Vol. 133, No. 2

JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Feb. 1978, p. 852859

0021-9193/78/0133-0852$02.00/0 Copyright i 1978 American Society for Microbiology

Prined in U.S.A.

Genetic Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes JAMES G. STUARTt AND JOSEPH J. FERRETTI* Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190 Received for publication 12 April 1977

The genetics of antibiotic resistance in mutant strains of Streptococcus pyogenes was studied. Utilizing a type 6 strain (9440) primarily resistant to streptomycin (Strr), classes of mutant strains were isolated that were resistant to one of the following antibiotics: rifampin (RiP), erythromycin (Eryr), thiostrepton (Tstr), spiramycin (Spr), fusidic acid (Fusr), gramicidin (Grcr), ethidium bromide (Ebrr), kanamycin (Kanr), neomycin (Neor), oleandomycin (Oler), gentamicin (Genr), and novobiocin (Novr). Transduction experiments separated antibiotic resistance markers into two distinct groups: transducible markers, including Fusr, Bacr, Ksg, SpCr, EYr, Sprr, Rift, Stlr, and Tstr (Bacr, Ksgr, Spcr, and Stlr refer to resistance to bacitracin, kasugamycin, spectinomycin, and streptolydigan, respectively), and nontransducible markers, including Grcr, Ebrr, Kanr, Neor, Oler, Genr, and Novr. By means of two- and three-point crosses, transducible markers (excluding tst) were located in three separate linkage groups. spr was found to be linked with ery and spc in the order spc-ery-spr, whereas in a separate linkage group the order was determined to be str-fus-bac-ksg. The third linkage group contained the rif and stl markers.

Studies on the genetics of antibiotic resistance in Streptococcuspyogenes were started by Leonard et al. (12), who described transduction of streptomycin resistance. Subsequently, Malke (13, 14) refined the transduction technique and described two groups of markers that were cotransduced into sensitive recipients. In one linkage group, resistance to streptomycin (str) was cotransduced at high frequency with resistance to kanamycin (kan), and in another group resistance to spectinomycin (spc), erythromycin (ery), and lincomycin (lin) were found to be tightly linked in the order described. Another antibiotic resistance marker, rifampin (rit), was shown to be separate from the streptomycin linkage group (24). All of these studies utilized strains possessing laboratory-induced antibiotic resistance markers, presumably chromosomal in

origin. Antibiotic resistance markers found in clinical isolates, which are extrachromosomal in origin, have also been transduced to sensitive recipient strains. Ubakata et al. (26) have shown that transfer of resistance occurs in two different patterns; i.e., transfer of tetracycline resistance alone or joint transfer of chloramphenicol, macrolide antibiotics, lincomycin, and clindamycin resistance. Malke (15) has shown that antibiotic t Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, Murray State University, Murray, KY 42071.


resistance to erythromycin, lincomycin, and staphylomycin S, known to be plasmid directed (16), is transferred by transduction with high efficiency. The present study of antibiotic resistance markers of chromosomal origin substantiates linkage data previously reported by Malke (14), and, further, orders four new antibiotic resistance markers within two linkage groups. Additional data establish the presence of a third linkage group including resistance to rifampin and streptolydigan (stl).

MATERIALS AND METHODS Strains. Parent strains of streptococci and streptococcal phages used in this research were obtained from the laboratory of Lewis Wannamaker at the University of Minnesota. Bacterial strains include two group A strains of S. pyogenes, a type 12 strain designated K56 and a type 6, streptomycin-resistant (Strr) strain designated 9440 str. Mutant strains were derived from 9440 str and are listed in Table 1. Antibioticresistant strains of K56 were constructed by transduction and are also listed in Table 1. The genetic symbols and nomenclature used are described by Demerec et al. (5). One strain of bacteriophage A25 was utilized in this study in transduction experiments. This strain is a double temperature-sensitive mutant designated A25 tsl-2 and was originally isolated by Malke (13). Media. Proteose peptone broth has been described

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TABLE 1. Bacterial strains Strain K56 derivativesb AS1 AS2

