APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, May 1979, p. 859-861 0099-2240/79/05-0859/03$02.00/0

Vol. 37, No. 5

Enrichment of Cadmium-Mediated Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in a Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Litter Microcosm BRUCE LIGHTHART Terrestrial Systems Division, Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Received for publication 20 February 1979

A set of Douglas-fir needle litter microcosms was amended with cadmium, acid, combination of both, or neither. After 2 weeks of incubation, bacterial colony counts were made of litter homogenates inoculated onto agar media containing an antibiotic (streptomycin, chloromycetin, ampicillin, or gentamicin), cadmium, both, or neither. In all microcosms bacterial abundance was similar but the quality was very dissimiliar. Cadmium-treated microcosms had populations enriched for cadmium and gentamicin resistance and streptomycin and chloramphenicol sensitivity. Acid amendment had no consistent effect on the microcosm populations except that which could be attributed to the cadmium treatment amendment alone. a

MATERIAIS AND METHODS Laboratory investigations have shown that many bacteria resistant to the effects of high Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) concentrations of heavy metals are concomi- Franco) needle litter (approximate pH of 5.0) was airtantly resistant to several antibiotics (14). This dried and ground in a Wiley mill to pass a 2-mm mesh is a current problem in hospitals where epide- screen. T'wenty-one grams (1.5 cm deep) of this mamiological investigations have shown that when terial was placed in eight l-quart Mason jars. Pairs of metals are used to treat burns, there is an en- jars were amended with 39 ml of distilled water or 102 richment of metal-resistant bacteria that are M HCI, either singly or in combination with 2 mM milliliters of a litter inoculum (supernatant also antibiotic resistant (2, 9, 19). This coresist- CdCl2.10Five g of litter homogenized in 1 liter of distilled ance in other hospital situations is a relatively from water which was allowed to settle for approximately 5 prevalent occurrence which is causing increased min) was added to each microcosm to bring the litter concern (6, 11, 12). moisture to 70% of its water holding capacity. Every Outside the specialized confines of the hospital 2 or 3 days, depending upon litter respiratory activity, environment, the occurrence of metal and anti- the airtight jars were opened and flushed with air, and biotic coincidence in nature is being detected in a carbon dioxide trap (1-ounce [ca. 29.6-ml] screw-cap aquatic habitats (5) where there are high con- bottle containing 10 ml of 0.6 N NaOH) was replaced. centrations of heavy metals, e.g., in the sedi- After 6 weeks of incubation at 20°C in the dark, the of the duplicate microcosms were mixed, and ments of New York Bight (7, 21), the guts of fish contents 10 g of this material was homogenized in 100 ml of rivers and living in heavy metal-polluted (8), sterile buffered dilution water (1) in a Waring blender sewage-polluted river water (22). for 4 min. A 10-fold dilution series of each homogenate To the best of my knowledge the development was prepared in sterile buffered dilution water and 0.1 of antibiotic-resistant soil bacteria exposed to ml of each dilution was inoculated onto, and spread heavy metals in the soil has not been reported, over the surface of, air-dried 0.08% (wt/vol) nutrient although materials containing heavy metals are broth (Difco) solidified with 1.5% (wt/vol) agar (Difco) being added to litter and soil systems in the plates containing. 20 ,ug of chloramphenicol, dihydroforms of fly ash from smelters (17) and coal-fired streptomycin sulfate, gentamicin sulfate, or ampicillin ml, and/or in a 5 mM cadmium chloride solution, power plants (13), automobile exhaust (4), chem- per or none these (control). Bacterial colony counts ical fertilizer application (18, 23), and the recent were madeof on these plates after 14 days of incubation potentially very serious route, metals in sewage at 200C. and industrial sludges that are applied to crop land (3, 20). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experiment described here concerns the The quantity of bacteria supported in the enumeration of antibiotic-resistant bacteria enriched in litter microcosms amended with cad- cadmium-treated litter (51.7 x 107 colony-forming units [CFU]/g) was essentially the same as mium, acid, both, or neither. 859




the control litter (56.2 x 107 CFU/g) (Table 1). ing medium, it was evident that the microcosm The quality of the two populations was mark- with the cadmium-treated litter supported popedly different. Only about 1% (74.0 x 105 CFU/ ulations that were more sensitive to these agents g) of the control litter organisms were cadmium (6 and 0.05% compared to the control medium resistant, while almost 100% (56.3 x 107 CFU/g) count, respectively) than the control microcosm were resistant in the cadmium treatment. No treatment (53 and 4.5% compared to the control differentiation between cadmium-resistant se- medium count, respectively). Conversely, outlection, or "training" in the Pickett and Dean growth from the gentamicin-amended culture (15, 16) sense, can be ascribed to this observa- media showed that there was a selection of baction. teria that was more resistent to gentamicin in When the antibiotics chloromycetin and es- the cadmium-treated microcosm compared to pecially streptomycin were added to the count- the control microcosm (i.e., 27 and 6.6%, respecTABLE 1. Colony counts of bacteria grown on culture media amended with antibiotic, cadmium, both, or neither, using inocula from identically prepared and incubated Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) needle litter microcosms amended with cadmium and/or hydrochloric acid Microcosm amendment

