Br. J. Pharmacol. (1990), 101, 349-357


Macmillan Press Ltd, 1990

Effects of organophosphorus anticholinesterases on nicotinic receptor ion channels at adult mouse muscle endplates John E.H. Tattersall Biology Division, Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 OJQ 1 The effects of a range of organophosphorus anticholinesterases on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channel at the adult mouse muscle endplate were investigated by use of single-channel recording techniques. Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP), sarin and soman had no effect on open times at concentrations of up to 100pM, but ecothiopate (Eco) and O-ethyl S-[2-diisopropylamino)ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX) were found to have voltage- and concentration-dependent open channel-blocking actions at concentrations of 1-50UM. In addition to its channel-blocking action, Eco (50OuM) had a weak agonist effect: it is suggested that this may be attributable to thiocholine produced by hydrolysis of Eco. 2 Rate constants for blockade by Eco and VX were determined according to a sequential model. The greater voltage-dependence of the block by Eco was due to a greater voltage sensitivity of the blocking rate constant compared to VX: the voltage-dependence of the unblocking rate constant was similar for both compounds. 3 In control recordings, the frequency of channel opening declined exponentially with time after formation of the gigaseal. Sarin and soman both increased the rate of this decline, indicating that they accelerated the rate of desensitization of the receptors. Eco and VX reduced the initial frequency of opening, which may have been due to enhancement of a fast phase of desensitization during gigaseal formation, or to blockade of closed channels. 4 It is concluded that the direct actions of organophosphates on nicotinic receptor ion channels are of little importance for their toxicity under normal conditions, since they occur only at much higher concentrations than those which cause inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Such actions may become apparent, however, when therapies against the anticholinesterase effects of organophosphates increase their lethal dose sufficiently. These direct actions should also be taken into account when the effects of organophosphates on cholinergic transmission are studied.

Introduction A wide range of compounds has been found to block noncompetitively the flow of current through acetylcholineactivated ion channels at vertebrate neuromuscular junctions (Lambert et al., 1983; Barrantes, 1988). These include local anaesthetics, tricyclic antidepressants, histrionicotoxin and its derivatives, the hallucinogenic agent phencyclidine (PCP), antimuscarinics, antinicotinics and anticholinesterases. Such channel blockers are believed to interact with one or more non-competitive inhibitory binding sites which become available when the channel opens (Adams, 1987). The study described here used the patch clamp technique to investigate the direct interactions of a number of organophosphorus esters with the nicotinic cholinoceptor ion channel. These agents are irreversible inhibitors of cholinesterases, and intoxication with them can lead to a wide range of symptoms resulting from the accumulation of released acetylcholine at nicotinic and muscarinic synapses. The organophosphates soman, diisopropylfluorophospate (DFP) and O-ethyl S-[24diisopropylamino) ethyl]methylphosphonothiolate (VX), in addition to their well-known disruption of cholinergic transmission through the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, have been reported to have direct effects on the nicotinic cholinoceptor in amphibian muscle ( al., 1974; Albuquerque et al., 1984; 1985; Rao et al., 1987). These include channel blocking, desensitizing and agonist activities. Such additional actions of organophosphates may complicate studies of the effects of acetylcholinesterase inhibition on cholinergic transmission, and it has been suggested that they may also be significant for the development of therapies for the treatment of poisoning by these compounds (Albuquerque et al., 1985). The present study examined the effects of a range of organophosphates on single acetylcholine receptor ion channels at mammalian skeletal muscle endplates, in order to evaluate the possible contribution of such effects to the tox-

icity of these compounds. The preparation used was the dissociated flexor digitorum brevis muscle from the mouse, a species for which extensive toxicological information is available. A preliminary report of some of this work has been published previously in abstract form (Tattersall, 1989).

