Review Article

Graves Orbitopathy: Update on Diagnosis and Therapy Eugen Melcescu, MD, William B. Horton, MD, Daniel Kim, MD, Vani Vijayakumar, MD, James J. Corbett, MD, Kimberly W. Crowder, MD, Karen T. Pitman, MD, Gabriel I. Uwaifo, MD, and Christian A. Koch, DrMedHabil Abstract: Graves orbitopathy (GO) is an autoimmune disorder representing the most frequent extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves disease. It is rare, with an age-adjusted incidence of approximately 16.0 cases per 100,000 population per year in women and 2.9 cases per 100,000 population per year in men. GO is an inflammatory process characterized by edema and inflammation of the extraocular muscles and an increase in orbital connective tissue and fat. Despite recent progress in the understanding of its pathogenesis, GO often remains a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. It has become increasingly important to classify patients into categories based on disease activity at initial presentation. A Hertel exophthalmometer measurement of 92 mm above normal for race usually categorizes a patient as having moderate-to-severe GO. Encouraging smoking cessation and achieving euthyroidism in the individual patient are important. Simple treatment measures such as lubricants for lid retraction, nocturnal ointments for incomplete eye closure, prisms in diplopia, or botulinum toxin injections for upper-lid retraction can be effective in mild cases of GO. Glucocorticoids, orbital radiotherapy, and decompression/rehabilitative surgery are generally indicated for moderate-to-severe GO and for sight-threatening optic neuropathy. Future therapies, including rituximab aimed at treating the molecular and immunological basis of GO, are under investigation and hold promise for the future.

Key Words: glucocorticoids, Graves disease, orbitopathy, rituximab, thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin


s an autoimmune disorder, Graves orbitopathy (GO) represents the most common and most important extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves disease, which at times can be associated with other autoimmune disorders and thyroid cancer.1Y5 Most hyperthyroid patients with Graves disease do not have GO, although approximately 20% have mild and inactive GO, 6% have moderate-to-severe and active GO, and fewer than 1% have sight-threatening GO with dysthyroid optic neuropathy (ON).6 In a few patients (initially euthyroid or hypothyroid), GO precedes hyperthyroidism.7Y10 Rather than being a complication of Graves disease, GO seems to be a concomitant expression of the same underlying pathological autoimmune process directed against cross-reactive autoantigens in the thyroid and retrobulbar tissues.5,11Y13 The prevalence of GO is 2.9 cases per 100,000 population per year in men and 16.0 cases per 100,000 population per year in women, with a peak in the fifth and seventh decades.5,13,14

Risk Factors for Developing GO From the Departments of Medicine, Radiology/Nuclear Medicine, Neurology, and Ophthalmology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, the Department of Ophthalmology, GV (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, and the Department of Medicine/Endocrinology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans. Reprint requests to Prof Christian A. Koch, Department of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 N State St, Jackson, MS 39216. Email: [email protected] G.I.U. receives grant funding from Johnson & Johnson, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Eli Lilly. C.A.K. is a member of the advisory boards for Ipsen Pharmaceutical, Corcept Therapeutics, and GLC; he received grant funding from Otsuka for a clinical trial; he is a member of the speakers’ bureau for Ipsen Pharmaceutical and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; and he receives royalties from Springer Publishing and payments for the development of educational presentations for The other authors have no financial relationships to disclose and no conflicts of interest to report. Accepted June 4, 2013. Copyright * 2014 by The Southern Medical Association 0038-4348/0Y2000/107-34 DOI: 10.1097/SMJ.0000000000000038


Women are more predisposed than men to develop GO, with a 3.4:1 female:male ratio in those without apparent ocular involvement, a 2.1:1 ratio for those with GO, and a 0.7:1 ratio

Key Points & Graves orbitopathy is the most frequent extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves disease, which occurs most frequently in the hyperthyroid state but can occur in euthyroid and hypothyroid patients. & Therapy is chosen based on scoring of active inflammation and evidence of disease progression. & Traditional nonsurgical therapies include immunosuppression with glucocorticoids and orbital radiotherapy. Future therapies, including rituximab aimed at treating the molecular and immunological basis of Graves orbitopathy, are under investigation and hold promise for the future.

