
of Hospital




17, 217-272

of whole body disinfection patients undergoing elective

D. J. Byrne, Departments

of Surgery

A. Napier,

G. Phillips*


and A. Cuschieri

and *Microbiology, Ninewells Schosol, Dundee DDl 9SY

Accepted for publication

on skin flora surgery


and Medical

11 December 1990

Summary: Bacterial skin flora were studied in two groups of patients having three showers with either a 4% chlorhexidine detergent solution (Group A, N= 57) or a placebo detergsent (Group B, N= 58). Previous reports on the efficacy of chlorhexidine in decreasing bacterial counts on the skin were confirmed and the time taken to recolonization (median 5 days; range l-10 days) was in ‘broad agreement with previous reports. However, concern regarding the colonization of the skin of the patients in the chlorhexidine group by potential pathogens during the recolonization period appears unfounded as there was no significant difference in the incidence of nonresident skin flora between the chlorhexidine (17/57; 30%) and the placebo (14/58; 24%) groups. These non-residents are generally lost from the skin before discharge in the chlorhexidine group but nine patients in the placebo group had abnormal skin flora at discharge from hospital. All those patients tested after discharge had lost the non-resident flora within 2 weeks of discharge. The results of this study indicate that recolonization of the skin after whole body disinfection does not present a clinical problem. Keywords:


skin disinfection;



Despite many studies, the efficacy of preoperative whole body disinfection (WBD) in reducing the postoperative wound infection rate is still unproven. ‘-lo Washing with1 chlorhexidine has been shown to reduce bacterial skin counts,11-15 but the association between this and a reduction in wound infection rate has never been precisely determined. Washing with unmedicated soap has been shown to actually increase the number of skin organisms shed. 11,12,16Many studies have stressed the importance of the normal skin microflora as protection against colonization by potential pathogens,‘7m23 and as WBD with chlorhexidine significantly reduces the density of the normal skin flora, we were concerned that this may lead to Correspondence

to: Derek J. Byrne


% 1991 The Hospitai





D. J. Byrne



problems with recolonization of the patient’s skin with potential pathogens. As part of a large trial investigating preoperative WBD, the response of the skin flora to showering with either a 4% chlorhexidine detergent solution or a placebo detergent was studied particularly in relation to the skin flora in the postoperative period. Materials

and methods

Two groups of preoperative patients were studied (Table I). Group A had three showers with a 4% chlorhexidine detergent solution (‘Hibiscrub’, ICI Pharmaceuticals) and Group B had three showers with a placebo detergent. The allocation was on a random, blind basis. Approximately 50 ml of detergent was used for each shower which was lathered up using a sterile plastic sponge, a separate sponge being used for each shower. A standard set of washing instructions was given to each patient which directed them to wash from the head downwards (including the hair), rinse, repeat the wash and dry themselves thoroughly with a freshly laundered towel. Clean clothes were worn after showering. Before showering and daily thereafter until discharge from hospital blood agar skin contact plates (‘Sterilin’; 2.5 cm2) with a chlorhexidine neutralizer (0.3% azolectin and 2% polysorbate 80) were applied to both axillae and groins for approximately 2s each. One contact plate was applied to each site giving a total of four plates per patient every time. These plates were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 24 h after which colony counts were performed manually using a perspex grid divided up into cm squares. As counts of over 1500 colony forming units (cfu) per plate were deemed to be inaccurate, such counts were recorded as greater than 1500. The results were expressed as the means of the four plate counts, as the trend in colony counts, up or down, was largely maintained between the four areas sampled, though groin counts were generally higher than axillary counts. Organisms were identified by colony appearance under x 3 magnification and an intense angled light source, Gram staining and other techniques as required. Because of limited resources staphylococcal species were not further identified and this has to be kept in mind when the results are considered. Table

I. Patient


Group A (chlorhexidine) No. of patients Male Female Median age (range) Potentially contaminated cases Clean cases Median number of days in hospital

57 E 61 (2&79) (range)

ii 7 (S-11)

Group B (placebo)


For statistical analysis U-test was used.

