DOI 10.1515/revneuro-2013-0053      Rev. Neurosci. 2014; 25(1): 129–161

Amene Saghazadeh, Mario Mastrangelo and Nima Rezaei*

Genetic background of febrile seizures Abstract: Febrile seizures (FSs) occur in children older than 1 month and without prior afebrile seizures in the absence of a central nervous system infection or acute electrolyte imbalance. Their pathogenesis is multifactorial. The most relevant familial studies evidence an occurrence rate ranging from 10% to 46% and median recurrence rate of 36% in children with positive familial history for FS. The main twin studies demonstrated a higher concordance rate in monozygotic twins with FS than in dizygotic ones. Linkage studies have proposed 11 chromosomal locations responsible to FS attributed to FEB1 to FEB11. Populationbased association studies have shown at least one positive association for 14 of 41 investigated genes with FS. The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1β (IL-1β) was the most investigated and also gene associated with susceptibility to FS. A possible role in the overlapping of epilepsy and FS was found for 16 of 36 investigated genes. SCN1A, IL-1β, CHRNA4, and GABRG2 were the most commonly involved genes in this context. The genetic background of FS involves the regulation of different processes, including individual and familial susceptibility, modulation of immune response, and neuronal excitability and interactions with exogenous agents such as viruses. Keywords: central nervous system; febrile seizures; genetics. *Corresponding author: Nima Rezaei, Molecular Immunology Research Center and Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, e-mail: [email protected]; Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Pediatrics Center of Excellence, Children’s Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Qarib St, Tehran 14194, Iran; and Department of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK Amene Saghazadeh: Molecular Immunology Research Center and Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Mario Mastrangelo: Pediatric Neurology Division, Department of Pediatrics, Child Neurology and Psychiatry, ‘Sapienza-University of Rome’, Rome, Italy

Introduction Febrile seizures (FSs) are defined as seizures ‘in association with a febrile illness in the absence of a central nervous system infection or acute electrolyte imbalance in children

older than 1 month of age without prior afebrile seizures’ (Guidelines for Epidemiologic Studies on Epilepsy, 1993). They are the most frequent epileptic manifestation in early infancy, affecting an estimated 2–5% of children, and occur between 3 months and 5 years of age, with a peak of incidence at 18 months and a prevalence of about 3–7% in children up to 7 years (Fetveit, 2008; Cross, 2012; Sfaihi et al., 2012). A history of FS during the pediatric years has been reported in 6–15% of all epileptic patients, with a higher risk of developing epilepsy being observed in those younger than 14  years and in subjects with previous complex FS (with focal semiology, lasting   T 315C > T 588T > C C588T rs209348 – rs209353 – rs211037 – –Allele C rs211029 – rs766349 – rs989694 – Position 3145 in intron G- > A, A/A, A/G, G/G and alleles A, G rs211014 allele A –Gen. AA Intron 2 allele I Allele RN2 1/1 –

–Allele A rs3812718

SNP2305748 SNP2298771 alleles and gen. rs3812718






Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No

No (no carrier) Yes No Yes No No No Yes

Yes No

No No Yes





Association/sig.   difference

Southern China Southern China Taiwanese Turkish Turkish Taiwanese


Taiwanese   Taiwanese   Austrian/Austrian and   German Austrian   West European Caucasian   (Switzerland) Taiwanese   Taiwanese   Caucasian (Australia)   Taiwanese   Caucasian (Australia)   Caucasian (Australia)   Caucasian (Australia)   Egyptian     Taiwanese   Taiwanese   Japanese   Japanese   Japanese   Indian   London   Ireland   London   Ireland   London   Ireland   Korean   London   Ireland   London   Ireland   London   Ireland   Taiwanese  


104/83  104/83  104/143  72/106  72/106  51/83 

102/80  102/80  49/93  102/80  49/93  49/93  49/93  100/120    104/83  104/83  94/106  94/106  94/106  41/100  91/364  82/284  91/364  82/284  91/364  82/284  66/94  91/364  82/284  91/364  82/284  91/364  82/284  104/83 

89 trios  102/199 

104/83  104/83  55/701 

No. of subjects 



FS FS FS FS Simple FS Simple FS Simple FS Simple FS








Xiumin et al. (2007) Xiumin et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2010) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Tsai et al. (2002b)

Chou et al. (2003b) Chou et al. (2003b) Nakayama et al. (2003b) Nakayama et al. (2003b) Nakayama et al. (2003b) Ponnala et al. (2012) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Cho et al. (2005) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Chou et al. (2003b)

Chou et al. (2003a) Chou et al. (2003a) Mulley et al. (2004) Chou et al. (2003a) Mulley et al. (2004) Mulley et al. (2004) Mulley et al. (2004) Salam et al. (2012)

Schlachter et al. (2009) Le Gal et al. (2011)

Chou et al. (2003c) Chou et al. (2003c) Schlachter et al. (2009)


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IL-6 promoter

Gene (alias)

Chr. location 





(Table 2 Continued)  

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Haplotype 3 –/–

–174 –572 Position: 2767 -251 A/T (rs4073) Gen./alleles – – Position: 627 592A/C (rs1800872) gen. – – Haplotype 1 in order: 1082A/G(rs1800896), 819T/C(rs1800871), 592A/C(rs1800872) ACC/ACC Haplotype 2 ACC/–


–   1/2   –   –   2/2   1/4   F (allele 1)   F (allele 2)   Alleles and genotypes   Position: 572   -572 C/G (rs1800796) gen./alleles    –   –   –572 GG gen.   –174 GG gen. and G allele   –597   –597 GG gen.  


Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No

No No No Yes

No No No No

No No Yes Yes No Yes

No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No



Association/sig.   difference

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – Taiwanese Northern area of Japan

Turkish Turkish Taiwanese Northern area of Japan

– Turkish Turkish Turkish Turkish

Japanese Turkish Taiwanese Japanese Turkish Japanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Turkish Taiwanese Northern area of Japan




NM  NM  104/143  249/225    186/225  63/225  104/143  249/225    186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225 

27/18  72/106  51/83  27/18  72/106  27/18  51/83  51/83  73/152  104/143  249/225  186/225    63/225  77/85  90/93  71/88  NM 

No. of subjects                            Complex FS   FS   FS   FS   Simple FS/   complex FS –     FS   FS     Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   FS     Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS  



Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009)

Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009)

Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Chou et al. (2010) Ishizaki et al. (2009)

Nur et al. (2012a) Nur et al. (2012a) Chou et al. (2010) Ishizaki et al. (2009)

Ishizaki et al. (2009) Nur et al. (2012a) Nur et al. (2012a) Nur et al. (2012a) Nur et al. (2012a)

Matsuo et al. (2006) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Tsai et al. (2002b) Matsuo et al. (2006) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Matsuo et al. (2006) Tsai et al. (2002b) Tsai et al. (2002b) Haspolat et al. (2005) Chou et al. (2010) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009)


A. Saghazadeh et al.: Genetics of febrile seizures      139


TNF-α promoter

Gene (alias)








Chr. location 

(Table 2 Continued)

Position: 850 – -1037 T/C (rs1799724) gen./ alleles – – Position: 511 – – -31C/T-511C/T (31TT-511CC) – – – -31C/T-511C/T (31CT-511CT) – – – -31C/T-511C/T (31CC-511TT) – – – -511 C/T (rs16944) – – – -511 polymorphism -511 gen. 1.1 -511 gen. 1.2 -511 gen. 2.2 -511 allele 1 -511 allele 2 -511 carrier of allele 2 -511 noncarrier of allele 2 -511 CC -511 CT -511 TT

-1082 gen. -1082 G allele -1082 Position: 308 – –





No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes

No No No

No Yes Yes No No No




Association/sig.   difference

– – Taiwanese Taiwanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese German Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Turkish Turkish Turkish

Iranian Iranian Northern area of Japan

Turkish Turkish Chinese Taiwanese Iranian Iranian





186/225  63/225  104/83  54/83  27/18  219/158  60/158  108/158  61/158  219/158  60/158  108/158  61/158  219/158  60/158  108/158  61/158  118/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  99/126  35/400  35/400  35/400  35/400  35/400  35/400  35/400  90/106  90/106  90/106 

85/15  100/130  249/225 

90/127  90/127  60/40  104/143  100/130  85/15 

No. of subjects 



Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   Familial FS   Sporadic FS  Complex FS   FS   Familial FS   Sporadic FS  Complex FS   FS   Familial FS   Sporadic FS  Complex FS   Sporadic FS  FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS  

FS FS FS FS FS Simple FS/ atypical FS – FS FS


Ishizaki et al. (2009) Ishizaki et al. (2009) Chou et al. (2010) Chou et al. (2003) Matsuo et al. (2006) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2005) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Tilgen et al. (2002) Virta et al. (2002a) Virta et al. (2002a) Virta et al. (2002a) Virta et al. (2002a) Virta et al. (2002a) Virta et al. (2002a) Virta et al. (2002a) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Serdaroğlu et al. (2009)

Khoshdel et al. (2012) Khoshdel et al. (2012) Ishizaki et al. (2009)

Nur et al. (2012) Nur et al. (2012) Gao et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2010) Khoshdel et al. (2012) Khoshdel et al. (2012)


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CSNK1G1 IL-4 intron 3








Gene (alias)






Chr. location 

(Table 2 Continued)  

-511 allele T   -511   -511 gen./alleles   Exon 5   Exon 5 position +3953, E1/E2, E1/   E2 and alleles E1, E2 -511   -31   -511   rs806368 (3475 C/T)   –   –   Ala867Asp (rs635311)   –   –   579 C/T (rs5810)   –   –   Arg799Cys (rs2247114)   –   –   rs3805787   –   –   rs771016   –   –   rs770657   –   –   IVS2+63C > T   IVS2+33C > T   837C > T   IVS11+65G > Ad   2241A > Gd   rs2074882   rs740423   rs2277737   rs1059684   2 SNPs   Allele RP1   Allele RP2   Gen. RP1/RP1  


No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No

Yes No No No No                                                                          


Association/sig.   difference

Korean Korean Korean Japanese – – Japanese – – Japanese – – Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Northern Han Chinese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese

Turkish Turkish Turkish Taiwanese Taiwanese




72/174  72/174  40/33  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  249/225  186/225  63/225  60/101  60/101  60/101  60/101  60/101  53/101  53/101  53/101  53/101  50/50  51/83  51/83  51/83 