* 2014 Southern Medical Association

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Review Article

for those with euthyroid Graves disease.7 The disease also tends to be more severe in women.4 Severe manifestations of GO may include loss of vision (sight-threatening dysthyroid ON) or corneal breakdown.1,5 Complex interactions among genetic, environmental, endogenous, and local factors could influence the development and severity of GO.13,15 Several risk factors have been shown to contribute to the progression of orbitopathy after radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy for Graves disease, including cigarette smoking; severe hyperthyroidism (serum triiodothy ronine concentration Q5 nmol/L); high levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSH-R) antibodies, especially TSH-R-stimulating antibodies; and poorly controlled hypothyroidism after RAI therapy.16Y20 There is a 1.3-fold increase in the risk of developing clinical orbitopathy and 3.1-fold increase in the risk of developing proptosis and diplopia for smokers. Current smokers seem to have a higher risk for GO than former smokers.21 The treatment of GO with orbital radiotherapy and high-dose steroids appears to be negatively influenced by cigarette smoking.18 Patients with euthyroid function seem to have a mild disease course.16,20,22,23 Increased TSH-R activation (by thyroidstimulating immunoglobulin [TSI] in hyperthyroidism and TSH in hypothyroidism) leads to an increased expression and release of antigens, followed by an autoimmune reaction directed against them in the thyroid and orbit, resulting in progression of GO.1 Radioiodine treatment carries a small risk of causing progression of eye disease in approximately 15% of cases.24

influence the course of disease in the early, active intraorbital inflammatory phase. GO is characterized by edema and inflammation of the extraocular muscles, and an increase in orbital connective tissue and fat. The most common clinical appearance is upper and lower eyelid retraction of varying degrees (Fig. 1). The increased orbital volume leads to increased pressure within the orbit, resulting in a secondary decrease in venous and lymphatic drainage of the orbit.26 The T helper 1 (TH1) pattern (interleukin [IL]-1, IL-2, interferon-F, tumor necrosis factor->) appears to predominate in recent-onset GO, whereas the TH2 pattern (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10) more often is associated with remission.13,27 This underscores the importance of TH1 chemokines in the initiation of GO. Cytokine stimulation can furthermore lead to the release of CXCL9 and CXCL11 chemokines from thyrocytes and retrobulbar cell types from patients with Graves disease.28,29 An interaction between the activated CD4 T cells and local fibroblasts results in the release of cytokines into surrounding tissue, stimulating the expression of immunomodulatory proteins in orbital fibroblasts. The increase in connective tissue volume and the fibrotic restriction of extraocular muscle involvement resulting from fibroblast stimulation leads to the clinical manifestation of orbitopathy. The orbital cell target of the autoimmune processes is represented primarily by fibroblasts and adipocytes; however, eye muscle cells (with their antigens) may play a secondary role in maintaining the ongoing autoimmune reactions in the orbit.1,14


Diagnostic Markers and Imaging in Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy

GO is an inflammatory process in which orbital connective tissue becomes inflamed and accumulates the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan. This accumulation leads to extensive remodeling of orbital tissue with resultant ophthalmic and orbital sequelae.25 The disease presents with well-known stages and immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory treatment may

Serum Markers of GO Graves diseaseYspecific antibodies include TSH-R antibodies and TSI. TBII is another name for TSH-R antibodies and its use is fading in the literature. TSI is a bioassay, detects lower

Fig. 1. Signs of eyelid retraction seen in Graves orbitopathy (occurs in 50% of patients). A, Demonstrates bilateral lid retraction without associated proptosis. B, Shows bilateral lid retraction with bilateral proptosis. C, Exhibits unilateral lid retraction and unilateral proptosis. D, Shows lid lag in down gaze. Southern Medical Journal

& Volume 107, Number 1, January 2014

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Melcescu et al

& Graves Orbitopathy: Update on Diagnosis and Therapy

levels of TSH-R autoantibodies, and is used to differentiate Graves disease from Hashimoto thyroiditis and to evaluate subclinical Graves disease during pregnancy.30 There is good correlation between TSI and clinical activity.31 Serial TSI measurements during the clinical inflammatory phase may help direct clinical decision making.32 Downward trends in TSI levels and GO scores indicate initiation of the cicatricial phase, which prompts consideration of rehabilitative surgery. Retrobulbar cell types participate in the self-perpetuation of inflammation by releasing chemokines under the influence of cytokines. It has been suggested that CXCL10 is a marker of active GO.33