AS16-AS19 AS21 AS29 AS37 AS47-AS49 AS55 AS61 AS68 AS74

Markerse str-1O

rif-l 8pC

ery-l spr-4 stl-1


fus-l fus-1 bac-6 bac-6 tst

9440 derivativesc

AS7-AS10 rif AS11-AS15 spc AS20 ery-1 AS22-AS24 ery spr AS25-AS28 spr AS30-AS31 ery spr spc AS32-AS36 stl AS38-AS41 sti rif AS42-AS46 ksg AS50-AS54 fus AS56-AS58 ksg fus AS59 ksg-2 fus-1 bac-6 AS60 fus-I bac-6 AS62-AS67 bac AS69-AS73 tst AS76-AS80 grc AS81-AS85 ebr AS86-AS90 kan AS91-AS95 neo AS96-AS100 gen AS101-AS102 ole AS103 nov a Lack of an allele number following a gene designation indicates a group of independently isolated markers. b All K56 derivatives were constructed by transduction. c All 9440 derivatives contained str-10. Additional markers were obtained by selection of spontaneous mutants or by transduction into each subline.

previously by Wannamaker et al. (28) as no. 1 broth. Three types of solid media were employed. Serum Todd-Hewitt (STH) agar was prepared by adding 0.38% Na2HPO4 and 1.5% bacteriological agar to ToddHewitt broth (Difco). This solution was autoclaved, and sterile solutions of 0.02% CaCl2 and 5% normal horse serum were added. Blood agar was prepared by substituting 5% sheep blood or human blood for normal horse serum in STH agar plates. Serum soft agar was prepared by substituting 3% proteose peptone 2 (Difco) and 0.6% NaCl in proteose peptone broth with the addition of 0.7% bacteriological agar. Mutant Isolation. Spontaneous antibiotic-resistant mutants were isolated by the following procedure. Bacteria (9440 str) were grown to log phase at 30°C in proteose peptone broth, and 0.1-ml samples of this culture were added to 3 ml of serum soft agar, which


was then overlayed on STH agar plates. After incubation for 2 h at 37°C, a second 3-ml overlay of serum soft agar containing an appropriate level of antibiotic was added to the seeded STH agar plate. After overnight incubation at 37°C, resistant colonies were selected and tested for antibiotic susceptibility by a modification of the liquid microdilution method described by Baker and Thornsberry (1). Antibiotics. The antibiotics used in this study, the nominal concentration in agar overlays, and their commercial sources were as follows: streptomycin (2 mg/ml), Nutritional Biochemicals; rifampin (1 mg/ml), Becton, Dickinson and Co.; spectinomycin (266

,ug/ml), Upjohn; erythromycin (1.66 ,g/ml), Sigma; spiramycin (33 ,g/ml), Phone-Paulenc, Paris; streptolydigan (133 ,ug/ml), Upjohn; kasugamycin (13.3 mg/ml), Bristol Laboratories; fusidic acid (833,ug/ml), Leo Pharmaceutical; bacitracin (10 pug/ml), Sigma; thiostrepton (3.33 pg/ml), Squibb and Sons; gentamicin (1 mg/ml), Schering Corp.; gramicidin (100 pg/ml), Sigma; kanamycin (6.66 mg/ml), Sigma; neomycin (6.66 mg/ml), Sigma; oleandomycin (50 ug/ml), Sigma; and novobiocin (250 pug/ml), Sigma. Transduction. The procedure employed for transduction was a modification of techniques described by Colon et al. (4) and Malke (13). Bacteriophage for transduction experiments were propagated by adding 1 drop of phage (with titer exceeding 107 plaque-forming units per ml) plus 1 drop of donor bacteria from an overnight culture to 10 ml of proteose peptone broth containing hyaluronidase (0.1 mg/ml). After incubation overnight at 30°C, bacteriophage were separated from bacteria by membrane (Millipore Corp.) filtration and stored at 4°C. Transduction was performed according to the following procedure: 1 ml of bacteriophage was added to a plastic petri dish (20 by 120 mm) and subjected to irradiation with a model GT15T8 UV lamp for 1 min. The intensity of the lamp was 12,500 erg/s per cm2, as measured by a model J-225 Black-Ray UV light intensity meter. After irradiation, bacteriophage were added to stationaryphase K56 recipients at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1 to 0.5 phage particles per recipient cell. This mixture was incubated for 20 min at 370C to allow for adsorption. After incubation, 0.1-ml samples of the adsorption mixture were added to 3.0 ml of serum soft agar, mixed, and gently overlayed on STH agar plates. The STH agar plates were incubated for 2 h at 37°C to allow for recombination and expression of the donor phenotype. A second overlay containing appropriate concentrations of antibiotic was next added to the STH agar plates, and the plates were allowed to incubate for 24 to 48 h at 37°C. The net number of transductants per plate was calculated by subtracting the number of colonies arising on control plates without phage (0 to 15 colonies per plate, depending upon the antibiotic used) from the number of colonies on experimental plates.

