Acta physiol. scand. 1975. 94. 82-94 From the Department of Physiology, University of Goteborg, Sweden

Influences on Colonic and Small Intestinal Motility by the Cerebellar Fastigial Nucleus BY

JANMARTNER Received 16 December 1974

Abstract MARTNER,J. Influences on colonic and small intestinal motility by the cerebellar fastigial nucleus. Acta physiol. scand. 1975. 94. 82-94. The fastigial influence on intestinal motility was investigated in acute experiments on chloralosed cats. Motility was recorded both from the small and large intestine. Electrical stimulation of the rostral fastigial pole produced, in combination with a blood pressure rise, increased motor activity in ileum and colon whil- jejunum could respond with either increased or decreased motility. The intestinal responses were neither secondary to changes in intestinal blood flow, nor to baroreceptor reflexes induced by the increased blood pressure. The excitatory responses were not due to increased parasympathetic activity since sectioning of such pathways failed to abolish the responses. Instead, interruption of adrenergic sympathetic discharge, accomplished either by guanethidine or by sectioning of relevant nerves, did eliminate the responses, indicating that the fastigial effects were mediated by suppression of prevailing adrenergic tone. Noxious stimuli to the abdomen, including laparotomy, inhibit intestinal motility by a reflex increase in adrenergic discharge. It is suggested that fastigial influence on intestinal motility is mainly due to suppression of this reflex.

Besides its well known control of somatomotor function the cerebellum has long been known to exert a widespread influence on autonomically innervated organ systems (cf. Dow and Moruzzi 1958). Earlier experiments have mainly dealt with the cerebellar cortex while the interest has recently been focused on the cerebellar nuclei, especially the fastigial nucleus. Thus, electrical stimulation of its rostral pole elicits powerful pressor responses (Achari and Downman 1969, Miura and Reis 1969) which have been subject to further analysis in several studies (Achari and Downman 1970, Miura and Reis 1971, Lisander and Martner 1971, 1973, Achari, Al-Ubaidy and Downman 1973). Recently it has been suggested that the fastigial “pressor” neurons are involved in the control of circulatory orthostatic reflexes (Doba and Reis 1972, 1974) but whether they are engaged in the control also of other autonomic functions is not known. While thus information is accumulating regarding cerebellar cardiovascular control, much less is known of cerebellar influences on gastrointestinal motility. Inhibition of intestinal motility following stimulation of the vermis and the hemispheres has been reported (Voronin and Simkina 1938) and both inhibitory and excitatory gastrointestinal responses 82



have been observed on stimulation of various cerebellar parts, including the fastigial nucleus (Beller and Talan 1971, Manchanda, Tandon and Aneja 1972). Beller and Talan (1971) also claimed that rostra1 fastigial parts were effective in producing excitatory responses while caudal parts often produced inhibitory responses. Towards this general background it was considered of interest to investigate in more detail whether the fastigial pressor area, besides its influence on cardiovascular control, affects also other autonomically innervated organs, where the present study was concentrated on the fastigial influence on spontaneous intestinal motility. A preliminary report has been published (Lisander and Martner 1974).