Methods Flexor digitorum brevis muscles were dissected from the hind limbs of adult mice (1.5-3 months old). These were dissociated into single fibres by an enzymatic method previously described by Brehm & Kullberg (1987). Briefly, the muscles were incubated for 2 h at 37°C in Dulbecco's modification of Eagles medium (Flow Laboratories) containing 3 mg ml 1 collagenase (Sigma, type I). They were then washed and incubated for a further 15min at 37°C in Ca2l -free minimum essential medium (MEMS, Flow Laboratories) containing 0.5mgml-' trypsin (Sigma, Type XI) and 0.2.mgml-1 disodium edetate (EDTA). The muscles were dissociated by gentle trituration .through a Pasteur pipette in saline which had the following composition (mM concentrations): NaCl 120, KC1 1, CaCl2 1, HEPES 10, pH 7.2 with NaOH. All experiments were performed at room temperature (20°C). Conventional intracellular recordings were made in order to determine the physiological condition of dissociated fibres. Intracellular micropipettes were filled either with 3M KCl or with SM potassium acetate, and had resistances of 10-20 MCI. A bridge amplifier was used to inject current through the recording electrode. Patch pipettes were pulled from borosilicate glass to a tip diameter of 1-2 pm and filled with physiological saline containing acetylcholine, either alone or in combination with an organophosphate. Single channel currents were recorded in cell-attached patches at or near the endplate region with an Axopatch 1-B amplifier (Axon Instruments, Burlingame, CA,



U.S.A.), sampled continuously at 44 kHz by a pulse code modulator and stored on videotape. The signals were played back through a low-pass filter (4-pole Bessel, 3 dB cutoff 5 kHz), and digitized at 20 Hz by a Labmaster interface (Scientific Solutions, Solon, OH, U.S.A.) for subsequent computer analysis by the pCLAMP, IPROC and LPROC programmes (Axon Instruments). Sections of data in which more than one channel was open were excluded from the analysis. All resolvable sojourns at the baseline level (duration greater than lOO1s) were treated as true closings. Histograms of open and closed durations were fitted with one or more exponential functions by the least squares method. At the end of each recording, the resting potential of the muscle fibre was measured by breaking the membrane patch to record in the whole cell mode. This value was later confirmed from the currentvoltage curve for the channel, assuming the reversal potential to be 0 mV. Patches were only accepted for analysis if the two values agreed within 1O mV.

Ecothiopate iodide (phospholine eyedrops) was purchased from Ayerst Laboratories (Andover, Hants., UK). Acetylcholine and diisopropylfluorophosphate were purchased from Sigma. Sarin, soman and VX (>98% pure) were synthesized at this Establishment and stored as 5 mg ml -1 solutions in isopropanol. They were diluted to final concentrations with physiological saline. Control experiments for these compounds were performed by use of acetylcholine dissolved in appropriate dilutions of isopropanol in saline. The mean open times were not changed significantly by the concentrations of isopropanol used (up to 0.2%). All drugs were applied through the interior of the patch pipette. Since all recordings were made in the cell-attached mode, only one drug concentration was applied to each patch.

Burst analysis

Resting potential

Analysis of burst durations was performed in patches with relatively low open probabilities, i.e. those in which the mean interburst closed interval was greater than 100ms. In these patches, the bursts of openings were well separated and readily distinguishable. The burst terminator value (the threshold level used to discriminate between intra- and interburst closed durations) used during analysis was at least 7 times the mean intraburst closed time determined from exponential fits of closed duration histograms (Alkondon & Albuquerque, 1989). Total open time per burst was calculated by multiplying the duration of each burst by the open probability during that burst. Histograms of burst durations and total open time per burst were fitted with exponential functions using a maximum likelihood method.

The resting potential of muscle fibres measured with intracellular microelectrodes was -51.2 + 8.3 mV (n = 41). Intracellular current injection elicited overshooting action potentials, which were accompanied by contractions of the fibre. Measurements of resting potentials made during patch clamp experiments gave a value of -51.9 + 13.0mV (n = 47), which was not significantly different from that measured with intracellular electrodes. None of the organophosphates tested significantly altered the resting potential.

