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Hypercoagulability after energy drink consumption Matthew J. Pommerening, MD, Jessica C. Cardenas, PhD, Zayde A. Radwan, MD, Charles E. Wade, PhD, John B. Holcomb, MD, and Bryan A. Cotton, MD, MPH* Department of Surgery and the Center for Translational Injury Research, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas

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Article history:

Background: Energy drink consumption in the United States has more than doubled over the

Received 3 January 2015

last decade and has been implicated in cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and

Received in revised form

even sudden cardiac death. We hypothesized that energy drink consumption may increase

6 May 2015

the risk of adverse cardiovascular events by increasing platelet aggregation, thereby

Accepted 11 June 2015

resulting in a relatively hypercoagulable state and increased risk of thrombosis.

Available online xxx

Methods: Thirty-two healthy volunteers aged 18e40 y were given 16 oz of bottled water or a standardized, sugar-free energy drink on two separate occasions, 1-wk apart. Beverages


were consumed after an overnight fast over a 30-min period. Coagulation parameters and

Energy drink

platelet function were measured before and 60 min after consumption using thrombe-


lastography and impedance aggregometry.


Results: No statistically significant differences in coagulation were detected using kaolin or

Platelet aggregation

rapid thrombelastography. In addition, no differences in platelet aggregation were detected


using ristocetin, collagen, thrombin receptoreactivating peptide, or adenosine diphosphate einduced multiple impedance aggregometry. However, compared to water controls, energy drink consumption resulted in a significant increase in platelet aggregation via arachidonic acideinduced activation (area under the aggregation curve, 72.4 U versus 66.3 U; P ¼ 0.018). Conclusions: Energy drinks are associated with increased platelet activity via arachidonic acideinduced platelet aggregation within 1 h of consumption. Although larger clinical studies are needed to further address the safety and health concerns of these drinks, the increased platelet response may provide a mechanism by which energy drinks increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular events. ª 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



In the last two decades, energy drinks have become increasingly popular in the United States. In 2007, just 10 y after the introduction of Red Bull to the United States, the energy drink market expanded to over 500 brands, comprising over 62% of the national beverage market. Sales have increased at an

exponential rate, and as of 2013, Americans spend nearly $20 billion consuming 0.05). Additionally, for each of the parameters measured, the delta change in coagulation values after energy drink consumption was not significantly different from the delta change in coagulation measured after consumption of water controls.




Rapid TEG

There were no changes in coagulation parameters by rTEG before and after water controls for activated clotting time (174.0 versus 177.2 s; P ¼ 0.73), k-value (1.9 versus 1.9 min; P ¼ 0.97), alpha angle (66.3 versus 66.6 ; P ¼ 0.45), MA (61.3 versus 61.8 mm; P ¼ 0.11), G-value (8.1 versus 8.3 d/cm2; P ¼ 0.10), or LY30 (1.3% versus 1.2%; P ¼ 0.43). Similarly, there were no significant changes in rTEG coagulation parameters before and after energy drink consumption (Table 3), and the

Table 3 e rTEG values before and after energy drink consumption. rTEG Table 1 e Targets and receptors involved in platelet aggregation measured by Multiplate. Platelet activator ADP Arachidonic acid (AA) Collagen TRAP-6 Ristocetin

Target/receptor pathway P2Y12 COX pathway GPIa/IIa, GPVI PAR GPIba

ACT, s k-value, min Alpha,  MA, mm G-value, dynes/cm2 LY30, %

Before 173.7 1.80 66.70 61.66 8.14 1.68

(13.55) (0.33) (3.66) (3.57) (1.24) (2.02)

After 179.08 1.83 66.46 61.46 8.09 1.24

(15.41) (0.29) (3.16) (3.63) (1.31) (1.39)

ACT ¼ activated clotting time. Values are reported as means and standard deviations.

P value 0.110 0.440 0.554 0.619 0.686 0.787


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delta changes in coagulation values after energy drink consumption were not significantly different from those measured after water controls (all P > 0.05).


