Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 72:1471–1485 (2014)

Estimation of the CSA-ODF Using Bayesian Compressed Sensing of Multi-Shell HARDI Julio M. Duarte-Carvajalino,1 Christophe Lenglet,1 Junqian Xu,1,2 Essa Yacoub,1 Kamil Ugurbil,1 Steen Moeller,1 Lawrence Carin,3 and Guillermo Sapiro3,4* Purpose: Diffusion MRI provides important information about the brain white matter structures and has opened new avenues for neuroscience and translational research. However, acquisition time needed for advanced applications can still be a challenge in clinical settings. There is consequently a need to accelerate diffusion MRI acquisitions. Methods: A multi-task Bayesian compressive sensing (MTBCS) framework is proposed to directly estimate the constant solid angle orientation distribution function (CSA-ODF) from under-sampled (i.e., accelerated image acquisition) multi-shell high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) datasets, and accurately recover HARDI data at higher resolution in q-space. The proposed MT-BCS approach exploits the spatial redundancy of the data by modeling the statistical relationships within groups (clusters) of diffusion signal. This framework also provides uncertainty estimates of the computed CSA-ODF and diffusion signal, directly computed from the compressive measurements. Experiments validating the proposed framework are performed using realistic multi-shell synthetic images and in vivo multi-shell high angular resolution HARDI datasets. Results: Results indicate a practical reduction in the number of required diffusion volumes (q-space samples) by at least a factor of four to estimate the CSA-ODF from multi-shell data. Conclusion: This work presents, for the first time, a multi-task Bayesian compressive sensing approach to simultaneously estimate the full posterior of the CSA-ODF and diffusionweighted volumes from multi-shell HARDI acquisitions. It demonstrates improvement of the quality of acquired datasets by means of CS de-noising, and accurate estimation of the CSAODF, as well as enables a reduction in the acquisition time by a factor of two to four, especially when “staggered” q-space sampling schemes are used. The proposed MT-BCS framework can naturally be combined with parallel MR imaging to further accelerate HARDI acquisitions. Magn Reson Med C 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 72:1471–1485, 2014. V

Key words: Bayesian compressed sensing (BCS); constant solid angle (CSA); Dirichlet process; high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI); multi-task; orientation distribution function (ODF)


1 Radiology – CMRR, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 2 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, USA. 3 Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. 4 Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. Grant sponsor: NIH, Grant numbers: R01 EB008432, P41 RR008079, P41 EB015894, U54 MH091657. *Correspondence to: Guillermo Sapiro, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC. E-mail: [email protected]. This work was partly supported by NIH grants R01 EB008432, P41 RR008079, P41 EB015894, the Human Connectome Project (U54 MH091657) from the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research. Received 9 May 2013; revised 22 October 2013; accepted 25 October 2013 DOI 10.1002/mrm.25046 Published online 12 December 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( C 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. V

Diffusion MRI can characterize the anisotropic thermal motion of water molecules in biological tissues, such as brain white matter. This information can be used to estimate the local orientation of white matter fiber bundles. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (1) was introduced to describe the three-dimensional nature of anisotropic diffusion in biological tissues. However, the diffusion tensor model is inadequate when two or more fiber bundles cross (at the acquisition resolution). It is estimated that between one-third and two-thirds of imaging voxels in the human brain’s white matter contain multiple fiber crossings (2). High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) overcomes limitations of DTI for characterizing complex tissue geometries such as fiber crossings, by measuring the diffusion-weighted signal along tens to hundreds of directions (q-space). The high angular resolution of HARDI allows estimating the orientation distribution function (ODF), which is the average probability of diffusion along any diffusion direction, therefore enabling fiber crossing detection (3). HARDI requires a relatively large number of diffusion encodings to accurately recover the ODF (4), limiting its applicability to clinical studies. The use of more complex excitation techniques combined with parallel imaging techniques (pMRI) (5–8) has reduced acquisition times of diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI), typically by a factor of three. Recently, pMRI and compressed sensing (CS)1 methods have been combined to reduce the acquisition time of structural MRI (9–16), diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) (17–22), HARDI (23–25), and dynamic MRI (26–34), leading to combined acceleration factors of 9 and higher. Compressed sensing of HARDI data sets has been proposed in the past (24,35–37), where the diffusion directions are pseudo-randomly under-sampled and the skipped directions are recovered (interpolated) using sparse representation models and CS reconstruction methods. However, these under-sampled measurements are not linear combination of the diffusion signal (just a subsample of them), and hence, do not fully exploit the power of CS as an inverse model reconstruction technique. More recent work directly estimated the ODF 1


