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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



NERVOUS SYSTEM P. Buser Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie Comparee, Universite .Paris VI, Paris, France

INTRODUCTION The field covered by higher brain functions is as yet iII defined. In principle, it should extend to all functions that are not strictly sensory receptive or motor projective and which, according to traditional psychology, are somehow artificially divided into attention, perception, v oluntary activity, higher i ntegrations, learning, mem ory, etc. Having to make a choice-unavoidably oriented by personal biases and i nterests­ I decided to concentrate on cognitive and elaborative mechanisms. The emphasis is on electrophysiological data, but ablation and stimulation studies also remain i ndispensable tools whose results deserve consideration here. Neurochemical and neuropharmacological investigations are not included as, up to now, they do not seem to have provided many new ideas in this field. Finally, due to the conciseness of this study, no specific section is devoted to memory, which, owing to its com­ plexity, would require special attention. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF ATTENTION

To the neurophysi ologist who tries t o search for specific signs of attention, the operational criteria for such signs stand within a narrow "safety margi n." Cells i n various structures that selectively respond to complex categories of stimuli (objects, situations) (see below) i n fact represent feature detectors of very high order and thus belong to perceptual mechanisms, unless it is demonstrated that their modality of response varies with attention shifts. Moreover if one searches for changes of re­ sponse patterns caused by peripheral or central intercurrent stimUli, these changes must be short term; otherwise they belong to learning processes. Finally, one of the greatest problems to be overcome in attention studies is the difficulty of distinguish ing between unspecific arousal effects (i ntensive aspect of attention) and the process of selection that eliminates irrelevant stimuli (its sel ective aspect) (8). The often suggested hypothesis that selection of relevant stimuli is made at the i nput stage has been discussed. Theoretical studies (8, 50, 154, 210) have questioned this viewpoint; in fact, adequate filtering requi res complex discrimination, likely to ­


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



be the privilege of the higher levels. Attention may instead be a multistaged process with selectivity pervading throughout the cognitive continuum from input to out­ put, with parallel channels facilitating or inhibiting it. Evidence of controls in the sensory channels presents merely a partial aspect of the problem, as other controls may also come into play in later stages of integration and elaboration, in the form of "response sets" rather than "stimulus sets" (8, 15, 169). Although mainly specu­ lative, these views may well be of use in preventing physiologists' tendencies to "hyperlocalize" the level at which attention-related changes may occur. Finally, another problem, often confused with but not identical to the preceding one, is whether attention is governed by a particular structure. The favorite candidate has been and still remains the reticular formation, but other systems may also come into play. Given these complex theoretical aspects, it is not surprising that data on attention mechanisms are rather heterogeneous. 1. The specific difference between arousal and selectivity was sought (89) by testing the excitability of the lateral geniculate body and visual cortex in cats pressing a lever in response to sound or light-stimuli: the excitability did not change during intense visual attention, but its reduction during intense auditory attention suggested a switching-off of the visual system. Not many other reports on similar specific changes are available from recent studies [see (201) for previous results]' Reticular influences on the sensory systems have long been under study and with varying results. It was thus found that auditory cortex cells responding to complex sounds in squirrel monkeys were unaffected by reticular activation (136), whereas in macaques, such cells changed responses depending on the level of arousal (127). During moderate inattention, tactile, auditory, and reticular stimulation facilitated transmission through the monkey lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), but not at the visual cortex and not when the animal was fully awake (5). LGN thus seems to be a strategic structure in the reticular control of visual input with relation to shifts of attention (44). It was also reported that reticular influences act similarly on the various functional classes of cells identified in the visual system (4). However, a specific effect at the cortical level should also be considered (59). In the moderately alert cat, reticular stimulation affected neither the LGN responses to flicker nor the critical flicker-fusion (CFF) threshold, while facilitation occurred at low levels of arousal. Moreover, spontaneous facilitations were observed, which were not accom·· panied by changes in the overall reticular activity; this was taken as evidence that sensory selection may not be effected by reticular formation, but rather by other structures such as the thalamus. (73). A somewhat different approach to selective attention showed that, in awake cats or monkeys, distinct discrete thalamocortical systems can independently develop rhythmic activities that appear localized over either the somatic or visual cortex. These rhythms are provoked by a shift of attention from the corresponding sensory domain (172). These "sectorized" thaJamocortical synchronizations may be at the same time an index of and a basis for the mechanism of selective attention, as thalamocortical systems in a given pathway may be available for integration only when they are not engaged in clustered firing (94, 123, 171).

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



Going a step further into basic mechanisms, the question is posed as to the nature of the neuronal processes involved in selection. Recurrent inhibition has been sug­ gested (210), but this hypothesis was criticized as an oversimplificat ion (60). Explo­ ration of the fundamental processes has been thorough i n l ower forms. I nteresting and penetrating studies on habituation and sensitization at the synaptic level (22) may i ndeed provide explanations fOl: the neuronal mechanisms of selection; they would require special review. 2. Another valuable approach to attention and cognitive processes is to investi­ gate event-related phenomena, i.e. responses to sensory stimulations in simple [evoked potentials (EPs)] or complex [contingent negative variations (CNVs)] para­ digms in a nimals and through averaging techniques of scalp recording in humans. Evoked Potentials

Before weighing experimental findings, some things ought to be said about both the method's v alidity and its limitations. EPs measure sensory transmission i n the brain, but whether they represent pro­ cesses that mediate SUbjective sensory experience remains disputable, especially for their early components (197). In cats, the visual detectability of stimuli has been shown to be accompanied by changes in the early response components in the lateral geniculate body (LGN) and the midbrain reticular formation (MRF), but not in the striate cortex; this was considered an indication that early detection may be subcorti­ cal (203). In humans, whether the least detectable scalp EP is related to the percep­ tual threshold remains u nsettled (160, 183). Cortical stimulation i n conscious humans also placed in question the perceptive value of early components (107). In spite of valid efforts (see·e.g. 27), the neuronal mechanisms u nderlying EPs are i nsufficiently known so that their behavioral correlates remai n only at 300 msec), which subtends processing in active attention (190). Briefly, it is plausible that, whereas an early component such as N l represents an early stage of processing, which admits all sensory inputs having any one attribute in common, but which blocks irrelevant ones, P3 underlies the subsequent stages of processing sensory information and of comparison with "memorized templates."