Model of channel block A simple sequential model of channel block was used to interpret the data. This assumed that the blocking drug binds reversibly to the conducting state of the channel to form a species with little or no conductance (Adams, 1976; Adler et al., 1978; Neher & Steinbach, 1978). The model may be represented by the following reaction scheme: D




An R


A R*





where A is the agonist molecule, R is the nicotinic cholinoceptor ion channel, n is the number (usually considered to be two) of agonist molecules bound per nicotinic cholinoceptor, An R is the agonist-bound closed state, A. R* is the open state and A. RD is the blocked state. The closed and blocked states are usually indistinguishable on the basis of conductance, but may be distinguished by their temporal characteristics. According to this model, the mean open duration is equal to 1/(a + G.c), where G is the forward rate constant for the blocking reaction and c is the concentration of the drug. Thus, a plot of the reciprocal of the open time versus the concentration of the blocking drug yields a straight line, the slope of which is equal to G and the intercept of which is equal to a. As the unblocking reaction is the only step leading away from the blocked state, the unblocking rate constant, F, may be estimated as the inverse of the mean duration of the blocked state (Neher & Steinbach, 1978).

Statistics Data are expressed as mean + s.d. Groups of data were compared by Student's t test. A difference between means was considered significant if the probability of it being due to random variation, P. was less than 0.05.



Acetylcholine-activated channel openings Acetylcholine (300nM) in the patch pipette induced channel openings which appeared as square wave pulses, in which the noise level in the open state remained similar to that during the closed state (Figure 1). The single channel amplitude increased linearly with membrane potential at all voltages tested (i.e. up to 10pA). The single channel conductance, calculated from the current-voltage relationship, was 60.5 + 13.0 pS (n = 13). A second type of channel with a much lower conductance was observed in about half of the patches (52 out of 93), but constituted less than 5% of the total numbers of openings in those patches. Due to the low frequency of these events, no attempt was made to analyse this channel.

Effects of organophosphates on ACh-activated channel openings Of the compounds tested, only Eco and VX had any detectable effect on the open times of acetylcholine-activated channels. Sarin, soman and DFP had no discernible effect at concentrations up to 100puM. In the presence of Eco, channel openings were chopped into bursts of much shorter openings by brief transitions to the closed channel current level (Figure 1). With VX, the channel openings were again reduced in duration, but the intraburst transitions to the closed channel current level were longer with Eco, resulting in bursts of widely-spaced short openings (Figure 1). In control patches, the majority of open times of the 60pS channel showed a single exponential distribution, but there was a slight excess of short openings, as described by Henderson et al. (1987) (Figure 2). The mean open time increased exponentially as a function of membrane voltage, with an e-fold increase per 73 + 18 mV of hyperpolarization (see Figure 3). Closed duration histograms could be fitted by a single exponential (Figure 2), and there was no evidence of a second, faster exponential function in the closed time distribution. The mean closed time varied greatly between patches, from about 100 ms to several seconds. It also tended to increase with time during each recording, presumably due to desensitization of the receptors.



ink M&A AL-.-A


A&* VW., ljolim,-.rioftoV%'l




M- .0 Its

I "_







AWJW = --AAIIM i%--, NV- TIV -.wRWT ww"t



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II 11. Oil*




-rwlvr T TV--T W."

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*% v-oil._'P -A -dwA-I-III 'D MIN

Awwwo oopoi Mqpwvqpvo







.I .1 'FA 140.4"Pow"J".%Vvw"



ACh 300 nM +VX 50 F.M

ACh 300 nM +Eco 50 FLM

d PI MII--moo r Pl- F-

o i 6-1 --'I

10 pA 10 ms in control patches (left) and in the presence of 50,UM currents channel single of acetylcholine 1 Samples Figure (ACh)-activated ecothiopate (Eco, centre) or 50uM O-ethyl S-[24diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX, right). The traces show consecutive openings captured by an event detector. The membrane potential was -00 mV in each patch.

Eco 50 FM


VX 50 FM 200


U w c


X = 0.56 ms

r = 0.53 ms

r= 3.26 ms


50 6




Open duration (ms)






Open duration (ms) 2001








Open duration (ms)


= 0.56 ms


1.50 ms

5o r~n.