See for example rich references for CS in


from under-sampled single-shell (38) and multi-shell HARDI data (21–23,25,39) using CS methods. Undersampled HARDI data can be seen as a CS measurement of the ensemble average propagator (EAP) (21–23,25,39) or the ODF (38), fully exploiting the power of CS. However, most of these previous works rely on the classical definition of the ODF (3). In this work, we develop a multi-task Bayesian compressive sensing framework for DW-MRI, following our previous work by DuarteCarvajalino et al (37), to directly estimate the constant solid angle ODF (CSA-ODF) (40) from multi-shell compressed sensed HARDI data sets. The CSA-ODF was recently introduced to update the commonly used ODF definition (3), providing a mathematically correct probabilistic distribution function (PDF) expression for the ODF. The classical definition of the ODF ignores the quadratic growth of the volume element in q-space with respect to its distance from the origin, leading to an inaccurate formulation that requires artificial postprocessing such as normalization and sharpening (40–43). The CSA-ODF accounts for this quadratic growth, leading to a correct PDF formulation that does not require artificial normalization (integrating to one) or sharpening. Compared with the work by Tristan-Vega and Westin (38), we use multi-shell data, with signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) commonly found in in vivo HARDI data,2 and a Bayesian CS approach (37,44). In addition, previous work on CS of the CSA-ODF provide only maximum a posteriori (MAP) (45) estimates of the ODF and/or diffusionweighted volumes. Here, we use Bayesian inference to estimate the full posterior distributions of the CSA-ODF and diffusion-weighted volumes, providing point estimates, as well as uncertainty estimates of those quantities. The uncertainty estimates allow us to evaluate the confidence on the reconstructed data. Because the reconstructed point estimates may have large variance, the additional characterization of full posterior distribution, information not available with classical MAP CS methods, is as important as the reconstructed point estimates. In addition to the proposed Bayesian compressed sensing of the CSA-ODF (bcsCSA-ODF), we provide comparison with the CSA-ODF (40) implemented in the FSL library3 (46) to compute the ODFs from the original and under-sampled HARDI data sets. CSA-ODF relies on a bi-exponential model for the diffusion signal decay and analytic solution for multi-shell HARDI data (with b-values in arithmetic progression). We also compare with a generalized CSA-ODF (gCSA-ODF) bi-exponential algorithm (41) that can handle under-sampled HARDI, with arbitrary q-space sampling, and computes the CSA-ODFs and “missing” diffusion-weighted volumes by using optimally regularized SHs interpolation and the bi-exponential model. Both gCSA-ODF and CSA-ODF are established data-fitting techniques which do not explicitly exploit signal sparsity and have performances that can more readily be compared with the more sophisticated CS algorithm. The comparison with more conventional algorithms is used to illustrate the advantage of 2 The 3

authors of (38) use SNRs of 100 and 40 in their synthetic data.

Duarte-Carvajalino et al.

applying a sophisticated CS algorithm. The gCSA-ODF and bcsCSA-ODF models have been implemented in FSL and will be available on the NITRC web site. The results demonstrate that, at realistic SNR levels, the proposed Bayesian CS framework performs better than using simpler angular interpolation methods such as the CSA-ODF and gCSA-ODFs for multi-shell images. We demonstrate the feasibility of acceleration factors equal to or greater than four.

