American Journal of Medical Genetics 36:275-278 (1990)

Hypodipsic Hypernatremia and Hypertriglyceridemia Associated With Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate: A New Hypothalamic Dysfunction Syndrome? Dan Ben-Amitai, Avinoam Rachmel, Yael Levy, Yakov Sivan, Menachem Nitzan, and Reuben Steinherz Department of Pediatrics (D.B-A., A.R., Y.L., Y.S., M.N., R.S.), Section on Human Biochemical and Developmental Genetics (R.S.I. Beilinson Medical Center. Petah-Tikva. and the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

We report on a 4-month-oldgirl with congenital hypodipsic hypernatremia resulting from decreased sensitivity of the hypothalamic osmoreceptors with increased tonicity in association with hyperlipemia and cleft lip and cleft palate. We postulate that the link among these various derangements is hypothalamic Dysfunction.

KEY WORDS: hypothalamus, hyperlipidemia, mid-face defect, osmolarity INTRODUCTION Cleft lip and palate have been associated with various metabolic disorders. The combination of this developmental field defect with hypernatremia and hypertriglyceridemia in the presence of inappropriate low plasma vasopressin concentration for the corresponding plasma tonicity has not been reported previously. We report on a patient with these manifestations and suggest that hypothalamic dysfunction may be the casual link between the metabolic abnormalities and the anatomical lesions. CLINICAL REPORT R.M., a 4-month-old girl, was admitted to Beilinson Medical Center for evaluation of unexplained elevated body temperature. The child was born after a n uneventful pregnancy and delivery to unrelated healthy parents of Ashkenazi-Jewish origin. On physical examination she appeared healthy. Length was 58 cm, weight was 4,800 g, (both below the 3rd centile). Body temperature was elevated to 38.7"C with signs of bilateral acute otitis Received for publication March 20,1989; revision received October 23, 1989. Address reprint requests to Reuben Steinherz, M.D., Head, Division on Biochemical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Bellinson Medical Center, 49100 Petah Tikva, Irsael.

0 1990 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

media, cleft lip and palate, and subtle signs of developmental delay; i.e., does not roll from front to back and hardly responds to familiar people. At age 3 years the child remained microcephalic with head circumference of 43 cm, length 79 cm, and weight 8,900 g (all below 3rd centile) (Fig. 1).The interpupilar distance and the inner canthi distances were 45 mm and 25 mm (20th and 3rd centiles), respectively. Except for surgically corrected cleft lip and palate there were no other anomalies. Chromosomal study, done twice, was normal. At age 3 years the child is hypertonic with severe psychomotor retardation (acts and behaves like a 6-month-old baby). Routine blood chemistry tests on admission showed a serum sodium level of 153 mEqlL. Repeated serum sodium measurements confirmed the original observation of chronic hypernatremia; sodium levels ranged from 140 to 170 mEqiL. Only occasionally were serum sodium levels in the upper normal range reported (i.e., 145 mEqi L). The infant's appearance or performance had no correlation to the serum sodium levels. Complete blood counts; renal and liver function tests; cultures of urine, blood, stool, serum electrolytes except sodium, calcium, phosphorus, blood proteins, lactic dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase; and chest radiographs were normal. Plasma lipids taken simultaneously with serum sodium measurements demonstrated severe hypertriglyceridemia in the range of 370 to 2,640 mgldl. The plasma triglycerides did not change by diet manipulation or with varying sodium concentrations. VLDL, LDL, and HDL were normal for age. Possibly associated genetic lipid disorders were excluded by the normal levels of the child's parents' plasma lipids. Since, in certain individuals with mid-face defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate, malformations of the hypophysis and the hypothalamic regions might occur [Roitman and Laron, 19781, we did growth hormone and basal prolactin assays which were normal. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulated prolactin release and a t the same time stimulated the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level, which increased from 2.1 to 30


Ben-Amitai et al. almost constant (data not presented), but when plasma osmolality reached 310 mOsm/kg, urine osmolality increased. To exclude any possible contribution of kidney disease to the changes in plasma osmolality, vasopressin analog 1-deamino, 8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP)was injected intramuscularly at the dose of 0.5 IUlkg body weight. Under these conditions urine osmolality increased from 100 to 900 mOsm/kg within 6 hours, while plasma osmolality and sodium concentration showed insignificant decreases from 294 to 289 mOsm/kg and from 147 to 144 mEq/L, respectively.

