THROMBOSIS RESEARCH 60; 105-l 08,199O 0049-3848190 $3.00 + .OO Printed in the USA. Copyright (c) 1990 Pergamon Press pk. All rights reserved.




of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medecine, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada JlH 5N4 2Department of Pathophysiology, Semmelweis University, Medical School, Budapest, Hungary. (Received



in original form 6.8.1990

by Editor H. Vinazzer)

INTRODUCTION Endothelin-1 (ET-l, human-porcine endothelin) is a recently characterized peptide isolated from cultured vascular endothelial cells(l). ET1 is a potent vasoconstrictor (l), but it is also capable of stimulating the release of vasodilators, such as endothelium-derived relaxing factor and prostacyclin (2-5). ET-l was reported to inhibit ex vivo platelet aggregation in rabbits (6) and in vivo platelet aggregation in dogs (5) and rabbits (7). In the present experiments, we studied the effects of ET-l on aggregation of human platelets in whole blood and platelet rich plasma. MATERIALS AND METHODS Venous blood was obtained from male healthy volunteers (23-26 years old) who fasted overnight and had not taken any drugs for the previous two weeks. Blood was collected into trisodium citrate (final concentration 1 mM). Platelet aggregation in whole blood was monitored by measuring electric impedance using a Chronolog aggregometer (Chrono Log Corp., Havertown, PA) according to the method of Wilsoncroft et a1.(8). Platelet rich plama (PRP) and platelet poor plasma (PPP) were prepared and aggregation of platelets was monitored by measuring light transmission in the same aggregometer as described previously (9). Platelet count was determined in a coulter counter (Coulter Electronics Inc, Hialah, FL). PRP or whole blood were pre-incubated with ET-l(l-100 nM, Peninsula Labs, Belmont, CA) at 37 OC for 2 to 10 min prior to addition of ADP(Sigma,St-Louis, MO; 10 and 20 MM in whole blood; Key


endothelin- 1, human

platelets, 105







2-6 PM in 4 pgg/ml in Switzerland; experiments 60-80% of was added addition of

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PRP), collagen (Sigma, St-Louis, MO; 5-20 pg/ml in whole blood; lPRP) and platelet activating factor (C16-PAF, Bachem, Bubendorf, 1 and 3 FM in whole blood; 0.1 and 0.3 p M in PRP). Preliminary showed that all agents at the indicated concentrations evoked maximal platelet aggregation. In another set of experiments, ET-l at the time when nearly complete aggregation developed following the same concentrations of aggregatory agents. RESULTS

In the first set of experiments, ET-1 (0.1 - 100 nM) was added to human PRP or whole blood and incubated. In our experimental conditions, ET-l did not induce platelet aggregation. In the second set of experiment, human PRP or whole blood were preincubated for 2-10 min in the presence of the same concentration of ET-l as those previously described and then challenged with ADP, collagen or PAF. As shown in table 1, ET-1 failed to inhibit or potentiate Furthermore, when ET- 1 the aggregation induced by these three stimuli. (100 nM) was added to platelets aggregated by ADP, collagen or PAF, no disaggregation was observed in both PRP or whole blood (data. not shown). TABLE 1 Effect of Endothelin(ET-1) on ADP, Collagen and PAF -Induced Platelet Aggregation in Human Platelet-Rich Plasma and Whole Blood Platelet Rich Plasma (% Light Transmission) ----






1727 43?8 69+9

24+ 4 44 f 6 67k 10

Collagen 1 pg/ml 2 pg/ml

2725 52+7

28 ?: 2 53 t 5

4 pg/ml


74 f 6

3327 56+10

32 f 5 53 ?: 8


2UM 4pM 6UM


0.1 MM 0.3 PM

Whole Blood @m-is) Dose 5 flM 10 PM 20 MM 5 I.rg/rnl 10 ug/ml 20 Mg/ml

1 PM 3 JIM


Control 4.20 f 0.22 7.25 f 0.49 7.50 f 0.37

+[ET-l] 4.45 f 0.30 7.14 + 0.38 7.66 + 0.61



15.23kO.83 16.82r1.90

1 1.33+0.86 13.96k2.57

3.91 6.36

f 0.77 f 0.64

3.90 f 0.45 5.94

+ 0.73

Values are means + SEM for 3-6 donors. Platelet count in PRP was adjusted Platelet count to 200 000 cells / ml with autologous platelet poor plasma. Platelet-rich plasma in whole blood was 206 000 f 4500 cells/u1 (n=6). and whole blood were preincubated with ET-1 (100 nM) for 10 min at 37°C.

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DISCUSSION The present study demonstrates that ET-l, up to a concentration of 100 nM, (i) does not induce platelet aggregation by itself and (ii) neither inhibits nor potentiates platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen or PAF. The results obtained with human PRP are consonant with previous data showing that ET-1 did not affect rabbit and dog platelet aggregation in PRP Using whole blood, ET-l neither induced aggregation nor modified (2, 5-6). the aggregatory response to ADP, collagen or PAF. This latter results suggest that ET-l did not stimulate other blood borne cells (e.g. neutrophils) to release relaxing factors (like neutrophil-derived relaxing factor)(lO-11) which could exert an antiaggregatory action. In contrast, in vivo studies in rabbits and dogs showed that ET-l is capable to exert an antiaggregatory action probably through release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (2) and PGI2 (5) from endothelial cells. The role of prostacyclin in mediating the in vivo antiaggregatory effect of ET-l is further supported by the findings that both indomethacin and acetylsalicylic acid attenuate the antiaggregatory action of ET-l in vivo (5-7). The present findings indicate that ET-1 does not act on human platelets in vitro, and suggest that human platelets do not possess ET-l receptors. Whether ET-l could inhibit aggregation of human platelets in vivo, remains to be studied. CONCLUSION Endothelin-1 (0.1 -100 nM) by itself does not induce aggregation of human platelets in platelet-rich plasma or whole blood. Furthermore, preincubation of platelets with ET-l neither modified the aggregatory response to ADP, collagen or platelet-activating factor nor caused disagregation in platelet-rich plasma and whole blood. These findings indicate that ET-l does not affect human platelet aggregation in vitro, and suggest that platelets do not possess ET-l receptors.

Acknowledgments We thank Ms. Nicole Levesque and Carole St-Onge for their expert technical assistance. This research was supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada. J.G.F. and P.S. are in receipt of MRC Fellowship and Scientist Award, respectively.


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Endothelin-1 does not affect human platelet aggregation in whole blood and platelet rich plasma.

THROMBOSIS RESEARCH 60; 105-l 08,199O 0049-3848190 $3.00 + .OO Printed in the USA. Copyright (c) 1990 Pergamon Press pk. All rights reserved. BRIEF...
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