METHODS Constant Solid Angle ODF For a given spatial location (voxel) of a HARDI dataset, ^ can be the probability of diffusion along the direction u modeled by the constant solid angle orientation distribution function (CSA-ODF) wð^ u Þ (38,40) wð^ uÞ ¼ 

1 Ru^ fr2 xðqÞg; 8p2


RR ^ Þdq is the Funk-Radon where, Ru^ ff ðqÞg ¼ f ðqÞdð^ qTu transform, d the Delta-Dirac function, xðqÞ ¼ SðqÞ=Sð0Þ the normalized signal attenuation at a given diffusion ^ and magnitude q (q ¼ q^ direction q q ), S(q) is the measured HARDI signal in q-space, and S(0) the non– diffusion-weighted (q = 0) signal. Limiting the diffusion signal to concentric spheres and introducing a radial mono-exponential model, we obtain x(q) for any q from a given measurement xðq0 q^ Þ at a specific q0 value as 2 2 xðqÞ ¼ ½xðq0 q^ Þq =q0 (40). With this assumption, it has been shown that Eq. [1] is equivalent to (40) wð^ uÞ ¼

   1 1 þ Ru^ fr2b ln ln xðqÞ g; 2 4p 16p




1 @ @ 1 @ where r2b ¼ tanu @u þ @ 2 u þ sin2 u @ 2 w is the Laplace-Beltrami operator in spherical coordinates (u,w). In practice, E in Eq. [2] is regularized in such a way that ln(-ln(x)) is smooth (40). We should emphasize that there is, in practice, no need to carry the numerical derivation and integration indicated in Eq. [2] to compute the CSA-ODF. The computation of the CSA-ODF is greatly facilitated by the fact that the spherical harmonics (SH) basis are eigen-functions of the Funk Radon    ~ ¼ ln ln xðqÞ , E ~ can transform (47–49). Indeed, with E

be represented in the SH basis as R    X ~ ¼ ln ln xðqÞ  cr Yr ð^ u Þ; x



where R is the number of elements of the SH basis used in the approximation, Yr ð^ u Þ the real and symmetric modified SH basis (49), and Cr the SH coefficients computed using least-squares. Then, the CSA-ODF can be obtained ~ as (40,49) explicitly from the SH representation of E

Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing

wð^ uÞ ¼



cr0 Yr ð^ u Þ;


x ¼ CM L # þ h;


r¼1 8 1 > pffiffiffiffi ; > > >2 p
> 1 > > : ð1Þ 2 8p

1  3      ðkr þ 1Þ cr ; 2  4      ðkr  2Þ

r>1 [4]

where kr(krþ1) are the eigenvalues of the LaplaceBeltrami operator. This result indicates that there is an explicit linear relationship between the SH representation of the CSA-ODF and the SH representation of the double logarithm of the diffusion signal. We build on this in the next sections. Bayesian Compressed Sensing of the CSA-ODF (bcsCSA-ODF) Consider a multi-shell HARDI experiment, with a total of M diffusion directions (encodings) spread over B shells and N voxels. Let x be the M  1 measured HARDI attenuations at a given voxel in vector form and YM3R the SH basis, with R harmonic coefficients. Then Eqs. [3] and [4] can be expressed in the SH basis using matrixvector notation as4 " ðwÞSH 