Platelet aggregation

Platelet function was measured using impedance aggregometry for both water controls and energy drinks. No associated changes in platelet aggregation (AUC) were detected after water consumption for ADP (57.21 versus 58.72 U; P ¼ 0.357), arachidonic acid (67.13 versus 68.53 U; P ¼ 0.457), collagen (41.40 versus 42.47 U; P ¼ 0.292), TRAP (101.75 versus 98.33 U; P ¼ 0.530), or ristocetin (57.82 versus 55.00 U; P ¼ 0.625). Platelet aggregation before and after energy drink consumption is shown in Table 4. Similar to the water controls, no significant changes in platelet aggregation were observed after consumption of energy drinks for samples activated with ADP, collagen, TRAP, or ristocetin. However, compared to water controls, energy drink consumption was associated with a significant increase in platelet aggregation after arachidonic acideinduced platelet activation (AUC, 72.43 versus 66.29 U; P ¼ 0.018). In addition, the increase in platelet aggregation after energy drink consumption was significantly greater than after water controls (delta AUC, 6.14 versus 1.40 U; P ¼ 0.012). Peak platelet aggregation (122.58 versus 111.59 AU; P ¼ 0.026) and the velocity of platelet aggregation (17.72 versus 16.03 AU/min; P ¼ 0.008) were also significantly increased with arachidonic acideinduced activation after energy drink consumption (Figure).



As energy drink consumption in the United States has exponentially increased over the last two decades, concerns have been raised regarding their safety and potential role in adverse cardiovascular events and death. We found that consumption of a single, sugar-free energy drink was associated with a significant increase in platelet aggregation within 90 min in otherwise healthy volunteers. Platelet function was increased via arachidonic acideinduced platelet activation; however, this did not translate to measurable hypercoagulable changes in the rate of clot formation or overall clot strength measured by TEG. While more clinical data are needed, these findings suggest that health concerns associated with energy drinks may be related to hypercoagulable changes in platelet function occurring in the same pathway

Table 4 e Platelet aggregation before and after energy drink consumption. Multiplate ADP Arachidonic acid Collagen TRAP-6 Ristocetin

Before 58.28 (21.95) 66.29 (35.50) 41.71 (22.93) 104.91 (20.03) 59.6 (33.58)

After 63.39 72.43 46.14 107.91 53.9

(23.5) (28.69) (24.32) (12.29) (34.9)

P value 0.106 0.018 0.167 0.563 0.647

Values indicate AUC, reported in units, and are reported as means and standard deviations.

Figure e Platelet function before and after energy drink consumption. AUC, reported in arbitrary units (U), expresses overall platelet activity. The AUC is an expression of both peak aggregation, measured in AU, and the velocity or rate of platelet aggregation. (Color version of figure is available online.)

targeted by aspirin to reduce thrombosis risk and adverse cardiovascular events. Because so-called “energy” products are relatively new to the market, few studies have examined, in detail, the shortand long-term health consequences of energy drink consumption. The predominance of literature pertaining to energy drinks has focused on social and behavioral studies examining demographics, consumption patterns, and behavioral effects [18e23]. Others have explored the claims of increased endurance and performance enhancement with conflicting results [24]. In athletes, energy drinks have shown to improve lap times in cyclists but have not shown an effect on high-intensity run times to exhaustion in university athletes or an improvement in sprint times in women sprinters [25e27]. Energy drinks also have been linked to improvements in mood, decreased perception of stress and pain, and improved cognition in college students [24,28]. The quality of evidence of the studies investigating health and safety outcomes is limited by sample size, methodology, and heterogeneity. Of the existing studies, energy drinks have been shown to cause a modest increase systolic and mean arterial blood pressure and also an increased stroke volume in athletes who consumed energy drinks with taurine [3,29]. Findings of changes in the heart rate are inconsistent, with some studies showing an increase and others no change; however, it does appear there is a decrease in heart rate variability [29e31]. No studies have shown electrocardiogram changes with energy drink consumption; however, it is recommended that people with heart arrhythmias and heart failure not drink these drinks [3,32,33]. Associations of energy drinks with adverse cardiovascular events is limited to case reports and anecdotal evidence, citing cases such as atrial fibrillation in adolescents and cardiac arrest in young males during sporting events [4e6]. To our knowledge, only one prior study has looked at the effects of energy drinks on the coagulation system and found similar results. Using optical light aggregometry, Worthley et al. [29] also found that platelet aggregation was increased after consumption of energy drinks when compared with