Methods Experiments were performed on 50 cats of either sex which, after induction with ether, were anesthetized with chloralose, 50-60 mg/kg. Free airways were secured by a tracheal cannula. Operative procedures and recordings Arterial pressure was recorded through a femoral catheter connected to a Statham P 73 AC transducer writing on a Grass polygraph while heart rate was measured by a Grass Tachograph unit. The secretion from the adrenals was eliminated in most animals by encircling ligatures and adrenocortical substitution was given by i.v. injection of hydrocortisone (Solu-Glut@, Erco), 10 mg/kg. Intestinal motility was recorded in isolated, 5 cm long small intestinal and colonic sections, gently rinsed from their contents. For colonic isolation only loose ligatures were applied to avoid damage to the intramural nervous connections. Those parts of the small intestine that were not used for recording were extirpated, together with the spleen and the greater omentum. After filling the intestinal loops with warm Tyrode solution, motility was recorded as intraluminal volume changes, transferred via a wide tube to a container of 5 cm diameter, which was mounted on a Grass force-displacement transducer F T 0 3 for continuous recording of its weight. The level of the container was adjusted to obtain a constant intraluminal pressure of 5-10 cm H,O. In some cases small intestinal motility was instead recorded as pressure changes in intraluminal balloons. The vagal nerves were dissected free in the neck and placed on ligatures so that they could be cut during the experiment. The sympathetic supply to the intestines along the superior mesenteric artery could be interrupted by cutting these nerves and also the lumbar colonic nerves were dissected free along the inferior mesenteric artery for subsequent cutting, or for reversible blockade by cooling. Also the pelvic nerves were dissected free and placed on ligatures so that they could be cut in the course of the experiment. Intestino-intestinal inhibitory reflexes were elicited either by graded distention of a small isolated intestinal loop or by afferent stimulation of thin mesenteric pedicles. Intestinal blood flow was recorded after heparinization as the outflow from the portal vein after ligation of all venous branches except those from the intestinal segment under study. After passing a closed optical drop recorder, operating an ordinate writer, the blood was returned via the femoral vein. For baroreceptor stimulation one carotid sinus region was isolated and perfused at various pulsating pressures with blood from one of the femoral arteries via a sigmamotor pump. The contralateral sinus nerve was then cut, as were the vagal nerves, thus eliminating other baroreceptor stations. Cerebellur stirnutations Topical cerebellar stimulations were induced by means of the Horsley-Clarke technique, using a sharp (tip about 50-100 p m in diameter) monopolar stainless steel electrode, insulated except for the tip. Square wave pulses of 1 ms duration were delivered by a constant current stimulator, at intensities between 0.05 and 0.2 mA, corresponding to a voltage range of 1-3 V, and with frequencies between 10 and 50 Hz. The electrodes were inserted perpendicularly to the stereotaxic horizontal plane after trephination and partial removal of the tentorium. Histological procedures

After each experiment a small lesion was made around the electrode tip by direct anodal current of 1 mA for 10 s. The head of the animal was perfused by saline followed by a 10 % solution of formaldehyde. The






Fig. 1. Cat 2.0 kg, Flaxedil4mg/kg i.v., artificial respiration. Fastigial stimulation (50 Hz, 1 ms, 0.1 mA) produces a marked pressor response while ileal and colonic motility is increased and jejunal motility inhibited.



cerebellum and adjacent brainstem structures were then paraffin embedded, sectioned in slices of 15 p m and stained by the Nissl technique or, in some cases, by cresyl fast violet (Kluver-Barrera). In later experiments the cerebellum was frozen sectioned. Drugs

Respiratory interferences with the motility recordings were sometimes impossible to avoid in which cases Gallamine iodide (FlaxidiF) 4 mg/kg b.wt. was given; artificial respiration was then maintained by a respiratory pump. Pharmacological adrenergic blockade was induced by guanethidine (Ismelin@,CIBA) 4 mg/kg b.wt. i.v. For or-blockade, dibenzyline (Smith, Kline and French) 2-10 mg/kg b.wt. i.v. was used. P-blockade was induced, by propranolol (InderaP, ICI) 0.5-1 mg/kg b.wt. i.v. Atropine (atropine sulphate) was used in a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg b.wt. i.v.

Results Electrical stimulation of the fastigial nucleus affected small intestinal and colonic motility in almost all experiments. The response patterns most commonly found when all nervous influences were still intact are shown in Fig. 1, where fastigial stimulation elicits increased colonic and ileal motility while jejunal motility is inhibited. Sometimes, however, fastigial stimulation produced excitatory jejunal responses as well. 1 . Fastigial influence on jejunal motility. While the colon and ileum uniformly responded with increased motility upon fastigial stimulation, the jejunum exhibited inhibitory responses in about half the experiments (11 cats) and excitatory responses in the other half (12 cats). In some cats both response patterns could be seen, e.g. initial inhibitions which changed into excitatory responses later on, such a reversal occurring without any change of electrode position. During periods of jejunal inactivity increased motility was sometimes elicited as a rebound phenomenon upon cessation of the stimulation. The excitatory jejunal responses upon fastigial stimulation were not abolished by vagotomy (6 cats) but by cutting the adrenergic nerve supply or by guanethidine administration (4 cats). The background of the jejunal inhibitions was more difficult to reveal, since these respon-










