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Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 1977.17:197-214. Downloaded from by Iowa State University on 09/20/13. For personal use only.






Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio 45267

INTRODUCTION Since 1972. several important reviews of lead toxicology have been published (1-3), as well as proceedings of two major conferences (4, 5). One of the reviews (I) was written specifically as a resource document for promulgating air lead standards. In a similar vein, the World Health Organization convened a task force in May 1975 to prepare a document which the member states could use in the establishment of national regulations pertaining to lead. Having participated in the preparation of both of these documents, it seems appropriate that this author should review the recent literature on lead that was most useful in assessing acceptable limits of human exposure. The focus of this review is on the transfer of lead from the environment into the human organism and on the major consequences thereof. Three target organ sys­ tems are generally acknowledged as being of major concern, the heme-hemoprotein system, the kidney, and the nervous system. Although the last-named system may ultimately prove to be the most critical, it is not dealt with in this review, because space is limited and because the subject is in a state of ferment. Hopefully, a sepa­ rate review of the effects of lead on the central and peripheral nervous system will be published soon.

UPTAKE FROM ENVIRONMENTAL SOURCES The characteristics of uptake of lead by man from known and suspected environ­ mental sou . sources exist or are suspected to exist. Thus, in the general adult population, respiratory intake via ambient air and oral intake via food and beverages are the obvious major sources and routes of entry. But their relative importance has been 197



a matter of considerable uncertainty. It is relatively simple to determine the range of air lead concentrations to which pe.ople in various foods and beverages, but it is more difficult to translate these concentra­ tion terms into units of lead inhaled or ingested per unit of time. But the greatest problem of all is determination of the fractional absorption, i.e. the relationship between the internal dose and the external dose.

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Uptake from Air Measurements of the airway deposition and clearance of lead in humans are at­ tended by numerous difficulties. The greatest problem is the nonuniformity of lead aerosols to which people are exposed, both as to chemical composition and as to aerodynamic characteristics. Thus, the aerosols encountered in many industrial exposures consist of lead oxide, which may range from aerodynamic diameters of less than 1 /Lm to several hundred micrometers. By contrast, the lead aerosol in ambient air attributable to auto exhaust is a complex mixture, mainly of sulfate, carbonate, halides, and oxides (6) which are more uniformly in the respirable range « 1 /Lm) than in industrial air (7-9). Experimental studies, conducted mainly in animals but confirmed in man, clearly indicate that great variations occur both in total fractional aerosol deposition and in anatomical distribution patterns, depend­ ing on particle size (10, II). Further, the fraction of deposited lead which ultimately is transferred to the systemic circulation varies greatly, depending on the site of airway deposition and on the solubility and chemical composition of the lead aerosol. Studies of total airway deposition of lead aerosols in man have been reported (12-14). Results are in general agreement with predictions deriyed from animal studies (10). Knowledge of the fate of lead deposited in the airways is virtually nonexistent either in man or in experimental animals. Short-term lung clearance of lead has been studied in man by 'Y-ray lung scans foJlowing inhalation of 2l2Pb (15). Relevance of this study to the fate of lead aerosols actually inhaled by people in real life is highly questionable because of the artificial nature of Pb-tagged aeroso\. An additional variable relating to lung clearance rates is the possible toxicity of the lead aerosol to the mucociliary-alveolar macrophage clearance mechanism. Lead aerosol exposure, even at concentrations below those commonly inhaled in lead industries, reduces the number of alveolar macrophages in rats (16). In summary, study of the fate of inhaled lead in man using conventional deposi­ tion and clearance measurements has not provided much useful information on the contribution of lead in ambient or industrial air to the internal dose at specified air lead concentrations. An estimate has been made of the relationship of ambient air lead to total intake by kinetic analysis of the labeling of blood, bone, and excreta following oral adminis­ tration of the stable isotope 204Pb to two volunteers (17). It was estimated from the data that at an ambient air lead concentration of 2 /Lg/m3 about 40% of the total daily internal dose originated from the air. Input from other compartments, e.g. bone, was estimated from very sketchy data. Hence, the conclusions are questiona­ ble.

