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Interstitial white matter brain oedema does not alter the electroencephalogram Ian R. Whittle, Margery Clarke, Alberto Gregori, Ian R. Piper & J. Douglas Miller To cite this article: Ian R. Whittle, Margery Clarke, Alberto Gregori, Ian R. Piper & J. Douglas Miller (1992) Interstitial white matter brain oedema does not alter the electroencephalogram, British Journal of Neurosurgery, 6:5, 433-437, DOI: 10.3109/02688699208995032 To link to this article:

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Date: 16 April 2016, At: 12:47

British Journal of Neurosurgery (1 992) 6, 433-437


Interstitial white matter brain oedema does not alter the electroencephalogram IAN R. WHITTLE, MARGERY CLARKE, ALBERT0 GREGORI, IAN R. PIPER Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 12:47 16 April 2016


Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, Scotland

Abstract An experimental study was performed to determine the effects of interstitial white matter oedema on the electroencephalogram (EEG). Using both rodent and feline infusion models of focal brain oedema no difference was found between the EEG waveforms recorded epidurally from the infused and control hemispheres. It is concluded that where focal slow-wave EEG abnormalities overlie oedematous brain the EEG abnormalities are not primarily related to the brain oedema but arise from either local biomechanical or other pathophysiological mechanisms.

Key words: Brain oedema, electroencephalogram.


A localized increase in the proportion of slow component (delta and theta waveform) of the EEG is frequently recorded from the area immediately surrounding brain tumours. The contribution of peritumoural oedema to this slow-wave EEG activity is uncertain. A number of authors have reported a correlation between EEG abnormalities and the extent of peritumoural edema,'-^ whilst others consider it Experimental studies evaluating the effects of interstitial white matter brain oedema on the EEG suggest that cerebral damage, cerebral ischaemia and secondary brain herniations are more important than perilesional oedema in the production of focal slow-wave abnormalities.s-'2 This study utilized the feline13 and rodent14 infusion brain oedema models to evaluate the effects of interstitial white mater brain oedema on the EEG. The particular advantage of these

models is that the experimental brain oedema produced is quantitatively and qualitatively very similar to that seen with human vasogenic brain oedema but free from confounding variables such as raised intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral ischaemia, brain herniation, primary brain tissue destruction or a mass lesion.


Focal extracellular white matter brain oedema was generated in anaesthetized rats and cats using the infusion oedema model^.'^.'^ Both procedures were performed under licence according to the provisions of the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. In brief, rodents were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal urethane (1.2 mg/kg), paralysed and mechanically ventilated. A 25-gauge roundtipped needle was stereotactically placed ( 1


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Zan R. Whittle et al.

mm anterior to bregma, 3 mm lateral to the midline and at a depth of 2.8 mm) and 100 pl of saline infused over 60 min. EEG was recorded from Ag/AgCl epidural electrodes, positioned lateral to and 1 mm behind the plane of infusion and from a similar position on the contralateral hemisphere. A reference electrode was positioned at the nasion. EEG recordings were taken every 20 rnin during the infusion and thereafter each 30 min for 2 h. The cats were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal pentobarbital (45 mg/kg) intubated, paralysed and mechanically ventilated (66% N 2 0:0,). A 23-gauge needle was positioned stereotactically in the forebrain white matter (+ 19 mm, 9 mm lateral, 9 mm depth) and 600 pl of autologous serum protein (ranging from 50 to 66% concentration) infused over 3 h. EEG was recorded from Ag/AgCl epidural electrodes positioned over each ectoslvian gyrus with reference the nasion. EEG records were taken every 30 min during the infusion and then hourly for 3 h. A DISA 26 10-channel EEG recording system was used with high-pass filter at 0.3 s and low-pass filter at 100 Hz. The traces were visually assessed for symmetry of frequency and amplitude.

