

March 9, 2015


´ Communicated by Tam´as Sarlos



FastMMD: Ensemble of Circular Discrepancy for Efficient Two-Sample Test Ji Zhao


[email protected] Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, PA 15213, U.S.A.

Deyu Meng

[email protected] Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China

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The maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) is a recently proposed test statistic for a two-sample test. Its quadratic time complexity, however, greatly hampers its availability to large-scale applications. To accelerate the MMD calculation, in this study we propose an efficient method called FastMMD. The core idea of FastMMD is to equivalently transform the MMD with shift-invariant kernels into the amplitude expectation of a linear combination of sinusoid components based on Bochner’s theorem and Fourier transform (Rahimi & Recht, 2007). Taking advantage of sampling the Fourier transform, FastMMD decreases the time complexity for MMD calculation from O(N 2 d) to O(LN d), where N and d are the size and dimension of the sample set, respectively. Here, L is the number of basis functions for approximating kernels that determines the approximation accuracy. For kernels that are spherically invariant, the computation can be further accelerated to O(LN log d) by using the Fastfood technique ´ & Smola, 2013). The uniform convergence of our method has (Le, Sarlos, also been theoretically proved in both unbiased and biased estimates. We also provide a geometric explanation for our method, ensemble of circular discrepancy, which helps us understand the insight of MMD and we hope will lead to more extensive metrics for assessing a two-sample test. Experimental results substantiate that the accuracy of FastMMD is similar to that of MMD and with faster computation and lower variance than existing MMD approximation methods. 1 Introduction The two-sample test, one of the most fundamental tests in statistics, has a wide range of applications. It uses samples drawn from two distributions to test whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis that they are the same or different. This task, however, is very difficult and challenging in practice since the distribution information is generally unknown a priori Neural Computation 27, 1–28 (2015) doi:10.1162/NECO_a_00732

c Massachusetts Institute of Technology 



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J. Zhao and D. Meng

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(Bickel, 1969; Friedman & Rafsky, 1979; Hall & Tajvidi, 2002; Biau & Gyofi, 2005). The maximum mean discrepancy (MMD), the most recent test statistic designed for this task, measures the discrepancy of two distributions by embedding them in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (Gretton, ¨ Borgwardt, Rasch, Scholkopf, & Smola, 2012). The MMD has been attracting attention in recent two-sample test research due to its solid theoretical ¨ base (Smola, Gretton, Song, & Scholkopf, 2008; Sriperumbudur, Gretton, ¨ Fukumizu, Scholkopf, & Lanckriet, 2010; Sriperumbudur, Fukumizu, & Lanckriet, 2011; Sejdinovic, Sriperumbudur, Gretton, & Fukumizu, 2013) and successful applications, including biological data tests, data integration and attribute matching (Gretton, Fukumizu, Harchaoui, & Sriperumbudur, 2009), outlier detection, data classifiability (Sriperumbudur, Fukumizu, ¨ Gretton, Lanckriet, & Scholkopf, 2009), and domain adaption. By generalizing the MMD to kernel families as the supremum of MMDs on a class of kernels, it has also been effectively used for some basic machine learning problems such as kernel selection (Sriperumbudur et al., 2009). The exact MMD needs O(N2 d) computational cost, where N and d denote the size and dimension of samples, respectively, to calculate the kernel values of all pairs from the assessed two-sample sets. This quadratic computational complexity greatly hampers its application to large-scale practical problems. How to speed up the computation of MMD has thus become a hot issue in statistics and machine learning. The two main approaches proposed for this problem approximate MMD on a subsampling set of all sample pairs. The first is MMD-linear, which is the extremely simplified MMD calculation that uses the fewest interactions of sample pairs as possible (Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012). Although this strategy significantly accelerates the MMD calculation to O(Nd), it also brings very high variance due to its evident loss of sample pair information. To better leverage the computation cost and calculation accuracy of MMD, the B-test has recently been proposed (Zaremba, Gretton, & Blaschko, 2013). The main idea is to split two-sample sets into corresponding subsets, construct block correspondence between them, and then compute the exact MMD in each block while omiting the inter-block pair information. When the block size is changed, the B-test can vary smoothly from MMD-linear with linear complexity to exact MMD with quadratic complexity. In prac√ tice, the block size is generally set as a modest value N by experience. Thus, the time complexity of the B-test is O(N3/2 d), correspondingly. With the arrival of the big data era has come a trend to enhancing the efficiency of kernel-based learning methods, such as support vector machines and gaussian process, throughout machine learning, computer vision, and data mining. Many efforts have been made to speed up the establishment of kernel information and accelerate the implementation of kernel techniques ¨ (Smola & Scholkopf, 2000; Williams & Seeger, 2000; Fine & Scheinberg, 2001). Two of the representative developments are Random Kitchen Sinks ´ & Smola, 2013), (Rahimi & Recht, 2007, 2008) and Fastfood (Le, Sarlos,



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which can significantly speed up the computation for a large range of kernel functions by mapping data into a relatively low-dimensional randomized feature space. These developments inspired us to develop this MMD-acceleration research topic, an important branch along this line of research. The main difficulty and challenge of MMD calculation lies in the fact that it needs to compute the kernel values between all sample pairs of two sets. MMD-linear and B-test attain this task by using only a subsampling pair subset from all sample pairs. This simplification, however, also decreases the accuracy of MMD calculation because it neglects all of the sample pair information. To this aim, we propose a new MMD calculation strategy that can implement this task more efficiently and accurately. This letter makes the following contributions:

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1. Through employing Bochner’s theorem and the Fastfood technique (Le et al., 2013) for kernels that are spherically invariant, we reduce the MMD computation cost to O(LN log d), which has lower time complexity than current MMD approximation methods and facilitates MMD’s application in large-scale data. Moreover, our method is easy to be sequentially computed and parallelized. 2. The proposed method uses the interacted kernel values between all pairs from two sample sets to calculate MMD, which leads to as accurate MMD result. Our experimental results substantiate that our method is as accurate as exact MMD and with significantly smaller variance than MMD-linear and B-test. 3. We have theoretically proved the uniform convergence of our method in both unbiased and biased cases. MMD-linear and B-test are feasible only in unbiased cases. 4. We provide a geometrical explanation of our method in calculating MMD with shift-invariant kernels. Our method is potentially useful for developing more extensive metrics for a two-sample test.