RESULTS Transduction. Each mutant strain was tested for its ability to donate antibiotic resistance via transduction by using mutants of strain 9440 str as donors and K56 as the recipient.




The streptomycin marker served as a convenient reference for comparison of transduction frequencies of new markers with the transduction frequency of streptomycin resistance. A summary of data obtained in transduction experiments of antibiotic-resistant markers obtained in this study is listed in Table 2. In each case the streptomycin marker was transferred with high frequency. The collective data indicated that there were two groups of antibiotic resistance markers; i.e., transducible, including resistance to bacitracin, erythromycin, fusidic acid, kasugamycin, rifampin, spectinomycin, spiramycin, and streptolydigan (bac, ery, fus, ksg, rif, spc, spr, and sti, respectively), and nontransducible (data not shown, frequency less than 10-10), including resistance to ethidium bromide, gen-

tamicin, gramicidin, kanamycin, neomycin, no-

vobiocin, and oleandomycin (ebr, gen, grc, kan, neo, nov, and ole, respectively). TABLE 2. Summary of transduction of antibiotic resistance markers Selected recombit class


resistant donor

pr Ua per PFa

Efficiency (%)b

AS62-67 BaCr 3.3 x 10-7 24 AS20 3.1 x 10-6 35 Eryr FUsr AS50-53 4.7 x 10-6 208 AS42-46 4.5 x 10-6 Ksgr 20 AS7-10 4.6 x 10-6 Rif 184 AS11-15 4.2 x 10-6 32 Spcr AS25-28 4.2 x 10-6 Sprr 85 AS32-36 3.7 x 10-6 Stlr 136 AS69-73 Tstr 1.5 x 10-6 20 a PFU, Plaque-forming units. b Efficiency was determined as frequency of transduction versus frequency of str transduction in the same cross.

Duplicate sets of transduction experiments were also performed with sensitive 9440 str recipients. These strains served as competent recipients for all transducible markers, but not for the nontransducible markers. Generally, transduction frequencies were lower with 9440 str recipients than with K56 recipients, so transduction experiments were routinely performed with K56 recipients (24). Fortunately, the competency of 9440 str as a recipient permitted the construction of multiresistant strains, which were subsequently used to perform genetic analyses with two- and three-point reciprocal crosses. Two-point crosses. Each marker was first tested for linkage with the str marker by transduction into K56 recipient cells. One hundred transductants from each cross were selected and tested for streptomycin resistance by streaking on STH agar plates containing streptomycin (150 jig/ml). Reciprocal crosses were performed by adding phage lysates derived from 9440 str donors to K56 recipients carrying a single antibiotic resistance marker. One hundred Strr recombinants were selected and tested for the presence of the original marker by streaking onto STH agar plates containing the appropriate antibiotic. The data in Table 3 indicate that the streptomycin marker is linked to fus, bac, and ksg at average cotransduction frequencies of

