Scand J Infect Dis 24: 233-240, 1992



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From the Division of lnfectious Diseases and Department of Internal Medicine, 'Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and >University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Endocarditis due to Enterobacter species is very rare. We recently cared for a patient who developed E. cloacae endocarditis following mitral valve replacement with a porcine heterograft, and was successfully treated with antibiotic therapy alone. A review of the literature disclosed an additional 17 well-described cases of enterobacter endocarditis. Two-thirds of the patients had underlying cardiac disease. The mitral valve was most frequently involved (10116 cases) with 4 of the patients having concomitant aortic valve involvement. The overall mortality rate was 44.4%. Antibiotic therapy of enterobacter endocarditis should consist of the combination of a beta-lactam antibiotic and an aminoglycoside with careful monitoring of blood cultures to assure the adequacy of therapy. Resistance of enterobacter to previously susceptible antibiotics may occur during therapy due to induction of a chromosomallymediated beta-lactamase, necessitating a change in antimicrobial therapy. Valvular surgery is indicated for patients failing medical management. A . R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Pennsylvania, 3300 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129, USA

INTRODUCTION Endocarditis due to Gram-negative bacilli is unusual despite the high incidence of Gramnegative bacteremia associated with manipulation and infection of the genitourinary and intestinal tracts. Of 452 valvular infections reported in the 1960s, only 1.7% were caused by Gram-negative organisms (1) versus 7% in more recent series (2). The incidence of Gramnegative endocarditis is higher in prosthetic valve endocarditis, accounting for about 20% of cases of early and 10-14% of cases of late prosthetic valve endocarditis (3-5). Increases in the incidence of Gram-negative endocarditis are due, in part, to the advent of antibiotics which select out for resistant Gram-negative organisms, immunosuppressive therapy, cardiac valve replacement, and the increased frequency of intravenous drug abuse (2). Among the Gram-negative bacilli, endocarditis due to Enterobacter species is very rare. We recently cared for a patient with endocarditis due to Enterobacter cloacae following mitral valve replacement with a porcine heterograft. Here we discuss this case and review the literature on this entity. CASE REPORT The patient was a 57-year-old female with a long history of rheumatoid arthritis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 1.5 years prior to entry. She went into a complete remission following therapy with cyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine, S-fluorouracil. adriamycin, and dexamethasone. She did well until 1 week before admission when she presented

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Table I. Clinical characteristics of patients with enterobacter endocarditis

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Case Age Sex no.

Valve involved

Underlying cardiac disease

Underlying conditions

Antibiotic therapy


Ref. no.

Streptomycin, No sulfadiazine Penicillin, s t r e p N o tomycin

Survived Died

















Survived Survived









I.v. drug use





?Rheumatic heart disease












?Valve trauma secondary to pulmonary hypertension Prosthetic valve

Prostatic hypertrophy, transurethral resection of prostate, prostatic abscess Ureteral calcuPenicillin, streplus, cysto5copy tomycin, sulfadiazine, sulfawith meatomy thiazole, bacterioph age, polymyxin Pulmonary arteriosclerosis




Aortic. mitral


I.v. drug abuse




Aortic, mitral

Prosthetic valve

Urinary tract infection


Rheumatic heart disease Ventricular septa1 defect Congenital aortic stenosis, cornmissurotomy Rheumatic heart disease, mitral annuloplasty No I.v. drug abuse


3.5 M












Aortic, mitral















Aortic, mitral Tricuspid







I.v. drug abuse, pulmonary embolus Rheumatic heart I.v. drug abuse disease I.v. drug abuse No


Prosthetic valve (porcine)





Prosthetic valve (porcine) Prosthetic valve (porcine)

Rheumatoid arthritis, nonHodgkin’s lymphoma

Surgical therapy

Met hicillin, No chloramphenicol, erythromycin No Kanamycin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol ChloramphenNo icol, kanamycin, cephalothin

No Carbsnicillin. probenecid, kanamycin Chloramphenicol Yes



Chloramphenicol, streptomycin Nafcillin







Penicillin, streptomycin Oxacillin, cefanone, gentamicin Cephalothin, carbenicillin, gentamicin Tobramycin, gentamicin Ceftazidime, gentamicin