The code of our FastMMD method is available at web/dymeng/2. 2 Efficient MMD for Shift-Invariant Kernels We begin with a brief review of MMD (Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012) and introduce some important properties of shift-invariant kernels (Rahimi & Recht, 2007). Then we propose an efficient MMD approximation method. Consider a set of samples drawn from two distributions S = {(xi , i ) ∈ Rd × {1, 2}}N i=1 , where the label i indicates the distribution from which xi is drawn. The indices of samples with label {1, 2} are denoted by I1 = {i | i = 1} and I2 = {i | i = 2}, respectively.



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J. Zhao and D. Meng

2.1 Overview of MMD.


Definition 1. Let p1 (x), p2 (x) be distributions defined on a domain Rd given observations {(xi , i )}N i=1 , where X1 = {xi |i = 1} and X2 = {xi |i = 2} are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) drawn from p1 (x) and p2 (x), respectively. Denote I1 = {i | i = 1} and I2 = {i | i = 2}. Let F be a class of functions f : Rd → R. Then the maximum mean discrepancy and its empirical estimate are defined as (definition 2 in Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012)1 :

f ∈F



MMD[F , p1 , p2 ] = sup (Ex∼p f (x) − Ex∼p f (x)), 2

⎞   1 1 MMD[F , X1 , X2 ] = sup ⎝ f (xi ) − f (xi )⎠ . |I1 | |I2 | f ∈F i∈I2



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Usually F is selected to be a unit ball in a characteristic reproducing kernel Hilbert space H, defined on the metric space Rd with associated kernel K(·, ·) and feature mapping φ(·). The popular gaussian  √and Laplacian kernels are characteristic (Sriperumbudur et al., 2011). If K(x, x)dp1 (x) < ∞ √ and K(x, x)dp2 (x) < ∞, we denote μ(p) = Ex∼p(x) φ(x) as the expectation of φ(x). It has been proved that (lemma 4 in Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012) MMD[F , p1 , p2 ] = μ(p1 ) − μ(p2 )H .

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 Substituting the empirical estimates μ(X1 ) := |I1 | i∈I φ(xi ) and μ(X2 ) := 1 1  1 i∈I2 φ(xi ) of the feature space means based on respective samples, an |I2 | empirical biased estimate of MMD can then be obtained as ⎡ ⎤ 12 N N N    ai φ(xi ) = ⎣ ai a j K(xi , x j )⎦ , MMDb [F , X1 , X2 ] =

where ai =

1 |I1 |



if i ∈ I1 and ai =

−1 |I2 |


i=1 j=1

if i ∈ I2 . We can see that the time complex-

ity of such an MMD estimate is O(N2 d). We will investigate how to accelerate its computation to O(LN log d), especially for shift-invariant kernels.

1 The empirical MMD is dependent on two compared sample sets X and X . In the 1 2 following text, we omit these two terms for notional convenience in some cases.



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2.2 Efficient Approximation of MMD. The following classical theorem from harmonic analysis underlies our approximation method (Genton, 2001).

e jω (x−y) dμ(ω),



K (x, y) =


Theorem 1 (Bochner). Every bounded continuous positive-definite function is a Fourier transform of a nonnegative finite Borel measure. This means that for any bounded shift-invariant kernel K (x, y), there exists a nonnegative finite Borel measure μ satisfying

where μ(ω) is a Fourier transform of kernel K (Δ),√and its normalization p(ω) = μ(ω)/ dμ(ω) is a probability measure. Here j = −1 is the imaginary unit.

 K(x, y) = K(0) ·

e jω (x−y) dp(ω)

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We assume that the positive-definite kernel is real valued. According to Bochner’s theorem, if a shift-invariant kernel K(x, y) is positive definite, there exists a proper scaled probability measure p(ω) satisfying

= K(0) ·


cos(ω x − ω y) dp(ω).


Since both the probability measure p(ω) and the kernel K() are real, the integrand e jω (x−y) can be replaced by cos(ω x − ω y) in equation 2.2. Taking the gaussian kernel K(x, y; σ ) = e− 2

− 2

as K(; σ ) = e − d2 − σ

2 ω2 2

x−y2 2σ 2

as an example, we can rewrite it

, where  = x − y. Its Fourier transform is p(ω; σ ) =

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(2π ) e . By proper scaling, ω can be viewed as a multivariate gaussian distribution ω ∼ N (0, σ12 I), where I is the d × d identity matrix. Claim 1. For a shift-invariant kernel K(x, y) = φ(x), φ(y) , suppose p(ω) is its corresponding normalized measure in Bochner’s theorem. Then N N   i=1 j=1

ai a j K(xi , x j ) = K(0) · Eω∼p(ω)

N N  

ai a j cos(ω xi − ω x j).


i=1 j=1

Claim 1 can be easily proved by substituting equation 2.2 into kernel N N K(xi , x j ). We can calculate i=1 j=1 ai a j cos(ω xi − ω x j ) in linear time by applying the harmonic addition theorem (Nahin, 1995), as shown in Figure 1. First, this expression can be viewed as a squared amplitude of combined sinusoids. Suppose a linear combination of N sinusoids is N i=1 ai sin(x − ω xi ) = A sin(x − θ ); then its amplitude has a closed form



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Figure 1: Amplitude of N combined sinusoids by (a) direct trigonometric summarization and (b) sequential summarization.

