Current Eye Research

Volume I 1 number 7 1992, 641 -649

Influence of vehicle and anterior chamber protein concentration on cyclosporine penetration through the isolated rabbit cornea Lisa Cheeks', Renee L.Kaswan2 and Keith ~


Departments of 'Ophthalmology, 3Physiology and Endocrinology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA and 2Department of Small Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

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ABSTRACT The transcorneal penetration of cyclosporine A has been determined from each of three vehicles across isolated cornea into simulated aqueous humor containing either 50 mg % protein (0.5 mg/ml; as found in a normal eye) o r 5000 m g % protein (50 mg/ml; as found in an inflamed eye). Cyclosporine entered the corneal epithelium and stroma/ endothelium as well as passed through the cornea from an alpha cyclodextrin vehicle. Entry into the epithelium and stroma/endothelium occurred from an ointment vehicle with limited detectable anterior chamber penetration using 50 mg % protein solution in the anterior chamber. From corn oil vehicle, cyclosporine penetrated across the cornea with a permeability equal to that of alpha cyclodextrin vehicle. The concentration of cyclosporine in both corn oil and ointment vehicles is 8 times greater than that in alpha cyclodextrin vehicle resulting in a flux from corn oil vehicle about 7 o r 8 times greater than that seen after alpha cyclodextrin vehicle. The amounts retained in the cornea, however, were relatively low after corn oil compared to cyclodextrin . The penetration of cyclosporine from either the cyclodextrin vehicle o r ointment was at least doubled in the presence of 5000 mg % protein in the simulated aqueous humor relative to that seen in 50 mg % protein. This data indicates that the (presumed) absorption and binding of drug by the excess protein in the simulated aqueous humor may have removed free cyclosporine from the solution and sustained a high concentration gradient of free solute across the cornea. This occurs despite the proven binding of cyclosporine to the tubing leading from the corneal chamber to the collection vial, although the influence of albumin upon this binding is relatively small. The vehicle governs the release and penetration of cyclosporine to and through the cornea, with corn oil and cyclodextrin giving the same corneal permeability to cyclosporine but since corn oil can contain a greater drug concentration it provides a greater flux of the drug.

INTRODUCTION The immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine A ( CsA) has been shown to be efficacious in alleviating complications associated with inflammatory ocular diseases (1-8) as well as corneal transplantation (91 3 ) . The ocular penetration of CsA has been examined under several experimental conditions (1423) and conflicting results have been obtained. The topical administration of CsA in olive oil has been reported t o cause high corneal and conjunctival concentrations of the drug with none appearing in intraocular structures although in inflamed eyes high CsA levels were found within the anterior segment ( 1 ) . The data stands in contradistinction to other reported values (20,21) although being substantiated by another report ( 1 6 ) . The increased penetration

of CsA after a significant inflammation of the eye (15) was attributed to the edematous nature of the cornea and disruption of the epithelium. The present in vitro study was made to determine whether o r not CsA passes through the isolated cornea under two types of conditions. One variable was the vehicle, either an ointment, corn oil, o r a cyclodextrin A-based solution (24-27). We compared, therefore, a low capacity (cyclodextrin) vehicle with a high capacity (ointment) vehicle that have different characteristics towards this lipophilic drug. The second variable was the protein content of the artificial aqueous humor , ranging from a

Received o n December 13, 1991; accepted on June 16, 1992

@ Oxford University Press


Current Eye Research simulated normal aqueous protein content of 50 m g %

from the endothelial chamber over a 3 to 5 hour

(28,29) to that of severe inflammation, up to 5000 mg

period. The solution bathing the endothelium

% (28-31).