1 ml


I o






HEART RATE, beats/mm


Fig. 2. Upper section: Cat 2.4 kg. Effect of fastigial stimulations (50 Hz, 1 ms, 0.2 mA) before (panel A) and after (panel B) bilateral vagotomy. Note that the prompt ileal excitatory response remains after vagotomy.

Lower section: Cat 3.0 kg; fastigial stimulation (50 Hz, 1 ms, 0.04 mA). Between panels A and B guanethidine, 4 mg/kg b.wt. i.v., has been given. The fastigially induced, excitatory intestinal responses in A are abolished in B while both the colon and ileum now exhibit spontaneous motility.

ses were not as reproducible as the excitatory ones, but they appeared to require intact

adrenergic mechanisms, while they persisted after vagotomy. 2. Fastigial influences on ileal motility. In virtually all cats (39 out of 42) the fastigial pressor response was associated with a prompt increase of ileal motility and inhibitions were never observed. The ileal motor responses were often very powerful and direct inspections sometimes showed intensely contracted, even blanched ileal segments. Analysis of the pathways conveying these excitatory ileal responses revealed that the vagal nerves were not necessary (upper section of Fig. 2, A and B, before and after vagotomy). Thus, cutting the vagal nerves during the experiment in no way eliminated the motility increase to fastigial stimulation, though the response was in a few cases somewhat reduced. On the other hand, sectioning of the adrenergic supply eliminated the ileal excitatory responses (3 cats), whether the vagal nerves were cut or not, as did administration of guanethidine (7 cats) illustrated in Fig. 2 lower section. The effect of cc-adrenergic blocking agents was then more variable;









I min



Fig. 3. Cat 2.2 kg; right vagal nerve cut. Fastigial stimulation (50 Hz, 1 ms, 0.2 mA) elicits powerful colonic contraction, which persists after complete vagotomy and also after bilateral pelvic nerve section, though somewhat reduced in extent.

in some cats the response vanished but in others it persisted although now appearing first after a delay of some 30 s. 3. Fastigirrl influence on colonic motility. The proximal colon responded in 37 out of 40 cats with contractions upon fastigial pressor stimulation, as did middle parts of the colon. These contractions usually occurred with few seconds' delay, and persisted throughout the 30-60 s stimulation period, to cease promptly when stimulation was discontinued. The distal colon yielded more variable results, with no responses in 2 cats and with weak and delayed contractions in three cats. These responses were, however, not due to peristalsis conducted distally from the proximal colon as they could still be obtained when the continuity of the gut was broken. Often these colonic responses became gradually less pronounced in the course of the experiment which was hardly due to any cerebellar damage around the electrode since the pressor response never decreased. The mediation of the colonic excitatory responses to fastigial stimulation was analysed either by consecutive sectioning of the peripheral nerves or by using pharmacological blocking agents. The effect of sectioning the cholinergic pathways were analysed in 20 cats. Fig. 3 illustrates such an experiment. Cutting the left vagal nerve (the right one had been earlier cut) slightly reduced but did not abolish the colonic response. If also the pelvic nerves were cut, the response was further reduced but not abolished-a persistent finding in all these experiments. Cholinergic blockade with atropine (1 mg/kg b.wt. i.v.) considerably reduced and delayed the motility increases to fastigial stimulation but did in most cases not abolish them (Fig. 4; panel B). Pelvic nerve sectioning did not even now abolish the response while guanethidine did so (panel C). The adrenergic pathways are mainly in the lumbar colonic nerves supplying the entire colon, while the proximal colon receives adrenergic innervation also from the thoracic sympathetic outflow via the splanchnic nerves (cf.Hulten 1969). Interpretation of the results after adrenergic blockade is difficult because this procedure always brings about a marked increase in spontaneous colonic motility which might mask the effect of fastigial stimulation. However, after sectioning or cooling the lumbar colonic nerves no clearcut colonic respon-





