Prog. Neuro-Psychophormocol. 6 Biol. Psychiot. Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved

1990. Vol. 14. pp. 553-561 0

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Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of California, Irvine, CA USA

(Final form, February 1990)

DeMet, Edward M., Aleksandra Chin-DeMet and Evan Shaffer: Influence of Protein Concentrations crrlPlatelet ?I-Imipramine Binding. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 1990,B: 5531. The effects of protein concentration in the assay mixture on platelet 3H-imipramine binding were studied in normal controls. 2. Increasing protein concentrations (76-926 ug/ml) were found to alter estimates of binding affinity (Kd) but not the number of binding sites (Bmax). 3. Increasing Kd estimates were protein dependent at concentrations in excess of ca. 200 ug/ml but were not protein dependent at lower concentrations. 4. A comparison of the present results with previous reports suggests that widespread interlaboratory differences in reported Bmax values for normal controls cannot be attributed to differences in the protein content of incubated samples. Rather these differences may be due to the inclusion of non-membrane protein in the assayed material. Keywords: depression, imipramine Abbreviations:

binding, membrane

protein, platelet membranes.

affinity binding constant (Kd), imipramine

(IMI), number of binding sites (Bmax).

Introductiog A number of studies now suggest that ‘H-imipramine

CH-IMI) binding may be lower in the brains

(Stanley et al. 1982) and platelets (Briley et al. 1980) of depressed patients than it is in normal controls.

However, reports of the actual number of binding sites (Bmax) and the affinity of binding

(Kd) vary greatly between laboratories

(Mellerup et al. 1982). While some of these differences may

be due to seasonal variations (Whitaker et al. 1984; DeMet et al. 1989), the widely discrepant values for normal controls clearly suggest the confounding influence of interlaboratory Such differences apparently

procedural differences.

exist in spite of the nearly universal use of similar binding conditions

(Briley et al. 1980). A notable exception is the quantity of protein used in the binding assays which varies widely between laboratories. that protein concentrations

Reported results from a number of laboratories

(Table 1) indicate

used in assay mixtures have varied from 116 ug/ml to over 3000 ug/ml.


E. M. DeMet et al.


In general, studies which have used lower protein concentrations

have tended to report higher Bmax

values and lower Kd values than studies which have used higher protein concentrations.

In this way,

Mellerup et al. (1982) have suggested that more reliable binding estimates may be obtained with lower protein concentrations.

Table 1 Platelet ‘H-Imipramine

Binding in Normal Controls

Bmax fmol/mg

Kd nM

Protein* ug/ml

,,is** Method

DeMet et al. 1989 Anderson et al. 1984

2647 1590

1.68 0.94

116 133-267

4 4

Theodorou Mellerup et 1989 Marazziti et al. 1987 Meltzer and Arora 1986 Carstens et al. 1986 Nemeroff et al. 1988 Weizman et al. 1986 Raisman et al. 1981 Baron et al. 1983 Paul et al. 1980 Wood et al. 1983

1168 1010 1162 926 1300 908 517 581 991 625 754

0.64 0.96 1.78 0.91 1.20 0.94 1.53 2.40 3.40 1.40 2.57

167 150 120-273 240280 400 400 400-571 504-648 800 200-1200 2800-3600

% 2 3 2 3


; 3 2 1

* Protein values are given per milliliter of incubated sample. ** Methods used for platelet lysis: (1) osmotic shock only; (2) osmotic shock with mechanical homogenization; (3) osmotic shock with polytron or ultra-turrax; (4) osmotic shock with sonication. While the potential importance (Bennett 1985; Hollenberg concentration

of protein concentration

in equilibrium

binding is well established

and Cuatrecasas 1979), few studies have examined the effects of protein

on platelet ‘H-IMI binding.

Two studies which utilized varying protein concentrations,

rather than fixed levels, have reported significant correlations between binding parameters and protein levels (Arora et al. 1985; Theodorou et al. 1989). Arora et al. (1985) found that Bmax was significantly inversely correlated with protein concentration relationship

in normal controls and depressed patients although this

was not significant when the depressed patients were separated into psychotic vs non-

psychotic subgroups.