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The most common way of estimating relative internal lead exposure in population groups is by analysis of the concentration of lead in the blood, usually expressed as /-Lg Pb/lOO g blood, and commonly referred to as PbB. Thus, in industrial popula­ tions and in inner city lead screening programs, reliance is placed mainly on PbB as measure of total lead exposure from all sources. The same approach has been used in assessing the specific contribution of ambient air lead to the total internal dose. Air lead exposure has been estimated in a large population of city-dwelling adults using personal air sampling devices. PbB also was determined (18). From analysis of the air Pb vs PbB data it was estimated that the contribution of air lead to PbB was about I J-lg Pb/IOO g blood per I J-lg Pb/m3 of air, within the ambient air lead concentration range encountered by city populations. This estimate was imprecise owing to the large interindividual variability attributable to sources of lead other than air-presumably dietary. Nevertheless, a similar estimate of the contribution of air lead to PbB can be derived from human volunteer studies in which the air lead concentration and dietary lead intake were closely controlled (19).

Absorption from the Gastrointestinal Tract Even in densely populated cities where the average ambient air lead concentration is of the order of 1-3 /-Lg/m\ only a small fraction of the internal dose of lead can be attributed to air, since PbBs are of the order of 15-25 /-Lg/IOO g - considerably greater than can be accounted for by air sources. Uptake from the gastrointestinal tract probably accounts for most of the PbB found in the general population. The absorption of lead from dietary constituents was established years ago as being about 8% in adults, based on long-term balance studies (12). This estimate has recently been confirmed using 204Pb as a tracer incorporated into the diet (17). In contrast to the low absorption of lead in adults, the absorption of dietary lead in normal infants and young children has been found to be approximately 50% (20). The accuracy of this estimate is open to question because it was derived from balance studies lasting only three days. Nevertheless, experimental studies in animals using tracer doses of radioactive lead confirm that absorption is much greater in the young than in adults (21, 22). It has long been known that dietary calcium deficiency enhances lead absorption (23), a fact which was recently reconfirmed (24). It seems unlikely that this interac­ tion involves a competition for an active transport mechanism (25). Other factors have been shown to influence materially the absorption of lead in animals. Thus, milk enhances the absorption of lead (26) while proteins decrease lead absorption (27). It has also been found that lead retention following oral administration is greater in iron-deficient animals (28). But it is not clear whether this interaction involves an increase of lead absorption or an increase in lead retention. Fasting also seems to enhance lead absorption (29). The availability for absorption of lead in dried paint films is of special interest in view of the importance of lead-based paint as a source of pediatric lead poisoning. Lead chromate and lead naphthenate incorporated into dried paint films are about one half to one third as available for absorption as are lead naphthenate in oil or lead nitrate in aqueous solution (30, 31). Thus. the matrix effect of paint on the availability of lead for absorption is not great.



Absorption from the Skin Inorganic salts of lead do not readily penetrate the intact skin (32). By contrast, lipid-soluble forms, e.g. tetraethyl1ead and lead naphthenate, penetrate to a signifi­ cant degree (32, 33). Such compounds present significant exposure hazards only in special industrial1y related circumstances.

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DISPOSITION OF LEAD It has long been known that the preponderant site for localization of lead is the calcified matrix of the skeleton. But the major concern has been with the disposition of lead in the other, more toxicological1y significant tissues, e.g. brain, kidney, and the hemopoietic system. However, the kinetics of the total system must be consid­ ered since exchange of metal occurs among al1 compartments.

