

03 November 2013


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Review in Advance first posted online on November 13, 2013. (Changes may still occur before final publication online and in print.)

Incidence of Abnormal Offspring from Cloning and Other Assisted Reproductive Technologies Jonathan R. Hill School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Anim. Biosci. 2014. 2:16.1–16.15


The Annual Review of Animal Biosciences is online at

clone, in vitro fertilization, abnormalities, placenta, fetus

This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev-animal-022513-114109


Copyright © 2014 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved

In animals produced by assisted reproductive technologies, two abnormal phenotypes have been characterized. Large offspring syndrome (LOS) occurs in offspring derived from in vitro cultured embryos, and the abnormal clone phenotype includes placental and fetal changes. LOS is readily apparent in ruminants, where a large calf or lamb derived from in vitro embryo production or cloning may weigh up to twice the expected body weight. The incidence of LOS varies widely between species. When similar embryo culture conditions are applied to nonruminant species, LOS either is not as dramatic or may even be unapparent. Coculture with serum and somatic cells was identified in the 1990s as a risk factor for abnormal development of ruminant pregnancies. Animals cloned from somatic cells may display a combination of fetal and placental abnormalities that are manifested at different stages of pregnancy and postnatally. In highly interventional technologies, such as nuclear transfer (cloning), the incidence of abnormal offspring continues to be a limiting factor to broader application of the technique. This review details the breadth of phenotypes found in nonviable pregnancies, together with the phenotypes of animals that survive the transition to extrauterine life. The focus is on animals produced using in vitro embryo culture and nuclear transfer in comparison to naturally occurring phenotypes.


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Although not every naturally conceived pregnancy results in live, normal offspring, when one thinks of abnormal offspring, cloned animals immediately come to mind. Dolly was the first somatic cell clone and a prominent case study of the successes and variables inherent in advanced reproductive techniques (1–5). As the first viable animal cloned from a somatic cell, Dolly was outwardly healthy, raised several lambs, and had an average ovine life span. Beyond this brief synopsis, what additional data and assurances are required to declare that other surviving clones are normal? And what are the boundaries of normal for cloned sheep, cattle, horses, dogs, or mice? What evidence is available that performance or behavioral traits are faithfully passed to cloned offspring? In agricultural animals, such as sheep, cattle, and pigs, economically important phenotypes are of most interest. These are related to production traits, such as longevity and reproduction, and saleable products, such as meat, milk, or fiber. Other traits include athletic ability in horses and behavioral traits in companion animals and rodents. Many of these have been assessed in the 17 years since Dolly’s birth, but many more could also be investigated (6). Although the focus is often on abnormalities observed in cloned animals, a lower incidence of very similar abnormalities can be seen in animals produced using in vitro embryo culture and, to a lesser extent, in naturally bred animals.

LARGE OFFSPRING SYNDROME The use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and in vitro embryo production (IVP) in ruminant species was welcomed as another tool to enable rapid multiplication of genetically superior animals (7). The technique was not without cost, as it also induced undesirable pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancy rates were lower, embryonic losses higher, gestations prolonged, and birth weights increased (8, 9, 10, 11, 12). This was followed at birth by reduced vigor and viability of neonates. During the late 1980s and 1990s, several large-scale bovine embryo transfer programs were conducted to expand elite genetics using embryo cloning and/or in vitro embryo culture technologies. At the time, in vitro embryo culture techniques relied upon tissue culture media with added serum and coculture with somatic cells derived from buffalo rat liver or oviduct epithelium (10, 13, 14–17). An alternative was to culture early embryos in sheep oviducts (16). A characteristic of a significant proportion of those offspring was their large size, accompanied by changes in internal organs (18). This often occurred in conjunction with abnormal placentas and excess placental fluids during the latter half of pregnancy, when fetal growth is at its most rapid (18, 19). Gestational abnormalities such as embryonic and fetal losses, late-term abortions, prolonged gestation lengths, high birth weights, placental anomalies, and reduced neonatal survival have been described (10, 13, 19, 11, 12, 20). By the early 1990s, it was apparent that the culture medium, the use of coculture, and the addition of serum were major contributors to aberrant embryonic development and were probable causes for large offspring syndrome (LOS) (8, 18, 21, 22). The resultant high–birth weight lambs and calves prompted additional research into the effect of embryo conditions on early embryonic gene expression (23). The morphology of embryos cultured with serum showed an abundance of lipid droplets (8). After embryo transfer, those lipiddense embryos developed into fetuses with longer gestations and higher birth weights. Clearly, the incidence and severity of LOS is closely related to embryo culture conditions (18, 24–26). In addition to serum, specific components of culture media were identified that lead to fetal abnormalities. High ammonium levels in embryo culture medium resulted in exencephaly, 16.2