Imaging in GO Orbital computed tomography (OCT) is a modern investigative tool with moderate cost and good resolution for imaging orbital structures. Low-density (fat) and higher-density images (eg, orbital muscle, optic nerve) with 1-mm slice thickness are useful in identifying the kind of remodeling taking place in the orbit.25,34,35 Mean values for the volume of normal extraocular muscle and orbital fat have been defined.36 Unilateral GO, by clinical examination, appears to be bilateral in 50% to 75% of patients by OCT, with an asymmetric extraocular muscle enlargement in approximately 30% of the cases. Some of the OCT findings that are most suggestive of GO are increased volume

of the extraocular muscles (spindle-like thickening 94 mm), recti muscle involvement (inferior 9 medial 9 superior), vascular engorgement, sinus involvement, occasional slight bowing of the medial orbital wall (‘‘Coca-Cola sign’’), and compression of the optic nerve by enlarged extraocular muscles and rarely by lacrimal gland enlargement.34 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides high-quality orbital anatomic detail and helps clinicians to assess disease activity in patients with GO. Compared with CT, MRI provides better tissue differentiation and is more sensitive to alterations in water content or hydrogen concentration. T2-weighted images yield great information about tissue composition within the orbit and provide high sensitivity for demonstrating edema within extraocular rectus eye muscles and orbital fat. Orbital MRI is indicated in patients with thyroid disease and decreased vision, for delineation of inflammatory from fibrotic disease when it is uncertain whether medical or surgical intervention is appropriate, and to monitor the progress of disease or response to treatment.34 Another useful investigative tool for GO has been octreoscan (Mallinckrodt, Hazelwood, MO), which is considered extremely sensitive for assessing orbital tissue inflammation and response to medical treatment. It also is useful for evaluating disease activity when clinical signs are not clear, if MRI is not available, and occasionally before initiation of medical therapy.34

Fig. 2. Bilateral optic nerve and retinal striae seen in Graves orbitopathy. A, Demonstrates optic nerve swelling and retinal striae seen in a patient’s right eye before treatment. Visual acuity at this time was 20/100. B, Shows the patient’s left eye before treatment with visual acuity of 20/200. C, Shows the right eye posttreatment with visual acuity restored to 20/20. D, Demonstrates the left eye posttreatment with visual acuity restored to 20/20.


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Orbital ultrasound (performed with A and B scans) is useful in the detection of extraocular muscle defects, but it is less reliable than MRI.37 It may, however, accurately diagnose GO and measure orbital muscle thickness in patients after radiotherapy.38 Color doppler imaging is useful for assessing blood flow velocity of orbital vessels. Pathological findings in GO are related to an enhanced blood flow velocity in the orbital artery and a low blood flow velocity in the superior orbital vein in patients with moderate-to-severe disease. As in other disorders involving the central nervous system, measurement of visual evoked cortical potentials (VECPs) are important in the assessment of optic nerve impairment and ON in GO.

Manifestations of ON Seen in GO

There also has been little uniformity among the grading systems used by various study groups. It is crucial to differentiate active disease from the cicatricial phase because treatment differs between the two stages. Patients with worsening deficits or persistent activity in the inflammatory phase need to be considered for additional treatments and intervention to limit their disability.34 Conversely, patients whose disease has entered the cicatricial phase will influence the decision to proceed with rehabilitative surgery.14 The clinical activity score (CAS) was introduced in 1989 to stage and grade the inflammatory phase of the disease.44 Spontaneous orbital/eye pain or pain on attempted up, lateral, or down gaze were considered inflammatory markers in this scale. The CAS also improved upon previous classification