" ~ Yþ RM x



; 0


h  i x~ ¼ ln lnðxj Þ

pffiffiffiffi # 1=ð2 pÞ R1



where (w)SH corresponds to the SH representation of the CSA-ODF, and Yþ ¼ ðYT YÞ1 YT is the pseudo-inverse of the SH basis Y. Hence, Yþ x~ provides the (least-squares) estimated SH coefficients Cr indicated in Eq. [3], and L provides the scaling factors multiplying the SH coefficients Cr in Eq. [4], for r > 1. Notice that for r = 1, the scaling factor is zero, because the Laplace-Beltrami operator eliminates the first harmonic coefficient C1 corresponding to the (constant) average component of the pffiffiffiffi ~ . Hence, the 1=ð2 pÞ term in Eq. [5] is required signal x 1 0 to obtain c1 ¼ 2pffiffipffi in Eq. [4]. Equation [5] is also equivalent to " # " 1 # pffiffiffiffi g 0 1=ð2 pÞ  g1 c1 þ ðwÞSH  ; [6] Y x~ þ 0 0 L for any g 6¼ 0. We introduce here the variable g to make " 1 # g 0 the matrix invertible. 0 L Given that one key component in compressive sensing is the sparse representation of the signal in a sparsifying basis or dictionary,5 and the SH basis does not constitute a good sparsifying basis for HARDI data (24,35,50), we represent the measured HARDI attenuations x using a more adequate sparsifying dictionary 4 This 5

is the actual implementation of [2] in FSL. See for some additional references on compressive sensing.


where # (L  1) is the sparse representation of the attenuation signal at a given voxel in a sparsifying dictionary C, and h is the representation noise at that voxel. As previously reported (24,35,37,50), we choose C to be the Ridgelets basis (though we could learn this from data if desired), since it has been shown that it constitutes a good sparsifying dictionary for HARDI data (24,35,50). Replacing x given by Eq. [7] in Eq. [1] w

  1 Ru^ fr2b Cð^ u Þ# g; 2 8p


where we have used the fact that Cð^ u Þ has no radial component, hence the Laplacian reduces to the LaplaceBeltrami operator. Because the Laplace-Beltrami and Funk-Radon transforms commute, w

  1 1 2 2 r R fWð^ u Þ#g ¼  r Hð^ u Þ# ; ^ u b b 8p2 8p2


u Þ#g ¼ Hð^ u Þ#, and Hð^ u Þ corresponds to the where Ru^ fCð^ Funk-Radon transform of the Ridgelets basis, as specified in (50). We can use finite differences to approximate Eq. [9] (see Appendix) and express the CSA-ODF in vector form as u  D#; where D is a dictionary for the CSAODF, derived from the Ridgelets basis. The equations to be derived here apply to any CSA-ODF dictionary (including learned ones); we use the Ridgelets basis for convenience (see next section). We have now two representations of the CSA-ODF. The first in terms of the SH basis (Eq. [6]), and another one in terms of a sparsifying dictionary (Eq. [9]) that can be represented in matrix-vector form as u  D#. Because, it is the same CSA-ODF, both representations should be equivalent. However, because u  D# is in a different basis, we need to transform this representation in terms of the SH coefficients so that both representations are in the same basis. The SH representation of w  D# can be obtained with the pseudoinverse as ðwÞSH  Yþ ðD#Þ. Representing w  D# in terms of the SH basis does not affect the sparse representation #, ðwÞSH  ðYþ DÞ#, where Y1D corresponds to the new sparsifying dictionary in the SH basis. Hence, Eqs. [6] and [9] must correspond to the CSA-ODF in SH coordinates, " # " 1 # pffiffiffiffi g 1=ð2 pÞ  g1 c1 0 þ ~þ ðwÞSH   Yþ D# Y x 0 0 L [10] ~ in Eq. [10] as (see Appendix) We can solve for x pffiffiffiffi x  PD#; x  ð~ x  c1 Y1 Þ þ g=ð2 pÞY1 ; " # g 0 Yþ ; P¼Y 0 L1


where Y1 corresponds to the first column of the SH basis. ð~ x  c1 Y1 Þ in Eq. [11] corresponds to the variable component of x~ , because the term C1Y1 is the mean value of x~ . " # " 1 # g 0 g 0 corresponds to the inverse of in Eq. 0 L1 0 L [6], explaining the auxiliary variable g 6¼ 0 in Eq. [5].


Duarte-Carvajalino et al.

