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Annu. Rev. Publ. Health 1992. 13:489-508

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 1992.13:489-508. Downloaded from by Brown University on 01/08/13. For personal use only.

FALLS AMONG OLDER PERSONS: A Public Health Perspective! Richard W. Sattin Division of Injury Control, National Center for Environmental Health and Injury Control, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, US Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 KEY WORDS:


injury, prevention, risk factors, surveillance

INTRODUCTION Among persons aged from injury

65 years or older, falls are the leading cause of death (66, 79). Major morbidity from falls includes more than 230,000

hip fractures per year among persons in this age group (National Center for Health Statistics

1987, unpublished data). The cost of falls among older

persons is enormous, because of the high death toll, numerous disabling conditions, and extensive hospital stays;

n early $lO billion of the $158 billion

lifetime economic cost of injury to our nation can be attributed to falls among older persons

(79). Moreover, falls pose a particular problem for public health

professionals in the development of both surveillance systems and prevention strategies. To understand the concepts of fall prevention, one must also understand the concepts of injury control. In this article, I discuss from a public health perspective the concept of injury as a disease, the extent of the problem of falls among older persons, current concepts on the etiology of falls, the need for better surveillance, and how understanding these needs and concepts could lead us to develop a systematic approach to fall prevention. I


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Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 1992.13:489-508. Downloaded from by Brown University on 01/08/13. For personal use only.

INJURY AS A DISEASE By most measures, injury ranks as one of the most serious public health problems in the United States today (15). Although the human and financial costs of injury in our society are very high, support for injury control has lagged far behind support for other public health problems (14, 79). Injuries occur at such great numbers that, until recently, they have been tacitly accepted as a normal occurrence of living in a modern society. Fortunately,in the 1985 report,Injury in America, the Committee on Trauma Research of the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine proposed a national plan for injury control that focused on a public health approach to reducing injuries (14). Committee members understood that,like other diseases, injur­ ies could be viewed as a problem in medical ecology-that is, as a relation­ ship between a person (the host),an agent,and the environment. Unlike these other diseases, however, the underlying agent of injury is not a microbe or carcinogen. Instead,the agent is energy,most often in the form of mechanical force (37). Injury should be considered a disease that has a short latency period. It results from the acute,rapid exposure to energy (mechanical,thermal,chemi­ cal, electrical, or radiation) or from the absence of specific body needs, such as oxygen or heat (5). The dose of energy received, the dose's distribution, duration,and rapidity,and the human's response to the transfer of the energy can determine whether an injury occurs or is prevented (14). For example, a large mechanical energy load quickly transmitted during a fall involving an older person may damage cells,tissues,and other structures,thus resulting in a fracture. If the same energy load could be transmitted at a slower velocity or dissipated over a much larger area, different responses could be mobilized, thus resulting in the prevention of injury during the fall. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF FALLS

Definitions and Classification Schemes The Kellogg International Work Group, from whose work most fall defini­ tions are derived, defined a fall as "an event which results in a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or other lower level and other than as a consequence of the following: sustaining a violent blow; loss of con­ sciousness; sudden onset of paralysis, as in a stroke; or an epileptic seizure" (45). Unfortunately, that and most of the derived definitions of a fall are clinically or research oriented; require extensive interviewing; are unwieldy to use in a public health setting; are subjective and, thus, allow differences in interpretation for each study setting; and are likely to miss a substantial