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 N A2 = N i=1 j=1 ai a j cos(ω xi − ω x j ) (see Figure 1a). Second, the amplitude of sinusoids with the same frequency can be calculated in a sequential way in linear time (see Figure 1b). By combining the above two observations, we can calculate the expression with linear time complexity. If we set ai in equation 2.3 as that in empirical MMD, it turns out to be the biased estimate of MMD. As a result, claim 2 implies a novel methodology to efficiently approximate MMD. By the same spirit of random fourier features (Rahimi & Recht, 2007), we draw i.i.d. samples from distribution p(ω) and then take the average of A2 (ω; X1 , X2 ) to approximate the empirical estimate of squared MMD. The quasi–Monte Carlo sampling techniques can also be used to generate a sample sequence which has a lower discrepancy than i.i.d. sampling (Yang, Sindhwani, Avron, & Mahoney, 2014). Formally, we sample L samples {ωk }Lk=1 from the distribution p(ω) and then use them to approximate MMDb : 

MMDb =

 12 L K(0)  2 A (ωk ; X1 , X2 ) , L



where A(ωk ; X1 , X2 ) is the amplitude of linear combination of sinusoids 1  1 i∈I sin(x − ω xi ) − |I | i∈I sin(x − ω xi ). We call L the number of basis |I | 1




functions (Neal, 1994; Le et al., 2013). The efficient calculation of MMDu for unbiased MMD is similar since we can also rewrite the unbiased estimate of MMD as the form in equation 2.3. The proof is provided in section A.1. The procedure for approximating MMD is described in algorithm 1. We provide an equivalent implementation of algorithm 1 in section A.2. For kernels that are spherically invariant, the Fastfood technique can be employed to further speed up ω sampling in step 2 and the ω xu calculation in steps 4 and 5 of algorithm 1 (Le et al., 2013). This can bring a further



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efficiency gain for MMD calculation from O(LNd) to O(LN log d). In the rest of this letter, we refer to our original algorithm as FastMMD-Fourier and its variant using Fastfood as FastMMD-Fastfood, respectively. 2.3 Computational Complexity. N is the number of samples, d is the dimension number of samples, and L is the number of basis functions for approximating p(ω). Given a sampling of ω, the time complexity for calculating A(ω; X1 , X2 ) is O(Nd). The overall computational complexity of the entire FastMMD-Fourier is thus O(LNd). For FastMMD-Fastfood, the computation speed is O(LN log d). Usually the basis number L can be preset as a fixed number and is thus independent of the sample scale. As compared with the complexities of the previous MMD methods, such as O(N2 d) for exact MMD (Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012), and O(N3/2 d) for B-test (Zaremba et al., 2013), the proposed FastMMD methods are faster. Furthermore, instead of using only a subsampling pair subset from all by the current MMD approximation methods, FastMMD takes into consideration



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all the interacted information between sample pairs. Our methods are thus expected to be more accurate. Moreover, the calculation of A(ω; X1 , X2 ) can be computed in a sequential way; thus, our method can be implemented in stream computations. In addition, our method is easy to be parallelized. This further implies the potential usefulness of the proposed FastMMD methods in large-scaled applications.


2.4 Approximation Guarantees. In this section, we prove the approximation ability of the proposed FastMMD methods. Theorem 2 (uniform convergence of FastMMD-Fourier). Let M be a compact subset of Rd with diameter diam(M). Then for the biased estimate of MMD in algorithm 1, we have  sup

x1 ,...,x N ∈M

 ≤ 212

σ p diam(M)


 exp −


 L 2 , 64(d + 2)

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MMD2b |



2 |MMDb

where σ p2 = E p [ω ω] is the second moment of the Fourier transform of kernel K. This bound also holds for the approximation of unbiased MMD. Theorem 3 (uniform convergence of FastMMD-Fastfood). If we use the L Fastfood method (Le et al., 2013) to calculate {ω k xi }k=1 in algorithm 1, suppose the  is the biased estimate of kernel is a gaussian kernel with bandwidth σ and MMD b MMD that arises from a d × d block of Fastfood.2 Then we have

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x1 ,...,x N ∈M

≤ 220

2  |MMD b

log ddiam(M) dσ 2  2

MMD2b |



 exp −

d 2 64(d + 2)

This bound also holds for the approximation of unbiased MMD. From theorems 2 and 3, we can see that the approximation of FastMMD is unbiased. The proof is provided in sections A.2, A.3, and A.4.

2 In the Fastfood method, the kernel expansions are calculated by constructing several d × d blocks. For the asymptotic analysis of error bound, we can treat L as d by padding the data with zeros if d < L. This allow us to consider only one block.



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2.5 Tests Based on the Asymptotic Distribution of the Unbiased Statistic. The principle for constructing our FastMMD approximation complies with the spirit of random kitchen and sinks (Rahimi & Recht, 2007) and Fastfood (Le et al., 2013), both using the kernel expansion to approximate shiftinvariant kernels. Specifically, we use the linear combination of Dirac delta functions to approximate the continuous function p(ω), which is uniquely determined by kernel K(·, ·). It means that we implicitly introduce a new kernel, which is an approximation for the original kernel in the MMD calculation. Based on the analysis, the uniform convergence bounds and the asymptotic distribution for general kernels in Gretton, Borgwardt et al. (2012), including the theorem and corollaries 7 to 13, still hold for FastMMD. Given the asymptotic distribution of the unbiased statistic MMD2u , the goal of the two-sample test is to determine whether the empirical test statistic MMD2u is so large as to be outside the 1 − α quantile of the null distribution. In Gretton, Borgwardt et al. (2012), two approaches based on asymptotic distributions are proposed. One method is using the bootstrap (Arcones & Gin´e, 1992) on aggregated data, and the other is approximating the null distribution by fitting Pearson curves to its first three moments. Both methods can be incorporated into FastMMD. 3 Ensemble of Circular Discrepancy

In section 2, we proposed an efficient approximation for MMD. In this section, we give a geometric explanation of our methods by using random projection (Blum, 2006) on a circle and circular discrepancy. This explanation is expected to help us understand the approximation and inspire more extensive metrics for the two-sample test other than MMD.