Equation [11] implicitly uses a set of M diffusion ^ M g that define the CSA-ODF directions UM ¼ f^ u1;    ; u signal x ðUM Þ. However, this equation applies to any ^ mg u1;    ; u number of diffusion directions. Let Um ¼ f^ UM be the diffusion directions of an under-sampled HARDI experiment, with m < M diffusion directions. Let xs ¼ x ðUm Þ; Ps ¼ PðUm Þ; Ds ¼ DðUm Þ be respectively, the under-sampled HARDI diffusion signal, and Ps ; Ds the projection matrix and dictionary of the CSA-ODF wðUm Þ, then Eq. [11] for under-sampled data becomes pffiffiffiffi ~ ðUm Þ  c1 Y1 ðUm Þ þ g=ð2 pÞY1 ðUm Þ: xs  Ps Ds #; xs ¼ x [12] A key requirement in CS is that the sampling should be incoherent with the signal of interest (here, the CSAODF). This requirement is satisfied with high probability when the sampling is random or pseudo-random [see, for instance (10,17–19,21,22,24,25,35,38,45,50)]. As in our previous work (37), we use the optimal pseudorandom Dirac sampling of multi-shell HARDI data proposed by Caruyer et al (4), which provides diffusion directions that uniformly cover the unit sphere when truncated before the acquisition is complete and satisfy the incoherence principle (35). Notice that because the signal of interest is the CSAODF w  D#. Then with respect to the CSA-ODF, Ps corresponds to the CS matrix and xs corresponds to the compressed samples of the CSA-ODF, i.e., xs is an undersampled linear combination of the full CSA-ODF (Eq. [12]), as required to exploit CS. Note that it is not just a sub-sampled signal as in more standard approaches (21– 23,25,38,39). On the other hand, x* is also a signal of interest and PD can be seen as its sparsifying dictionary. However, the samples xs are not a linear combination of the full x* signal, and hence the compressed sensed signal is the CSA-ODF, not the attenuations. Another key requirement in CS is the sparse representation on a given dictionary, which can be exploited by using ‘0 or ‘1 minimization, sometimes in combination with additional regularizing constraints such as total variation (19,35). We use multi-task Bayesian compressed sensing (MT-BCS), (37), that enforces sparsity by means of sparsifying priors, provides spatial regularization by means of probabilistic clustering, and allows the estimation of the full posterior distribution of the signal of interest (while other approaches only give the maximum a posteriori or MAP).

covariance Kai . This prior promotes sparse representations, when the hyper-priors follow a Gamma distribution (44,51). Hyper-parameters fai gN i¼1 in Eq. [13] model information sharing among different diffusion signal. Specifically, diffusion signal from different voxels are clustered using a nonparametric Dirichlet process (DP) mixture model. A Dirichlet process Gðl; G0 Þ is a distribution of distributions with scaling variable l and base distribution G0. The DP prior models uncertainty in the distributions, hence, it is rich enough to approximate any possible distribution. This makes it more powerful than parametric probabilistic models (52). In particular, the DP is used here as a tool for nonparametric clustering, as explained next. Hyper-parameters ai are modeled as independent identically distributed random variables drawn from a distribution generated by G. Let fak gKk¼1 ; K  N, be the distinct values taken by fai gN i¼1 , then (44) pðai jai Þ ¼

K X l 1 G0 þ ni da ; lþN 1 l þ N  1 k¼1; k6¼i k k

i ¼ 1; . . . ; N;


where ai ¼ fa1    ai1    aiþ1    aN g, ni k is the number of times ak is in ai , and dak the distribution concentrated at ak . Equation [14] explains the sharing and nonparametric properties of DPs: new hyper-parameters ai11 can either use the value of one of the existing hyperparameters a2i or a new one (generated from G0). The random variable l controls the balance between the creation of new hyper-parameters and sharing with the existing hyper-parameters. Let zi be a variable that indicates how much of each hyper-parameter aj is used in the P mixture model ai ¼ Kk¼1 zik ak . Hence zi provides a probabilistic clustering of the data, based on how much of each hyper-parameter fak gJk¼1 is used at each voxel. P  Because G can be modeled as G ¼ 1 k¼1 wk dak , using a stick-breaking process (53), the complete DP-MT-CS probabilistic model is given by def