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number of falls, if the data are acquired through record review and abstract­ ing. Developing a definition useful to public health officials is difficult,because a fall is not a disease. Rather, a fall is often a syndrome, which represents symptoms and signs of disordered function in a disordered environment. For example, a fall might be a direct result of underlying cardiovascular or musculoskeletal disease. Depending on the amount of energy transferred, a fall itself might lead to a disease (e.g. hip fracture,traumatic brain injury) or, more often, might never attract medical or public health attention. Various state and community public health programs have demonstrated that effective intervention strategies can be implemented by using available data on the external causes of injury, as defined by the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9CM) (33, 64). ICD-9-CM contains a standard coding system that describes diseases and the anatomical nature of injuries (N-codes). A supplemental volume, titled External Causes of Injuries (E-codes), describes the circum­ stances and location of the injury and is extremely useful for public health practitioners to quantify the problem of falls in their communities. Falls can be coded according to the external causes of the injury (codes, E880-E888); however,a further definition is needed for those falls that result in nonfatal injury. The terms "fall injuries" and "fall-related injuries" are widely used,but are ambiguous,as they are often used to describe the type of anatomical injury (e.g. hip fracture, brain injury), multiple types of anatomi­ cal injuries during the same fall, or multiple fall events with at least one injury. To reduce this ambiguity,I suggest using the terms "fall injury event," which is the occurrence of a fall that resulted in at least one anatomical injury, and "fall injury," which is the type of anatomical injury sustained during the fall (such as hip fracture,skull fracture,superficial injury) (89). For those fall injury events that result in more than one anatomical injury,some researchers have developed hierarchies of fall injuries, whereby the most severe injury receives the top priority status for reporting (29, 89). The multifaceted, multifactorial nature of falls has prompted attempts to classify falls by etiology, that is, to link specific risk factors or biologic measurements to specific types of fall (6, 9, 41, 47, 62, 67, 68, 93, 105). These classifications, however, are based on interviews with case patients or abstracts of their medical records about the circumstances of falls. Therefore, they are subject to recall and interviewer bias and have led to a lack of consistency in the literature on the association of risk factors and falls (87). Some examples of these classification schemes include unexplained falls versus falls with a self-evident etiology (e.g. syncope, seizure, stroke); and falls due to host (intrinsic) factors versus falls due to environmental (extrinsic) factors. Although these schemes might be useful in a clinical setting,they are



less useful in a public health setting, because data of this extent are not readily available.

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 1992.13:489-508. Downloaded from by Brown University on 01/08/13. For personal use only.

Incidence In 1988, 9060 fatal falls (codes, E880-E888) occurred among persons aged 65 years or older (National Center for Health Statistics 1988, unpublished data). Nearly 60% of fatal falls occur in the home or in a residential institution (90). Although falls are the leading cause of death due to injury among older persons, this effect is mainly caused by its impact among those 85 or older (Table 1). More than one half of injury-related deaths of women and one third of men aged 85 or older are due to falls. The rate of deaths due to falls rises rapidly with increasing age for all race-sex groups aged 75 or older (Figure 1). White men aged 85 or older have the highest death rates associated with falls. Pulmonary embolism is strongly associated with deaths due to falls and occurs in nearly 13% of such deaths (60). This association increases with increasing age and is much greater among those persons with fractures of the lower limbs, including femoral neck. Among those deaths from falls with no fracture listed, the prevalence of pulmonary embolism is 2.4%. Falls can also lead to significant morbidity in older individuals. About 7% of persons over age 75 visit hospital emergency rooms for a fall injury event each year (29). Falls account for nearly 70% of all emergency room visits to treat injuries in this age group (29). In a recent study in South Miami Beach, Florida, investigators found that the rate of nonfatal fall injury events in­ creased steadily by each five-year age group for those aged 65 or older, reaching a high of 138 per 1000 for men and 159 per 1000 for women aged 85 Table 1 Number of deaths due to injuries for persons aged 65 years or older, by cause, sex, and age group, United States, 1988a Sex

and age (years)








2,459 3,583 315 707 322 694 4,672 3,401

1,410 495 39 168 53 59 498 954

2,444 2,718 119 566 290 498 1,086 2,494

2,747 363 43 164 132 79 107 1,374






Causeb Falls

Motor vehicles Drowning Fires/Bums

Poisonings Homicide Suicide


Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Detailed Mortality

Tapes. b According to the ICD-9-CM.







I 8


Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 1992.13:489-508. Downloaded from by Brown University on 01/08/13. For personal use only.