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water controls. The authors demonstrated that platelet aggregation increased via ADPeinduced activation and this occurred in a dose-response fashion, further strengthening the association of energy drinks and platelet activity. Energy drinks were also associated with increased systolic blood pressure and decreased endothelial function, both of which are likely to act in combination with platelet aggregation to increase thrombosis and cardiovascular risk. In the present study, platelet aggregation after energy drink consumption was increased after ADPeinduced activation; however, this only approached a weak statistical association (P ¼ 0.106). In both the Worthley study and ours, energy drinks appear to increase platelet aggregation via two important pathways of platelet activation targeted by the most commonly prescribed drugs aimed at reducing cardiovascular events. Aspirin irreversibly inhibits platelets production of thromboxane A2, a prothrombotic product of arachidonic acid. Clopidogrel inhibits binding of ADP to its platelet P2Y12 receptor, thereby inhibiting ADPemediated activation of the glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa complex and subsequent platelet aggregation. Aspirin and clopidogrel have both been extensively studied and shown to reduce the risk of adverse cardiovascular events, such as stroke and myocardial infarction [34e38]. Increased platelet activation by either of these pathways may increase the risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular events, particularly in high-risk patients or those with preexisting conditions [39e41]. Currently, trauma centers that use TEG as a point-of-care device use rTEG given that it supplies the physician with a hemostatic profile quicker than standard kaolin TEG. However, kaolin TEG is more sensitive than rTEG, particularly in comparing parameters that measure the initial phases of clot formation and also fibrinolysis. This is due to the addition of tissue factor, an extremely potent initiator of coagulation, in rTEG which stimulates the more rapid formation of a slightly less stable clot. Thus, we included kaolin TEG as we expected it may detect smaller variations in coagulation. The lack of significant hypercoagulable changes on either kaolin or rTEG is not discordant with increased platelet aggregation and does not rule out the possibility of increased thromboembolic risk. In fact, antiplatelet-mediated effects on coagulation are not routinely detected on TEG. This is likely multifactorial, owing to the complexity of the coagulation cascade and the comprehensive nature of TEG in measuring multiple aspects of clot kinetics. For example, the kaolin and tissue factor used in TEG are potent initiators of coagulation that, in addition to platelet activation, also result in significant fibrin generation. Clot strength is largely reflective of the plateletefibrin interaction; therefore, MA and other clot kinetics may be unlikely to be significantly altered by the influence of single pathways. This may explain why we did not detect hypercoagulable changes on TEG despite increased platelet aggregation after energy drink consumption. There are several limitations in this pilot study that are important to consider regarding the implications of our findings. First and foremost, the association of energy drinks and adverse cardiovascular events is merely speculative and, to the best of our knowledge, based only on anecdotal evidence. No causal associations can be made at this time, and energy drinks may in fact have no bearing on mortality or even


general health. In addition, our results demonstrate statistically significant changes in platelet function however clinical outcomes were not measured in this study and the clinical significance of this platelet response, if any, is unknown. Finally, coagulation is complex, and even if there are procoagulant effects associated with one or several of the ingredients in energy drinks, thromboembolic risk is multifactorial and likely also related to several host factors and their interaction with those ingredients.



In this study, we demonstrate that energy drinks are associated with increased platelet aggregation via the arachidonic acid pathway within 1 h of consumption. Because this is the same pathway inhibited by aspirin therapy, our findings support a potential mechanism by which energy drink consumption may lead to an increased risk for thromboembolic disease and adverse cardiovascular events. Future work in this area should aim to elucidate the mechanism of energy drink ingredients on platelet function and coagulation pathways and correlate with clinical outcomes. Potential implications for surgery patients include improved understanding of early cardiovascular deaths after trauma in young patients, improved thromboembolism prophylaxis by targeting pathways not addressed with current therapies and, on the opposite end of the spectrum, identifying a potential resource for reversal of traumaeinduced platelet dysfunction and hemorrhage.

Acknowledgment Funding/support: None. Authors’ contributions: M.J.P., Z.A.R., C.E.W., and B.A.C. designed the study. M.J.P., J.C.C., and Z.A.R. conducted the literature search and collected the data. M.J.P., J.B.H., C.E.W., and B.A.C. analyzed the data. M.J.P., J.C.C., Z.A.R., J.B.H., C.E.W., and B.A.C. interpreted the data. All authors participated in the writing, revising, and editing of the article.

Disclosure The authors reported no proprietary or commercial interest in any product mentioned or concept discussed in the article.


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Hypercoagulability after energy drink consumption.

Energy drink consumption in the United States has more than doubled over the last decade and has been implicated in cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial in...
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