Hum. Hered. 25: 88-92 (1975)

Gm and Inv Allotypes in French Guiana Indians A. L a n g a n e y , C. R o p a r t z

M a r y v o n n e D a v e a u , L il ia n e R iv â t , and

N aw al

A fifi,

E. Bois

Groupe de Recherches U78 de l'Inserm sur la Génélique des Protéines humaines, BoisGuillaume; Centre de Recherches anthropologiques, Musée de l'Homme, Paris; Faculty of Medicine, University o f Cairo, C airo; Unité U30 de l'Inserm sur les Maladies du Métabolisme de l'Enfant, CHU Necker-Enfants malades, Paris, and Centre départemental de Transfusion sanguine et de Génétique humaine, Bois-Guillaume

Key Words. Gm system • Inv system • French Guiana Indians studies Abstract. D ata from 302 individuals belonging to three populations o f French Guiana Indians are reported. All the phenotypes except two can be explained by three haplotypes: Gm*.21, Gm1- 2' 21 and Gm' - 10- **• **. The gene frequencies found in the present study are generally in accordance with those previously described among other South American Indians. F or the Inv1- - gene a high value has been found for the Wayanas and the Oyampis, but a difference appears for the Emerillons who possess a low frequency.

The French Guiana Indian populations studied come from the Maroni and the Oyapok regions. They are represented by three tribes; the Emerillons, the Oyampis and the Wayanas, totalling less than 600 people who are still alive. The Wayanas from the Maroni are spread out in several villages (Pleike, Aloike, Twanke, Anapaike, Wampi) which were the object of the present study. The Emerillons are semi-nomads living somelimes on the Oyapok, and the Camopi, sometimes on the Waki and the Tampok tributaries of the Maroni. The Gm and Inv system allotypes were looked for in these Indians’ serum. These two genetically independent systems reveal the extreme poly­ morphism which exists within different populations.

The 302 blood samples bled by one o f us (E.B.) include 165 Wayanas, 99 Oyampis living on the Upper Oyapok and 38 EMerillons. The determination of the G m (l), Gm(2), Gm(4), Gm(5), Gm(IO). G m (ll), Gm(14), G m (21), Gm(25), 1nv( 1) and I nv(2) allotypes was carried out by the classic hemagglutination inhibition technique on slides described by R opartz and R ivat [1967], As for the Gm(23) detection, the red cells were coated with an IgG.. Gm(23) protein by chromium chloride

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Material and Methods


D aveau/R ivat/L anganey/A fifi/B ois/R opartz Table I. List o f reagents Nomenclature WHO


G m (l) Gm(2) Gm(4) Gm(5) Gm(10) G m (ll) Gm(14) Gm(21) Gm(23) Gm(25) Inv(l) Inv(2)

a X f bl b3 b° b4 g n i a



C U I. . . LEMA . . . L E M E .. . A L L ... LET... CAZ... BEU... L 321 L 704 GRAN... COL... VIR . . .

276 276 277 275 275 275 275 287 275 3 3

Table II. G m and Inv phenotypes found in the three tribes; only the allotypes present arc noted Phenotypes

G m (l, 21) G m (l, 2, 21) G m (l, 10, 11, 21, 25) G m (l, 2, 10, 11,21,25) G m (l, 10, 11, 25) G m (l, 5, 10, 11, 14, 21, 25) G m (l, 2, 5, 10, 11, 14, 21, 25) Inv(l, 2) Inv(-1, -2)






V /o


v /o

91 68 5 1 95 70

55,1 41,2 3 0,6 57 43

63 25 8 2 1 -

63,6 24,6 8,8 2 1 84 16

17 7 11 1 1 1 9 29

44,7 18,4 28,9 2,6 2,6 2,6 23 77


84 15


technique according to G old and F udenderg [1967], All the sera were studied with the reagents listed in table I. Sera were typed at various dilutions from 1:4 to 1:54 with the appropriate controls.

The Gm and Inv phenotypes found are presented in table II according to the tribal origin of the subjects.