8. II

'Iii a:




Figure 1

Rates of deaths due to falls, by age and race-sex groups, in the United States, 1988.

years or more (Figure 2). Of those fall injury events identified through the acute care setting, more than 40% resulted in hospital admissions, with an average length of stay of 11.6 days overall (89). One specific injury type, hip fracture, increases exponentially by age in older persons, from 28 per 10,000 persons aged 65-74 to 251 per 10,000

160 140 120







o Males • Females

40 20 0 Age Group (Years) Figure 2

Rates of fall injury events, by age and sex. Study to Assess Falls Among the Elderly,

Miami Beach, Florida, 1985-1987.

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 1992.13:489-508. Downloaded from by Brown University on 01/08/13. For personal use only.



persons aged 85 or older (82). For persons aged 65 or older, the rate of hip fracture among white women is about twice that of white men, and white persons have about twice the rate of hip fracture as persons of all other races (4, 24, 82). More hip fractures occur in winter than summer, but this seasonal variation occurs regardless of latitude (42). Data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey, National Center for Health Statistics, indicate that in 1987, 233,432 hip fractures occurred among persons aged 65 or older. Of these, 13,138 (5.6%) resulted in death during hospitalization. If 90% of these hip fracture-related deaths were caused by falls, we could estimate that about 11,824 deaths due to falls resulted from only one type of injury. Mortality data from 1987 reveal that 8602 persons aged 65 or older died because of a fall. These and other data suggest that we have a major problem of un­ dercounting deaths caused by falls (28). Most falls among the elderly population result in minor or no physical injury; only a small percentage of falls cause severe injury, such as a fracture (67, 99). An estimated 25-35% of older persons fall each year (67, 98), and a higher annual incidence is reported among older persons who live in residen­ tial institutions (87). An estimated 3-6% of falls result in a fracture for persons living in the community and in nursing homes; 1% or less results in hip fractures (35, 67, 87, 99). Public health practitioners who focus preven­ tion programs on elderly health should also consider systematically monitor­ ing community- or nursing home-dwelling older persons for fall injury events.

Risk Factors Related to the Host Several host factors may alter the risk of falls and fall injury events. Listed below are some of the factors that might help us identify high-risk individuals and develop screening techniques or prevention efforts (Table 2). AGE AND SEX In most studies of both community and institutionalized populations, researchers find that the risk of falling and being injured in-

Table 2

Potential risk factors for falls among the elderly that may

help public health practitioners target intervention programs Host



Age and sex

Mechanical energy


Impact position


Chronic diseases

Impact location

Rugs and flooring

Gait and balance





Mental status


Medication use

Streets and walkways

Alcohol use

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creases with age in both sexes and is greater in females than males at most ages (9, 29, 73, 89). For example, older persons tend to have poorer re­ sponses to injury events than younger persons (5). With aging, physiologic changes occur in articular cartilage, bone, ligaments, and musculature (95). These changes can lead to osteoporosis, arthritis, decreased muscle strength and mass, decreased joint flexibility, decreased collagen elasticity and strength, and general discomfort and pain. Individuals with these changes might respond more slowly during difficult or emergency situations or devel­ op early and excessive fatigue, which might lead to an injury (4). In addition, the most effective energy absorber in the human body, the active musculature, depends mostly on muscle strength, which decreases with age (95). During an injury event, therefore, these changes in the musculoskeletal system can lead to a decreased ability to withstand the effects of mechanical energy. Much of this variation in fall risk, however, may be due to the biologic and functional variability within age groups, rather than to simple age-dependent variations (74). If exercise and general muscle conditioning for older persons prove effective, public health practitioners could include these programs with others targeted to older persons. Women and men may have different outcomes from a fall for several reasons. For example, osteoporosis may play a substantial role in hip and other limb fractures for women 09, 50, 59, 61). On the other hand, women might fall differently than men and absorb mechanical energy at different parts of the body (hip) than men (head) (89). Among older persons, osteoporosis decreases bone resis­ OSTEOPOROSIS tance to mechanical energy, which increases the risk of compression fractures from a given force (14) and predisposes to fractures of the hip, vertebrae, distal forearm,and pelvis, especially in older,white women (19,50,59,61). Considerable controversy exists over the relative importance of osteoporosis in the etiology of hip fracture. Some investigators have argued that older persons with hip fractures are no more osteoporotic than noninjured persons of similar ages (17,18). By using biomechanics research, Lotz & Hayes (53) have shown that about one twentieth of the energy that is needed to break a hip may be available during a typical fall from standing position. On the other hand, other researchers state that data on osteoporosis and hip fracture have been misinterpreted and that the measurement of osteoporosis through bone densitometry may be used to predict the propensity for fracture and,therefore, be useful as a screening tool (43,85). They also note that the use of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in peri- and postmenopausal women retards the development of osteoporosis and reduces the risk of hip fractures in older women 0, 23, 46, 104). The use of densitometry as a basic screening tool to identify persons at high