Contingent Negative Variations Another family of scalp potentials was discovered when a standard paradigm was employed, designated hereafter as SI-S2-R, where SI is a warning stimulus followed after"'" 1 sec by the S2 imperative stimulus by which the subject is requested to perform a standard task (push a button, press a lever, etc). A slow negative wave, CNV (contingent negative variation), develops in the interval SI-S2, then quickly returns to baseline after the motor performance (CNV resolution). One debate centered about the determination of the exact psychological variable involved. Because CNVs can develop when no motor task is performed (39), they cannot belong to "motor potentials" developing before self-paced movements (see below). Beyond this fact, no definite conclusion has been reached; neyertheless the following categories of variables have been proposed: holding readiness, preparing perceptual judgment, anticipating a reinforcer, preparing a cognitive decision, and conceptual­ izing a movement (85, 198), but not regUlating the finer details of its execution, which probably accounts for the loose correlation between CNV amplitude and the reaction time of the task after S2 (114, 159). Finally, expectancy of S2 was consid­ ered more important than the intention to respond to it (24, 168). CNVs were, at one time, thought to include several components: a rolandic ("central") one more strictly linked to task performance and a frontal shift depending upon the uncer­ tainty of the subject. This multiplicity of components (such as those of EPs) may indeed explain some of the contradictions that have arisen regarding the determin­ ing variables (93). CNV resolution calls for some discussion. Some variables have been shown to accelerate the return to baseline; moreover, this return actually initiates a positive poststimulus deflection whose identity with the P3 EP component in response to the imperative stimulus has been postulated and refuted (38, 42, 211 , 2 1 6, 2 1 8). Using complex tasks and complex paradigms with three stimuli, it could be shown (21 1 )

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.


22 1

that CNV resolution is not dependent on the overt response, nor on the final decision, but possibly on a coarse sensory recognition of the stimulus. Even more than EPs, the physiological mechanisms of CNVs remain almost completely unknown and CNVs therefore tend to be ignored by analysts. It is true that slow shifts were recorded in animals in various conditions at several brain sites including the subcortex (13, 41). However, whether these shifts are of dendritic origin or due to glial ionic exchanges or to vascular changes remains unknown (118, 158), in spite of results illustrating correspondences between negative slow poten­ tials and unit firing in the thalamus and cerebral cortex (165). PERCEPTUAL MECHANISMS

According to traditional associative thinking, the l evels of complexity in cortical operations are spatially segregated. Sensory reception is performed in primary fields while perceptual or "encoding" processes occur in "association areas" lying in their vicinity. The following examples may serve to indicate whether recent investigations favor this con ceptualization. The Monkey Visual System

Visual agnosia is one of the symptoms of the Klliver-Bucy syndrome after tempo­ ralectomy; later studies have confi rmed that, in the monkey, temporal areas partici­ pate in visual discrimination (212). Since then, new data have accumulated and deserve comment. Anatomically (79, 212), the monkey's higher visual system includes the following elements: (a) striate area (area 17, VI); (b) areas 18 (V2) and 19 (V3), which form the circumstriate belt (CSB); an d (c) the inferotemporal cortex (IT). V I is cortico­ cortically projected to CSB, then to IT, presumably through an intermediate area called the prelunate gyrus. VI receives point-to-point retino-geniculate projections, and V2-V3 and IT receive projections from the pulvinar nucleus. The latter in turn receives fibers from the superior colliculus and VI. It then projects to pulvinar, to the superior colJiculus and to limbic nuclei (amygdala) and basal ganglia. The flow diagram thus clearly indicates that CSB and IT receive information from multiple sources: cortico-cortical from VI and CSB, subcortical from the superior colliculus through the pulvinar nucleus, and transhemispheric from contralateral IT. Ablation studies have thoroughly documented the func­ tional differences between the various areas. (a) After extensive ablation of VI, it is not only the sensitivity to total flux that is retained (KlUver's original con clusions), but also some space localization, some brightness, color, and even shape discrimina­ tion that pose the problem of takeover offunction [partly solved by demonstrating the role of the accessory optic tract (146)]. (b) Ablation of CSB (176) had variable effects: discrimination impairments were observed by some authors but not by others. (c) Regarding IT lesions, a distinction is now made between those of the posterior part (near CSB), which affect attention to an d perception of stimuli and ABLATION STUDIES



those of the more anteriorly situated cortex, which elicit a true retrograde amnesia in visual perception (agnosia, as commonly understood) (30, 31). In all cases, the basic visual performances were left intact. (d) Pulvinar (202) and collicular lesions (see below) also impaired visual discrimination. The characteristics of the feature detectors in VI and CSB of monkeys are well known, but in lesser detail, than in the cat, regarding segregation among simple, complex, and hypercomplex cells. IT cells were recently found (79) to exhibit specific properties: long latency following the onset of light; large receptive fields, all of which included the fovea; reaction of some cells to moving slits, some to colors, and some to significant objects. The transitional area between CSB and IT was shown (232) to contain a high percentage of cells sensitive to movement, and it was suggested that this area feeds information on movement into the superior colliculus. These data raise a variety of questions that extend far beyond the particular case: (a) The picture that begins to emerge is that of a mosaic of cortical areas with spatial segregation between simple and more sophisticated operations (156, 232). The "wiring" is even more complex, however, since subcortical projections also partici­ pate. Much remains to be investigated to. clarify the functional importance of this complex interplay of redundant channels. Unit explorations in the pulvinar (124) revealed neurons with receptive field properties fairly similar (but not identical) to those at IT. An interesting observation was that pulvinar lesions increased the size of receptive fields in IT, which implies a modulating influence of the subcortical route. (b) The cortico-cortical pathway Vl�IT does not preserve topographical

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.


organization; this "break" in the point-to-point correspondence may be considered

. prerequisite to a system that should be capable of extracting or transferring any message configuration (18). (c) A further stage of complex integration would consist of intermodality operations. At this step, very little is yet known on the monkey; IT exploration did not reveal plurimodality, and data on other cortical fields were obtained essentially under chloralose anesthesia, except for some recent data (see below). (d) It also remains to be decided whether cortical areas here represent end stations or if they transfer messages to subcortical structures, by either feed-forward (to basal ganglia or limbic structures) or feedback (into the ascending visual route) (156). The Auditory System (Cat and Monkey)