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3.1 Random Projection on a Unit Circle. If ω in equation 2.2 is fixed, we can see that the positions of points projected on a unit circle sufficiently determine the kernel. In other words, the random variables ω x and ω y can be wrapped around the circumference of a unit circle without changing the value of kernel function. We first investigate the circular distribution under fixed ω and later discuss the cases when ω is sampled from a multivariate distribution. Given a fixed ω, we wrap two classes of samples on a unit circle separately. The probability density functions (PDFs) of the wrapped two random variables X1 (ω) and X2 (ω) can be mathematically expressed as p1 (x; ω) =

 1   δ x − mod(ω xi , 2π ) , |I1 |


 1   δ x − mod(ω xi , 2π ) , |I2 |



p2 (x; ω) =




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where mod(·, ·) is the modular arithmetic and δ(·) is the Dirac delta function. Distributions p1 (x; ω) and p2 (x; ω) are zero when x ∈ (−∞, 0) ∪ [2π, +∞). Such distributions are called circular distributions or polar distributions (Fisher, 1993).


3.2 Circular Discrepancy. We now define a metric for measuring the discrepancy between X1 (ω) and X2 (ω). Later we show that this definition is closely related to MMD.


Definition 2. Given two independent circular distributions X1 ∼ P1 and X2 ∼ P2 , we define the circular discrepancy as η(X1 , X2 ) = sup(E Q,P sin(Y − X1 ) − E Q,P sin(Y − X2 )), 1





where Y ∼ Q is also a circular distribution.

In this definition, we choose sine function as the measure for assessing the distance between two circular distributions.

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Claim 2. The circular discrepancy as defined in equation 3.3 is equal to 

η(X1 , X2 ) = sup

y∈[0,2π ) 0

(p1 (x) − p2 (x)) sin(y − x) dx.


If p1 (x) and p2 (x) are probability mass functions (linear combination of  Dirac delta functions), let p1 (x) − p2 (x) = N i=1 ai δ(x − xi ), and then the circular discrepancy is equal to N N  

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η(X1 , X2 ) = ⎣

⎤ 12

ai a j cos(xi − x j )⎦ .


i=1 j=1

The proof is provided in section A.5. We can see that the circular discrepancy has a close connection with MMD (see claim 1). In fact, if  p1 (x) and p2 (x) are probability mass functions, the object function (p1 (x) − p2 (x)) sin(y − x) dx in equation 3.5 is a linear combination of sinusoids with the same frequency. The maximum of this problem is the amplitude of the combined sinusoid, and this is consistent with MMD. From equation 3.4 in claim 2, it can be seen that the optimal distribution of random variable Q in the definition of circular discrepancy is a Dirac delta function. For the integral in equation 3.4, if we change y to mod(y + π, 2π ), the value of this expression will change its sign. Based on this observation, it is clear that there are two distributions of Q that can maximize and minimize



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Figure 2: Random projection on a unit circle and the decision diameter that maximizes the mean margin. The red and blue circles represent projected samples from two sample sets. The green line is the decision diameter. The belt represents the value of the object function in problem 3.3 with different angles in Q, where the light color represents higher values and the dark color represents lower values.

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the object function, respectively. The difference of their nonzero positions is π. These two distributions construct an optimal decision diameter for the projected samples on a unit circle. We then give a geometric explanation for problem 3.3. Note that the sine function is a distance measure with sign for two points on a circle (suppose positive angles are counterclockwise), so the definition of circular discrepancy aims to find a diameter that possibly largely separates the projected samples of two different classes. An example is shown in Figure 2, where the orientation of the diameter corresponds to the nonzero elements of distribution Q in the definition of circular discrepancy. We can see that this diameter maximizes the mean margin of two sample classes. To have a large ensemble of circular discrepancy, the spread parameter σ in gaussian kernel should be neither too small nor too large. If σ → 0, its Fourier transform p(ω) tends to be the uniform distribution. Intuition suggests that if a continuous distribution is spread out over a large region of the line, then the corresponding wrapped distribution will be almost uniform on the circle. If σ → +∞, its Fourier transform p(ω) tends to be a Dirac delta function, and all the projected points on the circle would be near zero. In both cases, the ensemble of circular discrepancy is small. This



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observation is consistent with the asymptotic behavior of gaussian kernel SVM (Keerthi & Lin, 2003).



3.3 Ensemble of Circular Discrepancy. We have discussed the circular discrepancy for a given random projection ω on a unit circle. For shiftinvariant kernels, ω is not a fixed value but randomly sampled from a distribution (see equation 2.2). We use the sampling method for an ensemble of circular discrepancy under different random projections. This ensemble turns out to be an efficient approximation of empirical estimate of MMD, so algorithm 1 can be explained as an ensemble of circular discrepancy. Definition 3. Suppose p(ω) is the normalized distribution in equation 2.2 for kernel K; X1 and X2 are two circular distributions depending on ω according to equations 3.1 and 3.2. The ensemble of circular discrepancy for X1 and X2 with shift-invariant kernel K is defined as 1

η(X1 (ω), X2 (ω); p(ω)) = [Eω∼ p(ω) η2 (X1 (ω), X2 (ω))] 2 .



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  Claim 3. For a shift-invariant kernel K(x, y) = φ(x), φ(y) , K(0) = 1. Denote H as the associated Hilbert space with kernel K, p(ω) as the normalized distribution in equation 2.2, and X1 and X2 as two circular distributions depending on ω defined by equations 3.1 and 3.2. Then the ensemble of circular discrepancy is  1  1 η(X1 (ω), X2 (ω); p(ω)) = φ(x ) − φ(x ) i i . |I | |I2 | 1 i∈I i∈I 1




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Proof. By substituting equation 3.5 into equation 3.6 and using Bochner’s theorem, we can obtain (Left hand)2 =

N N  

ai a j Eω∼p(ω) cos(ω (xi − x j ))

i=1 j=1


N  N 

ai a j K(xi , x j ) = (Right hand)2 ,

i=1 j=1

where ai =

1 |I1 |

if i ∈ I1 , and ai =

−1 |I2 |

if i ∈ I2 .

