Immunology Today, Vol. 1I, No. 8 199U

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ATP as a possiblemediatorof ceil-mediatedcytotoxicity

Cytotoxic T lymph_&-ytes (CTL,I and natural killer (NK) cells !yse target" cells by a specialized mechanism that involves the release of soluble 'killer' mediators. While several possible mediators have ~een demonstrated, it is likely that others have yet to be identified. For more than two decades it has been known that exogenous A TPis lytic to many cell ,types.In this article Francesco Di Virgilio and colleagues propose that extracellular A TPmay be a mediator of cytotoxic cell-dependent lysis. The molecular mechanism of cell !ysls mediate,J by CTL is poorly understood. It is known that close contact between effector and target cell (TC) plasma membranes is required and that, once the lethal hit has been delivered, the TC is irreversibly committed to death while the effector can move away and a~ack another target. Several early alterations occurring in TCs injured by CTL have been described (swelling, depolarization of plasma membrane potential, increase in cytosolic free Ca2~- ([Ca2÷],), release of low molecular weight intracellular solutes and degradation of DNA), although it is debatable whether or not these alterations are causally related to TC lysis ~' A number of soluble mediators of T-cell-mediated lysis have been proposed: perforins, serine esterases, lympho-

' CNRCenterfor the Studyof the Physiologyof Mitochondria,Instituteof GeneralPathology,Via Trieste75,1-35131,Padova,Italy.2Laboratoryof Immunology, Institute of Ontology, Via Gattamelata 64, 1-35128, Padova,Itaiy. 274

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Fr cesco Di Virgilio Paola Pizzo , Paola Zanovelloz, Vincenzo Brontez and Dino Collavoz toxins, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), NI

Extracellular ATP as a possible mediator of cell-mediated cytotoxicity.

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cells lyse target cells by a specialized mechanism that involves the release of soluble 'killer'...
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