Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 391 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 1 7 0 - - 1 7 8 © Elsevier S c i e n t i f i c P u b l i s h i n g C o m p a n y , A m s t e r d a m - - P r i n t e d in T h e N e t h e r l a n d s

BBA 67491


V. S I L A N O 1 , M. F U R I A 2 , L. G I A N F R E D A 2 , A. M A C R I 3 , R. P A L E S C A N D O L O 2 , A. R A B 1 , V. S C A R D I 2 , E. S T E L L A 4 a n d F. V A L F R E 3

I Laboratori di Chimica Biologica, 3Laboratori di Veterinaria and 4Laboratori di Parassitologia, Istituto Superiore di SanitY, Roma and 2 Istituto di Fisiologia Generale, Universit~ di Napoli and Stazione Zoologica di Napoli (Aquarium), Napoli (Italy) (Received December 24th, 1974)

Summary The amylase activity of water extracts from 18 insect species, from 23 marine species and from 17 different species of birds and mammals was determined quantitatively. The inhibition of amylase in these extracts by three albumin fractions from the mature wheat kernel, which had been separated according to their molecular weights (60 000, 24 000 and 12 500 D), was determined as well. The inhibition activity of the three albumin fractions toward amylases extracted from a number of cereal species or from immature and germinating wheat kernel was also tested. The extracts from insects that are destructive of wheat gr~in and stored wheat products showed, much higher amylase activities as compared to the other insect species that do not attack wheat and wheat products. On the basis of the effectiveness with which the three albumin fractions inhibit their activities, the amylase preparations tested were divided into susceptible, partially susceptible and resistent. Susceptible amylases, inhibited by any of the three albumin fractions, were found, mainly in insects that attack wheat and in marine species. Partially susceptible amylases, inhibited by only one or two of the three albumin fractions, were present in a few avain and mammalian species including man. Resistent amylases were largely distributed in cereal, avian and mammalian species as well as in insect species that do not usually attack wheat grain or wheat flour products. At no stage of development, wheat a-amylase was inhibited by the albumin fractions from the mature kernel. The 12 500 dalton albumin fraction was the most effective in inhibiting insect amylases, but it was inactive toward avian and mammalian amylases. The 24 000 dalton albumin fraction was the most effective in inhibiting amylases from marine avian and mammalian species and inhibited as much as 33 amylases over 66 different amylases tested. It is suggested that protein inhibitors of amylase contributed to natural selection of polyploid wheats by giving some insect resistence to such wheats, even though


some insect species were able to overcome this biochemical defense to a large degree b y producing higher amylase activities.

Introduction A wheat protein fraction that inhibited a-amylases from human saliva, hog pancreas and Bacillus subtilis was first described by Kneen and Sandstedt [1] in 1943 (see also: Kneen and Sandstedt [2] and Militzer et al. [3,4] ). Further studies showed that this inhibitor was also active toward several amylases from Streptomyces [5] and toward some insect amylases including those from Tenebrio molitor L. [6], Prodenia litura F. [7] and Tribolium castaneum Herbst [8]. Moreover, this inhibitor was inactive toward a-amylases from wheat, barley and sorghum grains as well as toward barley H-amylase [ 1]. More recently, however, Shainkin and Birk [9] isolated two protein inhibitors from the wheat kernel with different inhibition patterns toward amylases from different origins thus providing the first indication that the inhibitor of Kneen and Sandstedt was heterogeneous. Since then, it has been established [9--12] clearly that the wheat kernel contains many protein components capable of inhibiting insect and mammalian a-amylases (referred to hereafter simply as amylases). Petrucci et al. [12] divided the wheat albumin inhibitors into three main families that differed in molecular weight (60 000, 24 000 and 12 500) and in their physico-chemical properties. In each inhibitor family several active components were found that differed slightly in their electrophoretic mobilities in a Tris/glycine buffer (pH 8.5), b u t all the components of the family had similar specificities with regard to inhibition of different amylases. Because the more recent work described above has demonstrated different specificities for some of the components present in the mixture, we have separated the wheat amylase inhibitors according to their molecular weight and used the three inhibitor fraction of Petrucci et al. [12] to compare inhibition effects on amylases from a number of different insect, marine, avian, mammalian and cereal species. With this study we also intended to give some contribution to elucidate the significance of these naturally occurring protein inhibitors that make up a b o u t 2/3 of the whole albumin of the wheat kernel [12]. Experimental methods Extraction o f amylase Whole adult insects or samples of pancreas from avian or mammalian species, which had been kept frozen at --20 ° C, were warmed to room temperature and then homogenized with water (1 : 100 w/w) in a small Potter homogenizer at 0 ° C. Samples of digestive glands from marine species were homogenized in smaller volumes of water (1 : 10, w/w). The suspension was centrifuged at 40 000 X g for 20 min and the clear supernatant was used for amylase activity and amylase inhibition assays as described below. Tenebrio molitor L. larval amylase was prepared according to Applebaum et al. [13]. Human pancreatic amylase was whole pancreatic juice supplied by S. Auricchio, II clinica Pediatrica, University of Naples. Human saliva amylase was freeze-dried crude

