Europ. J. appi. Physiol. 34, 113--119 (i975} 9 by Springer-Verlag 1975

Effects of Training on Maximal Working Capacity and Haemodynamie Response during Arm and Leg-Exercise in a Group of Paddlers d. Vrijens, P. Hoekstra, J. Bouckaer.t and P. Van U y t v a n c k University of Ghent, Department of Physical Education, Laboratory of Physiology and Anthropometry (Director: Prof. Dr. P. Van Uytvanek), Gent iP%ceived November 18, ~1974 .Abstract. 5faximai oxygen uptake and cireu]atory adaptation to work with legs and arms 5vere studied in a group of 5 paddlers members of the Belgian national squad attd a controlgroup of 9 trained subjects. The results showed that the specific armtraining of paddlers in&~ced eha,nges in the arm-to-leg ratio of physiological parameters at submaximal and maximal work. In the group of paddlers maximal oxygen intake and workload during armexercise averaged respectively 88.6 % and 80.3 % of the scores obtained with leg-exercise. In the control group the arm to leg ratio varied between 81.2 % and 65,2 %. At a submaximal load of 100 W the difference in heartfrequeney was 2t beats/min in the eanoa2 group and 35 beats/rain in the control group. Oxygen consumption and ventilation during work with the arms was lower in the group of p~ddler s. The data of ore" study suggest that the specific training of paddlers do resaR in a effect on the haemodynamie adaptations to arm work Key words:. Kayak -- Arm- and Leg-Exercise -- Maximal Oxygen Intake -- Naximal Ergometric Performance ~ :Physiological Adaptation during Submaximal Workload,

The laboratory assessment of physical fitness is generally based u p o n the results of a maximal worktest either on a bicycle-ergometer or a treadmiIt. B o t h testprocedures involve work of the lower extremities. I n kayak, however, pertbrmance mainly depends oi1 endurance fitness in the musele-grouFs of upper limbs. Testing this group of athletes with a bicycle ergometer can hardly give objective information concerning their specific working capacity. I t is well k n o ~ n t h a t h a e m o d y n a m i c respo~tses to work is considerably influenced b y the distribution of blood volume and the mmlber of muscle-groups engaged in exercise [t - 5, 8; t3]. Sten, berg et at. [13] reported ~hat the highest values of oxygen u p t a k e in arm work averaged 66 % of those ir~ leg work, while the highest cardiac o u t p u t was 20% lower in arm work. A t the s~me submaximal load heartrate and ventilation is considerably higher during arm work [2, 4, 13]. I n the present work oxygen intake and eardio-vaseular adaptation to arm and leg exercise were analysed in a group of athletes, members of the national k a y a k team. I n order to discern specific training-effects and differences in h a e m o d y n a m i c responses to arm work the same tests were also repeated in a control group.

Subjects and Methods The subjects of tile experimental group were 5 paddlers in trai: :~ g status for the Belgian kayak squad. The subjects used as control-gzoup were 9 students r~ndomly seIected from the

J, Vrijens et al,


Table 1. Anthropometric data of experiments! and control group Paddlers


(n: 5)

(n: 9)

Age (y) 26.2 Standing height (cm) i78.7 Body-weight (kg) 77.6 Arm-girth (cm) 30.7 Chest girth (cm) 101.9

23.1 t74.5 7i .2 27.5 92.3

Physical Education School at the Ghent-State University, Four of them participated in teamsports; 3 subjects were runners and 2 were members of a swimming-team. They were all reasonably well trained. Anthropometrie data of both groups are listed in Table 1. Two series of experiments were performed with at most an interval of I week. Each member of the 2 groups performed 2 maximal worktests once on a bycicle ergometer and at the second session on an armergometer. The order of exercise tests for each subject was rotated. The armtest was performed with a modificated clectromagnetieally braked ergometcr in the erect position. The same ergometer was used for leg-exercises. Work-schedule for arm and legexercise were of the continuous-progressive type, in which resistance was increased by 40 W every 3 rain. The test was interrupted when the subject could no longer keep the required rotation speed of 60 cycles pro minute. Expired air was collected into Douglas bags and volumes were measured with a laboratory gasmeter. A sample of expired air was analysed for O~-concentration by the Jaeger oxygen analyser, Heart rate was recorded continuously by telemetric equipment.

Results and Discussion The results of cardio-vascular a d a p t a t i o n to arm- a n d leg-test i n the group of paddlers are s u m m a r i z e 4 i n Table 2.