The mechanism for recognition of sound patterns is seemingly not as amply docu­ mented as that for vision. The traditional theory (36, 52) of tuning curves with bandwidth narrowing from the brain-stem level through the medial geniculate body (MGN) with tonotopic organization at the acoustic cortex appears fairly obsolete now. Studies on unanesthetized animals have revealed neurons in the MGN and acoustic cortex and even in the inferior colliculus that display a variety of complex response patterns, a thorough catalog of which is not possible here (2, 12, 195). Besides cells responding to complex stimuli (frequency- or amplitude-modulated sounds, temporal tone sequences, etc), the most interesting data concern cells in the



Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.

squirrel monkey and macaque auditory cortices that respond specifically to vocaliza­ tion features of their own species (66, 127, 135, 220, 221, 227). Some general remarks can be made: (a) It seems that the auditory pathway, as opposed to the visual system, displays complex feature extraction early in its ascending route (inferior colliculus). (b) As yet no clear indication exists of further processing in association areas. (c) One condition for observing complex feature extraction seems to be the absence of anesthesia. The Cat Suprasy/vian Cortex

In the cat, several cortical areas may be considered "associative" by classic defini­ tions: in particular, the suprasylvian cortex, where sensory projections of various modalities could be identified and where a large number of cells were found to be polymodal, especially under chloralose anesthesia. In the visual domain, suprasyl­ vian cells were characterized by their large receptive fields, low degree of orientation specificity, and responsiveness to movement regardless of direction (45); in the auditory domain, cells had broad and relatively shallow tuning curves, which again indicated poor specificity (213). The source of these sensory activations has been only partially studied; it may be either direct from the primary cortices or from the subcortex, chiefly lateralis posterior-pulvinar, as recently confirmed (161). Ablations of the suprasylvian gyrus have been more or less inconclusive to date with regard to visual brightness or form discrimination. At most, they have been effective only in animals previously deprived of visual cortex, indicating that the gyrus might be involved in the residual discrimination of these cats (223). Ablation of all the cortex surrounding the primary acoustic cortex also failed to impair complex sound discrimination (99). It may well be that adequate tests have not yet been developed for investigating the feline association areas separately, or that the function of these areas is not sufficiently differentiated to allow independent analysis. THE MOTOR ELABORATION SYSTEMS

New concepts (borrowed mainly from system analysis) have greatly altered older theories that organized movements are primarily a chain of reflexes. The flow chart of a motor act now introduces operational loops and blocks (some of which had indeed been proposed long ago, but in dispersed order) into logical systems (pro­ gram, comparator, external feedback, open-loop action, internal feedback, corollary discharge, etc) (90). The present selection of data is restricted to problems relating to purposive motion in general and includes some fundamental concepts of higher elaboration (omitting the more specific aspects of movement organization irrelevant to this review). Preparation of Somatic Movements

The concept of a "preparatory" or decision-making phase of movement, when electrophysiological changes are shown to occur before the movement begins, seems to be the outcome of various recent experiments. Data from both humans and animals are considered.

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



Scalp recordings aided by averaging techniques led to the discovery of human scalp potentials that develop when the subject performed a self-paced movement (32, 207). 1. Given a precisely timed, unilateral localized (e.g. index) movement, several successive components were distinguishable: (a ) a slow negative shift starting 800 msec before the electromyographic sign of motion [Bereitschaftspotential (BP), readiness potential (RP), or NI component]; (b) a "premotion positivity" (PMP or PI) preceding the movement by "'80 msec; (c) a negative motor potential (MP or N2) 50 msec before the movement; (d) a mainly positive deflection that immediately follows the movement [Reafferenzpotential (RAP) or P2]. 2. RP is bilateral over rolandic and parietal sectors; PMP is bilateral parietal, whereas MP is generated only contralaterally to the performed movement (96). 3. It is agreed that RP (N1) precedes movement initiation, while RAP certainly follows it (as it stems from afferent information triggered by the movement); researchers disagree on whether PMP and MP precede movement (33, 104) or coincide with its initiation (207). 4. RPs tend to increase as motivation and attention are intensified [significance of the task, emotional load, certainty of a go-stimulus (113, 173)]. The functional meaning of these potentials, beyond showing that "something" happens almost 1 sec before a self-paced movement is performed, remains undetermined and therefore merely speculative.! Single-neuron analysis in cats and monkeys performing stereotyped movements pointed to the existence in various structures of cells that discharge before the initiation of the movements. 1. In monkeys, such "anticipatory" cells were found in the precentral cortex, but not in the postcentral gyrus; in a reaction-time task, anticipation was particularly clear when the animal was visually triggered. With a kinesthetic triggering (passive stretch), precession was very short in contrast, sug­ gesting in that case a "cortical reflex" rather than a preparatory process (see below) (56, 57, 112, 178). In still another study, where the animals were "instructed" concerning a forthcoming perturbation in the grasped handle, motor cortex cells changed activity soon after the instruction, much before the perturbation (58). 2. Other structures were shown to participate directly in voluntary movement in the monkey; some of these displayed cells that anticipated its initiation [no ventralis lateralis (94, 123), putamen, pallidum (33), cerebellar cortex, dentate, and inter­ positus cerebellar nuclei (200)], but others, like the caudate nucleus, did not (19). The functional meaning of these precessions remains to be explored. These activi­ ties logically underlie the preparation of the movement, but they may more precisely correspond to distinct mechanisms. Indeed, some may represent higher level inte­ gration before movement; others may more directly subtend a presetting of spinal mechanisms or" the postural preparation of the movement (58, 123). Motor Program

The question of whether the sequence and characteristics of contractions in a given movement are predetermined or if they are servo-controlled during execution is of !Motor potentials present the same difficulties as other slow phenomena:

interpreted in terms of active neuronal substrate.

they are not easily

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



considerable general interest. Many interesting contributions to this discussion can­ not reasonably be considered herein (see 145). Information on preprogramming generally relies on the observation that one or another parameter of the movement-force, velocity, acceleration-is determined at its initiation, as a function of the required final goal or performance. This was shown, for instance, in monkeys (11) and humans (125). Although it would be naive to think of any particular structure as a program generator, the hypothesis (104) that fllst ballistic movements are preprogrammed in the cerebellum and slow ramp ones are organized in the basal gar,glia has found some support: cells in the monkey putamen were shown to fire only in connection with slow movements of the animal (33). In addition, eye saccades were affected by cerebellar lesions (104). However, it is likely that the cerebellum, especially the dentate nucleus, is involved in the preprogramming of all kinds of limb movements (122) as shown in experiments with cryogenic blockade of the dentate in monkeys (17). An interesting case of interaction between reflex-regulated and programmed movement was reported after studying eye-head coordination in head turning in the monkey. Eye-head coordination is normally regulated by the labyrinth and so would be of reflex origin. On the other hand, labyrinthectomized animals can learn a new strategy with preprogrammed compensatory eye movement, which illustrates the shift from reflex control to internal programming (35). Finally, it is likely that the alternative thus formulated is largely oversimplified, and that servo-control and preprogramming (with subroutines) may be intricately combined at any time during movement. The ability to shift permanently from one mode to the other may be one expression of functional plasticity. Feedback Loops in Movements