Fig. 1. The patient, R.M., at age 3 years.

pUlmL. Plasma aldosterone and renin as well as the levels of LH, FSH, and T4 were normal. Computerized tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of the brain were normal. A few months after initial admission, informed parental consent was obtained for further studies: A water deprivation test was conducted for 10 hours’(Tab1e I). The patient’s low basal vasopressin concentration of 1 pg/ml was only slightly increased after 6 and 10 hours of water deprivation to the levels of 1.9 and 2.1 pg/ml, respectively. Serum sodium during the whole examination period remained consistently high. Urine osmolality did not change much after 6 hours. It should also be mentioned that during the first 4 hours of water deprivation, urine osmolality remained

TABLE I. Water DeDrivation Test ~

Plasma arginine Vasopressin (pg/ml) Serum sodium (mEqiL) Serum osmolality (mOsrdkg) Uriune osmolality (mOsmikg) Body weight (a)


Initial 1.0

6 hr of water deprivation 1.9

10 hr of water deprivation 2.1













DISCUSSION The manifestations in this patient are: bilateral cleft lip and palate, hypernatremia, hypertriglyceridemia, and vasopressin concentrations inappropriately low for the increased plasma osmolality. Combination of some of the signs, though not in a single patient, have been reported in a limited number of publications; a plausible explanation which might provide a link between the patient’s sign and symptoms is a hypothalamic lesion or dysfunction. The observations of excretion of diluted urine in spite of elevated plasma osmolality and th a t urine concentration increased only by increasing plasma osmolality to very high levels by water deprivation imply subnormal ADH response. Patients with partial diabetes insipidus concentrate and dilute their urine at abnormally high levels of plasma osmolality. Normally, these patients can be diagnosed a s having polydipsia and polyuria in the face of normal plasma osmolality [Robertson et al., 19821. In contrast, lack of thirst may lead to hypernatremia and hyperosmolality [Robertson, 19841.It has been suggested that hypodipsic hypernatremia reflects decreased sensitivity of the hypothalamic osmoreceptors to increased tonicity, which causes abnormal perception of thirst and decreased vasopressin secretion [Conley e t al., 1976; Robertson et al., 1982; Robertson, 19841. Loss of thirst is often, if not always, associated with defects in ADH secretion due to proximity between the hypothalamic neural centers for water regulation and ADH production [Robertson et al., 19821. The failure to demonstrate a substantial anatomic hypothalamic lesion in our patient is in agreement with other authors who described hypothalamic adipsia without demonstrable structural lesions [Blank and Fransworth, 1974; Conley et al., 1976; Shaad et al., 1979; Christensen et al., 1981; Hayek and Peake, 19821. Other possible evidence for hypothalamic lesion is the known association between cleft lip and palate and hypothalamic malfunction [Roitman and Laron, 19781. The association of thirst-deficient hypernatremia with hyperlipidemia has previously been described in a few cases [Christensen et al., 1981; Hayek and Peake, 1982; DeRubertis et al., 1974; Sridhar et al., 1974; Halter et al., 1977; Sklar et al., 19811. All 10 reported patients were either adolescents or adults. In 7 of them tumors in the hypothalamic region were detected [DeRubertis et al., 1974; Sridhar et al., 1974; Halter et al., 1977; Sklar et al., 19811 In 2 cases [Hayek and Peake, 1982; Christensen e t al., 19811 there was no anatomic lesion in the hypothalamic region.

A New Hypothalamic Dysfunction Syndrome


Several explanations have been suggested to interpret hypernatremia and hyperlipidemia. On the basis of the the association between hypernatremia and hyper- experimental data, we postulate that the thirst-defitriglyceridemia. One explanation is that hypernatremia cient hypernatremia and hyperlipidemia in our patient per se leads to hyperlipidemia. It was demonstrated in are not fortuitous. The present patient combines for the first time hypoanimals that hypernatremia can induce hyperlipidemia and fatty liver [Hayek et al., 19831.Furthermore, hyper- dipsic hypernatremia, cleft lip and palate, and hypernatremia can also enhance triglyceride formation in the lipidemia. We cannot exclude the possibility that all the liver either directly or indirectly through hormonal me- sequential and developmental changes observed in the diators [Greenbaum and McLean, 1953; Fielding and patient represent an autosomal recessive disorder. Fielding, 1976; Hotta et al., 1981; Brindley, 19811. 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Ben-Amitai et al.

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Hypodipsic hypernatremia and hypertriglyceridemia associated with cleft lip and cleft palate: a new hypothalamic dysfunction syndrome?

We report on a 4-month-old girl with congenital hypodipsic hypernatremia resulting from decreased sensitivity of the hypothalamic osmoreceptors with i...
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