Fig. 4. Cat 2.5 kg; vagal nerves cut. A: Prompt colonic excitation elicited by fastigial stimulation (50 Hz, 1 ms, 0.2 mA). B: Colonic response after atropine, 1 mg/kg; between the first and second stimulations the pelvic nerves are cut, which reduces and delays the response. C: Guanethidine, 4 mg/kg, increases spontaneous colonic motility but eliminates response to fastigial stimulation.

ses could ever be recorded upon fastigial stimulation (9 cats). If the thoracic sympathetic supply was interrupted by cutting the nerves along the superior mesenteric artery the responses were sometimes reduced but could still be obtained. The adrenergic blocking drug guanethidine also increased the basal colonic motility but abolished in all 14 cats so treated the earlier very powerful contractions upon fastigial stimulation (Fig. 2, lower section). The @-blockingagent dibenzyline (4 mg/kg) rendered the colon more prone to contract spontaneously but sometimes failed to eliminate the colonic responses to fastigial stimulation. If dibenzyline was combined with a /3-adrenergic blocking agent (propranolol 0.5-1 mg/kg b.wt. i.v.) the colonic responses were further reduced but not always completely eliminated. 4. Suppression of motility by fastigially induced adrenal catecholamine release. The adrenals were, as mentioned, excluded in most experiments by ligation, to eliminate the effects of circulating catecholamines liberated by fastigial stimulation (Lisander and Martner 1973). If, however, the adrenal glands were left intact and guanethidine given to eliminate the neurogenic adrenergic influences on intestinal motility, fastigial stimulation induced longlasting inhibitory effects in all intestinal segments studied (Fig. 5). The delay in onset and the longlasting responses, with regard to intestinal motility, blood flow and heart rate, strongly speaks in favour of a hormonal mechanism. It is known that guanethidine does not affect the medullary release of catecholamines but rather enhances their effects (Abercrombie and Davies 1963). 5 . Are the motility responses due to intestinal blood flow changes or to baroreceptor reflexes? To exclude that the fastigial influence on intestinal motility was secondary to changcs in blood flow during stimulation, arrangements were made in 4 experiments for simultaneous recordings of intestinal motility and blood flow. Although there was a substantial resistance increase in the intestinal vascular bed during fastigial stimulation, intestinal blood flow was only slightly affected, because of the concomitant pressure rise. Independent of the slight changes of blood flow, increased motility was constantly elicited by fastigial pressor area stimulation. If a blood pressure rise of same magnitude as that induced by fastigial pressor area



I I mi








Fig. 5 . Cat 2.7 kg; intact adrenals but guanethidine,

4 mgikg, given. Note the inhibition of motility in all intestinal parts upon fastigial stimulation. The delayed onset and longlasting effects of the cardiovascular and intestinal responses point towards a hormonal mechanism. The small regular oscillations seen in the motility recordings reflect increased respiratory movements, sometimes obtained by fastigial stimulation.,




stimulation was caused by either baroreceptor unloading or by rapid dextrane-Tyrode infusion, these procedures would reflexly decrease or increase, respectively, intestinal blood flow. The procedures did not, however, affect intestinal motility. The possibility that enhanced intestinal motility during fastigial stimulation was due to a reflexly reduced adrenergic tone, evoked via the baroreceptors upon the fastigial pressor response, was excluded by the type of experiment illustrated in Fig. 6. When the isolated carotid sinus region was exposed to an increased pressure no change in ileal motility was seen while fastigial stimulation, performed during this period of intensified baroreceptor activation, still enhanced ileal motility. 6. Fastigial suppression of the intestino-intestinal inhibitory reflex. Distention of a gastrointestinal segment, stimulation of afferent mesenteric fibres or noxious abdominal stimuli, produce prompt adrenergic inhibition of gastrointestinal motility, procedures here included