85%, 24%, and 20%, respectively. Streptomycin resistance was not cotransducible with resistance to erythromycin, spectinomycin, spiramycin, streptolydigan, or tetracycline. It should be noted that the cross 9440 str-10 x K56 tst-1 was performed, but the recipient would not accept the streptomycin marker. These results were consistent with the behavior exhibited by thio-

TABLE 3. Two-point crosses involving streptomycin resistance Donor

AS43- 45 str ksg 9440 str

AS50-53 str fus 9440 str


K56 AS47 ksg K56

AS55 fus

Selected phenotype Strr

Strr Fusr strr

Unselected phenotype


33 373


Ksg" KSgr


35 75

32 77






460 40


30 439


Stre Bac8 Bacr

226 331



AS67 str bac 9440 str

K56 AS68 bac



No. of recom- % Cotrnaducbinants tion




VOL. 133, 1978

strepton-resistant (Tstr) strains throughout the study. Generally, thiostrepton-resistant strains, in addition to being slow growers, served as poor recipients. Consequently, frequencies of transduction with Tst' recipients were at least one or two logs lower than with Tst8 recipients. iJnkage relationships among other antibiotic resistance markers were determined by twopoint reciprocal crosses as above. Data from additional two-point reciprocal crosses established the presence of three separate linkage groups (Table 4). sti and rif comprised one linkage group, and were cotransduced at an average frequency of 55%. Resistance to erythromycin, spiramycin, and spectinomycin were also linked by cotransduction experiments. Marker pairs were cotransduced with the following average frequencies: 94% for ery-spc, 79% for ery-spr, and 84% for spc-spr. Since ery and spr were

partially cross-resistant, it was at first difficult to conclude that they were separate loci. This problem was overcome by constructing Eryr and Sprr strains and testing for separation of these markers by transduction. Results from the cross AS22 and AS24 (ery spr) x K56 indicated that 8% of 159 Sprr colonies selected were sensitive to erythromycin. These data showed that Eryr and Sprr could be separated by transduction and therefore were specified by separate loci. The third linkage group was comprised of str, bac, fus, and ksg. Marker pairs in this linkage group were cotransduced with the following frequencies: 32% for fus-ksg, 28% for fus-bac, and 4% for bac-ksg. Some reciprocal crosses with kasugamycin-resistant (Ksgr) donors were not performed, due to a limited supply of kasugamycin. Crosses involving Sprr, Eryr, Spcr, or Ksgr donors and Tstr recipients were performed, but appar-

TABLE 4. Two-point crosses Phenotype Recipient



No. of recombiUnselected nants



AS38-40 stl rif




269 249



AS32-36 sti

AS2 rif


Rif Rif

292 208


AS22 and AS23 ery

AS12, AS14, and AS15 spc



375 6


AS12, AS14, and AS15 spc

AS22 and AS23 ery


379 45




319 166



AS25-28 spr

AS21 ery


Spr EryW

AS22 and AS24 ery spr



Eryr Ery-

146 13


AS12, AS14, and AS15 spc

AS22 and AS23 spr


Spr8 Sprr

320 104


AS22 and AS23 spr

AS17-19 spc



365 26



AS67 bac

AS47 ksg


7 156



AS50-52 fus

AS47-49 ksg


KsgT Ksgr

123 249



AS55 fus



54 129


48 323



Bac' Bacr

238 309




Fus r

AS67 bac

AS55 fus

A850 fis

AS68 bac

BaCr Fusr





ently these marker combinations were not compatible, and no transductants were observed from these crosses or reciprocal crosses with these combinations. Three-point cross analyses. Four groups of three-point crosses within the spc-ery-spr

linkage group were performed (Table 5). The first group of three-point crosses involved transfer of spc into recipients resistant to erythromycin and/or spiramycin. Of 417 recombinants analyzed, 76% were Spcr Ery Spre, 15% were SpCr Erys Sprr, 8% were Spcr, Eryr Sprr, and