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risk of hip fracture, however, is premature for several reasons. First, few, if any, longitudinal studies have observed the rate of hip fractures among women with baseline bone mass determinations at menopause (30). Without these data, determining the impact of risk factor modifications is problematic (7, 18). Second, most studies that have demonstrated a reduction in hip fracture risk among women who have ever used estrogen have not included women older than age 74, the age group at highest risk for hip fracture (1, 46, 104). One recent Swedish cohort study demonstrated a reduction in the rate of trochanteric hip fractures among women who had taken estrogen for up to five years before age 60; no effect has yet been seen for older women (63). Third, ERT's increase in the risk of endometrial and other cancers and its side effects may outweigh the risk of hip fractures for women considering the use of ERT (18). If clinical trials confirm the protective effect of ERT among women at risk of heart disease (32a), then screening for osteoporosis may play a limited role in a woman's decision to use ERT (18). Finally, for the public health practitioner, body mass index (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) appears to be highly correlated with bone mass, as de­ termined by densitometry (M. Nevitt 1991, personal communication). The determination of the mechanIsm of falls and injuries and ways to alter other risk factors will likely have a greater impact on hip fracture than the use of ERT by older women (61). Cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, and neurologiC dis­ orders may increase the number of falls among older persons (44, 51, 52, 88). In a recent population-based study (89), the most common concurrent medical diagnoses associated with a fall injury event were syncope (16%), conduction disorder/dysrhythmias (15%), chronic ischemic heart disease (9.3%), anemia (8.7%), diabetes (8.3%), and hypertensive disease (8.2%). The prevention and amelioration of these chronic ailments through chronic disease prevention activities could lead to a substantial decrease in the future number of falls and fall injury events among older persons. Some investigators suggest that the risk of falling increases with the number of these conditions present, especially those that impair sensory, cognitive, neurologic, or musculoskeletal functioning (98, 100). Although these conditIons do contribute to the occurrence of a fall, either through their physiologic effect or through a joint effect with environmental hazards, each chronic disorder probably does not contribute the same amount of risk to falling. CHRONIC DISEASES

Gait and balance abnormalities have been repeatedly implicated in falls among older persons (41, 67, 80, 99, 100). These abnormalities may be related to changes in age, disease, or medication use or


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to dysfunction of the nervous, skeletal, circulatory, or respiratory systems (87). Clinically, the older person with a history of falls often has a. stiff, uncoordinated gait and poor control over posture and body position (22, 87). An increasing number of clinical and laboratory measurement tools are available for assessing the complex neuromuscular functions of gait, balance, and postural control. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a way to use these clinical and laboratory measurements to develop easily administered screen­ ing procedures for public health practitioners. In addition, we do not know if physical retraining through exercise, muscle strengthening, or some other mechanism will help decrease fall injury events among older persons (see Buchner et aI, this volume). The ability to influence corrective and protective response through training and education should also be investigated. An understanding of how specific gait and balance problems transform environ­ mental features into "fall hazards" would help us focus our environmental intervention efforts. VISION Impaired visual acuity and depth perception have been associated , with an increased risk of falling and fracturing a hip (25, 67, 100). Visual acuity might be very important in maintaining postural control among persons with neuromuscular disorders (3, 13, 25, 49, 70). Visual acuity, depth perception, contrast sensitivity, peripheral vision, visual perception, dark adaptation, and glare tolerance are all involved in the detection and avoidance of environmental hazards and can become affected by age-related vision changes, cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma (98). Early detection and treatment of common conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts, should improve visual function and might reduce falls (2). Recent study findings, however, implicate topical eye medications as increasing the risk of falling among a selected group of elderly glaucoma patients (32). Whether this effect is real or a manifestation of other chronic conditions or disease-drug in­ teractions needs further investigation.