172 saliva. The amylase extraction from mature cereal grains was carried out on 5 g of finely ground grains with 18 mM CaC12 according to the procedure described by Perten [14]. This procedure was also used for the extraction of amylase from the wheat kernel at various stages of maturity and germination. The soft winter wheat (variety Strampelli) sampled at 5 and 12 days from fertilization was kindly supplied by A. Bozzini, Laboratorio di Applicazioni in Agricoltura, C.N.E.N., S. Maria in Galeria, Rome. The intact heads of wheat plants were excised and stored in a deep freeze until analysis. Growing wheat was sampled at 5 and 12 days from fertilization because at such early stages of development no inhibition activity of human saliva amylase could be detected by Sandstedt and Beckord [ 15] in the wheat kernel. By direct measurement carried out according to Bedetti et al. [ 1 6 ] , we confirmed the absence of amylase inhibitors in the 5-day-sampled wheat, whereas a very small inhibition activity (equal to a b o u t 1/50 of that of the mature kernel) was found in the 12-day-sampled wheat. Wheat germination was carried out for 3 days under the conditions described by Kruger [17] to allow the full set of germination amylases being formed. Then roots, coleoptyle and their attachments to germinated seeds were excised and the remaining grain was submitted to amylase extraction b y following the Perten's procedure [ 1 4 ] .

Extraction and fractionation of wheat albumins The 12 500, 24 000 and 60 000 dalton albumin fractions from the wheat kernel were prepared by submitting to gel filtration the whole albumin fraction obtained by ammonium sulphate salting out of the 0.15 M NaC1 extract from whole ground grain of soft winter wheat (variety Mentana) according to Petrucci et al. [12].

Activity and inhibition of amylase Tests of the activity of amylases from insect and marine species as well as their inhibition by wheat albumin fractions were carried o u t in a 0.03 M acetate/barbiturate buffer (pH 5:4) containing 0.44 M NaC1 and 0.001 M CaC12. The pH 5.4 was chosen because some insect amylases [8,13] showed a maxim u m of activity at this pH and it was n o t very far from the maximum of activity of some amylases from marine species [18]. Tests involving the avian and mammalian pancreatic amylases were performed in a similar buffer adjusted to pH 7.6 that was very close to the physiological one. Wheat albumins in amounts ranging between 0.1 and 2.0 #g were dissolved in 0.4 ml of buffer and then 0.5 ml of enzyme solution (suitably diluted to give, in the absence of inhibitor, a 70% hydrolysis of the starch present) was added. This solution was held at 28°C for 30 min and then 0.1 ml of a solution containing 10 mg/ml of starch (Merck, Germany) was added. The mixed solution was incubated at 37°C (avian and mammalian amylases) or at 28°C (amylases from insect and marine species) for 10 min. Following this, the reaction was stopped by adding 0.5 ml of 1 M HC1 and the undigested starch was determined by adding 1 ml of an I2/KI solution (1.2 and 1.8 mM, respectively) and measuring the change in absorbance at 620 nm. Controls without inhibitors were included to determine amylase activity of each preparation, which was expressed as Amylase Unit (A.U.) where one A.U. was the a m o u n t of enzyme that gave 50% hydrolysis of