TABLE 5. Three-point crosses Phenotype



No. of recombinants

AS12, AS14, and AS15 spc

AS22 and AS23 ery spr


Erym Spe Ery" Sprr Eryr Sprr Eryr Spes

316 63 34 4

AS22 and AS23 ery spr

AS12, AS14, and AS15 spc


Sprr Spre Sprr Spre


243 131 6



Spce Eryr

365 26 0 0


AS22 and AS23 ery spr


AS17-19 spc




Spcr Eryr

Spc" EryW Spcr Ery8 Eryr

Spr' Spcr

AS30 and AS31 ery spr spc


AS50 str fus

AS68 bac


Strr Strr Stre Stre

AS50 str fus

AS68 bac

AS67 bac str


129 0

Bac' Bace Bac' Bace

224 203 85 35


Fusr Bacr Fusr Bace Fuse Bacr Fus" Bace

199 173 91 5

AS55 [us


Str Fusr Stre Fus" Strr Fus" Strr Fusr

323 30 18 0

AS60 str fus bac


Strr Bacr

Fusr Fus"

196 15

AS43-45 str ksg

AS55 fus


Stre Fusr Stre Fuse Strr Fuse

129 34

Strr FUsr

AS43-45 str ksg

AS50-52 fus str

AS57 and AS58 str fus ksg

AS55 fus

AS47-49 ksg




Stef Ksge



Ksg" Fus" Ksgr Fus" Ksg" Fusr Ksgr Fusr

248 33 25

Str' Ksg' Strr Ksg" Str Ksgr Str" Ksg"

163 116 86 7

Fusr Fus"





VOL. 133, 1978

only 1% were Spcr Eryr SprO. Since the number of recombinants in the last phenotypic class was so low, it was assumed to result from four crossing-over events. These data place ery between spc and spr (Fig. 1). The second group of crosses was performed with Eryr Sprr donors and Spcr recipients. Erythromycin-resistant recombinants were selected and tested for the presence of Spcr and Sprr by streaking on STH agar plates containing spectinomycin and/or spiramycin. Of 381 recombinants analyzed, 64% were Eryr Sprr Spcr, 34% were Ery' Sprs Spe, 2% were Eryr Sprr Spcr, and one recombinant was Eryr Spre Spcr. The last phenotype mentioned was assumed to arise from quadruple crossovers. The third group of crosses was performed with EryW Spr' donors and Spcr recipients. Sprr recombinants were selected and tested for the presence of Ery' and Sprr by streaking on STH agar plates containing appropriate levels of these antibiotics. The data from these crosses indicated that spr is closer to ery than to spc, since the spr ery pair was cotransduced at a frequency of 93%. Since spr is an outside marker, it is suggested on the basis of cotransduction frequencies that the gene order is spc-ery-spr. To confirm the above gene order, a fourth group of crosses was performed using donors triply resistant to erythromycin, spiramycin, and spectinomycin, and sensitive K56 recipients. Spcr Sprr transductants were selected and tested for the presence of Eryr by streaking recombinants on STH agar plates contining erythromycin. As shown in Table 5, 100% of 129 recombinants selected were Ery'. These data confirmed the gene order spc-ery-spr. Distances between these genes were considered a function of average cotransduction frequencies of twoand three-point crosses and are presented in Fig. 1.

With the same methodological approach,





three-point crosses were performed within the following triplet sets of markers: str-fus-ksg and str-fus-bac. Data from these crosses are presented in Table 5, and established definitively the gene orders str-fus-ksg and str-fus-bac. Distances between these genes were considered a function of average cotransduction frequencies. On the basis of contransduction frequencies obtained from two- and three-point crosses, it is logical to infer the gene order str-fus-bac-ksg. Cotransduction frequencies among these genes are presented in Fig. 2, which indicates the relative distances between these genes. DISCUSSION Transduction experiments separated antibiotic resistant markers into two distinct groups, transducible and nontransducible markers. It is not known why certain mutant classes failed to be transduced; however, there are several possible explanations that might be offered. Nontransducible phenotypes could be a result of multiple mutations in genes that are not closely linked. Alternatively, genes of nontransducible markers may originate from extrachromosomal genetic elements, which in this transduction system are nontransferable. Among transducible markers, transfer of rif, str, ery, spc, and bac has been reported earlier (13, 24, 28) in S. pyogenes, and data from this study confirmed these results. On the other hand, this study presented the first descriptions of transduction ofstl, fus, ksg, spr, and tst markers in S.pyogenes. Additionally, bac was transferred within group A streptococci for the first time since the report by Wannamaker et al. (28) describing intergroup transfer of bac from a group C strain into a group A recipient. Two- and three-point cross analyses established the presence of three separate linkage groups, rif-stl, str-fus-bac-ksg, and spc-ery-spr. It is interesting to note that all transducible 81%