Impaired mental status and depression are associated with an increased risk of a fall injury event (6, 9, 67, 73, 99, 105). This association may be related to the increased exposure to hazardous situations, because of confusion, impaired judgment, distraction, agitation, and lack of awareness. Associated gait and balance deficits and psychomotor depression may also increase the chance of falling. Antidepressant and sedative medication used for these conditions contribute to the increased risk of falls and fall injury events (78). Simple screening tests, such as the Mini-Mental Test (31), are available to determine the person's degree of cognitive impairment. We do not yet know, however, which interventions can reduce the incidence of fall injury events in this high-risk group of older persons, while maintaining their MENTAL STATUS



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highest level of cognitive functioning. Also, because high rates of suicide occur among older white men (58), clinicians must use caution in changing the patterns of antidepressant medication use to reduce the incidence of fall injury events. MEDICATION USE Ray et al (78) analyzed Michigan Medicaid data in a large and well-designed study and found a significantly increased risk of hip fracture in older persons currently taking long half-life psychotropic medica­ tions. They estimated that about 14% of these hip fractures were attributable to current use of psychotropic medications. These medications (including the widely used benzodiazepines, barbiturates, phenothiazines, and tricyclic anti­ depressants) may act by decreasing alertness, affecting judgment, com­ promising neuromuscular function, or causing dizziness and syncope. Mac­ Donald & MacDonald (56) found a substantial excess of barbiturate use among hip fracture patients who sustained the injury at night, compared with those whose fractures occurred during the day. Studies of falling suggest that recent use of any psychotropic medication may be associated with an in­ creased risk of falling ( l05). Tinetti et al (99) noted an increased risk of falling among persons who use some psychotropic medications, but the prevalence of psychotropic medication use among nonfallers was low--only one of 228 nonfallers were users--compared with. prevalence reported in other surveys (67, 78). In several studies, however, investigators have failed to find a relationship between psychotropic drug use and falling or fracturing a hip (34, 67, 71). One major reason for this discrepancy in the findings is the possible effect of an underlying condition, such as dementia, or the effect of drug-disease interactions, such as psychotropics and dementia. For example, in recent analytic studies (78, 99) that included cognitively impaired persons, research­ ers found an increased risk of falling or fall injury events associated with drug use, whereas the findings of studies that specifically excluded persons with cognitive impairment revealed no increase in risk (34, 67). Falls related to multiple drug use may be an important problem (55, 98). For example, Buchner & Larson (8) found that patients with Alzheimer's disease increased their risk of falling with the increased number of drugs taken. Physicians, pharmacists, and public health practitioners need to help older persons eliminate outdated medications better and monitor medication use more closely to prevent drug-drug interactions that can cause falls. Diuretics or antihypertensives might contribute to falling through fatigue, volume depletion, decreased mental alertness, or postural hypotension (98). Some researchers, however, have shown that use of thiazide diuretics might actually decrease the risk of a hip fracture, by decreasing urinary calcium excretion (27, 47b, 77). Because of the relatively high incidence of metabolic and other side effects associated with thiazide diuretics, these drugs are being