90/106  73/152  92/132  104/143  51/83 

No. of subjects           

FS   FS   FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   Simple FS   Complex FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   FS   Familial FS   –   –   –   Simple FS   FS   FS   FS  



Chung et al. (2006) Chung et al. (2006) Yoon et al. (2008) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Kira et al. (2010) Yinan et al. (2004) Yinan et al. (2004) Yinan et al. (2004) Yinan et al. (2004) Yinan et al. (2004) Ma et al. (2004) Ma et al. (2004) Ma et al. (2004) Ma et al. (2004) Yu-jie et al. (2008) Tsai et al. (2002a) Tsai et al. (2002a) Tsai et al. (2002a)

Serdaroğlu et al. (2009) Haspolat et al. (2005) Nur et al. (2012) Chou et al. (2010) Tsai et al. (2002b)


A. Saghazadeh et al.: Genetics of febrile seizures      141

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SCN2A IL-1α C3 promoter






Gene (alias)







Chr. location 

(Table 2 Continued)

Gen. RP1/RP2 Gen. RP2/RP2 SNP2072659-CC SNP2072659-CG SNP2072659-GG SNP2072659-allele C SNP2072659-allele G SNP2072660-TT SNP2072660-TC SNP2072660-CC SNP2072660-allele T SNP2072660-allele C Val66Met (SNP6265) SNP6265 SNP1801508 SNP1801475 A/A –A/C –C/C –Allele A –Allele C rs28661588 rs3786282 rs12956247 rs2075825 -708G > A a -461C > Ta IVS4+28C > T IVS5-13-14ins Aa 558C > Aa rs2075825 rs11545506 IVS6+18T/C (rs1108877) IVS2-19A/G R19K -889 position HAP1 – HAP2 – HAP3 – HAP4 –


  No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No (no carrier) No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Association/sig.   difference Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Korean Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Caucasian (USA) Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese Japanese Turkish Switzerland Austrian Switzerland Austrian Switzerland Austrian Switzerland Austrian


  51/83  51/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  104/83  30/30  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  96/96  96/96  96/96  96/96  96/96  96/96  96/96  96/96  96/96  56/63  56/63  62  families (230)/105  93/100  73/152  97/196  148/255  97/196  148/255  97/196  148/255  97/196  148/255 




Tsai et al. (2002a) Tsai et al. (2002a) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Peng et al. (2004) Chou et al. (2004) Kim et al. (2008) Chou et al. (2002) Chou et al. (2002) Chou et al. (2002) Chou et al. (2002) Chou et al. (2002) Chou et al. (2002) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Blair et al. (2007) Zhao et al. (2010) Zhao et al. (2010) Nakayama et al. (2003a) Nakayama et al. (2003a) Nakayama et al. (2002) Haspolat et al. (2005) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)


142      A. Saghazadeh et al.: Genetics of febrile seizures






Toll-like receptor 3  TRIF   NPY   MDR1   HCN2     GPX4   NRTN   CAPS   APOE   rs3775291 rs11466719 5671 C/T gen./alleles C3435T delPPP allele frequency 4 SNPs 3 SNPs 1 SNP 1 SNP –

HAP5 – GF100472 allele (CA)11





No No No No Yes No No No No No


Protective   No   A trend (24% vs.   30%) Yes   Yes  

Association/sig.   difference      

Austrian   Austrian and Switzerland/  Austrian and Switzerland Japanese   Japanese   Taiwanese   Indian   Australian   Han Chinese   Han Chinese   Han Chinese   Han Chinese   Turkey  

Switzerland Austrian Switzerland


27/18  27/18  56/55  41/100  NM  60/101  60/101  60/101  60/101  69/75 

148/255  245/451 

97/196  148/255  97/196 

No. of subjects 

FS FS FS FS FS Simple FS Simple FS Simple FS Simple FS FS







Matsuo et al. (2006) Matsuo et al. (2006) Lin et al. (2007) Ponnala et al. (2012) Dibbens et al. (2010) Yinan et al. (2006) Yinan et al. (2006) Yinan et al. (2006) Yinan et al. (2006) Giray et al. (2008)

Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)

Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)


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R19K   rs3943809 gen.  rs1680331 gen.  rs12614399   Exon 7-21 C > T   delPPP   -511   -31   SNP211037   SNP6265  

Variant No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No



Japanese   White Caucasian (London)  White Caucasian (London)  White Caucasian (London)  Han Chinese   Australian   Korean   Korean   Korean   Korean  


35/100 25/291 23/281 25/186 155/135 NM 23/174 23/174 20/94 19/30


No. of subjects 

  Afebrile seizures including GEFS+  IGEFS+   IGEFS+   IGEFS+   GEFS+   GEFS+   GEFS+   GEFS+   GEFS+   GEFS+  


Nakayama et al. (2002) Makoff et al. (2010) Makoff et al. (2010) Makoff et al. (2010) Gao et al. (2010) Dibbens et al. (2010) Chung et al. (2006) Chung et al. (2006) Cho et al. (2005) Kim et al. (2008)


GABRG2, γ-aminobutyric acid A (GABA) receptor, γ 2; GEFS+, generalized epilepsy with FS plus; gen., genotype; IGEFS+, idiopathic generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures; NM, not mentioned; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.

SCN2A         SCN1A   HCN2   IL-1β     GABRG2  BDNF  


Table 3 PBASs on patients with idiopathic epilepsy and history of FS (IEFS+).

