


0361-9230191 S3.00 + .OO

C Pergamon Press pk. 1991. Printed in the U.S.A

Vol. 26. pp. 269-277.

Effects of Parabrachial Stimulation on Angiotensin and Blood Pressure Sensitive Area Postrema Neurons SOPHIA PAPAS AND ALASTAIR Department

of Physiology,

Queen’s University, Received



Onturio, Canadu, K7L 3N6

26 July 1990

S. AND A. V. FERGUSON. Effects of parabrcrchial stimulation on cqiotensin and blood pressure sensitive UWN posBRAIN RES BULL 26(2) 269-277, 1991 .-Subpopulations of neurons in the area postrema (AP) and commissural nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) have been identified according to their responses to systemic angiotensin-II (ANG-II) and increases in blood pressure (BP). In order to further define the functional connections of these subpopulations of cells, electrophysiological single unit recording studies have been done to determine the orthodromic effects of parabrachial nucleus (PBN) stimulation on these functionally defined cell groups. Orthodromic effects were seen in a similar proportion of ANG-II sensitive neurons in the AP (31.5’%1 and NTS (31%). PBN stimulation influenced a similar percentage of BP sensitive neurons in the AP (35%). although a larger proportion of this group of NTS cells was affected (55.5%). Twenty-five percent of ANG-II/BP sensitive neurons in the AP were otthodromically influenced, and 71.57~ of this group of NTS neurons were affected by PBN stimulation. Small proportions of the neurons in the unaffected subpopulation of AP (10%) and NTS (27%) were also orthodromically affected by PBN stimulation. The remaining neurons in each group were not affected. This study suggests that there is no apparent preferential distribution of excitatory or inhibitory PBN efferents to any of the identified subpopulations of AP and NTS neurons. PAPAS.

frcm~ neurons.

Nucleus tractun solitartus




peripheral input is through its neural connections. Both the AP and the NTS receive vagal projections from the heart (24) and are known to receive baroreceptor information from both the carotid sinus and aortic depressor nerves (11, 12, 25. 3 1, 37, 42). A large proportion of the efferent projections of the AP and NTS travel to the lateral division of the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) (22, 29, 35, 38, 40), a collection of small neurons surrounding the superior cerebellar peduncle in the pans. In return. both the AP (38) and NTS (36) receive a relatively light projection from this region, which has been extensively implicated in cardiovascular control mechanisms (9, 20, 27, 39, 43, 44). Functional analysis of these connections using electrophysiological techniques have both confirmed their existence (14, 19, 20, 32) and demonstrated both excitatory and inhibitory PBN input to AP and NTS neurons (14, 20, 32). Thus. the AP and NTS provide entry points for peripheral input to the brain. Furthermore, their close reciprocal ties with the PBN. a structure which appears to act as an autonomic relay centre (9, 20, 22), suggest a pathway for this ascending visceral information, as well as a route by which parabrachial efferents may modify incoming information. Electrophysiological techniques have allowed us to identify distinct functional cell populations in the AP and NTS which are influenced by peripheral information: neurons specifically affected by systemic ANG-II, another group

FOR several decades. the primary role attributed to the area postrema (AP) has been that of chemosensitive trigger zone in the emetic reflex (3). More recently, however, this region has been implicated in various other physiological functions, such as control of dietary intake, respiration and cardiovascular regulation [see (2) for review]. The AP is a unique structure in that it can relay peripheral information to the central nervous system (CNS) in several ways. It is the most caudal of the circumventricular organs. overlying the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) on the medulla oblongata. The AP is a highly vascularized region which lacks a normal blood-brain barrier (46), and consequently may allow blood-borne substances to exert their effects on the CNS. In fact, it has been suggested that the central cardiovascular effects of angiotensin-11 (ANG-II) are mediated via the AP (16,23). This view is supported anatomically by the high concentration of ANG-II receptors in both the AP and the NTS (21,26), and by studies which have related pressor (6, 7, 17) and drinking (30) responses to the interaction of ANG-II with the AP and NTS. In addition, electrophysiological studies have demonstrated the existence of neurons in these two structures whose activities are specifically altered in response to intravenously (33) or iontophoretically (5) administered ANG-II. An alternate route by which the AP may receive and modify ‘Requests for reprints should be addressed


to Dr. A. V. Ferguson.