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replaced by other antihypertensives. Nevertheless, further work is warranted to investigate the preventive aspects of thiazides. In summary, the balance of evidence suggests that psychotropic drugs play a role in the risk of falling among older persons. Effective reduction in physician prescribing practices for long half-life benzodiazepines has been accomplished through educational efforts (76). Also, New York state has recently limited excess prescribing of benzodiazepines through regulation and, thus, has decreased their use by low-income older persons by 25% (57); however, the prescribing of less acceptable medications increased (103b). Further work on drug-disease interactions and dose-specific effects, however, is needed to define more accurately who among the users of psychotropic and other medications are at highest risk of injury (36). This work is critical to designing appropriate intervention efforts. Alcohol use is frequently a factor in injury. Alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system and may increase the risk of falling and fall injury events by adversely affecting gait, balance, and cognition (72). Alcohol use has been frequently associated with falls in persons younger than age 65 (26, 39, 40), but most studies have not shown an association for older persons (34, 67, 73, 99). One study presents only nonanalytic evidence of an association between alcohol use and the risk of falling among older persons (103). This lack of evidence might reflect differential survival, because heavy alcohol use is strongly associated with premature mortality from a variety of causes (75). Although alcohol use is not associated with an increased risk of falls or fall injury events among older persons, the chronic use of alcohol interferes with tissue regeneration and immunologic function. An older per­ son who drinks can, therefore, have a more severe outcome than a nondrinker who experiences the same injury event (14). In addition, the chronic use of alcohol can lead to various chronic medical conditions that predispose a person to sustain a fall or fall injury event. ALCOHOL USE

Risk Factors Related to the Agent Although we know much about the host and the environment, we know very little about the mechanism or transference of energy during a fall (14). Mechanical energy is the most common agent of injury due to falls among older persons (Table 2). Speed, violence, and concentration are key elements in transforming mechanical energy into an impact injury, which occurs by deforming tissue beyond its failure limits (102). Mechanisms that affect the risk of impact injury are the resistance of the body through inertial forces, the elastic capacity of the tissues, and the viscous tolerance of the body organs (14). Inertial forces from excessive acceleration of the skeleton lead to the tearing of an organ. An example is brain injury that results from the sudden acceleration of the skull during impact with the ground, with the loosely

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attached brain lagging behind. Because of its elastic capacity, the body can absorb a tremendous amount of mechanical energy and protect organs through resistance to impact. This resistance of the human body has been demon­ strated by persons who have survived falls from extreme heights (14). Older persons, however, tend to have decreased elasticity of tissues and organs, which can lead to fractures of the hip, ribs, and skull. Finally, viscous tolerance, the ability of organs to withstand rapidly applied strain forces, can be exceeded during high-speed impact, thus leading to contusion and possible rupture of an organ. For example, the heart may sustain damage when the sternum is rapidly and excessively moved during a motor vehicle crash. The same compression, occurring slowly, would not necessarily damage the heart, because the organ can tolerate gradual compression. Biomechanics is the discipline in which researchers investigate and explain the physical and physiologic responses to impact that result in injury (102). Better understanding can lead to protective devices for persons involved in potential injury events. We have yet to realize the tremendous, untapped potential in applying biomechanics to the control of injuries, other than those related to motor vehicles. Nevertheless, the biomechanics of falls and hip fractures have received growing attention over the last several years. One recent finding suggests that the position at impact, the location of impact, and the absorption of energy may be more important than the strength of the bone in determining the risk of hip fracture among older persons (53).

Risk Factors Related to the Environment The environment has been implicated in one third to one half of all falls or fall injury events (54, 87, 92, 103). As early as 1950, Castle (10) implicated lighting and stair structure as causes of falls (Table 2). In 1955, Droller (21) implicated loose rugs and defective floors, and others (54, 83, 92) have implicated light switch hazards, thresholds, extension cords, slippery sur­ faces, and other household prodUCts. Architectural design of stairways and homes and visual patterns on flooring can cause missteps and increase the risk of falling (3, 13, 49, 70). Recommended solutions have included use of slip-resistant stripping in bathtubs, proper placement of shelving, removal of throw rugs, redesign of stairs, improvements in shoe design, and im­ provements in lighting (48, 81). These recommendations make intuitive sense, but nearly all of the studies on which these recommendations are based were descriptive, that is, they did not include valid comparison groups (81). Many of these studies have also specifically asked respondents what caused their falls, thus leading directly to interviewer and recall bias. Although environmental hazards probably contribute to falls and fall injury events in older persons, we do not know the extent of this contribution, how multiple potential hazards interact, and how this effect is modified by host and agent factors.