xis j#i ; a0 N ðF#i ; a0 IÞ; F ¼ Ps Ds #i jzi ; fak gKk¼1 N ð0; Laz Þ; i

zi jfwk gkk¼1 Multinomialðw1 ;    ; wK Þ; wk ¼ pk

We use MT-BCS (37,44,51) to obtain the full posterior distribution of the estimated CSA-ODF and diffusion signal using sparsity inducing priors and shared hyperpriors that model similar spatial sparsity patterns between diffusion signals from different spatial locations in the brain. Specifically, Kai ¼ diagf a1 i1

ð1  pl Þ;


Bayesian Compressed Sensing

pð0i jai Þ N ð0; Kai Þ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; N;

k1 Y


a1 iL g; [13]

is the a priori distribution of #i (Eqs. [7–12]), modeled as a multidimensional Gaussian with zero mean and diagonal


pk jl Betað1; lÞ; lje; f Gammaðe; f Þ; ak jc; d


Gammaðc; dÞ;


a0 Gammaða; bÞ; where 1  i  N, 1  k  K, and a,b,c,d,e,f are noninformative hyper-parameters determining the distribution of the random variables in the model. Bayesian inference using the DP-MT-CS model is provided by Bayes rule

Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing

pðHjxs ; YÞ ¼ R


pðxs jHÞpðHjYÞ ; pðxs jHÞpðHjYÞdH

J N  K where H ¼ ff#i gN i¼1 ; faj gk¼1 ; fzi gi¼1 ; fpj gj¼1 ; a0 ; lg are the  N hidden model variables, xs ¼ xsi i¼1 the M 3 N matrix of CS HARDI measurements, and Y = fa,b,c,d,e,fg the hyper-parameters determining the distribution of the hidden variables. Equation [16] cannot be solved analytically, due to the mathematical intractability of the integration term in the denominator. An iterative variational method can be used to seek a distribution q(H) that approximates pðHjxs ; YÞ. Let us consider the logarithm of the marginal likelihood (44),

      log pðxs j!Þ ¼ L qðHÞ þ DKL qðHÞ; pðHjxs ; !Þ ;     Z pðxs jYÞpðHjYÞ ; L qðHÞ ¼ qðHÞlog qðHÞ


  where DKL qðHÞ; pðHjxs ; YÞ is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the approximate q(H) and the true posterior pðHjxs ; YÞ. The approximation of the true posterior pðHjxs ; YÞ by q(H) can be achieved by minimizing   DKL qðHÞ; pðHjxs ; YÞ . Because the KL divergence is nonnegative and pðxs jYÞ is fixed given Y, then minimizing   the KL divergence is the same as maximizing L qðHÞ in Eq. [17] (44).   Maximizing L qðHÞ is tractable using functional derivatives if we define qðHÞ ¼ qða0 ÞqðlÞ


qðpj Þ



qðzi Þ


N Y i¼1

qð0i Þ


qðaj Þ: [18]


In particular we assume qð0i Þ N ðli ; Ri Þ, where li and   Ri are estimated by iteratively maximizing L qðHÞ . Hence, by Eq. [8] and Eq. [11] 8   M. The time complexity of the CSA-ODF is determined by the estimation of the SH coefficients, which requires only matrix by vector computations (see Eq. [5]), i.e. O(NMR), where R corresponds to the number of SH coefficients. The time complexity of gCSA-ODF is determined by the cost of fitting the bi-exponential model on each voxel and for each diffusion direction. Using an iterative nonlinear least


Duarte-Carvajalino et al.