Figure 3 demonstrates the relationship of MMD, circular discrepancy, and our approximation. The blue and red contours are two distributions, and p(ω) is the distribution determined by Fourier transform of the kernel.



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Figure 3: Flowchart of the circular discrepancy ensemble.

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We generate i.i.d. samples ω from distribution p(w). For each generated p(ω), we project samples on a unit circle and calculate the circular discrepancy. The ensemble of discrepancy then corresponds to the MMD. We can see that the circular discrepancy constructs classifiers implicitly. If we use other similarity measurements such as Mallows distance (earth mover’s distance; Werman, Peleg, Melter, & Kong, 1986), other than the sine function utilized in definition 2, more extensive metrics for two-sample test can be naturally obtained. Furthermore, it should be noted that in definition 3, we use an L2 -norm average for ensemble. If we use other norms, we can also generalize more measures other than MMD for this task. All of these extensions are hopeful directions for future investigation. 4 Experimental Results 4.1 Approximation Quality. We begin by investigating how well our methods can approximate the exact MMD as the sampling number L increases. Following previous work on kernel hypothesis testing (Gretton, Sriperumbudur et al., 2012; Zaremba et al., 2013), our synthetic distribution is designed as 5 × 5 grids of 2D gaussian blobs. We specify two distributions, P and Q. For distribution P, each gaussian has an identity covariance matrix, while for distribution Q, the covariance is nonspherical with a ratio  of large to small covariance eigenvalues. Samples drawn from P and Q are presented in Figure 4. The ratio  is set as 4, and the sample number for each distribution is set as 1000.



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Figure 4: Synthetic data. (a) Distribution P. (b) Distribution Q.

Figure 5: MMD approximation errors of FastMMD with respect to number of basis functions L.

We used a gaussian kernel with σ = 1, which approximately matches the scale of the variance of each gaussian in mixture P. The MMD approximation results are shown in Figure 5. We use the relative difference between exact (biased and unbiased) MMD and the approximation to quantify the error. The absolute difference also exhibits similar behavior and is thus not shown due to space limitations. The results are presented as averages from 1000 trials. As can be seen, as L increases, both FastMMD-Fourier and FastMMD-Fastfood converge quickly to exact MMD in both biased and unbiased cases. Their performances are indistinguishable. For both methods, a good approximation can be obtained from even a modest number of basis functions.



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4.2 Accuracy Test for MMD with Kernel Family. In some situations, MMD with a kernel family is preferred (Sriperumbudur et al., 2009). Here we present an experiment that illuminates the superiority of our FastMMD methods on the accuracy of MMD with a kernel family. The synthesis data are generated as follows. All samples are constrained into a two-dimensional rectangle: −5 ≤ x1 , x2 ≤ 5. The points, which are located within a circular ring in between by x21 + x22 = 1 and x21 + x22 = 16, are labeled +1; the other points are labeled −1. We generate 200 samples for each distribution randomly as the test set. Then we use these samples to calculate MMD with a kernel family. Here the kernel family is composed of multivariate isotropic gaussians with bandwidth varying between 0.1 and 100, with a multiplicative step size of 101/5 . We compare our method with exact MMD, MMD-linear (Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012), and B-test (Zaremba et al., 2013). Note that the latter two methods are valid only for unbiased MMD. In our methods, the number of the basis function L is set as 1024. The block √ size in the B-test is set to the default choice: the square of sample size N. For our method, we repeat our method 1000 times and use the curves and error bars to represent means and standard deviations of MMD, respectively. Since both MMD-linear and B-test depend on the permutation of data samples, we make 1000 permutations of the samples. From Figure 6, it can be seen that the means of all these methods are consistent with the true values. Also, it can be seen that our FastMMD-Fourier and FastMMD-Fastfood have similar accuracy, and their deviations are much smaller than those of MMD-linear and B-test. For some applications, we need to find the kernel that has the maximal MMD. Since our methods have lower variance, they are inclined to find the correct σ with higher probability than MMD-linear and B-test.

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4.3 Efficiency Test on Synthetic Data. In order to evaluate the efficiency of our methods, we generate samples uniformly from [0, 0.95]d and [0.95, 1]d . The efficiency of different methods is shown in Figure 7. In Figure 7a, the number of samples varies from 103 to 105 , and the data dimension d is set as 16. In Figure 7b, the number of samples is set as 104 , and the dimension d varies from 8 to 1024. All competing methods are implemented in Matlab except that we use Spiral WHT Package3 to perform the Fast Walsh-Hadamard transform in Fastfood. The comparison methods are exact MMD, MMD-linear, and B-test.4 We run all the codes on a PC with AMD Athlon X2 250 (800 MHz) CPU and 4 GB RAM memory. From Figure 7, we can see that when N or d varies from small to large, our methods gradually become more efficient than exact MMD and B-test.





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Figure 6: MMD approximation for a kernel family with different bandwidth σ . (a) Biased MMD. (b) Unbiased MMD. (c) Standard deviations of approximated unbiased MMD in panel b.

Figure 7: Efficiency comparison of different methods. Our methods have better scalability than the exact solution. (a) Fix d = 16 and L = 128; change the number of samples N. (b) Fix N = 104 and L = 8192; change d. Note that the axes are log-scale.



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Table 1: Efficiency and Accuracy Comparison on PASCAL VOC 2007. MMD-linear

MMD-Fourier MMD-Fastfood

0.1081 5.168×10−3 0.277% 211.7 74

0.1083 1.150×10−3 0.0923% 13.08 1192

0.1083 1.261×10−3 0.0923% 6.45 2417


MMD mean 0.1084 0.0817 SD 5.276×10−2 Relative error 24.6% Time in seconds 15,590.1 185.5 Speed-up 84





When d = 16 and N = 105 , FastMMD-Fourier and FastMMD-Fastfood are 2000/5× and 4000/10× faster than exact MMD / B-test, respectively. As for MMD-linear, since it is the extreme simplified subsampling version of MMD calculation, it always runs very fast. However, as the sample size or dimension increases, the computation times of our methods still depict a more slowly increasing trend than that of MMD-linear. This empirically confirms the efficiency of the proposed FastMMD methods.