zoo1 HEWT RATE, beols/mm



Fig. 6. Cat 2.6 kg; both vagi and right carotid sinus nerve cut, left carotid sinus prepared for pressure perfusion. Fastigial stimulation (50 Hz, 1 ms, 0.2 rnA) elicits similar ileal excitatory responses, whether the right sinus region is exposed to systemic pressure (left) or to high constant pressure (right), which causes a reflex arterial pressure reduction and bradycardia.






A - ._



Fig. 7. Cat 2.0 kg; vagal nerves cut. Afferent mesenteric nerve stimulation (5 Hz, 1 ms, 7 V) induces inhibitions of spontaneous intestinal motility, but this reflex inhibitory response is blocked by concomitant fastigial stimulation.

in the term intestino-intestinal inhibitory reflexes (cf. Youmans 1968). Fig. 7 shows such a reflex intestinal inhibition caused by afferent mesenteric nerve stimulation. When a simultaneous fastigial stimulation is performed these reflex inhibitions can often be completely blocked. Such fastigial suppressions of intestinal reflex inhibition could be demonstrated both in the small intestine and in the colon, although the colonic effects were more variable and could not always be completely suppressed. 7. Histological examination of the fastigial points stimulated. The fastigial pressor area is located in ventro-medial parts of the fastigial rostral pole (Miura and Reis 1969). The fastigial parts affecting the intestinal tract correspond quite well with those producing pressor responses, as illustrated in Fig. 8. Thus, virtually all stimulation points yielding intestinal responses also caused pressor responses and were gathered in ventro-medial parts of the fastigial rostral pole and in the adjacent ventro-rostra1 cerebellar white matter. Effective stimulation points were plotted on maps, schematically drawn from frontal sections corresponding to the coordinates P 8.0-P 9.0, given by Snider and Niemer (1961). In Fig. 8 the small intestinal responses are shown on the left side of each drawing while the colonic ones are shown on the right side. Virtually all responsive points were combined with generally marked pressor responses. The likelihood of inditcing intestinal responses increased with the intensity of the pressor responses, although a marked pressor response was not throughout a prerequisite as can be seen in Fig. 3 and 6, where only small to moderate blood pressure increases are recorded. The points in Fig. 8, representing effective motility responses in the various intestinal segments, seem to be intermingled and localized in or close to the ventro-medial border of the rostral fastigial parts.





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1. D


0 0

V Nf W. Nd. V.q. Nx.1.



I mm





Fig. 8. Frontal section through cerebellum and brainstem. The area within the hatched lines seen in the upper left drawing is magnified and in the subsequent drawings shown at three different levels: 8, 8.5 and 9 mm posterior to the interaural line. The colonic responses are marked on the right side while the small intestinal responses are shown on the left side of each figure. Explanation of signs and abbreviations are shown in the figure. For further information see text.

Discussion The present study shows that fastigial stimulation can influence the “spontaneous” motility in the jejunum, ileum and colon. The responses displayed regional differences, with uniformly excitatory responses in the colon and the ileum in the prevailing experimental situations, while the jejunum could show both inhibition and excitation. The neurogenic excitatory colonic and ileal responses, elicited by fastigial stimulation, can theoretically be achieved by an increased parasympathetic activity orland by a reduced sympathetic tone. Here the situation for the colon is particularly complex as it receives parasympathetic cholinergic innervation from the vagal nerves, which convey excitatory impulses restricted to proximal parts, while the sacral parasympathetic outflow supplies the entire colon via the pelvic nerves. Likewise, the adrenergic innervation is divided into a rostra1 division, supplying the proximal colon via the splanchnic nerves, while the lumbar colonic nerves innervate largely the entire colon (cf. Hulten 1969, Rostad 1973). In general, sectioning of the cholinergic supply could be performed without abolishing the colonic and ileal excitatory responses, indicating that they were conveyed by a suppression of an adrenergic influence. Accordingly, cutting the mentioned sympathetic nerves, or administration of guanethidine, abolished the excitatory responses to fastigial stimulation.



