Veterinary Clinical Pathology ISSN 0275-6382


Gamma delta T-cell large granular lymphocyte lymphoma in a dog Ana Liza Ortiz1, Sofia Carvalho2, Chiara Leo2, Fulvio Riondato3, Joy Archer1, Francesco Cian4 1

University of Cambridge Veterinary School Trust, Cambridge, UK; 2Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; Department of Veterinary Science, University of Turin, Turin, Italy; and 4Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, UK


Key Words Canine, flow cytometry, immunophenotyping, lymphoid tumor Correspondence Ana Liza Ortiz, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0ES, UK E-mail: [email protected] DOI:10.1111/vcp.12265

Abstract: A 2-year and 6-month-old female neutered Labrador Retriever with Horner syndrome, megaesophagus, and a mediastinal mass was referred to the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals of the Royal Veterinary College. A large granular lymphocyte (LGL) lymphoma was diagnosed on cytology; flow cytometric analysis revealed a cd T-cell phenotype (CD3+, CD5+, CD45+, TCRcd+, CD4 , CD8 , CD34 , CD21 ). Chemotherapy was started with a combination of lomustine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisolone, followed by bleyomicin. Euthanasia was elected by the owners, due to progressive deterioration and lack of quality of life, 28 days after diagnosis. This is the first cytologic and immunophenotypic characterization of a canine cd T-cell lymphoma with LGL morphology and probably of mediastinal origin. The role of chemotherapy in delaying the disease progression remains unknown.

Case Presentation A 2-year and 6-month-old female neutered Labrador Retriever was presented to the referring veterinary surgeon with a 2-week history of retching and coughing. The dog was then first treated for presumptive kennel cough but did not improve. Thoracic radiographs revealed a soft tissue opacity in the cranioventral region of the thorax; there were also broad effacement of the cardiac silhouette and a small amount of pleural effusion. The dog was subsequently referred to the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals at the Royal Veterinary College for further diagnostic tests. On physical examination, vital parameters were normal, but there were bilateral dull heart sounds on cardiac auscultation. On abdominal palpation, cranial organomegaly was suspected. Horner’s syndrome was present in the left eye characterized by enophthalmos, miosis, and protrusion of the third eyelid, and there was moderate muscle atrophy of the right temporal muscle. Neurologic examination localized a potential pathologic process in the right trigeminal nerve and sympathetic innervation to the left eye. Hematology variables were unremarkable. Biochemical abnormalities included moderate hyperbilirubinemia (10.0 lmol/L; Reference Interval [RI] 0.0–2.4 lmol/L) and moderate elevation in ALT activity (255 U/L; RI 13–88 U/L). A free-catch urinalysis


revealed poorly concentrated urine (USG: 1.026), hematuria (50 RBC per high power field [HPF, 9400], RI 0–5 RBC/HPF), and pyuria (50 WBC per HPF, RI 0– 5 WBC/HPF). A urine culture was performed and no growth was observed. Thoracic radiographs and a computed tomography (CT) scan of the thorax and abdomen revealed a large mass (measuring W9.6 9 H7.4 9 L10 cm) on the ventral aspect of the cranial mediastinum, resulting in displacement of the trachea and the cranial vena cava dorsally and to the right (Figure 1). A megaesophagus was also noted. Cranial mediastinal, tracheobronchial, and axillary lymph nodes were mildly enlarged. A CT scan of the abdomen revealed no abnormalities. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspirations of the mediastinal mass, liver, and spleen were obtained. Cytology of the mediastinal mass revealed the presence of a mixed population of lymphoid cells, the majority (70%) being intermediate to large in size (Figure 2). The nuclei were round, occasionally indented, paracentrally to eccentrically placed, with coarse granular chromatin, rarely showing poorly distinct multiple round nucleoli. The basophilic cytoplasm was moderate in amounts and frequently contained multiple small intracytoplasmic magenta granules. A few atypical mitotic figures were also present. These results were consistent with large granular lymphocyte (LGL) lymphoma. Cytology from the liver

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cd T-cell LGL lymphoma in a dog

Figure 1. Computer tomography scan image (transversal view) demonstrating a large mass measuring approximately W9.6 9 H7.4 9 L10 cm on the ventral aspect of the cranial mediastinum in a dog. The mass slightly and homogeneously enhances the contrast.