'a .


LL .








0 10 010




0 u









a II 2000




Closed duration (ms) Closed duration (ms) Closed duration (ms) Figure 2 Open (top) and closed (bottom) duration histograms for single acetylcholine (ACh)-activated channels in control conditions (left) and in the presence of 50#M ecothiopate (Eco, centre) or SOp#M 0-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX, right). The insets show the events in the first 20ms bin of the closed duration histogram above on an expanded time scale. values are the time constants of the single exponential functions fitted by least squares regression analysis. The first bin in each histogram was excluded from the regression



In the presence of Eco or VX, the open time histograms could again be fitted by a single exponential function at all concentrations tested, but the mean open time was shorter than in control patches (Figure 2). With both compounds, the closed time distributions showed an additional fast exponential component compared with controls (Figure 2), which was related to the intraburst closures. The effect of Eco and VX on the open time was concentration-dependent, such that increasing concentrations of either compound caused a progressive loss in the voltagesensitivity of the mean channel open time (Figure 3). The effect was more marked with Eco, which at a concentration of 5OpuM reversed the voltage-dependence of the open time. The reduction in open time produced by Eco was thus small at the normal resting potential of the fibres, but became more pronounced as the membrane was hyperpolarized. In contrast, VX caused a marked shortening of the mean open time at all membrane potentials tested. As predicted by the simple sequential model, the inverse of the mean open time was linearly related to the concentration of Eco or VX, up to a concentration of 5OpM, and the slope of

this relationship was used to determine the forward rate constant of the channel-blocking step, G (Figure 4). In the case of Eco, the slope increased as the membrane was hyperpolarized, indicating that G was markedly voltage-dependent. With VX, however, the slope changed little with increasing hyperpolarization, and G therefore showed much less voltagedependence. According to the model, the fast exponential which appeared in the closed time distribution in the presence of Eco or VX described the duration of the blocked state of the channel. Closed durations briefer than 20ms were well fitted by single exponentials (see Figure 2), and the time constants of these fast exponentials were used to calculate F, the backward rate constant for the blocking reaction. This rate constant showed a similar voltage dependence for both Eco and VX, but was approximately 3.5 times faster for Eco than for VX at all membrane potentials (Figure 5). Knowing the values of F and G, and their voltagedependence, it was possible to calculate KD, the dissociation











(D 0.001 . .. .a.. .... 0 -200 -100


Em (mV)

3 0


_g 22 a)



0 ._



c a










30 40


[Ecol (>±M) 200





-100 -50 -150 Membrane potential (mV)










-a 0.

Em (mV)



0 c




20 3U 40 5U [VX] (±M) Figure 4 Concentration-dependent effect of ecothiopate (Eco, a) and O-ethyl S-[2{diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX, b) on the mean open times of acetylcholine (ACh)-activated channels. The main figures show the relationship between the recipro-







Membrane potential (mV) Figure 3 Voltage-dependent effect of ecothiopate (Eco, a) and O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX, b) on the mean open times of acetylcholine (ACh)-activated channels. Relationship between the mean channel open times (logarithmic scale) and membrane potentials from single channel recordings obtained with ACh (0.3,pM) either alone (0) or together with 1 (Ol), 10 (A) or 50 (0) UM Eco or VX. Each point represents the mean of values from at least three patches. Lines were fitted by linear regression.


cal of the mean open time and the concentration of Eco or VX at membrane potentials of -40 (O), -80 (Ol) and -120 (VX) or -140 (Eco) (0) mV. Each point represents the mean of values from at least three patches. Insets show the relationship between the blocking rate constant, G, (logarithmic scale) and membrane potential (Em). Lines were fitted by linear regression.



voltage sensitivity of G for Eco, since the voltage-dependence of F was the same for both compounds.


Effect oforganophosphates on burst duration









Membrane potential (mV) Figure 5 Relationship between the unblocking rate constant, F, (logarithmic scale) and membrane potential for ecothiopate (N) and O-ethyl S-[2{diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (0). Lines were fitted by linear regression.

constant for the blocked state, and its voltage dependence.