Chr. location, chromosomal location; CNR1, cannabinoid receptor 1 (brain); CX43, connexin 43; GABRG2, γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor, γ 2; gen., genotype; GPX4, glutathione peroxidase 4; HAP, haplotype; IMPA2, inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 2; KCNQ2, potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 2; MDR1, ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B (MDR/TAP), member 1; NM, not mentioned; NPY, neuropeptide Y; NRTN, neurturin; PRIP1, phospholipase C-like 1; Sig. difference, significant difference; SLC4A3, solute carrier family 4 anion exchanger, member 3; SLC9A1, solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE1, cation proton antiporter 1), member 1; SLC9A3, solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE3, cation proton antiporter 3), member 3; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; TRIF, toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 1.

Chr. location 

Gene (alias)

(Table 2 Continued)

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Gene (alias)




Chr.   location

Intronic polymorphisms-AA Intronic polymorphisms-GG Intronic polymorphisms-AG Intronic polymorphisms-allele A Intronic polymorphisms-allele G SNP211037-CC SNP211037-TC SNP211037-TT SNP211037-allele C SNP211037-allele T Exon 5 C588T T/T, T/C, C/C, alleles T and C Exon 3 allele A Exon 5 allele C rs209348 – – – – – – – – – rs209353 – – – – – – – – – rs211037 – – – – – – – –


Table 4 A series of PBASs of epilepsy.



No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No

No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No                                                              



Chinese Chinese London London London London London Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland London London London London London Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland London London London London London Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland

Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese Taiwanese German




68/internal controls  68/internal controls  677/372  99/372  103/372  145/372  201/372  684/284  121/284  109/284  256/284  223/284  677/372  99/372  103/372  145/372  201/372  684/284  121/284  109/284  256/284  223/284  677/372  99/372  103/372  145/372  201/372  684/284  121/284  109/284  256/284 

77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  77/83  135/154 

No. of subjects 

CAE CAE Epilepsy IGE SLK-HS SLK-non-HS SLU Epilepsy IGE SLK-HS SLK-non-HS SLU Epilepsy IGE SLK-HS SLK-non-HS SLU Epilepsy IGE SLK-HS SLK-non-HS SLU Epilepsy IGE SLK-HS SLK-non-HS SLU Epilepsy IGE SLK-HS SLK-non-HS





Lu et al. (2002) Lu et al. (2002) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006)

Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Chou et al. (2007) Kananura et al. (2002)


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Chr.   location

                                                                        20q13.3         20q13.3      

                                                                        KCNQ2         CHRNA4      

Gene (alias)

(Table 4 Continued)

– – – – rs211029 – – – – – – – – – rs766349 – – – – – – – – – rs989694 – – – – – – – – – C315T exon 3 C588T exon 5 1187+2T/G rs1801545 – – Ser252Leu Ser252Leu Ser543Ser


  No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes


Association   Ireland Brazilian North India Korean London London London London London Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland London London London London London Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland London London London London London Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Korean Korean Scottish German German German Korean Japanese Taiwanese


  223/284  98/130  395/199  23/94  677/372  99/372  103/372  145/372  201/372  684/284  121/284  109/284  256/284  223/284  677/372  99/372  103/372  145/372  201/372  684/284  121/284  109/284  256/284  223/284  677/372  99/372  103/372  145/372  201/372  684/284  121/284  109/284  256/284  223/284  35/207  35/207  A family/72  583/457  234/457  265/457  A kindred/8  A family/100  75/80 



  Kinirons et al. (2006) Gitaí et al. (2012) Kumari et al. (2010) Yeon et al. (2007) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kinirons et al. (2006) Kim et al. (2012) Kim et al. (2012) Lee et al. (2000) Neubauer et al. (2008) Neubauer et al. (2008) Neubauer et al. (2008) Cho et al. (2003) Hirose et al. (1999) Lee et al. (2007)


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Gene (alias)

Chr.   location



(Table 4 Continued)

SNP1044396 Ser252Phe T265I c.555C > T CC, CT, TT, alleles C, T c.594C > T CC, CT, TT, alleles C, T 1674+14C > T AA, AG, GG, alleles A, G 1674+11C > T F(T) –TT –CT –CC Ser248Phe Ser248Phe HaeIIIbp 145–S5, allele A – – –Allele G – – CfoI bp594 allele T – – – –Allele C – – – CfoI bp1545 allele T – – – –Allele C – – – StyIbp 1674+14 allele A – – – –Allele G – – – Three FokI polymorphisms


  Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


Association   Spanish German Polish Polish Polish Polish Polish Polish Polish German Kuwaiti Arab German German German German German German German German German Caucasian (London) German German German Caucasian German German German Caucasian German German German Caucasian German German German Caucasian German German German Caucasian Kuwaiti Arab


  A family  A family/193  92/137  92/137  92/137  184/444  92/222  92/222  92/222  103/92  123/100  97/88  58/88  48/88  97/88  58/88  48/88  94/92  55/92  47/92  182/178  94/92  55/92  47/92  182/178  97/81  60/81  45/81  182/178  97/81  60/81  45/81  182/178  98/94  59/94  48/94  182/178  98/94  59/94  48/94  182/178  123/100 