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enlarged brain area, and retardation of the fore and hind limbs in mouse fetuses (27). The source of bovine serum albumin was also identified as a contributor to early fetal losses. Improved vascularization of the allantois arose from use of an alternate source of bovine serum albumin (28). The removal of serum and cessation of coculture with somatic cells resulted in similar pregnancy rates but lower rates of abnormal pregnancies (29–31). These experiments clearly illustrate that early perturbations in the embryo’s immediate environment can cause long-term changes in fetal development. In a large-scale analysis of IVF calves by Holland Genetics, embryos produced with coculture and serum developed a higher incidence of congenital abnormalities, such as hydrallantois and limb deformities (3.7% versus 0.6% for artificial insemination calves) (25). Perinatal mortality was also higher in calves derived from the coculture system compared with those obtained through multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (7.5% versus 4.6%, respectively). Persistent effects on heart size have arisen in bulls produced by IVF and culture. The hearts of bulls from in vitro–frozen embryos were heavier than those of bulls from in vivo–frozen embryos (32). Within the IVF cohort, calves classified as having LOS had larger hearts than normal-sized IVF and in vivo–produced calves (32). Following culture of ovine embryos, LOS is associated with loss of methylation of the maternal IGF2R allele (33). Ovine embryos may be more sensitive to culture conditions, because they undergo a prolonged period of active chromatin demethylation and remethylation (34). This may partly explain the more extreme phenotypes observed in ovine IVF programs, where offspring as large as five times normal weight have been recorded (19). In ovine pregnancies derived from coculture systems, the incidence of hydrallantois increased to 23% (22). The ovine embryo is also very sensitive to an altered in vivo (uterine) environment. In a uterine environment with excess substrate availability (induced by exogenous progesterone from days 1–6 after conception), acceleration of fetal growth rates results (35). Asynchronous transfer of day-3 embryos into a day-6 uterus also increased fetal growth rates (36). Oversized lambs were born to ewes that were fed an excess of nonprotein nitrogen (urea) for 40 days from day 21 of gestation (37). In vitro culture of mouse embryos also leads to methylation alterations at both maternal and paternal imprinted alleles (38). In mice, fetal overgrowth is accompanied by placental overgrowth (39–41). Nuclear transfer further alters imprinted gene expression and is associated with fetal and placental overgrowth (42). The fetuses displayed reduced expression of H19 and IGF-II, whereas their placentas showed increased expression of an IGF-II placenta-specific variant (P0). Abnormal bovine placental gene expression has also been observed (43), and previously, in embryonic stem cell–derived fetuses, similar fetal gene expression changes were observed (44). When microinjected into tetraploid embryos or used as donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer, some embryonic stem cell lines result in a high incidence of abnormalities, such as fetal oversize, fetal edema, placental hypertrophy, and perinatal death (45, 46). These abnormalities are similar to those seen in IGF knockout mice and also in ruminant fetuses with LOS (18, 47). This illustrates the variability of animals born to assisted reproductive technologies and provides a baseline to compare with abnormalities observed in cloned animals. The next section looks specifically at abnormalities arising from nuclear transfer. Abnormalities arising from the nuclear transfer process may also occur with, or be exacerbated by, placental and/or fetal abnormalities arising from the LOS (e.g., hydrallantois, fetal oversize) (48, 49).