In order to determine the importance of feedback in motor operations, well-known behavioral approaches were carried out to "open the loop." Animals that had been prevented from birth from seeing their limbs moving could display (82, 84) visual placing on a broad surface; precise visuomotor guidance. however. required previous visual experience of a limb in motion. The problem of whether somatic feedback is indispensable for correct performance of movement after visual deprivation has also been recently investigated (14). The fact that there was recovery after transection of the dorsal roots in the monkey forelimb suggested the possible role of internal feedback loops of a type recalling corollary discharge. Recently. through electro­ physiological analysis. several control circuits have been identified or suggested. Starting with the fact that low threshold muscle afferents project on to the motor cortex, it was proposed that a "cortical servo-loop" directly controls motor elaboration by Ia afferents from a given muscle acting on colonies of pyramidal tract cells that command the muscle of origin itself (55, ISO). Also, in humans ( l 20) it was indirectly proved that some stretch "reflexes" can in fact pass via the cerebral cortex. However, the cortical loop is probably more complicated than initially supposed, first of all because it seems to involve multiple parallel input channels (132) and. second. because recently Ia projections were not THE SOMATIC CORTICAL LOOP



found in area 4 but in the neighboring somatic sector 3a (151, 215, see also 231), which would suppose a transcortical route. The main criticism of this hypothesis is that it represents at first glance a rather mechanistic and rigid concept of motor cortex -'operations. Consequently, it is of interest that data have been reported indicating that the loop can be gated on and off or modulated by instructions and learning as shown in experiments on monkeys (58).2 One current hypothesis concerning motor control organization is that afferent inputs are controlled during motor execution through an internal loop. The cat dorsal column nucleus has repeatedly been shown to be one of the strategic sites at which this internal loop control may be exercised in the somatic domain (26, 72). Changes in somatic EPs to hand stimulation either during active voluntary clenching of the hand being stimulated (106) or on decreases of conscious perception of an electrical stimulus before or during voluntary finger flexion (25) were interpreted as signs of corollary blocking actions in the somatic pathway in humans. Passing to eye movements, traditionally it has been similarly inferred that the excitability of the visual pathway is modified during ballistic eye movements ("sac­ cadic suppression"). Such modifications were sought in lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and visual cortex. They were found in cat LGN, but proved to be linked to the properties of the retinal network (1, 139, 140), and not to a corollary action. The monkey LGN displayed no changes, but a neighboring area (pregeniculate nucleus) did so (20). The cat visual cortex, on the other hand, showed a feasible corollary facilitation (1).

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The problem of the visual guidance of movements covers a number of distinct analytical aspects, two of which are briefly considered here. 1. The first aspect involves how the motor cortex can, in fact, guide limb move­ ments. While visual projections to the cat's associative areas are now generally accepted, those to motor cortex remain controversial, as results obtained initially under chloralose anesthesia were difficult to confirm in other types of preparations. These discrepancies will have to be explained before we can know how those visuomotor strategies, which necessarily implicate the pyramidal tract, are orga­ nized. Data from chloralose studies involving visual receptive field mappings have recently shown that (69, 100, 170, 199) (a) visual inputs converge with preference upon units receiving somatic afferents from the body axis; such cells may also receive vestibular inputs; (b) visual fields are very large, each including fovea; (c) 50% of the cells display movement sensitivity, part of them directionally sensitive. In one of these studies (100), no movement-sensitive cells were found. A related problem concerns the pathway by which the motor cortex is steered visually; the traditional view of a cortico-cortical- route from the visual cortex in monkeys was recently upheld by behavioral experiments after surgery (80). Electrophysiological investigaTHE CIRCUITRY FOR VISUOMOTOR GUIDANCE

2More complex loops such as those through the cerebellum are not considered here.

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



tions have favored instead (18) a complex pathway through subcortical relays, including the superior colliculus, and are reinforced by data on the role of this latter structure (see below). Theoretical speculations, partly strengthened by clinical data, have postulated the cerebellum or basal ganglia as intermediary, assuming that cortico-cortical reflexes do not exist (104). 2. The superior colliculus probably represents one of the most interesting struc­ tures, since it combines sensory reception and motor integration. The physiological studies on its receptive fields are almost inseparable from those dealing with its role in visually guided operations: eye-head fixation and visual attention [see (116) for reviews]. The characteristics of collicular cell responses have been investigated in the cat and in various species of monkey (28, 74, 75, 166, 206, 214, 228, 229). (a) The retinotopic organization was largely confirmed; receptive fields tended to be larger with eccentricity; cells in the deeper layers had very large fields. Most units were binocularly driven; they were very sensitive to moving stimuli but displayed poor (or no) shape specificity (thus contrasting with the visual cortex), indicating only coarse visual discrimination capacities. Cats, but not monkeys, displayed direction selectivity; in primates this property is possibly transferred to the temporal cortex (see above). (b) Collicular cell firings hinted at a close relationship with the oculomotor system: in monkeys some cells in the superficial layers increased firing when the stimulus became the target for a saccade. Cells in deeper layers were found to discharge prior to a saccade, regardless of the stimulus used for eliciting it. The background activity of other cells became inhibited during spontaneous eye move­ ments, even in the dark. On the other hand, no neurons discharged in relation to head movements. (c) Collicular cells (mainly the deeper ones) are under the close control of the visual cortex (as shown by ablation or cooling experiments) (162, 177); the visual cortex � superior colliculus pathway is essentially excitatory and clearly organized such that superior colliculus and visual cortex cells with receptive fields overlapping in the visual field are interconnected (117). (d) Indices of complex sensory integration in the colliculus were also found in relation to visual attention and tracking: first, cells that respond to a novel stimulus appearing in the field and become quickly habituated with repetition; second, cells that respond to objects approaching the animal's head (77) or that discharge in relation to the animal's attention to a target in the visual field, or, third, cells that exhibit polymodal responses to auditory and somatic stimuli. In cats (77), audiovisual cells required moving stimuli and preferred the same direction for both modalities; somatovisual cells were "fovea-face" or "periphery-forelimb." Visuovestibular interactions were also described (9). Collicular ablations have led to rather different results in cats and monkeys, presumably indicating the relative loss of their importance in primates. Cats ( 1 89) had reduced eye movements after bilateral superior collicular ablation, losing their ability to scan adequately; the learning of pattern discrimination was impaired whereas discrimination learned preoperatively was only slightly affected. It was