Distribution Among Organs and Systems Following i.v. administration in rats, the concentration of lead in soft tissues falls rapidly, largely as a result of transfer to the skeleton. An approximate steady state with regard to intercompartmental distribution is attained in about 14 days (34,35). The pattern of distribution is independent of dose over a wide range and is quite similar for rats and rabbits (35). Probably the best kinetic model for describing the rate of loss of lead from the body is the power function model (34). This, in essence, describes a situation in which the fraction of the body burden which is excreted per unit of time becomes progressively smaller. The fate of single i.p. doses of lead in suckling and mature rats has been compared (36). The rate of loss from the body during the subsequent 8-day period was shown to be much faster in the adults than in the infant animals. Recent studies of the concentration of lead in human tissues indicate that the total body burden of lead increases throughout life (37, 38). The increase is most pro­ nounced in dense bones. Most soft tissues show no increase after the second decade of life and some, e.g. the kidney, show a progressive decrease. This may be due to replacement of parenchymal cells having a high affinity for lead by connective tissue. Subcellular Distribution of Lead

The subcel1ular distribution of lead has been studied in animal systems, mainly by cell fractionation techniques. All such studies must be viewed with a certain amount of suspicion because they are essential1y in vitro studies in which redistribution during the preparation of cell fractions is usual1y not ruled out. Nevertheless, functional and ultrastructural changes are noted fol1owing lead exposure,suggesting penetration to the intracellular milieu (39). Relation Between Exposure and the Blood Lead Concentration

The concentration of lead in peripheral whole blood and blood serum, which proba­ bly reflects the concentration in the readily exchangeable pool, does not change systematically with age (40-42). As a matter of fact, the PbB of newborn children

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and of their mothers differs only slightly, with PbB generally being reported to be slightly lower in the infants (43--45). The response of PbB to sudden changes in the external lead exposure level has been studied in man. Workers newly introduced into the lead trades show a pro­ nounced rise in PbB which attains a new plateau after about 50-60 days (46). In a more closely controlled study of air lead exposure, the time for attaining an apparent new equilibrium of PbB was about 100 days (19). This is in agreement with studies involving the introduction of 204Pb into the diet on a continuing basis, wherein the labeling of the blood with 204Pb was monitored (17). The rate at which PbB returns to the normal range following cessation of high exposure seems to be quite variable and probably depends on the duration of prior elevated exposure and possibly on the magnitude of the elevation. Thus, when PbB was somewhat less than doubled as a result of introducing 10.9 Mg Pb/m3 into the air for 19 weeks, about 20 weeks were required for PbB to return to pre-exposure levels with a half-time of about 6 weeks (19). By contrast, the PbB of a group of former lead workers was sti1I abnormally high 15 months following retirement and had fallen only to about 40 Mg/lOO g from the original level of 64 Mg/lOO g after 10 months (47). Elevation of PbBs may persist for many years under such circum­ stances (48). Similarly, a persistence of elevated PbBs has been reported in children with lead poisoning for as long as 5-10 years after exposure (49, 50). The discrepancy between rate of fall of PbB following short-term vs long-term elevated exposure has not been studied systematically. But it is reasonable to sup­ pose that short-term clearance of lead from the blood involves a greater degree of redistribution to other compartments within the body than does long-term clear­ ance. Following a single dose of 2IOPb in dogs, the curve for disappearance from the blood was analyzed as three separate exponents with the last one having a half-time of 103 days (51). The calculations were made on the basis of blood analyses carried out to 280 days. The biological half-life for 2lOPb in the body was estimated at 1940 days. Thus, net transfer of lead to other compartments must still have been occur­ ring even at 280 days.