body disinfection

of differences


and skin flora


groups the Mann-Whitney


The overall results showed a 20-fold reduction in the skin flora after showering (P < 0.01) in Group A while there was no change in the skin flora of the patients in Group B after showering (Table II). There was no significant difference in pre-showering skin bacterial counts between the two groups. The median time to recolonization in Group A was 5 days (range l-10). During recolonization 17/57 (30%) patients in the chlorhexidine group were colonized by organisms of a type not usually found on the skin (Proteus, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella species and Escherichia coli) or by an organism present in greater numbers than usual (Acinetobacter and Bacillus species) (Table III). These organisms appeared on the skin at a median time of 2 days after showering (range l-4 days) and persisted on the skin in hospital for a median time of six days (range 5-> 10 days). As recolonization of the skin with the normal flora progressed (mainly staphylococcal species and diphtheroids) the other organisms were gradually replaced so that by discharge only one out of the 17 patients still had minor abnormalities of tlhe skin flora, the other 16 patients having lost the non-residents from their skin flora. The skin flora of the single patient


II. Median

colony counts (range)

in colony forming Before

Group Group

units/plate, showering

726 (76-> 603 (31->


before and after showering After

1500)* 1500)


36 (l-1441)* 594 (15->1500)

*p 1 week after WBD’5,24,25 and our results broadly agree with these reports. However, detailed studies of the types of organisms found on the skin during recolonization have never been published. The results of this study have shown that: (1) bacterial species normally non-resident on the skin are found there in some patients during convalescence and (2) bacterial species normally found on the skin in relatively small numbers appear in large numbers during convalescence. Many studies have stressed the importance of the normal skin microflora as protection against colonization by potential pathogens. Suppression of the normal flora by deodorants has led to colonization by Proteus species.” A similar effect has been found with hexachlorophane in neonates” and topical and systemic antimicrobial agents have been shown to produce overgrowth and clinical infection with Gram-negative bacilli and other bacteria not normally able to establish themselves on the skin.8a2s23 Various factors may be involved in this phenomenon including nutritional competition26 and the decreased production of a wide range of antimicrobial substances including fatty acids and antibiotic-type substances.17,** Of particular surgical interest and relevance to WBD in reducing wound infection rates, Selwyn** showed that among 90 surgical patients the presence of inhibitory skin bacteria was associated with a relatively low rate of wound colonization by pathogenic bacteria. Our study has shown a similar spectrum of non-resident skin organisms regardless of whether an antiseptic or placebo detergent was used in the One small difference was that the preoperative WBD regimen. chlorhexidine group had three patients with two contaminating organisms on the skin during recovery whereas the placebo group had only one




and skin



dominant organism per patient. Another difference was that there was only one patient in the chlorhexidine group with abnormal skin flora at discharge but in the placebo group nine patients had abnormalities of their skin flora when leaving hospital. This effect did not seem to last long when the patient returned home. The question is whether these organisms can cause problems while they are on the skin. It could be argued that they may contaminate the operative wound during the postoperative period, but as resistance to infection from surface this shows almost complete is unlikely. contamination within 24-48 h of operation 27,28this possibility group and The wound infection rate was 14% (8/57) in the chlorhexidine 10% (6/58) in the placebo group. Valid comparison is not possible due to the small numbers of patients. Another problem could be dissemination into the air of these bacteria by the patients. However, as the patients who were initially contaminated after showering probably picked up the bacteria from the ward environment, ffurther spread from these patients is not likely to cause problems. However, those patients who are contaminated and are discharged home before their skin is back to normal may introduce ‘hospital’ bacteria into the h’ome with the possibility of starting infection there. It has not been possible for this study to address this problem, except to point out that the five patients followed up at home had lost their non-resident skin flora within 2 weeks of discharge from hospital. The disinfection


was supported

by ICI




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D. J. Byrne

et al.

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Effects of whole body disinfection on skin flora in patients undergoing elective surgery.

Bacterial skin flora were studied in two groups of patients having three showers with either a 4% chlorhexidine detergent solution (Group A, N = 57) o...
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