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D aveau/R ivat/L anganky/A fifi/B ois/R opartz

In the Wayanas and the Oyampis, three haplotypes account for the pheno­ types which were recorded. They are the Gw1»21, Gm1»2»21 and Gm1>10,11,25 haplotypes. In the Emerillons in addition to the three former haplotypes, the haplotype Gm'>5>*°>1'• *4,25 was found in two subjects of negroid origin. The Gm gene frequencies were determined by the maximum likelihood method using the programme Genef 1 divised by J. M .L alouel and taken from the programme Alltype of N .Y asuda. The frequencies are recorded in table III. As for the Inv system, the gene Invl5 genes by considering only the Gm(l), Gm(2) and Gm(5) allotypes. The results comprising the gene frequencies obtained in various Indian populations and those that we obtained in the three tribes are recorded in table IV. Nearly all the subjects studied are Gm(l,21) or Gm(l,2,21), but some with a fairly important proportion are Gm(l, 10,11,21,25) or Gm (l,2,10,11,21,25). This thus implies the presence of the Gm1>10,11,25 haplotype. The Gm' •21 and Gm1»2’21 haplotypes are commonly found in Caucasoids and Mongoloids, but only the Gm1»10,11,25 haplotype is found in the latter. The presence of the G m (l,5,10,11,14,21,25) and Gm(l,2,5,10,l 1,14,21,25) in two Emerillons is due to the contribution of the Gm1’ 5- 1°, H> 14,25 gene by the fathers of two subjects who are of Negroid origin. The frequency of the Gm 1 (0.76-0.85) and the Gml> 2 (0.13-0.24) found in the present study is comparable to those obtained by F e r n e t el al. [1964] among the same Indian tribes. The work of S a l z a n o el ah [1973], comprising the study of Gm(5), Gm(10), Gm(14) and Gm(21) allotypes, the frequencies of Gm’>21, Gml.2»2* and Gm1*10 genes, may be compared to ours; but in the present work, Gm( 11) and Gm(25) were studied. In fact, all the sera which are positive for Gm(10) are also positive for Gm(l l)and Gm(25). The frequency of our Gm**2* haplo­ type (0.690-0.792) can be compared to that found among the four Brazilian Indian populations of S a l z a n o et al. [1973] (these frequencies range from 0.709 to 0.893). For the Gm1»2»21 haplotype our frequencies 0.126-0.237 are

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Gm and Inv Allotypes in French Guiana Indians Tabic III. Haplotype frequencies of the Gni system Haplotypes

Gm1’ !l Gm1- -■21 Gm1- 10. "• » Q m

Gene frequencies Wayanas



0,744 0.237 0.018

0.792 0.147 0.061

y; 2 d.f. = 0.25 p > 0.80


0.690 0.126 0.158 0.026 X 2 4 d .f. = 4.75 p > 0.30

1, 5 , 10, 11, 14, 23

2 d.f. = 1.40 p > 0.40

Tabic IV . Gm gene frequencies am ong several populations o f South America

French Guiana Oayana Emerillon Palikour Oyampi Galibi


F ernet et at., present study F ernet el at., present study F ernet el al., F ernet el al., present study F ernet et al.,

1964; 1964; 1964 1964; 1964

Venezuela Paranjana Makitare Waica

G allango and A rends, 1963

Guyana W apishana Macushi Acawai

G allango and A rends, 1964

Brazil Aweikoma Caingang I Caingang M Guarani Xavantc Sao Marcos Xavante Simoes Lopez

Aliotypes studied


Gm1, 2 Gm1, 5 Gnr'

1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5

0.79 0.76 0.79 0.84 0.44 0.81 0.85 0.63

0.21 0.24 0.21 0.13 0.53 0.18 0.15 0.18

0.005 0.026 0.026 -

1,2,5 1 ,2 1, 2

0.379 0.50 0.83

0.169 0.50 0.17

0.133 -

1 ,2 1 ,2 1 ,2

0.78 0.67 0.88

0.22 0.33 0.12


0.68 0.69 0.55 0.72 0.78 0.77

0.30 0.26 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23

0.02 0.05 0.21 0.06 -

S alzano and Steinberg, 1 , 2 , 5 1, 2 , 5 1965 1,2,5 1,2,5 S hreffler and Steinberg, 1 ,2 1 ,2 1967


0.319 -

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D aveau/R ivat/L anganey/A fifi/B ois/R opartz

also identical to those described by S a l z a n o (0.107-0.288). The only dif­ ference appears for the G m 1’ 10>u

Gm and Inv allotypes in French Guiana Indians.

Data from 302 individuals belonging to three populations of French Guiana Indians are reported. All the phenotypes except two can be explained by thre...
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