contained either 50 mg % (0.5 mg/ml) o r 5000 mg % (50

m g / m l ) bovine serum albumin. At the end of the MATERIALS AND METHODS

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Adult albino rabbits, weighing 2 to 3 kg, were

experiment the epithelial surface was washed well with non-radioactive saline and the epithelium

killed with an intravenous overdose of sodium

harvested by scraping using a Gill corneal knife. A

pentobarbital (5 ml of a 65 m g / m l solution) given via

stromal button was trephined from the cornea and

a marginal ear vein. Eyes were immediately removed

both epithelial and stromal samples were placed in 100

and prepared f o r mounting in the specular

p1 volumes of deionized water overnight. Duplicate

microscope with intact epithelia (32-34) . The

samples of the deionized water were taken, after a t

endothelial surface was perfused at 3 mll hour with

least 24 hours of CsA washout , and counted to

Ringer bicarbonate solution (35) using a Harvard

provide values for tissue uptake of cyclosporine.

infusion pump (Harvard Instruments, Boston, MA)

Preliminary studies showed that the recovery of CsA

and the effluent collected at 20 min intervals for

from stromal buttons solubilized in Protosol versus

duplicate sampling and subsequent counting. The

extraction in deionized water was almost identical.

epithelial surface received CsA in either ointment,

Stromal buttons (10 per extraction process) received

corn oil, o r a cyclodextrin solution. Radioactive 'H

equal volumes of 'H-CsA and were allowed to take up

CsA (Amersham Corporation, Arlington Heights , IL;

10 p1 applied to the de-epithelialized surface. When

prepared by sodium boro[ 'HI hydride reduction) was

uptake was complete extraction occurred into 1 ml of

added to an ointment (petrolatum base) containing

either water or Protosol for 24 hours. The recovery

0.2% CsA , corn oil containing 0.2% CsA , o r an alpha

of CsA from Protosol@was between 5 and 11%greater

cyclodextrin solution at 40 mglml containing 0.025%

than that from deionized water when compared with

CsA, to give a count rate that averaged about 2.2 x

each other. The different percentage values

l o 6 cpm per 100 pl o r 100 mg vehicle. This

corresponded to Protosol samples that were

combination of alpha cyclodextrin and cyclosporine

neutralized with HC1 prior to mixing with ScintiVerse

concentrations was chosen on the basis of prior data

(5%) relative to non-neutralized samples (11%) ,

on corneal toxicity and drug penetration (26,27) ; the

respectively. The overall recovery rates for these

combination also approaches the maximal CsA

processes were 11 and 12%of the added CsA for water

concentration that can be solubilized in this

and Protosol@, respectively. The extraction

concentration of alpha cyclodextrin . A s accurately

procedure f o r CsA from epithelial cells was

as possible the same quantity of CsA vehicle was

considered complete because of the disruption of cells

applied to the corneal surface. The solution volumes

when immersed in deionized water that would release

were 250 pl and an equivalent amount of the ointment

all of the cell contents regardless of the nature of the

was spread over the corneal surface.


The ointment o r solution was placed on the




The possibility was raised of cyclosporine binding

epithelial surface f o r the duration of the experiment.

to polyethylene tubing (36 ,37) , used as an effluent

The penetration of 'H CsA through the cornea was

from the chamber to the collection vial, or of the

determined by sampling and counting the effluent

albumin preventing cyclosporine binding to the


Current Eye Research Table 1. Rabbit corneal cyclosporine flux, and corneal content, from ointment, corn oil o r alpha cyclodextrin vehicle into low high protein solutions.

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CsA Concentration (pg/ml)

Alphacyclo dextrin




Corn oil

Endothelial Bathing Bathing Solution Permeability Protein cm/hr x lo-' Concentration

50 m g %" 5000 m g %b

Content (pg/mg wet weight) Epi Str I Endo

16.3f0.8 0.30+0.05'(5) 25 .Of2.0'( 7) 0.12f0.02'( 7)

0.13+0.01 0.13+0.02(7)

5000 mg %

0.4 1.7

8.4f2.9' 35.Of8.Id

0.13f0.03*'(5) 0.14+0.02'

0.14tO.04( 5) 0.10~0.02

50 mg %





50 mg %


6.6 10.0

Flux wg x cm2/hr)