A particular problem in previous studies has been the instruments used to assess the environment. Most of those instruments have actually been empir­ ically developed checklists that are based on the experience or area of interest of the investigator

(12, 86,96, 97,101). They have also been unstandardized,

have lacked definitions, and have not been evaluated to determine if they are measuring what we think they are measuring (validity) or if they are measur­ ing it in a consistent manner (reliability)

(81). The researchers using these

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instruments have also assumed that each hazard contributes equally to the hazard potential of the home, but no studies have confirmed this approach (actually, none have even addressed this issue). Most of these instruments have also tended to lack specifity. For example, most current instruments do not determine which areas of a home an older person ever uses or the amount of time spent there

(81). Thus, these in­

struments would categorize a room as hazardous, even if the hazard were present in an area in which the older person spends little or no time. Even if the room contained hazards, an older person might fall in a nonhazardous area, or the hazard might not be related to the fall. To determine the effect of environmental factors on falls and fall injury events, we should consider categorizing potential hazard exposures into persistent and variable exposures

(81). Persistent exposures are those that tend

to be fixed into the building or unlikely to change frequently over time, thus making direct measurement easy. Cabinets, flooring; stairs, and the absence of grab bars in the bathroom are examples of persistent exposures. Variable exposures are those that change frequently and, thus, make direct measure­ ment difficult. Lighting, for example, varies considerably during the day, throughout the year, and in different rooms. Lighting, glare, and other variable exposures can be best obtained through self-report. For both types of exposures, predetermined definitions should be established for variables, including "use areas," and staff should receive standardized training to eval­ uate the environment. It is extremely difficult to compare homes of fallers and nonfallers, as there are many variations in room size and design. One useful approach is to develop a hazard index for an older person's living arrangements

(67). This

hazard index should be based on a valid, reliable instrument and on those factors shown to increase the risk of fall injury events. Public health prac­ titioners could then use a standard hazard index form in a standard way during each visit to an older person's home.

Surveillance Surveillance is a necessary activity to monitor health events on an ongoing basis

(11). A surveillance system for falls should collect data that are repre­ (11). Data from surveillance activities can

sentative of a defined population

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then be used to determine the need for public health programs and to assess their effectiveness. Due to the geographic variation in the distribution of falls and resultant injuries, state and local injury surveillance systems are critical to set local public health priority areas (84). Most falls do not result in injury or lead to medical care (35,67, 87, 99). In addition, many falls and their resultant injuries may be forgotten by older persons, especially falls that resulted in minor or no injury (20, 87). It is clearly unrealistic for public health professionals to monitor all falls, regard­ less of outcome, or to develop surveillance systems based on definitions derived from the Kellogg International Work Group (45), which are more suitable for in-depth clinical investigations of falls. A surveillance system based on the external causes of injury would lead to uniformity of data, thus allowing us to compare fall injury events by geogra­ phic area. Unfortunately, E-codes are not routinely collected in medical records, except on death certificates (94). Thus, reliable estimates of the incidence of fall injury events in a population-based setting are not readily available to the public health practitioner. Currently, no national system of collecting data on the causes of nonfatal falls exists, although many states have hospital discharge data systems (94). Hospital discharge data systems contain many promising features of a useful surveillance system, including representativeness and specificity. E-coding of hospital discharge data has been recommended by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (16) and would fill the data gap between mortality and morbidity data (84, 94). Very few hospitals now use E-codes for injury information; however, in June 1991, the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics unanimously passed the recommendation that E-codes be included soon in Uniform Hospital Discharge Datasets (65). The use of E-codes to monitor falls and fall injury events has several shortcomings, all of which can be improved significantly (65, 84, 94). Specifically, the medical record often contains insufficient information to code the external cause and the place of injury. This problem is due to the previous lack of a national requirement for E-coding in hospitals and the exclusion of E-codes in the current reimbursement system for hospitals. Thus, hospitals have had no incentive to record comprehensive descriptive informa­ tion on injuries. By including a description of the mechanism involved, a statement of the intent of the injury, and where the injury occurred, hospitals could markedly increase the ability of the system to provide useful informa­ tion. This information could be included as an important component of quality improvement programs for hospitals that care for injured patients. Physician training to promote better reporting, both in death certificates and hospital discharge summaries, would greatly improve the system. Finally, the index for E-codes should be revised to clarify definitions for medical records



personnel, and E-codes should be regularly refined and updated just as the other diseases in ICD-9-CM have been (65). Efforts to address all of these past problems associated with E-codes appear promising.