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1976.38:217-245. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/31/15. For personal use only.



therefore suggested that distinct neural structures served in initial learning and engram storing and that learning was impaired because of a lack of coordination between retinal input and limb-movement information. After section of the chiasma, ' relearning of dark-light d cats when the ipsilateral colliculus was lesioned after ablation of the cortex, but not when only the colliculus was lesioned (222). It was also interesting to compare the development of visual behavior in the kitten (orienting to stimulus in visual field at 16 days of age, and other visual guidances at 25 days) with the ontogeny of collicular receptive fields (which acquire their adult properties between 15 and 35 days) (141). At least partial visual neglect was observed in monkeys as well (98), with brightness discrimination influenced, but not as severely as when tectal and cortical lesions were combined (219). These and other results clearly indicate that the colliculus may play a role in gaze focusing (229) on a given area of the visual field. but they also cast doubt on the well-developed theory of a dichotomy in the visual system, one system serving localization (where?) and the other for shape discrimination and recognition (what?). The close cortical control of the superior colliculus together with the fact that functional compensation can occur between the superior colliculus and the visual cortex refute this oversimplified view. A theory of visual guidance that would more accurately define the contributions of the visual cortex and the colliculus is still lacking. CIRCUITRY FOR SOUND LOCATION A possible paraIlel to the visual system has been attempted regarding a "what-where" dichotomy in the auditory system. Ac­ cording to recent data based on older anatomical findings, a division might exist between the ventral pathway (ventral cochlear nucleus, trapezoid body, superior olive) subserving head and eye responses to sound ("auditory reflexes") and the dorsal pathway (dorsal cochlear nucleus, lateral lemniscus, inferior coIliculus, me­ dial geniculate body, auditory cortex) involved in auditory discrimination (53 ). The ventral nucleus has uncomplicated excitatory sound responses with restricted tuning curves, whereas the dorsal nucleus responds with complex frequency distribution (54). Nevertheless this view suffers from the same weaknesses as that of the visual pathway because higher levels of the auditory pathway also display directionally selective cells (48, 51, 185). Moreover, cells were found in the cat visual cortex that responded to sounds; their participation in audiovisual localization in space was suggested (62).


Beyond studies on perception or volitional movements, two other aspects of higher brain operations have been explored. The first is in the context of the localizationist view of analyzing areas that have long since been known, both from clinical work on humans and from experimental studies on monkeys and apes, to govern the highest integrations. The other represents a more holistic approach to cognitive functions whose immense interest-split-brain animals and commissurotomized pa­ tients-has been widely recognized.



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The Prefrontal Cortex

The defects after lesions in the dorsolateral prefrontal granular cortex in monkeys are well known (see e.g. 192). Corresponding to these data, cells were recorded in this area during various tasks requiring spatial cues and/or delays. In a delayed response (DR) paradigm, cells were found that increased firing long before the motor response; some of them fired during the delay period after cue presentation. These were interpreted either as expressing attention related to stored information ("short-term memory cells") (67) or as specifically involved in the kinetic task with visual cue (105). In a delayed alternation (DA) paradigm (137, 138), cells were also mainly characterized as discharging in relation to the visual guidance of the motor task. In a visually guided task with no delay, it was confirmed that some of the cells were activated in connection with the visuomotor operation itself [such cells were not fired by just the visual stimulus nor by just pressing (174) whereas other cells were activated prior to any movement, and still others while the monkey was waiting for the light signal. Cells discharging to light were shown to have large receptive fields (125). The evidence regarding the role of the prefrontal cortex is far from conclusive; a recent study concerning its cryogenic blockade again suggested that it ensures purposive attention to cues (and not simply to the spatial features of the stimuli) (68). The Parietal Cortex

The effects of lesions of the posterior parietal cortex in the nondominant hemisphere have been well described in human (apraxia for dressing, constructional apraxia, disorders of the topographical sense, etc). Monkeys with lesions of Brodmann's areas 5 and 7 also display a complex deficit, probably with a cognitive component (defect of tactual perception of complex objects) and a more praxic one (defect of stereotactic exploration and orientation within the surrounding extrapersonal space) (81, 130). This region receives cortico-cortical projections from area SI and, in the sensory domain, cells in area 5, with large receptive fields, were shown to be excited by non-noxious joint rotations or by light mechanical deformations of skin and deep tissues. The most puzzling elements were those driven maximally by contact be­ tween two separate body parts (175). More recent recordings (130) in monkeys performing motor reaching tasks showed cells in area 5 that only discharged when the animal explored its extrapersonal space to reach a given goal, regardless of whether the cue was somesthetic or visual. Area 7 exhibited some cells with still higher processing properties; they fired in connection with visual attention directed to the surroundings (visual fixation, visual tracking) (91, 130). Split-Brain Studies and Hem ispheric Dominance

Animal investigations on the standard split preparation with all three commissures -anterior commissure (AnC), corpus callosum (CC), and posterior commissure (PC)-and massa intermedia cut, and optic chiasm divided are perhaps now less numerous than in preceding periods. Recent studies mainly set out to define the particular roles of AnC vs CC or to define which tasks still exhibit contralateral