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4.4 Efficiency Test on Large-Scale Real Data. In order to validate the efficiency of FastMMD on real-world data, we also perform experiments on PASCAL VOC 2007, which is popular in the computer vision community.5 The data set consists of 9963 images, and there are 20 object categories in this data set, with some images containing multiple objects. In our experiments, we choose 4015 images that contain persons as one sample set, and the remaining 5948 images as another sample set. We use the VLFEAT toolbox to extract features.6 For each image, the feature is constructed by bag-of-words representation and spatial pyramid. The code book size for bag-of-words is 1024, and the spatial pyramid contains 1 × 1, 2 × 2, and 4 × 4 levels. Thus, the feature dimension for each image is 1024 × (1 + 2 × 2 + 4 × 4) = 21,504. Finally, the feature vectors are normalized by L1 norm. We use MMD to measure the discrepancy between these two image sets. In this calculation, the sample number is N = 9963 and the data dimension is d = 21,504. The number of basis functions L is fixed as 1024. The bandwidth σ is set as 10−2.2 = 0.0631. We perform this experiment on a PC with Intel Core i7-3770 with 3.4 GHz CPU and 32 GB RAM memory. The results on efficiency and accuracy are shown in Table 1. We compare our method with exact MMD, MMD-linear, and B-test. Except for exact MMD, we repeat 10 times for each method and report the mean and standard deviation of MMD, execution time, and relative error. The best results among all the methods are shown in bold. We can see that our FastMMD

5 6



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Figure 8: Type II error when using FastMMD-Fourier for biased MMD. (a) Fix  = 4, change L. (b) Fix L = 256 and the ratio  of variance eigenvalues is varied from 1.2 to 3.0. Results from the four other typical methods are included for comparison; each result is the average of 100 trials.

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methods have smaller approximation errors and smaller deviations, along with three orders of speed-up compared to exact MMD.

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4.5 Type II Error. Given MMD, several strategies can be employed to calculate the test threshold (Gretton et al., 2009; Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012; Chwialkowski, Sejdinovic, & Gretton, 2014). We use the bootstrap strategy (Arcones & Gin´e, 1992) in our experiments since it can be easily integrated into our FastMMD method. Also the bootstrap is preferred for large-scale data sets since it costs O(N2 d), faster than most other methods for this task such as Person, with cost O(N3 d) (Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012). The data used for this experiment are generated from the gaussian blob distributions as described in section 4.1. The sample size is set as 1000 for two distributions. The bandwidth is selected by maximizing MMD. The selected bandwidth is σ = 1, and it approximately matches the scale of variance of each gaussian blob in distribution P. We find that all of the biased and unbiased FastMMD methods have similar good performance and thus demonstrate only the result of FastMMD-Fourier for biased MMD. The level α for type I error is set as 0.05, and the number of bootstrap shuffles is 1000. The type II error is shown in Figure 8a. We can see that the type II error drops quickly when increasing the number of basis functions. It demonstrates empirically that increasing the number of basis functions can decrease the type II error. We also compare our method with Bootstrap (Bootstrap approach with exact MMD), Pearson (moment matching to Pearson curves), spectrum (Gram matrix eigenspectrum), and gamma (two-parameter gamma



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5 Conclusion




approximation), where the former two approaches are presented in Gretton, Borgwardt et al. (2012) and the latter two are introduced in Gretton, Sriperumbudur et al. (2012). The basis number used in FastMMD is fixed at 256. The type II errors of all competing methods with respect to  are shown in Figure 8b. The execution times for different approaches are 88.7s (Bootstrap), 37.9s (Pearson), 33.2s (spectrum), 0.73s (Gamma), and 4.5 (our FastMMD+Bootstrap). We see that the proposed FastMMD method can achieve results comparable to those of other methods and that it is evidently more efficient than Bootstrap, Pearson, and spectrum. This actually substantiates the efficiency of FastMMD since our method and Bootstrap are the same except for their different strategies for calculating MMD. Our method is less efficient than the Gamma method because bootstrap methods are need to calculate MMD many times (it is determined by the number of bootstrap shuffles, which is 1000 in this experiment). How to design an effective statistic based on FastMMD and optimal threshold remains a challenging issue for investigation.

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In this letter, we propose FastMMD, a method for efficiently calculating the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) for shift-invariant kernels. Taking advantage of Fourier transform of shift-invariant kernels, we get a linear time complexity approximation method. We prove the theoretical convergence of the proposed method in both unbiased and biased cases and present a geometric explanation for it. This explanation delivers new insights into the intrinsic MMD mechanism, and we hope it will inspire more extensive new metrics for a two-sample test, which we will investigate in our future research. Future work also includes finding the significance threshold using more efficient and effective strategies other than bootstrap. Appendix: Supplementary Proofs A.1 Relationship between Biased and Unbiased Estimate of MMD. The unbiased estimate of MMD is (see lemma 6 in Gretton, Borgwardt et al., 2012) MMD2u [F , X1 , X2 ] =

  1 K(xi , x j ) + m(m − 1) i∈I1 j∈I1 , j=i

  2  1 K(xi , x j ) − K(xi , x j ), n(n − 1) mn i∈I2 j∈I2 , j=i

where m = |I1 |, n = |I2 |.

i∈I1 j∈I2



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   1  Denote S1 = m12 i∈I j∈I1 K(xi , x j ), S2 = n2 i∈I2 j∈I2 K(xi , x j ). If the 1 kernel K is shift invariant, let k0 = K(0, 0) = K(xi , xi ) for any xi . Then we have

1 1 m+n−2 S + S − k . m − 1 1 n − 1 2 (m − 1)(n − 1) 0


= MMD2b +

m n (S − k0 /m) + (S − k0 /n) m−1 1 n−1 2


MMD2u = (MMD2b − S1 − S2 ) +

  Denote μ1 = m1 i∈I φ(xi ) and μ2 = n1 i∈I φ(xi ). The biased and unbi1 2 ased estimate of MMD can be reformulated as 2 MMD2b = μ1 − μ2 H ,

m+n−2 k . (m − 1)(n − 1) 0


orr ect

1 1 μ 2 + μ 2 m−1 1 H n−1 2 H


2 MMD2u = μ1 − μ2 H +


A.2 Preliminary for the Proof of Theorems 2 and 3. The following two claims and an equivalent form of algorithm 1 provide basic tools to analyze the MMD approximation.