Table 2. Physiological responses to arm and leg exercise in the group of paddlers Leg work

Arm work





292 4421 t83o0 t28.0

236 3917 18t.9 115.9

56* 504* 1.1 ~2.1"*

102.4 33.9 t276

t23.2 43.2 t680

20.8* 9.9* 404*

M a x i m u m work

Max. load (W) 02 consumption (ml STPD/min) Heart rate Pulmonary ventilation (1. BTPS/min) Submaximum work

Heart rate at 100 W Ventilation minute volume at 100 Watt (1. BTPS/min) O3 consumption (ml STPD/min) * Significant beyond the .01 level. ** Significant beyond the .05 level.

A t the heaviest workload oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n a n d p u l m o n a r y v e n t i l a t i o n were significantly lower i n a r m work. I t is a p p a r e n t t h a t a r m work a t the same s u b m a x i m a l load needs a higher h e a r t f r e q u e n c y a n d v e n t i l a t i o n m i n u t e volume. These differences can be explained b y t h e lower mechanical efficiency when small

Haemodynamic Response during Arm and Leg Exercise


Table 3. Physiological responses to arm and leg exercise in the control-group Leg work

Arm work




303 4516 186.5 114.5

~98 3670 187.5 99.7

t05" 846* t.0 ~4.8

104 30.3 ~310

139 47.4 t939

35* 17.1" 629*

M a x i m u m work

Load (W) 02 consumption (ml STPD/min) Heart rate Ventilation rain vol. (L BTPS/min) Submaximum work IIeart rate at I00 W

Vent. rain vol. at 100 W (1. BTPS/min) O~ consumption (ml STPD/min) * Significant beyond .01 level.


Max. workload

VO 2 max.

: leg exercise ]~


: arm exercise

4400: I

t i


250 4000






!92 !

__J Paddlers

Control group




Control group

Fig. i. Maximal oxygen uptake and workload in arm- and leg exercise (paddlers versus control group)

muscular groups are used [13]. I n arm exercise the external work constitutes a smaller proportion of the total work performed. The higher rate in arm work probably reflects a lower stroke volume which is caused by the more static components in this type of exercise and the reduction of the venous return by orthostatic conditions during arm work [3, 4, t3]. The reactions for eardio-respiratory variables in the control group were similar with however a trend to much larger differences (Table 3). A comparison of the physiological responses in the two groups shows that the mean difference in maximal oxygen consumption between arm and leg exercise in the group of paddlers is lower when compared to the results observed in the control group (Fig. 1).


J. Vrijens et al. Table 4. :Ratio arm to leg exercise at the highest workload (leg work = 1OO%)

Maximum oxygen consumption Maximum ergometric load Pulmonary ventilation



88.6 % 80.3 % 90.5 %

81.2 % 65.2 % 87.0 %

Table 5. Maximal oxygen consumption in exercise with leg and arms (X = mean value; A = range; s = standard deviation; V % = variation coefficient) ControI-group


Leg work

4516 ml A ~098 mt s 427 ml V% 9.45%

4421 ml t846 mI 737 ml 16.67 %

Arm work

X 3670 mi A 1047 ml s 304 ml V% 8.27 %

3947 ml 874 ml 350 ml 8.93 %

The subject who were not trained to arm work obtained better results with the bicycle-ergometer than the cano~-group. In the arm-test on the contrary the group of paddlers had significant higher scores for maximal oxygen consumption and sustained workload. Isragl and Brenke [8] reported similar findings in a comparative study of arm and leg work in a group of paddlers versus cyclists and longdistartce runners. The mean difference in maximal oxygen consumption between arm and leg exercise in the group of caneR-athletes was 600 ml/min: in the other group the authors found a mean difference of 1300 ml/min. The highest values of aerobic capacity with arm exercise in untrained individuals averaged between 66 and 85% of those in leg w o r k [1, 3, 13]. Table 4=indicates the ratio found in our two groups. I n the group of cano@ists with specific training to arm work the scores of armtest were closer to the results of a bicyele-ergometer-test than in the control group. For the group of canoeists tested irt the present study oxygen uptake during arm work is 88,6% of that during maximal leg work. Gollnick et all [6] in their study found a higher ratio (973/0). Saltin reported values of oxygen uptake during maximal effort in ea~mg in comparison to maximal work on the bicycle ergometer. The scores during specific boat-performance were between 5 and 8 3/0 lower than during maximal leg work [ t l ] . All data clearly illustrate the importance of total muscle mass involved in the work and can be explained by changes in regional blood flow a n d adaptation of size and fiber composition of muscle groups in response to training. The assessment of worMng capacity by ergometrie procedures is only of value when the resalts of each athlete can be discussed oh the basis of the mean scores

Haemodynamic l%esponse during Arm and Leg Exercise

t 17

H.R.j (beats/rain.