The same study also found a significant positive correlation

levels and Kd values in psychotic depressed patients

although no correlation

between protein

was evident in the

depressed group as a whole or in normal controls. Theodorou et al. (1989) reported a slightly larger

Protein concentration and platelet “H-IMl binding

inverse relationship


between Bmax and protein levels such that Bmax values corrected for the effect

of protein concentration

were 1.4-18% higher than uncorrected values. In contrast, Innis et al. (1987)

failed to observe any effect of protein concentration

on platelet binding.

Only one study has directly addressed the tissue linearity of H-IMI binding with repeated measures of the same platelet pool (Barkai et al. 1985). The latter reported a robust linear increase in Kd values obtained using protein concentrations

in the range 100-800 ug protein but failed to find any

change in Bmax values. In this way one study has reported that Bmax and Kd are not dependent upon protein concentration, another found a Bmax dependence but no change in Kd, a third found a Kd dependence but no change in Bmax, and a fourth found modest correlations between protein and both Bmax and Kd. The present study re-examines the effects of varying protein concentration focus on lower protein values as employed by a multicenter

on Bmax and Kd estimates with a special study of the World Health Organization.


Whole blood samples were collected from normal volunteers between 0900 to 1000 h by platelet pheresis using a Fenwall model CS-3000 blood cell separator (Baxter-Fenwall,

Deerfield, IL). Normal

controls had no personal DSM-IIIR axis 1 or axis 2 disorders and no first degree relatives with an axis 1 disorder. Assessment Procedures Platelet isolation and W-IMI binding assays were performed by a modification

of the method of

Langer et al. (1980) as previously described (DeMet et al. 1989). Binding was evaluated at sixteen ‘HIMI concentrations ug/ml.

ranging from 0.2 to 5.5 nM and at six protein concentrations

ranging from 75-920

Binding constants (Bmax and Kd) were estimated by the method of Scatchard (1949) using


available software (program EBDA, Elsevier Biosoft, Cambridge,

proteins were determined using a commercially



relative to bovine serum albumin (BSA) by the method of Bradford (1976)

prepared reagent (BioRad Laboratories,



Results The effects of membrane

protein on ‘H-IMI binding were evaluated at six concentrations

from 76 to 926 ug/rnl (final incubation


values (expressed in molar concentration proportion

to membrane


The results in Fig 1 clearly show that Bmax

as output by the EBDA program)

protein over the range of concentrations


in direct

commonly employed in binding


E. M. DcMet et al.


A Scatchard plot (not shown) at the lowest protein concentration

(r=0.980) over a range of ‘H-IMI concentrations

(76 ug/ml) was linear

such that the percentage of the total bound varied

between 3.7 to 16.5% (9 of 16 values at less than 10%). Similar Bmax estimates were obtained at this concentration

(Bmax= 188Ofmol/mg) and at the highest protein concentration

and the Hill coefficients were unaltered by the range of measurements the conditions of the assay at the lowest protein concentration the results indicate that Bmax values were essentially unaltered





(Bmax=2151 fmol/mg),

(range =0.945 to 0.999). Since

satisfy the criterion of Bennett (1985), by protein concentration


under the

1 30


Fig 1. Effects of varying quantities of membrane

protein on the Bmax of platelet ‘H-IMI binding.


Fig 2. Effects of protein concentration

on the Kd of platelet ‘H-IMI binding.


present conditions.


and platelet


“H-IMI binding

In contrast, Kd values (Fig 2) showed a marked inflection at ca. 200 q/ml

were increased by nearly three fold at the highest concentration



values The present study examined Bmax and Kd values obtained from a common platelet pool over a broad range of membrane

protein concentrations.

The number of ‘H-MI binding sites (Bmax) was

found to increase linearly with the amount of incubated protein over the entire range tested (76-926 ug/ml) and this relationship difference was obtained

could be extrapolated to a zero protein concentration.

at the lowest and highest protein concentrations

expressed in terms of milligrams protein.

In this way no

when these values were

The present results are in agreement with those obtained

by Barkai et al. (1985) and Innis et al. (1987) who also found no effect of protein on Bmax values, but differ from reports by Arora et al. (1985) and Theodorou et al. (1989) who found that Bmax values were protein dependent.

yof Eff

Kd V

On the other hand, Kd values were substantially

elevated at higher protein concentrations

nearly three fold difference between the highest and lowest protein concentrations

with a

tested. In this way

the present results replicate earlier findings by Barkai et al. (1985) who found a similar dependence at extreme differences in protein concentrations.

