Europ. J. appl. Physiol. 34, 157--167 (1975) 9 by Springer-Verlag 1975

Experimental Study of the Performance of Competition Swimmers J. P. Charbomficr, J. R. L a c o u r , J. Riffat a n d R. F l a n d r o i s Laboratoire de Physiologie, ERA 330 C.N.R.S., Lyon, and Laboratoire de Physiologic, U.E.R. de M6deeine 42, St. Etienne Received January 15, 1975 Abstract. The purpose of this study was to consider which characteristics are related to a high velocity in water during swimming. The study was performed on 13 of the best competition swimmers of the region of Lyon (France). The collected data were: I2o2max, measured during leg-work (l?o2maxLW), during arm-work (l?ozmaxAW), and the hydrodynamic resistances measured when the swimmers were towed at the speed of t.80 m/see. The cardiac output was measured for four of the subjects. The swimmers were characterized by a mean l?o~max AW !?o2max LW of 56 ml/kg/min and by a high value of the ratio l?o~max LW which reached 99 % for three of them. There was a very high correlation (r = 0.90 and 0.91) between the mean speed calculated from the best performances in competition swims of 400 m and t500 m and a value which is thought to express the aerobic energy available to the swimmer: Po~ max LW -- Vozmax AW %2 max water: l?o~max AW + 6 Key words: Competition-Swimmer I~esistances.



Oxygen Uptake







The p h y s i o l o g y of s w i m m i n g is n o w s u b j e c t e d to a m o r e a n d m o r e e x t e n s i v e s t u d y ; however, t h e a c c u r a c y of t h e p r e d i c t i o n o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e in c o m p e t i t i o n s w i m m i n g has n o t been m u c h i m p r o v e d since t h e w o r k o f v a n H u s s a n d C u r e t o n 0955). T h e o b j e c t i v e of t h e p r e s e n t s t u d y is to a n a l y z e which factors are associated w i t h a high v e l o c i t y d u r i n g c o m p e t i t i o n swimming. T h e speed with which t h e s w i m m e r can m o v e d e p e n d i n g on t h e e n e r g y he can furnish to p u s h t o w a r d s t h e r e a r masses o f w a t e r w i t h his limbs, a n d t h e resistances opposing his f o r w a r d progress it1 t h e w a t e r , were t w o t y p e s of factors m e a s u r e d : T h e a v a i l a b i l i t y of p o w e r was e s t i m a t e d b y m e a s u r i n g m a x i m u m o x y g e n u p t a k e (l?oz max). Since a r m p r o p u l s i o n is m o r e efficient i~ w a t e r t h a n leg propulsion, this m e t a b o l i c p o w e r was m e a s u r e d during a r m w o r k as well as during leg work. T h e h y d r o d y n a m i c resistances were m e a s u r e d b y t h e forces opposing the progressiort of t h e s w i m m e r w h e n he was t o w e d a t a g i v e n c o n s t a n t velocity.

Technique The subjects chosen were ~3 competition swimmers, ranging in age from t5 to 25 years who volunteered for this study. Their characteristics are given in Table I (a) (for convenience, we call them "swimmers"). All of them have competed for several years and all were counted


J . P . Charbonnier etal.

