Genetics and Psychopharmacology. Mod. Probl. Pharmacopsych., vol. 10, pp. 57-64, ed. J. Mendlewícz, Brussels (Karger, Basel 1975)
Genetics of Monoamine Oxidase D.S. Robinson and Α. Nies
The enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of the biogenic amines have been widely investigated in man in recent years. Dopamine ß-hydroxylase (DBH), catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine οxidase (MAO) in particular have been studied in populations of normals and neuropsychiatric patients. We have conducted ongoing studies of both patients and normals in connection with psychopharmacologic and biologic investigations of MAO activity in psychiatric disorders. The goals of these investigations have been to determine whether MAO activity measured in blood using a simple radioisotopic assay (23) has clinical utility or biologic significance. Platelet and plasma MAO activities were found to correlate with age, both in normal subjects (24) and in depressed patients (18). Hindbrain MAO levels assayed in post mortem specimens from patients who died from a variety of causes also were found to correlate with age (25). These associations of MAO activity with aging can be considered additional evidence relating altered amine metabolism to such disorders as depression and parkinsonism whose incidence increases with age. This is particularly true since it was also shown in the study of human hindbrain that levels of at least one amine, norepinephrine, decrease with age and inversely correlate with MAO activity (25). There is preliminary evidence in man that COMT (1) and DBH (8) activities may also correlate positively with age in certain tissues. Work in our laboratory using freshly obtained post mortem tissue shows that the age-related changes in human brain MAO activity are present in all of the individual areas of brain thus far studied (29). Of equal interest are the questions whether or not other biologic factors such as sex or genetic determinants might have a bearing on amine metabolism or on psychopharmacologic responses. There are relatively few studies which have addressed the question of genetic influences on response to psychopharma-
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University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vt., and Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, N.H.
.. .
■ Platelet
■ 10 20 30 40 50
ΜΖ DZ Plasma ■ ■ ι
0 5 10 15 20 ntrapair ΜΑΟ difference
cologíc treatments. The existing studies will be discussed subsequently in this paper. The epidemiologic evidence which shows an increasing incidence and prevalence of depression with aging also shows a marked preponderance of depressive illnesses in women. On examining our data for sex differences we found a statistically significant difference between men and women for platelet and plasma MAO activities with women having higher mean activities for the blood enzymes (24). In addition, women had higher mean hindbrain MAO activity than men, although this difference was not statistically significant (25). More recently Murphy and Donnelly (16) also reported higher platelet MAO activities in women using tryptamine as substrate. Evidence fοτ genetic control of MAO activity in man has been provided by 2 groups of investigators using the twin method (17, 34). Wyatt et al. using tryptamine as a substrate investigated platelet MAO activities as a possible biologic
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Fig. 1. Frequency histogram of íntrapaiτ differences in platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity (nanomoles per milligram ρeτ hour) and plasma MAO activity (nanomoles ρeτ milliliter ρeτ hour) fοτ monozygotic (ΜΖ) twins (9 pairs), dízygotic (DZ) twins (11 pain), same-sex siblings (S, 8 pairs) and age- and sex-matched controls (C, 20 pairs). MAO activities of platelets and plasma were measured using benzylamine as substrate by a previously described method (23).
Genetics of Monoamine Oxidase
94 normal women 52 nM/mg/h) was again found to have higher Hamilton item scores in a similar pattern (28). An interesting feature of this analysis was the fact that those female patients with high MAO activity who had been treated with phenelzine (60 mg/day) in a series of controlled clinical trials responded less well to MAlI therapy than a corresponding group with lower MAO activity also receiving phenelzine in the same dosage. Further work will be necessary to establish that high platelet MAO activity in depression is a genetic marker. If, in turn, it predicts nonresponsiveness to MAlI treatment, this would be of obvious pharmacogenetic interest. There have been relatively few studies which have addressed the question of genetic factors determining response to psychopharmacologic treatments in affective disorders. Genetic control of tricyclic antidepressant drug metabolism has been demonstrated (2, 4). Therefore, it is conceivable that the response to treatment could have a genetic basis although the relationship of tricyclic blood levels to treatment outcome continues to be controversial (5-7, 12, 22). Because acetylator phenotype is a genetically determined trait, the recent reports of a relationship between therapeutic response to phenelzine and acetylator status are of great interest (10). Angst (3) and Pare and Mack (20) have compared the response of first-degree relatives and the index patient to antidepressant drug therapy. Their findings have been interpreted to suggest that there is an intrafamily consistency of response to class of antidepressant drug. These studies provide suggestive clinical evidence that genetic factors influence response to the class of antidepressant drug. Ιt is admittedly very difficult to carry out the type of prospective family studies which would be necessary to conclusively establish a familial coincidence of antidepressant responsiveness or nonresponsiveness. Nonetheless, such an
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Genetics of Monoamine Oxidase
undertaking employing controlled methods such as blind evaluation, prospectively chosen objective measures of change and careful classification and characterization of the patient population will be required to provide unequivocal evidence of familial and, therefore, likely genetic control of treatment response. There is a sizable literature on the genetics of affective disorder using L eonhard's (13) bipolar vs. unipolar distinction (9, 21, 32, 33). There is no work relating the genetics of these illnesses to the genetics of MAO activity although there is the report ofMurphy and Weiss (14) showing reduced platelet MAO activity in bipolar depression and increased MAO activity in unipolar depression. The genetics of neurotic depression are relatively unstudied although there is one study which reports that the expectency of affective disorders may be higher among relatives of such patients (31). This is of possible interest since our recent reports and review of the literature suggest that the MAGI drugs are most effective in neurotic, atypical or nonendogenous depressive illnesses (19, 26). Family studies of morbidity risk for affective disorders combined with determinations of enzyme levels and their relationships to outcome of antidepressant treatments offer opportunities for advancing our knowledge of these disorders and the possibility of improving treatment. One genetically controlled factor which may influence the response to antidepressant treatment is sex. In our studies of the treatment of atypical and reactive depressions with the MAGI, phenelzine, we have found a sex difference in response. In 2 controlled trials the improvement shown by men was significantly greater than women (p = 0.01) as evaluated by a global improvement measure. The men also showed significantly greater improvement on individual symptom measures obtained from the standardized Hamilton interview (28). It is apparent from this brief review that although there has been little investigation of the enzymes involved in biogenic amine metabolism, MAO has thus far received most study. There is an obvious need for further studies which would attempt to relate genetic control of enzyme activities to the familial occurrence of the affective disorders. Similarly, the pharmacogenetic aspects of MAGI drug therapy in these disorders also await further exploration.
Evidence for the genetic control of human MAO is now well established. The relationships of MAO activities to neuropsychíat c disorders or response to psychopharmacologic treatments are relatively unstudied. Preliminary findings from our own studies suggest that (1) blood MAO activity is a polygenically controlled trait; (2) there may be a subgroup of depressed patients with high MAO activity who are more severe symptomatically and more resistant to treatment, and (3) that men with atypical and mixed depressions respond more favorably than women to treatment with an MAO inhibitory drug.
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Genetics of Monoamine Oxidase
Acknowledgements The support of Public Health Service Grants 1 ROl ΜΗ15533, 5 SO1 RR-05429 and ΤO2 05935 and awards from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Research Triangle Park, N.C., the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Foundation, Washington, D.C., and the Warner-Lambert Charitable Foundation, Morris Plains, N.J., are acknowledged. Dr. Robinson is a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Scholar in clinical pharmacology.
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Rob nson/Nées
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