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generalization after commissurotomy, indicating organization at lower untransected levels. Delayed alternation and delayed response tasks learned unilaterally could still be transferred after commissurotomy in monkey (230) (because they are based upon memories of body postures) while a go-no-go visual discrimination or manu­ ally learned skills (based on exteroceptive cueing) could not. In cats, the visual interhemispheric transfer seems to be carried out by CC alone; in monkeys both AnC and CC (splenium) participate with functional equivalence or possibly with some differences, depending on the task imposed (193, 194, 204). Split-brain experiments also provided insight into the problems of hemispheric asymmetry and specialization: indications of left-hand predominance were reported in monkeys that had not been operated upon (21); predominance of the right hemisphere was shown in monkeys with split brain, although preference could be shifted by differential rewarding (71); cats with split brain (167) exhibited greater efficiency in pattern discrimination in one hemisphere (depending on the animal). The prefrontal dominance in delayed response tasks was shown to be the result of initial training in monkeys (191). Whether all observed lateralizations in animals are due to early training remains to be seen. Finally, the "dynamic" aspect of commissural influences was considered in ani­ mals with a sectioned chiasma; the AnC or CC splenium was spared but still

prepared for interruption (43). Evidence is that the untrained hemisphere could accomplish a learned task so long as the splenium was uncut, suggesting that no spontaneous crossing of the engram into the untrained side had occurred during learning and that the splenium was active during readout of the engram. These observations point out the necessity of clearly distinguishing between transfer during learning and readout of stored engrams during retrieval and performance. . Patients having undergone complete section of CC, AnC, and probably PC, with some possible interruption of massa intermedia of the thalamus, were carefully examined (128, 134, 187). Routine speech, calculation, motor coordination, verbal reasoning, and recall abilities were not impaired. On the other hand, studies with lateralized tests have revealed some distinct capacities of the left and right hemi­ spheres. To grossly simplify (and noting that all patients were right handed); 1. The left hemisphere performed all language skills (naming or writing words presented in right visual half-field, etc). 2. The right hemisphere displayed limited verbal comprehension. Naming or writing objects or colors in the left visual field required prolonged presentation; subjects did not obey orders flashed in this field; tactile stimuli from either half-body were recognized verbally, but the direction of a tactile stimulus when moved toward the left was not perceived (133). 3. The right hemi­ sphere performed better than the left hemisphere in a variety of nonverbal tasks such as perceiving and manipulating spatial relationships, conceptualizing a complete stimulus configuration from spatial data, etc. 4. The right hemisphere also proved to be superior in comprehending auditory verbal input and in tactile verbal recogni­ ' tion. To briefly sum up these ideas, the dominant hemisphere analyzes sequentially for details while the minor hemisphere deals with data in terms of overall patterns and spatial relationships. Finally, tests or activities tending to focus hemispheric activities into a general motor attitude or posture, overall attention, or




emotional response failed to yield evidence for specific lateralization because of either bilateral representation or participation of unifying lower brain-stem struc­ tures.

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Hem ispheric Dominance in Humans

A related problem concerns hemispheric dominance in normal human subJects as investigated through behavioral or electro physiological indices. From experiments on normal subjects, it has been established that: I. Spoken digits are best perceived with the ear opposite to the speech-dominant hemisphere and nonverbal material (musical input) by the other ear (16). 2. Right-handed subjects, measured for their reaction times, confirmed right visual field superiority for speed of response to letters and of left for recognition of faces (164). It has also been suggested (101) that visual information of low association value, as opposed to that of high association value, does not readily traverse the corpus callosum. Speech dominance and hand preference have usually been considered correlative, with left-speech dominance in right-handed subjects. In reality the problem is more complex (128, 187); clinical results obtained with the Wada amytal test indicate that: I. Only 92% of right-handed individuals possess left-speech dominances. 2. Instances are known of right-handed persons with right-speech dominance. 3. In left-handed and ambidextrous patients, the pattern of speech dominance is hard to predict; it is not an exact reversal of that in right-handers. 4. Left-handed individu­ als are more likely to have left-speech dominance than right-speech dominance, as left-handedness is far more common than right-speech dominance. 5. In left­ handed or ambidextrous individuals who suffered left hemispheric damage early (before age 6), a majority possessed right-speech dominance, indicating that reorga­ nization had probably occurred. Given these facts, it could be expected that indices of speech dominance would be found by using asymmetries in gross potentials (the practical reason is to avoid usage of the amytal test); the general assumption is that verbal processing is local­ ized in the left hemisphere and visuospatial functions in the right hemisphere (in left-speech dominant sUbjects). Let us briefly consider these data, which, as is seen later, lead to conflicting and still 'unclear conclusions. I. EPs compared when produced by verbal or nonverbal auditory stimuli showed differences in some cases, as NI-P2 were larger on the left hemisphere in response to verbal stimuli. Asymme­ try seemed more generally the rule however, because it occurred also with auditory stimuli that were meaningful but nonverbal (126) or with visually presented stimuli (208). In fact, even coherence studies showed the predominance of auditory EPs in the dominant hemisphere and of visual EPs in the minor hemisphere (29). Other studies on the P300 component using verbal vs nonverbal stimuli came to the opposite conclusion, that is, no asymmetry was detected (64, 65, 184). 2. CNV asymmetries were also explored: Marsh & Thompson (121) failed to demonstrate significant hemispheric differences in verbal or nonverbal discrimination tasks, whereas CNVs were almost always larger than those with nonverbal stimuli. On the contrary, greater CNVs were found in the dominant hemisphere during perfor­ mances using numerical imperative stimuli in arithmetic operations or when using "



meaningful polysyllabic

words On the other h and, CNVs in .


patients, once a unilateral expectancy was created, were identical


both hemi­

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spheres, with no difference between the "warned" and the "un warned" side

(85). 3. Concerning the "motor potentials," which were previously discussed, two some­ what different findings were reported: these were of slightly but significantly l arger amplitude in right-handed subjects, over the dominant hemisphere (whatever side the movement was performed), while no such preponderence could be found i n left-h anded subjects. But i t h ad also been observed that, in the majority of cases, motor potenti als in response to words were l arger than th ose to simple v ocalization on the left hemisphere only (see 32). A summary of the m ost recent data in this field should soon appear (34).

