INSANE DELUSIONS. By Surgcon-Mnjor D. B. Smith, M.D., Civil Surgeon, Dacca. [The following interesting article has been, with the permission of the Surgeon-General, extracted from Dr. Smith's report It would bo almost as on the Dacca Asylum for the year 1875. hopeless to expect uniformity or similarity in the delusions of

August 2, the insane



to expect the patterns of the kaleidoscope to repeat as the wonderfully varying phases of the latter are composed of different combinations of a few elements, so the delusions of the insane are capable of being resolved into as

themselves; still,

few dominant mental moods, suspicion, fear, grief, and the like, and the variety of forms which they assume deneiul jn the past circumstances of the individual, and the resulting mental a

cause, both of which are capable of infinite the life circumstances of no two persons are so are the delusions of no two lunatics exactly

operations which they variation.


exactly alike, alike ; but they can by comparison be reduced to a comparatively small number of mental phases.] It may be interesting to note a few phases of delusional insanity observable in this asylum. One little man, Girdhary Sing, is daily finding precious stones of incalculable value. He grinds the edges of pieces of glass and so transforms them into diamonds and emeralds. He declares that the gardener (mallee) one day-

walked off with three crores of his treasure. He suffers from chronic mania, brought on by ganja-sinoking. He is a useful, industrious fellow, who is constantly engaged in sweeping the

floor of one of the




gar.ja-smoker (Mowla

is disinclined for work, and believes himself to be a great man's son, which he certainly is not. Mohesh Ram, also a ganjawallah, originally implored that he should be put to death on account of his sins fpappecj ; latterly lie has been working


well, and has no delusions now. Surroop Chand, a non-criminal, admitted into the asylum nearly 30 years ago, .claims arrears of pay due to him as head gardener for 120 years; he constantly worries his poor old brain about the account. Horia has no particular delusion, but always talks incoherently about fish and


Subir Ali (a criminal in a state of chronic dementia) says he has three lacs of rupees in England, and that he trades with it in '"Jute, cloth?any thing you like;" he amuses himself by writing Bengalli on plantain-leaves; he is fond of collecting rubbish of all kinds; at times he wishes to be killed, tears off his clothes, and refuses food for days. Faizo thinks himself a Rajah ; he works well in the garden, and says that if other people would not spoil his work, he could sell the vegetables at a great profit. Sya Gahzee decorates himself with necklaces made of did rngs and scrips of rubbish, and is always happy and laughing. Ram Chung for long believed that he was tied to a star by a thread ! He declares that ho sees a person, in human form, who directs him to lie down when he For many is standing, and to stand up as soon as he lies down when he wishes to sleep, years this man never lay down at niglit; he passesa clotli round his chest, ties the end of the cloth to a back, goes to sleep ; until lately all attempts bar; then,


induce him to lie down were ineffectual. Ameer Oodeen. criminal, who murdered his wife in a fit of insanity, says he to

one. because attempts are shortly to be made He becomes very violent when the word "wife" is mentioned. Eava Ram is constantly engaged in cursing reason for this is not crows, dogs, and other animals, but the

wishes to kill to




a dangerous character. He very clear. Nizamuddin Hafez is is always jabbering in an angry threatening tone. He believes that nobody could kill or even strike him, as he is possessed of supernatural powers. He says he can- send his enemies to hell, and go himself to heaven. He will not bathe, but quotes Persian poetry and the Koran freely?a very dirty saint. A short time ago he stole one seer of raw ghee and drank it off; he nearly died of diarrhoea in consequence. Chunder Kanth of Nuddea ; he thinks Bhuttaeharjee fancies himself the Rajah he could bury himself in the earth and rise again after a few lacs of rupees in the Dacca days, a king; he says he has 80 Bank. He looks after the filtering of drinking water, and

has a grievance that he is not paid (10 rupees a month) for He made a vow that he would not eat rice for four this. months : flour was given to him instead. Gobindo Mundle, a non-criminal, suffering from chronic dementia, says that somebody is breaking his head, uud that his whole body is achiug ;



of noises in his ears at night. For nearly two years he never would walk in the erect posture. ]\Tow lie does so. He talks to trees, and wishes to climb them. Joogoorce Ghose,


good tempered fellow, generally known as "Thakoor," images of clay, which are worshipped by the insanes.


lie has many delusions about money and property. Podhoo Khan, a fine looking yourg man from the Chittagong Hill Tracts, killed his daughter and tried to burn down his own



acquitted on the grounds of insanity. He says demon possessed him one day when he entered the forest; this was followed by giddiness and insensibility ; he says he has no recollection of having murdered his daughter. He has been quiet and obedient since his admission. Like other





hill men, he v.-as addicted to bouts of drinking. Bhuimali (sweeper) one daj*, suddenly and without

Eaj Ghunder provocation, kodali, causing

struck another lunatic on the head with a extensive fracture of the skull. He says his mother ordered He has had no excitement since. Nobin Chongo him to do it. is a man who eats the poultices applied to his leg, thinking that they are given to him as food ! Mohim Chundro Bhodro strikes his chest under the belief that it is a musical instrument. have it that one of the keepers is his related in any way. Jileher Ali, a Mahohimself a Kulin Brahmin who has been thread (poita). He joined some Ferazi and became a religious enthusiast; one day, when

Gholam Ilossein will brother: they are not medan tailor, fancies deprived of his holy

emissaries, journeying

with two priests (fakirs), he went towards a Mahomedan boy who was ploughing in a field, drew a knife, and stabbed him through the heart. He made no attempt to He says that Eman Mendi and Huzrut Is&. (Christ), run away. with a great army, are advancing to exterminate the Kuffers. He hears a voice directing him to proceed to a certain hill in He tears his clothes the west and join the avenging army.