173 the added starch under our experimental conditions. Amylase activity of extracts from cereal grains was determined in an acetate buffer (pH 4.7) at 30°C with limit dextrin as substrate by following the method of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry as described by Perten [14]. For inhibition tests, wheat albumins were used in amounts ranging from 1 to 100 ttg under the experimental conditions above described. Results

Amylases from insect species Amylase activities of water extracts from whole adult insects that belonged to 17 different species and the quantitative inhibitions of these amylases b y three different albumin fractions from the whole wheat kernel that had been separated according to their molecular weights of 60 000, 24 000 and 12 500 are given in Table I. We found higher amylase activities in insects that are destructive of wheat grain or stored wheat products [19] (samples 1--6, 10--12} and lower amylase activities in insects that do n o t usually attack wheat grain or wheat flour products (samples 7--9, 13--15) [20]. Two insects (samples 16 and 17), which presumably do not ingest significant amounts of starch, showed no detectable amylase activity. With regard to the inhibitory effects of the wheat albumins, we found that, with only one exception (sample 5), the amylases from insects that eat wheat grain or wheat flour products were all inhibited by small amounts of the three albumin fractions tested, whereas significantly higher albumin concentrations were needed to inhibit equivalent amounts of amylase from Chrysomela decemlineata Say and Anacridium aegyptium L. and none of the other insect amylases tested showed any sensitivity to the wheat albumins. Inhibitions of amylase from Tenebrio molitor L. larvae by the three albumin fractions were identical to those found for the amylase from adults as reported in Table I (sample 3). A low amylase activity (1 A.U./g of whole insect} not inhibited by any of the three wheat albumin fractions was found in Philosamia cynthia Drury (ailantus silk-moth} larvae. Amylases from marine species Amylase activities of water extracts from 23 marine species and the quantitative inhibitions of these amylases by the three albumin fractions from the wheat kernel are given in Table II. It appears that only five amylases from marine species (samples 12, 17, 20, 22 and 23) were not inhibited by any of the wheat albumin fractions and that as much as 13 amylases were inhibited by any of the three fractions. Table II also shows that the 24 000 dalton fraction was more effective in inhibiting amylases from marine species than the 60 000 and 12 500 dalton fractions. Amylases from avian and mammalian species Of the 17 different avian and mammalian species tested (Table III), amylases from only 6 species (samples 1--3, 9--12) were inhibited by the 24 000 or 60 000 dalton fraction, whereas the 12 500 dalton fraction showed no inhibition of any of the amylases from avian and mammalian species. We were unable to confirm the inhibition of hog pancreatic amylase described by

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Calandra granaria L. Calandra o r y z a e L. T e n e b r i o m o l i t o r L. Tribolium c o n f u s u m Duv. O r y z a e p h i l u s surinamensis L. R h i z o p e r t h a d o m i n i c a F. Chrysomela decemlineata Say C e r a m b y x cerdo L. Acanthoscelides obsoletus Say Periplaneta americana L. Blattella g e r m a n i c a L. Sitotroga cerealella O l i v . Galleria mellonella L. Ephestia h u e h n i e l l a Z e l l . A n a c r i d i u m a e g y p t i u m L. T r i a t o m a infestans K l u g . Anax imperator Leach

Scientific name



granary weevil rice weevil yellow mealworm confused flour beetle sawtoothed grain beetle lesser grain borer colorado potato beetle longhorned borer bean weevil american cockroach german cockroach angoumois grain moth greater wax moth mediterranean flour moth egyptian grasshopper reduviid bug empress dragon-fly

Trivial name


400 400 100 000 800 320 13 2 1 160 135 26 23 9 5 No activity No activity

18 12 6 7 7

Amylase activity (A.U.*/g of insect)



1 342 1 217 1 098 1 311 1 617 No inhibition Not tested Not tested Not tested 1 312 1 277 Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested ---

60 000 Dalton fraction* *


221 117 200 86 329 No inhibition 523 No inhibition No inhibition 141 13 100 No inhibition No inhibition I 111 ---

24 000 Dalton fraction* * *

38 37 66 98 1 562 297 1 028 No inhibition No inhibition 246 5 60 No inhibition No inhibition 590 ---

12 500 Dalton fraction* * *

Amount of wheat albumin that gives 30% inhibition of 1 Amylase Unit (ng)


O n e A m y l a s e U n i t ( A . U . ) is t h e a m o u n t o f e n z y m e t h a t g i v e s 5 0 % h y d r o l y s i s o f t h e a d d e d s t a r c h u n d e r o u r e x p e r i m e n t a l ** T e s t e d a t a m a x i m u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n t h e i n c u b a t i o n m i x t u r e o f 2 / ~ g / m l . ** * T e s t e d a t a m a x i m u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n t h e i n c u b a t i o n m i x t u r e o f 1 p g / m l .