Survived Survived Survived







Present case

Yes Yes

18 19

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to an outside hospital with the acute onset of shortness of breath. Examination revealed that the patient was febrile to 38.8"C. markedly dyspneic, and was in congestive heart failure with a new mitrat regurgitation murmur. Myocardial infarction was ruled out by normal cardiac enzymes. One of 4 blood cultures grew Staphylococcus aureus and she was treated with intravenous (i-v.)nafcillin. However, the patient became hemodynamically unstable and was transferred to the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center where a cardiac catheterization revealed 4+ mitral regurgitation, a mild reduction in left ventricular function, and normal coronary artery anatomy. The patient underwent mitral valve replacement with a 25 mm-Hancock porcine valve prosthesis. Pathologic examination of the native valve revealed multiple chordae tendonae ruptures and a myxamatous mitral valve without evidence of endocarditis. Nafcillin was discontinued after a 14-day course. Her postoperative course was complicated by prolonged intubation, congestive heart failure, bronchospasm, and upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. One week after the nafcillin was discontinued, the patient developed a cellulitis on the right forearm and intravenous cefazolin was begun. Over the next several days she began to improve, was extubated, and remained hemodynamically stable. Cardiac examination was normal without evidence of murmurs. Five days later, the patient spiked at temperature to 39.6"C accompanied by shaking chills. The pulse was 120 beatshin. respiratory rate 24/min, and blood pressure llOn0 mmHg. Examination revealed a few bibasilar crackles and a new grade III/VI holosystolic murmur best heard at the apex and radiating to the axilla. Four of 4 blood cultures obtained over a time period of 48 h grew Enterobacter cloacae and a central line catheter tip yielded 50 colony-forming units of the same microorganism. The minimal inhibitory concentration for ceftazidime was 1 mg/l. gentamicin 1 mg/l. piperacillin 16 mg/l and imipenem > 16 mg/l. Ceftazidime (2 g i.v. every 8 h) and gentamicin (50 mg i.v. every 24 h) were begun. Cardiac echocardiography showed a normal valve prosthesis with trace mitral regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization revealed a normal functioning prosthesis with a 1+ periprosthetic leak. It was felt that she would not be a good surgical candidate. The patient'scondition stabilized on antibiotic therapy. The trough serum bactericidal titer, measured by the guidelines of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, was 1:256. Antimicrobial therapy was continued for 6 weeks. She remained afebrile without evidence of cardiac decompensation. Blood cultures remained negative 2 months after discontinuation of antibiotics. The patient was subsequently lost to follow-up.

MATERIALS A N D METHODS Cases of enterobacter endocarditis reported in the literature were identified using Index Medicus and by a literature search of the MEDLINE data base of the MEDLARS service, National Library of Medicine. Only English language articles were included. The references of these citations were reviewed in depth for additional cases. Reports that did not have in-depth case histories were not included in this review. To be part of this series, cases were required to contain information regarding cardiac valve involved, underlying conditions, medical and/or surgical therapy, and outcome. There were 17 well-described cases of enterobacter endocarditis in the literature from 1949 to 1990 (6-20). With the addition of our case, 18 cases were available for analysis (Table I). Some additional cases are alluded to in larger series, and some of the characteristics of these cases are described in the discussion.

RESULTS Enterobacter endocarditis occurred in 10 men and 5 women (gender not indicated in 3 cases). The average age was 33.7 years with a range of 3.545 years. The majority of the patients had mitral valve involvement (10 cases), including 4 cases with combined mitral and aortic valve involvement. All of the 5 cases of prosthetic valve involvement due to enterobacter occurred on prosthetic mitral valves. The majority of the patients (12/18) had underlying cardiac disease including the presence of prosthetic valves (5 cases), rheumatic heart disease (4 cases), valve trauma secondary to pulmonary hypertension (1 case), ventricular septa1 defect (1 case), and congenital aortic stenosis (1 case). Intravenous drug abuse accounted for 3 of the 4 cases of tricuspid valve endocarditis, 1 case on the mitral valve, and 2 cases of combined mitral and aortic valve endocarditis. The most common non-cardiac underlying condition was i.v. drug abuse (6 cases). Besides an enterobacter, other organisms were recovered in 2 cases. In patient 5, there

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was concomitant endocarditis with S. aureus, Candida albicans, and Paracolobactrum aerogenes; in patient 14 with Enterococcus faecalis and the viridans streptococcus. Patients received a variety of antimicrobial agents with most regimens containing an aminoglycoside (Table I). Surgical therapy was performed in 3 cases with 2 of the patients surviving. The overall mortality rate was 44.4%, and was lower for right-sided (25%) as compared to left-sided (50%) enterobacter endocarditis in this series.