Sáenz et al. (1999) Leniger et al. (2003) Rozycka et al. (2009) Rozycka et al. (2009) Rozycka et al. (2009) Rozycka et al. (2009) Rozycka et al. (2009) Rozycka et al. (2009) Rozycka et al. (2009) Steinlein et al. (1997) Haider et al. (2005) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Chioza et al. (2000) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Chioza et al. (2000) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Chioza et al. (2000) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Chioza et al. (2000) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Chioza et al. (2000) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Steinlein et al. (1997) Chioza et al. (2000) Haider et al. (2005)


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Gene (alias)




Chr.   location

(Table 4 Continued)

Intron 2 384_20 G/C Intron 6 965_21 T/C Exon 8 1131 A/C Intron 8 1171_9,10 TT/DTT Exon 9 1212 G/A Exon 10 1625 (R542Q) G/A Exon 11 1811 (R604H) G/A Exon 12 2095 (V699I) G/A Exon 13 2292 C/T Intron 13 2416_37 C/A Exon 16 3199 (T1067A) A/G Exon 16 3241 (G1081R) G/A Exon 17 3481 (A1161T) G/A Exon 17 3521 (T1174S) C/G Intron 23 4476_33 G/A Exon 25 4731 T/C Exon 26 5418 G/A c.1162T > C;p.Y388H Thr1067Ala (rs2298771) AG –AA and GG and alleles A and G rs3812718 – rs1020853 (IVS5N+5 G > A) rs2298771 – – rs10188577 – – rs4667866 – – rs13405797 – – rs1461197 – – rs2169312 – –

Exon 18 3610 (W1204R) T/C


      Yes   Significant   No   No   No   No   Yes   No   No   No   No   No   Yes   No   Yes   No   No   No   Yes   Yes   No   No   No   No   No   Yes (allele A)   No   No   No   No   No   Yes (allele C)   No   No   No   No   No   No   No   No   No  



German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German Newfoundland North India North India Han Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese H. Chinese



  Four generations  Pedigree/236  226/268  226/185  226/96  226/194  226/96  226/96    A RR, RK, KK and   alleles R and K D2S111   D2S124   R19K   IVS7-A32G   Exon 2 c.858T > C C/C, C/T, T/T, f(C)         Exon 4 c.1239G > C G/G, G/C, C/C, f(G)   –   –   –   Exon 5 c.1584+7C > T T/T, T/C, C/C, f(T)  –   –   –   Intron 6 c.1825+22_1825+42del21   171/171, 171/192, 192/192, f(171)   –   –   Intron 7 c.1990+24_1990+57dup34   200/200, 200/234, 234/234, f(200)   –   –   rs10408159 T/T, T/C, C/C, f(T)   –   –   –   rs4919872 T/T, T/C, C/C, f(T)   –  



No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

No No No No No No No No No No





Italian Italian Korean Korean German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German German

Caucasian (London) Caucasian Caucasian German German German German German German German North India




NM  NM  162/391  162/391  450/455  122/455  196/455  193/455  393/275  96/275  163/275  175/274  452/459  122/459  197/459  193/459  453/460  124/460  197/460  195/460  456/460  124/460  198/460  196/460  393/275  95/275  163/275  175/275  383/275  93/275 

180/193  187/198  115/109  71/109  44/109  172/182  172/182  172/182  172/182  336/160 


No. of subjects 


IGE with tonic-clonic seizures  IGE with tonic-clonic seizures  Epilepsy   Epilepsy   IGE   CAE   IAE   JME   IGE   CAE   IAE   JME   IGE   CAE   IAE   JME   IGE   CAE   IAE   JME   IGE   CAE   IAE   JME   IGE   CAE   IAE   JME   IGE   CAE  




Volzone et al. (2007) Volzone et al. (2007) Yoon et al. (2012) Yoon et al. (2012) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008)

Chioza et al. (2002) Chioza et al. (2002) Steinlein et al. (1999) Steinlein et al. (1999) Steinlein et al. (1999) Haug et al. (2001) Haug et al. (2001) Haug et al. (2001) Haug et al. (2001) Lakhan et al. (2009)

Chioza et al. (2002)


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      CHRNB2   SCN1B   IL-1α         IL-1Ra     APOE      

-491A/T -ε4 allele –

– – delPPP SNP2072659 Exon 3 C121W mutation -889 – – –Allele T


  No No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No


Association   German German Australian Taiwanese Kuwaiti Arab Turkish Japanese Japanese Chinese Japanese Japanese Han Chinese Han Chinese UK


  159/275  169/275  NM  77/83  123/100  47/99  50/112  53/112  117/95  50/112  53/112  558/735  558/560  752/384 

No. of subjects  IAE JME IGE IGE IGE MTLE-HS TLE-HS+ TLE-HSEpilepsy TLE-HS+ TLE-HSEpilepsy TLE Epilepsy


Tang et al. (2008) Tang et al. (2008) Dibbens et al. (2010) Lee et al. (2007) Haider et al. (2005) Ozkara et al. (2006) Kanemoto et al. (2000) Kanemoto et al. (2000) Lu et al. (2009) Kanemoto et al. (2000) Kanemoto et al. (2000) Fu et al. (2010) Fu et al. (2010) Cavalleri et al. (2005)


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A trend (43% vs. 35%)   A trend (21% vs. 12%)   No   A trend (70% vs. 45.4%)  No   No   No   No   No   No  