Effects of Chelating Agents Some investigators have advocated the use of chelating agents for assessing the degree of industrial lead exposure (52). The procedure has also been used as a means of determining whether exposure to lead in early childhood might be involved in renal disease of young and middle-aged adults (53) or in hyperactivity of school children (54). In this procedure the amount of lead mobilized from tissues and excreted in the urine is measured following a standard dose either of calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDT A) or of o-penicillamine (PCA). In both animals (55) and humans (56), there is a high correlation between pre-treat­ ment PbB and the amount of lead excreted in response to these agents. Contrary to the impression conveyed in some textbooks, most of the metal mobilized in this manner originates from osseous, rather than soft, tissue (35, 37). When given i.v. in comparable doses, EDTA is more effective than PCA (57-59). When given orally the order of effectiveness is reversed (58, 59), probably because of the superior

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gastrointestinal absorption of PCA. The routine use of these agents for prophylactic and diagnostic purposes is somewhat hazardous. Signs of poisoning in children may be transiently aggravated using EDTA (50), and a nephrotic syndrome has been reported using PCA (60). But the EDTA effect probably occurs only when frank clinical signs are present, and the PCA effect probably occurs only with long-term use at high doses. The use of lead mobilization by chelating agents as a measure of internal exposure offers no clear advantages over other methods of assessment. Elevated excretion of lead can be obtained by this technique many years after high exposure has termi­ nated, but in such cases PbBs also remain elevated, and the correlation coefficient for the two parameters is about 0.7 (log-log) as calculated from data in the literature (48).

TOXIC EFFECTS VERSUS EXPOSURE Many organs and systems are affected by lead, with exposure thresholds varying over a wide range for these effects. Some effects, e.g. irritability, weakness, and colic, are subjective. Thresholds of exposure for these are· not readily defined and virtually nothing is known regarding why they occur or how they may be measured objec­ tively. Numerous other effects as seen experimentally in animals are measurable but have not been studied in man and may never be. With few exceptions, e.g. studies of nerve conduction velocity, the only target systems to which concepts of dose­ response can be applied in man at this time are the heme-hemoprotein and renal systems.

Effects on Heme and Hemoproteins Certain effects of lead on functions of the erythrocyte and on the heme-synthetic pathway occur even at low levels of lead exposure. Some are readily measured in man. They are of great interest in two respects. First, they may be of toxicological significance. Second, they may provide a more meaningful estimate of the biologi­ cally active internal exposure level than PbB, even at exposure levels below those that cause overt signs of toxicity. The anemia of lead poisoning is probably the most well-known and best-under­ stood effect of lead in man. A decrement in blood hemoglobin appears at relatively low exposure levels. The apparent threshold of exposure is at a PbB of about 40 in children (61, 62) and about 50 in adult males (46). Frank anemia probably only occurs at considerably greater exposure levels, at least in adults (63). The anemic effects of lead probably are of multiple origins. The vast earlier literature on this subject was reviewed in 1966 (64). At the time of that review, the relative importance of the various demonstrable mechanis!J1s was not clear. An additional ten years of research in many laboratories has clarified the issue to some extent. Thus, earlier studies which suggested a possible shortening of erythrocyte survival have been confirmed using more reliable cell-labeling methodology (65). The subjects were heavily exposed industrial workers with PbBs ranging from 59 to 162. The degree of shortening of cell life span correlated best with reticulocytosis,

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but also was correlated with PbBs, coproporphyrinuria, and anemia. The mecha­ nism for shortened erythrocyte survival is not well understood, but it is quite moderate in comparison to the shortening observed in hemolytic anemias. Some characteristics of the erythrocyte membrane are altered in lead exposure. Increased resistance to hypoosmotic lysis and increased mechanical fragility have been re­ ported (64, 66). More recently it has been demonstrated that an inhibition of erythrocyte membrane Na+ IK+-ATPase occurs in people with only moderately elevated lead exposure (67-69). It is not known whether this abnormality plays a role in reduction of the life span of erythrocytes. Biochemical studies pertaining to the effects of lead on the formation of hemo­ globin have dealt mainly with effects on the synthesis of heme. But thc possibility exists that effects of significance occur also with reference to globin synthesis. In that connection, inhibition of incorporations of 3 H leucine into a- and /3-chain globins of reticulocytes has been observed in two children with clinical lead poisoning (70). This effect, however, seems to occur only secondarily to a deficit in heme production