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DISCUSSION Many different bacterial organisms have been implicated in the causation of infective endocarditis. Streptococci and staphylococci account for 80-90% of cases. Although Gramnegative bacilli have been reported in a lower percentage of cases, it has become clear that the incidence of infective endocarditis due to these organisms has increased in recent years; 1.7% in the 1960’s (1) versus 7% in more recent series (2). Several explanations have been proposed to account for the lower incidence of Gram-negative, as opposed to Grampositive, endocarditis (2,21). These include the greater capacity of Gram-positive organisms (e.g. S. aureus) to adhere to valve leaflets (22), the lower frequency that Gram-negative bacteria are involved in transient bacteremias in healthy people (23), and that nonbacteremic isolates of Gram-negative bacteria are less resistant to serum bactericidal activity than Gram-positive organisms (24). In addition, Gram-negative bacteria are less able than Gram-positive cocci to induce endocarditis in an experimental rabbit model (25). In a review from the Mayo Clinic during the period 1958-1975, 56 cases of endocarditis due to Gram-negative bacilli were observed, most due to “fastidious” non-enteric organisms (26). The increased incidence of these organisms in infective endocarditis is due, in part, to the use of invasive diagnostic techniques, treatment with antibiotics, presence of cardiac prostheses, i,v. drug abuse, and improvement in microbiologic techniques (2). Gramnegative bacilli have accounted for about 20% of isolates in early and 1&14% of isolates in late prosthetic valve endocarditis (3-5). Among the Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella species have accounted for the majority of isolates in early reports due to the affinity of these organisms for abnormal heart valves (27). In a review of 44 cases of endocarditis due to enteric Gram-negative bacilli other than salmonella (28), organisms identified were Escherichia coli (17 cases) Klebsiella-Enterobacter group (9 cases), Serratia marcescens (13 cases), Proteus and Providentia species (2 cases each), and Citrobacter (1 case). A recent increase in the frequency of endocarditis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been observed, predominantly among patients who abuse i.v. drugs (29, 30). Enterobacter is a rare isolate in cases of Gram-negative endocarditis, accounting for only 6% of isolates in narcotic addict-associated Gram-negative endocarditis in one series (2). In our literature review, we could identify only 17 well-described cases. This low number may relate to the fact that the genus enterobacter was not defined as a separate entity until the 1960’s (31). Before then, the differentiation of enterobacter from klebsiella was not routinely performed, which led to the reporting of many infections being caused by the klebsiella-enterobacter group; organisms with this description were excluded from our analysis. Therefore, our selection of cases is biased since only those cases reported in the literature were available for review, and those cases may or may not be representative of all episodes of enterobacter endocarditis. Among the clinical characteristics of the 18 cases of enterobacter endocarditis described here (Table I), several points can be made. There was a wide variation in the age of the patients (3.5-65 years) with a mean of 33.7 years. Males outnumbered females in a ratio of 2: 1. The mitral valve was most frequently involved (10/16 cases) with 4 of the patients having

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concomitant aortic valve involvement. The tricuspid valve was affected in 4 cases, 3 of which occurred in intravenous drug abusers. Two-thirds of the patients had underlying cardiac disease including the presence of prosthetic valves, rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, ventricular septa1 defect, or congenital aortic stenosis. Surgical.therapy was used only in 3 patients, 2 of whom survived. The overall mortality rate in our series was 44.4%. However, these data may be flawed because our series represents only welldescribed cases of enterobacter endocarditis. In a review of the Boston City Hospital experience with bacterial endocarditis from 1933-1965, 20 cases of endocarditis due to enterobacter were identified, although detailed information on these cases was not available (32); all the patients died. When combined with our data, the overall mortality rate for enterobacter endocarditis was 73.7%. Case fatality rates are likely much lower today with the availability of more effective antimicrobial therapy against Enterobacter species as well as valve replacement surgery for cases refractory to medical therapy. Mortality rates were lower for right-sided (25%) as compared to left-sided (50%) enterobacter endocarditis in our series. One patient with right-sided endocarditis underwent surgery with a positive result, and 2 patients with left-sided endocarditis had valve replacement, 1 of whom survived. The optimal management of enterobacter endocarditis remains unclear. In this series it is difficult to make specific antibiotic recommendations for the treatment of enterobacter endocarditis because the choice of a particular antimicrobial agent did not correlate with outcome. Therapy of enteric aerobic Gram-negative bacillary endocarditis should be guided by in vitro susceptibility testing and bactericidal synergy studies (33). The experimental rabbit model of infective endocarditis has been utilized to emphasize many of the therapeutic principles in the treatment of endocarditis due to these organisms (34). For example, the combination of carbenicillin plus gentamicin was more effective than either alone in the rabbit model of P. aeruginosa endocarditis (35). Similar results have been observed in the therapy of pseudomonas endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers (29, 36). Therefore, therapy should consist of a beta-lactam agent in combination with an aminoglycoside to which the organism displays in vitro susceptibility. Despite problems with interpretation, the therapy of aerobic Gram-negative endocarditis should be tailored to achieve trough serum bactericidal titers of at least 1:8 (37). The duration of therapy is controversial, but is usually continued 4-6 weeks. Repeat blood cultures are essential to delineate response to therapy because patients who fail to respond bacteriologically to medical management are candidates for surgical therapy. In practice, cure rates are better in patients with right-sided than left-sided Gram-negative endocarditis (21). A recent review has suggested that patients with left-sided endocarditis due to P. aeruginosa have a better chance for cure when treated with early valve replacement and appropriate antibiotics than when treated with antibiotics alone (30). In vitro susceptibility testing reveals that virtually all enterobacter strains are resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, vancomycin, and the sulfonamides (31, 38). The first generation cephalosporins also have little or no anti-enterobacter activity. Drugs with a moderate degree of in vitro activity include the second generation cephalosporins. trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and the antipseudomonal penicillins. The third generation cephalosporins, imipenem, the aminoglycosides, and the quinolones have the highest in vitro activity. However, with widespread use of newer beta-lactam antibiotics, enteric Gram-negative bacilli including enterobacter have acquired the ability to develop resistance to these drugs (39). Shortly after cefamandole became available, reports of the emergence of resistance of Enterobacter species to the drug during therapy began to appear due to the presence of an inducible, chromosomally mediated beta-lactamase capable of inactivating cefamandole (40). There was also simultaneous development of cross-resistance to many of