The voltage dependence of KD can be described by a Boltzdistribution (Woodhull, 1973; Adler et al., 1978; Neher & Steinbach, 1978), in which the argument of the exponential

According to the simple sequential model, the mean burst duration should increase linearly with the concentration of the blocking drug, while the mean total open time per burst should remain constant, since the only way the channel can become unblocked is via the open state (Colquhoun & Hawkes, 1983; Adams, 1987). In order to test the model, therefore, burst durations and total intraburst open times were measured in the presence of various concentrations of Eco and VX. Histograms of burst duration and intraburst open time were fitted with single exponential functions, and the results are shown in Figure 6. At a membrane potential of -40 mV, the mean open time per burst remained constant as the concentration of Eco or VX was increased from 0 to 50 Mm; however, the mean burst duration also remained constant as the concentration of either drug was increased. This deviation from the predictions of the model was more evident at a membrane potential of -120mV, when both the mean burst duration and the mean total open time per burst actually decreased as the concentration of either Eco or VX increased. Such behaviour indicates that there is another, voltage-dependent, route by which the receptor can leave the blocked state, other than by going back through the open state.


Effect oforganophosphates on channel openingfrequency


-zebV/kT, where ze is the charge on the blocking drug molecule, is the fraction of the membrane potential sensed by the drug molecule as it reaches its binding site, k is Boltzsmann's constant and T is the absolute temperature. The values obtained for F, G, KD and are given in Table 1. The voltage dependence of KD, and therefore the value of for Eco was approximately 1.5 times that for VX. This was due solely to the greater 3,

Table 1 Constants for open channel-block by ecothiopate and O-ethyl S-[24diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX)

Ecothiopate G, ms' IPMF, ms'1 KD (=F/G), OM

0.00446 x e(mV/-663) 6.45 + e(mV/67.3) 1458 x e(mv/33.4) 0.76


0.0193 1.86 96.5

x x x

e(mV/-217.2) e(mV/64.3) e(mV/49.6)


The dissociation constant of the blocked conformation, KDI calculated as F/G. The electrical distance, 6, was calculated from the voltage-dependence of KD, using the Boltzmann equation described in the text. was

In order to test whether any of the organophosphates had other actions which might affect the frequency of opening endplate channels, such as desensitization, bursts of channel openings were counted over 30s periods. The initial frequency of opening, measured as the number of bursts in the first 30s after formation of the gigaseal, was compared between treatments using t tests. The initial frequency varied widely between patches, but significant decreases were found with Eco (100pM) and VX (50,uM). None of the other organophosphates affected the initial opening frequency (Table 2). In order to compare the rates of decrease of channel opening, the frequency was expressed as a percentage of the maximum frequency for each patch, and plotted on a logarithmic scale against time. The slope of the plot was found by linear regression. In control patches, the frequency of channel openings decreased exponentially with time after the formation of the gigaseal (Figure 7). The points before 1 min appeared to deviate from the straight line fit, suggesting there may have been a second, faster phase of decrease prior to this time. Of the five organophosphates studied, only sarin and soman caused any significant increase in the rate of decay of opening frequency (Figure 7 and Table 2). The results for soman showed a deviation from the straight line fit at times before about 3min, providing further evidence of a second, faster phase of decay.

Table 2 Effects of organophosphates on channel opening frequencies Initial frequency

(openings Control (n = 15) DFP 100pM (n = 5) Eco 100,UM (n = 5) Sarin 100puM (n = 6) Soman 100puM (n = 6) VX 5OM (n = 7)



526 ± 351 304 + 158 117 ± 62** 269 + 178 817 + 471 144 ± 101**

Slope of log (frequency) versus


-0.072 ± 0.040 -0.078 + 0.036 -0.032 + 0.022 -0.174 + 0.043*** -0.145 + 0.043*** -0.055 + 0.019

Time constant

of decrease (min) 10.7 8.6 6.2 + 1.9 17.8 ± 8.5 2.6 0.7* 3.2 + 0.7* 7.8 + 4.4

DFP = diisopropylfluorophosphate; Eco = ecothiopate; VX = O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate. Figures are mean + s.d. Significant difference from control values (t test) are indicated by asterisks: * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.02; *** P < 0.002.

