LEARNING AND PLASTICITY One of the most promising approaches to our understanding of higher brain opera­ ti ons rests on studies on progressive changes as a consequence of experience. Two aspects are considered here. One is traditional, since it concerns neurophysiological investigations of learning in a broad sense, i.e. how a "connection" can be pro­

established such that a signal stimulus determi nes a response. The sec­ old problem, i.e. how far pro­ gressive changes can occur in the brain during ontogeny as a result of early expe­ ri ence .


ond is a rather new approach that may answer an



Electrophysiological i ndices of the learning process were sought at various levels using coarse or si ngle unit activity. Two sets of d ata were obtained through gross recording from various braiJl sites in cats being trained with a conditional stimulus­ unconditional stimulus (CS-US) paradigm (95). After a steady CS h ad been repeat­ edly paired with an i ntermittent US, its application would determi ne anticipated electrophysiological rhythms at US frequency. With an in termittent CS, EPs that developed at each CS had a late component, if and only if the conditioned res po nse (CR) were going to be performed (an observat ion somewhat relevant to those on P300 in human). In both groups of data, it was stressed that the observed "labeled phenomena" (frequency-specific rhythms or late EP components) were recorded from numerous brain sites, thus giving the picture of a holistic process



phenomena were not due to unspecific effects such as arousal, but merely repre­ sented the sign of a "readout process" in a specific memory system. Relatively few additional studies have been reported on specific changes of EPs during learning (in contrast with previous periods). A study on monkeys (78) has shown that while they were acquiring visual discrimination, the most significant changes i n EPs were observed i n area 1 8 (CSB) (see above) and pulvinar, whereas, after reaching the criterion, the main differences in EPs were seen in the primary pathway at the l ateral geniculate nucleus and V I, suggesting that distinct groups of structure m ay operate at different stages of learning.

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A group of investigations on rats (37, 103, 109, 1 10, 143, 1 80--1 82) was based on integration of single unit activity during short-term learning of discrimination (audi­ tory CS+ for pellet and CS- not reinforced). An attempt was made to separate the possibly specific signs of "rerouting" of nerve impulses at onset of CS+ from side effects due to nonspecific arousal, elaboration of motor response, motivational fac­ tors, etc. Two features were considered: the temporal course of the changes (early or late) of a structure's firing as learning went on, and the latency (short or long) of the newly appearing responses (relative to the CS+). To sum up: 1. Several structures developed short latency accelerations to CS only (neocortex, hippocam­ pus), others displayed nonspecific changes (reticular formation, posterior thalamus), and still others (midline thalamus, somatic, and visual pathways) were unaffected. Cells in the ventral forebrain showed inhibition to CS+, most likely in relation to arousal. 2. In the course of learning, the ventral brain stem, ventral thalamus, and dentate gyrus were involved first, then the posterior thalamus, and only then the cortex. This finding does not confirm the older claim that the cortex plays a primary role early in learning. Various other single unit recordings during learning should also be mentioned, one of which ( 1 42) indicates that, during training, changes occur in the overall spontaneous activity of cells (not only in time-locking to CS); in another study, observations were made on changes of amygdala unit firing by simple pairing of sensory stimuli of distinct modalities [the preparation was paralyzed to avoid overt response (7)]. Significant changes in the cat motor cortex were demonstrated by various tests during a training procedure with double auditory CSs [click, producing a blink; hiss, eliciting nose twitch (49, 224)]. After training, the CS evoked a response of greater magnitude (more cells firing and at a higher rate) than after extinction. Another result was that the threshold of the cortical cells commanding the target muscle was progressively lowered due to increased synaptic bombardment (225). In other words, sensory projections onto the motor cortex can be modulated when the stimulus acquires significance (i.e. when it becomes a CS+), indicating that sensory fields in this area display plasticity. It was also shown that a bilateral ablation of the motor area permanently impaired acquisition of the conditioned blink, while UC blinks were not affected (226). These findings recall older studies that led to indecisive results and confused discussions regarding the importance of the cortex in the learning processes. This is certainly an oversimplification 'of the matter, since obviously not all types of learning are equivalent. Because the possibilities of a new "link" or "rerouting" are manifold due to redundancy and hierarchical superimposition of sensorimotor cir­ cuits, the final results from surgical cortical ablation may be quite unpredictable. Either (a) the cortex is indispensable, or (b) it simply operates a permanent control over the (indispensable) subcortical circuits, or (c) it really does not play a role. The fact that a learned performance is permanently lost after ablation logically implies case a , whereas quick recovery after ablation is usually interpreted in favor of c ; in reality, it could also mask a b-type cortical action. The validity of b could then only be determined by using transitory cryogenic or pharmacological blockade (see 1 8).



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After brain lesions, some functions may recover while others do not, which may explain the extreme positions expressed in the past, ranging from strict localization to equipotentiality in the brain (with every degree of intermediate stance). At least three groups of factors may account for these differences and discrepancies: 1. A given function may depend on a complex system, possibly neurochemically specific, which extends throughout several brain levels rather than being strictly localized. 2. Redundancy probably exists with only secondary and minute differences between parallel channels. 3. Functional reorganization may occur after lesions, due to the plasticity of the neuronal network (3). Given the multiplicity of what are probably intermingled factors, each particular case of functional recovc::ry is likely to need special investigation, especially when the function in play belongs to integrations of a higher order.3 Space precludes discussion of accumulated histological data that show the occurrence of reorganization of connectivity with demonstrated functional synapses in neural structures even in the adult (see 47). From the functional point of view, some of the conditions for recovery have been known a long time and have recently been discussed (47, 97): recovery is easier in, but is not the exclusive privilege of, early life; it is greatly facilitated by forced usage (23), and, above all, when lesions are performed in two or more stages instead of in a single stage (61, 196). Two examples may, however, illustrate the danger of hasty generalizations: infant monkeys showed no deficiency one year after a frontal lesion (in either delayed alternation or delayed response tests) because of compensation by the caudate nucleus; this subcortical takeover of function was no longer possible in the adult ( 1 92). On the other hand, pyramidotomized monkeys (of any age) recovered fine finger movements if and only if the parallel (redundant) extrapyramidal path­ ways (which terminate along with the pyramidal fibers) were left intact (Kuypers in 47). The most recent and perhaps most interesting aspect of plasticity, which cannot be overlooked here since it implies some of the essential aspects of brain functioning, concerns the ontogenetic development of feature detectors in the cat visual pathways (visual cortex and superior colliculus). The fundamental problem, which for a long time opposed nativistic to empiricist views, has suddenly acquired new interest; it poses the question whether these detectors are indeed innate or if they depend on ' early experience for their characteristics. Hubel & Wiesel's original observation (see 10) that cells in the visual cortex of kittens with no visual experience, besides being binocular, already displayed orientation selectivity and that "prewiring" was thus present prior to experience was later challenged: 1 . Visual cortex cells in dark-reared kittens were poorly or not at all orientation- and direction-selective (92, 148); a few hours of normal visual experience were sufficient to create specific receptive fields (92). 2. A fter kittens were reared in a selective environment-fixed stripes of given orientation ( 1 0, 1 49) or stripes moving in a given direction (205)-visual cortex cells lThis multiplicity of possible factors has for instance been . mentioned as accounting for residual visual function after lesions of the central visual pathway in humans ( 1 53).