(71). The lead-induced disturbances in heme synthesis are summarized graphically in Figure 1. Manifestations of these effects are readily quantitated in human blood and urine. As pointed out earlier in this review, alterations in these various parameters are so readily determined and occur at such low levels of lead exposure that they are used as alternatives to PbB in the estimation of internal lead exposure. Two enzymes in the pathway from glycine to heme are clearly sensitive to lead. The first is the cytoplasmic enzyme aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA D), which is responsible for Knorr condensation of two molecules of ALA to form the pyrrole porphobilinogen (PBG) (72). The second enzyme for which there is ample direct evidence for inhibition is heme synthetase, a mitochondrial enzyme that inserts iron into protoporphyrin IX (PROTO) to form heme (64). The significance as to health of lead effects on these enzymes is still uncertain. The concentration of the respective substrates for these two enzymes increases with increasing lead exposure in a dose­ related fashion. More specifically, the rate of urinary ALA excretion and the concen­ tration of PROTO in the blood both rise with increasing PbB. But it is not certain whether, over the full range of human lead exposure, these increased substrate concentrations reflect decreased utilization, as distinguished from increased produc­ tion. Evidence as to the latter possibility is presented later. Urinary ALA excretion rises above normal limits in a more or less exponential fashion in both adults (73, 74) and children (1) as PbB increases linearly. The threshold for this interaction is at a PbB of about 40 in men and children and somewhat lower in women (75). This effect clearly is prerenal in nature since the elevated ALA excretion is accompanied by elevated plasma ALA concentrations (76, 77). Under conditions of moderate, continuing lead exposure in both man (78) and in animals (79), urinary ALA excretion rises rapidly and returns to normal within a few weeks, suggesting that an adaptive mechanism of some sort has been stimulated. It is generally assumed that the mechanism for increased ALA levels is inhibition of ALAD with a consequent accumulation of the substrate. The degree of inhibition






C�') Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 1977.17:197-214. Downloaded from by Iowa State University on 09/20/13. For personal use only.



, Pb



, E Mj







____ �

! + ALAD




+ +


5Pb ___

..... " � o z o

6Pb�C 2 i



------ ------- ..











COPRO. IN rbc. \)fHNE











9 IN rbc













Figure I

Schematic diagram of hemoglobin synthesis. --� = weak evidence ofPb-inhibition; strong evidence of Pb-inhibition (I). (Reproduced with permission of the National Academy of Sciences.)



in peripheral blood correlates very closely with PbB, even within the range of lead exposure found in the general population (80). It occurs very promptly when people are subjected to an increase in lead exposure (46, 80), and enzyme activity returns to normal after termination of exposure at a rate proportional to the return of PbB to the normal range (81,82), This close correspondence between PbB and enzyme inhibition in erythrocytes has suggested that the effect may be only a test tube phenomenon. This is highly unlikely, however, since the enzyme assay process applied to blood from lead-exposed people does not appear to release free lead ions capable of interacting with additional increments of uninhibited enzyme added to the reaction mixture (83). Furthermore, inhibition caused by In vivo addition of lead can be totally restored by heating the hemolysate for 5 min, whereas no reactivation