NUCLEAR TRANSFER USING EMBRYONIC AND SOMATIC CELLS Production of a viable nuclear transfer embryo from a somatic cell nucleus requires an extraordinary change in donor cell gene expression. Irregularities in development during embryonic, fetal,

Abnormal Offspring

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and postnatal life illustrate the incomplete reprogramming process. Various published results across several species show a wide spectrum of physiology and anatomy in a population of clones, but many individuals have been classified as normal. Even between clones with the same genetics, phenotypic differences can be striking (15). Since the birth of the first cloned sheep in 1996, a variety of other species have been cloned, including mice, cattle, goats, pigs, dogs, horses, rabbits, and cats. Each species has required modifications to nuclear transfer protocols and has continued to display the inefficiencies observed in the initial publications by Wilmut et al. (1, 50) (see Figure 1).

Early Development in Naturally Conceived Pregnancies

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In naturally conceived animals, there is a low but expected incidence of embryonic and fetal loss owing to abnormalities of the embryo or its placenta, alterations in maternal uterine environment, or fetomaternal interactions (51). The maternal environment, from the period of oocyte development through fertilization and pregnancy, can impact fetal and/or placental growth, gestation length, and subsequent offspring health (52–54). The underlying incidence of abnormal offspring in naturally conceived pregnancies arises from genetic or acquired congenital abnormalities. Examples in livestock and companion animals

Donor cell

• Species of donor cell • Cell origin and type • Cell lines selected for clonability • Cell treatments to reduce global methylation or specific gene expression

Neonatal management

• Precision obstetrical management • Specialist neonatal intensive care to assist the transition to extrauterine life • Cardiopulmonary support • Postnatal health monitoring and treatments

Nuclear transfer

• Oocyte quality • Oocyte activation method • Enhanced reprogramming (e.g., via epigenetic approaches) • Donor cell cycle synchronization

Embryo development

Embryo culture

• Culture medium selection • Somatic cell coculture • Addition of serum • Components of culture media (e.g., source of bovine serum albumen)

• Recipient quality and synchrony with embryo stage • Fetal monitoring and assessment of placental function • Corticosteroids to induce maturation of fetal lung and gastrointestinal tract

Figure 1 Technical, cell biological, and physiological factors to control and thus minimize the incidence of abnormal offspring.



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include changes to the musculoskeletal (e.g., ankylosed joints, tendon flexure), central nervous (hydrocephalus), integument (schistosoma reflexus, subcutaneous edema, or anasarca), and hematopoietic (blood clotting deficiencies or autoimmune) systems (55).

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Early Development in Cloned Pregnancies Cloned pregnancies show a high incidence of embryonic loss during the first half of pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester. First-trimester losses of greater than 50% are common for nuclear transfer pregnancies in cattle, sheep, and goats (56–58), whereas 2–4% of naturally conceived day-30 bovine pregnancies and 11% of in vitro–produced embryos would be expected to be lost by day 60 (13, 59, 60). Placental abnormalities have been implicated as both a cause and effect in pregnancy losses owing to cloning technique and the associated oocyte/embryo culture environments that also can result in the LOS (48, 56, 58). Many cloned embryos fail to negotiate the critical period of maternal recognition of pregnancy at the elongation stage (days 12–15 in cattle), during which 40% may fail (48). Generally, in mammalian pregnancies, early fetal losses may be due to abnormalities of the embryo or its placenta, alterations in maternal uterine environment, or fetomaternal interactions (51). In naturally conceived pregnancies, fetal abnormalities are a major cause of pregnancy loss. However, in cloned and in vitro–produced pregnancies, the placenta is implicated as a major contributor to pregnancy failure. Losses at approximately the time of placental attachment to the endometrium (day 30 in the bovine) are thought to be related to failure of vascularization and allantois development (31, 58). During the placental attachment period, fetomaternal interactions may also be altered by inappropriate expression of MHC-1 proteins (61). In a large study of 535 cloned bovine pregnancies, two-thirds aborted prior to day 60, and three-quarters of the original pregnancies were lost prior to birth (62). By days 90–110, signs of impaired embryo development, such as reduced crown-rump length, low heart rate, and large abdominal circumference, are consistent with poor viability (62). Bovine cloned pregnancies that are viable at day 60 have a high probability of progressing through the second trimester and into the final trimester. At that later stage, 17% may develop excessive fetal fluids (hydrops allantois), with resultant low viability (63). Although the preceding section focused on cloned bovine pregnancies, it is interesting to note that the same authors [Forsberg et al. (63)] who observed the 17% incidence of hydrops allantois did not observe any similar cases in their concurrent porcine cloning program, in which cloned piglets were born with normal birth weights.