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also displayed biases in their orientation or direction selectivity; the period of maximum sensitivity was 3-14 weeks of age and 1 hr visual exposure again was sufficient. 3. Monocular deprivation (one eye sutured) led to dominance of visual cortex cells by the experienced eye; the deprived eye activated practically no cortical neurons. This effect was shown to be only somewhat reversible (70). A brief period of monocular deprivation at 5-14 weeks was sufficient to bring about this dominance ( 1 1 ); a brief exposure of one eye in binocularly deprived kittens (88, 1 47) had a similar effect. The monocular deprivation mainly affects the "Y" indirect pathway from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the visual cortex presumed to act secondarily upon the superior colliculus. 4. Monocular differential rearing (vertical stripes be­ fore one eye, horizontal before the other) determined visual cortex cells selectively activated by the "vertical eye" and others by the "horizontal eye" ("environmental surgery"); this monocular training could, however, be corrected later by a period of binocular viewing (87). This led to the conclusion that units which have achieved specificity in selective rearing are immune to further changes, but that new classes of cells with other receptive fields can be added through later experience; this type of plasticity may well be present throughout life ( 1 88). Twenty years ago, Riesen had already described the behavioral deficiencies of the kitten deprived of pattern visual stimulation from birth (lack of visual placing, disorientation, etc), all of which disappeared after several hours of normal exposure (see 83). Further studies have tended to analyze this complex series of defects: monocular training in visually deprived animals required twice as many trials to reach criterion as did normals, but interocular transfer was excellent (see 83). Animals reared in specific environments showed good scores when tested with the experienced stimuli and failed to respond to perpendicular lines (70, 87). Finally, cats having undergone 4 months of selective deprivation in their early life were tested in adulthood and proved to still exhibit sequelae in their acuity ( 1 3 1). The predominance of early experience over endogenous properties thereby demonstrated suggested a theoretical model to explain how a self-organizing network with initially random connections could be taught specificity from experience ( 1 19). Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) was also shown to be influenced to a certain extent by specific rearing: kittens dark-reared with no visual experience displayed OKN (to stripes moving in any direction except downward), indicating a preexisting ability to respond to movement; animals reared in a moving environment, however, exhib­ ited a better OKN for stripes moving in the opposite direction to. which they had been exposed (209). CONCLUDING REMARKS

One of the difficulties encountered in reviewing physiological investigations on behavioral mechanism and higher brain functions lies in the fact that psychologists have long proposed theories regarding each function that cannot be ignored by neurophysiologists, and yet bridging the gap is difficult. Psychologists, developing very subtle and elaborate molar approaches and theoretical viewpoints sometimes tend to simplify excessively when using data from physiological investigations in

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order to work out mechanistic explanations. The danger is just as great that physio­ logical approaches to complex processes start from over-reduced theories or rather naive interpretations of psychological facts. Space limitations, as well as this au­ thor's limited competence have of course excluded review and adequate discussion of these borderline problems. Most attempts to explore higher brain functions using neurophysiological meth­ odology have implied common principles: (a ) general reductionism, postulating that complex processes can be analyzed in elementary components; (b) localizationism, assuming that each function has a localized substrate; (c) reflexology, extrapolating from the basic stimulus-response (S-R) model to complex situations. This review is not the place to discuss the validity of these fundamental attitudes. In this context, some general aspects may nevertheless be underlined, to conclude this brief-and certainly incomplete-survey of "cognitive" brain operations. 1 . Within the visual system, at least, recent studies have soundly confirmed associationist hypotheses claiming that distinct cortical areas subserve operations of different complexities. However, no extension to other systems is possible at this time: on the contrary, the present data indicate that, in the auditory system, com­ plexity is processed within the primary pathway itself with no identified participa­ tion of nonprimary fields. The somatic domain is again different, as higher level tactual integrations now appear to be closely associated with praxic elaboration. 2. One may wonder to what degree all the parts of the sensory systems generally adopt a reductionist approach of analyzing shapes in simple terms, or whether one should foresee cells highly specialized at detecting certain complex features and even "object specific" cells. Complex gnosis has been hypothesized to be subserved by "gnostic units" that store perceptual features and, where component analysis is no longer possible, lend a holistic or gestalt view of perception and elaboration ( 1 02, 1 30). 3. It is likely, however, that the traditional view of cortico-cortical processes underlying this passage toward complexity will have to be revised, since the growing importance of information carried through subcortical routes to nonprimary areas is beginning to be recognized. The functional meaning of this redundancy still awaits its logical formulation. 4. The comments above also concern the value of localizationism in general. The debate is somewhat prejudiced, since factors such as redundant pathways or plas­ ticity may mimic a holistic process. It is not unreasonable to believe that the extreme positions will eventually find a common denominator (1 1 1 , 1 57). 5. Another problem not yet sufficiently explored is whether receptive or cortical fields display a transfer function such that output to subcortical centers is time locked to input, or whether they benefit from more sophisticated, dynamic input­ output laws, with the possibility of a kind of "holding" process between the input and the output stages. 6. One would have expected a review on higher functions to be more specifically centered around neurophysiological exploration of the learning mechanisms them­ selves. In reality, only a limited number of new electrophysiological investigations seem to have been performed in recent years in this field; however, more and more

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attention is being directed to distinguishing between the acquisition of learning and the retention of a well-established learned performance. It is likely that in the future an even more thorough investigation of the dynamic stages of acquisition will provide new insight into the underlying neuronal mechanisms. A surprising contradiction now tends to pop up when one confronts the molar with the physiological approaches to higher brain operations, and it deserves a final mention. On the one hand, learning studies remain strictly in the behavioristic line, which ignores consciousness and mental states. On the other, more and more studies of events occurring within the brain reintroduce terms and designate functions that we re i gn ored reje cted, or forbidden in S-R models. It seems as if behavioristic rejection of the language of conscious experience is becoming outmoded and that some of the mentalistic terminology is even being carried over to animal studies. Indeed several books and reviews have dealt with these mainly philosophical prob­ lems (46, 76, 1 1 5, 1 44, 1 55, 1 86). ,

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