Results Five rats and three cats were studied. In all experiments mean arterial pressure (rodents 90 SD f 10 mmHg; cats 120 SD t 12 mmHg), mean p 0 2 ( > l o 0 mmHg) and pCOz (34 SD Ifr 2 mmHg) remained stable. These models of infusion brain oedema cause: (1) significant increases in white matter specific gravity and an increased white matter tissue water content of between 10.4 and 12.5 ml/ 100 g tissue; (2) the classical histological features of extracellular white matter oedema; (3) small rises in mean ICP (rodents 2 mmHg, cats 10 mmHg) but no cerebral herniation or ischaemia (mean rat rCBF 35 m1/100 g/min; mean cat rCBF 45 m1/100 g/min); and (4) no change in the latency or amplitude of either cortical SEPs elicited by forepaw stimulation or cortically generated spinal M E P s . ' ~ J ~ The baseline rodent EEGs were all symmet-

rical and showed background slow waves (mainly in the delta range) with intermittent alpha and theta activity. Occasional large amplitude sharp components (100 p V ) were seen but general background amplitude was 30-40 pV. The pattern of bilateral slow-wave activity persisted throughout the experiment but at no time did the infused hemisphere show asymmetrical slow-wave activity (Fig. 1). The baseline feline EEGs showed symmetrical theta (6-7 Hz) waveform (30-50 p V ) with faster components to the beta range and intermittent sharp wave transients of between 100 and 150 pV in both hemispheres. During the course of the experiment waveforms remained symmetrical. After 4 h there was a symmetrical increase in the amount of delta activity with decreased sharp waves (Fig. 2). In none of the experiments did the infused hemisphere show focal EEG abnormalities. Overall the feline and rodent EEG waveforms were felt appropriate for the level of anaesthesia. Discussion This study adds additional support to the contention that interstitial brain oedema, uncomplicated by cerebral ischaemia, brain herniations or significant rises in ICP, does not cause significant focal abnormalities in the EEG. Although this model of vasogenic brain oedema can cause a shift to anaerobic metab o l i ~ r n 'and ~ expansion of the white matter extracellular space, the infused fluid has no inherent neuro- or glial toxicity and does not impair rCBF or alter cortical SEPs or cortically generated spinal MEPs.'~-'' The paucity of changes in either SEP17or EEG3!6,7waveforms in many patients with brain tumours correlates well with P E T studies that show only minor perturbations of rCBF and cerebral metabolism in peritumoural Experimental brain tumours in cats that cause profound peritumoural oedema also do not produce either abnormalities in cortical SEPs or EEG waveforms whether examined visually or using Fourier a n a l y ~ i s . ~ The combined mass effect of a brain

Interstitial white matter oedema


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FIG. 1. (a) Rodent EEG from right (R) and leff (L) hemispheres before intracerebral infusion. There is some symmetrical beta activity with occasional high amplitude sharp potentials and irregular slow-wave components (MAP 95 mmHg, p C 0 , 33 mmHg). (b) Sixty minutes after 100 pl saline infusion into the left hemisphere the EEG waveforms remain symmetrical with mainly slow-wave activity but some beta components (MAP 86 mmHg; pCOz 35 mmHg).

tumour and surrounding oedematous brain will eventually cause secondary brain herniation and cerebral ischaemia. It is most likely that these biomechanical effects combined with focal brain parenchymal destruction by the

tumour are responsible for focal and diffuse EEG changes in patients with brain ~ u ~ o u ~ s . Resolution ~ ~ ~ J ~of, focal ~ ~ JEEG ~ abnormalities with ‘anti-oedema’ therapy in some patients with brain turn our^'**^^ is most

Zan R. Whittle et al.

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FIG.2. (a) Baseline feline EEG waveforms from right (R) and left (L) ectosylvian regions. Predominant rhythm is theta (6-7 Hz) with occasional faster components. Sharp wave transients are seen on both sides with no overall asymmetry (MAP 112 mmHg;pCO, 33 mmHg; ICP 5 mmHg). (b) Two hours after 600 p1 autologous serum protein (50%) infusion into the right forebrain white matter the EEG is dominated by symmetrical slow-wave activity but some beta activity is still seen. There are fewer sharp wave transients (MAP 121 mmHg;pC02 35 mmHg; ICP mmHg). (c) Even at this time induced hypercapnia ( p C 0 , 5 9 mmHg) produces no asymmetry of EEG waveform. Although the activity is generally of higher amplitude, slow components are more prominent and remain symmetrical.

Interstitial white matter oedema likely attributable to alterations in cerebral perfusionla and biomechanical changes in the brain19 since significant reductions in local brain tissue water content and C T imaged brain oedema occur only after several days of steroid therapy.*O


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This work was supported by a Project Grant from the MRC (8500319).

Address for correspondence: Mr I. R. Whittle, Department of Neurosurgery, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, Scotland.

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Interstitial white matter brain oedema does not alter the electroencephalogram.

An experimental study was performed to determine the effects of interstitial white mater oedema on the electroencephalogram (EEG). Using both rodent a...
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