among the best swimmers in the region of Lyon, France (Alt: t50 m). Among them, four have a number of times qualified for the French National Championships (J.C.C., J.D.B., G.M, F.L.). All swam the four official strokes, each having his own speciality: 5 in front crawl, 3 in breast stroke, 3 in back stibke and 2 in butterfly. The reference group (herein called "non-swimmer") was made up of six members of t h e laboratory staff. Their characteristics are given in Table 2 (a). The maximum oxygen uptake was directly measured using the open-circuit method. The subjects were fitted with a mask connected by way of low-resistance respiratory valves to a Douglas bag. The expired gases were analyzed using physical methods; the volumes were measured with a well-balanced Tissot spirometer. The leg work was performed on a l~onark cycle ergometer. Arm work was performed on the same apparatus modified by the following: the pedals were replaced by handles; the ergometer was placed on a metal support so as to bring the crankshaft to the level of the subjects' shoulders; the center tube, supporting the seat, was cut as not to injure the subjeets' face. Arm-work and leg-work were performed at a pedalling rate of 75 r.p.m, which enabled the swimmers to sustain higher work-loads. During the first session, the subjects were familiarized with the wearing of the mask, with the attached electrodes and with working at the rhythm imposed by the metronome. The maximum oxygen uptake for the leg work (l?o~max LW) was then measured indirectly using the method of Astrand-Ryhming (1954)= A gross estimate of 17o2max for arm-work (l?o~ max AW) was obtained, following the same principles, from the heart rate measured at the 5th rain of an arm exercise at a load of 450 kpm/min. Maximum oxygen uptake was then measured directly during two other sessions, one devoted to leg-work, the other to arm-work. The maximal power was reached in 3 to 5 stages using the triangular method. The starting power was calculated to be placed about 300 kpm per rain below the m~ximum aerobic power determined indirectly. The triangular test was preceded by a warm-up period of 5 rain at a power equal to one-half of the maximum aerobic power measured indirectly. The first stage of the test lasted 4 rain; the following lasting 1.5 rain each. The gases -were collected during the last 30 see of each stage. Since the subjects were well motivated, a test was considered maximal when the subject manifested his inability to work anymore. The results were then checked in the purpose of verifying that they did not differ too much of the following criteria: (1) The heart late measured during the exercise had reached the maximum heart rate corresponding to the age of the subject. (2) The Respiratory Quotient was equal to, or superior than 1.t0. (a) The concentration of Lactate measured at the end of the exeicise was equal, to, or superior than 80 rag- %. (4) fZo2 max was dearly lower than theoretical value, considering the power Nrnished. The lactatemia was measured by the mieromeghod of g~a.rbaeh and Well (1967) using 100 ~zl of blood taken from the finger tip, 3 min after the end of maximum exercise. The cardiac output was measured on 4 swimmers and 2 non-swimmers during another set of exercises, each lasting 5 min, using the indirect Fiek method; (1) l?c% was measured by analysis of gases collected at the beginning of the 4th rain of the exercise, (2) Pac% was supposed equal to PAt%; the latter calculated by application of Bohr's equation. The terms VT and P~c% were measured during the collection of the gases. The experimental dead-space was estimated following the method of Asmussen and Nielsen (1956). {3) P~c% was measured at the end of the 5th rain of exercise, following the method of Defares (1958) and of Jernerus etal. (t963). The evaluation of the natural hydrodynamic qualities of the swimmer was realised by measuring the resistance of the water to the progression of the swimmer being pulled at a given velocity. The towing system was made of a winch operated at a rhythm fixed by a metronome, so that a velocity of 1.80 m/see was maintained. A nylon cable, 25 m long was rolled by one of the extremities on the drum of the winch; the swimmer caught the other end. T h e displacement of this end was assured to be horizontal by the action of a pulley fixed at water level. A dynamometer, made of an elastic band, cylindric and of large diameter, was fixed on this end of the cable; the other end was connected to the handle the swimmer held onto. On this band, was placed a mark which moved according to the tension, the length of a colored scale placed palallel to the band, and fixed to the handle. This apparatus, after

Performance of Competition Swimmers


sample tests, made it possible to accurately measure the resistance of water during towing. When towed the subjects were in prone position, inert, their head between their arms, holding their breath after normal breathing. The towing began when the swimmer, placed at the other end of the pool, pushed off from the side9 The tension was read after 6 m, when the position of the mark on the dynamometer had stabilized. This towing was performed five times and the resistance was calculated using the last three measurements. The difference between the extreme values reached most often 0.1 kp, totalling then 2 % of the average reading; it reached 0.2 kp on rare occasions9