Sample Number



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23



a variety of squid a vamety of squid a variety of squid a variety of cuttlefish a variety of cuttlefish a variety of cuttlefish a variety of octopus a variety of octopus a variety of octopus nudibranch sea h a r e mollusk red nosed cockle radiated through shell cock wedge shell wart venus snail murex prawn a variety of crab a variety of scorpionfish golden grey mullet

Trivial name


Loligo vulgaris L a i n . lllex c o i n d e t i V e r a n y Allotheutis subulala Lam. Sepia officinalis L. Sepia elegans D ' O r b i g n y Sepiola r o n d e l e t i L e a c h O c t o p u s vulgaris L a m . Eledone moschata Lam. E l e d o n e aldrovandii R a f i n e s q u e Pleurobranchaea meckelii T e t h y s leporina L. Umbraculum mediterraneum Lam. C a r d i u m t u b e r c u l a t u m L. Mactra corallina L. C y t h e r e a c h i o n e L. D o n a x t r u n c u l u s L. V e n u s verrucosa L. Natica hebraea Martyn M u r e x t r u n c u l u s L. L e a n d e r serratus P e n n . Maja verrucosa M. E d w a r d s S c o r p a e n a ustulata R a f i n e s q u e Mugil auralus R i s s o

Scientific name



20 20 19 45 37 39 63 98 93 47 23 16 74 39 28 36 17 64 19 65 62 27 52

Amylase activity (A.U.*/g of digestive gland)



80 157 127 25 14 15 12 6 4 34 124 No inhibition 21 53 16 No inhibition No inhibition 20 90 No inhibition 31 No inhibition No inhibition

24 000 Dalton fraction* * *


314 No inhibition 428 318 99 180 513 489 384 190 520 No inhibition 707 313 539 No inhibition No inhibition 321 1 500 No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition

60 000 Dalton fraction* *

237 561 94 48 44 27 73 59 45 153 133 No inhibition 61 95 129 203 No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition

12 500 Dalton fraction* * *

Amount of wheat albumin that gives 30% inhibition of 1 Amylase Unit (ng)


* O n e A m y l a s e U n i t is t h e a m o u n t o f e n z y m e t h a t g i v e s 5 0 % h y d r o l y s i s o f t h e a d d e d s t a r c h u n d e r o u r e x p e r i m e n t a l ** T e s t e d a t a m a x i m u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n t h e i n c u b a t i o n m i x t u r e o f 2 p g / m l . * * * T e s t e d a t a m a x i m u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n i n t h e i n c u b a t i o n m i x t u r e o f 1 /Zg/ml.

Sample Number




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

dog cat ox guinea pig horse monkey rabbit Pig

chicken turkey quail skylark bunting chaffinch SParrOW thrush man (pancreatic juice) man (saliva)


Gallus gallus L. Meleagris g. gallopavo L. Coturnix c. coturniw L. Afauda a. aruensis L. Emberiza c. calandra L. Fringilla c. coelebs L. Passer Jtaliae VieiJJ. Turdus p. philomelus Brehm Homo sapiens Homo sapiens Canis familiaris L. Felis domesticus J3os tourus L. Cavia cobaya Equus caballus L. Macaw rhesus Show Oryctolagus cuniculus L. Sus scrofa domesticus


Trivial name


Scientific name


1 13 38 13 107 31 15



73 109 151 1 1 38 156 1




913 159 1912 No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition 1 219 1 249 No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition

60 000 Dalton fraction**

388 No inhibition 547 No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition 1 067 441 409 570 No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition No inhibition

24 000 Dalton fraction* * *

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition inhibition

12 500 Dalton fraction* * * ____

Amount of wheat albumin that gives 30% inhibition of 1 Amylase Unit (ng) ~__._


Am~lase activity (A.U.*/g of pancreas)


*One Amylase Unit (A.U.) is the amount of enzyme that gives 50% hydrolysis of the added starch under our experimental conditions. **Tested at a maximum concentration in the incubation mixture of 2 pg/ml. ***Tested at a maximum concentration in the incubation mixture of 1 pg/mI.