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Claim 4 (Uniform Convergence for Linear Combination of Approximation). Let M be a compact subset of Rd , f (·; ω) be a function with parameter ω. If ω is drawn from a distribution and the difference of two functions is bounded as ⎡

Pr ⎣ sup | f (xi , y j ; ω) − g(xi , y j )| ≥  ⎦ ≤ C(), xi ,y j ∈M


where C() is function about , then   ⎤      ai a j f (xi , y j ; ω) − ai a j g(xi , y j ) ≥  ⎦ Pr ⎣ sup   {xi },{y j }⊂M  (i, j) (i, j)    ≤C  . (i, j) |ai a j | ⎡




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Proof. For any fixed ω, we have


        sup  ai a j f (xi , y j ; ω) − ai a j g(xi , y j )  {xi },{y j }⊂M  (i, j) (i, j)  ≤ sup |ai a j | · | f (xi , y j ; ω) − g(xi , y j )| {xi },{y j }⊂M (i, j)

|ai a j | · sup | f (xi , y j ; ω) − g(xi , y j )|.


xi ,y j ∈M

(i, j)


Based on equation A.3, we know that with probability more than 1 − C(), it holds that supx ,y ∈M | f (xi , y j ; ω) − g(xi , y j )| < . So with probability i j  more than 1 − C(), it holds that sup{x },{y }⊂M | (i, j) ai a j f (xi , y j ; ω) − i j   (i, j) ai a j g(xi , y j )| < (i, j) |ai a j | · . The proof is complete. Claim 5. The following inequality holds: 

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exp(a −

a2 + b2 /x2 )
0, a > 1, b > 0


Proof. We need to prove only exp(a −

a2 + x−2 )
0, a > 0,

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and then make a variable substitution x ← x /b. Taking the logarithm of both sides, we have a−

√ a2 + x−2 < log( 2a) + 2 log x.

Define a function f (x) = 2 log x + three properties of f (x):

√ a2 + x−2 + log( 2a) − a. Next we prove

1. limx→0+ f (x) = +∞, because x−2 dominates the other when x → 0+ . Also it is obvious that limx→+∞ f (x) = +∞. 2. f (x) = 1x (2 − x2 √a12 +x−2 ). Let f (x∗ ) = 0. Then we obtain the only so √ 2 lution x∗ = −1+2a21+a . Since f (x) is continuous and differentiable, + f (0 ) = +∞, and f (+∞) = +∞, we have that f (x∗ ) is the minimum of this function.



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3. Finally, we prove f (x∗ ) > 0:   √ f (x∗ ) = log(−1 + 1 + a2 ) − log( 2a) + (1 + 1 + a2 ) − a.


√ √ √ Denote g(a) = log(−1 +√ 1 + a2 ) − log( 2a) + (1 + 1 + a2 ) − a. We can verify that g (a) = 1 + a−2 − 1 > 0 and g(1) > 0. So f (x∗ ) = g(a) > 0.

N  N 

ai a j cos(ω xi − ω x j )

i=1 j=1 N N  

ai a j [cos(ω xi ) cos(ω x j ) + sin(ω xi ) sin(ω x j )]

i=1 j=1






We provide an equivalent form of FastMMD. It is easy to verify that

2 ai cos ω xi


ai sin ω xi



N 2  = v(xi ) , i=1

orr ect





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where v(xi ) = [cos(ω 1 xi ), . . . , cos(ω L xi ), sin(ω 1 xi ), . . . , sin(ω L xi )]. The time complexity of this method is also linear. Note that the expression on the right-hand side is the square length for weighted addition of random Fourier features (Rahimi & Recht, 2007), which means this method uses random Fourier features to calculate MMD. The procedure for approximating MMD is described in algorithm 2. Note that this algorithm is equivalent to algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 provides a geometric explanation of MMD, and algorithm 2 is convenient for the following uniform convergence analysis. A.3 Proof of Theorem 2. From algorithm 2, it is easy to see that 2

MMDb = z1 − z2 2 =

N  N 

ai a j z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω),


i=1 i=1

where ai = |I1 | if i ∈ I1 and ai = |I1 | if i ∈ I2 , ω = {ωi }Li=1 . K(·) and z(xi ; ω) are 1 2 the same as that in algorithm 2. According to equation 5 in Gretton, Borgwardt et al. (2012):

MMD2b =

N N   i=1 i=1

ai a j K(xi , x j ).




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Based on equations A.7 and A.8, we have  Pr


x1 ,···xN ∈M

= Pr

MMD2b |


  N N  N N        sup  ai a j z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω) − ai a j K(xi , x j ) ≥  .  ,···x ∈M  i=1 i=1


i=1 i=1

Un c


2 |MMDb


According to claim 1 in random features (Rahimi & Recht, 2007), ⎡

Pr ⎣ sup |z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω) − K(xi , x j )| ≥  ⎦ xi ,x j ∈M



σ p diam(M ) 


 exp −

L 2 4(d + 2)



Denote the right-hand side of inequality A.10 as C(). Based on claim 4, equation A.9 is bounded by C( N N |a a | ) = C( 4 ). Then we can obtain the i=1


i j

uniform convergence for biased estimate of MMD.