However, the present study examined a slightly larger

range than the earlier study and found that Kd values varied with protein concentration rather than a linear fashion.

in a sigmoidal

A finding of sigmoidal kinetics combined with an effect on Kd but not

Bmax strongly supports a hypothesis that these effects may be due to the accumulation endogenous competitive inhibitor at high membrane concentrations

of an

(Barkai et al. 1985). Several other

studies have suggested the possible presence of such an inhibitor (Barbaccia et al. 1984; Brusov et al. 1985). Nevertheless, the fact that Kd values were similar at protein concentrations

less than ca. 200

ug/ml suggests that valid Kd estimates may be made at these lower protein concentrations. Protein concentrations

may influence apparent binding parameters in different ways depending upon

the source of the measured protein.

Inclusion of excessive specific binding protein in an incubation

mixture would reduce the concentration

of free ligand thereby increasing

the apparent

Kd and

decreasing the apparent Bmax with similar effects on both measures. Just such a relationship is evident in a comparison of extreme values reported in Table 1. However, several studies which employed relatively large protein concentrations,

and found low Bmax values, have also reported relatively low

estimates of Kd. Paradoxically, the present results suggest that elevated protein levels should have


E. M. DeMet et al.

resulted in relatively high Kd values with little or no change in Bmax. Since this relationship

is not

evident in Table 1, the results suggest that variations in Kd and Bmax values reported in the literature are not solely attributable

of specific binding


Furthermore, the fact that Kd but not Bmax is altered by increasing membrane concentrations


that the concentration


Protein on Bin-





of free ligand is not significantly altered over a wide range of protein values.

Effects of Non-Bindine Non-binding

to the use of different

may alter binding estimates in a manner which is different from binding of such material

in the incubation

mix would not substantially

alter the

of free ligand. Therefore, excessive non-binding protein would decrease Bmax estimates

(expressed per mg protein) but would not alter estimates of Kd. In this way, a number of studies which have used relatively high protein concentrations


ug/ml), which might be expected to have

resulted in elevated Kd values (Barkai et al. 1985; present results), have instead reported relatively low estimates of both Bmax and Kd (Table 1). Non-binding

protein &tld be included in incubated samples as a result of incomplete platelet lysis.

Previous studies (Barber et al. 1971; Fried1 et al. 1983) have shown that conventional techniques

are not adequate

to insure complete platelet breakage.


Similar studies in our own

laboratory (to be reported elsewhere) indicate that over 30 passes are required to break platelets with a Potter-Elvehjem

type homogenizer

under hypotonic conditions.

In contrast, ultrasonic treatment

results in complete cell breakage as verified by a lack of platelet counts in the present study. Various methods used for cell breakage by previous studies are summarizd

in Table 1. While this comparison

is imprecise, the results generally show that studies which have used more stringent methods for platelet breakage have tended to report higher Bmax values than studies which have used less stringent methods.

In addition

to non-specific




lysis may also decrease


effectiveness of subsequent wash steps. In this regard it is notable that Anderson et al. (1984) found that Bmax values of frozen platelet membranes were increased by ca. two-fold by a subsequent wash step. Presumably this increase reflects the removal of either endogenous serotonin or an endogenous binding ligand (Barbaccia et al. 1984; Brusov et al. 1985) which may be facilitated by more disruptive techniques of cell breakage.

Conclusions The present results indicate that excessive specific binding protein concentrations

in incubated

samples can significantly increase Kd estimates above their actual values. However, these effects are largely restricted

to protein concentrations

apparently altered by concentrations

greater than ca. 200 ug/rnl and Bmax values are not

up to 900 ug/ml.

Therefore, excessive binding protein does nor



and platelet


“H-IMI binding

appear to explain widespread differences in Bmax estimates from normal controls.

Neither does it

explain patient-control

differences in platelet binding since most studies have reported similar Kd

values in these groups.

Rather it appears possible that an apparent dependence

protein concentrations

This research

of Bmax values on

may be due to the presence of unlysed cells in the incubation

was supported

by a grant from the National


of Mental




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and platelet

Inquiries and reprint requests should be addressed to:

Dr. Edward M. DeMet University of California, Irvine Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Medical Sciences Bldg. I, Rm. D435, Irvine, CA 92717 U.S.A.

“H-IMI binding


Influence of protein concentration on platelet 3H-imipramine binding.

1. The effects of protein concentration in the assay mixture on platelet 3H-imipramine binding were studied in normal controls. 2. Increasing protein ...
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