Alterations to Placental Physiology and Function Normal placental development is critical for normal fetal growth and viability. Suboptimal intrauterine conditions may result in a range of fetal responses, such as fetal death and growth retardation, as well as more subtle effects, such as altered organ size (64). More subtle effects of an inadequate uterine environment may not be observed until adult life (65). The placenta is an active endocrine organ that produces progesterone and catalyzes production of estrogen from progesterone, as well as growth factors essential for normal growth and development (placental lactogen and placental growth hormone). Because the placenta is often categorized as abnormal in cloned pregnancies, it is of little surprise that final maturation of the fetus and of the mammary gland is often incomplete. Levels of pregnancy-associated hormones may give an indication of the viability of the fetoplacental unit. Abnormal progesterone concentrations may lead to abnormal growth of organs and the skeleton (20). Low progesterone concentrations have occurred in day-80 cloned pregnancies,

Abnormal Offspring

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whereas estrone sulfate concentrations were normal (66). Estradiol was later found to increase from days 80–240 (66). High levels of estradiol were associated with enlarged placentomes, likely because of estrogenic effects of increased fluid retention (66). Maternal serum pregnancy-associated glycan levels [pregnancy-specific protein B (PSPb) or PSP60] were higher in the first half (first 150 days) of cloned pregnancies (49, 58, 66, 67). Higher levels of pregnancy-associated glycans are likely due to longer serum half-life, because there was no increase in numbers of their source cells (binucleate cells) or in their major products, pregnancyassociated glycans or bovine placental lactogen (bPL) (67). Somewhat surprisingly, bPL levels are not different in third-trimester cloned pregnancies, as high bPL gene expression was found in firsttrimester cloned pregnancies (68). Placental abnormalities vary according to the species being cloned and the gene pathways most affected. IGF-II is commonly affected, and the phenotypes of IGF-II knockout mice are closely correlated with abnormal phenotypes observed in cloned mice. IGF-II knockout mice have very small placentas, and overexpression of IGF-II results in increased body size and placental edema (69). These features are also observed in cloned mouse placentas, together with reduced development of the spongiotrophoblast layer (39, 56, 58, 70–72). Smaller extraembryonic membranes with reduced vascularization have also been observed in cloned porcine placentas (73, 74). In cloned ruminant pregnancies, a well-recognized characteristic associated with abnormal offspring is variability in placentome number at all stages of gestation. Some early pregnancies appear to fail owing to inadequate placental contact points, whereas others at term have an excess of placentome surface area (75, 76). However, a reduced number of enlarged placentomes may not necessarily be harmful to fetal viability if the total surface area for nutrient exchange remains within normal limits (77, 78). In later gestation and at term, cloned placentas are commonly larger or heavier than normal in cows and mice (41, 79–81). These placental abnormalities reduce fetal viability and increase the risk of perinatal mortality (48).