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J. Zhao and D. Meng

Next we prove the case for an unbiased estimate of MMD. According to algorithm 2 and by virtue of certain algebraically equivalent transformations, we obtain   1 z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω) |I1 |(|I1 | − 1) i∈I1 j∈I1 , j=i


  1 z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω) |I2 |(|I2 | − 1)


i∈I2 j∈I2 , j=i



MMDu =

 2 z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω). |I1 | · |I2 | i∈I1 j∈I2


MMD2u =


According to equation 3 in Gretton, Borgwardt et al. (2012), we know that   1 K(xi , x j ) |I1 |(|I1 | − 1) i∈I1 j∈I1 , j=i

   2 1 K(xi , x j ) − K(xi , x j). |I2 |(|I2 | − 1) |I1 | · |I2 |

orr ect +

i∈I2 j∈I2 , j=i

i∈I1 j∈I2


Based on equations A.11 and A.12 and claim 4, Pr[supx MMD2b | ≥ ] is bounded by C( 

(i, j)

|ai a j |



,···xN ∈M

|MMDb −

) = C( 4 ). Then we obtain the uniform

Un c

convergence for unbiased estimate of MMD. A.4 Proof of Theorem 3. Define f (xi , x j ; ω) = z (xi ; ω)z(x j ; ω) − K(xi , x j ) and recall that | f (xi , x j )| ≤ 2 and E[ f (xi , x j )] = 0 (according to lemma 3 in Le et al., 2013). Since f is shift-invariant as their arguments, we use  ≡ xi − x j ∈ M for notational simplicity. M is compact and with a diameter at most twice diam(M ). Then we can find an -net that covers M using at most T = (4 diam(M )/r)d balls of radius r (Cucker & Smale, 2001). Let {k }Tk=1 denote the centers of these balls. We have | f ()| <  for all  ∈ M if the following two conditions hold for all k: (1) | f (k )| < /2 and (2) | f (xi , x j )| < /2, if xi − x j belongs to the ball k of the -net. Next we bound the probability of these two events. First, the union bound followed by Hoeffding’s inequality applied to the anchors in the -net gives Pr[∪Tk=1 | f (k )| ≥ /2] ≤ 2T exp(−d 2 /8).




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Second, if we use Fastfood for FastMMD in algorithm 2 and suppose the estimate of kernel arises from a d × d block of Fastfood, then according to theorem 6 in the Fastfood literature (Le et al., 2013), we have Pr | f (xi , x j )| ≥

2xi − x j 


log(2/δ) log(2d/δ) d

 ≤ 2δ.



Since d usually is large in the Fastfood method, we suppose that (log d)/2 ≥ 1. Considering claim 5 and the fact that xi − x j  ≤ 2r, this inequality can be further reformulated as ⎛  ⎞ − (log d)2 + dσ 2  2 /xi − x j 2 + log d ⎠ Pr[| f (xi , x j )| ≥ ] ≤ 4 exp ⎝ 2


   − (log d)2 + 2−2 dσ 2  2 /r2 + log d log d ≤ 64 2 2 r2 . ≤ 4 exp 2 dσ 


orr ect

Combining equations A.13 and A.14 gives a bound in terms of the free variable r:       Pr sup  f (xi , x j ) ≥  x1 ,...,xN ∈M

4 diam(M ) ≤2 r


−d 2 exp 8

 + 64

log d 2 r . dσ 2  2

This has the form 1 − κ1 r−d − κ2 r2 . Setting r = 2 d+2

Un c

d d+2

κ2 κ1 , and assuming that that  Pr


x1 ,...,xN ∈M

≤ 212

log ddiam(M ) dσ 2  2

1  κ1  d+2


turns this to 1 −

≥ 1 and diam(M ) ≥ 1, we obtain

| f (xi , x j )| ≥ 

log ddiam(M ) dσ 2  2


 exp −

d 2 4(d + 2)



Denote the right-hand side of the inequality A.15 as C(). Similar to the proof in theorem 2, we have 



x1 ,...,xN ∈M


 − MMD2 | ≥  |MMD b b







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Then we complete the proof of the uniform convergence for a biased estimate of MMD. The convergence for unbiased estimate of MMD can be proved in a similar way.

EQ,P sin(Y − X1 ) − EQ,P sin(Y − X2 ) 2


q(y)p1 (x) sin(y − x) dxdy − 


q(y)p2 (x) sin(y − x) dxdy




A.5 Proof of Claim 2. Let p1 (x), p2 (x), and q(y) be the PDFs for random variables X1 , X2 , and Y, respectively. We then have

(p1 (x) − p2 (x)) sin(y − x)dx dy.



 Since q(y) ≥ 0 and q(y)dy = 1, the maximum of the previous expression with respect to all possible q(y) is 

(p1 (x) − p2 (x)) sin(y − x)dx.


orr ect


If p1 (x) − p2 (x) = 


i=1 ai δ(x

− xi ), then

(p1 (x) − p2 (x)) sin(y − x)dx =


ai sin(y − xi ) = A sin(y − θ ).


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The second equation holds because the sum of sinusoids with the same frequency is also a sinusoid with that frequency. According to the trigonometric identity, it holds that ⎡


N N  

⎤ 12

ai a j cos(xi − x j )⎦ ,

i=1 j=1

θ = atan2

N  i=1

ai sin xi ,


 ai cos xi ,


where atan2 is the four-quadrant arctangent function. The supremum of this problem is A when y = θ . Acknowledgments We thank Alex Smola for valuable suggestions. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments, which helped us to



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improve the letter. This research was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under grant. 2013CB329404, the China NSFC project under contracts 61373114 and 11131006, and the Civil Aviation Administration of China jointly funded project U1233110.



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Received May 15, 2014; accepted January 7, 2015.

FastMMD: Ensemble of Circular Discrepancy for Efficient Two-Sample Test.

The maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) is a recently proposed test statistic for the two-sample test. Its quadratic time complexity, however, greatly hamp...
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