Association German   German   Japanese   Korean   Han Chinese  Taiwanese   Taiwanese   Taiwanese   Han Chinese  Han Chinese 


43/126  43/126  68/225  20/33  60/101  18/38  18/38  18/38  54/90  54/90 

No. of subjects 

0.25  0.33  0.29    NM  0.652  0.719  0.718  NM  NM 


  FS   FS   Simple FS   Simple FS   FS   FS+FH/FS-FH  –     Familial FS   Familial FS  


Tilgen et al. (2002) Tilgen et al. (2002) Kira et al. (2010) Yoon et al. (2008) Ma et al. (2005b) Lin et al. (2007) Lin et al. (2007) Lin et al. (2007) Sun et al. (2005) Sun et al. (2005)


FS+FH, patients with FS and positive familial history; FS-FH, FS without familial history; gen., genotype; NM, not mentioned; NPY, neuropeptide Y.

-511 allele 2   -511 gen. 2/2   -511 C/T(rs16944)  -511 CT   9 polymorphisms   -5671 C/T   –TC   –Allele T   rs7249419   rs11437855  

IL-1β         HCN2  NPY       CAPS    



Table 5 PBASs on patients with FS and familial history.

ADNFLE, autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy; BFNC, benign familial neonatal convulsion; Chr. location, chromosomal location; CHRNB2, cholinergic receptor nicotinic β polypeptide 2 (neuronal); EFS+, epilepsy with history of FSs; EFS-, epilepsy without history of FSs; GABRG2, γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor, γ 2; GEFS+, generalized epilepsy with FS plus; H. Chinese, Han Chinese; HS, hippocampal sclerosis; IAE, idiopathic absence epilepsy; IGE, idiopathic generalized epilepsy; IPEAF, idiopathic partial epilepsy with auditory features; JME, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; KCNQ2, potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 2; MTLE, mesial TLE; MTS, mesial temporal sclerosis; NFLE, nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy; NM, not mentioned; PE, partial epilepsy; SLK, symptomatic localization-related cause known; SLU, symptomatic localization-related cause unknown; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.

Chr.   location

Gene (alias)

(Table 4 Continued)

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IL-1α C3 promoter







Chr. location  

rs3812718         -511   –Allele T   –Allele T   -511   -3953   -889   GF100472   Gen.   –Alleles   rs339392   Alleles   Gen.   rs2230199   Alleles   Gen.   rs428453   Alleles   Gen.   rs344550   Alleles   Gen.   rs379527   Alleles   Gen.   HAP1   –   HAP2   –   HAP3   –   HAP4   –   HAP5   –   G1465A  


Table 6 PBASs on patients with TLE and history of FS (TLEFS+).

Brought to you by | Harvard University Authenticated | Download Date | 6/11/14 6:45 AM No No Yes No Yes No Protective No Protective Protective No No No

No No

No No

No No

No No


No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No


Association/sig.   difference

South Indian   South Indian   South Indian   South Indian   German   Japanese   Japanese   Turkish   Turkish   Turkish   France/Switzerland    –     –   –     –   –     –   –     –   –     –   –   –   Austrian   France/Switzerland  Austrian   France/Switzerland  Austrian   France/Switzerland  Austrian   France/Switzerland  Austrian   Caucasian (USA)  

Population 138/65  203/282  138/282  65/282  43/126  35/163  31/163  28/19  28/19  28/19  57/196    57/196    57/196  57/196    57/196  57/196    57/196  57/196    57/196  57/196    57/196  57/196  57/196  46/255  57/196  46/255  57/196  46/255  57/196  46/255  57/196  46/255  120/118 

No. of  subjects









  0.8300  0.0001  0.0010  0.0060    0.0016  0.15  0.66  0.47  0.67  0.128    0.036    0.752  0.856    0.971  0.927    0.778  0.722    0.53  0.582    0.474  0.126  0.005  0.458  0.007  0.379  0.003  0.998  0.0003  0.00008  0.102  0.03  0.988 


Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010) Ma et al. (2005a)

Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)

Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)

Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)

Jamali et al. (2010) Jamali et al. (2010)

Jamali et al. (2010)

Balan et al. (2012) Balan et al. (2012) Balan et al. (2012) Balan et al. (2012) Tilgen et al. (2002) Kanemoto et al. (2003b) Kanemoto et al. (2003b) Ozkara et al. (2006) Ozkara et al. (2006) Ozkara et al. (2006) Jamali et al. (2010)


A. Saghazadeh et al.: Genetics of febrile seizures      151




(Table 6 Continued)





Chr. location  

  rs3918279   rs1805088   rs41427445   rs6017724   rs3918253   rs55789927   rs2274755   rs17576   rs2236416   rs6104427   rs2274756   rs3918261   rs3918262   rs3918282   rs13925   rsrs20544   rs9509   rs17375748   Allele T   rs1186685   Allele C   rs4656873   Allele T   rs1186679   Allele A   rs1890532   Allele C   rs946420   Allele T   rs2820585   Allele T   rs1053074   rs2486253   rs1130183   rs12729701   rs2820553   rs12402969   rs1186689  


Brought to you by | Harvard University Authenticated | Download Date | 6/11/14 6:45 AM No No No No No No No







No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes


Association/sig.   difference

Caucasian (USA)   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Norwegian   Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway) 