Culture medium amendment

Bacteria (CFU/g) Cadmiuma

Acid pHb 5.6 56.2 x 107 2.0 40.3 x 107 + 5.6 51.7 x 107 + 2.0 132.0 x 107 Cadmium' 5.6 74.0 x 105 2.0 28.3 x 105 + 5.6 56.3 x 107 + 2.0 81.7 x 107 5.6 29.7 x 107 Chloromycetine 2.0 14.0 x 107 + 5.6 28.7 x 106 + 2.0 8.7 x 107 5.6 Chloromycetin + cadmium 7.0 x 106 2.0 13.0 x i05 + 5.6 4.0 x 106 + 2.0 7.7 x 105 5.6 Streptomycin 25.0 x 106 2.0 16.3 x 10" + 5.6 2.7 x 105 + 2.0 4.0 x 105 Streptomycin + cadmium 5.6 43.3 x 104 2.0 6.3 x 104 + 5.6 9.0 x 103 + 2.0 4.7 x 104 Gentamicin 5.6 37.0 x 106 2.0 22.7 x 106 + 5.6 14.0 x 107 + 2.0 75.3 x 107 Gentamicin + cadmium 5.6 21.7 x 105 2.0 15.3 x 105 + 5.6 13.3 x 107 + 2.0 20.7 x 107 Ampicillin 5.6 13.2 x 107 2.0 13.7 x 107 + 5.6 21.7 x 107 + 2.0 24.3 x 106 Ampicillin + cadmium 5.6 62.3 x 105 2.0 64.3 x 105 + 5.6 10.0 x 107 + 2.0 4.0 x 106 a CdC2 (10 mM) in solution to 70% water holding capacity. b pH of HCl solution added to microcosm to 70% water holding capacity. Not applicable. 'NA, d CdC2 (5 mM)/liter. 'Antibiotic concentrations were 20 ,ug/ml.


Control medium counts (%)

NAC NA NA NA 1.3 0.7 109 62 53 35 6 7

NA NA NA NA 4.5 4.0 0.05 0.03 NA NA NA NA 6.6 5.6 27.1 57.1 NA NA NA NA 23.5 34.0 42.0 1.8 NA NA NA NA

Cadmium medium counts

(%) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 94 46 1 1

NA NA NA NA 6 2 0.002 0.006 NA NA NA NA 29 54 24 25 NA NA NA NA 84 227 18


VOL. 37, 1979


tively). No significant trend in ampicillin resistdiscernible. Also, addition of cadmium to the culture medium did not change any of the foregoing trends. The addition of hydrochloric acid as an acid rain similator to the litter had no consistent effect on the development of antibiotic-resistant populations beyond that attributed to cadmium alone. At lower concentrations of cadmium and substrates with a increased acidity and/or buffering capacity, one might observe a different result. From this preliminary experiment, it is clear that cadmium added to a mixed population litter system enriches for bacteria that are both resistant to cadmium inhibition and are, more or less, resistant to antibiotic inhibition, depending on the antibiotic. The molecular mechanisms for both cadmium (10) and antibiotic (24) action have been described for some organisms, but in mixed populations it is difficult to explain these results in terms of those mechanisms, particularly when gentamicin-resistant bacteria are enriched and streptomycin numbers are depressed by cadmium amendment, yet both antibiotics are thought to have a similar action mechanism. This cursory investigation indicates that further research is needed in specific areas of metals-mediated antibiotic resistance in soil systems: (i) a repeated and extended set of microcosm experiments using other metals and soils, (ii) a determination of the prevalence of antibiotic/metals resistance in soil populations around metal-polluted sources, (iii) a determination of the transducibility of antibiotic resistance from soil bacteria to human inhabiting forms, (iv) an epidemiological investigation corrolating soil contamination by metals and clinical cases of the co-occurrence of metals and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and (v) the determination of how this phenomenon may effect general rhizosphere and particularly rhizosphere phytopathogenic bacterial populations. ance was

ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank R. Shimabuku for technical asistance. LITERATURE CITED 1. American Public Health Association. 1976. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 14th ed., p. 1193. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 2. Bauernfeind, A. 1976. Anreicherung Chemotherapie-resistenter Hospitalkeime durch Disinfektion? Muench. Med. Wochenschr. 118:871-874. 3. Council of Agriculture and Science Techology. 1976. Application of sewage sludge to cropland: appraisal of potential hazards of the heavy metals to plants and animals. Council of Agriculture and Science Technology report no. 64, p. 62. Iowa State University, Ames. 4. Goldsmith, C. D., Jr., P. F. Scanlon, and W. R. Pirie. 1976. Lead concentrations in soil and vegetation asso-


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Enrichment of cadmium-mediated antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) litter microcosm.

APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, May 1979, p. 859-861 0099-2240/79/05-0859/03$02.00/0 Vol. 37, No. 5 Enrichment of Cadmium-Mediated Antibioti...
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