of the cclls by 3


mM EGTA, the initial !rln~sient peak of tCa:" ii still occurred while the sustained increase was no more presenl. Fig. IA and I3 shows typical recordings of these E'F-1 effects. Similar responses, i.e. initial transient and sustained seconda~ increase in [Ca::']:, as well as a similar behavior in the presence of EGTA, also occurred for ET-2. ET-3, vasointestinat constrictor and sarah)toxin 6h (not shown). We aim observed that a first Ireatmenl by one of the ET isoforms completely prevented the (a-" mobilizing effect of the same or another analog. For cxampic, fig. iC ..,huws that sara~ozoxin 5b could no !,anger elicit a Ca ~,~ response after one treatment by ET-I. We have observed that all possible combinations gave the same result. However. such a phenomenon was not observed when the second stimulation was eticitcd by a non-structurally related agonist, such as thrombin (fig. I


Fig. 2 presents increase in [Ca:" ], elicited by diffcrcnt concentrations of ET-I. ET-2, ET-3. vasointeslinal constriclor and saraf(mrxin (~h. From these cur~,es it can be observed thai the different isoforms display concentration-effect curves whose maximal responses arc in the same range, whercas the order of potency is sarafotoxin 6b > ET-I > ET-2 = vaso;ntesfina{ conrtrictor > ET-3. Tbc effects of ET-t on phosphoinositide breakdown arc shown in fig. 3 which r e p , a ~ the tim,_" e_)_,rse of the tritiated inositol phosphate accumulatkm following ET-t (100 eM) slimulaikm of MEG-0i c~,,.'-"° tns(1.4.5tP~ increased rapidly to 450Ci :~bove control leveis within the first 5 s then sligi~tiy decreased 'hereafter whereas Ins( t.3.4)P~ ami lnst !.3.4.5)P: increm.ed more slowly, reaching their r~aximal even 15{R'~ ard 200G above control levels, respcct[vely) between 30 and (~tt s. ET-i (t(lii nMt neither affected cAMP format:,on in MEG-01 cells nor modified the increases in cAMP

50.0 i 3"


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10 ~



E't'-amll(~Ts, M TIME !~g!

Fig. 2. Do~c-r~sponsc curves for ET-homologuc-induccd increase i~

l('a 2~ J~: each point r~prcsents the mca~ of 4--5 cxp::t-imcnls. Ear~ rcprescnl S~I:._M. ( Ill I ~T-I. ( a ) [~ |-2. (1) El-3. ( ~ l va~nlc~linal con~:rlcloL ( >- ) s;~rafotoxifl fib.

{ ~ ! ] ] ] n , { L 3 A . 5 1 P a ~,c~mali,a~





431/ "FABLE I Effect o f

endt~lhclin-I{FT-I) on cAMP Ic,,cls in MEG-Ill cells.¢ pcrfiumcd for I11 rain as described in Malcrial', ;rod melhods, m th, presence of I mM IBMX. Data arc means ~S.E. t~f three separate cxpcrilrllent!,. : P , 11.1)5. significanllydilfcrc+~l from COlllrol non-lrealcd cons. II, rig Studcnl's I-IcM. 'IljcAMP, ~ of Iolal ~l I illt'ol-por~l|cd

Commb ET-I I lllOnMl F'~rskolin( 111/zM1 Pl_il:~1I(~ nMI E'I'-t + tor~,kolin

~kl-'~ i lL{12 0.15 ~ I).IM 11.411+ tl. 12 ~ t.1t3 -*0.40 1136+ 11.1)0 ~

ET-i + P(;~



l! e~, ~

accumulation due to either forskolin or prostaglandin E~ (PGE~) (table I).