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Birth and the Neonatal Period A lack of spontaneous parturition and increased perinatal mortality were early observations of lambs and calves cloned from somatic cells (2, 3). Many clone-bearing pregnancies progress beyond their due date. This may not be a problem in itself and may suggest that clones require more time in utero for full maturation. However, prolonged gestations are usually associated with increased birth weight and increased risk of dystocia. Rapidly increasing fetal demands, possibly associated with inadequate nutrient supply from a suboptimal placenta, argue against letting the gestation go beyond term (82); thus, induction is commonly performed around the anticipated due date (79, 83). Chavatte-Palmer et al. (84) reported that at term, the endocrine system of cloned fetuses was not premature, as demonstrated by a normal response to exogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (84). Despite this, neonatal care protocols for cloned pregnancies recognize that many neonates should be managed similarly to premature neonates and thus will benefit from intensive treatment to aid the transition to extrauterine life (82). Reports on perinatal survival vary, and it is informative to review the results from large groups of bovine clones. Heyman et al. (49) found 13% of cloned calves showed signs consistent with LOS at birth. Also, at the same laboratory (85), 58 clones had 74.6% survival to the first week after birth and 64.4% survival to 6 months. Causes of death in the first week were pulmonary (pulmonary hypertension) or musculoskeletal (weakness, limb deformities) abnormalities, thymic atrophy, renal changes, enlarged umbilicus, and edematous placenta (79, 85). 16.6


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Bovine somatic cell cloning has been undertaken as a commercial operation for more than a decade, and several commercial operators have documented their results. Because these results involve large numbers of births derived from many different cell lines, they provide an insight into the overall efficiency of the nuclear transfer technique. Cyagra/Goyaike produced 388 calves (9% survival of transferred embryos) in five years, from 2000–2005. Of calves born, 72% survived beyond the first two days, and 58% survived past five months (62). Musculoskeletal (e.g., contracted tendons) and pulmonary abnormalities were observed, along with hyperthermia, enlarged umbilicus or patent urachus, weakness, and depression. Biochemical changes observed were higher lactate and glucose. Hill et al. (86) had previously observed high glucose levels (type 1 diabetes) in a surviving cloned calf. In Japan, a nationwide study found 69% of cloned calves survived beyond 24 h (compared with 93% of a naturally conceived cohort), and 45% survived to day 150 (compared with 88% of a naturally conceived cohort) (87). From days 150 to 300, the losses lessened but were still significantly higher than for conventionally bred animals (2.5% losses versus 0.5%), and no difference was found in subsequent survival to 720 days (0.5% versus 0.6%). In Canada, 22 of 25 cloned calves had neonatal respiratory dysfunction (hypoxia or a combination of hypoxia and hypercapnia), and the majority of those affected (16) survived with treatment. Other abnormalities noted were enlarged umbilical vessels, poor suckle, and generalized weakness (88). Ovine cloning programs continue to have a low efficiency of producing live, healthy offspring: In one 2006 report, half of the 28 pregnancies at day 30 were lost by day 90, and all of the remaining 14 fetuses died by day 4 after birth (89). Detailed observations from the Roslin Institute illustrate the wide variety of major structural defects observed in cloned lambs that died at or just after birth (90). Prominent systems affected were renal (hydronephrosis), cardiac (right ventricular hypertrophy), pulmonary (pulmonary hypertension), hepatic (few bile ducts), and musculoskeletal (contracted tendons). Pre- or perinatal abnormalities such as hydrallantois, fetal lesions (including omphalocele), ascites, cardiac enlargement, liver steatosis, and asynchronous growth of organs have been observed. Early pig and goat cloning programs have not shown any increase in birth abnormalities (91– 93). This may be due to chance, as these experiments did not produce large numbers of offspring; however, it is also possible that these species will consistently have reduced problems at birth. Although early swine cloning programs reported good neonatal survival, over half of the cloned piglets (22 of 40) produced by Park et al. (94) died suddenly owing to low birth weights, cardiopulmonary abnormalities, and meningitis. Estrada et al. (95) found significantly lower birth weights in a large group of 143 pig clones matched against over 1,000 controls. Within this group of cloned neonates, both the healthy and unhealthy clones were smaller than controls. The abnormal, unhealthy neonates were substantially lighter (94) than their healthy littermates. This larger trial backs early data that showed a nonsignificant tendency toward low birth weights in pig clones (94). As smaller placentas were also observed in early gestation in pig clones, the lower birth weight suggests intrauterine growth restriction caused by inadequate placental function (95). Depressed immune function has been observed in both bovine and porcine clones (96, 97). In the latter study in piglets, a reduced response to endotoxin challenge was observed. Large numbers of cloned mice have now been produced, and the majority of experiments show low rates of birth abnormalities and high neonatal survival (72, 98, 99). Murine experiments with low neonatal survival were related to donor cell lines (40). Inoue et al. (100) recently demonstrated a substantial improvement in the survival to term of cloned mouse embryos by altering expression of an X chromosome–linked gene, Xist. Xist has a role in the inactivation of the female X chromosome, and when knocked out, expression of other X-linked