ON occurs in approximately 5% of patients with GO. Early manifestations are defective color vision and a usually normal disc appearance; advanced manifestations are optic nerve swelling and retina striae (Fig. 2). ON is caused by optic compression at the orbital apex from enlarged extraocular muscles. The extenuation of the medial orbital wall by the medial rectus muscle results in the ‘‘Coca-Cola sign’’ (Fig. 3A). ON occurs in the presence (Fig. 3B) or absence of significant proptosis (Fig. 3C). Electrophysiological abnormalities have proven to be the most sensitive indicator of incipient ON.39 VECP is useful in the early detection of optic nerve abnormalities. In patients with GO affected by ON, vision loss occurs insidiously in the context of a congestive inflammatory orbitopathy. In the absence of visual loss, other signs have been suggested as possible indicators of ON development, such as changes in color vision and optic nerve head-on ophthalmoscopy and abnormal visual field examination.40 Prolonged latency of VECP is associated with hypothyroidism, with reversion to normal values seen by achieving euthyroidism with levothyroxine administration.41 Studies have shown that VECP in patients with GO could detect asymptomatic optic nerve dysfunction in the absence of deterioration of visual acuity. As a complimentary tool to visual field examination in the ophthalmological assessment, GO VECP could improve detection of the disease at an early stage.42 Positive VECP testing should trigger intraorbital imaging and close follow-up of patients.

Scoring and Grading Disease Activity At first, one should assess the thyroid volume by a simple clinical examination, because goiter size correlates with severity of Graves disease and GO. In addition, attention should be paid to possible coexisting thyroid dermopathy (occurring in 4%Y13% of patients), prompting the physical examination to include both shins.43 Various grading scales have been devised to aid the clinician in assessing GO. Some have attempted to grade the severity of the disease, whereas others have graded activity; however, most scales have not clearly differentiated between signs of acute inflammation and those of the subsequent cicatricial phase that occurs as the disease process resolves. Southern Medical Journal

Fig. 3. Manifestations of optic neuropathy occurring in Graves orbitopathy. A, Shows extenuation of the medial orbital wall by the medial rectal muscle (‘‘Coca-Cola sign’’). B, Optic neuropathy in the presence of significant proptosis. C, Optic neuropathy in the absence of significant proptosis.

& Volume 107, Number 1, January 2014

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Melcescu et al

& Graves Orbitopathy: Update on Diagnosis and Therapy

Table 1. Parameters for clinical activity score Clinical finding Retrobulbar pain

Score 0Y1

Pain on eye movement


Eyelid erythema


Conjunctival injection




Swelling of the caruncle


Eyelid edema



0Y2: inactive Graves orbitopathy 3Y7: active Graves orbitopathy

systems by addressing differences between the acute and cicatricial phases.45Y47 Studies have demonstrated good correlation between TSI and CAS.31,45 As an office-based tool, CAS assigns one point to each of seven signs or symptoms indicative of inflammation (Table 1). The VISA classification was developed by evaluating vision, inflammation, strabismus, and appearance,48 and these four parameters are used in the office setting to record clinical changes and guide/assess therapy. This classification system helps direct appropriate management in a logical sequence by targeting the most relevant aspect of the disease affecting the patient. Vision dysfunction from ON is the first priority. Inflammation is the next sign, and specific therapy will imply conservative measures, treatment with corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, radiotherapy, or a combination. Strabismus and appearance changes usually are managed medically and expectantly until signs of inflammation and disease progression have subsided. Once these have occurred, strabismus can be managed with prisms or routine surgery, whereas proptosis, eyelid retraction, dermatochalasis, or steatoblepharon would require special surgery. In clinical practice, it is advisable to understand the differences between CAS and VISA scoring. VISA eliminates caruncular edema as a separate sign and modifies CAS by widening the grade for chemosis and lid edema from 0 to 2 (Table 2).49 Chemosis is graded as 1 if the conjunctiva lies behind the gray line of the eyelid and 2 if it extends anterior to the gray line. Eyelid edema is scored as 1 if it is present but not causing the tissues to overhang and as 2 if it causes a roll in the eyelid skin, including festoons in the lower eyelid. The pain score is based on the patient’s report of deep orbital discomfort rather than ocular surface irritation (0 = no pain, 1 = pain with movement, 2 = pain at rest). The additional grading scores for chemosis and eyelid edema enable the clinician to document more subtle changes in inflammatory features between visits.48 Figure 4 demonstrates the chemosis and eyelid edema that occur in patients with GO. Periorbital and lid swelling (Fig. 4A), conjunctival hyperemia (Fig. 4B), chemosis (Fig. 4C), and superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (Fig. 4D) all may be seen.