Results The maximum values for leg-work are given ill Table I (b) for swimmers and Table 2 (b) for non-swimmers, those for arm-work in Tables I (c) and 2 (c) respectfully. Tables t (d) and 2 (d) show also the comparison of the results obtained for the two types of exercise. On the whole, the difference between results for arm-work and for leg-work was much smaller for the swimmers than for the non-swimmers. The ratio Vo2max AW reached 90.2 % for swimmers (with value of 99 % for 3 11o2max LW of them), and 709 % for non-swimmers. For m a x i m u m values of power (P m a x AW and P max LW) the

P max


P max LW

ratio reached 74.1% for swimmers and 42.t % for non-swimmers. The m a x i m u m t I e a r t R a t e was pratically the same for the swimmers for the two types of exercise (i88 versus 190), while for the non-swimmers it significantly decreased for arm-work (t84 versus t92). The evolution of oxygen uptake as a function of the power was calculated from 256 measures t a k e n from the swimmers (1t7 for leg-work, 139 for arm-work) and from 74 measures taken from the non-swimmers (4i for leg-work, 33 for armwork). The regression lines can be expressed by the following equations: [ leg-work: l?oa= 2.32 P + t20 Swimmers / arm-work: 1?o2= 2.50 P + 533 [ leg-work: l?o~-- 29 P + i70 Non-swimmers arm-work: l?o~= 2.56 P + 475 where I?o2 (ml/min) = oxygen uptake, P (kpm/min) = power supplied. The slopes of the regression lines for the same exercise do not differ significantly between the two groups ( P > 0.05)9 The evolution of Cardiac Output (Q) as a function of l?o2 is presented in Fig. t for leg-work, and in Fig. 2 for arm-work. Within the two types of exercise the evolution of cardiac output is not linear: for a given increase of 12o~the increase in Q lessens as the subject draws near its 17o2max, but this phenomenon seems more marked when the exercise is performed with the arms. For example, for 17o2= 3.8 l/rain, the same subject (J.D.B.) shows 0 = 26 l/rain for leg exercise and Q = 20.5 l/rain for arm exercise: in this last case, the lower cardiac output is evidently compensated b y an increase in the (a-~)O 2 difference (Table 3). The evolution of the Heart Rate (I-I.t~.) as a function of l?o~ was made for swimmers. I n the purpose of reducing the scattering which results from the variability of maximal H e a r t R a t e between subjects, the recorded values of tt.R. were related to the maximal H.R. and expressed, like the ~2 values, in percent of max. The maximal H e a r t R a t e t a k e n into account was the maximal value recorded on

J. P. Charbonnier et al.


Table 1. Swimmers. a: general characteristics; b: maximal values for leg-work; c: maximal mean speeds dm'ing .=.

2 J.P.C. J.C.C. C.C. J.D.B. Y.L. B.L. F.L. G.M. P.M. J.M. C.~. C.A.R. J.P.T. mean S.I).

25 20 23 24 19 t7 16 t7 23 20 17 15 t8 20 •

1.86 1.79 t.80 1.92 1.77 1.78 t.80 1.85 1.79 1.83 1.83 1.72 1.83 1.81 •

78 72 73 80 71 69 70 76 68 70 74 65 79 73 •

t780 1910 1575 1650 1575 t575 1690 ~690 1690 1575 1690 1575 t800 1675 •

4.53 4.47 3.15 4.26 4.11 4.04 3.88 3.98 3.83 4.21 4.35 3.86 4.28 4.07 •

58.1 62.t 43.2 52.9 57.9 58.6 55.4 52.4 56.3 60.1 58.8 59.4 54.2 56.1 •

0.95 1.06 1.01 1.03 t.17 1.05 1.06 1.13 1.06 1.12 1.t2 1.14 0.92 1.06 •

t82 t94 t94 180 196 197 t91 ~84 198 187 172 t93 t75 t88 •

91 116 80 9l 107 96 124 87 110 109 97 110 75 99 •


~350 1240 1240 t575 1125 1125 t240 ~350

3.90 3.72 3A2 4.20 3.65 3.27 3.46 3.95 ~125 3.52 1125 3.58 1t25 3.78 tt25 3.67 t350 3.78 1238 3.66 • •



Table 2. Non-swimmers. a: general characteristics; b : maximal values %r v

B.C. J.C.E. M.G. J.R.L. C.V. R.F. mean S.D.