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occurs when lead is added to the erythrocytic enzyme preparation in vitro, suggest­ ing that the inhibition in vivo is of a different nature than in vitro (84, 85). The threshold or no-effect PbB level for ALAD inhibition in erythrocytes is reported to be about 15 in young children (86) and 10-20 in adults (87). Thus, the inhibition in erythrocytes occurs at a lower level of lead exposure than does elevation of plasma or urinary ALA. Since circulating mammalian erythrocytes are largely devoid of the mitochondrial enzymes which participate in heme synthesis, the significance of ALAD inhibition in crythrocytes is of dubious significance. However, roughly equivalent concurrent inhibition of liver ALAD has been reported in man (88) and of liver and brain ALAD in rats (89). The inhibition of the enzyme in the liver is readily reversed by chelation therapy with EDTA in rats, whereas chelation treat­ ment has little effect on the depressed enzyme activity in erythrocytes (90). Since the PbB threshold for elevated ALA in plasma and urine is appreciably higher than for ALAD inhibition, it would appear that the body has a considerable functional enzyme reserve. Indeed, dogs with grossly depressed ALAD activity resulting from lead administration were completely normal in regard to their blood-regenerat ing capacity following acute hemorrhage (91). In this particular study, excretion of ALA was only marginally elevated, however. Inhibition of ALAD has been demonstrated with other metals in vitro, e.g. Cu, Hg, and Ag (92). A weak correlation also has been found between urinary Hg excretion and blood inhibition in workers exposed to mercury vapors (93). No interaction could be demonstrated between ALAD inhibition and Cd exposure (94). Aside from Pb and Hg the only other substance that has been shown to inhibit ALAD in vivo in man is ethanol (95). The toxicological implications of ALAD inhibition are still not adequately known. Attention has been focused mainly on possible effects on hemoproteins, but some attention has been given to the possible toxic effects of ALA per se. Much of this interest actually results from consideration of the neurological manifestations of porphyric diseases, in which the concentration of ALA in tissues and body fluids rises to a considerably greater degree than in lead poisoning. Hyperactivity in mice (96) and vasodepressive effects in rats and rabbits have been observed (97). These observations have been made using high doses of ALA administered acutely. The concentrations of ALA in tissues and body fluids were not determined. The same was true of one study of chronic ALA toxicity in which no toxic effects were noted (98). In one in vitro study it was demonstrated that ALA has an inhibitory effect on erythrocyte and brain Na+IK+-ATPase with effects being noted within the range of blood serum ALA concentrations associated with acute neurological manifesta­ tions of porphyria (99). The role of porphyrin precursors in the neurological mani­ festations of porphyria has been reviewed recently (100). There has been a growing interest in yet another sensitive index of lead exposure, the concentration of protoporphyrin IX (PROTO) in the blood. Recent fiuorometric methods have improved the ease and precision with which erythrocytic PROTO can be determined (101-104). Although the substances measured are generally referred to as free erythrocyte porphyrin (FEP), more than 90% of the porphyrin determined is PROTO (104). In both iron deficiency anemia and in excessive lead exposure, FEP