Therapy is chosen based on scoring of active inflammation (present or not) and evidence of progression. A VISA score of G4/8 with no other clinical findings is indicative of mild GO and can be managed conservatively, whereas a score of Q5/8 indicates moderate-to-severe disease, leading to more aggressive therapy (intravenous corticosteroids or decompression surgery).48 The release of the Consensus Statement of the European Group on Graves Orbitopathy in 2008 added refined recommendations to the management of GO. The authors recommended an initial stratification of patients into mild, moderate-to-severe, or sight-threatening categories, as well as an attempt to determine disease activity (Table 3).49,50

Treatment of GO There is no prophylaxis for GO and the treatment differs by stage of disease. Graves disease management should be individualized,4 with subtotal or total thyroidectomy for thyroid antigen elimination.51,52 Total thyroidectomy or bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy may not prevent the progression of GO, although TSH-R antibody titers may become undetectable in 50% of patients.53,54 Methimazole or thyroidectomy is the preferred therapy in patients with active and moderate-to-severe or sightthreatening GO. Most patients with Graves disease have declining or normalizing TSH-R antibody titers during medical therapy or after surgical therapy, whereas patients post-RAI treatment typically continue to have elevated titers of TSH-R antibody.55 Serial TSI measurements during the clinical inflammatory phases may help direct clinical decision making. Table 4 summarizes recommendations for the use of glucocorticoids in patients with Graves disease when RAI is used to treat hyperthyroidism. Hertel exophthalmometer measurements of both eyes should be performed in all patients by clinicians, taking into consideration racial differences. 56 Patients should be encouraged to abstain from active or passive smoking and to be compliant with levothyroxine intake, if it is needed. There are still many unknown variables regarding the likelihood of progression to severe GO. If a shared thyroidal and orbital antigen were involved in GO, its release by RAI could aggravate preexisting eye disease (Fig. 5); however,

Table 2. Parameters for VISA inflammatory score Clinical finding


Orbital pain (none, at rest, with gaze) Chemosis

0Y2 0Y2

Eyelid edema


Conjunctival injection


Eyelid injection Total

0Y1 0Y8

G5/8, mild Graves orbitopathy; 94/8, moderate-to-severe Graves orbitopathy. VISA, vision, inflammation, strabismus, and appearance.

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Fig. 4. Soft tissue involvement. A, Periorbital and lid swelling . B, Conjunctival hyperaemia. C, Chemosis. D, Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis. ablation of the thyroid gland may in the long term improve eye disease by removing some or most of the antigen. The use of antithyroid drugs may be protective during the active inflammatory phase of the ophthalmopathy, and poor control of thyroid function may predispose to severe eye disease.20,22,23 Total or subtotal thyroidectomy for moderate to severe orbitopathy in hyperthyroid patients has been shown to be effective.57 Smoking, stage of disease, RAI treatment, and unstable thyroid function are possible factors exacerbating GO or compromising treatment outcome.16Y18,24,58,59 Smoking is associated with the deterioration of preexisting GO, more severe disease, and negatively affects the efficacy of various treatments. It also increases the risk of progression of GO after RAI treatment; therefore, physicians must be actively involved by helping patients to quit smoking and avoid exposure to passive smoking or making appropriate referrals to smoking cessation clinics if better outcome is the goal.21 The treatment of GO should be guided by the stage and activity of disease. The most useful indicators of active GO are represented by CAS Q3, eye muscle reflectivity of Q40% on A-mode ultrasonography, increased levels of glycosaminoglycans in serum or urine titer, prolonged T2 relaxation time on MRI, high orbital uptake of 111In on octreoscan, or a VISA score Q5.60Y65 Simple treatment measures such as lubricants for lid retraction, nocturnal ointments for incomplete eye closure, prisms in the situation of diplopia, or botulinum toxin injections for upper lid retraction could prove to be effective in mild cases of GO.1,66 A course of selenium may be helpful in mild GO.67Y69 Selenium is available over the counter and is believed to affect the formation of reactive oxygen species and assist in achieving euthyroidism. Glucocorticoids; orbital radiotherapy; orbital decompression (OD) either by removal of excess orbital fat or the expansion of the orbital of the walls, depending on radiographic and clinical findings; eye muscle surgery; and rehabilitative Southern Medical Journal

eyelid surgery are indicated generally for moderate-to-severe disease and for sight-threatening ON.