disposed to disgusting obscenity. He originally indulged freely in ganja, opium, and spirits. Far id alias Sheikh Pawar, suffering from acute mania, states that his mother was insane, but that she died when she was nine months old ! Soobol, a good tempered Sonthali cultivator, originally fancied himself a Rajah, with boundless wealth; then he insisted that he was Jung Bihadoor's nephew. Says his Mahomedan name Chand Khan Mir Sahib," and his Hindu name is Birjobasi and is



Chota Tliacoor." He longs to get back to Southalia, where his countrymen enjoy the luxury of rats, dogs, cats, and jackals; he says bear's flesh is like mutton, and tiger's flesh like beef. Kishen Ham, a sepoy sent from Dibrooghur, had a fancied "

Kookery" against his grievance about pay, and drew his superior officer ; at present he is rational. Nobin Seel, a young barber, decapitated his mother with a dao, because she did not He was found looking at prepare his dinner quickly enough. the corpse in a sort of melancholy stupor. He declares that the villagers killed his mother, and that he could not protect her, as they had tied him to a tree. Srinath Chuckerbutty says that many of his highest and most valued titles have been conferred on him by the Police Inspector at Jatfergunge! One of his cousins marrying into a family beneath him seems to have affected his social position and that of his relatives; this

Ahmed Ali, a appears to have been the cause of his madness. Mahomedan cultivator, says he divorced his wife because their will have it that only child died! Gobind Ram Deb, a Kayastli, and he heartily at the idea. He was addicted I am a



but his madness is referred to love of a woman who his relatives, as it was not conwas taken away from him by sidered an eligible match. Ham Tunnoo believes himself to be he has 100 brothers, and one lakh of rupees, a a to




of which he will be glad to give to the person who may release him ! He talks angrily about his rank and importance. He is Kutub Shah, a caste. a Bengali of the lowest Bengali Mahomedan fakir from Sylhet, who wandered about





says that his father often rises from his tomb, He confesses to having smoked four

and appears to him.



chillums of ganja a day. Kali Kanth Ghowdrie, on his admission, believed that his enemies were trying to poison him, and that they " blew his body up with wind." He feels as if the wind would


either carry him up


knock him over."


formerly lived by performing/o/tfia?i, i.e., officiating as a priest (purohit) in religious services. He is a Srotriya Brahmin. The a



of hi3 madness is believed to have been the death of who died suddenly of cholera. JTodhoo, a tea-coolie,

of the Koormie caste, fancies himself surrounded by many at times he becomes dangerous, Sheikh Maumin, an old Mahodedan wood-seller, with a grey beard and blind of one


eye, states that Her Majesty Queen Victoria has been graciously to give him a large tea garden. TJmed Oollah. a cultivator from Sylhet, says he was the disciple of a fakir who


taught him muntras. When asked to repeat some of them, he only sing3 Bengali love songs! Gobindo, Bengali trader, wounded Nursing Shaha on the back of the neck with a dao. He says that Nursing and he were working together at the time, and that the dao flew out of his hand by accident, and wounded Nursing on the back of the neck! He wa3 put on his trial, charged with causing grievous hurt,but acquitted on the grounds of insanity, and removed to custody under Section 430 of the

Grish Ghunder Bakcliee fancies himCriminal Procedure Code. he says ho can take one bottle of brandy, 24 a deity; chillums of ganja, and about 15 grains of opium, all in one day ! Ramcoomar Deb believes himself to be a convicted prisoner self

sentenced to 40 years' imprisonment ; he thinks oppressing him and trying to bind him with cords.



females, one (Soorjoomoney) has delusions of great imaginary persons. continually harangues Another fliajcoomaree) evinces sexual excitement, asserting She fancies people that all the male lunatics are her husbands. wish to kill her, and talks vociferously about money, jewels, and property which she has lost. Autter Bee, who attempted to set fire to her ixugband's house, believes that she is the headkeeper of the asylum. Bemola, a female tea-coolio from Caehar, thinks that she has 400 sons, all of them gods, residing at Muttra. She says that she is the daughter of agni, She talks and that she was never born, but always existed. of her divine origin with calm composure, asserting that she is happy enough in the asylum, but that when she feels inclined to do so, she will go away, the whole world and every thing in it being hers. Mankoomari, a good tempered old lady, when asked about her family, states that she has 10,000 children and 2 husbands. Ooma Baiji, a Mahomedan dancing girl, asserts that at the beginning of the world, Allah, Chandra, Buxi and herself were the only beings created. She never had a mother; she is very anxious to get out of the asylum, as her house is being plundered by her neighbours. Formerly this young woman was one of the mo3t celebrated of the dancing girls in Dacca. Sho accumulated wealth in the shape of golden Of the



ornaments; these her, and she took condition became followed.

were to

stolen from

spirit drinking




her; her lover deserted and







Such are, in brief outline, some of the sad cases of dolusional now under treatment in the asylum.

insanity The

pains of Chloral.?The Lancet (June 5th, 1875) raises well-founded note of warning against the habitual and excessive use of chloral as a sedative. In rare instances sudden death follows its use; but, short of this, there are penalties which inevitably attend its habitual and reckless consumption?a state a

f nervous

depression and exaggerated development of the emodelirium, imbecility, and paralysis of the pharynx and oscephagus. Like other sedatives, the drug gradually requires to be employed in ever-increasing doses, which finally becomes almost poisonous. Restlessness and want of sleep should, our contemporary observes, be treated by the more rational and radical tions, and



which aim at the removal of their


[August 2, 1875.

Insane Delusions.

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