
technical considerations involved with RRT, including the dose and type of RRT support, issues not directly studied in the report by Modem et al (8), are controversial and can only be thoroughly vetted by larger multicenter RCTs. Since the publication of several PP-CRRT articles, the awareness offluidoverload as a clinical "symptom" with negative consequence has prompted more diligence to fluid removal and prevention of fluid overload states. For this reason, it has become increasingly important to identify RRT initiation triggers associated with poor outcome that are not fluid related. Reports such as this one, particularly in pediatrics, underscore the importance of considering early initiation of RRT. The future of RRT epidemiologic study will include RCTs involving AKI biomarker-based decision algorithms to detect and accurately predict RRT need. Clinical trials based on renal angina context-based AKI stratification (12) and plasma levels of novel biomarkers such as neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (13) may offer the possibility of identifying initiation triggers independent of disease severity and kidney dysfunction, allowing more pure association with outcomes.

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Fluid Resuscitation: Less Is More* David Dries, MSE, MD HealthPartners Medical Group Regions Hospital St. Paul, MN; and Professor of Surgery and Anesthesiology University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN

A s Dutton (1) points out in a recent review, no therapy L\ in trauma comes without risk. Although tourniquets JL JLand pressure dressings may stop bleeding, they increase local tissue injury. Aggressive airway management includes risks of inability to intubate, compromise of tenuous hemodynamics.

'See also p. 954. Keywords: blood; crystalloids; prehospital; resuscitation; trauma The author has disclosed that he does not have any potential conflicts of interest. Copyright © 2013 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and uppincott Williams & Wilkins DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000171

Critical Care Medicine

and subtle dangers such as hyperventilation with reduced cerebral bloodflow.Most resuscitative fluids are given at room temperature, and if given rapidly or in large amounts, the negative thermal load may produce a significant metabolic strain. Hypothermia may develop and a cascade of physiological distortion deepens. For example, the primary rate constant for individual clotting reactions is decreased by hypothermia, and synchronization of the clotting cascade is disrupted. Other metabolic issues include hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis associated with administration of saline solutions, renal dysfunction with chloride loading, increased lactate levels, hypotonicity, and cardiotoxicity, particularly with additives such as lactate and acetate (1,2). Bulk administration of IVfluidproduces important mechanical effects on the circulation. In a vasoconstricted patient after injury, as litfle as 100 mL of fluid may increase end-diastolic pressure sufficienfly to raise cardiac output and blood pressure. Increased intravascular pressure may improve perfusion in nonconstricted vascular beds but may also reverse hemostatic reflexes and exert pressure on extravascular clot. Fluid administration leading to increased blood pressure in the setting of uncontrolled hemorrhage predicts rebleeding (1,3,4). The recenfly completed www.ccmjournal.org


Editorials Fluid Expansion As Supportive Therapy study comparing boluses of albumin or saline with no boluses during resuscitation of over 3,000 febrile chOdren demonstrated a significant increase in the rate of death at 48 hours after initiation of bolus resuscitation whether albumin or saline was used for this therapy. The principal cause of death in these children was cardiovascular coUapse rather than fluid overload or neurologic causes. Bleeding was not involved. An adverse interaction between bolus fluid administration and compensatory neurohumeral responses was suggested. Thus, even the traditional fluid bolus may be deleterious (5,6). Administration of IV products other than blood components will change the composition of circulating hlood with consequences measured in coagulopathy, disruption of endothelium, loss of membrane integrity, and extracellular edema. Resuscitation is required but how best to accomplish it remains unclear. An old adage in shock management is to replace what the patient has lost. If blood is lost, then blood should be replaced. The dehydrated patient is a good candidate for crystalloids. Aggressive administration of crystalloids to the bleeding patient may create acute respiratory distress syndrome and hepatic and renal failure (4,5,7). Despite a lack of evidence demonstrating clear benefit to prehospital fluid resuscitation, this practice is considered to be standard of care (1, 3, 7). Although we do not have guidance about the good, bad, and optimal, national prehospital care guidelines are shifting to recognize the limitations of uncontrolled early fluid administration. The Advanced Trauma Life Support course of the "American College of Surgeons" describes "balanced resuscitation" with delayed aggressive fluid administration, even if lower than normal blood pressure is accepted, untu definitive surgical control of bleeding is possible. If fluids are given, how much is appropriate? Even with restoration of normal blood pressure, heart rate, and urine output, up to 85% of severely injured trauma victims WÜ1 have evidence of inadequate tissue oxygénation reflected in metaboHc acidosis or evidence of gastric mucosal ischemia. Unfortunately, metabolic variables and oxygen transport data are not readily available tofieldpersonnel (8,9). Within the body of evidence favoring restricted fluid administration in the initial management of injury, significant ambiguity exists. Wang et al (10) capture the limitations of available work in this issue of Critical Care Medicine. After discussion of available evidence in a meta-analysis, limitations of available studies are revealed. Much of the basic work in resuscitation of uncontrolled hemorrhage has been conducted in animals as clinical studies pose multiple, logistical, and ethical difficulties. Wang et al (10) found only four applicable, randomized controlled trials between 1994 and 2011. Characteristics of patients including the proportion of blunt and penetrating trauma varied. Many trials excluded traumatic brain injury, a key determinant of outcome. The location of resuscitation differed among included trials and the proportion of men participating ranged from 64% to 94%. Blood pressure targets, a poor indication of perfusion, were most commonly employed to identify patients for resuscitation. These authors identified only seven relevant observational studies between the years 1990 and 2012. Again, the largest portion of subjects was male. In contrast to the randomized controlled trials. 1006