Glucocorticoids Glucocorticoids are the treatment of choice for ON and moderate-to-severe active disease, and numerous randomized trials and meta-analyses have proven their beneficial effects.49,70,71 Glucocorticoids and orbital radiotherapy are most effective for inflammatory manifestations of the disease such as periorbital edema and ocular discomfort, because both treatments inhibit the production of cytokines by activated mononuclear cells and orbital fibroblasts.1 In patients with active and severe GO, the response rate of intravenous glucocorticoid pulse therapy is approximately 80%.71 The recommended treatment for patients with active and moderate-to-severe GO is a course of 0.5 g intravenous methylprednisolone once weekly for 6 weeks,

Table 3. Severity classifications of GO Sight-threatening GO: Patients with dysthyroid optic neuropathy and/or corneal breakdown. This category requires immediate intervention. Moderate-to-severe GO: Patients without sight-threatening GO whose eye disease has enough impact on daily life to justify the risks of immunosuppression (if active) or surgical intervention (if inactive). Patients within this classification usually have one or more of the following: lid retraction 92 mm, moderate-to-severe soft tissue involvement, exophthalmos 92 mm above normal for race1 and sex, or inconstant or constant diplopia. Mild GO: Patients whose symptoms of GO have only a minor impact on daily life and are insufficient to justify immunosuppressive or surgical treatment. Patients within this classification usually have one or more of the following: minor lid retraction G2 mm, mild soft tissue involvement, exophthalmos G3 mm above normal for race56 and sex, transient or no diplopia, or corneal exposure responsive to lubricants. GO, Graves orbitopathy.

& Volume 107, Number 1, January 2014

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Melcescu et al

& Graves Orbitopathy: Update on Diagnosis and Therapy

Table 4. Use of oral glucocorticoids for prevention of GO development or progression when RAI is used to treat Graves’ hyperthyroidism RAI with oral glucocorticoids No GO (nonsmoker)

RAI without glucocorticoids

Not recommended



Insufficient data

GO present-inactive (smoker or nonsmoker)

Not recommended


GO present-active and mild (nonsmoker)


GO present-active and mild (smoker) GO present-active and moderate-to-severe or sight-threatening (smoker or nonsmoker)


Not recommended

Insufficient data to recommend for or against

Not recommended

No GO (smoker)


GO, Graves’ orbitopathy; RAI, radioactive iodine. Reproduced with permission from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.52

followed by 0.25 g/week for 6 weeks (cumulative dose 4.5 g).49,71 If there is negative clinical response, intravenous glucocorticoid treatment may be stopped after 6 weeks of 0.5 g/week dosing. Although effective, this treatment may be accompanied by adverse effects, including liver dysfunction, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes, infection, psychosis, or glaucoma.72Y75 As such, careful patient selection (evaluation for autoimmune and other forms of hepatitis) and routine monitoring during treatment are necessary. The total cumulative dose of intravenous glucorticoids should not exceed 8 g, and it is preferable that single doses not be administered on consecutive days.71 Of note, oral therapy with glucocorticoids is widely used in daily practice, and prednisone at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg per body weight started 1 day after RAI and withdrawn after 6 weeks can prevent RAI-induced exacerbation of initially mild or absent GO.76

inflammation has subsided and the restrictive component has stabilized.77,82 Orbital radiotherapy may cause temporary ocular irritation and increased soft tissue inflammation from approximately 2 weeks following therapy and continuing for at least 24 to 36 weeks; therefore, oral steroids should be continued during the course of radiotherapy and tapered slowly for 3 months. If vision deteriorates despite steroids and radiation treatment, then surgical decompression is warranted.80 Optic nerve compression must be treated emergently with intravenous glucocorticoids or surgical decompression of the orbit.72,73,82,83 Radiotherapy has a limited role in treating nonYsight-threatening GO and should be limited to improving or halting progression of vertical ocular dysmotility.84 For progressive GO, radiotherapy should be avoided in people younger than 35 years old, but it remains relatively safe, with a 0.2% lifetime risk of cancer, a risk of definite radiation retinopathy within 10 years of 1% to 2%, and a 1% incidence of retinopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus.84 Radiotherapy reduces restriction and improves fields of single binocular vision, and it can prevent decompression surgery or prevent relapses after OD (when muscles continue to enlarge postdecompression for dystrophic ON).