The fact that atropine markedly reduced and occasionally abolished these excitatory responses by no means speaks against the involvement of primarily adrenergic mechanisms. The reason is that adrenergic inhibitory influence on gastrointestinal motility is generally exerted at the intramural ganglionic level and thus calls for a prevailing activity in the intramural excitatory cholinergic neurons to be revealed (Norberg 1964, Kewenter 1965, Jansson and Martinsson 1966, Hultkn 1969). Atropine will eliminate their excitatory influence on the intestinal smooth muscles, but not necessarily a sectioning of the preganglionic cholinergic fibres, as long as an intrinsic activity is maintained in the intramural cholinergic plexa. Therefore, in the latter case a central suppression of a prevailing adrenergic inhibitory influence will reveal itself as an excitatory influence on intestinal motility. Thus, the cerebellum in general, exerts its main effects on “spontaneous” intestinal motility by decreasing adrenergic activity via the fastigial nuclei, while the cerebellar cortex, in turn is known to exert a generally inhibitory influence on fastigial activity. It is generally assumed that the adrenergic inhibitory influence at the ganglionic level is exerted by a-receptor mechanisms (cf. Furness and Costa 1974) but even large doses of dibenzyline or/and phentolamine, did not always abolish the fastigially induced intestinal contractions although they were now more delayed in onset, at the same time as the intestine exhibited a markedly increased spontaneous motility. This remaining excitatory response after complete nerve blockade could still be detected after cutting the pelvic and vagal nerves. However, some cholinergic excitatory fibres appear to reach the colon via its sympathetic supply (Varagic 1956, Hulten 1969) and, possibly, such cholinergic fibres may have been activated by fastigial stimulation in analogy to the finding that the fastigial nucleus can modify e.g. the cardiac vagal nerve activity (Lisander and Martner 1971, Achari et al. 1973). Whatever the case, the suppression of the adrenergic fibre activity to the gastrointestinal tract appears to be the most prominent excitatory influence on gastrointestinal activity exerted by the fastigial neurons. There seems to be a good correlation between the fastigial pressor response and the fastigial influence on intestinal motility, powerful pressor responses being regularly associated with pronounced intestinal excitatory responses, and vice versa. As shown in Fig. 8 the effective stimulation points are clustered around the rostral ventro-medial fastigial pole and just ventromedially to the nucleus, presumably then representing the efferent pathways from the nucleus. The majority of the neurons in rostral fastigial parts send their axons ventromedially and as crossed fibres, giving rise to the hook bundle (Matsushita and Iwahori 1971). No clearcut topographical fastigial organisation could be traced concerning responses in different gastrointestinal parts; instead, effective stimulation points usually induced responses throughout the intestinal tract. However, it should be realized that the current spread might amount to 0.5 mm (Wise 1972) and that locating the electrode may have an error of up to 0.5 mm, due to the size of the lesion induced. The close association between cardiovascular pressor responses and intestinal responses to fastigial stimulation might imply that the latter were a consequence of the former being, for example, secondary to neurogenic changes in intestinal blood flow. Thus mechanical reductions of intestinal blood flow can inhibit intestinal motility, though first when the