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is clearly elevated. In adults exposed to lead in industry, there is an increase in FEP which corresponds to the PbB. The FEP increase in women is greater than in men for any given PbB. In these cases, the PbB threshold for effect is approximately 20-30 (105). In effect,the rise in FEP is almost as sensitive an index of lead exposure as is the depression of ALAD activity. There is one significant difference in the two interactions. Depression of ALAD activity occurs very promptly as related to PbB, while the rise in FEB is delayed by about 2 weeks (106). This no doubt reflects the fact that lead acts directly on circulating erythrocytes in producing depression of ALAD activity, whereas the rise in FEP reflects events occurring in the bone marrow. Circulating erythrocytes are devoid of mitochondria. Therefore,the inhibi­ tory effects of lead on mitochondrial enzymes, e.g. heme synthetase, are not ex­ pressed in peripheral blood until after erythrocyte maturation and injection into the bloodstream. The delay in FEP response to lead exposure has been confirmed in experimental animals (107). From all of the studies reported to date, it appears that disturbances in heme synthesis occur at lead exposure levels which are lower than those associated with a decrement in blood hemoglobin levels. It is of particular interest to note that the rises in ALA and FEP occur at roughly equivalent lead exposure levels. These effects occur in spite of maintenance of normal levels of hemoglobin. It is entirely possible that the increased level of these two intermediates of heme synthesis reflects a compensatory derepression of aminolevulinic acid synthetase (ALAS) formation secondary to a marginal reduction of conversion of PROTO to heme by inhibition of heme synthetase. There is some evidence to support this interpretation. Stimula­ tion of ALA formation occurs in the presence of lead in cultured liver cells (108) and in rat liver (109). Further, in one case of human lead poisoning, an increased rate of heme biosynthesis was observed, rather than a decrease (110). The general assumption that increased PROTO in elevated lead exposure is due to inhibition of heme synthetase may not be correct. The problem may be limitation on the availability of iron for insertion into heme. Lead has been shown to interfere with the transfer of iron from transferrin to human reticulocytes (\ II) and causes accumulation of iron as ferruginous micelles in developing erythrocytes (112). Almost all studies of effects of lead on hemoproteins have been concerned with hemoglobin. But some attention has been directed toward possible effects on cyto­ chrome P450. Rates of P450-mediated drug metabolism in adults (113, 114) and children (114) appear to be depressed in some cases of high exposure. Reduction of cytochrome P450 in the liver due to lead has been demonstrated in rats, coincident of a reduction in P450-dependent drug metabolism (I 15). Cytochrome content of kidney mitochondria also has been shown to be reduced in experimental lead intoxi­ cation (16). In summary, at low levels of lead exposure excessive concentrations of the heme intermediates ALA and PROTO are seen, possibly as a compensatory feedback response to interference with incorporation of iron into PROTO. At higher levels of exposure it is clear that lead causes a reduction in tissue levels of hemoproteins, probably as a result of attainment of a critical uncompensated level of heme synthe­ tase inhibition perhaps combined with other effects, e.g. inhibition of globin synthe-



sis. Dose-response relationships of heme effects as related to PbB in man have been summarized recently (117, 118).

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Effects on the Kidney Studies of the renal effects of lead have been far less extensive than studies of heme effects. Further, studies of renal effects in man have been limited largely to subjects whose lead exposures have been very high. For these reasons and others which will become apparent, dose-response relationships and approximate exposure thresholds have not been defined. In both adults and children there is extensive evidence for occurrence of two distinctive effects. One is reversible proximal tubular damage. The other is a slow, progressive renal failure involving reduced glomerular function with associated vascular damage and fibrosis. Tubular damage is manifested in children as Fanconi's syndrome, that is, the triad of glycosuria, hypophosphatemia, and aminoaciduria. Manifestations of proximal tubular damage are inconstant, even among cases of clinical poisoning with PbBs greater than 100 (50), and are readily reversible with chelation therapy (50, 119). Aminoaciduria was described twenty years ago in lead smelter workers (120). More recently, in a study of ten battery factory workers, only one had significant aminoaci­ duria (121) In another study in which PbBs were markedly elevated, neither aminoaciduria nor glycosuria was observed (122). Thus, as with children, adults seem to experience tubular damage only at very high levels of exposure. Lead poisoning in adults is sometimes associated with gout, hyperuricemia, and decreased renal urate clearance. These findings are indicative of either an increased tubular reabsorption or a decreased tubular secretion of urate. The condition was first described as a sequela to childhood lead poisoning. Young and middle-aged adults exhibited these abnormalities even though excessive lead exposure had oc­ curred many years earlier in childhood (123-125). A high incidence of gout with extensive morphological evidence of renal tubular degeneration also has been re­ ported in lead poisoning due to long-term drinking of lead-contaminated illicitly distilled whiskey (126). As in the case of gout resulting from earlier childhood exposure, the basic lesion in moonshine whiskey cases appears to be decreased renal urate clearance rather than increased urate production (127). Unlike the case with other tubular lesions due to lead, chronic exposure seems to be a requisite circum­ stance. Pediatric lead poisoning in the United States does not seem to result in later occurrence of abnormal urate metabolism or other persistent nephropathy in con­ trast to the situation reported from Australia (128). Similarly, long-term industrial lead exposure has not been reported to cause these disturbances of urate metabolism (129). The special circumstances that lead to gout need clarification. The cases of gout and associated effects described above occur in conjunction with other renal effects involving a gross reduction of glomerular filtration and progres­ sive renal failure. Histologically, there is evidence of interstitial fibrosis, obliteration of glomeruli, and various lesions of the small renal arteries and arterioles (126). In cases of industrial lead exposure of even moderate intensity and duration, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is reduced (122, 129, 130). But tubular function .