0 _

< ~~~,A


1o _




40 60 [Ecol FM








~~~~~~~~~~~~E 3-











0. 0 E





~~~~~~~~~~~~~CL E










0 00











Figure 6 Concentration-dependent effects of ecothiopate (Eco, a) and O-ethyl S-[2-diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate (VX, b) on mean burst duration (top) and mean total open time per burst (bottom) at membrane potentials of -40 (0), -80 (A) and -120 (0) mV. Each point represents the mean of at least 4 patches. Error bars show standard deviations.

Effect of organophosphates on channel conductance

Organophosphate-induced channel openings

None of the compounds tested was found to cause any statistically significant change in the conductance of single AChactivated channels.

Of the compounds tested, only Eco showed any agonist activity as determined by its ability to induce openings of single channels in the absence of ACh. Channel openings induced by 5OpM Eco were much less frequent than those activated by 300nM ACh (mean closed time 3-20s). They showed similar open times, bursting behaviour and conductance to those observed in the presence of ACh and Eco together.

Discussion 10 0is E



0a v0 0.?>~ ~~





lb 2'0 12 8 Time (min) Figure 7 Time-dependent decrease in the frequency of channel opening (logarithmic scale) following gigaseal formation in control patches (0) and in the presence of 100/AM sarin (A), or 100/AM soman (0). Each point represents the mean of at least five patches. Lines were fitted by linear regression. 0


In the dissociated muscle fibre preparation, the presynaptic terminals and the synaptic acetylcholinesterase have been removed during the enzymatic dissociation (Hall & Kelly, 1971; Betz & Sakmann, 1973), allowing postsynaptic actions of drugs to be observed in the absence of any other effects. None of the organophosphates studied (up to a concentration of 100piM) was found to have any effect on the resting potential of the fibres, suggesting that they were unable to produce any appreciable activation of ion channels. Of the five agents tested, only Eco and VX showed any marked open channelblocking action in the range of concentrations used. Both of these compounds have a nitrogen-containing side chain, in contrast to sarin, soman and DFP, which have a fluorine atom in this position. This is consistent with the observation that open channel blockers and other noncompetitive antagonists of the nicotinic cholinoceptor are generally amines or quarternary ammonium compounds (Aracava et al., 1988). Kuba et al. (1973; 1974) reported that high concentrations (0.25-1.1 mM) of DFP both decreased the amplitude and shortened the falling phase of the endplate current in frog sartorius muscle, and they suggested that this was due to direct effects on the ion channel of the nicotinic cholinoceptor.


