Mutat10n Re5earch, 241 (1990) 339-340 E15ev1er.


M U 7 6 E N 01576

5er1e5: •Current 155ue5 1n Muta9ene515 and Carc1n09ene515•, N0. 21 Keyw0rd5: F1u0r1de, 9en0t0x1c effect5; 05te05arc0ma; 5ke1eta1 f1u0r0515

1ntr0duct10n 1n N0vem6er 1987, 6e0ffrey 5m1th 5u6m1tted a 5h0rt 1etter t0 Mutat10n Re5earch draw1n9 attent10n t0 the p055161e accumu1at10n 0f f1u0r1de 10n5 1n the extrace11u1ar f1u1d 0f 60ne5. 7he 5pecu1at1ve nature 0f the 1etter 1ed t0 d15a9reement5 am0n9 the referee5 wh0 had 6een c0n5u1ted, and eventua11y 1t wa5 dec1ded n0t t0 pu6115h. 1n Fe6ruary 1990, the Un1ted 5tate5 Nat10na1 70x1c0109Y Pr09ram (N7P) 155ued a pre55 re1ea5e 1nd1cat1n9 the date when the re5u1t5 0f a r0dent carc1n09en1c1ty

610a55ay 0f 50d1um f1u0r1de w0u1d 6e peer rev1ewed. 7he p055161e chem1ca1 1nduct10n 0f 05te05arc0ma5 6y f1u0r1de wa5 ment10ned. W1th1n that c0ntext 1t 5eem5 appr0pr1ate t0 pu6115h the 1etter 6y 5m1th even th0u9h 1t w111 rema1n 5pecu1at1ve unt11 the r0dent carc1n09en1c1ty 0f 50d1um f1u0r1de 15 f0rma11y c0n51dered 6y the N 7 P 1n Apr11 1990. F0r 1ntere5t, part 0f the referee rep0rt pr0v1ded 6y a med1ca1 c0n5u1tant 15 repr0duced after the 5m1th 1etter a5 1t pr0v1de5 6a1ance and 111u5trate5 the d15cu5510n5 that t00k p1ace when the paper wa5 f1r5t c0n51dered f0r pu611cat10n 1n 1987. J0hn A5h6y

C0rre5p0ndence: Dr. J0hn A5h6y, 1C1 P1c, Centra1 70x1c0109y La60rat0ry, A1der1ey Park, Macc1e5f1e1d, Che5. 5K10 47J (6reat 8r1ta1n).

1C1 P1c, Centra1 70x1c0109y La60rat0ry, A1der1ey Park, Macc1e5f1e1a~ Che5. 5K10 47J (6reat 8r1ta1n)

Letter t0 the Ed1t0r

6en0t0x1c effect5 0f f1u0r1de Dear 51r, A num6er 0f recent paper5 5u99e5t that f1u0r1de may 6e 9en0t0x1c at c0ncentrat10n5 6etween 10 99/m1 and 300 99/m1 F. (C01e et a1., 1986; Ca5pary et a1., 1987; 5c0tt and R06ert5, 1987). A5 5c0tt and R06ert5 (1987) p01nt 0ut, 9en0t0x1c1ty 065erved 0n1y at h19h d05e5 1n v1tr0 w111 6e un1mp0rtant 1f 5uch d05e5 cann0t 6e ach1eved 1n v1v0.

C0rre5p0ndence: Dr. 6e0ffrey E. 5m1th, L.D.5., R.C.5., Denta1 5ur9e0n, 56 5urrey R0ad, 50uth Yarra, Me160urne 3141, V1c. (Au5tra11a).

1n v1tr0, the 10we5t effect1ve 9en0t0x1c d05e wa5 ar0und 10 99/m1 N a F (wh1ch 15 e4u1va1ent t0 4.5 pt9 f1u0r1de 10n). 7h15 c0ncentrat10n 15 a60ut 100 t1me5 the 5teady-5tate 1eve1 0f f1u0r1de 1n human p1a5ma (0.02-0.06 99/m1 F), even 1n area5 where water 5upp11e5 are f1u0r1dated (5c0tt and R06ert5, 1987). 1n 1970, R1ch and Fe15t p01nted 0ut that f1u0r1de accumu1ate5 1n 60ne; they p05tu1ated that f1u0r1de 15 c0ncentrated ma1n1y 1n a 5urface 1ayer 0f m1nera1 at the 60rder 0f the 05te0cyte 1acunae and cana11cu1ae. 1f th15 hyp0the515 15 c0rrect, then any ce115 wh1ch re50r6 60ne c0u1d 6e exp05ed t0

0165-1218/90/$03.50 • 1990 E15ev1er 5c1ence Pu6115her5 8.V. (810med1ca1 D1v1510n)

Genotoxic effects of fluoride.

Mutat10n Re5earch, 241 (1990) 339-340 E15ev1er. 339 M U 7 6 E N 01576 5er1e5: •Current 155ue5 1n Muta9ene515 and Carc1n09ene515•, N0. 21 Keyw0rd5:...
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