Abnormal Offspring

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genes approached normal patterns (100). A reduction in expression of Xist via either gene knockout or temporary RNAi inhibition improved development to term by 10 times, to almost 15% (100, 101). The improvement caused by RNAi inhibition was observed in male but not in female embryos (102).

Postnatal Development

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The first four surviving cloned sheep (Dolly plus three others of fetal cell origin) were apparently normal. Dolly went on to produce several litters of lambs that demonstrated apparently normal physiology. Additional testing by the Roslin Institute revealed subtle variations from normal, such as shorter telomere lengths and mitochondrial DNA derived exclusively from the enucleated donor oocyte (103, 104). Other groups examined bovine clones and found telomere lengths to be elongated (105) or normal (106, 107). In six generations of cloned mice, telomeres were no shorter and even appeared to elongate with successive generations (108). Dolly was well looked after and died at seven years of age—middle-aged for a sheep. Her death prompted consideration of how the cloning process contributed to her relatively early death. Although Dolly’s death was attributed to a viral disease endemic in her native Scotland, she did have other abnormalities that occur more often in clones than in the general population. For example, Dolly had arthritis, which may or may not have been due to her cloning origin, as cloned cattle have a higher incidence of musculoskeletal abnormalities (109). Dolly is the most famous and best-studied individual, although more robust conclusions can be drawn from larger studies using animals across techniques, cell lines, and time periods. Several years of meticulously collected data at AgResearch, New Zealand, concluded that the annual mortality rate (including humane euthanasia) in somatic cell–cloned cattle is higher than in control cattle. It is also higher than that seen in the progeny of cloned cows. The most common causes of euthanasia are musculoskeletal problems, such as contracted flexor tendons and lameness. Contracted tendons are generally associated with uterine crowding due to an oversized fetus. This may also be the case in cloned pregnancies, although contracted tendons may also occur in cloned calves of normal birth weights (109). Two large North American studies that included commercial cloning services provide overviews of the current status of the art of cloning. According to data from two years of cloned pregnancies using 34 genetically different cell lines, 20% of pregnancies survived to term, and the majority (75%) of these survived to adulthood. Although a wide variation in birth weights was observed, the subsequent growth rates, reproductive performance, and milk production were similar to those of non-cloned dairy cattle (110). In a second study from Cyagra/Goyaike that included five years of data, losses from birth to five months were 42% and were due to enlarged umbilical cords (37%), respiratory problems (19%), prolonged recumbency (20%), and contracted flexor tendons (21%) (62). Cows and bulls that survived to adulthood showed normal production characteristics. In farm animals, production-related data, such as growth rates, milk production, behavior, and fertility, appear to be within normal ranges (109–113). Milk and meat products from cloned animals were similar to naturally mated animals, though there were some subtle differences, such as delayed onset of puberty, muscle maturation, and higher blood-neutrophil counts (114). Hematological variations have been observed in prepubertal cloned calves, which had higher mean corpuscular volume but lower hemoglobin and hematocrit (85). Another group found 24 cloned adult cows to have normal hematology and biochemistry profiles (115). Body temperature and leptin were raised, although T4 (tetraiodothyronine) was reduced in the first two weeks. IGF-II was higher at birth but lower at two weeks (85). Others have observed high levels of IGFBP-2, with 16.8


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lower IGF-1 and cortisol at birth (116). At birth, cloned lambs also have higher ACTH and cortisol levels (117). Cloned mice have been found to be overweight, which suggests that very detailed evaluations of cloned animals may reveal subtle abnormalities (118). High leptin levels occurred in obese cloned mice with a shortened life span. Reduced life span was observed in adult cloned mice owing to pneumonia and liver lesions from ten months to two years of age. There was also a delay in learning for young mice prior to weaning (which disappeared after weaning) (118). When those obese cloned mice were mated, the obese phenotype was not transmitted to their progeny.