4. Discussion

T h e present study demonstrates that ETs arc ; increase [Ca-"|, in MEG-Ill cells. This incrca~,~ , pears t¢~ cesult I¥om b,~ih mobilization of an intraceiiular p~)l of Ca -~. . . ,~.,~ .. entry of cxtraecllular calcium. Indeed. the. C a : ' initial transients elicited by all the ET analogs ~,.crc maintained when cxtraccllular Ca -'~ was chel;~+:3 by prior addition of E G T A into the medium. ~ ~',,.r,,as the secondaD' suslaincd increase was no longer Frcscnt. Therefore, at least one part of the calcium response elicited by ET analogs results from the mobilization of Ca-" ' from intraccl!ular stores. Since lns(l.43)P~ is known to mobilize C a : ' from these stores (Berridge and Ire'inc. 1989). we have studied the effects o f ET-I on ~l~e production o f inositol phosphates. Results show thai ET-I increased rapidly. ,,,;th;,, . . . r ~ aucnl~lUhi. . . . . . . . . . .c,. ,: fol!,,wing stimJj-?Ai:m. "[ ~.%( .! .4, tion in MEG-01 cells. This tirnc course is therefore consistent, with the po~tulaied C a " mobilizing effect of Ins( 1,4.51P s. In addition, the oilier trisphosphate isomer Ins(!,3,4)P s accumulated ntorc slowly than lns(l,4.5'fP. We also ohser'~cd a la~e accumulation of 1ns(I,3.4.511~ lollowit~,~ V ! ' . !ilnulalion of MEG-01 cells: the timecourse : :,~ of this tetrakisphosphate derivative b ¢!3 its implication in the exlracellu. lar ( ; ~owing E T stimulation. 7%,: ~ I , ~ : ~ ~i~zt~ ~.hc Ca-" peak can no longer be e l i d t e d by an ET anak)g after a first ET stimulation could mean I~a~ the intcrnal stores are emptied or could indicz~e a desensitization at the ET receptor level. Since a non-related agonist, such as thrombin was still able to elicit a C a : " response after ET. it

appears that a cross-desensitization between ET analogs at the receptor level occurred. Moreover. if the internal stores had been emptied by the first ET stimulation, at lea~:t the second ET-induced Ca -'+ response due to C a : ' eniD' would have been present, which was not the case. Thus. data arc consistent with a homologous eross-descnsiti/:;m~rl and indicate that all ET analogs act on the S;l!llC icceL0tor. R,:!dhqig:md binding ,~Iudies and a M n i | v cross-linking experiments have supported the existence of subtypes of e ndol he l i n receptors, and recently, c D N A s encoding two pharmaeok)gically distinct subtypes of the endothelin receptor have been cloned (for review Wcbb. 1991 ): the ETA endothelin receptor, which shows rank order of .ffinity H ' - I ~ ET-3, and the ET B cndothelin receptor having affinity rank order ET-I = ET-3. The orde r of notcncy of the different isoforms of ET in mobilizing ~ '" in MEG-01 cells was: sarafotoxin 6b > E T - I , ,-_-~ ~ - v a s o i n t e s t i n a l constrictor > ET-3. whk:h is eo:~,;,~,,-nt w i l h th,- im',~lvemen! of an ET A endotheiin receptor type. tl ap~c,tts therefore thal the pharmace, h;gy of ',he ET receptor site present on MEG-01 cells could bc different from that involved in atrial myocytc C a : ' response, in which the sequence is ET-1 > ET-2 > sarafotoxin 6b > ET-3 (Vigne et al.. 1990). Such a different pharmacology may be related to dif;crem ETx receptor subtypes. On the other hand, the higher potency of sarafotoxin 6b c ompa re d to ET-I and ET-2 could also bc related to differential enzymatic inactivation of the pcptides, it has indeed bccn d e m o n s t r a t e d that the ,ank of potency of ET homok;gucs could bc modified by pcptidasc inhibitors (Maggi el al.. 19901. In particular, it has been shown that sarafotoxins arc less sensitive than ETs to neutral c n d o p e p t i d a s c s (Sokolovsky ct al., 1990). In summaD,, wc have shown that ET-I induces on MEG-01 cells an increase in [Ca:*]~ which is due to both Ca -'* mobilization of internal stores and to Ca -'+ cntr.v, and theft ET-I activates phospholipasc C, leading to an increased m-oduction of lns(I,4,5)P~. Da!a show that the mcgaka~,oblastic cell line M E G - 0 i bears ET receptors and therctorc represents a new target for cndothclins. The subtype of receptor involved could bc ~ff an A type. on the basis of the higher potency of ET-t tov, ards ET-3. Nonetheless, the functional response elicited by endothclins on the MEG-(ll cell line remains to be determined.

Acknowledgements The anlhorn lhank Dr. II. Saito liar providing ME'G-I)I cells and Mrs. ('~.~ell¢ BeItc~z;ffde |bl her excellent editorial assistance. This work ~as ~upiy,~rivd by I,N S.E.|~.M. (]nsl~lul Nalit~fiai de ]a Sant~ ¢t

de k: l~.cchcrchc Mddicalc. France).


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Effects of endothelins on the human megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01.

Some effects of endothelin-1 (ET-1) were studied on the megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01. ET-1 induced an elevation of the intracellular levels of Ca...
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