FIG. 8. Kullback-Leibler divergence of the reconstructed ODF from under-sampled in vivo HARDI data (acceleration four) using bcsCSAODF (top), gCSA-ODF (middle), and CSA-ODF (bottom). Left images correspond to a color-coded representation of the KL divergence that goes from cyan (low) to magenta (high). Right images correspond to the histogram of the KL divergence. Results shown are for dataset 1 (see Fig. 6). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

squares fitting, the computational complexity is O(k2NMB3), with k2 104 and B corresponds to the number of shells in the diffusion image. The proposed bcsCSA-ODF is computationally more demanding than the CSA-ODF and the gCSA-ODF. The higher computational complexity of the proposed CSAODF is in agreement with the computational complexity

of typical CS algorithms, CS signal reconstruction is more complex than traditional signal reconstruction. Computationally more efficient CS methods have being proposed recently and could also be used here within the proposed CSA-ODF framework. Comparisons with other CS algorithms that focus on the CSA-ODF should also be conducted in the future.

Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing


FIG. 9. First row indicates the normalized ODF uncertainty for acceleration one (left), four (center), and eight (right). Second row indicates the normalized volume estimation uncertainty for acceleration one (left), four (center), and eight (right). Uncertainties were compute on dataset 1. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

The bcsCSA-ODF could be further improved by using dictionaries trained for CSA-ODFs and HARDI data, and also by changing the implicit diffusion signal decay (mono-exponential) model by a more accurate representation of the white matter microstructure in Eq. [2] such as the bi-exponential model or other more complex microstructure models.

    ^ ðw; uÞ #  D# r2b H u where D¼

CONCLUSIONS In summary, this work presents, for the first time, a multi-task Bayesian compressive sensing approach to simultaneously estimate the full posterior of the CSAODF and diffusion-weighted volumes from multi-shell HARDI acquisitions. It demonstrates improvement of the quality of acquired datasets by means of CS de-noising, and accurate estimation of the CSA-ODF, as well as enables a reduction in the acquisition time by a factor of two to four, especially when “staggered” q-space sampling schemes are used. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Additional support to G.S. was received from DARPA and NSSEFF. Special thanks to Iman Aganj, Eleftheria Panagiotaki, and Stamatious Sotiropoulos for the useful discussions about the CSA-ODF and the analytic models in Camino toolkit. APPENDIX: DISCRETE APPROXIMATION IN EQ. [9]   Using finite differences to approximate r2b Hð^ u Þ# in Eq. [9]

  1 Hðw; u þ DÞ  Hðw; u  DÞ tanu 2D   Hðw; u þ DÞ  2Hðw; uÞ þ Hðw; u  DÞ þ D2   Hðw þ D; uÞ  2Hðw; uÞ þ Hðw  D; uÞ 1 þ sin2 u D2

is the dictionary for the ODF. For sufficiently small D and D  u  p; 0  w  2p. h is explicitly defined in (50). DERIVATION OF EQ. [11] Let us rewrite Eq. [10] here for convenience "






# þ

~þ Y x

# pffiffiffiffi 1=ð2 pÞ  g1 c1 "

0 g


 Yþ D#


multiplying both sides by 0 L1 # " " #" # pffiffiffiffi g 0 g 0 1=ð2 pÞ  g1 c1 ~þ  Yþ x Yþ D# 0 L1 0 L1 0 " # " # pffiffiffiffi g 0 g=ð2 pÞ  c1 þ ~þ  Yþ D# Y x 0 L1 0 ~  YYþ x ~ , hence multiplying by Y Now x


Duarte-Carvajalino et al.