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CONCLUSIONS Embryos are exquisitely sensitive to their environment in utero, and the combination of embryo culture with the nuclear transfer process increases the chance of an altered phenotype. The wide variability in development of nuclear transfer and IVP pregnancies results in substantial gestational and perinatal loss, such that less than 10% of nuclear transfer cattle embryos transferred to surrogate cows will develop into viable calves. (39). The variability in changes observed in cloned offspring (both within and between genetic lines) suggests a high degree of randomness in the effect of the technique upon later phenotype (6). Fetal oversize occurs in cloned ruminants derived from both embryonic and somatic cells (8, 15, 119). It also occurs in animals produced by in vitro embryo culture, which suggests that culture conditions can exaggerate the effect of cloning on fetal size (8, 18). Whereas fetal oversize occurs in cloned cattle, sheep, and mice, the opposite (fetal undersize) occurs in cloned goats and pigs (95, 112). Other fetal abnormalities, such as pathology of the cardiopulmonary, urinary, or immune systems, have a low incidence in IVP fetuses and are more specific to cloned fetuses (1, 79, 96, 120). Because postnatal health is affected by in utero conditions, IVP or cloned offspring are also prone to later health issues. Imprinted genes are central to the physiological changes in cloned fetuses and their placentas (33). The nuclear transfer process alters the normal imprinting patterns expected during early development (121). Although this causes significant problems in utero and postnatally, expression of imprinted genes is generally normalized by maturity (122, 123). Careful investigations of abnormal offspring have enabled insights into embryonic development, fetomaternal interactions, and the impact of very early perturbations on later phenotypes.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I gratefully acknowledge the skills, knowledge, and dedication of colleagues at AgResearch, Cyagra-Goyaike, Cornell University, INRA Jouy-en-Josas Centre, Roslin Institute, and Texas A&M University. LITERATURE CITED 1. Wilmut I, Schnieke AE, McWhir J, Kind AJ, Campbell KH. 1997. Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. Nature 385:810–13

Abnormal Offspring

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118. Tamashiro KL, Wakayama T, Blanchard RJ, Blanchard DC, Yanagimachi R. 2000. Postnatal growth and behavioral development of mice cloned from adult cumulus cells. Biol. Reprod. 63:328–34 119. Garry FB, Adams R, McCann JP, Odde KG. 1996. Postnatal characteristics of calves produced by nuclear transfer cloning. Theriogenology 45:141–52 120. Wells DN, Misica PM, Tervit HR, Vivanco WH. 1998. Adult somatic cell nuclear transfer is used to preserve the last surviving cow of the Enderby Island cattle breed. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 10:369–78 121. Smith LC, Suzuki J Jr, Goff AK, Filion F, Therrien J, et al. 2012. Developmental and epigenetic anomalies in cloned cattle. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 47(Suppl. 4):107–14 122. Yang L, Chavatte-Palmer P, Kubota C, O’Neill M, Hoagland T, et al. 2005. Expression of imprinted genes is aberrant in deceased newborn cloned calves and relatively normal in surviving adult clones. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 71:431–38 123. Tamashiro KL, Wakayama T, Akutsu H, Yamazaki Y, Lachey JL, et al. 2002. Cloned mice have an obese phenotype not transmitted to their offspring. Nat. Med. 8:262–67

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Incidence of abnormal offspring from cloning and other assisted reproductive technologies.

In animals produced by assisted reproductive technologies, two abnormal phenotypes have been characterized. Large offspring syndrome (LOS) occurs in o...
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