However, no such effects of DFP were found at the lower concentrations (up to 100pM) used in the present study. The results obtained with Eco and VX showed a blockade of the open state of the nicotinic cholinoceptor ion channel. Analysis of burst durations, however, revealed inconsistencies with the simple sequential model proposed by Adams (1976), Adler et al. (1978) and Neher & Steinbach (1978): the mean burst duration and the mean total open duration per burst both decreased as the concentration of Eco or VX was increased. Similar behaviour has been reported for the local anaesthetic QX-222 (Neher, 1983) and for the bispyridinium compound SAD-128 (Alkondon & Albuquerque, 1989). These observations suggest that the blocked open channel is not an end-state as proposed by the simple sequential model. The discrepancy does not invalidate this model, but merely requires the addition of a further reaction step leading out of the blocked state. The additional state must be relatively longlived compared with the blocked state in order to cause the observed reduction in mean burst duration, and it is still possible to distinguish the blocked state as the short closing within bursts. Furthermore, as there are still only two pathways leading away from the open state, it therefore remains valid to use the model to derive the rate constants for the forward and backward steps of the blocking reaction as described in the Methods. The forward rate constants derived from this model for Eco and VX were very similar, 2.73 x 107 and 3.36 x 107M-1 S-1, respectively, at - 120 mV membrane potential. These values are within the range reported for a wide variety of blocking drugs (Dreyer, 1982; Lambert et al., 1983). Both Eco and VX reduced the voltage-dependence of the mean open time of ACh-activated channels, but this effect was more marked with Eco. The greater voltage-dependence of the blockade by Eco was wholly explained by the greater voltage sensitivity of G (the forward rate constant) for Eco compared to that for VX, since the voltage sensitivity of F (the backward rate constant) was the same for both compounds. The difference in the voltage sensitivity of G between the two compounds is to be expected, since the quaternary Eco molecule carries a positive charge, whereas the tertiary VX molecule is predominantly uncharged at physiological pH (Epstein et al., 1974). What is surprising is the similarity in the voltagedependence of F for the two compounds, since the unblocking rates for other uncharged drugs are independent of membrane potential (Lambert et al., 1983). At least two alternative explanations seem possible for this observation. Firstly, the voltagedependence of the unblocking step could result from the influence of the transmembrane electrical field on the nicotinic cholinoceptor ion channel, rather than on the blocking molecule. This would suggest that there is an allosteric binding site for the blocking drug outside of the ionic channel, which is unlikely, since the conformational changes involved would need to occur at improbably large rates, and their voltagedependence would be the opposite of that associated with normal channel closing (Neher & Steinbach, 1978). An alternative explanation is that VX may gain a positive charge by interaction with the ion channel. This idea seems more likely, as the lone pair of electrons on the tertiary nitrogen atom of VX makes it susceptible to protonation (Epstein et al., 1974). It is therefore possible that, as the VX molecule approaches its noncompetitive binding site, it gains a positive charge by protonation of the nitrogen atom. The species which leaves the channel during the unblocking step would then behave in a similar way to the positively-charged Eco molecule under the influence of the membrane electrical field. Whilst there have been no previous single-channel studies on the effects of quaternary organophosphorus compounds such as Eco, channel-blocking by VX has been demonstrated at frog endplate nicotinic cholinoceptors (Albuquerque et al., 1985; Rao et al., 1987; Aracava et al., 1988). VX has also been reported to be a potent inhibitor of [3H]-perhydrohistrionicotoxin binding to the nicotinic cholinoceptor ion channel in both closed and open states, but predominantly in the latter