Figure 2. Fine-needle aspirate from a mediastinal mass of a dog with cd T-cell large granular lymphocyte lymphoma. (A–B) Monomorphic population of large lymphoid cells containing variable numbers of azurophilic intracytoplasmic granules and atypical mitotic figures. Wright–Giemsa, (A) 950, (B) 9100 objective.

was characterized by very rare clusters of welldifferentiated hepatocytes, together with an increased number of intermediate-size lymphoid cells containing intracytoplasmic magenta granules similar to those described in the mediastinal mass. Occasional macrophages, nondegenerate neutrophils, and rare eosinophils and mast cells were also seen. Fine-needle aspiration of the spleen also showed a similar lymphoid population confirming the splenic involvement by the LGL lymphoma. According to these results, and given the normal lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood, the absence of atypical circulating lymphoid cells, and the lack of cytopenias in the blood, the patient was classified as stage IVb of the World Health Organization

(WHO) staging system for lymphoma in domestic animals.1 To further characterize this lymphoproliferative disorder, flow cytometry was performed at the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Turin, on samples obtained by fine-needle aspiration of the mediastinal mass (Figure 3). This was performed with a 3-color analysis system using a BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer and CFlow Plus software (Becton-Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Cells were labeled using monoclonal antibodies against extracellular antigens including CD5-FITC (clone YKIX322.3, T lymphocytes), CD21-PE (clone CA21D6, B lymphocytes), and CD45-AlexaFluor 647 (clone YKIX716.13, all leukocytes) in the first tube, CD3-FITC (clone CA17.2A12, T lymphocytes), CD8-PE (clone YCATE55.9, T-cytotoxic lymphocytes), and CD4-AlexaFluor 647 (cloneYKIX302.9, neutrophils and T-helper lymphocytes) in a second tube, and TCRcd (clone CA20.8H1, T subpopulation) followed by a labeling step with FITCconjugated rabbit anti-mouse IgG in a third tube.2 All antibodies were from Serotec (Oxford, UK) except for anti-TCRcd provided by Leukocyte Antigen Biology Laboratory (UC Davis, CA, USA). Additional single color analysis for CD11d (clone CA11.8H2; AbD Serotec, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA) was performed at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge with a FACSCalibur flow cytometer and CellQuest software (Becton-Dickinson).3 Overall, gated lymphoid cells were positive for CD3, CD5, CD45, and cd-TCR, and negative for the other antibodies tested (CD4, CD8, CD11d, CD21), confirming a cd T-cell origin. The dog was started on a modified protocol with a combination of lomustine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone (LOPP protocol), and clinical management of megaesophagus was instructed. To rule out myasthenia gravis as cause of the megaesophagus, testing for anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies was performed and was negative. A type 2M muscle fiber antibody test to rule out masticatory myositis was also performed, and was also negative. Clinical improvement was initially noted, but 4 days later the dog represented with increased frequency of cough. Repeated thoracic radiographs were consistent with aspiration pneumonia, likely due to the megaesophagus. The cranial mediastinal mass appeared reduced in size, although interpretation was difficult due to the presence of consolidated lung lobes. The LOPP protocol was discontinued due to the potential immunosuppressive adverse effects of it, and the dog was instead treated with antimicrobials for the pneumonia, and bleomycin for lymphoma control. Bleomycin has not been

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Figure 3. Results of flow cytometric phenotpying of a mediastinal mass of a dog with cd T-cell large granular lymphocyte lymphoma. The dot plot on the top left is showing the cell size on the x-axis and the cell complexity on the y-axis. Further dot plots indicate positive staining with antibodies to TCRcd, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD21, CD45 on the gated lymphocyte population. FSC indicates forward scatter; SSC, side scatter.