OD OD is a surgical procedure that can be performed either by removing parts of the orbital walls, thereby increasing space for the orbital contents, or by orbital fat removal, leaving the bony orbit intact. The choice of surgery is dependent on a combination of individual surgeon’s preference and intersubject variability in orbital morphology.57,85 Immediate OD has no advantage over intravenous steroid therapy with relation to improvement of visual acuity in the short term,86 and surgical manipulation may worsen orbital inflammation if performed during the active

Radiotherapy Orbital irradiation (OI) is advocated in active GO associated with diplopia and restricted motility.77 Orbital lymphocytes and fibroblasts are sensitive to ionizing radiation1 and cumulative doses between 10 and 20 Gy may be effective.78 Irradiation must be avoided in diabetic retinopathy, severe hypertension, and patients younger than 35 years old.79Y81 Limited clinical trials support the idea of a more effective treatment when a combination of oral glucocorticoids and OI is used rather than either treatment alone.1 The best results with radiotherapy are found in patients in whom irradiation was given shortly after the onset of symptoms. Radiotherapy decreases eyelid and conjunctival swelling and improves motility during the active, inflammatory phase. It is ineffective against fibrotic extraocular muscle restriction or strabismus and has no effect on chronic proptosis. Strabismus may not resolve entirely; however, strabismus surgery or OD is effective when


Fig. 5. Conjunctival and periorbital edema seen in a male patient with Graves orbitopathy after treatment with radioactive iodine (without glucocorticoid coverage) leading to acute exacerbation of GO. * 2014 Southern Medical Association

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phase. By contrast, high-dose steroids can reduce local edema, ameliorate optic nerve compression, and allow surgery to be performed during an inactive phase.86 Other surgical modalities used in the treatment of GO are extraocular muscle surgery for strabismus and eyelid surgery (performed after OD and strabismus surgery, if either or both are needed).

Future Trends in Treatment Despite extensive research, GO remains a problematic disease with a broad range of clinical manifestations and a highly variable natural history. Managing such patients requires a multidisciplinary approach, including endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, head and neck surgeons, and nuclear medicine physicians with a special expertise in GO. Current treatments rely on systemic immunosuppression, OI, and surgery to relieve the mechanical effects of the disease such as optic nerve compression, proptosis, strabismus, and lid retraction and swelling. Future therapies aimed at the molecular and immunological bases of the disease are more likely to be beneficial. A key component would be the ability to detect the disease at its earliest stage or recognize predisposing factors. Various compounds such as somatostatin analogs, azathioprine, ciamexone, selenium, and intravenous immunoglobulins have been used with marginal effectiveness. Immunomodulators such as rituximab or etanercept also may prove to be effective therapies for GO, but randomized studies are required.67,87Y93 Of 34 patients with active GO and 3 patients with inactive GO, 92% improved, with a reduction of CAS from 5.3 to 1.3. Time to improvement is approximately 6 weeks when the standard rheumatoid arthritis regimen of 1000 mg of rituximab on day 1 and on day 14 is used.94 There is evidence that a combination of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressant therapy may be more beneficial than either treatment alone.95,96 Direct or indirect inhibitors of glycosaminoglycans also may be useful. IL-1> has a potent effect in stimulating the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and the proliferation of orbital fibroblasts. As such, new pharmacological compounds (eg, cyclooxygenase inhibitors, anti-IL-1 antibodies, IL-1-receptor antagonists) with the ability to decrease titers or the action of IL-1>, or those that inhibit the expression of various immunomodulatory proteins, may provide a new approach to the management of GO by interrupting disease progression.97

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Graves orbitopathy: update on diagnosis and therapy.

Graves orbitopathy (GO) is an autoimmune disorder representing the most frequent extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves disease. It is rare, with an a...
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