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appears to remain essentially normal, at least as to renal PAH extraction (130). Unlike the case with tubular lesions, depression of GFR does not appear to be readily reversible, even with chelation therapy (130). The level of lead exposure that causes chronic lead nephropathy with the asso­ ciated glomerular and vascular changes is not known. In view of the progressive nature of the lesions, it does not seem reasonable to ascribe the effects to the PbBs determined only at the time the functional abnormalities happen to be discovered, as was done in one case (131). Rather, it appears from all that is known about this progressive nephropathy that the toxic effects arise as a result of some critical level of exposure maintained for some critical period of time, probably of the order of years. Prolonged administration of lead to rats ultimately results in renal lesions similar to those seen in man (132). Thus, an experimental animal model for chronic lead nephropathy is available. Other renal effects occur, whose significance is ob­ scure. Thus, lead has been shown to decrease activity of the renin-aldosterone system, an effect that would interfere with distal rather than proximal tubular sodium transport (133). Another interesting effect of lead is the appearance in renal proximal tubular cells (and in other tissues as well) of intranuclear inclusion bodies (132, 134). It has been postulated that these serve as a defense mechanism, wherein their formation in response to lead exposure serves to sequester circulating lead. These bodies are composed of protein and lead (133-135). They develop within 6 hr of lead administration, and their formation is dependent upon de novo synthesis of protein (136). Epidemiological surveys of causes of death among lead workers have been re­ ported on several occasions. In the most recent of these studies it was reported that a marginally significant excess mortality rate occurred in the category of "other hypertensive disease." In 17 out of 20 death certificates in this category there was specific mention of uremia, nephrosclerosis, or other renal disease (137). Many of the workers in this study had been exposed to high levels of lead for more than ten years. PbBs in excess of 80 were common. In a limited recent study of workers exposed to lead at moderate levels, no excess mortalities due to renal diseases were observed (138). In summary, it appears that the kidney exhibits an array of responses to lead exposure within the range encountered by man as a result of industrial activities and exposure during childhood. The effects involve both the renal tubules and glomeru­ lar-vascular apparatus. Dose-response relationships are not clearly definable. Tubu­ lar effects appear to be more readily reversible than glomerular effects. Owing to their more pernicious implications, the glomerular effects are of greatest concern at this time.

CONCLUSIONS In the past few years there has been a great deal of research reported pertaining to toxic effects of lead. Only a small fraction of this research has contributed directly to refinement of dose-response relationships in man. Much of the remaining research not cited in this review may play a role in future refinements of these relationships.



For the present it is concluded that a prolonged lead exposure with PbBs in excess of

40 may be harmful to children. This is based on evidence for a progressive

lead-related decrement of hemoglobin concentration as PbBs rise above this level. Below this level of exposure other heme-related biochemical effects are seen. But these seem to be noncritical. Implications for synthesis of other hemoproteins are not adequately known at this time. Effects of lead on the kidney appear to occur only at exposure levels above those

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affecting hemoglobin formation. Knowledge as to renal dose-response relationships is even more imperfect than it is in regard to heme-hemoprotein effects. Further work is needed in this area since the renal effects, when they do occur, probably are more pernicious than the heme-hemoprotein effects. Finally, the reader is cautioned that important effects of lead on the nervous system may prove to occur at relatively low exposure levels. But current information is totally inadequate to assess the situation for man in a dose-time-effect context.

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