Values are the mean f SEM of 6 experiments with each experimental variable unless indicated otherwise in parentheses. CsA concentration = concentration in application vehicles ; Flux = permeability x concentration; Epi = epithelium alone; Str/Endo = stroma plus endothelium. +, significantly different from values with cyclodextrin obtained with 50 mg % protein on endothelial surface, (P < 0.02) ; *, significantly different from cyclodextrin epithelium at same simulated aqueous protein concentration, (P < 0.01); ', significantly different from stroma/endo, (P < 0.002). ', 0.5 mg/ml; b, 50 mgfml; ', calculated based upon a count rate only 1.2 f 0.3 cpm greater than background of 30.5 cpm; d , calculated from a count rate of 7.9 0.6 cpm greater than background of 30.5 cpm.


tubing (37), and thus influencing the count rate of

Use of Animals (DHEW Publication, NIH 86-23) were

the effluent. To investigate this possibility

strictly adhered to in the performance of the

experiments were made in which solutions containing

reported studies.

'H-CsA together with either 50 mg % o r 5000 mg % albumin were perfused directly through tubing of the


same length as the effluent tubing from the corneal

The values for corneal permeability and flux of CsA

chamber to the collection vial. Solutions were

from the vehicles and into either of the two

collected at 20 min intervals and sampled a s described

endothelial bathing solutions, as well as epithelial

above for the experimental protocol. Each solution

and stromal CsA concentrations, a r e given in Table

(50 o r 5000 m g %)was made from the same stock 'H-


CsA so that the initial cpm was the same. The count

The transcorneal flux of CsA is greatest from the

rate of this hot solution was of the order of 2000 cpm

corn oil vehicle, less from the alpha cyclodextrin

(approximately 1 ng/ml) and non-labeled CsA was not

vehicle and even lower from ointment into a 50 m g %

added. This represented a maximal condition f o r the

simulated aqueous humor (Table 1). This occurred

determination of binding by the tubing at a CsA

despite the similarity in permeability of CsA from the

concentration close to that seen under experimental

corn oil and cyclodextrin vehicles. The flux values,


of course, are a function of the drug concentration

The principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki and The Guiding Principles in the Care and

as well as permeability, thus the 2 pg/ml concentration of the corn oil and ointment vehicles is


Current Eye Research a significant determinant in the calculation of flux.

Only this small percentage recovery occurred regardless of the extraction vehicle (water o r

The values obtained f o r CsA penetration from alpha cyclodextrin o r ointment were dependent upon


the protein concentration of the simulated aqueous

CsA on a per total tissue basis, and for most vehicles

humor. The flux of CsA into the 5000 m g % protein

reflects an even distribution except for the alpha

concentration solution was at least double compared

cyclodextrin vehicle where the proportion of drug in

to that with 50 m g 8 protein in the simulated aqueous.

the epithelium is greater than for the other vehicles.

The ointment data must be put into perspective,

All reported values were corrected for the recovery

however, since only a low count rate of the aqueous

rate found in either extraction vehicle. Perfusion of tubing, equal in length to the effluent

effluent from ointment vehicle was observed. This Curr Eye Res Downloaded from by Mcgill University on 02/02/15 For personal use only.

The stroma/endothelium contains more

value increased from 1 . 2 f 0 . 3 cpm above a

tubing from the chamber to the collection vial,

background of 30.5 cpm f o r the 50 m g 8 solution (n =

indicated that the presence of 5000 m g % albumin

15) to 7 . 9 ?: 0.6 cpm above the same background

prevented some cyclosporine binding to the tubing.

count rate f o r the 5000 m g % solution ( n = 18) (these

Perfusion of tubing in the presence of 50 m g %

are uncorrected numbers ; corrections were applied

albumin allowed an average of only 38+-2%of the

f o r CsA binding to polyethylene tubing [see below] )


entering CsA to emerge into the collection vial. In

While these numbers are very low they are

the presence of 5000 m g % albumin, however, the

statistically different from zero (P alpha cyclodextrin

> ointment > corn oil.