observational studies more fi-equently included patients with blunt trauma and traumatic brain injury. Burned patients were not specifically excluded, although burn resuscitation includes unique considerations (11). The majority of the studies, but not all studies, were performed in the prehospital setting. Other issues include inconsistent reporting of mortality and time to definitive care. Exsanguination was the most common scenario for mortality in these trials. Our inability to study a process which is virtually impossible to blind is easy to recognize. This meta-analysis can be recommended for carefiil assembly of data on which subsequent trials may be fashioned and review of limitations in present work. The future may be reflected in a recent article from the " Pacific Coast Surgical Association." A single trauma center studied 174 trauma patients who ultimately required massive transfusion (> 10 units of RBCs in 24 hr) or the institutional massive transfusion protocol. In this review of practice conducted over a 6-year interval, crystalloid infusion over the first 24 hours after injury and the total number of blood products given decreased significanfly. Injury severity and mortality remained stable. A shift toward reduced crystalloid volume and reconstitution of whole blood fi"om component products was identified. Clearly, we need more data for optimal use of both salt solutions and blood products in the early management of injury. For the present, I believe we can safely say that "less is more" ( 12,13).

REFERENCES 1. Dutton RP; Resuscitative strategies to maintain homeostasis during damage control surgery. Br J Surg 2012; 99(Suppl 1 ):21 -28 2. Yunos NM, Bellomo R, HegartyC, et al: Association between a chlorideliberal vs chloride-restrictive intravenous fluid administration strategy and kidney injury in critically ill adults. JAMA 2012; 308;1566-1572 3. Krausz MM; Initial resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock. World J Emerg Surg 2006; 1:14 4. McSviiain NE, Champion HR, Fabian TC, et al: State of the art of fluid resuscitation 2010: Prehospital and immediate transition to the hospital. J Trauma 2011 ; 70(Suppl):S2-S10 5. Myburgh JA, Mythen MG; Resuscitation fluids. N EngI J Med 2013; 369:1243-1251 6. Maitiand K, Kiguli S, Cpoka RC, et al; FEAST Trial Group; Mortality after fluid bolus in African children vi/ith severe infection. N EngI J Med 2011; 364:2483-2495 7 Cotton BA, Jerome R, Collier BR, et al; Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Practice Parameter Workgroup for Prehospital Fluid Resuscitation: Guidelines for prehospital fluid resuscitation in the injured patient. J Trauma 2009; 67:389-402 8. Tisherman SA, Barie P, Bokhari F, et al: Clinical practice guideline: Endpoints of resuscitation. J Trauma 2004; 57:898-912 9. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma: Advanced Trauma Life Support-ATLS, Ninth Edition. Chicago, IL: American College of Surgeons, 201 2 10. Wang C-H, Hsieh W-H, Chou H-C, et al: Liberal Versus Restricted Fluid Resuscitation Strategies in Trauma Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Anaiysis of Randomized Controlled Trials and Cbservational Studies. Crit Care Med 2014; 42:954-961 11. Endorf FW, Dries DJ: Burn resuscitation. Scand J Trauma Resuso

Med 2011 ; 19:69 12. Kutcher ME, Kornblith LZ, Narayan R, et al: A paradigm shift in trauma resuscitation: Evaluation of evolving massive transfusion practices. JAMA Surg 2013; 148:834-840 13. Dries DJ: The contemporary roie of blood products and components used in trauma resuscitation. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2010; 18:63 April 2014 • Volume 42 • Number 4

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