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the other new beta-lactam antibiotics including cefuroxime, third generation cephalosporins, monobactams, and broad-spectrum penicillins (39). Beta-lactamase induction with cefoxitin has been shown to confer resistance to ceftazidime (41). Two mechanisms have been proposed to account for the development of resistance in enterobacter isolates (39). The first mechanism, which produces multiple beta-lactam resistance, is the induction of chromosomal beta-lactamases that mediate resistance to nonsubstrate drugs by the creation of a nonhydrolytic barrier that blocks access to target proteins in the cell. In contrast to the newer cephalosporins, the activity of an antibiotic such as imipenem is unaffected by this beta-lactamase because imipenem, unlike most other beta-lactam agents, acts on penicillinbinding protein 2 which is present in low quantities within the cell as compared with the other lethal binding proteins (42, 43), and penetrates rapidly across the bacterial outer membrane, a property presumably related to its compact molecular structure (44). The second mechanism, which produces beta-lactadaminoglycoside resistance, involves a change in outer membrane permeability mediated by altered porin proteins (39). Based on the above observations, clinical failure of antimicrobial therapy against enterobacter isolates that have good initial in vitro susceptibilities may represent the emergence of multidrugresistant organisms. In these clinical situations, imipenem is the antimicrobial agent of choice. The quinolones may also be effective, although there is no clinical experience with the use of these agents in enterobacter endocarditis. Difloxacin has been shown to be significantly more effective than cefoperazone in the rabbit model of E. aerogenes endocarditis (45), and further studies may establish the effectiveness of the quinolones in this infection. There was no evidence of the development of resistance during therapy in our literature review of enterobacter endocarditis. In summary, we have described a case of enterobacter endocarditis and reviewed an additional 17 well-documented cases. Therapy of this infection should consist of the combination of a beta-lactam antibiotic and an aminoglycoside to which the organism displays good in vitro susceptibility with careful monitoring of blood cultures to assure the adequacy of therapy. Resistance of enterobacter to previously susceptible antibiotics may occur during therapy necessitating a change in antimicrobial therapy. Valvylar surgery is indicated for patients failing medical management. Further descriptions of cases of enterobacter endocarditis may aid in determining the optimal medical and surgical treatment of these patients.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge Ms Mona Bernhardt and Ms Eve Lorraine Schwartz for secretarial assistance. This work was supported in part by a research grant (ROl-AI17904) and a training grant (T32-AI07046) from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. W. Michael Scheld is an established investigator of the American Heart Association.

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Announcement World Congress on Tourist Medicine and Health will be held in Singapore January 10-15,1993 and will include sessions on the prevention and control of AIDS and other infectious diseases; environmental health, food safety and quality control; protection of the elderly, children, pregnant women and sick people who travel; safety precautions and prevention of accidents; organisation of health care and health information services; and the psychological and medico-legal aspects of tourism and travel. Registration and accommodation forms may be obtained from the Secretariat, World Congress on Tourist Medicine and Health, 336 Smith Street 06-302, New Bridge Centre, Singapore 0105, Republic of Singapore. Telephone: (65) 227-9811, Facsimile: (65) 227-0257.

Enterobacter endocarditis.

Endocarditis due to Enterobacter species is very rare. We recently cared for a patient who developed E. cloacae endocarditis following mitral valve re...
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