extensively validated as therapy for canine lymphoma, but anecdotal reports suggest positive results in relapsed canine lymphoma in the absence of concurrent immunosuppression.4 Two doses of bleomycin were administered (500 IU/kg) subcutaneously 2 days apart. Unfortunately, the clinical condition of the dog worsened and the owners elected for euthanasia. A postmortem examination was declined by the owners. The survival time from diagnosis was 28 days, or 27 days from the initiation of chemotherapy treatment.

Discussion Lymphoma represents one of the most common neoplasms in the dog. It comprises approximately 7–24% of all canine neoplasms, and 83% of all hematopoietic tumors.5


In the last 20 years, immunophenotyping has become a powerful tool in classifying and approaching prognostic aspects of canine lymphoma. This is important as T-cell high-grade multicentric forms have been reported of having a worse prognosis with shorter survival times in spite of chemotherapy when compared with B-cell high-grade lymphomas.6–10 Further studies have demonstrated the existence of several lymphoid subpopulations including NK lymphocytes, cd T lymphocytes, and LGL which may also undergo monoclonal expansion and generate lymphoproliferative disease. 2,11, cd T cells represent a small group of postthymic T cells that express a distinct T-cell receptor (TCR) on their surface. The majority of T cells (ab T cells) have a TCR composed of one a and one b chain (TCRab). In contrast, cd T cells have a TCR characterized by one c and one d chain (TCRcd). In people, cd T lymphocytes

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are mostly localized in the spleen, although low numbers have been found in lymph nodes and some epithelial-rich tissues.12 A similar tissue localization of cd lymphocytes has been reported in dogs.13–15 The precise function of cd lymphocytes is still unclear, although these cells have been proposed to have a role in the first line of defense in the epidermal and mucosal epithelial lining.16 Lymphomas exhibiting a cd TCR phenotype include T-cell LGL lymphoma/leukemia. LGL lymphoma/leukemia is a morphologic subtype of lymphoma characterized by lymphoid cells containing intracytoplasmic azurophilic granules.11 The exact origin of LGL is unknown, however, studies have shown that LGL may belong to several distinct cell lines, including T lymphocytes (CD3+, mostly CD8+), expressing either TCRab or TCRcd, and NK lymphocytes.11,17,18 In human medicine, cd lymphoma is a rare but well-defined entity. The WHO classification recognizes 2 main cd lymphoma types, the hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTL) and primary cutaneous cd T-cell lymphoma (PCGD-TCL). HSTL is characterized by a highly aggressive clinical course and poor prognosis.19 The presenting clinical features described in the literature are usually limited to constitutional symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, fever and abdominal discomfort, and hepatosplenomegaly.19 Cytopenias such as anemia and thrombocytopenia are frequently observed in the peripheral blood. Interestingly, HSTL is usually confined to the spleen and the liver, peripheral lymphadenomegaly is uncommon, and neoplastic circulating lymphoid cells are usually not observed.19 The incidence of cd T-cell lymphoma in dogs is reported to be low, with only a few cases reported in the veterinary literature.13,14,20,21 Only one case report of cd T-cell lymphoma with presumed mediastinal involvement exists; nevertheless, the mediastinal mass was not analyzed. In this case, immunophenotype was determined by flow cytometry performed on a sample obtained from the left prescapular lymph node (CD45+, CD3+, cd TCR+, CD4 , CD8 ) and no LGL morphology was reported.20 To the authors’ knowledge, the case presented here is the first case report of a cd T-cell LGL lymphoma, and also the first report with cytologic and flow cytometric/immunophenotypic characterization of a cd T-cell LGL lymphoma of probable mediastinal origin. The real incidence of canine cd lymphomas may be underestimated as the availability of the antibody for cd TCR is limited, and a lymphoma that is CD3+, CD4 , CD8 may be considered as a T-cell lymphoma with aberrant expression of CD4/CD8, or be referred to as an early T-cell lymphoma. The majority of cd