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FUTURE PREVENTION EFFORTS Although we have learned much over the last decade about the causes of falls, we still know little about the most effective ways of preventing their occur­ rence. We have many promising leads, however. For example, many current efforts to prevent chronic diseases through smoking cessation, exercise pro­ motion, and alcohol reduction programs may also lead to the prevention of many falls and injuries. Surveillance data should guide our prevention efforts. It can also help public health practitioners to describe the fall injury event problem in more detail, target high-risk individuals and high-risk areas, maximize use of limited resources, attract public attention to this problem, and monitor in­ tervention strategies. After identifying persons at high risk for a fall injury event, public health practitioners can use Haddon's matrix to conceptualize injury control options or minimize the consequences of injuries (Table 3). Haddon's matrix sepa­ rates the injury event into three distinct phases: preevent,event,and postevent (37, 38). Each phase of the Haddon matrix can also include information on the potential impact of the host, agent,and environment. The preevent phase of injury might be affected by removing or altering energy sources that have the potential to increase a person's risk of falling,or by altering pathophysio­ logic conditions that would enable an older person to cope better. Proper stairway design and lighting, better control over multiple drug prescriptions, exercise programs designed for general muscle strengthening, and homes specifically designed for older persons are examples. Technological develop­ ment of energy-absorbing flooring would be useful in managing the event phase of injury. Networks of emergency response call buttons or buddy systems could improve overall survival in older persons who fall, but cannot get help quickly. It would also be useful for fall prevention efforts to be directed not only at older persons, but also at younger persons. For example, targeting young persons with smoking cessation, exercise promotion, and alcohol use reduc­ tion programs may reduce both chronic diseases and a potential outcome of these diseases-falls. Educating perimenopausal women about calcium in­ take, general nutrition, and the potential benefits and risks associated with estrogen use and teaching both middle-aged men and women about the need to maintain physical fitness and bone strength may reduce future injuries. Prevention efforts must balance the need to reduce risks with the need to



Table 3

Possible elements of a public health program to prevent falls among the elderly

based on the Haddon matrix Phase Preevent

Elements Exercise promotion and physical conditioning Cessation of smoking and alcohol Nutrition education Reduction of psychotropic medication use

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Regular eye examinations Osteoporosis prevention Hazard evaluations and modifications of residential institutions Home hazard awareness Use of proper footwear Safe outdoor walk routes during all weather conditions Event

Energy-absorbing flooring for high-risk areas'


Emergency response call systems or buddy systems

Hip protection devices for high-risk persons' Improvements in emergency communication systems Health promotion and hazard prevention (all elements listed under preevent) a

Currently under development.

maintain mobility, functional activities, personal autonomy, and quality of life. Reduction in activity and mobility after a fall cannot, by itself, eliminate the risk of falling. Fear of falling and excessive restrictions in activity may initially reduce a person's risk of falling, but may lead to increasing the risk over time by decreasing self-confidence and physical conditioning.

CONCLUSION Public health practitioners must continue to rely on empirically derived interventions until effective prevention modalities are demonstrated for older persons (91). Clearly, more work is needed to determine which interventions can decrease the risk of a fall or fall injury event and how environmental factors interact with pathophysiologic processes, primary aging processes, and pharmacologic and behavioral factors in increasing or decreasing this risk. A need exists for better translation and dissemination by researchers of their findings to public health practitioners. Injury research must also include the principles of mechanics to investigate and explain the physical and physiologic responses to impact that result in fall injury events. Understanding both the many components associated with the increased risk of falls and the ways to modify the injury event so that it does not lead to morbidity or disability requires a multidisciplinary approach (e.g. behavioral, medical, public health, and engineering disciplines). This understanding would provide the public health practitioner with the scientific base needed to institute effective fall intervention programs.



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Falls among older persons: a public health perspective.

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