Population 120/100  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105    102/105    102/105    102/105    102/105    102/105    102/105    102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105 

No. of  subjects










    0.556  0.665  0.202  0.165  0.433  0.364  0.188  0.569  0.574  0.269  0.511  0.590  0.728  0.516  0.325  0.357  0.780  0.025    0.009    0.019    0.021    0.041    0.024    0.020    0.365  0.702  0.749  0.593  0.757  0.604  0.078 


Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b)

Ma et al. (2005a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010a) Heuser et al. (2010b)


152      A. Saghazadeh et al.: Genetics of febrile seizures


            KCNJ9             Between KCNJ10 and KCNJ9                        

Brought to you by | Harvard University Authenticated | Download Date | 6/11/14 6:45 AM

rs12122979   rs1186688   rs11265313   rs7512587   rs6690889   rs1186675   rs6677510   rs11265317   rs2737702   rs2737703   rs2753268   rs2494211   rs4656874   Allele T   rs6658419   rs7534307   rs1321650   rs1321649   rs6683605   rs6683709   rs4656875   rs749226   rs4656876   rs2180752  


No No No No No No No No No No

No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes


Association/sig.   difference

Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)    Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway)  Caucasian (Norway  

Population 102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105    102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105  102/105 

No. of  subjects




  0.232  0.077  0.313  0.080  0.121  0.919  0.117  0.944  0.145  0.153  0.052  0.174  0.026    0.118  0.341  0.119  0.115  0.119  0.178  0.150  0.118  0.096  0.096 


Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b)

Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b) Heuser et al. (2010b)


Chr. location, chromosomal location; GABBR1, γ-aminobutyric acid B receptor 1; gen., genotype; HAP, haplotype; HS, hippocampal sclerosis; MMP-9, matrix metalopeptidase 9; MTLE, mesial TLE; NL-TLE, nonlesional TLE; NM-TLE, nonmesial temporal lobe epilepsy; PFC, prolonged febrile convulsion; sig. difference, significant difference; TLEFS+, TLE with history of FS; TLEFS-, TLE without history of FS.



Chr. location  


(Table 6 Continued)

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154      A. Saghazadeh et al.: Genetics of febrile seizures Table 7 PBASs on patients with focal epilepsy and history of febrile seizures (FESFS+). Gene




  Association/sig.   Population difference



Austrian/Austrian and German  Austrian   Australian   Australian   Australian/European   Han Chinese   Han Chinese   Han Chinese   West European Caucasian   (Switzerland)   –  


rs1020853 – – rs2298771 – – rs10188577 – –


No No No No No No No No Yes


Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese


                          CHRNA4  GABRG2  IL-1β  

rs4667866 – – rs13405797 – – rs1461197 – – rs2169312 – –

No No No No No No No No No No No No


Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese Han Chinese


– – – –


                          Ser543Ser   rs211037   Position -511 

Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No

No No No



No. of  Syndrome subjects 90/701  90/486  76/482  23/124  76/701  97/631  97/848  728/848  62/199 


FESFS+/healthy   FESFS+/FESFS  EFS+/EFS  FESFS+ and FS/FESFS-  EFS+/healthy   FESFS+/FESFS  FESFS+/healthy   FESFS ± /healthy   FESFS+/healthy  

164/312  Pure FS+FESFS+/ healthy+FEFFS97/631  FESFS+/FESFS97/848  FESFS+/healthy 728/848  FESFS ± /healthy 97/631  FESFS+/healthy 97/848  FESFS+/FESFS728/848  FESFS+/healthy 97/631  97/848  FESFS+/FESFS728/848  FESFS+/healthy FESFS ± /healthy 97/631  FESFS ± /healthy 97/848  FESFS+/FESFS728/848  FESFS+/healthy 97/631  FESFS ± /healthy 97/848  FESFS+/FESFS728/848  FESFS+/healthy 97/631  FESFS ± /healthy 97/848  FESFS+/FESFS728/848  FESFS+/healthy 97/631  FESFS ± /healthy 97/848  FESFS+/FESFS728/848  FESFS+/healthy   FESFS ± /healthy 107/384  EFS+/healthy 107/384  EFS+/healthy 107/384  EFS+/healthy

Schlachter et al. (2009) Schlachter et al. (2009) Petrovski et al. (2009) Petrovski et al. (2009) Petrovski et al. (2009) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Le Gal et al. (2011)

  Le Gal et al. (2011)                  

Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010)


Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Zhang et al. (2010) Cavalleri et al. (2005) Cavalleri et al. (2005) Cavalleri et al. (2005)

EFS+, epilepsy with history of FS; EFS-, epilepsy without history of FS; FESFS+, FES with FS; FESFS-, FES without history of FS; GABRG2, γ-aminobutyric acid A receptor, γ 2; Sig. difference, significant difference.

an Asian population, while there were no positive associations for two studies on a Caucasian population (Chou et  al., 2003a; Mulley et  al., 2004; Cavalleri et  al., 2005). Class 4 (R = 0.42) includes the SCN1A gene with an equally distributed number of investigations between Asian and Caucasian populations (Tables 2 and 3) (Chou et al., 2003c; Petrovski et  al., 2009; Schlachter et  al., 2009; Gao et  al., 2010; Zhang et  al., 2010; Le Gal et  al., 2011; Balan et  al., 2012). Class 5 (R = 0.50) includes the SCN2A and IMPA2 genes. They have been equally investigated in Asian and Caucasian populations, but the total number of investigations was low (Tables 2 and 3) (Nakayama et al., 2002; Blair et al., 2007; Makoff et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2010). Class 6