" ~ þ ½ Y1 x



# pffiffiffiffi g=ð2 pÞ  c1 0

" Y



0 L1 #

# Yþ D#

"   g 0 pffiffiffiffi x~ þ g=ð2 pÞ  c1 Y1  Y Yþ D# 0 L1 x  c 1 Y1 Þ þ and we arrive at Eq. [11] by defining x ¼ ð~ " # g 0 pffiffiffiffi g=ð2 pÞY1 and P ¼ Y Yþ . 0 L1 REFERENCES 1. Basser PJ, Jones DK. Diffusion-tensor MRI: theory, experimental design and data analysis - a technical review. NMR Biomed 2002;15: 456–467. 2. Behrens TEJ, Berg HJ, Jbabdi S, Rushworth MFS, Woolrich MW. Probabilistic diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations: what can we gain? Neuroimage 2007;34:144–155. 3. Tuch DS. Q-ball imaging. Magn Reson Med 2004;52:1358–1372. 4. Caruyer E, Cheng J, Lenglet C, Sapiro G, Jiang T, Deriche R.Optimal design of multiple Q-shells experiments for diffusion MRI. In: MICCAI. Vol. 11. Toronto, Canada; 2011. pp. 45–53. 5. Moeller S, Yacoub E, Olman CA, Auerbach E, Strupp J, Harel N, Ugurbil K. Multiband multislice GE-EPI at 7 tesla, with 16-fold acceleration using partial parallel imaging with application to high spatial and temporal whole-brain fMRI. Magn Reson Med 2010;63:1144– 1153. 6. Feinberg D, Moeller S, Smith SM, Auerbach E, Ramanna S, Gunther M, Glasser MF, Miller KL, Ugurbil K, Yacoub E. Multiplexed echo planar imaging for sub-second whole brain FMRI and fast diffusion imaging. PloS One 2010;5:e15710. 7. Setsompop K, Gagoski BA, Polimeni JR, Witzel T, Wedeen VJ, Wald LL. Blipped-controlled aliasing in parallel imaging for simultaneous multislice echo planar imaging with reduced g-factor penalty. Magn Reson Med 2011;67:1210–1224. 8. Setsompop K, Cohen-Adad J, Gagoski BA, Raij T, Yendiki A, Keil B, Wedeen VJ, Wald LL. Improving diffusion MRI using simultaneous multi-slice echo planar imaging. Neuroimage 2012;63:569–80. 9. Block KT, Uecker M, Frahm J. Undersampled radial MRI with multiple coils. Iterative image reconstruction using a total variation constraint. Magn Reson Med 2007;57:1086–1098. 10. Lustig M, Donoho D, Pauly JM. Sparse MRI: the application of compressed sensing for rapid MR imaging. Magn Reson Med 2007;58: 1182–1195. 11. Maleh R. Efficient sparse approximation methods for medical imaging. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2009. 12. Chartrand R.Fast algorithms for nonconvex compressive sensing: MRI reconstruction from very few data. In ISBI’09 Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Piscatawqay, NJ: IEEE Press; 2009. p 262–265. 13. Khare K, Hardy CJ, King KF, Turski PA, Marinelli L. Accelerated MR imaging using compressive sensing with no free parameters. Magn Reson Med 2012;68:1450–1457. 14. Seeger M, Nickisch H, Pohmann R, Sch€ olkopf B. Optimization of k-space trajectories for compressed sensing by Bayesian experimental design. Magn Reson Med 2010;63:116–126. 15. Weller DS, Polimeni JR, Grady L, Wald LL, Adalsteinsson E, Goyal VK.Evaluating sparsity penalty functions for combined compressed sensing and parallel MRI. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. 2011. p 1589–1592. 16. Weller DS, Polimeni JR, Grady L, Wald LL, Adalsteinsson E, Goyal VK.Accelerated parallel magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction using joint estimation with a sparse signal Model. In Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: 2012. p 221–224. 17. Menzel MI, Tan ET, Khare K, Sperl JI, King KF, Tao X, Hardy CJ, Marinelli L. Accelerated diffusion spectrum imaging in the human brain using compressed sensing. Magn Reson Med 2011;66:1226– 1233.

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Estimation of the CSA-ODF using Bayesian compressed sensing of multi-shell HARDI.

Diffusion MRI provides important information about the brain white matter structures and has opened new avenues for neuroscience and translational res...
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