. ~ 160

,,,/// o,//*/



o /" /


o'~," +2


,,,q~ i

/ / ~


0 / / '


o ~ .

o. . . .

o : arm work contr,

x. . . .

X .: a r m w o r k p a d d l e r s


o----.--..o : leg work contr, gr.

!00 x~----x





: leg work paddlers


Fig. 2. Heart rate during arm and leg work in the group of kayak-athletes an the controlgroup

and range of his group. The paddlers in our study were members of the national squad aud their specific boat-performance was well known. I t was a very homogeneous population group so that only small differences in test-results for ergometric work have to be expected. The mean values and:the dispersion of maximal oxygen consumption with both test-procedures in the two groups are Summarized in Table 5. The results of both testprocedures do reveal .that leg work lead to a high dispersion of the scores in the group of paddlers. The differences between highest and :lowest scores was i846 ml while the difference in the control group amount to only t098 ml. The variation-coefficient was respectively 16.67 % and 9.45 %. There is apparently a discrepancy between specific boat-performance and the results of the leg-test on ergometer. I n the test with arm work o~1 the contrary the variationcoefficient in the group of paddlers decreased to 8.93 %. In the control group both worktests gave similar results. The specific training effect in the group of paddlers can also be shown in the arm:to-leg ratio of the haemodynamic reactions at submaximal workloads. The changes in heart rate during both tests are described in Fig. 2. For the same work load exercise with arms needs a higher heart rate which is probably the consequence of a lower stroke volume [J, 3, 5, t3]. The least p a r t of the difference in stroke volume during arm work can be explained by a reduction of the venous return by orthostatic conditions. Stenberg et al. reported [t3] t h a t


J. Vrijens et al.

stroke volume is 18% lower and the highest arm work as compared with the highest leg work. The highest cardiac output in arm exercise averaged 80 % of that in leg work [t3], The heart-frequency curve of the paddlers reveal a general trend for smaller differences in the arm-to-leg ratio. At a work load of i00 W the difference between arm and leg work was respectively 21 beats in the kayak-group and 35 beats in the control group. Such scores are an indication of a specific conditioning effect in the group of paddlers. Klassen et al. [9] in their study reported that physical training of eano~ paddlers resulted in a decrease in exercise cardiac output for a given submaximal work load. The reduced cardiac output surprisingly was achieved by a reduced blood flow to nonexercising areas. Not only the circulatory responses, but even the pattern of oxygen consumption. during increasing workload, was different in the two groups. In the leg-test the two groups obtained the same values in oxygen uptake at each submaximal load. In the arm-test on the contrary the group of paddlers had lower values. The differences at submaximal load were at least 200 ml/min. This general trend possibly indicates a higher mechanical efficiency during arm work in ka,yakpaddlers. At least we draw the attention to the pulmonary ventilation pattern in both testproeedures. In the leg-test the paddlers had at each load a higher ventilation than the control group. In the arm-tesg the trend of the curves were inversed. The higher ventilation with arm exercise is achieved by an increase of both respiratory rate and tidal volume [3]. The increased ventilation minute volumes could be of importance in maintaining ventrieular filling pressures and stroke volume in the absence of the mechanical effect of the leg muscle iump. Stenherg et al. [t3] in their experiments reported higher values in lactic acid during arm work and this, reflecting a more pronounced acidosis, could explain the higher pulmortary ventilation in this type of work. From the data of our study we can d r a u ~ the following conclusions : t. The laboratory assessment of working capacity in different population groups requires a standardized bicyele-ergometer or treadmill test. ~u this types of exercises involving large muscle-groups of the legs maximal values iu oxygen consumption and haemodynamie variables can be recorded. 2. In kayak the performance principally involves the muscles of arm and shoulder. Testing this group of athletes by leg work can hardly give reliable information with respect to their aerobic power and cardiovascular responses to specific work. The data of our study suggest that physical training of paddlers resulted in a effect on the haemodynamie adaptations to arm work. Maximal oxygen intake in the kayak-group with the arm-test averaged 88.6 % of the values obtained during leg work. I n the control-group the ratio was only 8t.2 %. At a submaximal load of i00 W the difference in heartfrequeney was 21 beats/rain in the group of paddlers and 35 beats in the control-group. Oxygen consumption and ventilation during arm work was lower in the kayak-group which is an indication of a higher mechanical efficiency. From our results it may be concluded that arm work must be preferred for evaluating the training status of sportsmen who employ their upper extremities in practising sports.

Haemodynamic Response during Arm and Leg Exercise


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Effects of training on maximal working capacity and haemodynamic response during arm and leg-exercise in a group of paddlers.

Maximal oxygen uptake and circulatory adaptation to work with legs and arms were studied in a group of 5 paddlers members of the Belgian national squa...
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