SamPIe Number



177 Kneen and Sandstedt [2] although we did note that when tested at high concentrations both the 24 000 and 12 500 dalton fractions exhibited a low inhibition of hog amylase equivalent to a b o u t 1/50 of that found for inhibition of Tenebrio molitor L. amylase (Table I, sample 3). This result could possibly be due to small amounts of impurities with different specificities of inhibition.

Amylases from cereal species We tested inhibition activity of the three albumin fractions toward amylases extracted from the kernel of several varieties of diploid (Triticum monococcum ), tetraploid ( Triticum durum) and hexaploid ( Triticum aestivum ) wheats. No k.hibition activity could be detected toward any of the wheat amylases even when wheat albumins were tested at concentrations as high as 100 pg/ml. The albumin fractions were also inactive toward amylases extracted from immature kernels sampled at 5 and 12 days from fertilization or from 3-day-germinated seeds. As expected, the amylase activity of immature and germinated kernel was much higher than that of the mature kernel. In particular, the amylase activities of the kernels sampled at 5 and 12 days from fertilization were respectively 825- and 500-fold higher than that of the mature kernel, whereas the amylase activity of the 3-day-germinated seed was 1250-fold higher. Finally, we could not detect any inhibition activity of the three albumin fractions toward amylases extracted from mature grains of a number of other cereal species including Hordeum vulgare(barley), Zea mais (corn), Secale cereale (rye), Oryza sativa (rice) and Panicum milaceum (millet). Discussion

On the basis of the effectiveness with which the three wheat albumin fractions of Petrucci et al. [12] inhibit their activities, we can divide t h e amylase preparations tested into three groups: susceptible, inhibited by any of the three albumin fractions, partially susceptible, inhibited by only one or t w o fractions, and resistent, not inhibited b y any of the three fractions. Susceptible amylases were found mainly in insects that attack wheat and stored wheat products as well as in some marine species (mainly Cephalopoda). Partially susceptibel amylases were found in a few avian, mammalian and marine species. Resistent amylases were largely distributed in cereal, avian and mammalian species as well as in insect species that do not attack wheat grain or wheat products. Although valid interspecies comparisons of amylases are difficult because amylase activity and action patterns are easily affected by experimental conditions, it appears that amylase protein inhibitors from the wheat kernel show a quite unexpected picture of relationships among amylases from very different origins. In our opinion, the fact that at no stage of the kernel development wheat a-amylase could be inhibited by the albumin fractions extracted from the mature kernel, together with the related results reported by other authors [1,9,15], conclusively rule out the possibility that these protein inhibitors play some role in regulating a-amylase activity of the wheat kernel. Actually, our results suggest that the significance of these naturally occurring protein inhibitors is to provide a measure of insect resistence to the wheat kernel. A

178 clear correlation exists between insect feeding behaviour and both amylase activity of the species and the susceptibility of the amylase to inhibition by the wheat albumin fractions. High amylase activities and strong inhibition by wheat albumins were found in those insect species that normally attack wheat grain or wheat products, whereas those insect species that do not normally eat wheat had relatively low amylase activities and amylases resistent to inhibition by the wheat albumins. Since Applebaum [6] showed that wheat albumins inhibit insect amylase not only in vitro, but also in vivo after being ingested by the insect, it seems likely that the higher amylase activities in those insect species that attack wheat have resulted from an adaptive mechanism developed to overcome the presence in wheat of highly-active amylase inhibitors. From this standpoint, since amylase protein inhibitors are absent in diploid Triticum species, but present in tetraploid and hexaploid Triticum species [16], protein inhibitors of insect amylases could be considered as one of the advantages acquired by wheat through its evolution.

Acknowledgements We thank Dr D.D. Kasarda for his stimulating advice.

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Inhibition of amylases from different origins by albumins from the wheat kernel.

The amylase activity of water extracts from 18 insect species, from 23 marine species and from 17 different species of birds and mammals was determine...
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