85% FIG. 1. Distances between spc, ery, and spr expressed as a function of average cotransduction frequencies. 80%






31% 22% 12%

FIG. 2. Distances between str, fus, bac, and ksg expressed


I as a

function of

average cotransduction




markers except tst were mapped within one of these linkage groups. It seems possible that tst is linked to one of the ribosomal gene clusters in S. pyogenes because of its binding action with bacterial 50S ribosomal subunits (29). Data in this study showed that tst is not linked to str, fus, or bac, which contrasts with the genetic structure of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, where tst is linked to str and fus (6, 7, 20). ksg or the spc-ery-spr linkage group are therefore the most promising possibilities for linkage with tst. Surprisingly, no recombinants could be obtained from reciprocal crosses involving Tstr and any of these four remaining loci. The reason for the lack of recombinants is not known, but it is plausible that recipient cells were not viable under the influence of the paired phenotypes Tstr and Ksgr, and Spcr, Eryr, or Sprr. Linkage of rif and stl was not surprising, since these markers were also linked in Escherichia coli (21) and B. subtilis (9). Neither rif nor sti was linked by cotransduction to other antibioticresistant markers in S. pyogenes. This linkage relationship is similar to that of E. coli (25) and Salmonella typhimurium (18), but dissimilar to B. subtilis (7) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (19), where rif is linked to other genes conferring antibiotic resistance. Linkage of ery and spc confirmed similar observations by Malke (14) in S. pyogenes and corresponds with the linkage of these genes in E. coli (25) and B. subtilis (7). Linkage of ery and spr was not surprising, since they are both macrolide antibiotics and have similar modes of action (17). Presumably lincomycin resistance (lin) is located within this linkage group, since Malke (14) reported linkage of spc-ery-lin, in that order. Unfortunately, Linr mutants were not isolated in this study and could not be ordered within the linkage group spc-ery-spr. The str-fus-ksg linkage group appeared to be near the size limit of the transduced segment of DNA, since the donor phenotype was transduced only about 8% of the time when Strr was selected, and 0% when Ksgr was selected (Table 5). The observation of close linkage between str and fus was not surprising, because these markers are tightly linked in E. coli (25) and B. subtilis (6). However, it was interesting to discover the presence of ksg in the Strr linkage group, since none of the three loci that specify Ksgr in E. coli is linked to the ribosome gene cluster containing strA (22, 30). The position of bac within the str-fus-ksg linkage group was inferred on the basis of cotransduction frequencies presented in Fig. 2. Although bacr has been transduced in S. pyogenes, this is the first report to map the bac locus in any bacterial species. Presumably, resistance to

bacitracin involves some change in the cell wall or the cell membrane (23), whereas resistance to streptomycin, fusidic acid, and kasugamycin probably involves a mutational change in the protein-synthesizing system of the cell (3, 8, 27). The relationship among the genes in this linkage group might involve the production of products found at the cell wall of bacteria. For example, Ilida and Koike (10) found cell alterations in gram-negative bacteria induced by aminoglycoside antibiotics, and Klainer (11) reported an abnormal surface morphology of S. aureus after exposure to aminoglycosides. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by Oklahoma Heart Asociation grant G74-118.

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Genetic analysis of antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes.

Vol. 133, No. 2 JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Feb. 1978, p. 852859 0021-9193/78/0133-0852$02.00/0 Copyright i 1978 American Society for Microbiology Pri...
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