(R = 0.60) includes the gene encoding for IL-1Ra. Both the investigations on this gene in Caucasian populations were restricted to Turkish populations (Table 2) (Haspolat et al., 2005; Serdaroğlu et al., 2009). Class 7 (R = 0.62) includes the GABRG2 gene. Only 25% of all the investigations on this gene were related to Caucasian populations (Table 2) (Cavalleri et  al., 2005; Kinirons et al., 2006). Class 8 (R = 0.75) includes the gene encoding for IL-10. Seventy-five percent of all the investigations on this gene involved Asian populations (Table 2) (Gao et al., 2007; Ishizaki et al., 2009; Chou et al., 2010). Class 9 (R = 1.00) includes the genes encoding for complement component 3 (C3), CSNK1G2, potassium inwardly

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rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 9 (KCNJ9), and a region between KCNJ9 and KCNJ10. The two investigations on the CSNK1G2 gene were both realized on Chinese populations (Table 2) (Yinan et al., 2004; Ma et al., 2004).

FSs and epilepsy A few PBASs were focused on the later occurrence of epilepsy in children with early-onset FS. Tables 2, 3, 6, and 7 summarize the results of (1) PBASs on FSs that were not followed by epilepsy or epileptic syndrome (Table 2), (2) PBASs on focal epilepsy syndrome (FES) and history of FS [FES with FS plus (FESFS+)] (Table 7), (3) PBASs on TLE and history of FS [TLE with FS plus or (TLEFS+)] (Table 6), and (4) PBASs on idiopathic epilepsy and history of FS [idiopathic epilepsy and FS plus (IEFS+)] (Table 3). Among 47 PBASs, evidences for the role of 16/36 investigated genes in the overlap between FS and epilepsy were obtained. These genes could be easily categorized into three coherent groups: (1) genes that have at least one positive association with both FS and epilepsy (SCN1A, CHRNA4, GABRG2, and IL-1β), (2) genes that have no positive associations with both FS and epilepsy [sodium channel voltage-gated type 1 β subunit (SCN1B), TNF-α, cholinergic receptor nicotinic β polypeptide 2 (CHRNB2), leucine-rich, glioma inactivated 1 (LGI1), IL-1α, SCN2A, and apolipoprotein E (APOE)], and (3) genes that have a positive association with FS alone or epilepsy alone (IL1Ra, IL-6, BDNF, HCN2, and KCNQ2). If we excluded the third group of genes, the remaining groups can be linked to FS and epilepsy, as summarized in robot-like Figure 6.

Conclusions The pathogenesis of FS is multifactorial, and it is probably based on interactions between several factors including individual and familial susceptibility, modulation of immune response, regulation of neuronal excitability, and exogenous agents such as viruses. We have discussed the actual insights into the links between these elements and FS. However, the various steps of these interactions remain largely unknown. The availability of modern molecular genetic diagnostic techniques, such as whole exome sequencing, will probably expand in the next decades of our knowledge on this topic. Although most of the FSs are self-limiting, the definition of the basis of genetic predisposition for the development of recurrent FS with poor prognosis, febrile status epilepticus, or epileptic syndromes following infantile FS will represent an

Investigated genes of population -based association studies of FS SCN1B, SCN1A, CHRNA4, GABRG2, IL -1Ra, IL -6, IL -8, IL -10, TNF -alpha, IL -1β, CNR1, SLC4A3, SLC9A1, SLC9A3, CX43, PRIP1, CSNK1G1, CSNK1G2, IL -4, CHRNB2, BDNF, IL -1α, C3, Toll -like-receptor3, TRIF, NPY, KCNQ2, IMPA2, LGI1, SCN2A, HCN2, MDR1, GPX4, CAPS, NRTN, AND APOE

Similar investigated genes between population-based association studies of FS and epilepsy SCN1B, SCN1A, CHRNA4, GABRG2, IL -1Ra, IL -6, TNFalpha, IL -1beta, CHRNB2, BDNF, KCNQ2, LGI1, SCN2A, IL -1alpha, HCN2 AND APOE

IL -1Ra , IL -6, BDNF, HCN2 , AND KCNQ2





Figure 6 Robot-like figure on the overlaps between the genetic etiology of FS and epilepsy. Investigated genes that are involved both in epileptic syndromes and FS have been characterized in two steps: (a) searching for PBASs on FS and related investigated genes (36 genes) and (b) gathering all PBASs on epilepsy in which the investigated genes on FS have been screened (16 genes). Then, two questions were considered: (1) Which genes are associated with susceptibility to both FS and epileptic syndromes? And (2) which genes are associated with susceptibility to neither FS nor epileptic syndromes?

important future target for researchers because of their important clinical implications. Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Masih Shafiei for his assistance in managing the reference list and Mr. Davoud Zand for his valuable technical contribution in preparing tables. This study was supported by a grant from Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Received November 16, 2013; accepted December 5, 2013; previously published online January 8, 2014

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Genetic background of febrile seizures.

Febrile seizures (FSs) occur in children older than 1 month and without prior afebrile seizures in the absence of a central nervous system infection o...
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