Eimeria tenella: Vitamin Requirements for Development in Primary Cultures of Chicken Kidnev Cells

SYNOPSIS. Devt~loptiiriitof h'imeiio tanella \ \ a s studied in priniary cultures o f chicken kidney rells maintained in Medium 199 lacking each o f the fiiIlcn\ing: \itaniin .\, 1)iotiti. p-aininobeiizoic acid. folic arid, nicotinamide, Ca pantothenate, pyridoxine, pyridoxal. rhoflavin. thianiin. ascorllic acid, calriferol. a-tocopherol. and menadione. Data obtained concerning numbers of mature srhizonts or total nuinlxrs o f parasitcs or 110th indicated that all of the \.itamins are needed for 1st- and 2nd-generation srhizogony. and all exrcpt ralcift~rol;uid folic acid are needed for gametopony. Index Key Words: Eimer-in tenella : \-itamins: in i , i t r o development : avian priniary kidney cells


I-IERE appear

to I)(, o n l y 2 reports ( oiiccwiiiig iiiicrctniitric'tits ~ r yfor c I ~ ~ \ ~ ~ l c i p t nofe nEii)ic/i(i t tc/i"l/(L in c(,II ciiltrirc. Sofic,ld K: Strout ( 8 ) s t t i d i d atnino ;rcitl rcquirrmcnt.; iisiiig a deletion technic. (:ells grmvn in niwliii dt~ficientin c.ither glutamine, isoleucine, niethioni~ic, try1>tophan. or tyrosine failcd to support 2nd-generation dcvclopment by 72 h. Esccpt for glutaniinc, deletion of amino acids :it thc time of inoculation of cultures ivith sporozoites had little adverse effect; deletion of glutamine halted devclopmeiit of 2nd-generation schizonts by 72 h. T h e growth factor antagonism studies of Ryle! k \\'ilson ( 7 ) iinplicd that fi-aniinohenroic acid IPIIBX 1, iiicotinamide, p! ridosine, and thiainin are also necc.s\ary for de\,clopment through 2nd-genrration schizogon) . Studies \wrc initiated in our lal)orntory to invcXsti3ate more directly the vitamin reqairements of E. tcnc./la in ccll culture. The prcwnt report concerns thc effect of iiicdia dcficient in each of 14 vitamins on 1st-generation schi./ogony, 2nd-gcneration schirogony, and gainctogony in priniar)- cultures of chicken kiclney cells.


Eimeria tenella: vitamin requirements for development in primary cultures of chicken kidney cells.

Eimeria tenella: Vitamin Requirements for Development in Primary Cultures of Chicken Kidnev Cells SYNOPSIS. Devt~loptiiriitof h'imeiio tanella \ \ a...
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