(Eldefrawi et al., 1985). This is consistent with the open channel-blocking action described here and in the frog. Interestingly, Eco does not displace the binding of phencyclidine (PCP) to the nicotinic cholinoceptor (Henderson et al., 1983; 1988; Bakry et al., 1988), even though it was found to be a potent blocker of open channels in the present study. Bakry et al. (1988) and Eldefrawi et al. (1988), in experiments on a-bungarotoxin binding and 22Na uptake, suggested that DFP, Eco, soman and VX may enhance desensitization of the nicotinic cholinoceptor in Torpedo membranes. In the single-channel studies reported here, sarin and soman increased the rate of rundown of channel opening, but had no effect on the initial frequency. In contrast, a significant reduction of the initial frequency of opening was found with Eco and VX, but neither of these compounds increased the rate of decay of the opening frequency. These results indicate that sarin and soman accelerated desensitization of the nicotinic cholinoceptor, and suggest that Eco and VX may have enhanced a faster phase of desensitization (Ochoa et al., 1989) which was largely complete by the time the gigaseal had formed; alternatively, Eco and VX may have acted on closed channels to reduce their probability of opening. These effects were rather small in magnitude, however, and were seen only at high concentrations of the organophosphates (100pM). It could be argued that the low resting potential of the dissociated fibres (-50 mV compared with -75 mV in undissociated fibres) may have resulted in an already high degree of receptor desensitization, which could have masked the effects of the organophosphates. However, a considerable decline in the opening frequency was observed in many patches following gigaseal formation, which makes it unlikely that the receptors were initially in a highly desensitized state. Bakry et al. (1988) reported that soman and Eco were partial agonists of the Torpedo nicotinic cholinoceptor. The present experiments confirmed the weak agonist action of Eco, but no such activity could be demonstrated for soman or any of the other compounds used. In aqueous solution, Eco undergoes hydrolysis to thiocholine, which is an agonist at the nicotinic cholinoceptor (Amitai & Chapman, 1988). It is quite possible, therefore, that the agonist action observed here may have been due to the presence of this hydrolysis product, rather than an effect of the Eco itself. It has been proposed that direct effects of organophosphorus esters on ion channels may contribute to their toxicity (Albuquerque et al., 1985; Aracava et al., 1988; Bakry et al., 1988). All of the direct actions that have been demonstrated, however, are readily reversible, in contrast to the irreversible nature of the anticholinesterase action of these agents, and occur at much higher concentrations than those which inhibit acetylcholinesterase. For example, the IC50 values for inhibition of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase by these agents, measured after a 30 min exposure, range between 10 and 40 nm (Bakry et al., 1988). This is three orders of magnitude lower than the dissociation constants for reversible channel block by Eco and VX (Table 3). Other direct actions which have been reported, such as enhancement of desensitization, also occur only at concentrations greater than the micromolar range (Aracava et al., 1988; Bakry et al., 1988; Eldefrawi et al., 1988). The LD50 values which have been measured for the organophosphates show a good correlation with the second order rate constant for inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, Ki (Table 3), consistent with this being the most important toxic effect. It is possible, however, that direct effects on ion channels could modify the toxicity of certain compounds, and these effects could be significant in cases where the lethal dose of organophosphate has been raised by therapy with anticholinoceptor drugs and acetylcholinesterase reactivators (Gall, 1981; Leadbeater et al., 1985). This is a problem which may need to be addressed as treatments against the anticholinesterase effects of organophosphate poisoning become more effective. The direct actions on the nicotinic cholinoceptor described here may complicate some of the pharmacology of



Table 3 Toxicity values and binding constants of organophosphates

LD5o s.c. (ugkg1)
















KD of blocked channel (um) Ki (mol min1)

2.9 x 10"

133 1.2 x i05u

IC50 (30min) (nM)



1.2 x 107i 1.5 x 107J


3.6 x 107i 9.0 x 107J


3.42 x 107


DFP = diisopropylfluorophosphate; Eco = ecothiopate; VX = O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino) ethyl]methyl phosphonothiolate. LD50 value is by the subcutaneous route; KD is the dissociation constant of the blocked nicotinic cholinoceptor ion channel at a membrane potential of -80mV; K,, is the second order rate constant for binding to acetylcholinesterase; ICjo (30min) is the concentration required to produce 50% inhibition of acetylcholinesterase after a 30min exposure. All values were measured in the mouse unless otherwise stated. References: I Streicher, 1951; b Ellin, 1982; C Aronstam et al., 1986; d Simeon et al., 1979 (rat); I Maksimovic et al., 1980; f Brimblecombe et al., 1970; ' Fonnum & Sterri, 1981; h Cohen & Osterbaan, 1963 (Torpedo); i Andersen et al., 1977 (rat); 3 Gray & Dawson, 1987 (rabbit); k Bakry et al., 1988 (Torpedo).

organophosphates. For example, the channel-blocking action would tend to shorten endplate currents and miniature endplate currents, thus counteracting the prolongation of these currents caused by the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. The channel-blocking activity and acceleration of desensitization

could also have presynaptic influences on autoreceptors for acetylcholine (Jones, 1987). Clearly, such effects should be taken into account when studying the actions of organophosphates on cholinergic transmission.

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(Received January 17, 1990 Revised April 30, 1990 Accepted June 21, 1990)

Effects of organophosphorus anticholinesterases on nicotinic receptor ion channels at adult mouse muscle endplates.

1. The effects of a range of organophosphorus anticholinesterases on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channel at the adult mouse muscle endpla...
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