reduction in flow is quite marked (Celander 1959, Kock 1959). To exclude any such interactions, intestinal blood flow and motility were recorded simultaneously in some experiments, revealing that the changes in blood flow secondary to fastigial stimulation were quite small. It is therefore unlikely that e.g., the jejunal inhibitory responses to fastigial stimulation should be secondary to any reduced jejunal blood flow. Furthermore, in the colon and ileum the motility responses were excitatory, making it still more unlikely that they were secondary to changes in blood flow. Finally, the motility responses were usually prompt in onset, making it highly unlikely that they should be secondary to the gradual change in local chemical environment induced by the neurogenic restriction in blood supply. Intestinal motility may be influenced by adrenal catecholamine release, induced by fastigial stimulation. When the adrenals were left intact and guanethidine was given to block the neurogenic intestinal responses, delayed but longlasting motility inhibitions were obtained, as a result of the catecholamine release. This illustrates the importance of eliminating the adrenals in studies of neurogenically mediated influences from the cerebellum on gastrointestinal motility. In the vast majority of the present experiments the adrenal glands were, however, excluded in which situation the jejunal inhibition must be ascribed to nervous mechanisms. Finally, the possibility remains that the intestinal responses were secondary to baroreceptor reflex influences, induced by the fastigial pressor responses. Such reflexes might, for example, suppress the sympathetic discharge to the intestine. However, such a mode of influence was excluded by the fact that even intense and constant baroreceptor activations did not influence the changes in intestinal motility elicited by fastigial stimulation. It is highly unlikely that the cerebellum has any direct nervous connections with the autonomically controlled organ systems, and its influence is probably rather one of modifying the reflex arcs controlling visceral functions. Consequently the fastigial responses would be dependent on a prevailing activity in such arcs which, in turn, is likely to vary considerably with the experimental situation. This may explain the varying jejunal responses to fastigial stimulation, sometimes changing from inhibition to excitation in the course of the same experiment. The dependence on the experimental situation has a bearing also on comparisons of results in different studies of cerebellar autonomic function. In the present study the experimental procedures certainly tend to elicit the spinally mediated intestine-intestinal inhibitory reflex by means of the inevitable abdominal surgery, inducing sympathetic discharge to the entire gastrointestinal tract. As discussed above, the fastigial nucleus appears to exert its main control of intestinal motility by modulating adrenergic tone where the preferential influence in the present situation is one of suppression. The spinal intestino-intestinal reflex is subject to control from higher CNS levels and can, for example, be efficiently suppressed from the medullary “depressor area” (Johansson, Jonsson and Ljung 1965, 1968). Besides by operative trauma, the intestino-intestinal inhibitory reflex can be elicited also by electrical stimulation of mesenteric afferents or by intestinal distension, procedures which can be graded and, if strong enough, are able to entirely inhibit intestinal motility. In case the fastigial nucleus is effective in suppressing the intestino-intestinal reflex, fastigial stimulation would be expected to block the reflex inhibition induced by e.g. afferent mesen-



teric stimulation which was, indeed, the case (Fig. 7). If, however, supramaximal afferent stimulation was applied for eliciting the reflex it was increasingly difficult to block it by fastigial stimulation. A regional difference in sympathetic control of the small intestine has been described by Kewenter (1965), with a preponderant inhibitory influence on the ileum. This may explain why the jejunal and ileal responses to fastigial stimulation were often different. As fastigial stimulation seems to uniformly suppress sympathetic activity to the gastrointestinal tract, it would be expected that the resulting increases in motility would be particularly pronounced in those sections of the small intestine where the adrenergic inhibitory influence was strongest to start with. Such a view corresponds well with the response pattern generally found in the small intestine. In conclusion, the fastigial nucleus, and hence the cerebellum, is involved in the autonomic regulation of intestinal motility, where one important mode of action appears to be a modulation of adrenergic inhibitory discharge. A possible mechanism for this might be fastigial suppression of the spinal intestino-intestinal inhibitory reflex which is conveyed via adrenergic fibre suppression of the activity in the intramural cholinergic ganglion cells. Indeed, results from recent experiments, to be reported in a subsequent paper, strongly support such a mechanism. This by n o means denies the possibility that cerebellar control of intestinal autonomic regulation may be exerted aIso by other mechanisms that might be revealed during other experimental conditions. This research has been sponsored by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (No. B74-14X16-10C), from Svenska Sallskapet for Medicinsk Forskning and from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Goteborg.

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Influences on colonic and small intestinal motility by the cerebellar fastigial nucleus.

The fastigial influence on intestinal motility was investigated in acute experiments on chloralosed cats. Motility was recorded both from the small an...
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