FIG. I. The photomic#~pb in (A) shows an exampfe of a recording electrode tract in the AP and NTS, as determined histologically. An example of a stimulating electrode site in the rostra1 dorsaf PBN is shown in (B). In each case, the ~ITOWindicates the location of the electrode tip. DPBN-dorsal PBN, SCP-superior cerebellar peduncle, VPBN- ventral PBN.










Classification of AP or NTS Neuron

ANG-II Sensitive BP Sensitive ANG-II/BP



Effect of ANG-II


Effect of Adrenergic Agonist


Cell Classification

ANG-II Sensitive AP Neurons NTS Neurons



BP Sensitive AP Neurons NTS Neurons

of cells which by a systemic

respond to increases adrenergic agonist,

in blood pressure (BP) elicited and a third group of neurons

which respond to both ANG-II and increase in BP (33). In order to further define the physiological nature of these subpopulations of neurons, it is important to determine their neural connections. as well as the specificity of such connections to these functional subpopulations of neurons. In this study, neurons in the rat AP and NTS were classified according to their responses to systemic ANG-II or to an increase in BP elicited by both ANG-II and an adrenergic agonist. The PBN was stimulated electrically to determine if these identified AP and NTS cells received input from this region, and to examine the specific types of otthodromic influences received by functional subpopulations of AP and NTS neurons. METHOD

Male Sprague-Dawley rats (150-300 g) were anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (65 mg/kg). Each animal was fitted with an indwelling femoral arterial catheter (PE 50 Intramedic) to monitor BP, femoral and jugular venous catheters (PE 50 Intramedic) to administer agents or supplements of sodium pentobarbital when required, and an endotrachial tube to facilitate breathing. During the experiment, a feedback-controlled heating blanket was used to maintain body temperature at 37 ? 1°C. Animals were placed in a Kopf stereotaxic frame and a stimulating electrode positioned in the PBN according to the stereotaxic coordinates of Paxinos and Watson (34). A small burr hole was made 8.0 mm posterior to bregma and 1.7 mm lateral to the sagittal midline, and a monopolar or concentric bipolar stimulating electrode (Rhodes Medical Instruments) was lowered 6.5 mm ventral to the dura and attached to the skull using a jeweller’s screw and dental cement. The stimulating electrode was connected to an isolated stimulation unit programmed to deliver 0. I-ms current pulses, controlled by a digitimer. In order to expose the AP, the head of the animal was positioned vertically and a midline incision made. Both the atlantooccipital membrane and dura covering the AP were removed and the dorsal surface of the AP was then clearly visible. A pressure foot was positioned over the AP to allow for more stable recordings. Extracellular single unit recordings were obtained using NaCl (I .O M) filled glass recording electrodes (resistance 15-35 Ma, tip diameter 0.05, Table 2) seen between any of the subpopulations of neurons in the AP and NTS. However, a large range of times was recorded. This range of latency and duration times may be due to the various conduction velocities of neurons travelling from the PBN to the AP and NTS, and are dependent on the functional groups of PBN efferents activated during stimulation.

Various proportions of all of the groups of AP and NTS ncurons classified according to their responses to systemic ANG-II or adrenergic agonist were influenced by PBN stimulation. Both BP sensitive and ANG-II/BP sensitive cells in the NTS received a relatively stronger afferent input than did the ANG-II sensitivae and unaffected neurons in the NTS. There was, however, no apparent preferential distribution of PBN excitatory or inhibitory efferent information to any of the functional subpopulations identified in the AP or NTS. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether such afferent inputs from the PBN may be preferentially distributed to separate populations of AP and NTS neurons with different efferent projections. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Pauline Smith for her excellent technical help. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario.

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Effects of parabrachial stimulation on angiotensin and blood pressure sensitive area postrema neurons.

Subpopulations of neurons in the area postrema (AP) and commissural nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) have been identified according to their responses...
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