In addition to the influence of vehicle on drug

by, the epithelium. This is a purely passive process

penetration it was of interest to determine whether

in the same vehicle ( o r at least vehicles that have the

high concentrations of protein on the endothelial

same effect on epithelial absorption and

surface would influence the rate of CsA penetration.

transepithelial drug movement), thus flux could be

The latter studies were of importance because of the

increased without alteration in the epithelial content

measured penetration of C s A from topical drops into

(Table 1). The high concentration of albumin could

eyes with significant inflammation. Drug penetration

be increasing epithelial permeability as well a s the

under those conditions had been ascribed to

capacity of the epithelium to bind CsA. With corn oil

disturbance of the epithelium (15). In the present

vehicle the flux is very high relative to that from

model one of the solutions bathing the endothelium

other vehicles yet the epithelial concentration is low.

had a high protein concentration, but the cornea was

This may be due to an effect of the oil directly upon

not inflamed and the epithelium was intact and

the epithelium, such as an increase in CsA

normal. By eliminating the variable of inflammatory

penetration through the epithelium, that would result

epithelial alterations as a contributing factor to any

in a high flux with less epithelial retention of drug.

change in permeability, the data demonstrates that

This process is hypothesized to reflect a change in

aqueous protein concentrations alone can influence

behavior of the tissue (absorption and transcellular

the passage of CsA across the cornea. Any increase

passage of drug through the epithelium) to the

in CsA penetration in the inflamed eye must,

vehicle. The vehicle or one of its ingredients may

therefore, have been in part due to the effects of the

apparently influence both the absorption as well as

effect of aqueous protein concentration. The effect

passage of CsA by the corneal epithelium. Various

of (presumed) binding of CsA by aqueous protein

ingredients in vehicles such as benzalkonium

which would thereby sustain a high concentration

chloride and vehicle viscosity enhancers have been

gradient of free CsA across the cornea must play a

shown to directly effect drug penetration through

role. A s suggested from other studies ( 1 5 ) ,

the cornea (38).

however, a contribution of the inflammatory process

One possible explanation f o r the differences in

per se on the epithelium cannot be eliminated. The

epithelial CsA content could be the retention of

highest protein concentration is, however, less than

adherent vehicle plus drug on the epithelial surface

1 mM and could not contribute to any CsA penetration

even after the washing procedure. On a priori

by such routes as bulk flow.

assumptions concerning viscosity and other physicocochemical characteristics one would rank the


The present study tested only the transcorneal route of C s A penetration. Most lipophilic molecules,

Current Eye Research to which the cell layers offer little o r no resistance,

Brenda Sheppard for her invaluable secretarial

find the corneal stroma to be the major barrier to


corneal penetration (39,40), Thus, the low rate of drug passage across the cornea, despite the


accumulation of large amounts of CsA in the

Keith Green, Ph. D

epithelium, is not surprising. For example,

Ophthalmology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta,

benzalkonium chloride is accumulated to a large

GA 30912-3400.

., D .Sc. , Department of

degree by the epithelium but none penetrates into the anterior chamber of the adult rabbit eye (41,42).

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Similarly, the poor penetration of CsA across the cornea alone must be viewed f r o m the in vivo perspective in that non-corneal routes of penetration may occur in the living eye that would allow intraocular CsA penetration (39 , 43,44)


This would

be compatible with data indicating CsA penetration from topically applied vehicles , yet these vehicles alone may per se influence drug penetration. The results obtained in this study illustrate that

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the ocular penetration of CsA across the cornea is vehicle-dependent


More CsA was delivered through

the cornea with a cyclodextrin and corn oil vehicle


relative to an ointment , despite epithelial penetration with all vehicles. Overall, the corn oil vehicle provided greater trans-corneal drug flux because it contained a greater concentration than the


cyclodextrin vehicle. The latter offers good drug


finding is of importance in the development of vehicles for either the ocular penetration of C s A o r the restriction of CsA to the ocular surface.




Supported in part by EY04558 ( K G ) from the National Eye Institute, in part by an Unrestricted Departmental Award from Research to Prevent Blindness , Inc. , and in part by the W . E. Honey Foundation (both to Ophthalmology). We thank

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Influence of vehicle and anterior chamber protein concentration on cyclosporine penetration through the isolated rabbit cornea.

The transcorneal penetration of cyclosporine A has been determined from each of three vehicles across isolated cornea into simulated aqueous humor con...
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