cd T-cell LGL lymphoma in a dog

lymphomas in people and dogs have a splenic origin while in our dog we suspect a mediastinal or a hepatic origin supported by the fact that the tumor cells were CD11d negative. CD11d is expressed on LGL, and on macrophages and T cells in the splenic red pulp. CD11d-positive cells seem to constitute 30% of splenic T cells and are almost exclusively localized in the red pulp.14 As in the present case T cells were CD11d negative, a primary hepatic or a mediastinal origin instead of splenic must be considered. The presence of hyperbilirubinemia, increased ALT activity and the infiltration of the liver with neoplastic lymphocytes confirm the involvement of the liver, but due to the wide spread of the disease at presentation, the origin of the tumor is uncertain in this case. Although cranial organomegaly was suspected on abdominal palpation, this was not confirmed on CT scan, which did not show splenomegaly or hepatomegaly, differently from what has been reported in the literature.13,14 This may reflect a less severe infiltration of these organs. Furthermore, the absence of hepatomegaly could support a mediastinal origin in this case. Complete blood cell count and blood smear evaluation were unremarkable, while dogs of the previously reported cases showed anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.13,14,20,21 Human hepatosplenic cd T-cell lymphomas also generally present with cytopenias such as anemia and thrombocytopenia. The lack of hematologic abnormalities in the current case might reflect an earlier stage of the disease compared to the previously reported cases, with a less severe infiltration of the hematopoietic organs such as spleen and bone marrow, or just a different biologic behavior altogether. The dog was classified as stage IVb of the WHO staging system for lymphoma in domestic animals. However, it is not possible to completely rule out a stage V of the disease, as bone marrow aspiration was not performed. Therefore, despite the lack of circulating neoplastic cells and absence of cytopenias, bone marrow infiltration could not be assessed. As the WHO staging system is currently the only available staging system for canine lymphoma, it was used to classify this dog’s clinical stage, although there are some controversies as to whether this staging system applies best for multicentric lymphoma. The dog was euthanatized due to deterioration associated with pneumonia and frequent regurgitation 28 days after diagnosis, although the mediastinal mass appeared to respond to treatment. Previous reports also show a poor prognosis especially when treatment is not attempted.13 However, in a previously reported case of cd T-cell lymphoma with involvement of

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peripheral lymph nodes and presence of a mediastinal mass, the dog was alive 24 months after diagnosis, being in remission on week 10 of a Madison– Wisconsin protocol.20 In another study, a dog receiving chemotherapy treatment (prednisone, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, and lomustine, alone or in combination) survived for 196 days.13 Given the limited number of cases, no conclusion regarding the efficacy of chemotherapy for the treatment of cd T-cell lymphoma can be made here. Interestingly, all the reported cases were at substage b at presentation, which has historically been considered a strong negative prognostic factor.22–24 This could support the hypothesis that cd T-cell lymphomas may represent a more aggressive subtype of lymphoma, being associated with a poor prognosis, as has already been determined in human medicine.19 Further studies with a series of canine cases are therefore warranted. This case report once more strengthens the fact that flow cytometry is a useful tool for assessing canine lymphomas, and that broad panels of antibodies should be used to determine subtypes in what has been historically considered just one single disease. It may be important to investigate a possible cd status for all CD3+ lymphomas, especially those with a CD4 CD8 or CD8+ phenotype, as cd T-cell lymphoma seems to be related with rapid progression and poor prognosis.


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Vet Clin Pathol 44/3 (2015) 442–447 ©2015 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology


Gamma delta T-cell large granular lymphocyte lymphoma in a dog.

A 2-year and 6-month-old female neutered Labrador Retriever with Horner syndrome, megaesophagus, and a mediastinal mass was referred to the Queen Moth...
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