25 25 27 35 26 48 31 •

t.85 1.72 t.83 1.78 1.80 1.67 1.78 • a

70 56 90 75 71 64 71 •

1240 1240 1460 1690 1460 1350 t406 •

3.25 2.67 3.60 4.t0 3.76 2.67 3.34 •

46.4 47.7 40.0 54.7 53.0 41.7 47.2 •

1.05 1.06 1.03 0.92 1.08 t.t2 t.04 •

196 194 203 187 t86 186 192 •

72 114 95 i02 92 ti6 98 •


t h e subject, regardless of w h e t h e r it was m e a s u r e d during a r m - w o r k or leg-work (for 8 of t h e t 3 s w i m m e r s this m a x i m a l v a l u e was r e c o r d e d during arm-work). This H.R./I?o 2 r e l a t i o n was n o t li n e a r : for leg-work ( i i 0 v a r i a b l e coubles g r o u p e d l a t e 67 classes), t h e h y p o t h e s i s of l i n e a r i t y was r e j e c t e d ( P < 0.02) ; for a r m - w o r k (i35 v a r i a b l e couples g r o u p e d into 67 classes), t h e hypothesis of l i n ear i t y was r e j e c t e d ( P < 0.0i). T h e p a t t e r n of this d i s t r i b u t i o n for a r m - w o r k is g i v e n in Fig. 3. T h e resistances m e a s u r e d during t h e t o w i n g of t h e subjects are g i v e n in T a b l e i (e) wh i c h also shows t h e coefficient " k ' , giving t h e i r hydrodynamic

Performance of Competition Swimmers


values for arm-work; d: ratio arm-work/leg-work; e: hydrodynamic characteristics; f: best competition swims Max mean speed in ~ont-crawl(m/sec)

o_~ 50.0 5t.7 42.7 52.5 5t.4 47.4 49.4 52.0 5t.8 51.1 51.1 56,5 47.8 50.4 +0.9



.4 -~-

1.04 0.92 t.04 t.06 t.09 1.01 0.98 1.07 1.02 0.98 0.93 1.04 0.91 1.01 0.01

183 193 197 182 199 196 t95 188 t96 189 171 197 178 t90 •

80 76 10t 98 87 71 69 92 95 100 113 tt3 74 90 •

75.8 64.9 78.7 95.5 71.4 71.4 73.4 79,9 66.6 71.4 66.6 71.4 75.0 74.0 •


5.6 5.3 5.2 6.5 5.7 5.7 4.9 6.0 5.6 5.7 5.2 4.9 6.7 5.6 +0.3

86 83 99 99 89 81 89 99 92 85 87 95 88 90 • d

1.72 1.64 t.60 2.00 1.75 1.75 i .51 1.85 1.72 1.75 1.60 1.51 2.06 1.73 •

1.71 1.75 1.60 1.67

1.38 1.41 1.17 1.34

1.27 t.34 1.05 1.06

1.45 1.73 1.75 1.52 1.70 1.66 1.63 1.57

1.t9 t.34 1.40 1.25 1.25 1.39 1.27 1.29

1.12 1.24 1.29 1.20 t.f5 t.29 1.21 1.21


leg-work; c: maximal values for arm work; d: ratio arm-work-leg-work

Experimental study of the performance of competition swimmers.

Europ. J. appl. Physiol. 34, 157--167 (1975) 9 by Springer-Verlag 1975 Experimental Study of the Performance of Competition Swimmers J. P. Charbomfic...
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